Other products from "AFFINITY BIOLOGICALS INC"
No Primary DI Version or Model Catalog Number Device Description Product Code Product Code Name Device Class Brand Name
1 10629009061255 FRABP0125 Intended for use in the quality control of coagulation assays in the borderline Intended for use in the quality control of coagulation assays in the borderline pathological range. GGN Plasma, Coagulation Control VisuCon-F Frozen Abnormal Control Plasma
2 10629009111103 LCSAB201 A pool of citrated human plasma collected from a minimum of 20 donors that has b A pool of citrated human plasma collected from a minimum of 20 donors that has been depleted of specific clotting factors. The plasma is buffered with 0.05M HEPES buffer and stabilizers, dispensed and lyophilized. This plasma is used for the quality control of coagulation assays (PT and APTT) in the highly abnormal range. GGN Plasma, Coagulation Control VisuCon-L Coag Screen ABN2 Plasma
3 10629009051058 FRNCP0105 Intended for use in the quality control of coagulation assays in the normal range. GGN Plasma, Coagulation Control VisuCon-F Frozen Calibrator Plasma
4 10629009101104 LCSAB101 A pool of citrated human plasma collected from a minimum of 20 donors that has b A pool of citrated human plasma collected from a minimum of 20 donors that has been depleted of specific clotting factors. The plasma is buffered with 0.05M HEPES buffer and stabilizers, dispensed, and lyophilized. This plasma is used for the quality control of coagulation assays (PT and APTT) in the mid-level abnormal range. GGN Plasma, Coagulation Control VisuCon-L Coag Screen ABN1 Plasma
5 10629009020009 FIX-AG 96 Test enzyme immunoassay kit for the determination of FIX Antigen GGP Test, Qualitative And Quantitative Factor Deficiency VisuLize Factor FIX Antigen Kit
6 10629009010000 FVIII-AG 96 Test enzyme immunoassay kit for the determination of FVIII Antigen GGP Test, Qualitative And Quantitative Factor Deficiency VisuLize Factor FVIII Antigen Kit
7 10629009051256 FRNCP0125 Intended for use in the quality control of coagulation assays in the normal range. GGN Plasma, Coagulation Control VisuCon-F Frozen Normal Control Plasma
8 10629009031814 LFGCP0181 Assayed control plasma prepared from de-fibrinated human plasma intended for use Assayed control plasma prepared from de-fibrinated human plasma intended for use in the quality control of quantitative fibrinogen assays in the low abnormal range. GGN Plasma, Coagulation Control VisuCon-F Low Fibrinogen Control Plasma
9 10629009061057 FRABP0105 Intended for use in the quality control of coagulation assays in the borderline Intended for use in the quality control of coagulation assays in the borderline pathological range. GGN Plasma, Coagulation Control VisuCon-F Frozen Abnormal Control Plasma
10 10629009031050 LFGCP0105 Assayed control plasma prepared from de-fibrinated human plasma intended for use Assayed control plasma prepared from de-fibrinated human plasma intended for use in the quality control of quantitative fibrinogen assays in the low abnormal range. GGN Plasma, Coagulation Control VisuCon-F Low Fibrinogen Control Plasma
11 10629009081819 FCSAB0181 Intended for use in the quality control of quantitative coagulation assays, incl Intended for use in the quality control of quantitative coagulation assays, including Prothrombin Time (PT) and Activated Partial Thromboplastin Time (APTT), in the mid-level abnormal range. GGN Plasma, Coagulation Control VisuCon-F Frozen Coag Screen ABN
12 10629009081253 FCSAB0125 Intended for use in the quality control of quantitative coagulation assays, incl Intended for use in the quality control of quantitative coagulation assays, including Prothrombin Time (PT) and Activated Partial Thromboplastin Time (APTT), in the mid-level abnormal range. GGN Plasma, Coagulation Control VisuCon-F Frozen Coag Screen ABN
13 10629009084810 FCSAB0481 Intended for use in the quality control of quantitative coagulation assays, incl Intended for use in the quality control of quantitative coagulation assays, including Prothrombin Time (PT) and Activated Partial Thromboplastin Time (APTT) in the mid-level abnormal range. GGN Plasma, Coagulation Control VisuCon-F Frozen Coag Screen ABN
14 10629009041059 FRSP0105 Intended for use in the calibration of coagulation and fibrinolysis assays. JIX Calibrator, Multi-Analyte Mixture Visu-Cal F Frozen Calibrator Plasma
15 10629009074811 FCSN0481 Intended for use in the quality control of quantitative coagulation assays, incl Intended for use in the quality control of quantitative coagulation assays, including Prothrombin Time (PT), Activated Partial Thromboplastin Time (APTT) and Fibrinogen, in the normal range. GGN Plasma, Coagulation Control VisuCon-F Frozen Coag Screen N
16 10629009071810 FCSN0181 Intended for the use in the quality control of quantitative coagulation assays, Intended for the use in the quality control of quantitative coagulation assays, including Prothrombin Time (PT), Activated Partial Thromboplastin Time (APTT) and Fibrinogen, in the normal range. GGN Plasma, Coagulation Control VisuCon-F Frozen Coag Screen N
17 10629009071254 FCSN0125 Intended for the use in quality control of quantitative coagulation assays, incl Intended for the use in quality control of quantitative coagulation assays, including Prothrombin Time (PT), Activated Partial Thromboplastin Time (APTT) and Fibrinogen, in the normal range. GGN Plasma, Coagulation Control VisuCon-F Frozen Coag Screen N
18 10629009131101 LYNCP01 A pool of normal citrated human plasma collected from a minimum of 20 donors, bu A pool of normal citrated human plasma collected from a minimum of 20 donors, buffered with 0.05M HEPES and stabilizers, dispensed and lyophilized. This plasma is used for the quality control of coagulation assays in the normal range, including fibrinogen, coagulation factors II, V, VII, VIII, IX, X XI and XII, ATIII activity, Protein C activity and Protein S activity. GGN Plasma, Coagulation Control VisuCon-L(TM) Normal Control Plasma
19 10629009121102 LYABP01 A pool of citrated normal human plasma collected from a minimum of 20 donors, an A pool of citrated normal human plasma collected from a minimum of 20 donors, and diluted to defined concentrations. Plasma is buffered with 0.05M HEPES and stabilizers, dispensed and lyophilized. This plasma is used for the quality control of coagulation assays in the normal range, including fibrinogen, coagulation factors II, V, VII, VIII, IX, X XI and XII, ATIII activity, Protein C activity and Protein S activity. GGN Plasma, Coagulation Control VisuCon-L(TM) Abnormal Control Plasma
20 10629009091108 LSCN01 A pool of normal citrated human plasma collected from a minimum of 20 donors, bu A pool of normal citrated human plasma collected from a minimum of 20 donors, buffered with 0.05M HEPES buffer and stabilizers, dispensed and lyophilized. This plasma is used for the quality control of coagulation assays (PT, APTT and Fibinogen) in the normal range. GGN Plasma, Coagulation Control VisuCon-L Coag Screen N Plasma
21 10629009145016 SAFXIII-IG-ASR-500 The specific use of this ASR (Analyte Specific Reagent) will depend upon the end The specific use of this ASR (Analyte Specific Reagent) will depend upon the end user's application. MVU Reagents, Specific, Analyte 1 Sheep anti-human Factor XIII Analyte Specific Reagent
22 10629009140516 SAFXIII-IG-ASR-5 The specific use of this ASR (Analyte Specific Reagent) will depend upon the end The specific use of this ASR (Analyte Specific Reagent) will depend upon the end-user's application. MVU Reagents, Specific, Analyte 1 Sheep anti-human Factor XIII Analyte Specific Reagent
23 10629009041257 FRSP0125 Intended for use in the calibration of coagulation and fibrinolysis assays. JIX Calibrator, Multi-Analyte Mixture VisuCal-F Frozen Calibrator Plasma
Other products with the same Product Code "GGN"
No Primary DI Version or Model Catalog Number Device Description Brand Name Organization Name
1 00885074184937 550-11 CALCIUM CHLORIDE 5 ML NA MEDTRONIC, INC.
2 00859110005111 903se 903se Validate Heparin is intended for the quantitative determination of Calibration V Validate Heparin is intended for the quantitative determination of Calibration Verification/Linearity of the heparin anti-Xa activity on automated instruments Validate LGC CLINICAL DIAGNOSTICS, INC.
3 00859110005104 903st 903st Validate Heparin is intended for the quantitative determination of Calibration V Validate Heparin is intended for the quantitative determination of Calibration Verification/Linearity of the heparin anti-Xa activityon automated instruments Validate LGC CLINICAL DIAGNOSTICS, INC.
4 00859110005098 903il 903il Validate Heparin is intended for the quantitative determination of Calibration V Validate Heparin is intended for the quantitative determination of Calibration Verification/Linearity of the heparin anti-Xa activityon automated instruments Validate LGC CLINICAL DIAGNOSTICS, INC.
5 00859110005081 902se 902se Validate D-Dimer is intended for the quantitative determination of Calibration V Validate D-Dimer is intended for the quantitative determination of Calibration Verification/Linearity of drug analytes on automated instruments. Validate LGC CLINICAL DIAGNOSTICS, INC.
6 00859110005074 902st 902st Validate D-Dimer is intended for the quantitative determination of Calibration V Validate D-Dimer is intended for the quantitative determination of Calibration Verification/Linearity of drug analytes on automated instruments. Validate LGC CLINICAL DIAGNOSTICS, INC.
7 00859110005067 902il 902il Validate D-Dimer is intended for the quantitative determination of Calibration V Validate D-Dimer is intended for the quantitative determination of Calibration Verification/Linearity of drug analytes on automated instruments. Validate LGC CLINICAL DIAGNOSTICS, INC.
8 00850201006208 840C 840C ACTICLOT Protein C Resistance control plasmas BIOMEDICA ADI INC.
9 00847661004516 27102X 27102X Liquichek D-dimer Control MiniPak (A processed human plasma assayed D-dimer control.) Liquichek BIO-RAD LABORATORIES, INC.
10 00847661004509 27103 27103 Liquichek D-dimer Control Level 3 (A processed human plasma assayed D-dimer control.) Liquichek BIO-RAD LABORATORIES, INC.
11 00847661004493 27102 27102 Liquichek D-dimer Control Level 2 (A processed human plasma assayed D-dimer control.) Liquichek BIO-RAD LABORATORIES, INC.
12 00847661004486 27101 27101 Liquichek D-dimer Control Level 1 (A processed human plasma assayed D-dimer control.) Liquichek BIO-RAD LABORATORIES, INC.
13 00847661004479 27100 27100 Liquichek D-dimer Control Level Low (A processed human plasma assayed D-dimer control.) Liquichek BIO-RAD LABORATORIES, INC.
14 00847661001959 745X 745X Lyphochek Coagulation Control Level Trilevel MiniPak (A human plasma coagulatio Lyphochek Coagulation Control Level Trilevel MiniPak (A human plasma coagulation control.) Lyphochek BIO-RAD LABORATORIES, INC.
15 00847661001898 598X 598X Lyphochek Hemostasis Control MiniPak (A human plasma hemostasis control.) Lyphochek BIO-RAD LABORATORIES, INC.
16 00847661001041 599 599 Lyphochek Hemostasis Control Level 3 (A human plasma hemostasis control.) Lyphochek BIO-RAD LABORATORIES, INC.
17 00847661001034 598 598 Lyphochek Hemostasis Control Level 2 (A human plasma hemostasis control.) Lyphochek BIO-RAD LABORATORIES, INC.
18 00847661001027 597 597 Lyphochek Hemostasis Control Level 1 (A human plasma hemostasis control.) Lyphochek BIO-RAD LABORATORIES, INC.
19 00847661000792 746 746 Lyphochek Coagulation Control Level 3 (A human plasma coagulation control.) Lyphochek BIO-RAD LABORATORIES, INC.
20 00847661000785 745 745 Lyphochek Coagulation Control Level 2 (A human plasma coagulation control.) Lyphochek BIO-RAD LABORATORIES, INC.
21 00847661000778 744 744 Lyphochek Coagulation Control Level 1 (A human plasma coagulation control.) Lyphochek BIO-RAD LABORATORIES, INC.
22 00845275000832 100603 Thermo Scientific Pacific Hemostasis® FISHER DIAGNOSTICS
23 00845275000818 100560 Thermo Scientific Pacific Hemostasis® FISHER DIAGNOSTICS
24 00845275000689 100013 Thermo Scientific Pacific Hemostasis® FISHER DIAGNOSTICS
25 00845275000658 100312 Thermo Scientific Pacific Hemostasis® FISHER DIAGNOSTICS
26 00845275000634 100308 Thermo Scientific Pacific Hemostasis® FISHER DIAGNOSTICS
27 00845275000610 100607 Thermo Scientific Pacific Hemostasis® FISHER DIAGNOSTICS
28 00845275000603 100604 Thermo Scientific Pacific Hemostasis® FISHER DIAGNOSTICS
29 00845275000504 100301 Thermo Scientific Pacific Hemostasis® FISHER DIAGNOSTICS
30 00843876000541 CCLN-05 CCLN-05 Prepared from human source plasma and recommended as a negative control in assay Prepared from human source plasma and recommended as a negative control in assays for lupus anticoagulant. CRYOcheck Lupus Negative Control PRECISION BIOLOGIC INC
31 00843876000534 CCLN-10 CCLN-10 Prepared from human source plasma and recommended as a negative control in assay Prepared from human source plasma and recommended as a negative control in assays for lupus anticoagulant. CRYOcheck Lupus Negative Control PRECISION BIOLOGIC INC
32 00843876000503 CCIK08 The CRYOcheck FVIII Inhibitor Kit is for clinical laboratory use in conjunction The CRYOcheck FVIII Inhibitor Kit is for clinical laboratory use in conjunction with a factor VIII activity assay to enable performance of a modified Nijmegen-Bethesda assay using 3.2% citrated human plasma. It enables the determination of a functional FVIII inhibitor titer to aid in the clinical management of congenital hemophilia A in individuals aged 2 years and older. CRYOcheck™ FVIII Inhibitor Kit PRECISION BIOLOGIC INC
33 00843876000206 CCNRP-10 CRYOcheck™ Normal Reference Plasma PRECISION BIOLOGIC INC
34 00843876000190 CCNRP-05 CRYOcheck™ Normal Reference Plasma PRECISION BIOLOGIC INC
35 00843876000183 APCR-05 CRYOcheck™ APCR Positive Control PRECISION BIOLOGIC INC
36 00843876000152 CCLP-10 CRYOcheck™ Lupus Positive Control PRECISION BIOLOGIC INC
37 00843876000145 CCLP-05 CRYOcheck™ Lupus Positive Control PRECISION BIOLOGIC INC
38 00843876000138 CCLF-10 CRYOcheck™ Low Fibrinogen Control PRECISION BIOLOGIC INC
39 00843876000114 CCA2-10 00843876010113 CRYOcheck™ Abnormal 2 Control PRECISION BIOLOGIC INC
40 00843876000107 CCA1-10 CRYOcheck™ Abnormal 1 Control PRECISION BIOLOGIC INC
41 00843876000091 ARP2-10 CRYOcheck™ Abnormal 2 Reference Control PRECISION BIOLOGIC INC
42 00843876000084 ARP1-10 CRYOcheck™ Abnormal 1 Reference Control PRECISION BIOLOGIC INC
43 00843876000077 ARP1-05 CRYOcheck™ Abnormal 1 Reference Control PRECISION BIOLOGIC INC
44 00843876000046 CCN-40 CRYOcheck™ Pooled Normal Plasma PRECISION BIOLOGIC INC
45 00843876000039 CCN10-10 CRYOcheck™ Pooled Normal Plasma PRECISION BIOLOGIC INC
46 00843876000022 CCN-15 CRYOcheck™ Pooled Normal Plasma PRECISION BIOLOGIC INC
47 00843876000015 CCN-10 CRYOcheck™ Pooled Normal Plasma PRECISION BIOLOGIC INC
48 00842768017100 10873534 OPOE05 For quality control of the INNOVANCE® Heparin assay INNOVANCE Heparin LMW Control 1 SIEMENS HEALTHCARE DIAGNOSTICS PRODUCTS GMBH
49 00842768017094 10873533 OPOF05 For quality control of the INNOVANCE® Heparin assay INNOVANCE Heparin LMW Control 2 SIEMENS HEALTHCARE DIAGNOSTICS PRODUCTS GMBH
50 00842768017087 10873532 OPOD05 For quality control of the INNOVANCE® Heparin assay INNOVANCE Heparin UF Control 2 SIEMENS HEALTHCARE DIAGNOSTICS PRODUCTS GMBH