No Primary DI Version or Model Catalog Number Device Description Product Code Product Code Name Device Class Brand Name
1 00382903406616 340661 340661 BD® CD3 (SK7) APC MVU Reagents, specific, analyte 1 N/A
2 30382903051954 305195 305195 NEEDLE 18X1 RB FMI Needle, hypodermic, single lumen N/A
3 30382903051756 305175 305175 NEEDLE 20GA 1IN FMI Needle, hypodermic, single lumen N/A
4 00382906654212 665421 665421 Software Kit FACSDiva v9.2 IVD OYE Flow cytometric reagents and accessories. 2 FACSDiva
5 00382906651273 665127 665127 Ki-67 (B56) FITC ASR MVU Reagents, specific, analyte 1 N/A
6 00382904910907 491090 491090 BD FocalPoint Refurbished (120V) MNM READER, CERVICAL CYTOLOGY SLIDE, AUTOMATED 3 BD FocalPoint Slide Profiler Refurbished
7 00382904429676 442967 442967 BD Viper™ LT System PCR Accessory kit MAQ KIT, DNA DETECTION, HUMAN PAPILLOMAVIRUS 3 BD Viper™ LT System PCR Accessory kit
8 00382904429584 442958 442958 BD Viper™ LT System SDA Accessory Kit OOI real time Nucleic acid amplification system 2 BD Viper™ LT System SDA Accessory Kit
9 00382904428433 442843 442843 BD Viper™ System, Remanufactured LSL DNA-REAGENTS, NEISSERIA 2 BD Viper™ System, Remanufactured
10 00382904428211 442821 442821 BD MAX™ ExK™ DNA-3 JJH CLINICAL SAMPLE CONCENTRATOR 1 BD MAX™ ExK DNA-3
11 00382904428174 442817 442817 BD MAX™ ExK™ DNA-1 JJH CLINICAL SAMPLE CONCENTRATOR 1 BD MAX™ ExK DNA-1
12 00382904428051 442805 442805 BACTEC Blood Culture Procedural Tray MDB SYSTEM, BLOOD CULTURING 1 BD BACTEC™ Blood Culture Procedural Tray
13 00382904462505 446250 446250 BD Affirm™ Affirm VPIII Sample Collection Sets Contains: 1 each, Sterile S BD Affirm™ Affirm VPIII Sample Collection Sets Contains: 1 each, Sterile Swab, Sample Collection Tube, Sample Collection Tube Cap LIO Device, specimen collection 1 BD Affirm™ Affirm VPIII Sample Collection Sets
14 00382904061401 406140 406140 TRAY EPID SSHP20G3.5 L/PI X3742B CAZ Anesthesia conduction kit 2 BD perisafe, BD Epilor, BD Luer-Lok
15 00382904061388 406138 406138 TRAY EPID SSHP20G3.5 LOR5 L 2T0734 CAZ Anesthesia conduction kit 2 N/A
16 00382904060770 406077 406077 TRAY EPID SSTT17G3.5 LOR5 S/L CAZ Anesthesia conduction kit 2 N/A
17 00382904060565 406056 406056 TRAY EPID SSHP18G3.5 LOR5 S/L CAZ Anesthesia conduction kit 2 N/A
18 00382904060558 406055 406055 Tray EPID SSHP18G3.5 LOR5 L CAZ Anesthesia conduction kit 2 N/A
19 00382904060305 406030 406030 TRAY EPID SSTT17G3.5 LOR5 CAZ Anesthesia conduction kit 2 N/A
20 00382904060251 406025 406025 TRAY EPID CONT TT17G3.5 C19 CAZ Anesthesia conduction kit 2 N/A
21 00382906651211 665121 665121 CD223 (T47-530) PerCP-Cy5.5 ASR MVU Reagents, specific, analyte 1 N/A
22 00382906651174 665117 665117 CD152 (BNI3) PE ASR MVU Reagents, specific, analyte 1 N/A
23 00382906651167 665116 665116 CD42b (HIP1) PE ASR MVU Reagents, specific, analyte 1 N/A
24 00382906645388 664538 664538 BD® CD22 (S-HCL-1) PE-Cy7 MVU Reagents, specific, analyte 1 N/A
25 00382906645371 664537 664537 BD Horizon™ Mouse IgG1 (X40) BV786 MVU Reagents, specific, analyte 1 Horizon
26 00382906645364 664536 664536 BD Horizon™ Anti-HLA-DR (G46-6) BV786 MVU Reagents, specific, analyte 1 Horizon
27 00382906645357 664535 664535 BD Horizon™ CD45 (HI30) BV786 MVU Reagents, specific, analyte 1 Horizon
28 00382906645340 664534 664534 BD Horizon™ CD23 (EBVCS-5) BV786 MVU Reagents, specific, analyte 1 Horizon
29 00382906645333 664533 664533 BD Horizon™ CD20 (L27) BV786 MVU Reagents, specific, analyte 1 Horizon
30 00382906645326 664532 664532 BD Horizon™ CD19 (SJ25C1) BV786 MVU Reagents, specific, analyte 1 Horizon
31 00382906645319 664531 664531 BD Horizon™ CD16 (3G8) BV786 MVU Reagents, specific, analyte 1 Horizon
32 00382906645302 664530 664530 BD Horizon™ CD8 (SK1) BV786 MVU Reagents, specific, analyte 1 Horizon
33 00382906645296 664529 664529 BD Horizon™ CD5 (L17F12) BV786 MVU Reagents, specific, analyte 1 Horizon
34 00382906645289 664528 664528 BD Horizon™ CD4 (SK3) BV786 MVU Reagents, specific, analyte 1 Horizon
35 00382906645272 664527 664527 BD Horizon™ CD3 (SK7) BV786 MVU Reagents, specific, analyte 1 Horizon
36 00382906645265 664526 664526 BD Horizon™ Mouse IgG1 (X40) BV711 MVU Reagents, specific, analyte 1 Horizon
37 00382906645258 664525 664525 BD Horizon™ CD123 (9F5) BV711 MVU Reagents, specific, analyte 1 Horizon
38 00382906645241 664524 664524 BD Horizon™ CD56 (NCAM16.2) BV711 MVU Reagents, specific, analyte 1 Horizon
39 00382906645234 664523 664523 BD Horizon™ CD38 (HB7) BV711 MVU Reagents, specific, analyte 1 Horizon
40 00382906645227 664522 664522 BD Horizon™ CD14 (MPhiP9) BV711 MVU Reagents, specific, analyte 1 Horizon
41 00382906645210 664521 664521 BD Horizon™ CD13 (L138) BV711 MVU Reagents, specific, analyte 1 Horizon
42 00382906645203 664520 664520 BD Horizon™ CD10 (HI10a) BV711 MVU Reagents, specific, analyte 1 Horizon
43 00382906645197 664519 664519 BD Horizon™ CD4 (SK3) BV711 MVU Reagents, specific, analyte 1 Horizon
44 00382906641267 664126 664126 BD FACSCanto™ System Software GKZ,OYE Counter, differential cell,Flow cytometric reagents and accessories. 2 FACSCanto
45 00382906641243 664124 664124 BD FACSCanto™ II System Software OYE,GKZ Flow cytometric reagents and accessories.,Counter, differential cell 2 FACSCanto
46 00382906641229 664122 664122 BD FACSCanto™ System Software GKZ Counter, differential cell 2 FACSCanto
47 00382906641199 664119 664119 BD FACSCanto™ Clinical Software v4.0.1 GKZ Counter, differential cell 2 FACSCanto
48 00382906641144 664114 664114 BD FACSCanto™ System Software GKZ Counter, differential cell 2 FACSCanto
49 00382906641120 664112 664112 BD FACSCanto™ System Software GKZ,OYE Counter, differential cell,Flow cytometric reagents and accessories. 2 FACSCanto
50 00382906641106 664110 664110 BD FACSCanto™ II System Software GKZ,OYE Counter, differential cell,Flow cytometric reagents and accessories. 2 FACSCanto
Other products with the same Product Code "JSJ"
No Primary DI Version or Model Catalog Number Device Description Brand Name Organization Name
3 10814105021214 M101 ACU-DTM, Dermatophyte Test Medium, 24/bX ACU-DTM ACUDERM, INC.
4 10814105021207 M101 ACU-DTM, Dermatophyte Test Medium, 24/bX ACU-DTM ACUDERM, INC.
5 10382902977138 297713 297713 BD BBL™ Campy CVA Agar BD BBL™ Campy CVA Agar BECTON, DICKINSON AND COMPANY
6 10382902972461 297246 297246 BD BBL™ Campy CVA Agar BD BBL™ Campy CVA Agar BECTON, DICKINSON AND COMPANY
7 10382902218477 221847 221847 BD BBL™ Mycosel™ Agar Deep Fill BD BBL™ Mycosel™ Agar Deep Fill BECTON, DICKINSON AND COMPANY
8 10382902218460 221846 221846 BD BBL™ CDC Anaerobe Laked Sheep Blood Agar with Kanamycin and Vancomycin (KV) BD BBL™ CDC Anaerobe Laked SB Agar W/Kanamycin and Vanc BECTON, DICKINSON AND COMPANY
9 10382902218415 221841 221841 BD BBL™ Brain Heart Infusion Agar with 10% Sheep Blood, Gentamicin and Chl BD BBL™ Brain Heart Infusion Agar with 10% Sheep Blood, Gentamicin and Chloramphenicol Deep Fill BD BBL™ BHI Agar W/10% SB, Gent and Chlor Deep Fill BECTON, DICKINSON AND COMPANY
10 10382902218361 221836 221836 BD BBL™ Bacteroides Bile Esculin Agar BD BBL™ Bacteroides Bile Esculin Agar BECTON, DICKINSON AND COMPANY
11 10382902217395 221739 221739 BD BBL™ CDC Anaerobe 5% Sheep Blood Agar with Phenylethyl Alcohol (PEA) BD BBL™ CDC Anaerobe 5% SB Agar with Phenylethyl Alcohol (PEA) BECTON, DICKINSON AND COMPANY
12 10382902217364 221736 221736 BD BBL™ CDC Anaerobe 5% Sheep Blood Agar with Kanamycin and Vancomycin (KV) BD BBL™ CDC Anaerobe 5% SB Agar with Kanamycin and Vancomycin (KV) BECTON, DICKINSON AND COMPANY
13 10382902217357 221735 221735 BD BBL™ CDC Anaerobe 5% Sheep Blood Agar with Kanamycin and Vancomycin (KV) BD BBL™ CDC Anaerobe 5% SB Agar with Kanamycin and Vancomycin (KV) BECTON, DICKINSON AND COMPANY
14 10382902217289 221728 221728 BD BBL™ Campylobacter Agar w/5 Antimicrobics and 10% Sheep Blood BD BBL™ Campylobacter Agar w/5 Antimicrobics and 10% SB BECTON, DICKINSON AND COMPANY
15 10382902217272 221727 221727 BD BBL™ Campylobacter Agar w/5 Antimicrobics and 10% Sheep Blood BD BBL™ Campylobacter Agar w/5 Antimicrobics and 10% SB BECTON, DICKINSON AND COMPANY
16 10382902216008 221600 221600 BD BBL™ Columbia CNA Agar w/5% Sheep Blood // MacConkey II Agar BD BBL™ Columbia CNA Agar w/5% SB// MacConkey II Agar BECTON, DICKINSON AND COMPANY
17 10382902213533 221353 221353 BD BBL™ Columbia CNA Agar with 5% Sheep Blood BD BBL™ Columbia CNA Agar with 5% Sheep Blood BECTON, DICKINSON AND COMPANY
18 10382902213526 221352 221352 BD BBL™ Columbia CNA Agar with 5% Sheep Blood BD BBL™ Columbia CNA Agar with 5% Sheep Blood BECTON, DICKINSON AND COMPANY
19 10382902212840 221284 221284 BD BBL™ XLD Agar BD BBL™ XLD Agar BECTON, DICKINSON AND COMPANY
20 10382902212772 221277 221277 BD BBL™ Phenylethyl Alcohol Agar with 5% Sheep Blood BD BBL™ Phenylethyl Alcohol Agar with 5% Sheep Blood BECTON, DICKINSON AND COMPANY
21 10382902211928 221192 221192 BD BBL™ XLD Agar BD BBL™ XLD Agar BECTON, DICKINSON AND COMPANY
22 10382902211799 221179 221179 BD BBL™ Phenylethyl Alcohol Agar with 5% Sheep Blood BD BBL™ Phenylethyl Alcohol Agar with 5% Sheep Blood BECTON, DICKINSON AND COMPANY
23 M20215021 1502 1502 Bullseye Urine Bullseye Urine HEALTHLINK
24 00842558108605 R01812 SPECTRA Strep A Agar 10/PK Remel REMEL, INC.
25 00819398028455 Z006 Z006 Basic Fuchsin, 1:50,000 dilution, for Brucella, 20ml fill, 20x125mm tube,For the Basic Fuchsin, 1:50,000 dilution, for Brucella, 20ml fill, 20x125mm tube,For the speciation of Brucella. N/A HARDY DIAGNOSTICS
26 00819398028431 J120 J120 PEA w/SB/Tergitol 7 Agar 15x100 biplate, 10 plates per packDifferentiation and i PEA w/SB/Tergitol 7 Agar 15x100 biplate, 10 plates per packDifferentiation and isolation of gram-negative and gram-positive organisms (as well as fermenting characteristics), preventing of Proteus swarming, differentiation of gram-positive organisms, early detector of yeast (growth on both PEA & T7 with white colonies). N/A HARDY DIAGNOSTICS
27 00819398028226 G238 G238 CAN Agar, 15x100 monoplate, 10/pkFor the cultivation of yeast N/A HARDY DIAGNOSTICS
28 00819398028004 C38 C38 Middlebrook 7H11 Select Slant, 20x125 tube, 20 tubes/box(Mitchison formula with Middlebrook 7H11 Select Slant, 20x125 tube, 20 tubes/box(Mitchison formula with CAPT antibiotics) For selective isolation of Mycobacterium spp. N/A HARDY DIAGNOSTICS
29 00819398024525 X73 X73 SabHI Agar with Blood, Chloramphenicol and Cycloheximide, 12ml, HardyFlask™, ord SabHI Agar with Blood, Chloramphenicol and Cycloheximide, 12ml, HardyFlask™, order by the package of 20(Sabouraud Dextrose and Brain Heart Infusion Agar with 5% sheep blood, chloramphenicol and cycloheximide) For the selective isolation of pathogenic fungi. HardyFlask™ HARDY DIAGNOSTICS
30 00819398024488 X59 X59 Potato Flake Selective Agar (with Cipro and Vanco), 12ml, 50ml plastic HardyFlas Potato Flake Selective Agar (with Cipro and Vanco), 12ml, 50ml plastic HardyFlask™, order by the package of 20For the selective isolation of pathogenic fungi. Contains ciprofloxacin and vancomycin for the inhibition of most bacteria. HardyFlask™ HARDY DIAGNOSTICS
31 00819398024365 X41 X41 Sabdex (Sabouraud Dextrose) Agar with Chloramphenicol, 12ml, 50ml plastic HardyF Sabdex (Sabouraud Dextrose) Agar with Chloramphenicol, 12ml, 50ml plastic HardyFlask™, order by the package of 20Sabouraud Dextrose Agar with Chloramphenicol is recommended for the selective isolation of fungi and yeasts from clinical and nonclinical specimens HardyFlask™ HARDY DIAGNOSTICS
32 00819398024280 X30 X30 Mycobiotic Agar, 12ml fill, 50ml plastic HardyFlask™, order by the package of 20 Mycobiotic Agar, 12ml fill, 50ml plastic HardyFlask™, order by the package of 20For the selective isolation of pathogenic fungi especially from hair, skin, and nail specimens. Contains chloramphenicol and cyclohexamide. HardyFlask™ HARDY DIAGNOSTICS
33 00819398024204 X23 X23 LJ (Lowenstein Jensen) Gruft, 50ml plastic HardyFlask™, order by the package of LJ (Lowenstein Jensen) Gruft, 50ml plastic HardyFlask™, order by the package of 20Lowenstein Jensen Media are recommended for use in the cultivation and isolation of Mycobacterium species. HardyFlask™ HARDY DIAGNOSTICS
34 00819398024181 X22 X22 LJ (Lowenstein Jensen) Media, 50ml plastic HardyFlask™, order by the package of LJ (Lowenstein Jensen) Media, 50ml plastic HardyFlask™, order by the package of 20Lowenstein Jensen Media are recommended for use in the cultivation and isolation of Mycobacterium species. HardyFlask™ HARDY DIAGNOSTICS
35 00819398024143 X20 X20 Inhibitory Mold Agar (with Chloramphenicol), plastic HardyFlask™, order by the p Inhibitory Mold Agar (with Chloramphenicol), plastic HardyFlask™, order by the package of 20Inhibitory Mold Agar and Inhibitory Mold Agar with Gentamicin are recommended for the selective isolation of fungi. HardyFlask™ HARDY DIAGNOSTICS
36 00819398024129 X19 X19 LJ (Lowenstein Jensen) with Pyruvate, 50ml plastic HardyFlask™, order by the pac LJ (Lowenstein Jensen) with Pyruvate, 50ml plastic HardyFlask™, order by the package of 20Lowenstein Jensen Media are recommended for use in the cultivation and isolation of Mycobacterium species. HardyFlask™ HARDY DIAGNOSTICS
37 00819398024082 X14 X14 BHI (Brain Heart Infusion) Agar with Blood, Chloramphenicol and Gentamicin, plas BHI (Brain Heart Infusion) Agar with Blood, Chloramphenicol and Gentamicin, plastic HardyFlask™, order by the package of 20(Brain Heart Infusion Agar with 5% Sheep Blood, Chloramphenicol, and Gentamicin) For the selective isolation of pathogenic fungi. HardyFlask™ HARDY DIAGNOSTICS
38 00819398024068 X13 X13 BHI (Brain Heart Infusion) Agar with Blood, plastic HardyFlask™, order by the pa BHI (Brain Heart Infusion) Agar with Blood, plastic HardyFlask™, order by the package of 20Brain Heart Infusion (BHI) Agar is a general purpose nutrient medium recommended for the cultivation and isolation of a variety of microorganisms, including bacteria, yeasts, and molds. The addition of defibrinated sheep blood and antimicrobics produces a selective medium used for the isolation of pathogenic fungi from specimens heavily contaminated with bacteria and saprophytic fungi. HardyFlask™ HARDY DIAGNOSTICS
39 00819398024044 X12 X12 BHI (Brain Heart Infusion) Agar with Blood and Gentamicin, plastic HardyFlask™, BHI (Brain Heart Infusion) Agar with Blood and Gentamicin, plastic HardyFlask™, order by the package of 20(Brian Heart Infusion Agar with 5% Sheep Blood and Gentamicin) For the selective isolation of pathogenic fungi. HardyFlask™ HARDY DIAGNOSTICS
40 00819398024020 X11 X11 BHI (Brain Heart Infusion) Agar with Chloramphenicol and Cycloheximide, plastic BHI (Brain Heart Infusion) Agar with Chloramphenicol and Cycloheximide, plastic HardyFlask™, order by the package of 20Brain Heart Infusion (BHI) Agar is a general purpose nutrient medium recommended for the cultivation and isolation of a variety of microorganisms, including bacteria, yeasts, and molds. The addition of defibrinated sheep blood and antimicrobics produces a selective medium used for the isolation of pathogenic fungi from specimens heavily contaminated with bacteria and saprophytic fungi. HardyFlask™ HARDY DIAGNOSTICS
41 00819398023719 R88 R88 PPLO Selective Broth, 4ml, 13x100mm tube, optically clear, shatter resistant, po PPLO Selective Broth, 4ml, 13x100mm tube, optically clear, shatter resistant, polycarbonate tube, order by the package of 20For the selective isolation of Mycoplasmataceae (pleural pneumonia-like organisms), especially Mycoplasma pneumoniae. N/A HARDY DIAGNOSTICS
42 00819398023634 R80 R80 PPLO Broth, for Mycoplasma pneumoniae, 5ml, 13x100mm tube, order by the package PPLO Broth, for Mycoplasma pneumoniae, 5ml, 13x100mm tube, order by the package of 20For the cultivation and maintenance of mycoplasmas. N/A HARDY DIAGNOSTICS
43 00819398022897 Q32 Q32 Regan-Lowe Semi Solid Agar Deep, for Bordetella pertussis, 4ml, 13x100mm tube, o Regan-Lowe Semi Solid Agar Deep, for Bordetella pertussis, 4ml, 13x100mm tube, optically clear, shatter resistant, polycarbonate tube, order by the package of 20(Charcoal Blood Agar with 10% Horse Blood and Cephalexin) For the selective isolation of Bordetella pertussis. N/A HARDY DIAGNOSTICS
44 00819398022378 L49 L49 Inhibitory Mold Agar with Gentamicin Slant, 10ml, 20x125mm tube, order by the pa Inhibitory Mold Agar with Gentamicin Slant, 10ml, 20x125mm tube, order by the package of 20(Inhibitory Mold Agar with Gentamicin) For the selective isolation of pathogenic fungi. N/A HARDY DIAGNOSTICS
45 00819398022354 L47 L47 Inhibitory Mold Agar Slant (with chloramphenicol), 10ml, 20x125mm tube, order by Inhibitory Mold Agar Slant (with chloramphenicol), 10ml, 20x125mm tube, order by the package of 20For the selective isolation of pathogenic fungi. Contains chloramphenicol for inhibition of bactieria. N/A HARDY DIAGNOSTICS
46 00819398022330 L45 L45 Mycobiotic Agar Slant, 10ml, 20x125mm tube, order by the package of 20For the se Mycobiotic Agar Slant, 10ml, 20x125mm tube, order by the package of 20For the selective isolation of pathogenic fungi especially from hair, skin, and nail specimens. Contains chloramphenicol and cyclohexamide. N/A HARDY DIAGNOSTICS
47 00819398021999 L128 L128 Malt Extract Agar with 0.01% Chloramphenicol, Slant, 5.5ml, 16x100mm tube, order Malt Extract Agar with 0.01% Chloramphenicol, Slant, 5.5ml, 16x100mm tube, order by the package of 20(Malt Extract Agar with 0.01% Chloramphenicol) For the selective isolation of fungi. N/A HARDY DIAGNOSTICS
48 00819398021913 L114 L114 BHI (Brain Heart Infusion) Agar with Blood, Chloramphenicol and Gentamicin, 20x1 BHI (Brain Heart Infusion) Agar with Blood, Chloramphenicol and Gentamicin, 20x125mm tube, order by the package of 20(Brain Heart Infusion Agar with 5% Sheep Blood, Chloramphenicol, and Gentamicin) For the selective isolation of fungi N/A HARDY DIAGNOSTICS
49 00819398021654 K69 K69 Selenite Cystine Broth, 16x125mm tube, order by the package of 20For the selecti Selenite Cystine Broth, 16x125mm tube, order by the package of 20For the selective enrichment of Salmonella spp. Cystine enhances growth of Salmonella spp. N/A HARDY DIAGNOSTICS
50 00819398021531 K49 K49 NaCl 6.5% Broth with indicator, salt tolerance broth, 2mL, 15x103mm tube, optica NaCl 6.5% Broth with indicator, salt tolerance broth, 2mL, 15x103mm tube, optically clear, shatter resistant, polycarbonate tube, order by the package of 20, (Salt Tolerance Broth with BCP indicator) For the identification of Enterococcus spp. N/A HARDY DIAGNOSTICS