No Primary DI Version or Model Catalog Number Device Description Product Code Product Code Name Device Class Brand Name
1 10381780036005 9OS502 9OS502 The Integra Flow Regulating Valves Low Flow (Standard, Mini) are implantable hyd The Integra Flow Regulating Valves Low Flow (Standard, Mini) are implantable hydrocephalus valve systems for controlled cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) drainage from the ventricles to the peritoneal cavity or other appropriate drainage site such as the heart’s right atrium. Unlike conventional valves, the Integra Flow Regulating Valve Low Flow is a variable resistance valve that maintains drainage at a constant rate, between 8 and 17 ml/hr, within the physiological range of intracranial pressure. JXG Shunt, central nervous system and components Integra Flow Regulating Valve Low Flow
2 10381780035343 7CBD10 7CBD10 Catheter HAO INSTRUMENT, SURGICAL, NON-POWERED 1 NeuroBalloon™
3 10381780520733 826882 82-6882 Patient Monitor Interface Cable - GE (11 pin) GWM Device, monitoring, intracranial pressure 2 CereLink™
4 10381780520726 826881 82-6881 Patient Monitor Interface Cable - Philips (12 pin) GWM Device, monitoring, intracranial pressure 2 CereLink™
5 10381780529477 828822PL 82-8822PL Programmable Valve Right Angle Valve with Accessories and Unitized Catheter Incl Programmable Valve Right Angle Valve with Accessories and Unitized Catheter Includes: Ventricular Catheter, Unitized Distal Catheter, Priming Adapter and Information Manual JXG Shunt, central nervous system and components 2 CODMAN CERTAS® Plus
6 10381780529453 828821PL 82-8821PL Programmable Valve Right Angle Valve with Accessories Includes: Ventricular Cath Programmable Valve Right Angle Valve with Accessories Includes: Ventricular Catheter, Separable Distal Catheter, Priming Adapter and Information Manual JXG Shunt, central nervous system and components 2 CODMAN CERTAS® Plus
7 10381780529354 828812PL 82-8812PL Programmable Valve Inline Small Valve with Accessories and Unitized Catheter Inc Programmable Valve Inline Small Valve with Accessories and Unitized Catheter Includes: Ventricular Catheter, Unitized Distal Catheter, Priming Adapter, Right Angle Adapter and Information Manual JXG Shunt, central nervous system and components 2 CODMAN CERTAS®
8 10381780529330 828811PL 82-8811PL Programmable Valve Inline Small Valve with Accessories Includes: Ventricular Cat Programmable Valve Inline Small Valve with Accessories Includes: Ventricular Catheter, Separable Distal Catheter, Priming Adapter, Right Angle Adapter and Information Manual JXG Shunt, central nervous system and components 2 CODMAN CERTAS®
9 10381780529316 828810PL 82-8810PL Programmable Valve Inline Small Valve Only Includes: Priming Adapter and Informa Programmable Valve Inline Small Valve Only Includes: Priming Adapter and Information Manual JXG Shunt, central nervous system and components 2 CODMAN CERTAS®
10 10381780529231 828813PL 82-8813PL Programmable Valve Inline Small Valve with Accessories and UnitizedCatheter Incl Programmable Valve Inline Small Valve with Accessories and UnitizedCatheter Includes:Ventricular Catheter,Unitized Distal Catheter, Priming Adapter, Right Angle Adapter and Information Manual JXG Shunt, central nervous system and components 2 CODMAN CERTAS® BACTISEAL®
11 10381780521334 828859 82-8859 X-Ray Overlay Tool JXG Shunt, central nervous system and components 2 CODMAN CERTAS®
12 10381780521327 828851 82-8851 Tool Kit JXG Shunt, central nervous system and components 2 CODMAN CERTAS®
13 10381780521136 828803PL 82-8803PL Programmable Valve Inline Valve with Accessories and Unitized Catheter Includes: Programmable Valve Inline Valve with Accessories and Unitized Catheter Includes: Ventricular Catheter, Unitized Distal Catheter, Priming Adapter, Right Angle Adapter and Information Manual JXG Shunt, central nervous system and components 2 CODMAN CERTAS® BACTISEAL®
14 10381780521099 828802PL 82-8802PL Programmable Valve Inline Valve with Accessories and Unitized Catheter Includes: Programmable Valve Inline Valve with Accessories and Unitized Catheter Includes: Ventricular Catheter, Unitized Distal Catheter, Priming Adapter, Right Angle Adapter and Information Manual JXG Shunt, central nervous system and components 2 CODMAN CERTAS®
15 10381780521051 828801PL 82-8801PL Programmable Valve Inline Valve with Accessories Includes: Ventricular Catheter, Programmable Valve Inline Valve with Accessories Includes: Ventricular Catheter, Separable Distal Catheter, Priming Adapter, Right Angle Adapter and Information Manual JXG Shunt, central nervous system and components 2 CODMAN CERTAS®
16 10381780521013 828800PL 82-8800PL Programmable Valve Inline Valve Only Includes: Priming Adapter and Information Manual JXG Shunt, central nervous system and components 2 CODMAN CERTAS®
17 10381780520801 826889 82-6889 Patient Monitor Interface Cable - Fukuda Denshi (12 Pin) GWM Device, monitoring, intracranial pressure 2 CereLink™
18 10381780520795 826888 82-6888 Patient Monitor Interface Cable - Fukuda Denshi (DS-8000) GWM Device, monitoring, intracranial pressure 2 CereLink™
19 10381780520788 826887 82-6887 Patient Monitor Interface Cable - Nihon-Kohden (5 Pin) GWM Device, monitoring, intracranial pressure 2 CereLink™
20 10381780520757 826884 82-6884 Patient Monitor Interface Cable - GE Datex-Ohmeda (11 Pin) GWM Device, monitoring, intracranial pressure 2 CereLink™
21 10381780520740 826883 82-6883 Patient Monitor Interface Cable - Spacelabs (6 Pin) GWM Device, monitoring, intracranial pressure 2 CereLink™
22 10381780520719 826880 82-6880 Patient Monitor Interface Cable - Draeger/Siemens (10 pin) GWM Device, monitoring, intracranial pressure 2 CereLink™
23 10381780529293 828827PL 82-8827PL Programmable Valve Right Angle Valve with SIPHONGUARD, Accessories and UnitizedC Programmable Valve Right Angle Valve with SIPHONGUARD, Accessories and UnitizedCatheter Includes:Ventricular Catheter,Unitized Distal Catheter, Priming Adapter and Information Manual JXG Shunt, central nervous system and components 2 CODMAN CERTAS® SIPHONGUARD® BACTISEAL®
24 10381780529255 828817PL 82-8817PL Programmable Valve Inline Small Valve with SIPHONGUARD, Accessories and Unitized Programmable Valve Inline Small Valve with SIPHONGUARD, Accessories and UnitizedCatheter Includes:Ventricular Catheter,Unitized Distal Catheter, Priming Adapter, Right Angle Adapter JXG Shunt, central nervous system and components 2 CODMAN CERTAS® SIPHONGUARD® BACTISEAL®
25 10381780521280 828807PL 82-8807PL Programmable Valve Inline Valve, Accessories and UnitizedCatheter Includes:Ventr Programmable Valve Inline Valve, Accessories and UnitizedCatheter Includes:Ventricular Catheter,Unitized Distal Catheter, Priming Adapter, Right Angle Adapter and Information Manual JXG Shunt, central nervous system and components 2 CODMAN CERTAS® SIPHONGUARD® BACTISEAL®
26 10381780250340 IT2 IT2 Licox® IT2 Complete Brain Tunneling Probe Kit, consists of CC1P1 Combined Oxyge Licox® IT2 Complete Brain Tunneling Probe Kit, consists of CC1P1 Combined Oxygen and Temperature Probe and VK52 Parenchymal Probe Guide GWM DEVICE, MONITORING, INTRACRANIAL PRESSURE 2 Licox ®
27 10381780250333 IP2P IP2P Licox® IP2P Complete Brain Probe Kit, Dual lumen, consists of Licox® I2P Dual Lu Licox® IP2P Complete Brain Probe Kit, Dual lumen, consists of Licox® I2P Dual Lumen Introducer Kit and CC1P1 Combined Oxygen and Temperature Probe GWM DEVICE, MONITORING, INTRACRANIAL PRESSURE 2 Licox ®
28 10381780250326 IP2 IP2 Licox® IP2 Dual Lumen Introducer Kit contains is used to insert the combined oxy Licox® IP2 Dual Lumen Introducer Kit contains is used to insert the combined oxygen/temperature probe and the ICP Catheter. It contains: Dual lumen Introducer, Guidewire, Compression Cap, Bolt, Drill Bit, Drill stop with set screw, Hex wrench, Stylet, Compression cap fitting, ICP obturator. GWM DEVICE, MONITORING, INTRACRANIAL PRESSURE 2 Licox ®
29 10381780250319 IP1P IP1P Licox® IP1P Complete Brain Probe Kit, Single lumen, consists of Licox® IP1 Singl Licox® IP1P Complete Brain Probe Kit, Single lumen, consists of Licox® IP1 Single Lumen Introducer Kit and CC1P1 Combined Oxygen and Temperature Probe GWM DEVICE, MONITORING, INTRACRANIAL PRESSURE 2 Licox ®
30 10381780250302 IP1 IP1 Licox® IP1 Single Lumen Introducer Kit is used to insert the combined oxygen/tem Licox® IP1 Single Lumen Introducer Kit is used to insert the combined oxygen/temperature probe. It contains: Single lumen Introducer, Guidewire, Compression Cap, Bolt, Drill Bit, Drill stop with set screw, Hex wrench, Stylet. GWM DEVICE, MONITORING, INTRACRANIAL PRESSURE 2 Licox ®
31 10381780250289 IM3ST IM3ST Licox® IM3ST Complete Brain Probe Kit, Triple lumen, consists of Licox® IM3 Trip Licox® IM3ST Complete Brain Probe Kit, Triple lumen, consists of Licox® IM3 Triple Lumen Introducer Kit, CC1SB Oxygen Probe and C8B Temperature Probe GWM DEVICE, MONITORING, INTRACRANIAL PRESSURE 2 Licox ®
32 10381780250210 IM1S IM1S Licox® IM1S Complete Brain Probe Kit, Single lumen, consists of Licox® IM1 Singl Licox® IM1S Complete Brain Probe Kit, Single lumen, consists of Licox® IM1 Single Lumen Introducer Kit and CC1SB Oxygen Probe. GWM DEVICE, MONITORING, INTRACRANIAL PRESSURE 2 Licox ®
33 10381780250203 IM1 IM1 Licox® IM1 Single Lumen Introducer Kit is used to insert the Licox® Oxygen probe Licox® IM1 Single Lumen Introducer Kit is used to insert the Licox® Oxygen probe. It contains: Single lumen Introducer, Guidewire, Compression Cap, Bolt, Drill Bit, Drill stop with set screw, Hex wrench, Stylet. GWM DEVICE, MONITORING, INTRACRANIAL PRESSURE 2 Licox ®
34 10381780250180 CC1SB CC1SB Licox® CC1SB Oxygen Probe is intended for use with Licox® Monitor Systems for s Licox® CC1SB Oxygen Probe is intended for use with Licox® Monitor Systems for short-term monitoring (5 days maximum use) of the oxygen partial pressure in cerebral tissue (PtO2). Contains: Probe, Smart Card, Protection Tube. GWM DEVICE, MONITORING, INTRACRANIAL PRESSURE 2 Licox ®
35 10381780250173 CC1P1 CC1P1 Licox® CC1P1 Combined Oxygen and Temperature Probe is intended for use with Li Licox® CC1P1 Combined Oxygen and Temperature Probe is intended for use with Licox® Monitor Systems for short-term monitoring (5 days maximum use) of the oxygen partial pressure (PtO2) and temperature in cerebral tissue. Contains: Probe, Smart Card, Extension Tube, Protection Tube. GWM DEVICE, MONITORING, INTRACRANIAL PRESSURE 2 Licox ®
36 10381780250159 C8B C8B Licox® C8B Temperature Probe is intended for use with Licox® Monitor Systems fo Licox® C8B Temperature Probe is intended for use with Licox® Monitor Systems for short-term monitoring (5 days maximum use) of temperature in cerebral tissue. Contains: Probe, Protection Tube, Plausibility Check Test tube GWM DEVICE, MONITORING, INTRACRANIAL PRESSURE 2 Licox ®
37 10381780036074 9OS712 9OS712 The OSV II Hydrocephalus Valve System is an implantable device for controlled ce The OSV II Hydrocephalus Valve System is an implantable device for controlled cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) drainage from the ventricles to the peritoneal cavity or other appropriate drainage site such as the heart's right atrium. Unlike conventional valves, the OSV II Valve System is a variable resistance valve which maintains a drainage rate close to the CSF secretion rate (20 ml/hr) within the physiological range of intracranial pressure. JXG Shunt, central nervous system and components OSV II Valve System
38 10381780036067 9OS702 9OS702 The OSV II Hydrocephalus Valve System is an implantable device for controlled ce The OSV II Hydrocephalus Valve System is an implantable device for controlled cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) drainage from the ventricles to the peritoneal cavity or other appropriate drainage site such as the heart's right atrium. Unlike conventional valves, the OSV II Valve System is a variable resistance valve which maintains a drainage rate close to the CSF secretion rate (20 ml/hr) within the physiological range of intracranial pressure. JXG Shunt, central nervous system and components OSV II Valve System
39 10381780035466 909702P 909702P The OSV II Hydrocephalus Valve System is an implantable device for controlled ce The OSV II Hydrocephalus Valve System is an implantable device for controlled cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) drainage from the ventricles to the peritoneal cavity or other appropriate drainage site such as the heart's right atrium. Unlike conventional valves, the OSV II Valve System is a variable resistance valve which maintains a drainage rate close to the CSF secretion rate (20 ml/hr) within the physiological range of intracranial pressure. JXG Shunt, central nervous system and components 2 OSV II Low Pro Valve System
40 10381780035497 909712P 909712P The OSV II Hydrocephalus Valve System is an implantable device for controlled ce The OSV II Hydrocephalus Valve System is an implantable device for controlled cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) drainage from the ventricles to the peritoneal cavity or other appropriate drainage site such as the heart's right atrium. Unlike conventional valves, the OSV II Valve System is a variable resistance valve which maintains a drainage rate close to the CSF secretion rate (20 ml/hr) within the physiological range of intracranial pressure. JXG Shunt, central nervous system and components 2 OSV II Low Pro Valve System
41 10381780035480 909708S 909708S The OSV II Hydrocephalus Valve System is an implantable device for controlled ce The OSV II Hydrocephalus Valve System is an implantable device for controlled cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) drainage from the ventricles to the peritoneal cavity or other appropriate drainage site such as the heart's right atrium. Unlike conventional valves, the OSV II Valve System is a variable resistance valve which maintains a drainage rate close to the CSF secretion rate (20 ml/hr) within the physiological range of intracranial pressure. JXG Shunt, central nervous system and components OSV II Valve System
42 10381780035473 909707S 909707S The OSV II Hydrocephalus Valve System is an implantable device for controlled ce The OSV II Hydrocephalus Valve System is an implantable device for controlled cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) drainage from the ventricles to the peritoneal cavity or other appropriate drainage site such as the heart's right atrium. Unlike conventional valves, the OSV II Valve System is a variable resistance valve which maintains a drainage rate close to the CSF secretion rate (20 ml/hr) within the physiological range of intracranial pressure. JXG Shunt, central nervous system and components OSV II Valve System
43 10381780035459 909700P 909700P The OSV II Hydrocephalus Valve System is an implantable device for controlled ce The OSV II Hydrocephalus Valve System is an implantable device for controlled cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) drainage from the ventricles to the peritoneal cavity or other appropriate drainage site such as the heart's right atrium. Unlike conventional valves, the OSV II Valve System is a variable resistance valve which maintains a drainage rate close to the CSF secretion rate (20 ml/hr) within the physiological range of intracranial pressure. JXG Shunt, central nervous system and components 2 OSV II Low Pro Valve System
44 10381780034100 909721 909721 The OSV II Hydrocephalus Valve System is an implantable device for controlled ce The OSV II Hydrocephalus Valve System is an implantable device for controlled cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) drainage from the ventricles to the peritoneal cavity or other appropriate drainage site such as the heart's right atrium. Unlike conventional valves, the OSV II Valve System is a variable resistance valve which maintains a drainage rate close to the CSF secretion rate (20 ml/hr) within the physiological range of intracranial pressure. JXG Shunt, central nervous system and components OSV II Valve System
45 10381780034094 909720 909720 The OSV II Hydrocephalus Valve System is an implantable device for controlled ce The OSV II Hydrocephalus Valve System is an implantable device for controlled cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) drainage from the ventricles to the peritoneal cavity or other appropriate drainage site such as the heart's right atrium. Unlike conventional valves, the OSV II Valve System is a variable resistance valve which maintains a drainage rate close to the CSF secretion rate (20 ml/hr) within the physiological range of intracranial pressure. JXG Shunt, central nervous system and components OSV II Valve System
46 10381780034087 909719 909719 The OSV II Hydrocephalus Valve System is an implantable device for controlled ce The OSV II Hydrocephalus Valve System is an implantable device for controlled cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) drainage from the ventricles to the peritoneal cavity or other appropriate drainage site such as the heart's right atrium. Unlike conventional valves, the OSV II Valve System is a variable resistance valve which maintains a drainage rate close to the CSF secretion rate (20 ml/hr) within the physiological range of intracranial pressure. JXG Shunt, central nervous system and components OSV II Valve System
47 10381780034070 909718 909718 The OSV II Hydrocephalus Valve System is an implantable device for controlled ce The OSV II Hydrocephalus Valve System is an implantable device for controlled cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) drainage from the ventricles to the peritoneal cavity or other appropriate drainage site such as the heart's right atrium. Unlike conventional valves, the OSV II Valve System is a variable resistance valve which maintains a drainage rate close to the CSF secretion rate (20 ml/hr) within the physiological range of intracranial pressure. JXG Shunt, central nervous system and components OSV II Valve System
48 10381780034056 909714 909714 The OSV II Hydrocephalus Valve System is an implantable device for controlled ce The OSV II Hydrocephalus Valve System is an implantable device for controlled cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) drainage from the ventricles to the peritoneal cavity or other appropriate drainage site such as the heart's right atrium. Unlike conventional valves, the OSV II Valve System is a variable resistance valve which maintains a drainage rate close to the CSF secretion rate (20 ml/hr) within the physiological range of intracranial pressure. JXG Shunt, central nervous system and components OSV II Valve System
49 10381780034049 909713 909713 The OSV II Hydrocephalus Valve System is an implantable device for controlled ce The OSV II Hydrocephalus Valve System is an implantable device for controlled cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) drainage from the ventricles to the peritoneal cavity or other appropriate drainage site such as the heart's right atrium. Unlike conventional valves, the OSV II Valve System is a variable resistance valve which maintains a drainage rate close to the CSF secretion rate (20 ml/hr) within the physiological range of intracranial pressure. JXG Shunt, central nervous system and components OSV II Valve System
50 10381780034032 909712 909712 The OSV II Hydrocephalus Valve System is an implantable device for controlled ce The OSV II Hydrocephalus Valve System is an implantable device for controlled cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) drainage from the ventricles to the peritoneal cavity or other appropriate drainage site such as the heart's right atrium. Unlike conventional valves, the OSV II Valve System is a variable resistance valve which maintains a drainage rate close to the CSF secretion rate (20 ml/hr) within the physiological range of intracranial pressure. JXG Shunt, central nervous system and components OSV II Valve System
Other products with the same Product Code "JXG"
No Primary DI Version or Model Catalog Number Device Description Brand Name Organization Name
1 10381780112273 NL79034S02 NL79034S02 The silicone elastomer Integra CSF Reservoir, in connection with a ventricular c The silicone elastomer Integra CSF Reservoir, in connection with a ventricular catheter, is designed to provide access to the brain and/or CSF. The Convertible model incorporates an outlet tube in addition to an inlet tube. The outlet tube may be connected to a distal catheter, allowing the reservoir to be used in a shunting system, if later indicated. The 2.5cm base diameter reservoir is a flat bottom design; the 1.5cm base diameter reservoir is a burr-hole model. Dual Outlet Convertible Integra™ Reservoir INTEGRA LIFESCIENCES CORPORATION
2 10381780112266 INS410MM INS410MM The Evolution Pole Mount Assembly provides support and alignment for the Externa The Evolution Pole Mount Assembly provides support and alignment for the External CSF Drainage and Monitoring Systems. These systems are used for draining CSF from an intraventricular or lumbar catheter to an external CSF drainage system. This Integra Pole Mount is provided with a laser leveling device and an optional line level. The laser level is attached via a bracket. LimiTorr™ INTEGRA LIFESCIENCES CORPORATION
3 10381780112259 INS410CM INS410CM The Evolution Pole Mount Assembly provides support and alignment for the Externa The Evolution Pole Mount Assembly provides support and alignment for the External CSF Drainage and Monitoring Systems. These systems are used for draining CSF from an intraventricular or lumbar catheter to an external CSF drainage system. This Integra Pole Mount is provided with a laser leveling device and an optional line level. The laser level is attached via a bracket. LimiTorr™ INTEGRA LIFESCIENCES CORPORATION
4 10381780112242 INS410 INS410 The Evolution Pole Mount Assembly provides support and alignment for the Externa The Evolution Pole Mount Assembly provides support and alignment for the External CSF Drainage and Monitoring Systems. These systems are used for draining CSF from an intraventricular or lumbar catheter to an external CSF drainage system. This Integra Pole Mount is provided with a laser leveling device and an optional line level. The laser level is attached via a bracket. LimiTorr™ INTEGRA LIFESCIENCES CORPORATION
5 10381780112228 INS400L INS400L The Pole Mount Laser Level device is provided with mounting bracket for use with The Pole Mount Laser Level device is provided with mounting bracket for use with Integra Pole Mount Assemblies. The Pole Mount Laser provides alignment for the External CSF Drainage and Monitoring Systems. These systems are used for draining CSF from an intraventricular catheter or lumbar catheter to an external ventricular drainage system. LimiTorr™ INTEGRA LIFESCIENCES CORPORATION
6 10381780112211 INS400CM INS400CM The Evolution Pole Mount Assembly provides support and alignment for the Externa The Evolution Pole Mount Assembly provides support and alignment for the External CSF Drainage and Monitoring Systems. These systems are used for draining CSF from an intraventricular or lumbar catheter to an external CSF drainage system. This Integra Pole Mount is provided with a laser leveling device and an optional line level. The laser level is attached via a bracket. LimiTorr™ INTEGRA LIFESCIENCES CORPORATION
7 10381780112204 INS400 INS400 The Evolution Pole Mount Assembly provides support and alignment for the Externa The Evolution Pole Mount Assembly provides support and alignment for the External CSF Drainage and Monitoring Systems. These systems are used for draining CSF from an intraventricular or lumbar catheter to an external CSF drainage system. This Integra Pole Mount is provided with a laser leveling device and an optional line level. The laser level is attached via a bracket. LimiTorr™ INTEGRA LIFESCIENCES CORPORATION
8 10381780112198 INS310 INS310 MoniTorr ICP Pole Mount Assembly with cm H2O and mm Hg Rail: The Pole Mount Asse MoniTorr ICP Pole Mount Assembly with cm H2O and mm Hg Rail: The Pole Mount Assembly provides support and alignment for the External CSF Drainage and Monitoring Systems (EVD). These systems are used for draining CSF from an intraventricular catheter to the external ventricular drainage system. A Pole Mount Sliding Bracket is supplied with each Pole Mount Assembly. The Pole Mount Sliding Bracket is used to secure the EVD system to the rail on the Pole Mount Assembly. Integra™ MoniTorr ICP™ Pole Mount Assmbly INTEGRA LIFESCIENCES CORPORATION
9 10381780112181 INS305 INS-305 The MoniTorr ICP Pole Mount Assembly with cm H2O and mm Hg Rail provides support The MoniTorr ICP Pole Mount Assembly with cm H2O and mm Hg Rail provides support and alignment for External Ventricular Drainage (EVD) Systems. These systems are used for draining cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) from an intraventricular catheter to the external ventricular drainage system. Integra™ INTEGRA LIFESCIENCES CORPORATION
10 10381780112174 INS301 INS301 The Integra Pole Mount Sliding Bracket can be used with Integra External Ventric The Integra Pole Mount Sliding Bracket can be used with Integra External Ventricular Drainage (EVD) systems and may also be used as a replacement assembly or accessory component. The Integra Pole Mount Sliding Bracket is used to secure the EVD system to the rail of the Pole Mount Assembly. Integra™ Pole Mount Sliding Bracket INTEGRA LIFESCIENCES CORPORATION
11 10381780112167 INS300L INS300L MoniTorr ICP Pole Mount Assembly with cm H2O and mm Hg Rail and Laser Leveling D MoniTorr ICP Pole Mount Assembly with cm H2O and mm Hg Rail and Laser Leveling Device: The Pole Mount Assembly provides support and alignment for the External CSF Drainage and Monitoring Systems (EVD). These systems are used for draining CSF from an intraventricular catheter to the external ventricular drainage system. A Pole Mount Sliding Bracket is supplied with each Pole Mount Assembly. The Pole Mount Sliding Bracket is used to secure the EVD system to the rail on the Pole Mount Assembly. Integra™ MoniTorr ICP™ Pole Mount Assmbly INTEGRA LIFESCIENCES CORPORATION
12 10381780112143 INS300 INS300 MoniTorr ICP Pole Mount Assembly with cm H2O and mm Hg rail: The Pole Mount Asse MoniTorr ICP Pole Mount Assembly with cm H2O and mm Hg rail: The Pole Mount Assembly provides support and alignment for the External CSF Drainage and Monitoring Systems (EVD). These systems are used for draining CSF from an intraventricular catheter to the external ventricular drainage system. A Pole Mount Sliding Bracket is supplied with each Pole Mount Assembly. The Pole Mount Sliding Bracket is used to secure the EVD system to the rail on the Pole Mount Assembly. Integra™ MoniTorr ICP™ Pole Mount Assmbly INTEGRA LIFESCIENCES CORPORATION
13 10381780112136 310991 310991 POLE MOUNT PARTS KIT ASSEMBLYPole Mount Spare Parts Kit Integra™ Pole Mount Spare Parts Kit INTEGRA LIFESCIENCES CORPORATION
14 10381780072560 SP0236 SP0236 MONITORR SPECIAL NEEDLE SITEThe MoniTorr ICP External CSF Drainage and Monitorin MONITORR SPECIAL NEEDLE SITEThe MoniTorr ICP External CSF Drainage and Monitoring System provides a simple to use, closed system for the drainage of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) from ventricles of the brain or the lumbar subarachnoid space to a drainage bag. The system may be used with a pole mounted assembly that allows for simple, quick, and accurate alignment with the patient and secure, positive or negative pressure level setting. The system has also been designed to provide for ease of patient transport through a compact design and an antimicrobial hydrophobic vent feature that resists occlusion. Common features include a calibrated graduated burette, a drainage bag, sampling/aspiration sites, green stripe pressure tubing, and a needle Y injection site. MoniTorr™ INTEGRA LIFESCIENCES CORPORATION
15 10381780072553 SP0224 SP0224 LUMBAR CATHETER CLOSED TIPThe 80cm barium impregnated silicone lumbar catheter h LUMBAR CATHETER CLOSED TIPThe 80cm barium impregnated silicone lumbar catheter has a closed radiopaque tip and is supplied with a Teflon coated stainless steel guide wire and end stop for assisting catheter placement. Approximately 18mm of the tip is multi-perforated to help improve flow and decrease the possibility of obstruction. Designed for diverting fluid from the lumbar subarachnoid space, the catheter can be inserted with a Tuohy needle using percutaneous techniques. The external portion of the catheter is secured to the subcutaneous tissue in the lumbar area by the suture collar. A 14-guage thin wall Tuohy needle with obturator, guide wire, and 22-gauge blunt needle are included. A female luer adapter and train relief tubing is also included. Two suture collars may be wrapped around the catheter and may be anchored in place with a suture. Hermetic™ External Drainage Lumbar Catheter INTEGRA LIFESCIENCES CORPORATION
16 10381780072546 NL98003S01 NL98003S01 PERITONEAL CATHETER, 90CM LENGTHThe Integra Peritoneal Open-Ended Catheter with PERITONEAL CATHETER, 90CM LENGTHThe Integra Peritoneal Open-Ended Catheter with Slits is designed to deliver cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) to the peritoneal cavity with minimum flow resistance. This catheter is recommended for use with pressure control valves located proximally in the hydrocephalic shunt system. The catheter is made of a high durometer silicone elastomer which helps resist kinking and occlusion caused by the bending or twisting of the catheter. A stripe, made of barium sulfate impregnated silicone elastomer, is imbedded in the wall of the catheter. The stripe provides a catheter which is radiopaque throughout its entire length, while keeping barium sulfate away from the surface of the catheter and allowing visual observation of flow through the catheter during implantation. Black radiopaque length markers are located at 10, 20, and 30 cm from the distal tip to assist in positioning of the catheter. The catheter is open-ended; it does not resist retrograde flow. This catheter provides flow resistance of approximately 12 mm H2O at a flow rate of 23 ml/hr. Integra Peritoneal Open-Ended Catheter With Slits INTEGRA LIFESCIENCES CORPORATION
17 10381780072539 NL97105S01 NL97105S01 LONG SPETZLER 105CM LP SHUNT The Spetzler Lumbar Peritoneal Shunt System is des LONG SPETZLER 105CM LP SHUNT The Spetzler Lumbar Peritoneal Shunt System is designed to shunt cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) from the lumbar subarachnoid space to the peritoneum. Due to the small diameter of the catheter tubing, shunting may be accomplished by percutaneous techniques. A variety of devices are available: a one-piece model without a reservoir; separate large or small reservoirs that contain a one-way valve, which may be used when a flushing capability is required; and a separate miter valve, available in low, medium, or high pressure, which may be used when added resistance is desired. Integra Spetzler™ Lumbar Peritoneal Shunt System INTEGRA LIFESCIENCES CORPORATION
18 10381780072522 NL97003S01 NL97003S01 3 FRENCH T-TUBEThe Integra Edwards-Barbaro Syringo-Peritoneal Shunt is designed 3 FRENCH T-TUBEThe Integra Edwards-Barbaro Syringo-Peritoneal Shunt is designed to provide continuous drainage of fluid from within a spinal cord cyst to a site outside the spinal canal. The T-tube diameter is small to minimize the size of the myelotomy and the catheter is flexible to minimize the spinal cord manipulation necessary to insert the tube into a spinal cord cyst. The T-shape allows drainage above and below the myelotomy site, helps prevent kinking by providing a right-angle exit through the dura, and reduces the risk of migration out of the spinal cord. The multi-holed catheter reduces the risk of clogging at the spinal end of the system. The suture tab allows the T-tube to be anchored to the dura or paraspinous muscles without the risk of shunt occlusion associated with a circumferential ligature. If a step down connector is used, it adapts the T-tube diameter to the peritoneal reflux control catheter. Integra® INTEGRA LIFESCIENCES CORPORATION
20 10381780072492 NL8509851 NL8509851 MINI LPV II SHUNT KIT, MED.The Integra LPV II Valve Shunt Kits are designed to d MINI LPV II SHUNT KIT, MED.The Integra LPV II Valve Shunt Kits are designed to deliver CSF from the ventricles of the brain to the peritoneal cavity. The kit contains a LPV II valve, mini, a Pudenz Ventricular Catheter and an integral, open-ended kink resistant catheter attached to the outlet of the valve. The kit is available in a medium pressure range. All valves and catheters contain barium sulfate for x-ray detectability. Integra LPV II Valve Shunt Kit INTEGRA LIFESCIENCES CORPORATION
21 10381780072485 NL8509850 NL8509850 STANDARD LPV II SHUNT KIT, MED.The Integra LPV II Valve Shunt Kits are designed STANDARD LPV II SHUNT KIT, MED.The Integra LPV II Valve Shunt Kits are designed to deliver CSF from the ventricles of the brain to the peritoneal cavity. The kit contains a LPV II valve, standard, a Pudenz Ventricular Catheter and an integral, open-ended kink resistant catheter attached to the outlet of the valve. The kit is available in a medium pressure range. All valves and catheters contain barium sulfate for x-ray detectability. Integra LPV II Valve Shunt Kit INTEGRA LIFESCIENCES CORPORATION
22 10381780072454 NL8509831 NL8509831 MINI LPV II VALVE, HIGHThe Integra LVP II Valve, Mini is a silicone elastomer va MINI LPV II VALVE, HIGHThe Integra LVP II Valve, Mini is a silicone elastomer valve used for the treatment of hydrocephalic patients when shunting cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) from the ventricles of the brain. The valve incorporates an internal high pressure valve assembly which is mounted distal to an integral pumping reservoir for proximal control of CSF flow. The device also provides one-way flow control. Integral occluders are incorporated on the proximal and distal end of the valve to allow manual control of flushing or pumping of CSF proximally or distally. The device is fitted with a polypropylene needle guard, designed to prevent inadvertent needle puncture through the base of the reservoir during percutaneous injection. The valve contains an integral plastic connector on each end to simplify the assembly procedure. Integra LPV II Valve INTEGRA LIFESCIENCES CORPORATION
23 10381780072447 NL8509821 NL8509821 MINI LPV II VALVE, MED.The Integra LVP II Valve, Mini is a silicone elastomer va MINI LPV II VALVE, MED.The Integra LVP II Valve, Mini is a silicone elastomer valve used for the treatment of hydrocephalic patients when shunting cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) from the ventricles of the brain. The valve incorporates an internal medium pressure valve assembly which is mounted distal to an integral pumping reservoir for proximal control of CSF flow. The device also provides one-way flow control. Integral occluders are incorporated on the proximal and distal end of the valve to allow manual control of flushing or pumping of CSF proximally or distally. The device is fitted with a polypropylene needle guard, designed to prevent inadvertent needle puncture through the base of the reservoir during percutaneous injection. The valve contains an integral plastic connector on each end to simplify the assembly procedure. Integra LPV II Valve INTEGRA LIFESCIENCES CORPORATION
24 10381780072430 NL8509810 NL8509810 STANDARD LPV II VALVE, LOWThe Integra LVP II Valve, Standard is a silicone elast STANDARD LPV II VALVE, LOWThe Integra LVP II Valve, Standard is a silicone elastomer valve used for the treatment of hydrocephalic patients when shunting cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) from the ventricles of the brain. The valve incorporates an internal low pressure valve assembly which is mounted distal to an integral pumping reservoir for proximal control of CSF flow. The device also provides one-way flow control. Integral occluders are incorporated on the proximal and distal end of the valve to allow manual control of flushing or pumping of CSF proximally or distally. The device is fitted with a polypropylene needle guard, designed to prevent inadvertent needle puncture through the base of the reservoir during percutaneous injection. The valve contains an integral plastic connector on each end to simplify the assembly procedure. Integra LPV II Valve INTEGRA LIFESCIENCES CORPORATION
25 10381780072423 NL8508560 NL8508560 Large bore tubing assembly with integral one-way valve. Integra Large Bore Tubing Set INTEGRA LIFESCIENCES CORPORATION
26 10381780072416 NL8508430 NL8508430 LUMBAR CATHETER WITH GUIDE WIREThe 80cm barium impregnated silicone lumbar cathe LUMBAR CATHETER WITH GUIDE WIREThe 80cm barium impregnated silicone lumbar catheter has a closed tip and is supplied with a Teflon coated stainless steel guide wire and end stop for assisting catheter placement. Approximately 18mm of the tip is multi-perforated to help improve flow and decrease the possibility of obstruction. Four tantalum impregnated length markers are placed on the proximal end of the catheter. Designed for diverting fluid from the lumbar subarachnoid space, the catheter can be inserted with a tuohy needle using percutaneous techniques. The first marker aligns with the opening in the hub of the Touhy needle, after which the markers are spaced at 5cm intervals from the first marker to allow the surgeon to gauge the length of catheter that has been implanted into the lumbar subarachnoid space. The external portion of the catheter is secured to the subcutaneous tissue in the lumbar area by the suture collar. Hermetic Lumbar Drainage Accessory Kit INTEGRA LIFESCIENCES CORPORATION
27 10381780072409 NL8508420 NL8508420 TRAUMACATH VENTRICULAR CATHETER SETThe TraumaCath Ventricular Catheter set cathe TRAUMACATH VENTRICULAR CATHETER SETThe TraumaCath Ventricular Catheter set catheter is barium striped. Designed for diverting fluid from the ventricles through a series of drainage holes, the catheter can be inserted into the ventricular cavity with the stainless steel stylet. A trocar is supplied with the catheter to facilitate subcutaneous tunneling away from the burr hole. The external portion of the catheter may be secured to the scalp by the suture tab. The luer lock supplied with each ventricular catheter set will connect the catheter to any Integra external drainage system. TraumaCath Ventricular Catheter Set INTEGRA LIFESCIENCES CORPORATION
28 10381780072393 NL8508330 NL8508330 LUMBAR DRAINAGE KITThe 80cm barium impregnated silicone lumbar catheter has an o LUMBAR DRAINAGE KITThe 80cm barium impregnated silicone lumbar catheter has an open tip and is cut at an angle. Approximately 18mm of the tip is multi-perforated to help improve flow and decrease the possibility of obstruction. Four tantalum impregnated length markers are placed on the proximal end of the catheter. Designed for diverting fluid from the lumbar subarachnoid space, the catheter can be inserted with a tuohy needle using percutaneous techniques. The first marker aligns with the opening in the hub of the Touhy needle, after which the markers are spaced at 5cm intervals from the first marker to allow the surgeon to gauge the length of catheter that has been implanted into the lumbar subarachnoid space. The external portion of the catheter is secured to the subcutaneous tissue in the lumbar area by the suture collar. Hermetic Lumbar Drainage Accessory Kit INTEGRA LIFESCIENCES CORPORATION
29 10381780072386 NL8508220 NL8508220 HERMETIC VENTRICULAR CATHETER SETThe Hermetic Ventricular Catheter set catheter HERMETIC VENTRICULAR CATHETER SETThe Hermetic Ventricular Catheter set catheter is barium impregnated. Designed for diverting fluid from the ventricles through a series of drainage holes, the catheter can be inserted into the ventricular cavity with the stainless steel stylet. A trocar is supplied with the catheter to facilitate subcutaneous tunneling away from the burr hole. The external portion of the catheter may be secured to the scalp by the suture tab. The luer lock supplied with each ventricular catheter set will connect the catheter to any Integra external drainage system. Hermetic™ INTEGRA LIFESCIENCES CORPORATION
30 10381780072355 NL8501519 NL8501519 CATHETER PUDENZ RT ANG. VENT. STRIPEDThe Integra Pudenz Ventricular Catheter is CATHETER PUDENZ RT ANG. VENT. STRIPEDThe Integra Pudenz Ventricular Catheter is designed for shunting cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) from the ventricles of the brain. The catheter is manufactured from a high durometer silicone elastomer, which helps resist kinking and occlusion caused by the bending or twisting of the catheter. A stripe, made of barium sulfate impregnated silicone elastomer is imbedded in the wall of the catheter. The stripe provides a catheter which is radiopaque throughout its entire length, while keeping barium sulfate away from the surface of the catheter and allowing visual observation of flow through the catheter during implantation. The right-angle model is formed with a right-angle bend .The right-angle bend of this model allows the use of a straight, rather than a right-angle, connector to fasten the catheter to a flat-bottom flushing device. A black, radiopaque marker is located at the right-angle bend to allow the surgeon to easily identify the location of the bend during implantation with a stylet. Integra Pudenz Ventricular Catheter INTEGRA LIFESCIENCES CORPORATION
31 10381780072348 NL8501504 NL8501504 The Pudenz Ventricular Catheter is designed for shunting CSF from the ventricles The Pudenz Ventricular Catheter is designed for shunting CSF from the ventricles of the brain. The Graduated Small Model has a slightly smaller outside diameter, and is made of a lower durometer (softer) silicone elastomer. Integra Pudenz Ventricular Catheter INTEGRA LIFESCIENCES CORPORATION
32 10381780072331 NL8501382 NL8501382 CATH PUD PERIT W/G STRIPEDThe silicone elastomer Pudenz Peritoneal Catheter is d CATH PUD PERIT W/G STRIPEDThe silicone elastomer Pudenz Peritoneal Catheter is designed to deliver cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) to the peritoneal cavity through a slit valve near the distal tip. The slit valve consists of four individual slits placed in the catheter wall. The slit valve may be used to control shunt-system closing pressure. It also serves to help resist retrograde flow of fluids into the distal end of the catheter. The closing pressure range is high, which is 95-150 mm of H2O. The graduated model of the Pudenz Peritoneal Catheter is manufactured from a high durometer silicone elastomer, which helps resist kinking and occlusion. The tip of the catheter contains a radiopaque tantalum impregnated, silicone elastomer plug to aid in determining location during and subsequent to implantation. The catheter displays radiopaque markers to allow the surgeon to measure the length of tubing placed within the body during surgery. Integra Pudenz Peritoneal Catheter INTEGRA LIFESCIENCES CORPORATION
33 10381780072324 NL8501381 NL8501381 CATH PUD PERIT W/G STRIPEDThe silicone elastomer Pudenz Peritoneal Catheter is d CATH PUD PERIT W/G STRIPEDThe silicone elastomer Pudenz Peritoneal Catheter is designed to deliver cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) to the peritoneal cavity through a slit valve near the distal tip. The slit valve consists of four individual slits placed in the catheter wall. The slit valve may be used to control shunt-system closing pressure. It also serves to help resist retrograde flow of fluids into the distal end of the catheter. The closing pressure range is medium, which is 55-94 mm of H2O. The graduated model of the Pudenz Peritoneal Catheter is manufactured from a high durometer silicone elastomer, which helps resist kinking and occlusion. The tip of the catheter contains a radiopaque tantalum impregnated, silicone elastomer plug to aid in determining location during and subsequent to implantation. The catheter displays radiopaque markers to allow the surgeon to measure the length of tubing placed within the body during surgery. Integra Pudenz Peritoneal Catheter INTEGRA LIFESCIENCES CORPORATION
34 10381780072317 NL8501380 NL8501380 CATH PUD PERIT W/G STRIPEDThe silicone elastomer Pudenz Peritoneal Catheter is d CATH PUD PERIT W/G STRIPEDThe silicone elastomer Pudenz Peritoneal Catheter is designed to deliver cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) to the peritoneal cavity through a slit valve near the distal tip. The slit valve consists of four individual slits placed in the catheter wall. The slit valve may be used to control shunt-system closing pressure. It also serves to help resist retrograde flow of fluids into the distal end of the catheter. The closing pressure range is low, which is 15-54 mm of H2O. The graduated model of the Pudenz Peritoneal Catheter is manufactured from a high durometer silicone elastomer, which helps resist kinking and occlusion. The tip of the catheter contains a radiopaque tantalum impregnated, silicone elastomer plug to aid in determining location during and subsequent to implantation. The catheter displays radiopaque markers to allow the surgeon to measure the length of tubing placed within the body during surgery. Integra Pudenz Peritoneal Catheter INTEGRA LIFESCIENCES CORPORATION
35 10381780072300 NL8501328 NL8501328 NEUROVIEW ENDOSCOPIC VENT CATHThe Integra Neuroview ventricular catheter is desi NEUROVIEW ENDOSCOPIC VENT CATHThe Integra Neuroview ventricular catheter is designed to be used with a neurosurgical endoscope. The endoscope is used when a physician wishes to place a catheter’s tip at a specific intraventricular location or to view intraventricular anatomy. The slit-tip of the catheter protects the endocscope from debris buildup during insertion, but allows intraventricular viewing to assist in optimal catheter placement. The Neuroview ventricular catheter is manufactured from a high durometer silicone elastomer, which helps resist kinking and occlusion caused by the bending or twisting of the catheter. A stripe, made of barium sulfate impregnated silicone elastomer, is imbedded in the wall of the catheter. The stripe provides a catheter which is radiopaque throughout its entire length, while keeping barium sulfate away from the surface of the catheter and allowing visual observation of flow through the catheter during implantation. The catheter has multiple small perforations near the tip to facilitate drainage of CSF and to help reduce clogging. The extreme tip is closed to help prevent particulate matter from entering the tubing during insertion. The catheter has graduation markers to allow the surgeon to measure the length of tubing placed within the ventricle during surgery. Integra Neuroview Endoscopic Ventricular Catheter INTEGRA LIFESCIENCES CORPORATION
36 10381780072294 NL8501222 NL8501222 The Infant Cardiac Catheter model is designed for ventriculoatrial shunting of C The Infant Cardiac Catheter model is designed for ventriculoatrial shunting of CSF in children with small veins. The distal section of the catheter is reduced to approximately one-half standard diameter for easier insertion. The proximal section of the catheter contains an imbedded barium sulfate-impregnated strip, and the distal section is fully barium sulfate-impregnated. The infant model does not contain graduation markets. Integra Pudenz Infant Cardiac Catheter INTEGRA LIFESCIENCES CORPORATION
37 10381780072287 NL8501221 NL8501221 The Infant Cardiac Catheter model is designed for ventriculoatrial shunting of C The Infant Cardiac Catheter model is designed for ventriculoatrial shunting of CSF in children with small veins. The distal section of the catheter is reduced to approximately one-half standard diameter for easier insertion. The proximal section of the catheter contains an imbedded barium sulfate-impregnated strip, and the distal section is fully barium sulfate-impregnated. The infant model does not contain graduation markets. Integra Pudenz Infant Cardiac Catheter INTEGRA LIFESCIENCES CORPORATION
38 10381780072270 NL8501202 NL8501202 The silicone elastomer Pudenz Cardiac Catheter is designed to deliver CSF to the The silicone elastomer Pudenz Cardiac Catheter is designed to deliver CSF to the right atrium of the heart through a slit valve near the distal tip. The slit valve consists of four individual slits placed in the catheter wall. The slit valve may be used to control shunt-system pressure. It also serves to resist retrograde flow of fluids into the distal end of the catheter. This standard model has a high closing pressure range (95-150 mm H2O). Integra Pudenz Cardiac Catheter INTEGRA LIFESCIENCES CORPORATION
39 10381780072263 NL8501200 NL8501200 The silicone elastomer Pudenz Cardiac Catheter is designed to deliver CSF to the The silicone elastomer Pudenz Cardiac Catheter is designed to deliver CSF to the right atrium of the heart through a slit valve near the distal tip. The slit valve consists of four individual slits placed in the catheter wall. The slit valve may be used to control shunt-system pressure. It also serves to resist retrograde flow of fluids into the distal end of the catheter. This standard model has a medium closing pressure range (55-94 mm H2O). Integra Pudenz Cardiac Catheter INTEGRA LIFESCIENCES CORPORATION
40 10381780072256 NL8500312 NL8500312 VALVE FLUSH F/B D/C W/CONNECTORThe Integra Mishler Dual Chamber Flushing valve, VALVE FLUSH F/B D/C W/CONNECTORThe Integra Mishler Dual Chamber Flushing valve, Flat Bottom Design incorporates two separate interior chambers to provide two-way flow control when shunting cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) from the ventricles of the brain. This silicone elastomer flushing valve is available with or without an integral Anti-Siphon Device. The flat bottom configuration eliminates the need for a formal burr hole, provides greater latitude in positioning the flushing valve and allows the ventricular catheter to be revised without disturbing the flushing valve. Due to the dual chamber feature, the proximal and distal catheters may be flushed separately or simultaneously. The flow of CSF from the ventricular catheter is controlled by a miter valve located on the vertical chamber divider. This valve is designed to open under a medium positive ventricular pressure and close under a negative pressure. The flushing valve dome is marked with an arrow to indicate the CSF flow direction. The flange overlying the skull contains sutural holes to facilitate securing the device to the periosteum. Integra Mishler Dual Chamber Flushing Valve INTEGRA LIFESCIENCES CORPORATION
41 10381780072249 NL83026S04 NL83026S04 MINI INTEGRA FLAT BOTTOMThe silicone elastomer Integra CSF Reservoir, in connect MINI INTEGRA FLAT BOTTOMThe silicone elastomer Integra CSF Reservoir, in connection with a ventricular catheter, is designed to provide access to the brain and/or cerebrospinal fluid (CSF). Access is obtained by penetrating the reservoir dome with a 25-gauge or smaller needle. In this manner, CSF may be withdrawn or other fluid injected into the reservoir. The mini, dual side inlet reservoir’s inlet tubing enters from the sides of the reservoir rather than from the base. This flat bottom dual side inlet design eliminates the need for a formal burr hole, provides greater latitude in positioning and allows the ventricular catheter to be revised without disturbing the reservoir. Integra™ CSF Reservoir INTEGRA LIFESCIENCES CORPORATION
42 10381780072232 NL83026S03 NL83026S03 MINI INTEGRA CSF RES. CONV MODThe silicone elastomer Integra CSF Reservoir, in c MINI INTEGRA CSF RES. CONV MODThe silicone elastomer Integra CSF Reservoir, in connection with a ventricular catheter, is designed to provide access to the brain and/or cerebrospinal fluid (CSF). Access is obtained by penetrating the reservoir dome with a 25-gauge or smaller needle. In this manner, CSF may be withdrawn or other fluid injected into the reservoir. The mini convertible model incorporates an outlet tube in addition to an inlet tube. The outlet tube may be connected to a distal catheter, allowing the reservoir to be used in a shunting system. Since the distal tip of the outlet tube is plugged, conversion to a shunting system requires cutting off the outlet tube proximal to the plugged end for connection to a distal shunt catheter. This model is a flat bottom design. This mini model is not provided with a ventricular catheter and stylet. Integra™ CSF Reservoir INTEGRA LIFESCIENCES CORPORATION
43 10381780072225 NL83026S02 NL83026S02 MINI INTEGRA CSF RES. SIDEThe silicone elastomer Integra CSF Reservoir, in conne MINI INTEGRA CSF RES. SIDEThe silicone elastomer Integra CSF Reservoir, in connection with a ventricular catheter, is designed to provide access to the brain and/or cerebrospinal fluid (CSF). Access is obtained by penetrating the reservoir dome with a 25-gauge or smaller needle. In this manner, CSF may be withdrawn or other fluid injected into the reservoir. The mini, side inlet reservoir’s inlet tubing enters from the sides of the reservoir rather than from the base. This flat bottom side inlet design eliminates the need for a formal burr hole, provides greater latitude in positioning and allows the ventricular catheter to be revised without disturbing the reservoir. Integra™ CSF Reservoir INTEGRA LIFESCIENCES CORPORATION
44 10381780072218 NL83026S01 NL83026S01 MINI INTEGRA CSF STD. MOD.The silicone elastomer Integra CSF Reservoir, in conne MINI INTEGRA CSF STD. MOD.The silicone elastomer Integra CSF Reservoir, in connection with a ventricular catheter, is designed to provide access to the brain and/or cerebrospinal fluid (CSF). Access is obtained by penetrating the reservoir dome with a 25-gauge or smaller needle. In this manner, CSF may be withdrawn or other fluid injected into the reservoir. The standard model consists of a single flushing reservoir, supplied with a separate ventricular catheter. The reservoir is designed for subcutaneous placement and attached to the ventricular catheter at the straight connector. The reservoir is made with a suture flange at its base for attachment to the periosteum. This mini-standard model is a flat bottom device requiring only a small burr hole opening to accommodate the inlet tubing on the base of the reservoir. Integra™ CSF Reservoir INTEGRA LIFESCIENCES CORPORATION
45 10381780072201 NL83024S01 NL83024S01 Integra CSF Ventricular Catheter Guide Integra CSF ventricular catheter guide INTEGRA LIFESCIENCES CORPORATION
46 10381780072195 NL82059S03 NL82059S03 TUOHY NEEDLE 14g 6" for Lumbar Peritoneal ShuntA 6-inch, 14-gauge Tuohy needle TUOHY NEEDLE 14g 6" for Lumbar Peritoneal ShuntA 6-inch, 14-gauge Tuohy needle used for inserting the lumbar catheter end into the subarachnoid space. Integra Spetzler™ Lumbar Peritoneal Shunt System INTEGRA LIFESCIENCES CORPORATION
47 10381780072171 INS8902 INS8902 ACCUDRAIN LASERThe AccuDrain Laser Level device is provided with a mounting brac ACCUDRAIN LASERThe AccuDrain Laser Level device is provided with a mounting bracket for use with Integra AccuDrain external CSF drainage systems. The AccuDrain Laser Level is an alignment tool for the AccuDrain drainage system. AccuDrain drainage systems are used for draining cerebrospinal fluid from an intraventricular catheter or lumbar catheter to an external drainage system. AccuDrain® INTEGRA LIFESCIENCES CORPORATION
48 10381780072164 INS8601 INS8601 POLE MOUNT, PRESS. MONIT. SYS.The External CSF Drainage Systems provide a steril POLE MOUNT, PRESS. MONIT. SYS.The External CSF Drainage Systems provide a sterile fluid path resistant to microbial particles. The systems are used to drain cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) from the ventricles of the brain or the lumbar subarachnoid space to a drainage bag. System components facilitate CSF drainage, fluid injection, CSF sampling and intracranial pressure monitoring. Common features include a calibrated 50 ml graduated burette, 700 ml drainage bag, anti-microbial hydrophobic vent, needleless sampling/aspiration sites and pressure monitoring green stribed tubing. Hermetic™ External CSF Drainage System INTEGRA LIFESCIENCES CORPORATION
49 10381780072157 10212 10212 Sterile latex free MoniTorr ICP Drainage Bag MoniTorr ICP™ Drainage Bag INTEGRA LIFESCIENCES CORPORATION
50 10381780072140 SP0238 SP0238 The AccuDrain External CSF Drainage System is used to drain cerebrospinal fluid The AccuDrain External CSF Drainage System is used to drain cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) from the ventricles of the brain or the lumbar subarachnoid space to a drainage bag. System components facilitate CSF drainage, CSF sampling and intracranial pressure (ICP) monitoring. Monitoring of intracranial pressure (ICP) is usually performed in selected patients with severe head injury, subarachnoid hemorrhage, Reyes syndrome or similar encephalopathies, hydrocephalus, hydrocephalus hunt infections, intracranial hemorrhage and pre and/or post operative monitoring. Common features of the system include a closed sterile fluid path, calibrated 75mL graduated burette, 700mL drainage bag, anti-microbial hydrophobic vent, two needless sampling sites, a patient stopcock, a four-way high flow burette stopcock, cord suspension, red burette height indicator, and integral attachment feature. A line level of laser device can be attached. The transparent graduated burette provides visualization of the flow and clarify of the CSF, and allows for volumetric readings to be made prior to fluid entering the drainage bag. AccuDrain® External CSF Drainage System INTEGRA LIFESCIENCES CORPORATION