No Primary DI Version or Model Catalog Number Device Description Product Code Product Code Name Device Class Brand Name
1 10381780036005 9OS502 9OS502 The Integra Flow Regulating Valves Low Flow (Standard, Mini) are implantable hyd The Integra Flow Regulating Valves Low Flow (Standard, Mini) are implantable hydrocephalus valve systems for controlled cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) drainage from the ventricles to the peritoneal cavity or other appropriate drainage site such as the heart’s right atrium. Unlike conventional valves, the Integra Flow Regulating Valve Low Flow is a variable resistance valve that maintains drainage at a constant rate, between 8 and 17 ml/hr, within the physiological range of intracranial pressure. JXG Shunt, central nervous system and components Integra Flow Regulating Valve Low Flow
2 10381780035343 7CBD10 7CBD10 Catheter HAO INSTRUMENT, SURGICAL, NON-POWERED 1 NeuroBalloon™
3 10381780520733 826882 82-6882 Patient Monitor Interface Cable - GE (11 pin) GWM Device, monitoring, intracranial pressure 2 CereLink™
4 10381780520726 826881 82-6881 Patient Monitor Interface Cable - Philips (12 pin) GWM Device, monitoring, intracranial pressure 2 CereLink™
5 10381780529477 828822PL 82-8822PL Programmable Valve Right Angle Valve with Accessories and Unitized Catheter Incl Programmable Valve Right Angle Valve with Accessories and Unitized Catheter Includes: Ventricular Catheter, Unitized Distal Catheter, Priming Adapter and Information Manual JXG Shunt, central nervous system and components 2 CODMAN CERTAS® Plus
6 10381780529453 828821PL 82-8821PL Programmable Valve Right Angle Valve with Accessories Includes: Ventricular Cath Programmable Valve Right Angle Valve with Accessories Includes: Ventricular Catheter, Separable Distal Catheter, Priming Adapter and Information Manual JXG Shunt, central nervous system and components 2 CODMAN CERTAS® Plus
7 10381780529354 828812PL 82-8812PL Programmable Valve Inline Small Valve with Accessories and Unitized Catheter Inc Programmable Valve Inline Small Valve with Accessories and Unitized Catheter Includes: Ventricular Catheter, Unitized Distal Catheter, Priming Adapter, Right Angle Adapter and Information Manual JXG Shunt, central nervous system and components 2 CODMAN CERTAS®
8 10381780529330 828811PL 82-8811PL Programmable Valve Inline Small Valve with Accessories Includes: Ventricular Cat Programmable Valve Inline Small Valve with Accessories Includes: Ventricular Catheter, Separable Distal Catheter, Priming Adapter, Right Angle Adapter and Information Manual JXG Shunt, central nervous system and components 2 CODMAN CERTAS®
9 10381780529316 828810PL 82-8810PL Programmable Valve Inline Small Valve Only Includes: Priming Adapter and Informa Programmable Valve Inline Small Valve Only Includes: Priming Adapter and Information Manual JXG Shunt, central nervous system and components 2 CODMAN CERTAS®
10 10381780529231 828813PL 82-8813PL Programmable Valve Inline Small Valve with Accessories and UnitizedCatheter Incl Programmable Valve Inline Small Valve with Accessories and UnitizedCatheter Includes:Ventricular Catheter,Unitized Distal Catheter, Priming Adapter, Right Angle Adapter and Information Manual JXG Shunt, central nervous system and components 2 CODMAN CERTAS® BACTISEAL®
11 10381780521334 828859 82-8859 X-Ray Overlay Tool JXG Shunt, central nervous system and components 2 CODMAN CERTAS®
12 10381780521327 828851 82-8851 Tool Kit JXG Shunt, central nervous system and components 2 CODMAN CERTAS®
13 10381780521136 828803PL 82-8803PL Programmable Valve Inline Valve with Accessories and Unitized Catheter Includes: Programmable Valve Inline Valve with Accessories and Unitized Catheter Includes: Ventricular Catheter, Unitized Distal Catheter, Priming Adapter, Right Angle Adapter and Information Manual JXG Shunt, central nervous system and components 2 CODMAN CERTAS® BACTISEAL®
14 10381780521099 828802PL 82-8802PL Programmable Valve Inline Valve with Accessories and Unitized Catheter Includes: Programmable Valve Inline Valve with Accessories and Unitized Catheter Includes: Ventricular Catheter, Unitized Distal Catheter, Priming Adapter, Right Angle Adapter and Information Manual JXG Shunt, central nervous system and components 2 CODMAN CERTAS®
15 10381780521051 828801PL 82-8801PL Programmable Valve Inline Valve with Accessories Includes: Ventricular Catheter, Programmable Valve Inline Valve with Accessories Includes: Ventricular Catheter, Separable Distal Catheter, Priming Adapter, Right Angle Adapter and Information Manual JXG Shunt, central nervous system and components 2 CODMAN CERTAS®
16 10381780521013 828800PL 82-8800PL Programmable Valve Inline Valve Only Includes: Priming Adapter and Information Manual JXG Shunt, central nervous system and components 2 CODMAN CERTAS®
17 10381780520801 826889 82-6889 Patient Monitor Interface Cable - Fukuda Denshi (12 Pin) GWM Device, monitoring, intracranial pressure 2 CereLink™
18 10381780520795 826888 82-6888 Patient Monitor Interface Cable - Fukuda Denshi (DS-8000) GWM Device, monitoring, intracranial pressure 2 CereLink™
19 10381780520788 826887 82-6887 Patient Monitor Interface Cable - Nihon-Kohden (5 Pin) GWM Device, monitoring, intracranial pressure 2 CereLink™
20 10381780520757 826884 82-6884 Patient Monitor Interface Cable - GE Datex-Ohmeda (11 Pin) GWM Device, monitoring, intracranial pressure 2 CereLink™
21 10381780520740 826883 82-6883 Patient Monitor Interface Cable - Spacelabs (6 Pin) GWM Device, monitoring, intracranial pressure 2 CereLink™
22 10381780520719 826880 82-6880 Patient Monitor Interface Cable - Draeger/Siemens (10 pin) GWM Device, monitoring, intracranial pressure 2 CereLink™
23 10381780529439 828820PL 82-8820PL Programmable Valve Right Angle Valve Only Includes: Priming Adapter and Information Manual JXG Shunt, central nervous system and components 2 CERTAS® Plus
24 10381780529293 828827PL 82-8827PL Programmable Valve Right Angle Valve with SIPHONGUARD, Accessories and UnitizedC Programmable Valve Right Angle Valve with SIPHONGUARD, Accessories and UnitizedCatheter Includes:Ventricular Catheter,Unitized Distal Catheter, Priming Adapter and Information Manual JXG Shunt, central nervous system and components 2 CODMAN CERTAS® SIPHONGUARD® BACTISEAL®
25 10381780529255 828817PL 82-8817PL Programmable Valve Inline Small Valve with SIPHONGUARD, Accessories and Unitized Programmable Valve Inline Small Valve with SIPHONGUARD, Accessories and UnitizedCatheter Includes:Ventricular Catheter,Unitized Distal Catheter, Priming Adapter, Right Angle Adapter JXG Shunt, central nervous system and components 2 CODMAN CERTAS® SIPHONGUARD® BACTISEAL®
26 10381780521280 828807PL 82-8807PL Programmable Valve Inline Valve, Accessories and UnitizedCatheter Includes:Ventr Programmable Valve Inline Valve, Accessories and UnitizedCatheter Includes:Ventricular Catheter,Unitized Distal Catheter, Priming Adapter, Right Angle Adapter and Information Manual JXG Shunt, central nervous system and components 2 CODMAN CERTAS® SIPHONGUARD® BACTISEAL®
27 10381780250340 IT2 IT2 Licox® IT2 Complete Brain Tunneling Probe Kit, consists of CC1P1 Combined Oxyge Licox® IT2 Complete Brain Tunneling Probe Kit, consists of CC1P1 Combined Oxygen and Temperature Probe and VK52 Parenchymal Probe Guide GWM DEVICE, MONITORING, INTRACRANIAL PRESSURE 2 Licox ®
28 10381780250333 IP2P IP2P Licox® IP2P Complete Brain Probe Kit, Dual lumen, consists of Licox® I2P Dual Lu Licox® IP2P Complete Brain Probe Kit, Dual lumen, consists of Licox® I2P Dual Lumen Introducer Kit and CC1P1 Combined Oxygen and Temperature Probe GWM DEVICE, MONITORING, INTRACRANIAL PRESSURE 2 Licox ®
29 10381780250326 IP2 IP2 Licox® IP2 Dual Lumen Introducer Kit contains is used to insert the combined oxy Licox® IP2 Dual Lumen Introducer Kit contains is used to insert the combined oxygen/temperature probe and the ICP Catheter. It contains: Dual lumen Introducer, Guidewire, Compression Cap, Bolt, Drill Bit, Drill stop with set screw, Hex wrench, Stylet, Compression cap fitting, ICP obturator. GWM DEVICE, MONITORING, INTRACRANIAL PRESSURE 2 Licox ®
30 10381780250319 IP1P IP1P Licox® IP1P Complete Brain Probe Kit, Single lumen, consists of Licox® IP1 Singl Licox® IP1P Complete Brain Probe Kit, Single lumen, consists of Licox® IP1 Single Lumen Introducer Kit and CC1P1 Combined Oxygen and Temperature Probe GWM DEVICE, MONITORING, INTRACRANIAL PRESSURE 2 Licox ®
31 10381780250302 IP1 IP1 Licox® IP1 Single Lumen Introducer Kit is used to insert the combined oxygen/tem Licox® IP1 Single Lumen Introducer Kit is used to insert the combined oxygen/temperature probe. It contains: Single lumen Introducer, Guidewire, Compression Cap, Bolt, Drill Bit, Drill stop with set screw, Hex wrench, Stylet. GWM DEVICE, MONITORING, INTRACRANIAL PRESSURE 2 Licox ®
32 10381780250289 IM3ST IM3ST Licox® IM3ST Complete Brain Probe Kit, Triple lumen, consists of Licox® IM3 Trip Licox® IM3ST Complete Brain Probe Kit, Triple lumen, consists of Licox® IM3 Triple Lumen Introducer Kit, CC1SB Oxygen Probe and C8B Temperature Probe GWM DEVICE, MONITORING, INTRACRANIAL PRESSURE 2 Licox ®
33 10381780250210 IM1S IM1S Licox® IM1S Complete Brain Probe Kit, Single lumen, consists of Licox® IM1 Singl Licox® IM1S Complete Brain Probe Kit, Single lumen, consists of Licox® IM1 Single Lumen Introducer Kit and CC1SB Oxygen Probe. GWM DEVICE, MONITORING, INTRACRANIAL PRESSURE 2 Licox ®
34 10381780250203 IM1 IM1 Licox® IM1 Single Lumen Introducer Kit is used to insert the Licox® Oxygen probe Licox® IM1 Single Lumen Introducer Kit is used to insert the Licox® Oxygen probe. It contains: Single lumen Introducer, Guidewire, Compression Cap, Bolt, Drill Bit, Drill stop with set screw, Hex wrench, Stylet. GWM DEVICE, MONITORING, INTRACRANIAL PRESSURE 2 Licox ®
35 10381780250180 CC1SB CC1SB Licox® CC1SB Oxygen Probe is intended for use with Licox® Monitor Systems for s Licox® CC1SB Oxygen Probe is intended for use with Licox® Monitor Systems for short-term monitoring (5 days maximum use) of the oxygen partial pressure in cerebral tissue (PtO2). Contains: Probe, Smart Card, Protection Tube. GWM DEVICE, MONITORING, INTRACRANIAL PRESSURE 2 Licox ®
36 10381780250173 CC1P1 CC1P1 Licox® CC1P1 Combined Oxygen and Temperature Probe is intended for use with Li Licox® CC1P1 Combined Oxygen and Temperature Probe is intended for use with Licox® Monitor Systems for short-term monitoring (5 days maximum use) of the oxygen partial pressure (PtO2) and temperature in cerebral tissue. Contains: Probe, Smart Card, Extension Tube, Protection Tube. GWM DEVICE, MONITORING, INTRACRANIAL PRESSURE 2 Licox ®
37 10381780250159 C8B C8B Licox® C8B Temperature Probe is intended for use with Licox® Monitor Systems fo Licox® C8B Temperature Probe is intended for use with Licox® Monitor Systems for short-term monitoring (5 days maximum use) of temperature in cerebral tissue. Contains: Probe, Protection Tube, Plausibility Check Test tube GWM DEVICE, MONITORING, INTRACRANIAL PRESSURE 2 Licox ®
38 10381780036074 9OS712 9OS712 The OSV II Hydrocephalus Valve System is an implantable device for controlled ce The OSV II Hydrocephalus Valve System is an implantable device for controlled cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) drainage from the ventricles to the peritoneal cavity or other appropriate drainage site such as the heart's right atrium. Unlike conventional valves, the OSV II Valve System is a variable resistance valve which maintains a drainage rate close to the CSF secretion rate (20 ml/hr) within the physiological range of intracranial pressure. JXG Shunt, central nervous system and components OSV II Valve System
39 10381780036067 9OS702 9OS702 The OSV II Hydrocephalus Valve System is an implantable device for controlled ce The OSV II Hydrocephalus Valve System is an implantable device for controlled cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) drainage from the ventricles to the peritoneal cavity or other appropriate drainage site such as the heart's right atrium. Unlike conventional valves, the OSV II Valve System is a variable resistance valve which maintains a drainage rate close to the CSF secretion rate (20 ml/hr) within the physiological range of intracranial pressure. JXG Shunt, central nervous system and components OSV II Valve System
40 10381780035466 909702P 909702P The OSV II Hydrocephalus Valve System is an implantable device for controlled ce The OSV II Hydrocephalus Valve System is an implantable device for controlled cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) drainage from the ventricles to the peritoneal cavity or other appropriate drainage site such as the heart's right atrium. Unlike conventional valves, the OSV II Valve System is a variable resistance valve which maintains a drainage rate close to the CSF secretion rate (20 ml/hr) within the physiological range of intracranial pressure. JXG Shunt, central nervous system and components 2 OSV II Low Pro Valve System
41 10381780035497 909712P 909712P The OSV II Hydrocephalus Valve System is an implantable device for controlled ce The OSV II Hydrocephalus Valve System is an implantable device for controlled cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) drainage from the ventricles to the peritoneal cavity or other appropriate drainage site such as the heart's right atrium. Unlike conventional valves, the OSV II Valve System is a variable resistance valve which maintains a drainage rate close to the CSF secretion rate (20 ml/hr) within the physiological range of intracranial pressure. JXG Shunt, central nervous system and components 2 OSV II Low Pro Valve System
42 10381780035480 909708S 909708S The OSV II Hydrocephalus Valve System is an implantable device for controlled ce The OSV II Hydrocephalus Valve System is an implantable device for controlled cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) drainage from the ventricles to the peritoneal cavity or other appropriate drainage site such as the heart's right atrium. Unlike conventional valves, the OSV II Valve System is a variable resistance valve which maintains a drainage rate close to the CSF secretion rate (20 ml/hr) within the physiological range of intracranial pressure. JXG Shunt, central nervous system and components OSV II Valve System
43 10381780035473 909707S 909707S The OSV II Hydrocephalus Valve System is an implantable device for controlled ce The OSV II Hydrocephalus Valve System is an implantable device for controlled cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) drainage from the ventricles to the peritoneal cavity or other appropriate drainage site such as the heart's right atrium. Unlike conventional valves, the OSV II Valve System is a variable resistance valve which maintains a drainage rate close to the CSF secretion rate (20 ml/hr) within the physiological range of intracranial pressure. JXG Shunt, central nervous system and components OSV II Valve System
44 10381780035459 909700P 909700P The OSV II Hydrocephalus Valve System is an implantable device for controlled ce The OSV II Hydrocephalus Valve System is an implantable device for controlled cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) drainage from the ventricles to the peritoneal cavity or other appropriate drainage site such as the heart's right atrium. Unlike conventional valves, the OSV II Valve System is a variable resistance valve which maintains a drainage rate close to the CSF secretion rate (20 ml/hr) within the physiological range of intracranial pressure. JXG Shunt, central nervous system and components 2 OSV II Low Pro Valve System
45 10381780034100 909721 909721 The OSV II Hydrocephalus Valve System is an implantable device for controlled ce The OSV II Hydrocephalus Valve System is an implantable device for controlled cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) drainage from the ventricles to the peritoneal cavity or other appropriate drainage site such as the heart's right atrium. Unlike conventional valves, the OSV II Valve System is a variable resistance valve which maintains a drainage rate close to the CSF secretion rate (20 ml/hr) within the physiological range of intracranial pressure. JXG Shunt, central nervous system and components OSV II Valve System
46 10381780034094 909720 909720 The OSV II Hydrocephalus Valve System is an implantable device for controlled ce The OSV II Hydrocephalus Valve System is an implantable device for controlled cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) drainage from the ventricles to the peritoneal cavity or other appropriate drainage site such as the heart's right atrium. Unlike conventional valves, the OSV II Valve System is a variable resistance valve which maintains a drainage rate close to the CSF secretion rate (20 ml/hr) within the physiological range of intracranial pressure. JXG Shunt, central nervous system and components OSV II Valve System
47 10381780034087 909719 909719 The OSV II Hydrocephalus Valve System is an implantable device for controlled ce The OSV II Hydrocephalus Valve System is an implantable device for controlled cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) drainage from the ventricles to the peritoneal cavity or other appropriate drainage site such as the heart's right atrium. Unlike conventional valves, the OSV II Valve System is a variable resistance valve which maintains a drainage rate close to the CSF secretion rate (20 ml/hr) within the physiological range of intracranial pressure. JXG Shunt, central nervous system and components OSV II Valve System
48 10381780034070 909718 909718 The OSV II Hydrocephalus Valve System is an implantable device for controlled ce The OSV II Hydrocephalus Valve System is an implantable device for controlled cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) drainage from the ventricles to the peritoneal cavity or other appropriate drainage site such as the heart's right atrium. Unlike conventional valves, the OSV II Valve System is a variable resistance valve which maintains a drainage rate close to the CSF secretion rate (20 ml/hr) within the physiological range of intracranial pressure. JXG Shunt, central nervous system and components OSV II Valve System
49 10381780034056 909714 909714 The OSV II Hydrocephalus Valve System is an implantable device for controlled ce The OSV II Hydrocephalus Valve System is an implantable device for controlled cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) drainage from the ventricles to the peritoneal cavity or other appropriate drainage site such as the heart's right atrium. Unlike conventional valves, the OSV II Valve System is a variable resistance valve which maintains a drainage rate close to the CSF secretion rate (20 ml/hr) within the physiological range of intracranial pressure. JXG Shunt, central nervous system and components OSV II Valve System
50 10381780034049 909713 909713 The OSV II Hydrocephalus Valve System is an implantable device for controlled ce The OSV II Hydrocephalus Valve System is an implantable device for controlled cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) drainage from the ventricles to the peritoneal cavity or other appropriate drainage site such as the heart's right atrium. Unlike conventional valves, the OSV II Valve System is a variable resistance valve which maintains a drainage rate close to the CSF secretion rate (20 ml/hr) within the physiological range of intracranial pressure. JXG Shunt, central nervous system and components OSV II Valve System
Other products with the same Product Code "GEI"
No Primary DI Version or Model Catalog Number Device Description Brand Name Organization Name
1 00850794007194 VIVRC01 VIVRC01 Viveve Return Cable VIVEVE Return Cable VIVEVE, INC.
2 00850794007187 VIVPC0X VIVPC0X Viveve Power Cord VIVEVE Power Cord VIVEVE, INC.
3 00850794007170 VIVFS01 VIVFS01 Viveve Footswitch VIVEVE Footswitch VIVEVE, INC.
4 00850794007163 VIVRP02 VIVRP02 3M Universal Electrosurgical Pad (3m REF #9160), ea Universal Electrosurgical Pad (3M REF 9160) VIVEVE, INC.
5 00850794007132 VIVGE01S VIVGE01S Generator, Secure VIVEVE Console S VIVEVE, INC.
6 00850794007118 VIVGE01 VIVGE01 Generator VIVEVE Console VIVEVE, INC.
7 00850794007101 VIVHP01S VIVHP01S handpiece, Secure VIVEVE Hand Piece S VIVEVE, INC.
8 00850794007088 VIVHP01 VIVHP01 Hand Piece VIVEVE Hand Piece VIVEVE, INC.
9 00850794007071 VIVCF02 VIVCF02 Viveve Coupling Fluid, 30ml bottle, each COUPLING FLUID VIVEVE, INC.
10 00850794007057 VIVCC03 VIVCC03 Cryogen Canister, R134a, can, ea CRYOGEN CANISTER VIVEVE, INC.
11 00850794007026 VIVTT07 VIVTT07 Viveve Treatment Tip, 8CM, Single 8 cm Treatment Tip VIVEVE, INC.
12 00850794007019 VIVTT06 VIVTT06 Viveve Treatment Tip, 5 cm, Secure, Single 5 cm Treatment Tip S VIVEVE, INC.
13 00850794007002 VIVTT05 VIVTT05 Viveve Treatment Tip, 5CM, Single 5 cm Treatment Tip VIVEVE, INC.
14 00850696006691 3192 3192 SpineSTAR Ablation Instrument (10 15, Short) DFINE, INC.
15 00850696006684 3544 3544 SpineSTAR Ablation Instrument (5 10, Short) DFINE, INC.
16 00850696006677 RF-1015L-01 RF-1015L-01 blister tray packaging STAR Tumor Ablation Kit (10 15, Long) with PowerCURVE DFINE, INC.
17 00850696006660 RF-1015S-01 RF-1015S-01 blister tray packaging STAR Tumor Ablation Kit (10 15, Short) with PowerCURVE DFINE, INC.
18 00850696006653 RF-0510L-01 RF-0510L-01 blister tray packaging STAR Tumor Ablation Kit (5 10, Long) with PowerCURVE DFINE, INC.
19 00850696006646 RF-0510S-01 RF-0510S-01 blister tray packaging STAR Tumor Ablation Kit (5 10, Short) with PowerCURVE DFINE, INC.
20 00850696006271 RF-1015L-01 RF-1015L-01 ala carte packaging STAR Tumor Ablation Kit (10 15, Long) with PowerCURVE DFINE, INC.
21 00850696006264 RF-0510S-01 RF-0510S-01 ala carte packaging STAR Tumor Ablation Kit (5 10, Short) with PowerCURVE DFINE, INC.
22 00850696006257 RF-0510L-01 RF-0510L-01 ala carte packaging STAR Tumor Ablation Kit (5 10, Long) with PowerCURVE DFINE, INC.
23 00850696006240 RF-1015S-01 RF-1015S-01 ala carte packaging STAR Tumor Ablation Kit (10 15, Short) with PowerCURVE DFINE, INC.
24 00850696006011 STR-0510L STR-0510L SpineSTAR Ablation Instrument (5 10, Long) DFINE, INC.
25 00850696006004 STR-1015L STR-1015L SpineSTAR Ablation Instrument (10 15, Long) DFINE, INC.
26 00850608002902 TH-2R TH-2R HANDPIECE, NXT (REFURB) Thermage SOLTA MEDICAL
27 00850608002896 TH-3R TH-3R HANDPIECE, NXT, 16.0 (REFURB) Thermage SOLTA MEDICAL
28 00850608002889 TH-4R TH-4R HANDPIECE, CPT (REFURB) Thermage SOLTA MEDICAL
29 00850608002452 TW-1 TW-1 FOOTSWITCH Thermage SOLTA MEDICAL
30 00850608002445 TTNS3.00E4-900 TTNS3.00E4-900 TREATMENT TIP, NON-STERILE, 3.00CM2 DC, FRAME, 900 Thermage SOLTA MEDICAL
31 00850608002438 TTNS3.00E4-400 TTNS3.00E4-400 TREATMENT TIP, NON-STERILE, 3.00CM2 DC, FRAME,400 Thermage SOLTA MEDICAL
32 00850608002421 TTNS3.00E4-1200 TTNS3.00E4-1200 TREATMENT TIP, NON-STERILE,3.00CM2 DC, FRAME, 1200 Thermage SOLTA MEDICAL
33 00850608002414 TTNS3.00E2-900 TTNS3.00E2-900 TREATMENT TIP, NON-STERILE, DC, 3.00CM2, 900 REP Thermage SOLTA MEDICAL
34 00850608002407 TTNS3.00E2-1200 TTNS3.00E2-1200 TREATMENT TIP, NON-STERILE, DC, 3.00CM2, 1200 REP Thermage SOLTA MEDICAL
35 00850608002391 TTNS3.00C3-900 TTNS3.00C3-900 TREATMENT TIP,NON-STERILE,STC FRAMED, 3.00CM2, 900 Thermage SOLTA MEDICAL
36 00850608002384 TTNS3.00C3-600 TTNS3.00C3-600 TREATMENT TIP,NON-STERILE,STC FRAMED, 3.00CM2, 600 Thermage SOLTA MEDICAL
37 00850608002377 TTNS3.00C3-400 TTNS3.00C3-400 TREATMENT TIP,NON-STERILE,STC FRAMED, 3.00CM2, 400 Thermage SOLTA MEDICAL
38 00850608002360 TTNS3.00C2-900 TTNS3.00C2-900 TREATMENT TIP, NON-STERILE, STC, 3.00CM2, 900 REP Thermage SOLTA MEDICAL
39 00850608002353 TTNS3.00C2-600 TTNS3.00C2-600 TREATMENT TIP, NON-STERILE, STC, 3.00CM2, 600 REP Thermage SOLTA MEDICAL
40 00850608002346 TTNS3.00C1-900 TTNS3.00C1-900 TREATMENT TIP, NON-STERILE, TC, 3.00CM2, 900 REP Thermage SOLTA MEDICAL
41 00850608002339 TTNS3.00C1-600 TTNS3.00C1-600 TREATMENT TIP, NON-STERILE, TC, 3.00CM2, 600 REP Thermage SOLTA MEDICAL
42 00850608002322 TTNS3.00C1-400 TTNS3.00C1-400 TREATMENT TIP, NON-STERILE, TC, 3.00CM2, 400 REP Thermage SOLTA MEDICAL
43 00850608002315 TTNS3.00C1-300 TTNS3.00C1-300 TREATMENT TIP, NON-STERILE, TC, 3.00CM2, 300 REP Thermage SOLTA MEDICAL
44 00850608002308 TTNS3.00C1-200 TTNS3.00C1-200 TREATMENT TIP, NON-STERILE, TC, 3.00CM2, 200 REP Thermage SOLTA MEDICAL
45 00850608002292 TTNS16.00E2-500 TTNS16.00E2-500 TREATMENT TIP, NON-STERILE, BODY,16.00CM2, 500 REP Thermage SOLTA MEDICAL
46 00850608002285 TTNS16.00E2-400 TTNS16.00E2-400 TREATMENT TIP, NON-STERILE, BODY,16.00CM2, 400 REP Thermage SOLTA MEDICAL
47 00850608002278 TTNS0.25NB1-450 TTNS0.25NB1-450 TREATMENT TIP, NON-STERILE, ST, 0.25CM2, 450 REP Thermage SOLTA MEDICAL
48 00850608002261 TTNS0.25NB1-225 TTNS0.25NB1-225 TREATMENT TIP, NON-STERILE, ST, 0.25CM2, 225 REP Thermage SOLTA MEDICAL
49 00850608002254 TR-2 TR-2 BIFURCATED RETURN PAD Thermage SOLTA MEDICAL