No Primary DI Version or Model Catalog Number Device Description Product Code Product Code Name Device Class Brand Name
1 10381780177050 310-381 DIETHRICH BYPASS CASE FSM TRAY, SURGICAL, INSTRUMENT 1 Integra® Jarit®
2 00381780169317 286-106 Disposable Scoville Bayonet Insulated Bipolar Forceps GEI ELECTROSURGICAL, CUTTING & COAGULATION & ACCESSORIES Integra® Jarit®
3 00381780176988 286-112 Disposable Bipolar Cord GEI ELECTROSURGICAL, CUTTING & COAGULATION & ACCESSORIES Integra® Jarit®
4 00381780169355 286-111 Disposable Hardy Bayonet Non-Insulated Bipolar Forceps GEI ELECTROSURGICAL, CUTTING & COAGULATION & ACCESSORIES Integra® Jarit®
5 00381780169348 286-110 Disposable Hardy Bayonet Insulated Bipolar Forceps GEI ELECTROSURGICAL, CUTTING & COAGULATION & ACCESSORIES Integra® Jarit®
6 00381780169331 286-109 Disposable Hardy Bayonet Non-Insulated Bipolar Forceps GEI ELECTROSURGICAL, CUTTING & COAGULATION & ACCESSORIES Integra® Jarit®
7 00381780169324 286-107 Disposable Scoville Bayonet Non-Insulated Bipolar Forceps GEI ELECTROSURGICAL, CUTTING & COAGULATION & ACCESSORIES Integra® Jarit®
8 00381780169300 286-105 Disposable Cushing Bayonet Non-Insulated Bipolar Forceps GEI ELECTROSURGICAL, CUTTING & COAGULATION & ACCESSORIES Integra® Jarit®
9 00381780169294 286-104 Disposable Cushing Bayonet Insulated Bipolar Forceps GEI ELECTROSURGICAL, CUTTING & COAGULATION & ACCESSORIES Integra® Jarit®
10 00381780169287 286-103 Disposable Adson Non-Insulated Bipolar Forceps GEI ELECTROSURGICAL, CUTTING & COAGULATION & ACCESSORIES Integra® Jarit®
11 00381780169270 286-101 Disposable Jewelers Non-Insulated Forceps GEI ELECTROSURGICAL, CUTTING & COAGULATION & ACCESSORIES Integra® Jarit®
12 00381780165845 286-102 Disposable Adson Insulated Bipolar Forceps GEI ELECTROSURGICAL, CUTTING & COAGULATION & ACCESSORIES Integra® Jarit®
13 00381780165838 286-100 Disposable Jewelers Insulated Bipolar Forceps GEI ELECTROSURGICAL, CUTTING & COAGULATION & ACCESSORIES Integra® Jarit®
14 00381780024982 286-108 Disposable Hardy Bayonet Insulated Bipolar Forceps GEI ELECTROSURGICAL, CUTTING & COAGULATION & ACCESSORIES Integra® Jarit®
15 10381780527527 117360A 117-360A Iodine Cup, 6 Oz. KYW CONTAINER, LIQUID MEDICATION, GRADUATED 1 Integra® Jarit®
16 10381780527596 117392A 117-392A Emesis Basin, 26 Oz. FNY BASIN, EMESIS 1 Integra® Jarit®
17 10381780527589 117391A 117-391A Emesis Basin, 12 Oz. FNY BASIN, EMESIS 1 Integra® Jarit®
18 10381780527572 117390A 117-390A Emesis Basin, 10 Oz. FNY BASIN, EMESIS 1 Integra® Jarit®
19 10381780527541 117370A 117-370A Graduated Measure, 32 Oz. KYW CONTAINER, LIQUID MEDICATION, GRADUATED 1 Integra® Jarit®
20 10381780527534 117365A 117-365A Medicine Cup, Graduated, 2 Oz. KYW CONTAINER, LIQUID MEDICATION, GRADUATED 1 Integra® Jarit®
21 10381780527510 117199A 117-199A Deep Perforated Instrument Tray, 17-3/8" x 12-5/8" x 2-1/2" FSM TRAY, SURGICAL, INSTRUMENT 1 Integra® Jarit®
22 10381780527503 117198A 117-198A Deep Perforated Instrument Tray, 15" x 11-1/4" x 2-1/2" FSM TRAY, SURGICAL, INSTRUMENT 1 Integra® Jarit®
23 10381780527497 117196A 117-196A Deep Perforated Instrument Tray, 12-3/4" x 10-1/2" x 2-1/2" FSM TRAY, SURGICAL, INSTRUMENT 1 Integra® Jarit®
24 10381780527480 117194A 117-194A Deep Perforated Instrument Tray, 12" x 7-3/4" x 2-1/2" FSM TRAY, SURGICAL, INSTRUMENT 1 Integra® Jarit®
25 10381780527473 117192A 117-192A Deep Perforated Instrument Tray, 10-3/8" x 6-3/4" x 1-7/8" FSM TRAY, SURGICAL, INSTRUMENT 1 Integra® Jarit®
26 10381780527466 117190A 117-190A Deep Perforated Instrument Tray, 8-3/4" x 5" x 1-3/4" FSM TRAY, SURGICAL, INSTRUMENT 1 Integra® Jarit®
27 10381780527459 117168A 117-168A Mayo Tray, Perforated, 19-1/4" x 12-3/4" x 3/4" FSM TRAY, SURGICAL, INSTRUMENT 1 Integra® Jarit®
28 10381780527442 117166A 117-166A Mayo Tray, Perforated, 17"x 11-3/4" x 3/4" FSM TRAY, SURGICAL, INSTRUMENT 1 Integra® Jarit®
29 10381780527435 117164A 117-164A Mayo Tray, Perforated, 15-1/4" x 10-5/8" x 3/4" FSM TRAY, SURGICAL, INSTRUMENT 1 Integra® Jarit®
30 10381780527428 117162A 117-162A Mayo Tray, Perforated, 13-3/4" x 10" x 3/4" FSM TRAY, SURGICAL, INSTRUMENT 1 Integra® Jarit®
31 10381780527411 117160A 117-160A Mayo Tray, Perforated, 10"x 6-1/2" x 3/4" FSM TRAY, SURGICAL, INSTRUMENT 1 Integra® Jarit®
32 10381780524663 NS0602 NS0602 Cylindrical, Large Rickham Reservoir, Programmable in steps of 10mm JXG Shunt, central nervous system and components 2 HAKIM® RICKHAM®
33 10381780524557 NS0589 NS0589 Cylindrical Valve, Unitized Large RICKHAM® Reservoir, Metal Base, Barium Distal Cylindrical Valve, Unitized Large RICKHAM® Reservoir, Metal Base, Barium Distal Catheter with Slits, 120cm, 30mm H2O to 200mm H2O, Programmable in steps of 10mm JXG Shunt, central nervous system and components 2 HAKIM® RICKHAM®
34 10381780523994 NS0310A NS0310A Unitized RICKHAM® Reservoir, 2cm Arm, Unitized Clear Distal Catheter, Barium Str Unitized RICKHAM® Reservoir, 2cm Arm, Unitized Clear Distal Catheter, Barium Stripe 120cm, Operating Pressure 30mm H2O to 200mm, programmable in steps of 10mm JXG Shunt, central nervous system and components 2 HAKIM® RICKHAM®
35 10381780523987 NS0308 NS0308 Unitized RICKHAM® Reservoir with SIPHONGUARD® Device, Unitized Clear Distal Cath Unitized RICKHAM® Reservoir with SIPHONGUARD® Device, Unitized Clear Distal Catheter, Barium Stripe 120cm, Operating Pressure 30mm JXG Shunt, central nervous system and components 2 HAKIM® RICKHAM® SIPHONGUARD®
36 10381780519898 823855 82-3855 Programmable Valve with Unitized RICKHAM® Reservoir and Non-Unitized Distal Catheter JXG Shunt, central nervous system and components 2 HAKIM® RICKHAM®
37 10381780519881 823854 82-3854 In-Line Valve SIPHONGUARD® Device, .060" Platform and Unitized Distal Catheter JXG Shunt, central nervous system and components 2 HAKIM® SIPHONGUARD® HOLTER
38 10381780519874 823853 82-3853 with Unitized RICKHAM® Reservoir and Distal Catheter with Slits 85cm JXG Shunt, central nervous system and components 2 HAKIM® RICKHAM®
39 10381780519867 823852 82-3852 Programmable Valve with Unitized Large RICKHAM® Reservoir and Non-Unitized Distal Catheter JXG Shunt, central nervous system and components 2 HAKIM® RICKHAM®
40 10381780519850 823851 82-3851 with Unitized RICKHAM® Reservoir and Unitized Distal Catheter 120cm JXG Shunt, central nervous system and components 2 HAKIM® RICKHAM®
41 10381780519195 823116 82-3116 Micro Valve with RICKHAM® Reservoir JXG Shunt, central nervous system and components 2 HAKIM® RICKHAM®
42 10381780519348 823192R 82-3192R System Contents: One Each: Program Unit, Transmitter Unit, Power Cord, Ultrasoun System Contents: One Each: Program Unit, Transmitter Unit, Power Cord, Ultrasound Gel, Instructions for Use, and Carrying Case JXG Shunt, central nervous system and components 2 CODMAN® VPV®
43 10381780519164 823113 82-3113 Micro Valve with RICKHAM Reservoir and Unitized Distal Catheter JXG Shunt, central nervous system and components 2 HAKIM® RICKHAM®
44 10381780517764 821619 82-1619 SELKER Reservoir Large With Nylon Base for 4mm Burr Hole 18.5mm JXG Shunt, central nervous system and components 2 CODMAN® HOLTER®
45 10381780517757 821618 82-1618 SELKER Reservoir Standard With Nylon Base for 4mm Burr Hole 14mm JXG Shunt, central nervous system and components 2 CODMAN® HOLTER®
46 10381780517405 8155100S 8155100S AHT Bipolar Forceps Tips TIP STYLE Low Profile GEI Electrosurgical, cutting & coagulation & accessories 2 ISOCOOL®
47 10381780517399 8155050S 8155050S AHT Bipolar Forceps Tips TIP STYLE Low Profile GEI Electrosurgical, cutting & coagulation & accessories 2 ISOCOOL®
48 10381780517382 8155025S 8155025S AHT Bipolar Forceps Tips TIP STYLE Low Profile GEI Electrosurgical, cutting & coagulation & accessories 2 ISOCOOL®
49 10381780517375 8145200S 8145200S AHT Bipolar Forceps Tips TIP STYLE Low Profile GEI Electrosurgical, cutting & coagulation & accessories 2 ISOCOOL®
50 10381780517368 8145100S 8145100S AHT Bipolar Forceps Tips TIP STYLE Low Profile GEI Electrosurgical, cutting & coagulation & accessories 2 ISOCOOL®
Other products with the same Product Code "EFH"
No Primary DI Version or Model Catalog Number Device Description Brand Name Organization Name
1 00841396100772 27080 Indicating Paste High Spot KERR CORPORATION
2 00810060722022 APF00 Articulating Paper Forceps BERMAN INSTRUMENTS LLC
3 00810000526680 S020-K S020-K AccuFilm® IV Brush-On Marking Liquid for Korea AccuFilm® PARKELL, INC.
4 00810000526116 S020 S020 AccuFilm® IV Brush-On Marking Liquid AccuFilm® PARKELL, INC.
5 D773110100041 110-10004 110-10004 Health-Tec Temporary C&B Material 4:1, Shade B1 Health-Tec Temporary C&B Material 4:1 DENTAL HEALTH PRODUCTS INC
6 D773110100031 110-10003 110-10003 Health-Tec Temporary C&B Material 4:1, Shade A3.5 Health-Tec Temporary C&B Material 4:1 DENTAL HEALTH PRODUCTS INC
7 D773110100021 110-10002 110-10002 Health-Tec Temporary C&B Material 4:1, Shade A2 Health-Tec Temporary C&B Material 4:1 DENTAL HEALTH PRODUCTS INC
8 D773110100011 110-10001 110-10001 Health-Tec Temporary C&B Material 4:1, Shade A1 Health-Tec Temporary C&B Material 4:1 DENTAL HEALTH PRODUCTS INC
9 00366975047663 3888-180 BENCO BENCO DENTAL SUPPLY CO.
10 00366975047656 3888-135 BENCO BENCO DENTAL SUPPLY CO.
11 00366975047649 3888-171 BENCO BENCO DENTAL SUPPLY CO.
12 00366975047632 3888-126 BENCO BENCO DENTAL SUPPLY CO.
13 00310866000237 05325 05325 Aerosol articulation marking spray, 75 grams. red Occlude Aerosol Articulation Marking 75g Red PASCAL COMPANY, INC.
14 00310866000220 05305 05305 Aerosol articulation marking spray, 75 grams. green Occlude Aerosol Articulation Marking 75g Green PASCAL COMPANY, INC.
15 00310866000213 05320 05320 Red Aerosol articulation marking spray, 23 grams Occlude Aerosol Articulation Marking 23g - Red PASCAL COMPANY, INC.
16 00310866000206 05300 05300 Green Aerosol articulation marking spray, 23 grams Occlude Aerosol Articulation Marking 23g - Green PASCAL COMPANY, INC.
17 00310866000190 05100 05100 Aerosol denture indicator paste 30g can Hydent Denture Indicator Aerosol Paste 30g PASCAL COMPANY, INC.
18 00310866000183 05110 05110 Color transfer and tissue marking applicators, disposable, bendable, patient fri Color transfer and tissue marking applicators, disposable, bendable, patient friendly, 100 dual bend micro applicators Hydent Sticks PASCAL COMPANY, INC.
19 D6871721102FG2 1721102FG 1721102FG Henry Schein® Pressure Indicator Paste - 4 oz Henry Schein® Pressure Indicator DENTSPLY INTERNATIONAL INC.
20 D6871721101FG2 1721101FG 1721101FG Henry Schein® Pressure Indicator Paste - 2 oz Henry Schein® Pressure Indicator Paste DENTSPLY INTERNATIONAL INC.
21 D6871421101FG2 1421101FG 1421101FG Superdent® Pressure Indicator Paste - 2 oz. - 951-8604 Superdent® Pressure Indicator Paste DENTSPLY INTERNATIONAL INC.
22 D6870021101FG2 0021101FG 0021101FG Pressure Indicator Paste 2 oz. (59mL) Pressure Indicator Paste DENTSPLY INTERNATIONAL INC.
23 D04060205225 60205 60205 A strip or sheet of suitable material coated with pigment and used for marking a A strip or sheet of suitable material coated with pigment and used for marking areas of contact between opposite teeth, restorations or appliances. This is a single-use device. Articulating paper/film WHIP-MIX CORPORATION
24 D04060204225 60204 60204 A strip or sheet of suitable material coated with pigment and used for marking a A strip or sheet of suitable material coated with pigment and used for marking areas of contact between opposite teeth, restorations or appliances. This is a single-use device. Articulating paper/film WHIP-MIX CORPORATION
25 D04060203225 60203 60203 A strip or sheet of suitable material coated with pigment and used for marking a A strip or sheet of suitable material coated with pigment and used for marking areas of contact between opposite teeth, restorations or appliances. This is a single-use device. Articulating paper/film WHIP-MIX CORPORATION
26 D0406020275 60202 60202 A strip or sheet of suitable material coated with pigment and used for marking a A strip or sheet of suitable material coated with pigment and used for marking areas of contact between opposite teeth, restorations or appliances. This is a single-use device. Articulating paper/film WHIP-MIX CORPORATION
27 D0406020175 60201 60201 A strip or sheet of suitable material coated with pigment and used for marking a A strip or sheet of suitable material coated with pigment and used for marking areas of contact between opposite teeth, restorations or appliances. This is a single-use device. Articulating paper/film WHIP-MIX CORPORATION
28 D0406020075 60200 60200 A strip or sheet of suitable material coated with pigment and used for marking a A strip or sheet of suitable material coated with pigment and used for marking areas of contact between opposite teeth, restorations or appliances. This is a single-use device. Articulating paper/film WHIP-MIX CORPORATION
29 D0406010160 60101 60101 A strip or sheet of suitable material coated with pigment and used for marking a A strip or sheet of suitable material coated with pigment and used for marking areas of contact between opposite teeth, restorations or appliances. This is a single-use device. Articulating paper/film WHIP-MIX CORPORATION
30 D0406010072 60100 60100 A strip or sheet of suitable material coated with pigment and used for marking a A strip or sheet of suitable material coated with pigment and used for marking areas of contact between opposite teeth, restorations or appliances. This is a single-use device. Articulating paper/film WHIP-MIX CORPORATION
31 D04060009150 Premium Strips 60009 A strip or sheet of suitable material coated with pigment and used for marking a A strip or sheet of suitable material coated with pigment and used for marking areas of contact between opposite teeth, restorations or appliances. This is a single-use device Premium thin blue P.C.s Articulating Paper WHIP-MIX CORPORATION
32 D0406000770 Premium Strips 60007 A strip or sheet of suitable material coated with pigment and used for marking a A strip or sheet of suitable material coated with pigment and used for marking areas of contact between opposite teeth, restorations or appliances. This is a single-use device Premium thick blue Articulating Paper WHIP-MIX CORPORATION
33 D04060006144 60006 60006 A strip or sheet of suitable material coated with pigment and used for marking a A strip or sheet of suitable material coated with pigment and used for marking areas of contact between opposite teeth, restorations or appliances. This is a single-use device. Articulating paper/film WHIP-MIX CORPORATION
34 D04060005144 60005 60005 A strip or sheet of suitable material coated with pigment and used for marking a A strip or sheet of suitable material coated with pigment and used for marking areas of contact between opposite teeth, restorations or appliances. This is a single-use device. Articulating paper/film WHIP-MIX CORPORATION
35 D04060004140 60004 60004 A strip or sheet of suitable material coated with pigment and used for marking a A strip or sheet of suitable material coated with pigment and used for marking areas of contact between opposite teeth, restorations or appliances. This is a single-use device. Articulating paper/film WHIP-MIX CORPORATION
36 D04060003140 60003 60003 A strip or sheet of suitable material coated with pigment and used for marking a A strip or sheet of suitable material coated with pigment and used for marking areas of contact between opposite teeth, restorations or appliances. This is a single-use device. Articulating paper/film WHIP-MIX CORPORATION
37 D04060002140 60002 60002 A strip or sheet of suitable material coated with pigment and used for marking a A strip or sheet of suitable material coated with pigment and used for marking areas of contact between opposite teeth, restorations or appliances. This is a single-use device. Articulating paper/film WHIP-MIX CORPORATION
38 D04060001140 Premium Strips 60001 A strip or sheet of suitable material coated with pigment and used for marking a A strip or sheet of suitable material coated with pigment and used for marking areas of contact between opposite teeth, restorations or appliances. This is a single-use device Premium X thin blue Articulating Paper WHIP-MIX CORPORATION
39 D04060000140 Premium Strips 60000 A strip or sheet of suitable material coated with pigment and used for marking a A strip or sheet of suitable material coated with pigment and used for marking areas of contact between opposite teeth, restorations or appliances. This is a single-use device Premium thin blue Articulating Paper WHIP-MIX CORPORATION
40 B970SUPTF0 Touch-free T-Scan Evolution Supports (Box) SUP-TF Touchfree T-Scan Sensor Supports (2 per box) Touch-free T-Scan Evolution Supports (Box) TEKSCAN, INC.
41 B970SUPS0 Small T-Scan Evolution Supports SUP-S Small T-Scan Sensor Supports (2 per Box) Small T-Scan Evolution Supports TEKSCAN, INC.
42 B970SUPNTF0 Touch-free T-Scan Novus Supports (Box) SUP-N-TF Touch-free T-Scan Novus Sensor Supports (2 per Box) Touch-free T-Scan Novus Supports (Box) TEKSCAN, INC.
43 B970SUPNS0 Small T-Scan Novus Supports (Box) SUP-N-S Small T-Scan Novus Sensor Supports (2 per Box) Small T-Scan Novus Supports (Box) TEKSCAN, INC.
44 B970SUPNL0 Large T-Scan Novus Supports (Box) SUP-N-L Large T-Scan Novus Sensor Supports (2 per Box) Large T-Scan Novus Supports (Box) TEKSCAN, INC.
45 B970SUPL0 Large T-Scan Evolution Supports SUP-L Large T-Scan Sensor Supports (2 per Box) Large T-Scan Evolution Supports TEKSCAN, INC.
46 B970DN1LVI0 T-Scan System for LVI DN1-LVI T-Scan Windows Software, 1 Novus Handpiece (USB Connection), 20 Large & 20 Small T-Scan Windows Software, 1 Novus Handpiece (USB Connection), 20 Large & 20 Small Sensors, 4 Touch-Free Sensor Supports, 1 Novus Handpiece Holder, 3 Adhesive Strips, 90 Day Free Customer Support, One Year Parts & Labor Warranty, Interactive Help File, Electronic Operations Manual. T-Scan Novus TEKSCAN, INC.
47 B970DN10 T-Scan System DN1 T-Scan Windows Software, 1 Novus Handpiece (USB Connection), 20 Large & 20 Small T-Scan Windows Software, 1 Novus Handpiece (USB Connection), 20 Large & 20 Small Sensors, 2 Large & 2 Small Sensor Supports, 1 Novus Handpiece Holder, 3 Adhesive Strips, 90 Day Free Customer Support, One Year Parts & Labor Warranty, Interactive Help File, Electronic Operations Manual. T-Scan Novus TEKSCAN, INC.
48 B970DH10 T-Scan Novus DH-1 1 Novus Handpiece (USB Connection) T-Scan Novus Handpiece TEKSCAN, INC.
49 B970DC10 T-Scan Novus Core System DC1 T-Scan Core Software, 1 Novus Handpiece (USB Connection), 1 Novus Handpiece Hold T-Scan Core Software, 1 Novus Handpiece (USB Connection), 1 Novus Handpiece Holder, 20 Large & 20 Small Sensors, 2 Large & 2 Small Sensor Supports, 90 Day Free Customer Support, One Year Parts & Labor Warranty, Interactive Help File, Electronic Operations Manual. T-Scan Core Novus TEKSCAN, INC.
50 B9702502BOX200 Small T-Scan Novus Sensors (Box of 20) 2502-BOX20 Small T-Scan Novus Sensors (20 per Box) Small T-Scan Novus Sensors (Box of 20) TEKSCAN, INC.