No Primary DI Version or Model Catalog Number Device Description Product Code Product Code Name Device Class Brand Name
1 10381780177050 310-381 DIETHRICH BYPASS CASE FSM TRAY, SURGICAL, INSTRUMENT 1 Integra® Jarit®
2 00381780169317 286-106 Disposable Scoville Bayonet Insulated Bipolar Forceps GEI ELECTROSURGICAL, CUTTING & COAGULATION & ACCESSORIES Integra® Jarit®
3 00381780176988 286-112 Disposable Bipolar Cord GEI ELECTROSURGICAL, CUTTING & COAGULATION & ACCESSORIES Integra® Jarit®
4 00381780169355 286-111 Disposable Hardy Bayonet Non-Insulated Bipolar Forceps GEI ELECTROSURGICAL, CUTTING & COAGULATION & ACCESSORIES Integra® Jarit®
5 00381780169348 286-110 Disposable Hardy Bayonet Insulated Bipolar Forceps GEI ELECTROSURGICAL, CUTTING & COAGULATION & ACCESSORIES Integra® Jarit®
6 00381780169331 286-109 Disposable Hardy Bayonet Non-Insulated Bipolar Forceps GEI ELECTROSURGICAL, CUTTING & COAGULATION & ACCESSORIES Integra® Jarit®
7 00381780169324 286-107 Disposable Scoville Bayonet Non-Insulated Bipolar Forceps GEI ELECTROSURGICAL, CUTTING & COAGULATION & ACCESSORIES Integra® Jarit®
8 00381780169300 286-105 Disposable Cushing Bayonet Non-Insulated Bipolar Forceps GEI ELECTROSURGICAL, CUTTING & COAGULATION & ACCESSORIES Integra® Jarit®
9 00381780169294 286-104 Disposable Cushing Bayonet Insulated Bipolar Forceps GEI ELECTROSURGICAL, CUTTING & COAGULATION & ACCESSORIES Integra® Jarit®
10 00381780169287 286-103 Disposable Adson Non-Insulated Bipolar Forceps GEI ELECTROSURGICAL, CUTTING & COAGULATION & ACCESSORIES Integra® Jarit®
11 00381780169270 286-101 Disposable Jewelers Non-Insulated Forceps GEI ELECTROSURGICAL, CUTTING & COAGULATION & ACCESSORIES Integra® Jarit®
12 00381780165845 286-102 Disposable Adson Insulated Bipolar Forceps GEI ELECTROSURGICAL, CUTTING & COAGULATION & ACCESSORIES Integra® Jarit®
13 00381780165838 286-100 Disposable Jewelers Insulated Bipolar Forceps GEI ELECTROSURGICAL, CUTTING & COAGULATION & ACCESSORIES Integra® Jarit®
14 00381780024982 286-108 Disposable Hardy Bayonet Insulated Bipolar Forceps GEI ELECTROSURGICAL, CUTTING & COAGULATION & ACCESSORIES Integra® Jarit®
15 10381780527527 117360A 117-360A Iodine Cup, 6 Oz. KYW CONTAINER, LIQUID MEDICATION, GRADUATED 1 Integra® Jarit®
16 10381780527596 117392A 117-392A Emesis Basin, 26 Oz. FNY BASIN, EMESIS 1 Integra® Jarit®
17 10381780527589 117391A 117-391A Emesis Basin, 12 Oz. FNY BASIN, EMESIS 1 Integra® Jarit®
18 10381780527572 117390A 117-390A Emesis Basin, 10 Oz. FNY BASIN, EMESIS 1 Integra® Jarit®
19 10381780527541 117370A 117-370A Graduated Measure, 32 Oz. KYW CONTAINER, LIQUID MEDICATION, GRADUATED 1 Integra® Jarit®
20 10381780527534 117365A 117-365A Medicine Cup, Graduated, 2 Oz. KYW CONTAINER, LIQUID MEDICATION, GRADUATED 1 Integra® Jarit®
21 10381780527510 117199A 117-199A Deep Perforated Instrument Tray, 17-3/8" x 12-5/8" x 2-1/2" FSM TRAY, SURGICAL, INSTRUMENT 1 Integra® Jarit®
22 10381780527503 117198A 117-198A Deep Perforated Instrument Tray, 15" x 11-1/4" x 2-1/2" FSM TRAY, SURGICAL, INSTRUMENT 1 Integra® Jarit®
23 10381780527497 117196A 117-196A Deep Perforated Instrument Tray, 12-3/4" x 10-1/2" x 2-1/2" FSM TRAY, SURGICAL, INSTRUMENT 1 Integra® Jarit®
24 10381780527480 117194A 117-194A Deep Perforated Instrument Tray, 12" x 7-3/4" x 2-1/2" FSM TRAY, SURGICAL, INSTRUMENT 1 Integra® Jarit®
25 10381780527473 117192A 117-192A Deep Perforated Instrument Tray, 10-3/8" x 6-3/4" x 1-7/8" FSM TRAY, SURGICAL, INSTRUMENT 1 Integra® Jarit®
26 10381780527466 117190A 117-190A Deep Perforated Instrument Tray, 8-3/4" x 5" x 1-3/4" FSM TRAY, SURGICAL, INSTRUMENT 1 Integra® Jarit®
27 10381780527459 117168A 117-168A Mayo Tray, Perforated, 19-1/4" x 12-3/4" x 3/4" FSM TRAY, SURGICAL, INSTRUMENT 1 Integra® Jarit®
28 10381780527442 117166A 117-166A Mayo Tray, Perforated, 17"x 11-3/4" x 3/4" FSM TRAY, SURGICAL, INSTRUMENT 1 Integra® Jarit®
29 10381780527435 117164A 117-164A Mayo Tray, Perforated, 15-1/4" x 10-5/8" x 3/4" FSM TRAY, SURGICAL, INSTRUMENT 1 Integra® Jarit®
30 10381780527428 117162A 117-162A Mayo Tray, Perforated, 13-3/4" x 10" x 3/4" FSM TRAY, SURGICAL, INSTRUMENT 1 Integra® Jarit®
31 10381780527411 117160A 117-160A Mayo Tray, Perforated, 10"x 6-1/2" x 3/4" FSM TRAY, SURGICAL, INSTRUMENT 1 Integra® Jarit®
32 10381780524663 NS0602 NS0602 Cylindrical, Large Rickham Reservoir, Programmable in steps of 10mm JXG Shunt, central nervous system and components 2 HAKIM® RICKHAM®
33 10381780524557 NS0589 NS0589 Cylindrical Valve, Unitized Large RICKHAM® Reservoir, Metal Base, Barium Distal Cylindrical Valve, Unitized Large RICKHAM® Reservoir, Metal Base, Barium Distal Catheter with Slits, 120cm, 30mm H2O to 200mm H2O, Programmable in steps of 10mm JXG Shunt, central nervous system and components 2 HAKIM® RICKHAM®
34 10381780523994 NS0310A NS0310A Unitized RICKHAM® Reservoir, 2cm Arm, Unitized Clear Distal Catheter, Barium Str Unitized RICKHAM® Reservoir, 2cm Arm, Unitized Clear Distal Catheter, Barium Stripe 120cm, Operating Pressure 30mm H2O to 200mm, programmable in steps of 10mm JXG Shunt, central nervous system and components 2 HAKIM® RICKHAM®
35 10381780523987 NS0308 NS0308 Unitized RICKHAM® Reservoir with SIPHONGUARD® Device, Unitized Clear Distal Cath Unitized RICKHAM® Reservoir with SIPHONGUARD® Device, Unitized Clear Distal Catheter, Barium Stripe 120cm, Operating Pressure 30mm JXG Shunt, central nervous system and components 2 HAKIM® RICKHAM® SIPHONGUARD®
36 10381780519898 823855 82-3855 Programmable Valve with Unitized RICKHAM® Reservoir and Non-Unitized Distal Catheter JXG Shunt, central nervous system and components 2 HAKIM® RICKHAM®
37 10381780519881 823854 82-3854 In-Line Valve SIPHONGUARD® Device, .060" Platform and Unitized Distal Catheter JXG Shunt, central nervous system and components 2 HAKIM® SIPHONGUARD® HOLTER
38 10381780519874 823853 82-3853 with Unitized RICKHAM® Reservoir and Distal Catheter with Slits 85cm JXG Shunt, central nervous system and components 2 HAKIM® RICKHAM®
39 10381780519867 823852 82-3852 Programmable Valve with Unitized Large RICKHAM® Reservoir and Non-Unitized Distal Catheter JXG Shunt, central nervous system and components 2 HAKIM® RICKHAM®
40 10381780519850 823851 82-3851 with Unitized RICKHAM® Reservoir and Unitized Distal Catheter 120cm JXG Shunt, central nervous system and components 2 HAKIM® RICKHAM®
41 10381780519195 823116 82-3116 Micro Valve with RICKHAM® Reservoir JXG Shunt, central nervous system and components 2 HAKIM® RICKHAM®
42 10381780519348 823192R 82-3192R System Contents: One Each: Program Unit, Transmitter Unit, Power Cord, Ultrasoun System Contents: One Each: Program Unit, Transmitter Unit, Power Cord, Ultrasound Gel, Instructions for Use, and Carrying Case JXG Shunt, central nervous system and components 2 CODMAN® VPV®
43 10381780519164 823113 82-3113 Micro Valve with RICKHAM Reservoir and Unitized Distal Catheter JXG Shunt, central nervous system and components 2 HAKIM® RICKHAM®
44 10381780517764 821619 82-1619 SELKER Reservoir Large With Nylon Base for 4mm Burr Hole 18.5mm JXG Shunt, central nervous system and components 2 CODMAN® HOLTER®
45 10381780517757 821618 82-1618 SELKER Reservoir Standard With Nylon Base for 4mm Burr Hole 14mm JXG Shunt, central nervous system and components 2 CODMAN® HOLTER®
46 10381780517405 8155100S 8155100S AHT Bipolar Forceps Tips TIP STYLE Low Profile GEI Electrosurgical, cutting & coagulation & accessories 2 ISOCOOL®
47 10381780517399 8155050S 8155050S AHT Bipolar Forceps Tips TIP STYLE Low Profile GEI Electrosurgical, cutting & coagulation & accessories 2 ISOCOOL®
48 10381780517382 8155025S 8155025S AHT Bipolar Forceps Tips TIP STYLE Low Profile GEI Electrosurgical, cutting & coagulation & accessories 2 ISOCOOL®
49 10381780517375 8145200S 8145200S AHT Bipolar Forceps Tips TIP STYLE Low Profile GEI Electrosurgical, cutting & coagulation & accessories 2 ISOCOOL®
50 10381780517368 8145100S 8145100S AHT Bipolar Forceps Tips TIP STYLE Low Profile GEI Electrosurgical, cutting & coagulation & accessories 2 ISOCOOL®
Other products with the same Product Code "DZA"
No Primary DI Version or Model Catalog Number Device Description Brand Name Organization Name
1 00766054002161 492-03 492-03 EDS Countersink Drill Size 3 Essential Countersink Drill ESSENTIAL DENTAL SYSTEMS, INC.
2 00766054002154 492-02 492-02 EDS Countersink Drill Size 2 Essential Countersink Drill ESSENTIAL DENTAL SYSTEMS, INC.
3 00766054002147 492-01 492-01 EDS Countersink Drill Size 1 Essential Countersink Drill ESSENTIAL DENTAL SYSTEMS, INC.
4 00766054002130 492-0 492-0 EDS Countersink Drill Size 0 Essential Countersink Drill ESSENTIAL DENTAL SYSTEMS, INC.
5 00766054001645 292-03 292-03 EDS Countersink Drill Size 3 (OVD Titanium Post) Essential Countersink Drill ESSENTIAL DENTAL SYSTEMS, INC.
6 00766054001638 292-02 292-02 EDS Countersink Drill Size 2 (OVD Titanium Post) Essential Countersink Drill ESSENTIAL DENTAL SYSTEMS, INC.
7 00766054001621 292-01 292-01 EDS Countersink Drill Size 1 (OVD Titanium Post) Essential Countersink Drill ESSENTIAL DENTAL SYSTEMS, INC.
8 00766054001614 192-03 192-03 EDS Secondary Drill Size 3 Essential Secondary Drill ESSENTIAL DENTAL SYSTEMS, INC.
9 00766054001607 192-02 192-02 EDS Secondary Drill Size 2 Essential Secondary Drill ESSENTIAL DENTAL SYSTEMS, INC.
10 00766054001591 192-01 192-01 EDS Secondary Drill Size 1 Essential Secondary Drill ESSENTIAL DENTAL SYSTEMS, INC.
11 00766054001584 192-0 192-0 EDS Secondary Drill Size 0 Essential Secondary Drill ESSENTIAL DENTAL SYSTEMS, INC.
12 00766054001577 191-03 191-03 EDS Primary Reamer Size 3 Essential Primary Reamer ESSENTIAL DENTAL SYSTEMS, INC.
13 00766054001560 191-02 191-02 EDS Primary Reamer Size 2 Essential Primary Reamer ESSENTIAL DENTAL SYSTEMS, INC.
14 00766054001553 191-01 191-01 EDS Primary Reamer Size 1 Essential Primary Reamer ESSENTIAL DENTAL SYSTEMS, INC.
15 00766054001546 191-0 191-0 EDS Primary Reamer Size 0 Essential Primary Reamer ESSENTIAL DENTAL SYSTEMS, INC.
16 00766054001539 191-00 191-00 EDS Primary Reamer Size 00 Essential Primary Reamer ESSENTIAL DENTAL SYSTEMS, INC.
17 00766054001522 165-03 165-03 EDS Gates Glidden Drills Size 3 Essential Gates Glidden Drills ESSENTIAL DENTAL SYSTEMS, INC.
18 00766054001515 165-02 165-02 EDS Gates Glidden Drills Size 2 Essential Gates Glidden Drills ESSENTIAL DENTAL SYSTEMS, INC.
19 00766054001508 165-01 165-01 EDS Gates Glidden Drills Size 1 Essential Gates Glidden Drills ESSENTIAL DENTAL SYSTEMS, INC.
20 00766054001492 165-00 165-00 EDS Gates Glidden Drills Size 00 Essential Gates Glidden Drills ESSENTIAL DENTAL SYSTEMS, INC.
21 00766054001485 165-0 165-0 EDS Gates Glidden Drills Size 0 Essential Gates Glidden Drills ESSENTIAL DENTAL SYSTEMS, INC.
22 00766054001461 2150-02 2150-02 Flexi-Post Fiber & Flexi-Flange Fiber Tap Size 2 Flexi-Post Fiber & Flexi-Flange Fiber ESSENTIAL DENTAL SYSTEMS, INC.
23 00766054001454 2150-01 2150-01 Flexi-Post Fiber & Flexi-Flange Fiber Tap Size 1 Flexi-Post Fiber & Flexi-Flange Fiber ESSENTIAL DENTAL SYSTEMS, INC.
24 00766054001447 2150-0 2150-0 Flexi-Post Fiber & Flexi-Flange Fiber Tap Size 0 Flexi-Post Fiber & Flexi-Flange Fiber ESSENTIAL DENTAL SYSTEMS, INC.
25 00766054001133 5050-75 5050-75 SafeSiders Pleezer Reamer SafeSiders ESSENTIAL DENTAL SYSTEMS, INC.
26 00766054001126 5050-03 5050-03 SafeSiders Peeso Reamer Size No. 3 - 19 mm Cutting Length SafeSiders ESSENTIAL DENTAL SYSTEMS, INC.
27 00766054001119 5050-02 5050-02 SafeSiders Peeso Reamer Size No. 2 - 19 mm Cutting Length SafeSiders ESSENTIAL DENTAL SYSTEMS, INC.
28 00766054000303 1605-01 1605-01 EZ-Fill Bi-Directional Spiral 21mm & 25mm Nickel Titanium EZ-Fill Bi-Directional Spiral ESSENTIAL DENTAL SYSTEMS, INC.
29 00766054000297 1605-25 1605-25 EZ-Fill Bi-Directional Spiral 25mm Nickel Titanium EZ-Fill Bi-Directional Spiral ESSENTIAL DENTAL SYSTEMS, INC.
30 00766054000280 1605-21 1605-21 EZ-Fill Bi-Directional Spiral 21mm Nickel Titanium EZ-Fill Bi-Directional Spiral ESSENTIAL DENTAL SYSTEMS, INC.
31 00766054000273 1600-01 1600-01 EZ-Fill Bi-Directional Spiral 21mm & 25mm Stainless Steel EZ-Fill Bi-Directional Spiral ESSENTIAL DENTAL SYSTEMS, INC.
32 00766054000266 1600-25 1600-25 EZ-Fill Bi-Directional Spiral 25mm Stainless Steel EZ-Fill Bi-Directional Spiral ESSENTIAL DENTAL SYSTEMS, INC.
33 00766054000259 1600-21 1600-21 EZ-Fill Bi-Directional Spiral 21mm Stainless Steel EZ-Fill Bi-Directional Spiral ESSENTIAL DENTAL SYSTEMS, INC.
34 D78550CSD0 5mm Countersink Drill 5.0 CS 5mm Countersink Drill5mm DiameterFor ISI/TSI/ERI Implants (not always required) Countersink Drill OCO BIOMEDICAL INC
35 D78540CSD0 4mm Countersink Drill 4.0 CS 4.0mm Countersink Drill4mm DiameterFor ISI/TSI/ERI Implants (not always required) Countersink Drill OCO BIOMEDICAL INC
36 D785325CSD0 3.25mm Countersink Drill 3.25 CS 3.25mm Countersink Drill3.25mm DiameterFor ISI/TSI/ERI Implants (not always required) Countersink Drill OCO BIOMEDICAL INC
37 D7850560T0 5.6mm Osteotomy Former 0560T 5.6mm Osteotomy Former5.6mm Diameter Osteotomy Former OCO BIOMEDICAL INC
38 D7850470T0 4.7mm Osteotomy Former 0470T 4.7mm Osteotomy Former4.7mm DiameterFor placement of the 5mm ISI/TSI/ERI Mandibu 4.7mm Osteotomy Former4.7mm DiameterFor placement of the 5mm ISI/TSI/ERI Mandibular Implant Osteotomy Former OCO BIOMEDICAL INC
39 D7850450T0 4.5mm Osteotomy Former 0450T 4.5mm Osteotomy Former4.5mm DiameterFor placement of the 5mm ISI/TSI/ERI Maxillary Implant Osteotomy Former OCO BIOMEDICAL INC
40 D7850370T0 3.7mm Osteotomy Former 0370T 3.7mm Osteotomy Former3.7mm DiameterFor placement of the 4mm ISI/TSI/ERI Mandibu 3.7mm Osteotomy Former3.7mm DiameterFor placement of the 4mm ISI/TSI/ERI Mandibular Implant Osteotomy Former OCO BIOMEDICAL INC
41 D7850350T0 3.5mm Osteotomy Former 0350T 3.5mm Osteotomy Former3.5mm DiameterFor placement of the 4mm ISI/TSI/ERI Maxillary Implant Osteotomy Former OCO BIOMEDICAL INC
42 D7850300T0 3mm Osteotomy Former 0300T 3mm Osteotomy Former3mm DiameterFor placement of the 3.25mm ISI/TSI/ERI Mandibul 3mm Osteotomy Former3mm DiameterFor placement of the 3.25mm ISI/TSI/ERI Mandibular Implant Osteotomy Former OCO BIOMEDICAL INC
43 D7850280T0 2.8mm Osteotomy Former 0280T 2.8mm Osteotomy Former2.8mm DiameterFor placement of the 3.25mm ISI/TSI/ERI Maxi 2.8mm Osteotomy Former2.8mm DiameterFor placement of the 3.25mm ISI/TSI/ERI Maxillary Implant Osteotomy Former OCO BIOMEDICAL INC
44 D7850240T0 2.4mm Osteotomy Former 0240T 2.4mm Osteotomy Former2.4mm DiameterFor placement of the 3mm Implant Osteotomy Former OCO BIOMEDICAL INC
45 D7850180PD0 1.8mm Pilot Drill 0180 (1.8mm) 1.8mm Pilot Drill1.8mm Diameter Pilot Drill OCO BIOMEDICAL INC
46 D7850150PD0 1.5mm Pilot Drill 0150 (1.5mm) 1.5mm Pilot Drill1.5mm DiameterUse the 1.5mm drill for the 2.2mm SDI Pilot Drill OCO BIOMEDICAL INC
47 D77811263471 112-6347 112-6347 PEESO REAMERS (6/pack) Length: 28mm, Size: 1-6 (Assorted), Material: Stainless S PEESO REAMERS (6/pack) Length: 28mm, Size: 1-6 (Assorted), Material: Stainless Steel; For more information: https://www.scottsdental.com/catalog/product/view/id/23609/s/peeso-reamers-scott-s-select/ SCOTT'S SELECT PEESO REAMERS 6/pk 28mm # 1-6 ASST SCOTT'S DENTAL SUPPLY L.L.C.
48 D77811263461 112-6346 112-6346 PEESO REAMERS (6/pack) Length: 28mm, Size: 6, Material: Stainless Steel; For mor PEESO REAMERS (6/pack) Length: 28mm, Size: 6, Material: Stainless Steel; For more information: https://www.scottsdental.com/catalog/product/view/id/23609/s/peeso-reamers-scott-s-select/ SCOTT'S SELECT PEESO REAMERS 6/pk 28mm # 6 SCOTT'S DENTAL SUPPLY L.L.C.
49 D77811263451 112-6345 112-6345 PEESO REAMERS (6/pack) Length: 28mm, Size: 5, Material: Stainless Steel; For mor PEESO REAMERS (6/pack) Length: 28mm, Size: 5, Material: Stainless Steel; For more information: https://www.scottsdental.com/catalog/product/view/id/23609/s/peeso-reamers-scott-s-select/ SCOTT'S SELECT PEESO REAMERS 6/pk 28mm # 5 SCOTT'S DENTAL SUPPLY L.L.C.
50 D77811263441 112-6344 112-6344 PEESO REAMERS (6/pack) Length: 28mm, Size: 4, Material: Stainless Steel; For mor PEESO REAMERS (6/pack) Length: 28mm, Size: 4, Material: Stainless Steel; For more information: https://www.scottsdental.com/catalog/product/view/id/23609/s/peeso-reamers-scott-s-select/ SCOTT'S SELECT PEESO REAMERS 6/pk 28mm # 4 SCOTT'S DENTAL SUPPLY L.L.C.