Integra Disposable Peritoneal Catheter Passer - 36CM DISP PASSER PKG ASSYThe Disposable - Integra Lifesciences Corporation

Duns Number:083171244

Device Description: 36CM DISP PASSER PKG ASSYThe Disposable Subcutaneous Peritoneal Catheter Passer is a two-c 36CM DISP PASSER PKG ASSYThe Disposable Subcutaneous Peritoneal Catheter Passer is a two-component instrument consisting of a stainless tubular shaft with an ULTEM obturator. This product is used to provide a subcutaneous tunnel between the flushing-device site and the incision for the peritoneal catheter. The catheter consists of an open tubular shaft, concentric with a T-handled obturator which extends beyond the tubular shaft. The instrument is passed subcutaneously with the obturator assembled in the tubular shaft. Once the obturator has been removed, the catheter tubing can be passed and the tubular shaft portion of the instrument can be removed in either direction.

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More Product Details

Catalog Number


Brand Name

Integra Disposable Peritoneal Catheter Passer

Version/Model Number


Device Commercial Distribution Status

In Commercial Distribution

Commercial Distribution End Date


Issuing Agency

In GS1

Product Characteristics

MRI safety Status

Labeling does not contain MRI Safety Information

Device required to be labeled as containing natural rubber latex or dry natural rubber (21 CFR 801.437)


Device labeled as "Not made with natural rubber latex"


For Single-Use


Prescription Use (Rx)


Over the Counter (OTC)




Combination Product


Human Cell, Tissue or Cellular or Tissue-Based Product (HCT/P)


FDA Premarket Submission


Product Code Details

Product Code


Product Code Name

Instrument, shunt system implantation

Device Record Status

Public Device Record Key


Public Version Date

September 22, 2020

Public Version Number


DI Record Publish Date

September 22, 2015

Additional Identifiers

Package DI Number


Quantity per Package


Contains DI Package


Package Discontinue Date


Package Status

In Commercial Distribution

Package Type


Device Class Device Class Description No of Devices
1 A medical device with low to moderate risk that requires general controls 14
2 A medical device with a moderate to high risk that requires special controls. 75
3 A medical device with high risk that requires premarket approval 17
U Unclassified 32