Other products from "CARDINAL HEALTH 200, LLC"
No Primary DI Version or Model Catalog Number Device Description Product Code Product Code Name Device Class Brand Name
1 20885380190923 TRUBREZ TRUBREZ Quilted TRUBREZ Premium Underpad, Maximum KME BEDDING, DISPOSABLE, MEDICAL (Design) Cardinal Wings
2 20885380174305 8899EC 8899EC Nitrile Exam Gloves LZA Polymer patient examination glove ESTEEM
3 20885380174299 8898EC 8898EC Nitrile Exam Gloves LZA Polymer patient examination glove ESTEEM
4 20885380174282 8897EC 8897EC Nitrile Exam Gloves LZA Polymer patient examination glove ESTEEM
5 20885380174275 8896EC 8896EC Nitrile Exam Gloves LZA Polymer patient examination glove ESTEEM
6 20885380166348 88FS06XXL 88FS06XXL Nitrile Exam Gloves Flexal Comfort LZC,LZA Patient examination glove, specialty,Polymer patient examination glove FLEXAL
7 20885380166331 88FS05XL 88FS05XL Nitrile Exam Gloves Flexal Comfort LZC,LZA Patient examination glove, specialty,Polymer patient examination glove FLEXAL
8 20885380166324 88FS04L 88FS04L Nitrile Exam Gloves Flexal Comfort LZA,LZC Polymer patient examination glove,Patient examination glove, specialty FLEXAL
9 20885380166317 88FS03M 88FS03M Nitrile Exam Gloves Flexal Comfort LZC,LZA Patient examination glove, specialty,Polymer patient examination glove FLEXAL
10 20885380166300 88FS02S 88FS02S Nitrile Exam Gloves Flexal Comfort LZA,LZC Polymer patient examination glove,Patient examination glove, specialty FLEXAL
11 20885380166294 88FS01XS 88FS01XS Nitrile Exam Gloves Flexal Comfort LZC,LZA Patient examination glove, specialty,Polymer patient examination glove FLEXAL
12 20885380163965 88ES06XXL 88ES06XXL Nitrile Exam Gloves ESTEEM Comfort LZA,LZC Polymer patient examination glove,Patient examination glove, specialty ESTEEM
13 20885380163958 88ES05XL 88ES05XL Nitrile Exam Gloves ESTEEM Comfort LZA,LZC Polymer patient examination glove,Patient examination glove, specialty ESTEEM
14 20885380163941 88ES04L 88ES04L Nitrile Exam Gloves ESTEEM Comfort LZA,LZC Polymer patient examination glove,Patient examination glove, specialty ESTEEM
15 20885380163934 88ES03M 88ES03M Nitrile Exam Gloves ESTEEM Comfort LZA,LZC Polymer patient examination glove,Patient examination glove, specialty ESTEEM
16 20885380163927 88ES02S 88ES02S Nitrile Exam Gloves ESTEEM Comfort LZA,LZC Polymer patient examination glove,Patient examination glove, specialty ESTEEM
17 20885380163910 88ES01XS 88ES01XS Nitrile Exam Gloves ESTEEM Comfort LZA,LZC Polymer patient examination glove,Patient examination glove, specialty ESTEEM
18 20885380161268 88RTF06XXL 88RTF06XXL NITRILE EXAM GLOVES FLEXAL TOUCH W DISPENSING FILM LZC,LZA Patient examination glove, specialty,Polymer patient examination glove FLEXAL
19 20885380161251 88RTF05XL 88RTF05XL NITRILE EXAM GLOVES FLEXAL TOUCH W DISPENSING FILM LZC,LZA Patient examination glove, specialty,Polymer patient examination glove FLEXAL
20 20885380161244 88RTF04L 88RTF04L NITRILE EXAM GLOVES FLEXAL TOUCH W DISPENSING FILM LZC,LZA Patient examination glove, specialty,Polymer patient examination glove FLEXAL
21 20885380161237 88RTF03M 88RTF03M NITRILE EXAM GLOVES FLEXAL TOUCH W DISPENSING FILM LZC,LZA Patient examination glove, specialty,Polymer patient examination glove FLEXAL
22 20885380161220 88RTF02S 88RTF02S NITRILE EXAM GLOVES FLEXAL TOUCH W DISPENSING FILM LZC,LZA Patient examination glove, specialty,Polymer patient examination glove FLEXAL
23 20885380161213 88RTF01XS 88RTF01XS NITRILE EXAM GLOVES FLEXAL TOUCH W DISPENSING FILM LZC,LZA Patient examination glove, specialty,Polymer patient examination glove FLEXAL
24 20885380157384 88RT06XXL 88RT06XXL NITRILE EXAM GLOVES FLEXAL TOUCH LZA,LZC Polymer patient examination glove,Patient examination glove, specialty FLEXAL
25 20885380157377 88RT05XL 88RT05XL NITRILE EXAM GLOVES FLEXAL TOUCH LZC,LZA Patient examination glove, specialty,Polymer patient examination glove FLEXAL
26 20885380157360 88RT04L 88RT04L NITRILE EXAM GLOVES FLEXAL TOUCH LZC,LZA Patient examination glove, specialty,Polymer patient examination glove FLEXAL
27 20885380157353 88RT03M 88RT03M NITRILE EXAM GLOVES FLEXAL TOUCH LZA,LZC Polymer patient examination glove,Patient examination glove, specialty FLEXAL
28 20885380157346 88RT02S 88RT02S NITRILE EXAM GLOVES FLEXAL TOUCH LZA,LZC Polymer patient examination glove,Patient examination glove, specialty FLEXAL
29 20885380157339 88RT01XS 88RT01XS NITRILE EXAM GLOVES FLEXAL TOUCH LZC,LZA Patient examination glove, specialty,Polymer patient examination glove FLEXAL
30 20885380137157 88TN05XL 88TN05XL Nitrile Exam Gloves Flexal LZA Polymer patient examination glove FLEXAL
31 20885380140959 88TNF06XXL 88TNF06XXL Nitrile Exam Gloves Flexal w Dispensing Film LZA Polymer patient examination glove FLEXAL
32 20885380140942 88TNF05XL 88TNF05XL Nitrile Exam Gloves Flexal w Dispensing Film LZA Polymer patient examination glove FLEXAL
33 20885380140935 88TNF04L 88TNF04L Nitrile Exam Gloves Flexal w Dispensing Film LZA Polymer patient examination glove FLEXAL
34 20885380140881 88TNF03M 88TNF03M Nitrile Exam Gloves Flexal w Dispensing Film LZA Polymer patient examination glove FLEXAL
35 20885380140850 88TNF02S 88TNF02S Nitrile Exam Gloves Flexal w Dispensing Film LZA Polymer patient examination glove FLEXAL
36 20885380140843 88TNF01XS 88TNF01XS Nitrile Exam Gloves Flexal w Dispensing Film LZA Polymer patient examination glove FLEXAL
37 20885380137164 8815NB 8815NB Fingertip Textured Esteem Stretchy Nitrile Powder-Free Nitrile Exam Gloves LZA Polymer patient examination glove ESTEEM
38 20885380137133 88TN04L 88TN04L Nitrile Exam Gloves Flexal LZA Polymer patient examination glove FLEXAL
39 20885380137126 88TN03M 88TN03M Nitrile Exam Gloves Flexal LZA Polymer patient examination glove FLEXAL
40 20885380137119 88TN02S 88TN02S Nitrile Exam Gloves Flexal LZA Polymer patient examination glove FLEXAL
41 20885380137102 88TN01XS 88TN01XS Nitrile Exam Gloves Flexal LZA Polymer patient examination glove FLEXAL
42 20885380137096 88TN06XXL 88TN06XXL Nitrile Exam Gloves Flexal LZA Polymer patient examination glove FLEXAL
43 20885380135528 8884DOTP 8884DOTP Vinyl Exam Gloves LYZ Vinyl patient examination glove ESTEEM
44 20885380135511 8883DOTP 8883DOTP Vinyl Exam Gloves LYZ Vinyl patient examination glove ESTEEM
45 20885380135504 8882DOTP 8882DOTP Vinyl Exam Gloves LYZ Vinyl patient examination glove ESTEEM
46 20885380135498 8881DOTP 8881DOTP Vinyl Exam Gloves LYZ Vinyl patient examination glove ESTEEM
47 20885380135481 8880DOTP 8880DOTP Vinyl Exam Gloves LYZ Vinyl patient examination glove ESTEEM
48 20885380135436 S88RX05 S88RX05 Synthetic with Neu-Thera® Powder-Free Vinyl Exam Gloves Stretchy Protects Restor Synthetic with Neu-Thera® Powder-Free Vinyl Exam Gloves Stretchy Protects Restores Moisturizes LYZ Vinyl patient examination glove ESTEEM
49 20885380135429 S88RX04 S88RX04 Synthetic with Neu-Thera® Powder-Free Vinyl Exam Gloves Stretchy Protects Restor Synthetic with Neu-Thera® Powder-Free Vinyl Exam Gloves Stretchy Protects Restores Moisturizes LYZ Vinyl patient examination glove ESTEEM
50 20885380135412 S88RX03 S88RX03 Synthetic with Neu-Thera® Powder-Free Vinyl Exam Gloves Stretchy Protects Restor Synthetic with Neu-Thera® Powder-Free Vinyl Exam Gloves Stretchy Protects Restores Moisturizes LYZ Vinyl patient examination glove ESTEEM
Other products with the same Product Code "LRO"
No Primary DI Version or Model Catalog Number Device Description Brand Name Organization Name
1 08056646500840 12.XYYYY.00 The sterile "Procedural Packages for Diagnosis and Surgery" are intended for use The sterile "Procedural Packages for Diagnosis and Surgery" are intended for use by specialized personnel and are composed of consumables and devices intended for the preparation of the operating field, maintenance of cleanliness (ensuring the hygiene of the field and limiting the risk of contamination) and the performance of various types of surgery.The devices provided can be:- non-invasive devices, for the preparation of the operating field - for example: drapes, gowns, masks and accessories (bandages, sheaths, tool pockets, bags for collecting liquids, fixed pliers for drapes, etc.)- invasive surgical devices for temporary use not in contact with the central circulatory system and with the nervous system - for example: needles and syringes with needle, disposable scalpels and gauze.- devices for channeling liquids intended for irrigation.Possible combination of any of the devices mentioned are identified with different UDI code listed in the section "Package DI" Model number : X = alphabetic character YYYY=n° of 4 number character. Implant Kit OMNIA SRL
2 08056646500222 12.XYYYY.00 Indication For Use: Surgical Procedure Packs is a kit for oral implantology, use Indication For Use: Surgical Procedure Packs is a kit for oral implantology, used by dental professionals when performing surgical procedures. Surgical Procedure Packs are composed of disposable devices intended for professional use in preparing the operating environment with protective coverings and clothes that aid in maintaining cleanliness and limiting risk of contamination during various types of medical and/or dental surgeries.Surgical Procedure Packs may be packages as a combination of any of the following components: - Surgical gowns (various models) with or without hand towels- Surgical Drapes:- Mayo drape- Absorbent/liquid proof drapes (with or without adhesive)- Adhesive side drape- Liquid repellent drape with or without adhesive- Face mask- Protective caps- Sheath/tubing sleeve- Surgical aspirator with adaptor- Surgical gauze- Disinfection sponge and/or basin- Adhesive films- Syringe- Needles- Single-use scalpel- Small dental mirror/dental explorer/tweezer- Irrigation/infusion line- Stopcock and ramp for infusion- Waste bag for contaminated material- Bone collector- Saliva ejector- Basin- Medical paperPossible combination of any of the devices mentioned are identified with different UDI code listed in the section "Package DI"Model Number:X = alphabetic characterYYYY= n° of 4 number character SURGICAL PROCEDURE PACK OMNIA SRL
3 08032248127401 12T7400 Surgical Drape Kit NA DELTA MED SPA
4 07613327376401 3105000702 3105-000-702 PostFree Patient Safety Kit, Large Pivot Guardian STRYKER CORPORATION
5 07613327376395 3105000701 3105-000-701 PostFree Patient Safety Kit, Medium Pivot Guardian STRYKER CORPORATION
6 07613327376388 3105000700 3105-000-700 PostFree Patient Safety Kit, Small Pivot Guardian STRYKER CORPORATION
7 05060498452069 MMSBK-04 MMSBK-04 #MMSBK-03 Severe Bleeding Kit w/SOF-TContents: (1) Combat Application Tourniquet #MMSBK-03 Severe Bleeding Kit w/SOF-TContents: (1) Combat Application Tourniquet, (1) Celox 2gm, (2) Gauze Bandage 3", (1) EMS Shears 7.5", (2) Glove L/F Nitrile Motion Medical Distributing HASLAM MEDICAL, INC.
8 H65888826401 8882640 8882640 CUSTOM PODIATRY SURGICAL PACK Henry Schein HENRY SCHEIN, INC.
9 H65888826391 8882639 8882639 ORTHOPEDIC SPLIT DRAPE PACK Henry Schein HENRY SCHEIN, INC.
10 H65888826371 8882637 8882637 HEAD PACK Henry Schein HENRY SCHEIN, INC.
11 H6588882637 8882637 8882637 HEAD PACK Henry Schein HENRY SCHEIN, INC.
12 H65888826321 8882632 8882632 VEIN INSTITUTE OF THE MIDWEST Henry Schein HENRY SCHEIN, INC.
13 H65888826311 8882631 8882631 VEIN INST MIDWEST PHLEB PACK Henry Schein HENRY SCHEIN, INC.
14 H65888826291 8882629 8882629 WOODHOLME ASC PEDIATRIC PACK Henry Schein HENRY SCHEIN, INC.
15 H6588882629 8882629 8882629 WOODHOLME ASC PEDIATRIC PACK Henry Schein HENRY SCHEIN, INC.
16 H65888826281 8882628 8882628 GLEN BURNIE S/C SHOULDER PACK Henry Schein HENRY SCHEIN, INC.
17 H65888826271 8882627 8882627 GLEN BURNIE S/C KNEE PACK Henry Schein HENRY SCHEIN, INC.
18 H65888826241 8882624 8882624 GLEN BURNIE S/C HAND PACK Henry Schein HENRY SCHEIN, INC.
19 H65888826221 8882622 8882622 SULLIVEN ORTHO PACK Henry Schein HENRY SCHEIN, INC.
20 H65888826211 8882621 8882621 ANGIO PACK Henry Schein HENRY SCHEIN, INC.
21 H65888826201 8882620 8882620 ANGIO PACK AMIN VASCULAR LAB 601-0735 Henry Schein HENRY SCHEIN, INC.
22 H65888826191 8882619 8882619 Arthroscopy Pk Prnc Frederick Henry Schein HENRY SCHEIN, INC.
23 H65888826181 8882618 8882618 Liposuction Try John ConnorsMD Henry Schein HENRY SCHEIN, INC.
24 H65888826161 8882616 8882616 Head & Neck Pk John Connors MD Henry Schein HENRY SCHEIN, INC.
25 H65888826141 8882614 8882614 MINOR SET UP PACK Henry Schein HENRY SCHEIN, INC.
26 H65888826131 8882613 8882613 HIP ARTHROSCOPY Henry Schein HENRY SCHEIN, INC.
27 H65888826121 8882612 8882612 Fistulagram Pack DFW Vascular Henry Schein HENRY SCHEIN, INC.
28 H65888826111 8882611 8882611 MINOR SETUP PACK DFW VASC Henry Schein HENRY SCHEIN, INC.
29 H65888826101 8882610 8882610 SLING PACK AA UROLOGY Henry Schein HENRY SCHEIN, INC.
30 H65888826091 8882609 8882609 Open Pack AA Urology Henry Schein HENRY SCHEIN, INC.
31 H65888826061 8882606 8882606 Upper Extremity Pack Henry Schein HENRY SCHEIN, INC.
32 H65888826051 8882605 8882605 Arthroscopic Pack Henry Schein HENRY SCHEIN, INC.
33 H65888826041 8882604 8882604 Orthopedic Split Drape Henry Schein HENRY SCHEIN, INC.
34 H65888826011 8882601 8882601 Dr. Thomas Endovenous Pack Henry Schein HENRY SCHEIN, INC.
35 H65888825981 8882598 8882598 Westlake Derm Endovenous Pack Henry Schein HENRY SCHEIN, INC.
36 H65888825921 8882592 8882592 Vascular Pack Henry Schein HENRY SCHEIN, INC.
37 H65888825911 8882591 8882591 Texas Vein Expert Pack Henry Schein HENRY SCHEIN, INC.
38 H65888825881 8882588 8882588 Lipo Pack Henry Schein HENRY SCHEIN, INC.
39 H65888825871 8882587 8882587 Liposuction Tray Henry Schein HENRY SCHEIN, INC.
40 H65888825851 8882585 8882585 Head & Neck Pack Henry Schein HENRY SCHEIN, INC.
41 H65888825831 8882583 8882583 Breast Augmentation Pack Henry Schein HENRY SCHEIN, INC.
42 H65888825791 8882579 8882579 Gwinnett Laser Moomey Henry Schein HENRY SCHEIN, INC.
43 H65888825781 8882578 8882578 Gwinnett Procedure Kit Henry Schein HENRY SCHEIN, INC.
44 H65888825771 8882577 8882577 AUS Pack Henry Schein HENRY SCHEIN, INC.
45 H65888825741 8882574 8882574 Angio Pack Henry Schein HENRY SCHEIN, INC.
46 H65888825731 8882573 8882573 Cary Plastic Pack Lipo Henry Schein HENRY SCHEIN, INC.
47 H65888825651 8882565 8882565 Cary Plastic & Reconst Head Henry Schein HENRY SCHEIN, INC.
48 H65888825621 8882562 8882562 Dublin Ortho Prep Tray Henry Schein HENRY SCHEIN, INC.
49 H65888825611 8882561 8882561 Corwin Clinic Surgical Vein Henry Schein HENRY SCHEIN, INC.
50 H65888825591 8882559 8882559 Corwin Clinic Performator Henry Schein HENRY SCHEIN, INC.