No Primary DI Version or Model Catalog Number Device Description Product Code Product Code Name Device Class Brand Name
1 09420012466235 900PT445 900PT445 Adjustable Handle for Hospital Stand FOX Stand, Infusion 1 Fisher & Paykel Healthcare
2 09420012470928 AA031JS AA031JS Optiflow Nasal Filtered Interface with CO2 Sampling Small BTT Humidifier, Respiratory Gas, (Direct Patient Interface) 2 Fisher & Paykel Healthcare
3 09420012471826 AA001JL AA001JL Optiflow Filtered Nasal Interface Large BTT Humidifier, Respiratory Gas, (Direct Patient Interface) 2 Fisher & Paykel Healthcare
4 09420012471000 AA001JM AA001JM Optiflow Filtered Nasal Interface Medium BTT Humidifier, Respiratory Gas, (Direct Patient Interface) 2 Fisher & Paykel Healthcare
5 09420012470980 AA001JS AA001JS Optiflow Filtered Nasal Interface Small BTT Humidifier, Respiratory Gas, (Direct Patient Interface) 2 Fisher & Paykel Healthcare
6 09420012470966 AA031JL AA031JL Optiflow Nasal Filtered Interface with CO2 Sampling Large BTT Humidifier, Respiratory Gas, (Direct Patient Interface) 2 Fisher & Paykel Healthcare
7 09420012470942 AA031JM AA031JM Optiflow Nasal Filtered Interface with CO2 Sampling Medium BTT Humidifier, Respiratory Gas, (Direct Patient Interface) 2 Fisher & Paykel Healthcare
8 09420012471796 EVF1XMLSLA EVF1XMLSLA F&P Evora Full Face PAP Therapy Mask - Fit Pack XS/S-M/L SLA BZD Ventilator, Non-Continuous (Respirator) 2 Fisher & Paykel Healthcare
9 09420012471789 EVF1LSLA EVF1LSLA F&P Evora Full Face PAP Therapy Mask - Large SLA BZD Ventilator, Non-Continuous (Respirator) 2 Fisher & Paykel Healthcare
10 09420012471772 EVF1MSLA EVF1MSLA F&P Evora Full Face PAP Therapy Mask - Small-Medium SLA BZD Ventilator, Non-Continuous (Respirator) 2 Fisher & Paykel Healthcare
11 09420012471765 EVF1XSLA EVF1XSLA F&P Evora Full Face PAP Therapy Mask - Extra Small SLA BZD Ventilator, Non-Continuous (Respirator) 2 Fisher & Paykel Healthcare
12 09420012471703 AA030JL AA030JL Optiflow Nasal Interface with CO2 Sampling Large BTT Humidifier, Respiratory Gas, (Direct Patient Interface) 2 Fisher & Paykel Healthcare
13 09420012471680 AA030JM AA030JM Optiflow Nasal Interface with CO2 Sampling Medium BTT Humidifier, Respiratory Gas, (Direct Patient Interface) 2 Fisher & Paykel Healthcare
14 09420012471666 AA030JS AA030JS Optiflow Nasal Interface with CO2 Sampling Small BTT Humidifier, Respiratory Gas, (Direct Patient Interface) 2 Fisher & Paykel Healthcare
15 09420012471642 AA000JL AA000JL Optiflow Nasal Interface Large BTT Humidifier, Respiratory Gas, (Direct Patient Interface) 2 Fisher & Paykel Healthcare
16 09420012471628 AA000JM AA000JM Optiflow Nasal Interface Medium BTT Humidifier, Respiratory Gas, (Direct Patient Interface) 2 Fisher & Paykel Healthcare
17 09420012471604 AA000JS AA000JS Optiflow Nasal Interface Small BTT Humidifier, Respiratory Gas, (Direct Patient Interface) 2 Fisher & Paykel Healthcare
18 09420012469021 850A61J 850A61J F&P 850 AirSpira Adult NIV and NHF circuit kit BTT Humidifier, Respiratory Gas, (Direct Patient Interface) 2 Fisher & Paykel Healthcare
19 09420012467560 MYAIRVOCHAMBER1 MYAIRVOCHAMBER1 myAirvo Reusable Chamber BZD Ventilator, Non-Continuous (Respirator) 2 Fisher & Paykel Healthcare
20 09420012466150 RT077C RT077C Visairo RT077 Vented Hospital Under Nose Mask, Anti-Asphyxiation Valve Version- Size C CBK Ventilator, Continuous, Facility Use 2 Fisher & Paykel Healthcare
21 09420012466136 RT077B RT077B Visairo RT077 Vented Hospital Under Nose Mask, Anti-Asphyxiation Valve Version- Size B CBK Ventilator, Continuous, Facility Use 2 Fisher & Paykel Healthcare
22 09420012466112 RT077A RT077A Visairo RT077 Vented Hospital Under Nose Mask, Anti-Asphyxiation Valve Version- Size A CBK Ventilator, Continuous, Facility Use 2 Fisher & Paykel Healthcare
23 09420012466099 RT076C RT076C Visairo RT076 Non-Vented Hospital Under Nose Mask, Standard Elbow Version- Size C CBK Ventilator, Continuous, Facility Use 2 Fisher & Paykel Healthcare
24 09420012466075 RT076B RT076B Visairo RT076 Non-Vented Hospital Under Nose Mask, Standard Elbow Version- Size B CBK Ventilator, Continuous, Facility Use 2 Fisher & Paykel Healthcare
25 09420012466051 RT076A RT076A Visairo RT076 Non-Vented Hospital Under Nose Mask, Standard Elbow Version- Size A CBK Ventilator, Continuous, Facility Use 2 Fisher & Paykel Healthcare
26 09420012466037 RT075C RT075C Visairo RT075 Non-Vented Hospital Under Nose Mask, Anti-Asphyxiation Valve Version- Size C CBK Ventilator, Continuous, Facility Use 2 Fisher & Paykel Healthcare
27 09420012466013 RT075B RT075B Visairo RT075 Non-Vented Hospital Under Nose Mask, Anti-Asphyxiation Valve Version- Size B CBK Ventilator, Continuous, Facility Use 2 Fisher & Paykel Healthcare
28 09420012465993 RT075A RT075A Visairo RT075 Non-Vented Hospital Under Nose Mask, Anti-Asphyxiation Valve Version- Size A CBK Ventilator, Continuous, Facility Use 2 Fisher & Paykel Healthcare
29 09420012463128 MYAIRVOSTAND1 MYAIRVOSTAND1 myAIRVO home stand FOX Stand, Infusion 1 Fisher & Paykel Healthcare
30 09420012461834 EVF1XMLA EVF1XMLA F&P Evora Full Face PAP Therapy Mask - Fit Pack XS/S-M/L A BZD Ventilator, Non-Continuous (Respirator) 2 Fisher & Paykel Healthcare
31 09420012461797 EVF1MMA EVF1MMA F&P Evora Full Face PAP Therapy Mask - S-M/S-M A BZD Ventilator, Non-Continuous (Respirator) 2 Fisher & Paykel Healthcare
32 09420012461773 EVF1XXA EVF1XXA F&P Evora Full Face PAP Therapy Mask - XS/XS A BZD Ventilator, Non-Continuous (Respirator) 2 Fisher & Paykel Healthcare
33 09420012461759 EVF1LA EVF1LA F&P Evora Full Face PAP Therapy Mask - Large A BZD Ventilator, Non-Continuous (Respirator) 2 Fisher & Paykel Healthcare
34 09420012461735 EVF1MA EVF1MA F&P Evora Full Face PAP Therapy Mask - Small-Medium A BZD Ventilator, Non-Continuous (Respirator) 2 Fisher & Paykel Healthcare
35 09420012461711 EVF1XA EVF1XA F&P Evora Full Face PAP Therapy Mask - Extra Small A BZD Ventilator, Non-Continuous (Respirator) Fisher & Paykel Healthcare
36 09420012460790 RT057L RT057L Nivairo+ RT057 Vented Hospital Full Face Mask, Anti-Asphyxiation Valve Version- Large MNT Ventilator, Continuous, Minimal Ventilatory Support, Facility Use 2 Fisher & Paykel Healthcare
37 09420012460776 RT057M RT057M Nivairo+ RT057 Vented Hospital Full Face Mask, Anti-Asphyxiation Valve Version- Medium MNT Ventilator, Continuous, Minimal Ventilatory Support, Facility Use 2 Fisher & Paykel Healthcare
38 09420012460752 RT057S RT057S Nivairo+ RT057 Vented Hospital Full Face Mask, Anti-Asphyxiation Valve Version- Small MNT Ventilator, Continuous, Minimal Ventilatory Support, Facility Use 2 Fisher & Paykel Healthcare
39 09420012460738 RT057XS RT057XS Nivairo+ RT057 Vented Hospital Full Face Mask, Anti-Asphyxiation Valve Version- Nivairo+ RT057 Vented Hospital Full Face Mask, Anti-Asphyxiation Valve Version- Extra Small MNT Ventilator, Continuous, Minimal Ventilatory Support, Facility Use 2 Fisher & Paykel Healthcare
40 09420012460714 RT056L RT056L Nivairo+ RT056 Non-Vented Hospital Full Face Mask, Anti-Asphyxiation Valve Version- Large CBK Ventilator, Continuous, Facility Use 2 Fisher & Paykel Healthcare
41 09420012460691 RT056M RT056M Nivairo+ RT056 Non-Vented Hospital Full Face Mask, Anti-Asphyxiation Valve Version- Medium CBK Ventilator, Continuous, Facility Use 2 Fisher & Paykel Healthcare
42 09420012460677 RT056S RT056S Nivairo+ RT056 Non-Vented Hospital Full Face Mask, Anti-Asphyxiation Valve Version- Small CBK Ventilator, Continuous, Facility Use 2 Fisher & Paykel Healthcare
43 09420012460653 RT056XS RT056XS Nivairo+ RT056 Non-Vented Hospital Full Face Mask, Anti-Asphyxiation Valve Versi Nivairo+ RT056 Non-Vented Hospital Full Face Mask, Anti-Asphyxiation Valve Version- Extra Small CBK Ventilator, Continuous, Facility Use 2 Fisher & Paykel Healthcare
44 09420012460639 RT055L RT055L Nivairo+ RT055 Non-Vented Hospital Full Face Mask, Anti-Asphyxiation Valve Version- Large MNT Ventilator, Continuous, Minimal Ventilatory Support, Facility Use 2 Fisher & Paykel Healthcare
45 09420012460615 RT055M RT055M Nivairo+ RT055 Non-Vented Hospital Full Face Mask, Anti-Asphyxiation Valve Version- Medium MNT Ventilator, Continuous, Minimal Ventilatory Support, Facility Use 2 Fisher & Paykel Healthcare
46 09420012460295 RT055XS RT055XS Nivairo+ RT055 Non-Vented Hospital Full Face Mask, Anti-Asphyxiation Valve Versi Nivairo+ RT055 Non-Vented Hospital Full Face Mask, Anti-Asphyxiation Valve Version- Extra Small MNT Ventilator, Continuous, Minimal Ventilatory Support, Facility Use 2 Fisher & Paykel Healthcare
47 09420012459695 RT055S RT055S Nivairo+ RT055 Non-Vented Hospital Full Face Mask, Anti-Asphyxiation Valve Version- Small MNT Ventilator, Continuous, Minimal Ventilatory Support, Facility Use 2 Fisher & Paykel Healthcare
48 09420012457769 SPSABU SPSABU SleepStyle Auto CPAP BZD Ventilator, Non-Continuous (Respirator) 2 Fisher & Paykel Healthcare
49 09420012457752 SPSAAU SPSAAU Auto CPAP with Modem BZD Ventilator, Non-Continuous (Respirator) 2 Fisher & Paykel Healthcare
50 09420012456601 RT232 RT232 Adult Optiflow Circuit Kit With MicroCell Technology BZE Heater, Breathing System W/Wo Controller (Not Humidifier Or Nebulizer 2 Fisher & Paykel Healthcare
Other products with the same Product Code "BZD"
No Primary DI Version or Model Catalog Number Device Description Brand Name Organization Name
1 06948538367612 N5B (Extra Large) Siesta Nasal Mask (XL) / BMC MEDICAL CO., LTD.
2 06948538367605 N5B (Large) Siesta Nasal Mask (L) / BMC MEDICAL CO., LTD.
3 06948538367599 N5B (Medium) Siesta Nasal Mask (M) / BMC MEDICAL CO., LTD.
4 06948538367582 N5B (Small) Siesta Nasal Mask (S) / BMC MEDICAL CO., LTD.
5 06948538367407 / Numa II Full Face Mask Replacement Headgear / BMC MEDICAL CO., LTD.
6 06948538367391 F4 (All Size Kit) Numa II Full Face Mask (SML) / BMC MEDICAL CO., LTD.
7 06948538367384 F4 (Large) Numa II Full Face Mask (L) / BMC MEDICAL CO., LTD.
8 06948538367377 F4(Medium) Numa II Full Face Mask (M) / BMC MEDICAL CO., LTD.
9 06948538367360 F4(Small) Numa II Full Face Mask (S) / BMC MEDICAL CO., LTD.
10 06948538365731 LG3800-30VT Luna® G3 BPAP System Luna® BMC MEDICAL CO., LTD.
11 06948538365724 LG3800-30VT Luna® G3 BPAP System Luna® BMC MEDICAL CO., LTD.
12 06948538365717 LG3800-30VT Luna® G3 BPAP System Luna® BMC MEDICAL CO., LTD.
13 06948538365700 LG3800-25VT Luna® G3 BPAP System Luna® BMC MEDICAL CO., LTD.
14 06948538365694 LG3800-25VT Luna® G3 BPAP System Luna® BMC MEDICAL CO., LTD.
15 06948538365687 LG3800-25VT Luna® G3 BPAP System Luna® BMC MEDICAL CO., LTD.
16 06948538365649 LG3700 Luna® G3 BPAP 25A Luna® BMC MEDICAL CO., LTD.
17 06948538365632 LG3700 Luna® G3 BPAP 25A Luna® BMC MEDICAL CO., LTD.
18 06948538365625 LG3500 Luna® G3 CPAP Luna® BMC MEDICAL CO., LTD.
19 06948538365618 LG3600 Luna® G3 APAP Luna® BMC MEDICAL CO., LTD.
20 06948538365601 LG3700 Luna® G3 BPAP 25A Luna® BMC MEDICAL CO., LTD.
21 06948538365151 25A RESmart® BPAP System RESmart® BMC MEDICAL CO., LTD.
22 06948538365144 25A (BMC-50) RESmart® BPAP System with Integrated Heated Humidifier RESmart® BMC MEDICAL CO., LTD.
23 06948538363348 LG3500 Luna® G3 CPAP Luna® BMC MEDICAL CO., LTD.
24 06948538363331 LG3600 Luna® G3 APAP Luna® BMC MEDICAL CO., LTD.
25 06948538363324 LG3500 Luna® G3 CPAP Luna® BMC MEDICAL CO., LTD.
26 06948538363317 LG3600 Luna® G3 APAP Luna® BMC MEDICAL CO., LTD.
27 06948538363300 LG2000 Luna® II CPAP Luna® BMC MEDICAL CO., LTD.
28 06948538363294 LG2A00 Luna® II Auto CPAP Luna® BMC MEDICAL CO., LTD.
29 06948538363287 LG2000 Luna® II CPAP Luna® BMC MEDICAL CO., LTD.
30 06948538363270 LG2A00 Luna® II Auto CPAP Luna® BMC MEDICAL CO., LTD.
31 06948538363201 LQX2A00 Luna II QX Auto CPAP NA BMC MEDICAL CO., LTD.
32 06948538363195 LQX2000 Luna II QX CPAP NA BMC MEDICAL CO., LTD.
33 06948538363188 LG2A00 Luna II Auto CPAP NA BMC MEDICAL CO., LTD.
34 06948538363171 LG2000 Luna II CPAP NA BMC MEDICAL CO., LTD.
35 06948538363126 E-20C-H-O(H60) Luna® CPAP System with Integrated Heated Humidifier Luna® BMC MEDICAL CO., LTD.
36 06948538363119 E-20AJ-H-O(H60) Luna® Auto CPAP System with Integrated Heated Humidifier Luna® BMC MEDICAL CO., LTD.
37 06948538363102 E-20A-H-O(H60) Luna® Auto CPAP System with Integrated Heated Humidifier Luna® BMC MEDICAL CO., LTD.
38 06948538363096 RESmart Auto RESmart® Auto CPAP System RESmart® BMC MEDICAL CO., LTD.
39 06948538363089 RESmart Auto (BMC-50) RESmart® Auto CPAP System with Integrated Heated Humidifier RESmart® BMC MEDICAL CO., LTD.
40 06948538363072 RESmart RESmart® CPAP System RESmart® BMC MEDICAL CO., LTD.
41 06948538363065 RESmart (BMC-50) RESmart® CPAP System with Integrated Heated Humidifier RESmart® BMC MEDICAL CO., LTD.
42 06948538363027 E-20C-H-O Luna® CPAP System Luna® BMC MEDICAL CO., LTD.
43 06948538363010 E-20AJ-H-O Luna® Auto CPAP System Luna® BMC MEDICAL CO., LTD.
44 06948538363003 E-20A-H-O Luna® Auto CPAP System Luna® BMC MEDICAL CO., LTD.
45 06948538362907 WL-600 Cellular Module / BMC MEDICAL CO., LTD.
46 06948538362891 WL-100 WiFi Kit / BMC MEDICAL CO., LTD.
47 06948538362884 WL-300 Cellular Module / BMC MEDICAL CO., LTD.
48 06948538362877 / Carrying Case / BMC MEDICAL CO., LTD.
49 06948538362792 FC-D1/FC-D2/FC-D3 Filter Cap / BMC MEDICAL CO., LTD.
50 06948538362785 / Power Cord American Standard / BMC MEDICAL CO., LTD.