No Primary DI Version or Model Catalog Number Device Description Product Code Product Code Name Device Class Brand Name
1 09420012466235 900PT445 900PT445 Adjustable Handle for Hospital Stand FOX Stand, Infusion 1 Fisher & Paykel Healthcare
2 09420012470928 AA031JS AA031JS Optiflow Nasal Filtered Interface with CO2 Sampling Small BTT Humidifier, Respiratory Gas, (Direct Patient Interface) 2 Fisher & Paykel Healthcare
3 09420012471826 AA001JL AA001JL Optiflow Filtered Nasal Interface Large BTT Humidifier, Respiratory Gas, (Direct Patient Interface) 2 Fisher & Paykel Healthcare
4 09420012471000 AA001JM AA001JM Optiflow Filtered Nasal Interface Medium BTT Humidifier, Respiratory Gas, (Direct Patient Interface) 2 Fisher & Paykel Healthcare
5 09420012470980 AA001JS AA001JS Optiflow Filtered Nasal Interface Small BTT Humidifier, Respiratory Gas, (Direct Patient Interface) 2 Fisher & Paykel Healthcare
6 09420012470966 AA031JL AA031JL Optiflow Nasal Filtered Interface with CO2 Sampling Large BTT Humidifier, Respiratory Gas, (Direct Patient Interface) 2 Fisher & Paykel Healthcare
7 09420012470942 AA031JM AA031JM Optiflow Nasal Filtered Interface with CO2 Sampling Medium BTT Humidifier, Respiratory Gas, (Direct Patient Interface) 2 Fisher & Paykel Healthcare
8 09420012471796 EVF1XMLSLA EVF1XMLSLA F&P Evora Full Face PAP Therapy Mask - Fit Pack XS/S-M/L SLA BZD Ventilator, Non-Continuous (Respirator) 2 Fisher & Paykel Healthcare
9 09420012471789 EVF1LSLA EVF1LSLA F&P Evora Full Face PAP Therapy Mask - Large SLA BZD Ventilator, Non-Continuous (Respirator) 2 Fisher & Paykel Healthcare
10 09420012471772 EVF1MSLA EVF1MSLA F&P Evora Full Face PAP Therapy Mask - Small-Medium SLA BZD Ventilator, Non-Continuous (Respirator) 2 Fisher & Paykel Healthcare
11 09420012471765 EVF1XSLA EVF1XSLA F&P Evora Full Face PAP Therapy Mask - Extra Small SLA BZD Ventilator, Non-Continuous (Respirator) 2 Fisher & Paykel Healthcare
12 09420012471703 AA030JL AA030JL Optiflow Nasal Interface with CO2 Sampling Large BTT Humidifier, Respiratory Gas, (Direct Patient Interface) 2 Fisher & Paykel Healthcare
13 09420012471680 AA030JM AA030JM Optiflow Nasal Interface with CO2 Sampling Medium BTT Humidifier, Respiratory Gas, (Direct Patient Interface) 2 Fisher & Paykel Healthcare
14 09420012471666 AA030JS AA030JS Optiflow Nasal Interface with CO2 Sampling Small BTT Humidifier, Respiratory Gas, (Direct Patient Interface) 2 Fisher & Paykel Healthcare
15 09420012471642 AA000JL AA000JL Optiflow Nasal Interface Large BTT Humidifier, Respiratory Gas, (Direct Patient Interface) 2 Fisher & Paykel Healthcare
16 09420012471628 AA000JM AA000JM Optiflow Nasal Interface Medium BTT Humidifier, Respiratory Gas, (Direct Patient Interface) 2 Fisher & Paykel Healthcare
17 09420012471604 AA000JS AA000JS Optiflow Nasal Interface Small BTT Humidifier, Respiratory Gas, (Direct Patient Interface) 2 Fisher & Paykel Healthcare
18 09420012469021 850A61J 850A61J F&P 850 AirSpira Adult NIV and NHF circuit kit BTT Humidifier, Respiratory Gas, (Direct Patient Interface) 2 Fisher & Paykel Healthcare
19 09420012467560 MYAIRVOCHAMBER1 MYAIRVOCHAMBER1 myAirvo Reusable Chamber BZD Ventilator, Non-Continuous (Respirator) 2 Fisher & Paykel Healthcare
20 09420012466150 RT077C RT077C Visairo RT077 Vented Hospital Under Nose Mask, Anti-Asphyxiation Valve Version- Size C CBK Ventilator, Continuous, Facility Use 2 Fisher & Paykel Healthcare
21 09420012466136 RT077B RT077B Visairo RT077 Vented Hospital Under Nose Mask, Anti-Asphyxiation Valve Version- Size B CBK Ventilator, Continuous, Facility Use 2 Fisher & Paykel Healthcare
22 09420012466112 RT077A RT077A Visairo RT077 Vented Hospital Under Nose Mask, Anti-Asphyxiation Valve Version- Size A CBK Ventilator, Continuous, Facility Use 2 Fisher & Paykel Healthcare
23 09420012466099 RT076C RT076C Visairo RT076 Non-Vented Hospital Under Nose Mask, Standard Elbow Version- Size C CBK Ventilator, Continuous, Facility Use 2 Fisher & Paykel Healthcare
24 09420012466075 RT076B RT076B Visairo RT076 Non-Vented Hospital Under Nose Mask, Standard Elbow Version- Size B CBK Ventilator, Continuous, Facility Use 2 Fisher & Paykel Healthcare
25 09420012466051 RT076A RT076A Visairo RT076 Non-Vented Hospital Under Nose Mask, Standard Elbow Version- Size A CBK Ventilator, Continuous, Facility Use 2 Fisher & Paykel Healthcare
26 09420012466037 RT075C RT075C Visairo RT075 Non-Vented Hospital Under Nose Mask, Anti-Asphyxiation Valve Version- Size C CBK Ventilator, Continuous, Facility Use 2 Fisher & Paykel Healthcare
27 09420012466013 RT075B RT075B Visairo RT075 Non-Vented Hospital Under Nose Mask, Anti-Asphyxiation Valve Version- Size B CBK Ventilator, Continuous, Facility Use 2 Fisher & Paykel Healthcare
28 09420012465993 RT075A RT075A Visairo RT075 Non-Vented Hospital Under Nose Mask, Anti-Asphyxiation Valve Version- Size A CBK Ventilator, Continuous, Facility Use 2 Fisher & Paykel Healthcare
29 09420012463128 MYAIRVOSTAND1 MYAIRVOSTAND1 myAIRVO home stand FOX Stand, Infusion 1 Fisher & Paykel Healthcare
30 09420012461834 EVF1XMLA EVF1XMLA F&P Evora Full Face PAP Therapy Mask - Fit Pack XS/S-M/L A BZD Ventilator, Non-Continuous (Respirator) 2 Fisher & Paykel Healthcare
31 09420012461810 EVF1LLA EVF1LLA F&P Evora Full Face PAP Therapy Mask - L/L A BZD Ventilator, Non-Continuous (Respirator) 2 Fisher & Paykel Healthcare
32 09420012461797 EVF1MMA EVF1MMA F&P Evora Full Face PAP Therapy Mask - S-M/S-M A BZD Ventilator, Non-Continuous (Respirator) 2 Fisher & Paykel Healthcare
33 09420012461773 EVF1XXA EVF1XXA F&P Evora Full Face PAP Therapy Mask - XS/XS A BZD Ventilator, Non-Continuous (Respirator) 2 Fisher & Paykel Healthcare
34 09420012461759 EVF1LA EVF1LA F&P Evora Full Face PAP Therapy Mask - Large A BZD Ventilator, Non-Continuous (Respirator) 2 Fisher & Paykel Healthcare
35 09420012461735 EVF1MA EVF1MA F&P Evora Full Face PAP Therapy Mask - Small-Medium A BZD Ventilator, Non-Continuous (Respirator) 2 Fisher & Paykel Healthcare
36 09420012461711 EVF1XA EVF1XA F&P Evora Full Face PAP Therapy Mask - Extra Small A BZD Ventilator, Non-Continuous (Respirator) Fisher & Paykel Healthcare
37 09420012460790 RT057L RT057L Nivairo+ RT057 Vented Hospital Full Face Mask, Anti-Asphyxiation Valve Version- Large MNT Ventilator, Continuous, Minimal Ventilatory Support, Facility Use 2 Fisher & Paykel Healthcare
38 09420012460776 RT057M RT057M Nivairo+ RT057 Vented Hospital Full Face Mask, Anti-Asphyxiation Valve Version- Medium MNT Ventilator, Continuous, Minimal Ventilatory Support, Facility Use 2 Fisher & Paykel Healthcare
39 09420012460752 RT057S RT057S Nivairo+ RT057 Vented Hospital Full Face Mask, Anti-Asphyxiation Valve Version- Small MNT Ventilator, Continuous, Minimal Ventilatory Support, Facility Use 2 Fisher & Paykel Healthcare
40 09420012460738 RT057XS RT057XS Nivairo+ RT057 Vented Hospital Full Face Mask, Anti-Asphyxiation Valve Version- Nivairo+ RT057 Vented Hospital Full Face Mask, Anti-Asphyxiation Valve Version- Extra Small MNT Ventilator, Continuous, Minimal Ventilatory Support, Facility Use 2 Fisher & Paykel Healthcare
41 09420012460714 RT056L RT056L Nivairo+ RT056 Non-Vented Hospital Full Face Mask, Anti-Asphyxiation Valve Version- Large CBK Ventilator, Continuous, Facility Use 2 Fisher & Paykel Healthcare
42 09420012460691 RT056M RT056M Nivairo+ RT056 Non-Vented Hospital Full Face Mask, Anti-Asphyxiation Valve Version- Medium CBK Ventilator, Continuous, Facility Use 2 Fisher & Paykel Healthcare
43 09420012460677 RT056S RT056S Nivairo+ RT056 Non-Vented Hospital Full Face Mask, Anti-Asphyxiation Valve Version- Small CBK Ventilator, Continuous, Facility Use 2 Fisher & Paykel Healthcare
44 09420012460653 RT056XS RT056XS Nivairo+ RT056 Non-Vented Hospital Full Face Mask, Anti-Asphyxiation Valve Versi Nivairo+ RT056 Non-Vented Hospital Full Face Mask, Anti-Asphyxiation Valve Version- Extra Small CBK Ventilator, Continuous, Facility Use 2 Fisher & Paykel Healthcare
45 09420012460639 RT055L RT055L Nivairo+ RT055 Non-Vented Hospital Full Face Mask, Anti-Asphyxiation Valve Version- Large MNT Ventilator, Continuous, Minimal Ventilatory Support, Facility Use 2 Fisher & Paykel Healthcare
46 09420012460615 RT055M RT055M Nivairo+ RT055 Non-Vented Hospital Full Face Mask, Anti-Asphyxiation Valve Version- Medium MNT Ventilator, Continuous, Minimal Ventilatory Support, Facility Use 2 Fisher & Paykel Healthcare
47 09420012460295 RT055XS RT055XS Nivairo+ RT055 Non-Vented Hospital Full Face Mask, Anti-Asphyxiation Valve Versi Nivairo+ RT055 Non-Vented Hospital Full Face Mask, Anti-Asphyxiation Valve Version- Extra Small MNT Ventilator, Continuous, Minimal Ventilatory Support, Facility Use 2 Fisher & Paykel Healthcare
48 09420012459695 RT055S RT055S Nivairo+ RT055 Non-Vented Hospital Full Face Mask, Anti-Asphyxiation Valve Version- Small MNT Ventilator, Continuous, Minimal Ventilatory Support, Facility Use 2 Fisher & Paykel Healthcare
49 09420012457769 SPSABU SPSABU SleepStyle Auto CPAP BZD Ventilator, Non-Continuous (Respirator) 2 Fisher & Paykel Healthcare
50 09420012457752 SPSAAU SPSAAU Auto CPAP with Modem BZD Ventilator, Non-Continuous (Respirator) 2 Fisher & Paykel Healthcare
Other products with the same Product Code "BTT"
No Primary DI Version or Model Catalog Number Device Description Brand Name Organization Name
1 08717146061025 358 933 400 Medisize Gold Heater Medisize® MEDISIZE B.V.
2 08717146000420 360 000 000 Medisize Gold Booster t-piece Medisize® MEDISIZE B.V.
3 08717146000413 356 005 010B Medisize Gold Standard Medisize® MEDISIZE B.V.
4 08717146000406 356 001 010B Medisize Gold Comfort Medisize® MEDISIZE B.V.
5 08717146000390 356 000 000B Medisize Gold Basic Medisize® MEDISIZE B.V.
6 07630002801546 950004 950004 HAMILTON-H900 HAMILTON MEDICAL AG
7 07321820035304 US 003530 Respiratory Gas Humidifier HA01 BREAS MEDICAL AB
8 05055788793786 356-001-010U Hygrovent Gold Comfort FLEXICARE MEDICAL LIMITED
9 05055788792376 356-020-001U Hygrovent Gold Basic WFL FLEXICARE MEDICAL LIMITED
10 05055788792352 362-021-010U HME-Booster T-piece WFL Comfort + Hygrovent S HMEF FLEXICARE MEDICAL LIMITED
11 05055788792345 362-200-000U HME-Booster T-piece WFL + Hygrovent S HMEF FLEXICARE MEDICAL LIMITED
12 05055788792338 364-222-000U HME-Booster T-Piece WFL Kit 6 with 3 X HMEF FLEXICARE MEDICAL LIMITED
13 05055788792321 364-221-010U HME-Booster T-Piece WFL Kit 7 with 3 X HMEF and Catheter Mount FLEXICARE MEDICAL LIMITED
14 05055788792314 362-000-000U HME-Booster T-Piece with WFL FLEXICARE MEDICAL LIMITED
15 05055788792307 356-005-010U Hygrovent Gold Standard FLEXICARE MEDICAL LIMITED
16 05055788792291 356-000-010U Hygrovent Gold Comfort FLEXICARE MEDICAL LIMITED
17 05055788792284 356-000-000U Hygrovent Gold Basic FLEXICARE MEDICAL LIMITED
18 05055788792277 360-000-000U HME-Booster T-Piece FLEXICARE MEDICAL LIMITED
19 05055788790259 362-200-000 HME-Booster T-piece WFL + Hygrovent S HMEF FLEXICARE MEDICAL LIMITED
20 05055788790242 362-021-010 HME-Booster T-piece WFL Comfort + Hygrovent S HMEF FLEXICARE MEDICAL LIMITED
21 05055788783145 362-000-000 HME-Booster T-Piece WFL FLEXICARE MEDICAL LIMITED
22 05055788783121 356-020-001 Hygrovent Gold Basic WFL FLEXICARE MEDICAL LIMITED
23 05055788778554 360-000-000 HME-Booster T-Piece FLEXICARE MEDICAL LIMITED
24 05055788778493 356-005-010B Hygrovent Gold Standard FLEXICARE MEDICAL LIMITED
25 05055788778486 356-001-010B Hygrovent Gold Comfort FLEXICARE MEDICAL LIMITED
26 05055788778479 356-000-000B Hygrovent Gold Basic FLEXICARE MEDICAL LIMITED
27 05055788776215 356 000 000B Medisize Gold Basic FLEXICARE MEDICAL LIMITED
28 05055788772859 FL2000-07U Water Bag Pole FLEXICARE MEDICAL LIMITED
29 05055788772835 FL2000-06U Water Bag Pole Mounting Bracket FLEXICARE MEDICAL LIMITED
30 05055788771081 038-33-402U Neonatal Single Limb Heated Wire Breathing System HFOT 1.6 Kit 1 FLEXICARE MEDICAL LIMITED
31 05055788771050 038-31-405U Adult Single Limb Heated Wire Breathing System 1.6m with Veoflo Small Kit 5 FLEXICARE MEDICAL LIMITED
32 05055788771036 038-31-404U Adult Single Limb Heated Wire Breathing System 1.6m Kit 4 FLEXICARE MEDICAL LIMITED
33 05055788770336 038-33-203U Neonatal Dual Heated Wire Breathing System 1.6M (Kit 3) FLEXICARE MEDICAL LIMITED
34 05055788770039 038-33-255U Neonatal Ventimyst Dual Heated Wire B/S 1.6m (63") (Low Flow) (Kit 3) FLEXICARE MEDICAL LIMITED
35 05055788770022 038-33-253U Neonatal Ventimyst Dual Heated Wire B/S 1.6m (63") (Kit 2) FLEXICARE MEDICAL LIMITED
36 05055788770015 038-33-252U Neonatal Ventimyst Dual Heated Wire B/S 1.6m (63") (Kit 1) FLEXICARE MEDICAL LIMITED
37 05055788770008 038-32-252U Paediatric Ventimyst Dual Heated Wire B/S 1.6m (63") Kit 2 FLEXICARE MEDICAL LIMITED
38 05055788769996 038-31-253U Adult Ventimyst Dual Heated Wire B/S 1.6m (63") Kit 2 FLEXICARE MEDICAL LIMITED
39 05055788769989 038-31-252U Adult Ventimyst Dual Heated Wire B/S 1.6m (63") Kit 1 FLEXICARE MEDICAL LIMITED
41 05055788768050 FL9000-01U Sing Heated Wire Humidifier Adapter FLEXICARE MEDICAL LIMITED
42 05055788768043 FL9000-02U Dual Heated Wire Humidifier Adapter FLEXICARE MEDICAL LIMITED
43 05055788768036 FL9000-03U Humidifier Temperature Probe (1.5m) FLEXICARE MEDICAL LIMITED
44 05055788768029 FL2000-01U Respiratory Humidifier Mounting Accessory Pole Clamp Suitable For 30-50mm Pole FLEXICARE MEDICAL LIMITED
45 05055788768012 FL2000-02U Respiratory Humidifier Mounting Accessory C-Clamp Suitable For 19-4.0mm Pole FLEXICARE MEDICAL LIMITED
46 05055788768005 FL2000-03U Respiratory Humidifier Mounting Accessory Wall Bracket FLEXICARE MEDICAL LIMITED
47 05055788767992 FL2000-04U Respiratory Humidifier Mounting Accessory Rail Bracket FLEXICARE MEDICAL LIMITED
48 05055788767985 FL2000-05U Respiratory Humidifier Mounting Accessory off Set Rail Bracket FLEXICARE MEDICAL LIMITED
49 05055788745341 038-03-165U Neonatal 35in Heated Wire System W/Water Trap FLEXICARE MEDICAL LIMITED
50 05055788711964 038-31-748U Adult Circ w/ Dual HTD/W & AutoFCh FLEXICARE MEDICAL LIMITED