Other products from "RESMED ASIA PTE. LTD."
No Primary DI Version or Model Catalog Number Device Description Product Code Product Code Name Device Class Brand Name
1 09353645401024 40102 Oxyensure POC Backpack (AMO) CAW Generator, Oxygen, Portable 2 Oxyensure Backpack
2 09353645350506 35050 Mobi Backpack (AMO) CAW Generator, Oxygen, Portable 2 Mobi Backpack
3 09353645401079 40107 Oxyensure POC Charger DC/DC CAW Generator, Oxygen, Portable 2 Oxyensure Charger DC/DC
4 09353645401062 40106 Oxyensure POC AC/DC Charger US (AMO) CAW Generator, Oxygen, Portable 2 Oxyensure AC/DC Charger US
5 09353645000104 XYC104 Activox, Charger DC/DC CAW Generator, Oxygen, Portable 2 Charger DC/DC
6 09353645401048 40104 Oxyensure POC Mounting Straps (AMO) CAW Generator, Oxygen, Portable 2 Oxyensure Mounting Straps
7 09353645350537 35053 AC/DC Charger US (AMO) CAW Generator, Oxygen, Portable 2 AC/DC Charger US
8 09353645350520 35052 Mobi External Battery CAW Generator, Oxygen, Portable 2 External Battery Assembly
9 09353645350551 35055 35055 Mobi Mounting Straps (AMO) CAW Generator, Oxygen, Portable 2 Mobi Mounting Straps
10 09353645350018 35001 Mobi AMER1 (AMO) CAW Generator, Oxygen, Portable 2 Mobi
11 09353645000562 35001R Mobi - Refurbished CAW Generator, Oxygen, Portable 2 Mobi
12 09353645000081 123-102 Carry Case, Universal, Activox CAW Generator, Oxygen, Portable 2 Carry Case Activox
13 09353645401000 40100 Oxyensure POC CAW Generator, Oxygen, Portable 2 Oxyensure
14 09353645000098 XYC103 Activox, Charger AC/DC with power cord CAW Generator, Oxygen, Portable 2 Charger AC/DC with power cord
15 09353645401055 40105 Oxyensure POC Carry Bag CAW Generator, Oxygen, Portable 2 Oxyensure Carry Bag
Other products with the same Product Code "CAW"
No Primary DI Version or Model Catalog Number Device Description Brand Name Organization Name
1 M638AS0994U0 AS099-4U Oxygen Concentrator, 1-10 LPM, Dual flow with standard 1-10 LPM flow meters, Oxy Oxygen Concentrator, 1-10 LPM, Dual flow with standard 1-10 LPM flow meters, Oxygen Monitor options, Re-manufactured. NewLife Intensity 10 AIRSEP CORPORATION
2 M638AS09940 AS099-4 Oxygen Concentrator, 1-10 LPM, Dual flow with standard 1-10 LPM flow meters, Oxy Oxygen Concentrator, 1-10 LPM, Dual flow with standard 1-10 LPM flow meters, Oxygen Monitor options. NewLife Intensity 10 AIRSEP CORPORATION
3 M638AS0991U0 AS099-1U Oxygen Concentrator, 1-10 LPM, Dual flow option with standard 1-10 LPM flow meters. NewLife Intensity 10 AIRSEP CORPORATION
4 M638AS099101U0 AS099-101U Oxygen Concentrator, 1-10 LPM, Single flow, with Oxygen Monitor, Re-manufactured. NewLife Intensity 10 AIRSEP CORPORATION
5 M638AS0991010 AS099-101 Oxygen Concentrator, 1-10 LPM Single Flow Meter with Oxygen Monitor option NewLife Intensity 10 AIRSEP CORPORATION
6 M638AS099100U0 AS099-100U Oxygen Concentrator, 1-10 LPM, Single flow, Re-manufactured. NewLife Intensity 10 AIRSEP CORPORATION
7 M638AS0991000 AS099-100 Oxygen Concentrator, 1-10 LPM Single Flow Meter, base model NewLife Intensity 10 AIRSEP CORPORATION
8 M638AS09910 AS099-1 Oxygen Concentrator, 1-10 LPM, Dual flow option, Standard 1-10 LPM flow meters. NewLife Intensity 10 AIRSEP CORPORATION
9 M638AS0987100 AS098-710 Oxygen Concentrator, 1-5 LPM, with Air Outlet, Oxygen Monitor options VisionAire AIRSEP CORPORATION
10 M638AS0987070 AS098-707 Oxygen Concentrator, 1-5 LPM, with Air Outlet option. VisonAire AIRSEP CORPORATION
11 M638AS0984U0 AS098-4U Oxygen Concentrator, 1-5 LPM, with Oxygen Monitor option, Re-manufactured VisionAire AIRSEP CORPORATION
12 M638AS09840 AS098-4 Oxygen Concentrator, 1-5 LPM with Oxygen Monitor Option VisionAire AIRSEP CORPORATION
13 M638AS0981U0 AS098-1U Oxygen concentrator, 1-5 LPM, 115V/60Hz, base model, remanufactured Visioniare AIRSEP CORPORATION
14 M638AS09810 AS098-1 Oxygen concentrator 1-5 LPM, base model VisionAire AIRSEP CORPORATION
15 M638AS09680 AS096-8 Oxygen Concentrator, 1-2 LPM, with Oxygen Monitor option. VisionAire 2 AIRSEP CORPORATION
16 M638AS0967U0 AS096-7U Oxygen Concentrator, 1-3 LPM, with Oxygen Monitor option, re-manufactured. VisionAire 3 AIRSEP CORPORATION
17 M638AS09670 AS096-7 Oxygen Concentrator, 1-3 LPM, with Oxygen Monitor option. VisionAire AIRSEP CORPORATION
18 M638AS09660 AS096-6 Oxygen Concentrator, 1-3 LPM, base model VisionAire 3 AIRSEP CORPORATION
19 M638AS0951U0 AS095-1U Portable oxygen concentrator, 1-3 LPM pulse dose delivery, remanufactured FreeStyle AIRSEP CORPORATION
20 M638AS0951CU0 AS095-1CU Portable Oxygen Concentrator, 1-3 LPM, Re-manufactured, complete unit. FreeStyle AIRSEP CORPORATION
21 M638AS09510 AS095-1 Portable Oxygen Concentrator, 1 - 3 LPM Equivalent FreeStyle AIRSEP CORPORATION
22 M638AS0944U0 AS094-4U Oxygen concentrator, 1-8 LPM with oxygen monitor, remanufactured NewLife Intensity AIRSEP CORPORATION
23 M638AS09440 AS094-4 Oxygen Concentrator, 1-8 LPM, Dual flow with standard 1-8 LPM flow meters, Oxyge Oxygen Concentrator, 1-8 LPM, Dual flow with standard 1-8 LPM flow meters, Oxygen Monitor options. NewLife Intensity AIRSEP CORPORATION
24 M638AS0941U0 AS094-1U Oxygen Concentrator, 1-8 LPM, Dual flow option with standard 1-8 LPM flow meters Oxygen Concentrator, 1-8 LPM, Dual flow option with standard 1-8 LPM flow meters, Re-manufactured. NewLife Intensity AIRSEP CORPORATION
25 M638AS0941010 AS094-101 Oxygen Concentrator, 1-8 LPM, Single Flow Meter, with Oxygen Monitor Option NewLife Intensity AIRSEP CORPORATION
26 M638AS0941000 AS094-100 Oxygen Concentrator, 1-8 LPM, Single Flow Meter, Base model NewLife Intensity AIRSEP CORPORATION
27 M638AS09410 AS094-1 Oxygen Concentrator, 1-8 LPM, Dual flow option with standard 1-8 LPM flow meters. NewLife Intensity AIRSEP CORPORATION
28 M638AS0781U0 AS078-1U Portable oxygen concentrator, 2 lpm pulse dose flow, remanufactured Focus AIRSEP CORPORATION
29 M638AS0781CU0 AS078-1CU Portable Oxygen Concentrator, 2 LPM, Re-manufactured, complete unit Focus AIRSEP CORPORATION
30 M638AS07810 AS078-1 Portable Oxygen Concentrator, 2 LPM equivalent Focus AIRSEP CORPORATION
32 M638AS0771CU0 AS077-1CU Portable Oxygen Concentrator, 1-5 LPM, Re-manufactured, complete unit. FreeStyle 5 AIRSEP CORPORATION
33 M638AS07710 AS077-1 Portable Oxygen Concentrator, 1-5 LPM equivalent FreeStyle 5 AIRSEP CORPORATION
34 M638AS005900 AS005-90 Oxygen Concentrator, 1-5 LPM, with Air Outlet, Oxygen Monitor, and Oxy Silent options. NewLife Elite AIRSEP CORPORATION
35 M638AS005870 AS005-87 Oxygen Concentrator, 1-5 LPM, with Air Outlet, Oxy Silent options NewLife Elite AIRSEP CORPORATION
36 M638AS005840 AS005-84 Oxygen Concentrator, 1-5 LPM, with Oxy Silent, Oxygen Monitor options NewLife Elite AIRSEP CORPORATION
37 M638AS005810 AS005-81 Oxygen Concentrator, 1-5 LPM, with Oxy Silent option. NewLife Elite AIRSEP CORPORATION
38 M638AS00570 AS005-7 Oxygen Concentrator, 1-5 LPM, with Air Outlet option. NewLife Elite AIRSEP CORPORATION
39 M638AS0054U0 AS005-4U Oxygen Concentrator, 1-5 LPM, with Oxygen Monitor option, Re-manufactured. NewLife Elite AIRSEP CORPORATION
40 M638AS00540 AS005-4 Oxygen Concentrator, 1-5 LPM, with Oxygen Monitor option NewLife Elite AIRSEP CORPORATION
41 M638AS0051U0 AS005-1U Oxygen Concentrator, 1-5 LPM, base model, Re-manufactured. NewLife Elite AIRSEP CORPORATION
42 M638AS005100 AS005-10 Oxygen Concentrator, 1-5 LPM, with Air Outlet, Oxygen Monitor options NewLife Elite AIRSEP CORPORATION
43 M638AS00510 AS005-1 Oxygen Concentrator, 1-5 LPM, base model NewLife Elite AIRSEP CORPORATION
46 09353645401079 40107 Oxyensure POC Charger DC/DC Oxyensure Charger DC/DC RESMED ASIA PTE. LTD.
47 09353645401062 40106 Oxyensure POC AC/DC Charger US (AMO) Oxyensure AC/DC Charger US RESMED ASIA PTE. LTD.
48 09353645401055 40105 Oxyensure POC Carry Bag Oxyensure Carry Bag RESMED ASIA PTE. LTD.
49 09353645401048 40104 Oxyensure POC Mounting Straps (AMO) Oxyensure Mounting Straps RESMED ASIA PTE. LTD.
50 09353645401024 40102 Oxyensure POC Backpack (AMO) Oxyensure Backpack RESMED ASIA PTE. LTD.