Other products from "JEIL MEDICAL CORPORATION"
No Primary DI Version or Model Catalog Number Device Description Product Code Product Code Name Device Class Brand Name
1 08806390849234 111-143 HWW Countersink 1 Drill
2 08806390894869 PRO-10412 HRS Plate, Fixation, Bone 2 Prometheus Wrist System Bone Plate
3 08809265150350 12-ME-001-02 JEY Plate, Bone 2 Leforte System Bone Plate / GBR System Bone Plate
4 08806390898720 PRO-10206 HWC Screw, Fixation, Bone 2 Prometheus System Bone Screw
5 08806390898508 PRO-10182 HWC Screw, Fixation, Bone 2 Prometheus System Bone Screw
6 08806390894739 PRO-10400 HWC Screw, Fixation, Bone 2 Prometheus System Bone Screw
7 08806390897921 PRO-10297 HRS Plate, Fixation, Bone 2 Prometheus Diaphysis System Bone Plate
8 08806390897044 PRO-10323 HWC Screw, Fixation, Bone 2 Prometheus System Bone Screw
9 08806390896887 PRO-10273 HRS Plate, Fixation, Bone 2 Prometheus Clavicle System Bone Plate
10 08806390896511 PRO-10362 HRS Plate, Fixation, Bone 2 Prometheus Ankle System Bone Plate
11 08806390894456 PRO-10388 HRS Plate, Fixation, Bone 2 Prometheus Wrist System Bone Plate
12 08809265150251 12-YP-005 JEY,KTW Plate, Bone,Appliance, Fixation, Nail/Blade/Plate Combination, Single Component 2 Leforte System Bone Plate
13 08809265150213 12-ST-005 JEY,KTW Plate, Bone,Appliance, Fixation, Nail/Blade/Plate Combination, Single Component 2 Leforte System Bone Plate
14 08806390899642 PRO-10629 HRS Plate, Fixation, Bone 2 Prometheus Hand System Bone Plate
15 08806390892902 PRO-90035 HXX Screwdriver 1 Prometheus System Surgical Instrument
16 08806390873741 VH5050 HRS Plate, Fixation, Bone 2 VERUM Humerus System Bone Plate
17 08806390873710 VH5020 HRS Plate, Fixation, Bone 2 VERUM Humerus System Bone Plate
18 08806390899260 PRO-10526 HRS Plate, Fixation, Bone 2 Prometheus Foot System Bone Plate
19 08806390899253 PRO-10525 HRS Plate, Fixation, Bone 2 Prometheus Foot System Bone Plate
20 08806390899246 PRO-10524 HRS Plate, Fixation, Bone 2 Prometheus Foot System Bone Plate
21 08806390892452 PRO-90075 FZX Guide, Surgical, Instrument 1 Prometheus System Surgical Instrument
22 08806390892384 PRO-90050 HXW Bender 1 Prometheus System Surgical Instrument
23 08806390892377 PRO-90149 FZX Guide, Surgical, Instrument 1 Prometheus System Surgical Instrument
24 08806390898690 PRO-10197 HWC Screw, Fixation, Bone 2 Prometheus System Bone Screw
25 08806390898652 PRO-10195 HWC Screw, Fixation, Bone 2 Prometheus System Bone Screw
26 08806390898379 PRO-10169 HWC Screw, Fixation, Bone 2 Prometheus System Bone Screw
27 08806390898287 PRO-10657 HWC Screw, Fixation, Bone 2 Prometheus System Bone Screw
28 08806390898232 PRO-10652 HWC Screw, Fixation, Bone 2 Prometheus System Bone Screw
29 08806390897839 PRO-10645 HWC Screw, Fixation, Bone 2 Prometheus System Bone Screw
30 08806390897501 PRO-10256 HRS Plate, Fixation, Bone 2 Prometheus Clavicle System Bone Plate
31 08806390897471 PRO-10267 HRS Plate, Fixation, Bone 2 Prometheus Clavicle System Bone Plate
32 08806390897389 PRO-10666 HRS Plate, Fixation, Bone 2 Prometheus Humerus System Bone Plate
33 08806390897082 PRO-10327 HWC Screw, Fixation, Bone 2 Prometheus System Bone Screw
34 08806390896931 PRO-10278 HRS Plate, Fixation, Bone 2 Prometheus Clavicle System Bone Plate
35 08806390896726 PRO-10347 HWC Screw, Fixation, Bone 2 Prometheus System Bone Screw
36 08806390894951 PRO-10372 HWC Screw, Fixation, Bone 2 Prometheus System Bone Screw
37 08806390894647 PRO-10238 HWC Screw, Fixation, Bone 2 Prometheus System Bone Screw
38 08806390892544 PRO-90032 KCT Sterilization Wrap Containers, Trays, Cassettes & Other Accessories 2 Prometheus System Surgical Instrument
39 08806390892391 PRO-90143 HTJ Gauge, Depth 1 Prometheus System Surgical Instrument
40 08806390892315 PRO-90062 FZX Guide, Surgical, Instrument 1 Prometheus System Surgical Instrument
41 08806390891998 PRO-90084 FZX Guide, Surgical, Instrument 1 Prometheus System Surgical Instrument
42 08806390891714 PRO-90133 HTJ Gauge, Depth 1 Prometheus System Surgical Instrument
43 08806390891592 28L-SO-L08-TA HWC Screw, Fixation, Bone 2 ARIX System Bone Screw
44 08806390888097 24-RS-025TP HWT Template 1 Surgical Instrument
45 08806390886826 111-LD-020 LXH Orthopedic Manual Surgical Instrument 1 Surgical Instrument
46 08806390885805 SO-25-SO-026-TA HWC Screw, Fixation, Bone 2 Summa Orthopaedics System Bone Screw
47 08806390885515 25R-DVRA-211-L HRS Plate, Fixation, Bone 2 ARIX Wrist System Bone Plate
48 08806390870948 VC3538 HWC Screw, Fixation, Bone 2 VERUM System Bone Screw
49 08806390883429 35-DMTB-006-L HRS Plate, Fixation, Bone 2 ARIX Ankle Distal Tibia System Bone Plate
50 08806390880749 111-286 FZX Guide, Surgical, Instrument 1 Surgical Instrument
Other products with the same Product Code "KCT"
No Primary DI Version or Model Catalog Number Device Description Brand Name Organization Name
1 00887517996060 MDLUSTLIFAXLIMP Modulus TLIF-A Implant Set - XL Modulus NUVASIVE, INC.
2 00887517996053 MDLUSTLIFAOUTTRIAL Modulus TLIF-A Trial Set - Outlier Modulus NUVASIVE, INC.
3 00887517996046 MDLUSTLIFAOUTIMP Modulus TLIF-A Implant Set - Outlier Modulus NUVASIVE, INC.
4 00887517996039 MDLUSTLIFACOREIMP Modulus TLIF-A Implant Set - Core Modulus NUVASIVE, INC.
5 00887517992574 RELVBDLEANIN RELINE VBD Instrument Tray (Lean) ReLine NUVASIVE, INC.
6 00887517992567 MDLUSTLIFAXLINS Modulus TLIF-A XL Ins Modulus NUVASIVE, INC.
7 00887517992550 MDLUSTLIFACOREINS Modulus TLIF-A Core Ins Modulus NUVASIVE, INC.
8 00887517991997 MDLUSTLIFOTRIAL2 Modulus TLIF-O Trial Set - Outlier 2 Modulus NUVASIVE, INC.
9 00887517991980 MDLUSTLIFOTRIAL1 Modulus TLIF-O Trial Set - Outlier 1 Modulus NUVASIVE, INC.
10 00887517991959 MDLUSTLIFOCOREINS Modulus TLIF-O Instrument Set - Core Modulus NUVASIVE, INC.
11 00887517991461 TLX20LPINS TLX 20° LP Inserter Instruments TLX NUVASIVE, INC.
12 00887517991058 EXGENINS Excavation Posterior General Instruments Excavation NUVASIVE, INC.
13 00887517991041 EXDISCPREPSTRT Excavation Posterior Disc Prep Straight Excavation NUVASIVE, INC.
14 00887517991034 EXDISCPREPBAY Excavation Posterior Disc Prep Bayoneted Excavation NUVASIVE, INC.
15 00887517991027 EXAUXINS Excavation Posterior Aux Instruments Excavation NUVASIVE, INC.
16 00887517990945 MDLUSCRVTRIALS Modulus Cervical Trials Ins Modulus NUVASIVE, INC.
17 00887517990938 MDLUSCRVINS Modulus Cervical Instruments Modulus NUVASIVE, INC.
18 00887517990921 MDLUSCRVIMP3 Modulus Cervical 19x16 Implants Modulus NUVASIVE, INC.
19 00887517990914 MDLUSCRVIMP2 Modulus Cervical 17x14 Implants Modulus NUVASIVE, INC.
20 00887517990907 MDLUSCRVIMP1 Modulus Cervical 15x12 Implants Modulus NUVASIVE, INC.
21 00887517987938 ALIFWIDEBLADES ALIF Retractor 50mm Wide Blades ALIF NUVASIVE, INC.
22 00887517987051 HELIXRINS997 Helix Revolution Instrument Tray Helix NUVASIVE, INC.
23 00887517987044 HELIXRIMP997 Helix Revolution Implant Tray Helix NUVASIVE, INC.
24 00887517987020 ALPILIACSADDLEIMP Alpha Iliac Saddle Implant Tray ReLine NUVASIVE, INC.
25 00887517986702 MDLUSXLXW Modulus XLXW Movers STERILE Modulus NUVASIVE, INC.
26 00887517984920 RMMNAVS RMM Navigation.S Instruments ILIF NUVASIVE, INC.
27 00887517984913 RELNAVSCONSOLTTAP RELINE Navigation.S ConSol Tip Tap ReLine NUVASIVE, INC.
28 00887517984906 RELMASNAVSCONSOL RELINE MAS Navigvation.S ConSol ReLine NUVASIVE, INC.
29 00887517975911 BETMDLUSTLOTRIAL2 Beta Modulus TLIF-O Outlier Trial Modulus NUVASIVE, INC.
30 00887517975904 BETMDLUSTLOTRIAL1 Beta Modulus TLIF-O 7&14 Tall Trial Modulus NUVASIVE, INC.
31 00887517975898 BETMDLUSTLOOUT2 Beta Modulus TLIF-O Outlier Imp Modulus NUVASIVE, INC.
32 00887517975881 BETMDLUSTLOOUT1 Beta Modulus TLIF-O 7&14 Tall Imp Modulus NUVASIVE, INC.
33 00887517975652 MDLUSPLATE Modulus XLIF Plate Modulus NUVASIVE, INC.
34 00887517975577 BETMDLUSTLAXLINS Beta Modulus TLIF-A XL Ins Modulus NUVASIVE, INC.
35 00887517975560 BETMDLUSTLAXLIMP Beta Modulus TLIF-A XL Imp Modulus NUVASIVE, INC.
36 00887517975553 BETMDLUSTLATRIAL Beta Modulus TLIF-A Outlier Trial Modulus NUVASIVE, INC.
37 00887517975546 BETMDLUSTLAOUTIMP Beta Modulus TLIF-A Outlier Imp Modulus NUVASIVE, INC.
38 00887517975539 BETMDLUSTLACOREINS Beta Modulus TLIF-A Core Ins Modulus NUVASIVE, INC.
39 00887517975522 BETMDLUSTLACOREIMP Beta Modulus TLIF-A Core Imp Modulus NUVASIVE, INC.
40 00887517973719 RELMASREDMODL RELINE MAS Redux Mod - Lean ReLine NUVASIVE, INC.
41 00887517973627 HELIXRDM997 Helix Revolution Set Dismantable Helix NUVASIVE, INC.
42 00887517970404 TLX20MAG TLX 20° Graft Delivery Tray TLX NUVASIVE, INC.
43 00887517970381 RSSVBDIN RSS Derotation Tray ReLine NUVASIVE, INC.
44 00887517970374 RSSALTHOOKIMP RSS Alternative Hook Imp. Tray ReLine NUVASIVE, INC.
45 00887517970305 CORXLDMINS CoRoent XL Instruments - Dismantlable CoRoent NUVASIVE, INC.
46 00887517968746 BRIGADELATINS Brigade Lateral Instrument Set Brigade NUVASIVE, INC.
47 00887517968739 BRIGADELATIMP Brigade Lateral Implant Set Brigade NUVASIVE, INC.
48 00887517960368 BETRELCOBRA2IN RELINE Cobra 2 Reducer Set ReLine NUVASIVE, INC.
49 00887517958662 TLX20INS Launch TLX 20° Instruments TLX NUVASIVE, INC.
50 00887517957474 TLX20IMP36 TLX 20°, 36mm Implant Tray TLX NUVASIVE, INC.