KIRO Link is a software intended to store, convert formats, transfer and display
KIRO Link is a software intended to store, convert formats, transfer and display the medical data required for the integration and workflow management functionalities of compounding associated technologies. These technologies include customer site software (Computerized Physician Order Entry (CPOE), logistics, quality control, etc.), Pharmacy Compounding Devices (PCDs) and compounding assisting software. The software is intended to be used only by qualified pharmacy personnel.
The KIRO SET is a sterile, single-use, disposable ancillary device used with the
The KIRO SET is a sterile, single-use, disposable ancillary device used with the peristaltic pumps in the KIRO Oncology pharmacy compounding device for the transfer of fluids into sterile powder drug vials for reconstitution of intravenous drugs or into sterile medication containers for intravenous drug administration.
KIRO Oncology is an automated pharmacy compounding device (PCD) for the preparat
KIRO Oncology is an automated pharmacy compounding device (PCD) for the preparation of compounded sterile preparations (CSPs). KIRO Oncology includes an automated cleaning system for decontamination of the compounding area. The device is intended to be used only by qualified pharmacy personnel.
The IVX Cloud is intended for use in conjunction with IV Solutions products and
The IVX Cloud is intended for use in conjunction with IV Solutions products and acts as a source database and web-based compounding operation service. It is used to manage compounding data and orders and makes the data available to users both locally and remotely.
The Omnicell IVX Station is intended for use in the automated preparation of pha
The Omnicell IVX Station is intended for use in the automated preparation of pharmaceutical admixtures and syringes consisting of Non-hazardous drugs and diluents, or, Hazardous drugs compounded in non-hazardous Primary Engineering Controls (PECs) as a result of site-specific hazard risk analysis, to be used for intravenous administration.