The DG Gel 8 ABO/Rh (2D) card is for the determination of ABO forward and revers
The DG Gel 8 ABO/Rh (2D) card is for the determination of ABO forward and reverse group, and RhD antigen on the surface of red blood cells of human blood samples.For use with the DG Gel System.
DG Reader Net is a device designed to read, interpret, and report the results of
DG Reader Net is a device designed to read, interpret, and report the results of the processed DG Gel 8 cards. The instrument also identifies DG Gel 8 cards by reading their barcodes. As a stand-alone or interfaced to the customer’s Laboratory Information System (LIS), the instrument automates data management requirements using DG Gel 8 cards and digital image processing.
System, Test, Automated Blood Grouping And Antibody
For the determination of human E antigen on the surface of red blood cells of ei
For the determination of human E antigen on the surface of red blood cells of eight human blood samples.For use with the DG Gel System. For in vitro diagnostic use.
For the determination of human E antigen on the surface of red blood cells of ei
For the determination of human E antigen on the surface of red blood cells of eight human blood samples.For use with the DG Gel System. For in vitro diagnostic use.
For the determination of human e antigen on the surface of red blood cells of ei
For the determination of human e antigen on the surface of red blood cells of eight human blood samples.For use with the DG Gel System. For in vitro diagnostic use.
The DG Gel 8 ABO/Rh card is for the determination of ABO forward and reverse gro
The DG Gel 8 ABO/Rh card is for the determination of ABO forward and reverse group and D antigen on the surface of red blood cells, and for ABO Compatibility Test in human blood samples.For use with Manual Method. Not for use with Erytra or WADiana Compact.For in vitro diagnostic use.
The DG Gel 8 T/S Mono card is for the determination of human A, B and D antigens
The DG Gel 8 T/S Mono card is for the determination of human A, B and D antigens on the surface of red blood cells, and for Indirect Antiglobulin Test of human blood samples. This test does not contain antibodies to complement components.For use with the DG Gel System.For in vitro diagnostic use.
For the determination of human e antigen on the surface of red blood cells of ei
For the determination of human e antigen on the surface of red blood cells of eight human blood samples.For use with the DG Gel System. For in vitro diagnostic use.
The DG Gel 8 Direct Coombs card is used for the evaluation of the Direct Antiglo
The DG Gel 8 Direct Coombs card is used for the evaluation of the Direct Antiglobulin Test of two different human blood samples. It allows to differentiate red blood cells sensitized in vivo by IgG type immunoglobulins or the complement C3d fractions.For use with the DG Gel System.For in vitro diagnostic use.
Grifols Wash Solution B is used for internal washing of the Grifols analyzer's f
Grifols Wash Solution B is used for internal washing of the Grifols analyzer's fluidic system.The solution must be diluted prior to use.
Grifols Diluent is for use in preparing human red blood cell suspensions used wi
Grifols Diluent is for use in preparing human red blood cell suspensions used with the DG Gel 8 cards.
System, Test, Automated Blood Grouping And Antibody
The DG Gel 8 Anti-K card is for the determination of K antigen on the surface of
The DG Gel 8 Anti-K card is for the determination of K antigen on the surface of red blood cells in eight human blood samples.For use with the DG Gel System. For in vitro diagnostic use.
The DG Gel 8 Anti-K card is for the determination of K antigen on the surface of
The DG Gel 8 Anti-K card is for the determination of K antigen on the surface of red blood cells in eight human blood samples.For use with the DG Gel System. For in vitro diagnostic use.
Grifols Wash Solution A is used for internal washing of the Grifols analyzer's f
Grifols Wash Solution A is used for internal washing of the Grifols analyzer's fluidic system.The solution must be diluted prior to use.
The DG Gel 8 Rh Pheno card is for the determination of human C, E, c, and e anti
The DG Gel 8 Rh Pheno card is for the determination of human C, E, c, and e antigens on the surface of red blood cells of two separate blood samples.For use with the DG Gel System.For in vitro diagnostic use.
WADiana Compact is a fully automated analyzer designed to automate in vitro immu
WADiana Compact is a fully automated analyzer designed to automate in vitro immunohematological testing of human blood utilizing the DG Gel 8 cards technology. As a standalone or interfaced to the customer's Laboratory Information System (LIS), the WADiana Compact analyzer automates test processing functions and data management requirements using DG Gel 8 cards and digital image processing.
System, Test, Automated Blood Grouping And Antibody
The DG Gel 8 Anti-D card is for the determination of D antigen on the surface of
The DG Gel 8 Anti-D card is for the determination of D antigen on the surface of red blood cells of eight human blood samples.For use with the DG Gel System. For in vitro diagnostic use.
The DG Gel 8 Rh Pheno card is for the determination of human C, E, c, and e anti
The DG Gel 8 Rh Pheno card is for the determination of human C, E, c, and e antigens on the surface of red blood cells of two separate blood samples.For use with the DG Gel System.For in vitro diagnostic use.
The DG Gel 8 Rh Pheno card is for the determination of human C, E, c, and e anti
The DG Gel 8 Rh Pheno card is for the determination of human C, E, c, and e antigens on the surface of red blood cells of two separate blood samples.For use with the DG Gel System.For in vitro diagnostic use.
The DG Gel 8 Anti-D card is for the determination of D antigen on the surface of
The DG Gel 8 Anti-D card is for the determination of D antigen on the surface of red blood cells of eight human blood samples.For use with the DG Gel System. For in vitro diagnostic use.
The DG Gel 8 Anti-AB card is for the determination of human A and B antigens on
The DG Gel 8 Anti-AB card is for the determination of human A and B antigens on the surface of red blood cells of eight human blood samples.For use with the DG Gel System. For in vitro diagnostic use.
The DG Gel 8 Neutral card is for the detection of antibodies to red blood cell a
The DG Gel 8 Neutral card is for the detection of antibodies to red blood cell antigens of human blood samples and for its use as a control microtube. For use with the DG Gel System.For in vitro diagnostic use.
System, Test, Automated Blood Grouping And Antibody
The DG Gel 8 Anti-AB card is for the determination of human A and B antigens on
The DG Gel 8 Anti-AB card is for the determination of human A and B antigens on the surface of red blood cells of eight human blood samples.For use with the DG Gel System. For in vitro diagnostic use.
The DG Gel 8 AB (x4) card is for the determination of human A and B antigens on
The DG Gel 8 AB (x4) card is for the determination of human A and B antigens on the surface of red blood cells of four separate blood samples.For use with the DG Gel System.For in vitro diagnostic use.
Erytra Eflexis® is a fully-automated analyzer designed to automate in vitro immu
Erytra Eflexis® is a fully-automated analyzer designed to automate in vitro immunohematological testing of human blood utilizing DG Gel 8 cards technology, including Blood Grouping, Antigen Typing, Antibody Screening, Antibody Identification, Compatibility Tests, and Direct Antiglobulin Tests.As a standalone analyzer or interfaced to the customer’s Laboratory Information System (LIS), Erytra Eflexis® automates test processing functions and data management requirements using DG Gel 8 cards and digital image processing.
System, Test, Automated Blood Grouping And Antibody
The DG Reader is a device designed to read, interpret, and generate reports of t
The DG Reader is a device designed to read, interpret, and generate reports of the results of processed DG Gel 8 cards. The instruments also identifies DG Gel 8 cards by Reading their barcodes. As a stand-alone instrument or interfaced to the customer's Laboratory Information System (LIS), the DG Reader automates data management requirements using DG Gel 8 cards and digital image processing.
For the determination of human c antigen on the surface of red blood cells of ei
For the determination of human c antigen on the surface of red blood cells of eight human blood samples.For use with the DG Gel System. For in vitro diagnostic use.
The DG Gel 8 Anti-IgG (Rabbit) card is for the Direct and Indirect Antiglobulin
The DG Gel 8 Anti-IgG (Rabbit) card is for the Direct and Indirect Antiglobulin Test of human blood samples. This test does not contain antibodies to complement components.For use with the DG Gel System.For in vitro diagnostic use.
For the determination of human c antigen on the surface of red blood cells of ei
For the determination of human c antigen on the surface of red blood cells of eight human blood samples.For use with the DG Gel System. For in vitro diagnostic use.
The DG Gel 8 AB (x4) card is for the determination of human A and B antigens on
The DG Gel 8 AB (x4) card is for the determination of human A and B antigens on the surface of red blood cells of four separate blood samples.For use with the DG Gel System.For in vitro diagnostic use.
The Erytra is a fully-automated high-throughput analyzer designed to automate in
The Erytra is a fully-automated high-throughput analyzer designed to automate in vitro immunohematologial test of human blood utilizing DG Gel 8 card technology, including Blood Grouping, Antigen Typing, Antibody Screening, Antibody Identification, Compatability Tests, and Direct Antiglobulin Tests.As a standalone analyzer or interfaced to the customer's Laboratory Information System (LIS), the Erytra automates test processing functions and data management requirements using DG Gel 8 cards and digital image processing.
System, Test, Automated Blood Grouping And Antibody
DG THERM Incubator is a device specifically designed to incubate DG Gel 8 Cards
DG THERM Incubator is a device specifically designed to incubate DG Gel 8 Cards and/or test tubes at 37ºC for inmmunohematology applications.
The DG Gel 8 A/B/D card is for the determination of human A, B and D antigens on
The DG Gel 8 A/B/D card is for the determination of human A, B and D antigens on the surface of red blood cells of two separate blood samples.For use with the DG Gel System.For in vitro diagnostic use.
The DG Gel 8 ABO/Rh + Kell card is for the determination of ABO forward and reve
The DG Gel 8 ABO/Rh + Kell card is for the determination of ABO forward and reverse group, and D and K antigens on the surface of red blood cells of human blood samples.For use with the DG Gel System.For in vitro diagnostic use.
For the determination of human C antigen on the surface of red blood cells of ei
For the determination of human C antigen on the surface of red blood cells of eight human blood samples.For use with the DG Gel System. For in vitro diagnostic use.
The DG Gel 8 A/B/D card is for the determination of human A, B and D antigens on
The DG Gel 8 A/B/D card is for the determination of human A, B and D antigens on the surface of red blood cells of two separate blood samples.For use with the DG Gel System.For in vitro diagnostic use.
The DG Gel 8 ABO/Rh + Kell card is for the determination of ABO forward and reve
The DG Gel 8 ABO/Rh + Kell card is for the determination of ABO forward and reverse group, and D and K antigens on the surface of red blood cells of human blood samples.For use with the DG Gel System.For in vitro diagnostic use.
For the determination of human C antigen on the surface of red blood cells of ei
For the determination of human C antigen on the surface of red blood cells of eight human blood samples.For use with the DG Gel System. For in vitro diagnostic use.
The IH-Card ABO Neutral is intended for the detection of Anti-A and Anti-B antib
The IH-Card ABO Neutral is intended for the detection of Anti-A and Anti-B antibodies to human red blood cells.
LIFECODES B-Screen assay is a qualitative solid phase enzyme linked immunosorben
LIFECODES B-Screen assay is a qualitative solid phase enzyme linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) designed to detect IgG antibodies to HLA class II antigens.
Capture-R Ready-Screen (3) is used in the detection of unexpected IgG antibodies
Capture-R Ready-Screen (3) is used in the detection of unexpected IgG antibodies to red blood cells by manual, semi-automated or automated solid phase red blood cell adherence methods. This product contains three (3) test wells coated with red blood cell membranes from three (3) group O donors, as well as a positive control well, which all make up one (1) test of four (4) wells. Each strip consists of two antibody screens, i.e. two (2) sets of four (4) wells. Each microplate contains twelve (12) strips. Each microplate is packaged into a pouch. This particular product code package configuration is made up of five (5) microplates of the identical product, and the identical lot number, placed into the one (1) single box. The antigens Mia and Mur are represented with this product version.
The Echo Lumena is a microprocessor-controlled instrument designed to fully auto
The Echo Lumena is a microprocessor-controlled instrument designed to fully automate immunohematology in vitro diagnostic testing of human blood. The Echo Lumena automates test processing, result interpretation, and data management functions. The Echo Lumena is designed to automate standard immunohematology assays using a microstrip-based platform. Assays include ABO and Rh (D) typing, detection/identification of IgG red blood cell antibodies, compatibility testing, and red blood cell phenotyping.
The NEO Iris is a microprocessor-controlled instrument to fully automate immunoh
The NEO Iris is a microprocessor-controlled instrument to fully automate immunohematology in vitro diagnostic testing of human blood. The NEO Iris automates test processing, result interpretation and data management functions. The NEO Iris is designed to automate standard immunohematology assays using a microplate-based platform. Assays include ABO grouping and Rh (D) typing, detection/identification of IgG red blood cell antibodies, compatibility testing, red blood cell phenotyping and antigen screening. The NEO Iris is for in-vitro diagnostic use.
CMT Plates are intended to be used in hemagglutination assays on Immucor automat
CMT Plates are intended to be used in hemagglutination assays on Immucor automated instruments. CMT Plates are composed of micro-wells coated to block the nonspecific adsorption of red blood cells or serum proteins to the plastic wells. CMT Plates are supplied in a plate format. Each plate has twelve strips on a support frame and each strip has eight micro-wells. Strips can be used individually or in multiples. This product configuration is forty (40) microplates.
The Galileo Echo is a microprocessor-controlled instrument designed to fully aut
The Galileo Echo is a microprocessor-controlled instrument designed to fully automate immunohematology in vitro diagnostic testing of human blood. The Galileo Echo automates test processing, result interpretation, and data management functions. The Galileo Echo is designed to automate standard immunohematology assays using a microstrip-based platform. Assays include ABO and Rh (D) typing, detection/identification of IgG red blood cell antibodies, compatibility testing, and red blood cell phenotyping.
The Capture-R Select Solid Phase System provides modified microwells for the imm
The Capture-R Select Solid Phase System provides modified microwells for the immobilization of human erythrocytes for use in solid phase assays for the detection of IgG red blood cell antibodies to corresponding red blood cell antigens (e.g., antibody screening, selected red blood cell panels, crossmatching, or antigen phenotyping).
Specimen Diluent is a ready for use isotonic solution used for diluting red bloo
Specimen Diluent is a ready for use isotonic solution used for diluting red blood cells from blood samples for testing on Immucor automated instruments. This product configuration is six (6) vials of 57 mL volume.
Specimen Diluent is a ready for use isotonic solution used for diluting red bloo
Specimen Diluent is a ready for use isotonic solution used for diluting red blood cells from blood samples for testing on Immucor automated instruments. This product configuration is ten (10) vials of 11.5 mL volume.
The Galileo Neo (NEO) is a microprocessor-controlled instrument to fully automat
The Galileo Neo (NEO) is a microprocessor-controlled instrument to fully automate immunohematology in vitro diagnostic testing of human blood. The NEO automates test processing, result interpretation and data management functions. The NEO is designed to automate standard immunohematology assays using a microplate-based platform. Assays include ABO grouping and Rh (D) typing, detection/identification of IgG red blood cell antibodies, compatibility testing, red blood cell phenotyping, antigen screening and infectious disease screening, such as cytomegalovirus (CMV). The antigen screening assays provide guidelines for the user to select antisera or dilute commercial blood grouping reagents as a mechanism to pre-screen for antigen negative blood units that can then be subjected to confirmation using a licensed method.
Capture-R Select solid phase system provides modified micro-wells for the immobi
Capture-R Select solid phase system provides modified micro-wells for the immobilization of human erythrocytes for use in solid phase assays for the detection of IgG red blood cell antibodies to corresponding red blood cell antigens (e.g., antibody screening, selected red blood cell panels, crossmatching, or antigen phenotyping). This product is the five (5) plate configuration.
DG Reader Net is a device designed to read, interpret, and report the results of
DG Reader Net is a device designed to read, interpret, and report the results of the processed DG Gel 8 cards. The instrument also identifies DG Gel 8 cards by reading their barcodes. As a stand-alone or interfaced to the customer’s Laboratory Information System (LIS), the instrument automates data management requirements using DG Gel 8 cards and digital image processing.
Erytra Eflexis® is a fully-automated analyzer designed to automate in vitro immu
Erytra Eflexis® is a fully-automated analyzer designed to automate in vitro immunohematological testing of human blood utilizing DG Gel 8 cards technology, including Blood Grouping, Antigen Typing, Antibody Screening, Antibody Identification, Compatibility Tests, and Direct Antiglobulin Tests.As a standalone analyzer or interfaced to the customer’s Laboratory Information System (LIS), Erytra Eflexis® automates test processing functions and data management requirements using DG Gel 8 cards and digital image processing.
Grifols Diluent is for use in preparing human red blood cell suspensions used wi
Grifols Diluent is for use in preparing human red blood cell suspensions used with the DG Gel 8 cards.
The Erytra® is a fully-automated high-throughput analyzer designed to automate i
The Erytra® is a fully-automated high-throughput analyzer designed to automate in vitro immunohematological testing of human blood utilizing DG Gel® 8 card technology, including Blood Grouping, Antigen Typing, Antibody Screening, Antibody Identification, Compatibility Tests, and Direct Antiglobulin Tests. As a standalone analyzer or interfaced to the customer's Laboratory Information System (LIS), the Erytra® automates test processing functions and data management requirements using DG Gel 8 cards and digital image processing.
The Erytra is a fully-automated high-throughput analyzer designed to automate in
The Erytra is a fully-automated high-throughput analyzer designed to automate in vitro immunohematologial test of human blood utilizing DG Gel 8 card technology, including Blood Grouping, Antigen Typing, Antibody Screening, Antibody Identification, Compatability Tests, and Direct Antiglobulin Tests.As a standalone analyzer or interfaced to the customer's Laboratory Information System (LIS), the Erytra automates test processing functions and data management requirements using DG Gel 8 cards and digital image processing.
WADiana Compact is a fully automated analyzer designed to automate in vitro immu
WADiana Compact is a fully automated analyzer designed to automate in vitro immunohematological testing of human blood utilizing the DG Gel 8 cards technology. As a standalone or interfaced to the customer's Laboratory Information System (LIS), the WADiana Compact analyzer automates test processing functions and data management requirements using DG Gel 8 cards and digital image processing.
The DG Gel 8 Neutral card is for the detection of antibodies to red blood cell a
The DG Gel 8 Neutral card is for the detection of antibodies to red blood cell antigens of human blood samples and for its use as a control microtube. For use with the DG Gel System.For in vitro diagnostic use.
Suspension medium and stabilizer for red blood cells for TANGO instruments and o
Suspension medium and stabilizer for red blood cells for TANGO instruments and other immunohaematology methods
Gel card for use with the IH system; Card for antibody detection of human red bl
Gel card for use with the IH system; Card for antibody detection of human red blood cells; 288 cards of 6 microtubes
Gel card for use with the IH system; Card for antibody detection of human red bl
Gel card for use with the IH system; Card for antibody detection of human red blood cells; 12 cards of 6 microtubes
Gel card for use with the IH system; Card for antibody detection of human red bl
Gel card for use with the IH system; Card for antibody detection of human red blood cells; 48 cards of 6 microtubes
Microplate for use in detection of red blood cell antibodies and antigens in ind
Microplate for use in detection of red blood cell antibodies and antigens in indirect and direct antiglobulin tests with solid phase antiglobulin technique on TANGO instruments; 10 plates
Suspension medium and stabilizer for red blood cells for TANGO instruments and o
Suspension medium and stabilizer for red blood cells for TANGO instruments and other immunohaematology methods
IH-500 is an automated instrument intended for the in vitro serological analysis
IH-500 is an automated instrument intended for the in vitro serological analysis for blood grouping and antibody detection of human blood specimens