Other products from "RHEIN 83 SRL"
No Primary DI Version or Model Catalog Number Device Description Product Code Product Code Name Device Class Brand Name
1 D821131ILG4 OT EQUATOR Flat One Gold & Blu h.4 c/SB 131ILG4 NDP Accessories, Implant, Dental, Endosseous 1 OT EQUATOR - OT BRIDGE
2 D821130IIC51 OT EQUATOR CERTAIN ø 5 h.1 130IIC51 NDP Accessories, Implant, Dental, Endosseous 1 OT EQUATOR - OT BRIDGE
3 08059224179490 SMART BOX EQUATOR KIT POTK1 DISPOSABLE medical devices. Retentive caps of different retentive forces, Titani DISPOSABLE medical devices. Retentive caps of different retentive forces, Titanium housing for the caps and protective disc. NHA Abutment, Implant, Dental, Endosseous 2 OT EQUATOR - OT BRIDGE
4 08059224172477 CAPS EXTR./INSERTION TOOL W. UDI 485IC-US-SIS STERILIZABLE device with stainless steel insertion and extraction tip for retent STERILIZABLE device with stainless steel insertion and extraction tip for retentive caps and plastic handle NDP Accessories, Implant, Dental, Endosseous 1 OT EQUATOR - OT BRIDGE
5 08059224160511 INSERTION/EXTRACTION TOOL FOR CAPS 485IC-US STERILIZABLE device with stainless steel insertion and extraction tip for retent STERILIZABLE device with stainless steel insertion and extraction tip for retentive caps and plastic handle NDP Accessories, Implant, Dental, Endosseous 1 OT EQUATOR - OT BRIDGE
6 08059224154978 EQUATOR CAPS LAB.PROCESSING, BLACK (4 p) 140CEN-IQ NON ELASTIC cap for laboratory use. EGG Attachment, Precision, All 1 OT EQUATOR - OT BRIDGE
7 08059224169279 OT EQUATOR QZA ø 3,8 h.5 w/SmartBox 131QZ385 DISPOSABLE medical devices. Abutment to be screwed into a dental implant. The co DISPOSABLE medical devices. Abutment to be screwed into a dental implant. The connection and the thread are compatible with the specific implant; available in different cuff heights. Retentive caps of different retentive forces, metal housing for the caps and protective disc. DZE Implant, Endosseous, Root-Form 2 OT EQUATOR - OT BRIDGE
8 08059224169262 OT EQUATOR QZA ø 3,8 h.5 w/SmartBox 130QZ385 DISPOSABLE medical devices. Abutment to be screwed into a dental implant. The co DISPOSABLE medical devices. Abutment to be screwed into a dental implant. The connection and the thread are compatible with the specific implant; available in different cuff heights. Retentive caps of different retentive forces, metal housing for the caps and protective disc. DZE Implant, Endosseous, Root-Form 2 OT EQUATOR - OT BRIDGE
9 08059224162263 INSERITORE di CAPP. NORMO e MICRO c/ UDI 085IAC-US STERILIZABLE device with stainless steel insertion and extraction tip for retent STERILIZABLE device with stainless steel insertion and extraction tip for retentive caps and plastic handle NDP Accessories, Implant, Dental, Endosseous 1 OT EQUATOR - OT BRIDGE
10 08059224159942 OT EQUATOR LITTLE IMPLANT ø 3,5 h.5 130TTF5 DISPOSABLE medical devices. Abutment to be screwed into a dental implant. The co DISPOSABLE medical devices. Abutment to be screwed into a dental implant. The connection and the thread are compatible with the specific implant; available in different cuff heights. Retentive caps of different retentive forces, metal housing for the caps and protective disc. NHA Abutment, Implant, Dental, Endosseous 1 OT EQUATOR - OT BRIDGE
11 08059224159089 OT EQUATOR LITTLE IMPLANT ø 3,5 h.4 130TTF4 DISPOSABLE medical devices. Abutment to be screwed into a dental implant. The co DISPOSABLE medical devices. Abutment to be screwed into a dental implant. The connection and the thread are compatible with the specific implant; available in different cuff heights. Retentive caps of different retentive forces, metal housing for the caps and protective disc. NHA Abutment, Implant, Dental, Endosseous 1 OT EQUATOR - OT BRIDGE
12 08059224158167 OT EQUATOR ASTRA EV ø 3 h.3 030AEV33 DISPOSABLE medical device to be screwed into a dental implant. The connection an DISPOSABLE medical device to be screwed into a dental implant. The connection and the thread are compatible with the specific implant. Available in different cuff heights. NHA Abutment, Implant, Dental, Endosseous 1 OT EQUATOR - OT BRIDGE
13 08059224157818 OT EQUATOR Flat One Gold & Blu h.6 c/SB 131ILG6 DISPOSABLE medical devices. Abutment to be screwed into a dental implant. The co DISPOSABLE medical devices. Abutment to be screwed into a dental implant. The connection and the thread are compatible with the specific implant; available in different cuff heights. Retentive caps of different retentive forces, metal housing for the caps and protective disc. DZE Implant, Endosseous, Root-Form 2 OT EQUATOR - OT BRIDGE
14 08059224156460 OT EQUATOR Flat One Gold & Blu h.1 c/SB 131ILG1 DISPOSABLE medical devices. Abutment to be screwed into a dental implant. The co DISPOSABLE medical devices. Abutment to be screwed into a dental implant. The connection and the thread are compatible with the specific implant; available in different cuff heights. Retentive caps of different retentive forces, metal housing for the caps and protective disc. NHA Abutment, Implant, Dental, Endosseous 1 OT EQUATOR - OT BRIDGE
15 08059224151700 EQUATOR/OT CAPS INSERTER/EXTRACTOR TOOL 485IC-IQ STERILIZABLE device with stainless steel insertion and extraction tip for retent STERILIZABLE device with stainless steel insertion and extraction tip for retentive caps and plastic handle NDP Accessories, Implant, Dental, Endosseous 1 OT EQUATOR - OT BRIDGE
16 08059224156194 OT EQUATOR Flat One Gold & Blu h.4 c/SB 131ILG4 DISPOSABLE medical devices. Abutment to be screwed into a dental implant. The co DISPOSABLE medical devices. Abutment to be screwed into a dental implant. The connection and the thread are compatible with the specific implant; available in different cuff heights. Retentive caps of different retentive forces, metal housing for the caps and protective disc. DZE Implant, Endosseous, Root-Form 1 OT EQUATOR - OT BRIDGE
17 08059224155937 OT EQUATOR NOBEL ACTIVE NP ø3,5 h.1 c/SB 131NAC351 DISPOSABLE medical devices. Abutment to be screwed into a dental implant. The co DISPOSABLE medical devices. Abutment to be screwed into a dental implant. The connection and the thread are compatible with the specific implant; available in different cuff heights. Retentive caps of different retentive forces, metal housing for the caps and protective disc. NHA Abutment, Implant, Dental, Endosseous 1 OT EQUATOR - OT BRIDGE
18 08059224155920 OT EQUATOR NOBEL ACTIVE ø 3 h.1,1 c/SB 131NAC31 DISPOSABLE medical devices. Abutment to be screwed into a dental implant. The co DISPOSABLE medical devices. Abutment to be screwed into a dental implant. The connection and the thread are compatible with the specific implant; available in different cuff heights. Retentive caps of different retentive forces, metal housing for the caps and protective disc. NHA Abutment, Implant, Dental, Endosseous 1 OT EQUATOR - OT BRIDGE
19 08059224155005 DENTURE REPLAC.HOUSING ASSEMBLY (4 Pack) 141CCN-IQ EGG Attachment, Precision, All 1 OT EQUATOR - OT BRIDGE
20 08059224154992 EQUATOR CAPS ASSORTMENT KIT, (1 Pack) 192ECE-IQ DISPOSABLE device used to provide retention of a removable prosthesis anchored o DISPOSABLE device used to provide retention of a removable prosthesis anchored on metal hemi-spheres fixed in the mouth. EGG Attachment, Precision, All 1 OT EQUATOR - OT BRIDGE
21 08059224154961 EQUATOR RET.CAPS SOFT,YELLOW (4 Pack) 140CEG-IQ DISPOSABLE device in plastic material to be embodied in a removable prosthesis. DISPOSABLE device in plastic material to be embodied in a removable prosthesis. Cap with extra soft retention EGG Attachment, Precision, All 1 OT EQUATOR - OT BRIDGE
22 08059224154954 EQUATOR RET.CAPS SOFT,PINK (4-Pack) 140CER-IQ DISPOSABLE device in plastic material to be embodied in a removable prosthesis. DISPOSABLE device in plastic material to be embodied in a removable prosthesis. Cap with soft retention EGG Attachment, Precision, All 1 OT EQUATOR - OT BRIDGE
23 08059224154947 EQUATOR RET.CAPS STANDARD,CLEAR (4-Pack) 140CET-IQ DISPOSABLE device in plastic material to be embodied in a removable prosthesis. DISPOSABLE device in plastic material to be embodied in a removable prosthesis. Cap with standard retention EGG Attachment, Precision, All 1 OT EQUATOR - OT BRIDGE
24 08059224154930 EQUATOR RET.CAPS STRONG,VIOLET (4-pack) 140CEV-IQ DISPOSABLE device in plastic material to be embodied in a removable prosthesis. EGG Attachment, Precision, All 1 OT EQUATOR - OT BRIDGE
25 08059224154497 OT EQUATOR NOBEL ACTIVE ø 3 h.3 c/SB 131NAC33 DISPOSABLE medical devices. Abutment to be screwed into a dental implant. The co DISPOSABLE medical devices. Abutment to be screwed into a dental implant. The connection and the thread are compatible with the specific implant; available in different cuff heights. Retentive caps of different retentive forces, metal housing for the caps and protective disc. NHA Abutment, Implant, Dental, Endosseous 1 OT EQUATOR - OT BRIDGE
26 08059224154237 OT EQUATOR Flat One Gold & Blu h.7 130ILG7 DISPOSABLE medical devices. Abutment to be screwed into a dental implant. The co DISPOSABLE medical devices. Abutment to be screwed into a dental implant. The connection and the thread are compatible with the specific implant; available in different cuff heights. Retentive caps of different retentive forces, metal housing for the caps and protective disc. NHA Abutment, Implant, Dental, Endosseous 1 OT EQUATOR - OT BRIDGE
27 08059224151984 OT EQUATOR STERI OSS E/E ø 3,25 h.2 c/SB 131STOHL2 DISPOSABLE medical devices. Abutment to be screwed into a dental implant. The co DISPOSABLE medical devices. Abutment to be screwed into a dental implant. The connection and the thread are compatible with the specific implant; available in different cuff heights. Retentive caps of different retentive forces, metal housing for the caps and protective disc. NHA Abutment, Implant, Dental, Endosseous 1 OT EQUATOR - OT BRIDGE
28 08059224151601 OT EQUATOR Flat One Gold & Blu h.3 c/SB 131ILG3 DISPOSABLE medical devices. Abutment to be screwed into a dental implant. The co DISPOSABLE medical devices. Abutment to be screwed into a dental implant. The connection and the thread are compatible with the specific implant; available in different cuff heights. Retentive caps of different retentive forces, metal housing for the caps and protective disc. DZE Implant, Endosseous, Root-Form 1 OT EQUATOR - OT BRIDGE
29 08059224151083 OT EQUATOR ASTRA EV ø 4,8 h.2 c/SB 131AEV482 DISPOSABLE medical devices. Abutment to be screwed into a dental implant. The co DISPOSABLE medical devices. Abutment to be screwed into a dental implant. The connection and the thread are compatible with the specific implant; available in different cuff heights. Retentive caps of different retentive forces, metal housing for the caps and protective disc. NHA Abutment, Implant, Dental, Endosseous 1 OT EQUATOR - OT BRIDGE
30 08059224151076 OT EQUATOR ASTRA EV ø 3 h.1 c/SB 131AEV31 DISPOSABLE medical devices. Abutment to be screwed into a dental implant. The co DISPOSABLE medical devices. Abutment to be screwed into a dental implant. The connection and the thread are compatible with the specific implant; available in different cuff heights. Retentive caps of different retentive forces, metal housing for the caps and protective disc. NHA Abutment, Implant, Dental, Endosseous 1 OT EQUATOR - OT BRIDGE
31 08059224150857 OT EQUATOR STERI OSS ø 3,25 h.2 c/smartb 131STO3252 DISPOSABLE medical devices. Abutment to be screwed into a dental implant. The co DISPOSABLE medical devices. Abutment to be screwed into a dental implant. The connection and the thread are compatible with the specific implant; available in different cuff heights. Retentive caps of different retentive forces, metal housing for the caps and protective disc. NHA Abutment, Implant, Dental, Endosseous 1 OT EQUATOR - OT BRIDGE
32 08059224150840 OT EQUATOR STERI OSS ø 3,25 h.3 c/smartb 131STO3253 DISPOSABLE medical devices. Abutment to be screwed into a dental implant. The co DISPOSABLE medical devices. Abutment to be screwed into a dental implant. The connection and the thread are compatible with the specific implant; available in different cuff heights. Retentive caps of different retentive forces, metal housing for the caps and protective disc. NHA Abutment, Implant, Dental, Endosseous 1 OT EQUATOR - OT BRIDGE
33 08059224150833 OT EQUATOR STERI OSS ø 3,8 h.3 c/smartbo 131STO3 DISPOSABLE medical devices. Abutment to be screwed into a dental implant. The co DISPOSABLE medical devices. Abutment to be screwed into a dental implant. The connection and the thread are compatible with the specific implant; available in different cuff heights. Retentive caps of different retentive forces, metal housing for the caps and protective disc. NHA Abutment, Implant, Dental, Endosseous 1 OT EQUATOR - OT BRIDGE
34 08059224149745 OT EQUATOR STERI OSS E/E ø 3,25 h.3 c/SB 131STOHL3 DISPOSABLE medical devices. Abutment to be screwed into a dental implant. The co DISPOSABLE medical devices. Abutment to be screwed into a dental implant. The connection and the thread are compatible with the specific implant; available in different cuff heights. Retentive caps of different retentive forces, metal housing for the caps and protective disc. EGG Attachment, Precision, All 1 OT EQUATOR - OT BRIDGE
35 08059224149004 OT EQUATOR STRAUMANN h.7 c/SB 131BFT7 DISPOSABLE medical devices. Abutment to be screwed into a dental implant. The co DISPOSABLE medical devices. Abutment to be screwed into a dental implant. The connection and the thread are compatible with the specific implant; available in different cuff heights. Retentive caps of different retentive forces, metal housing for the caps and protective disc. NHA Abutment, Implant, Dental, Endosseous 1 OT EQUATOR - OT BRIDGE
36 08059224148809 OT EQUATOR MINI MN ø 3 h.6 c/SmartBox 131MN36 DISPOSABLE medical devices. Abutment to be screwed into a dental implant. The co DISPOSABLE medical devices. Abutment to be screwed into a dental implant. The connection and the thread are compatible with the specific implant; available in different cuff heights. Retentive caps of different retentive forces, metal housing for the caps and protective disc. NHA Abutment, Implant, Dental, Endosseous 1 OT EQUATOR - OT BRIDGE
37 08059224148779 OT EQUATOR ASTRA EV ø 3,6 h.1,1 c/SB 131AEV361 DISPOSABLE medical devices. Abutment to be screwed into a dental implant. The co DISPOSABLE medical devices. Abutment to be screwed into a dental implant. The connection and the thread are compatible with the specific implant; available in different cuff heights. Retentive caps of different retentive forces, metal housing for the caps and protective disc. NHA Abutment, Implant, Dental, Endosseous 1 OT EQUATOR - OT BRIDGE
38 08059224148632 OT EQUATOR CERTAIN ø 6 h.3 130IIC63 DISPOSABLE medical devices. Abutment to be screwed into a dental implant. The co DISPOSABLE medical devices. Abutment to be screwed into a dental implant. The connection and the thread are compatible with the specific implant; available in different cuff heights. Retentive caps of different retentive forces, metal housing for the caps and protective disc. NHA Abutment, Implant, Dental, Endosseous 1 OT EQUATOR - OT BRIDGE
39 08059224148625 OT EQUATOR BIO HORIZONS ø 3 h.1 c/SB 131BH31 DISPOSABLE medical devices. Abutment to be screwed into a dental implant. The co DISPOSABLE medical devices. Abutment to be screwed into a dental implant. The connection and the thread are compatible with the specific implant; available in different cuff heights. Retentive caps of different retentive forces, metal housing for the caps and protective disc. NHA Abutment, Implant, Dental, Endosseous 1 OT EQUATOR - OT BRIDGE
40 08059224148533 OT EQUATOR NOBEL ACTIVE WP ø 5,5 h.2 130NAC52 DISPOSABLE medical devices. Abutment to be screwed into a dental implant. The co DISPOSABLE medical devices. Abutment to be screwed into a dental implant. The connection and the thread are compatible with the specific implant; available in different cuff heights. Retentive caps of different retentive forces, metal housing for the caps and protective disc. NHA Abutment, Implant, Dental, Endosseous 1 OT EQUATOR - OT BRIDGE
41 08059224148304 OT EQUATOR INTRA LOCK ø 3,3 h.7 c/SB 131INLK337 DISPOSABLE medical devices. Abutment to be screwed into a dental implant. The co DISPOSABLE medical devices. Abutment to be screwed into a dental implant. The connection and the thread are compatible with the specific implant; available in different cuff heights. Retentive caps of different retentive forces, metal housing for the caps and protective disc. NHA Abutment, Implant, Dental, Endosseous 1 OT EQUATOR - OT BRIDGE
42 08059224142142 ODSecure Analog 500 u. ATEBH-500 NHA Abutment, Implant, Dental, Endosseous 1 OT EQUATOR - OT BRIDGE
43 08059224146607 OT EQUATOR INDEX Std e Wide h.3 c/SB 131INLK43 DISPOSABLE medical devices. Abutment to be screwed into a dental implant. The co DISPOSABLE medical devices. Abutment to be screwed into a dental implant. The connection and the thread are compatible with the specific implant; available in different cuff heights. Retentive caps of different retentive forces, metal housing for the caps and protective disc. NHA Abutment, Implant, Dental, Endosseous 1 OT EQUATOR - OT BRIDGE
44 08059224146591 OT EQUATOR NEODENT DRIVE CM h.2 c/SB 131NCM2 DISPOSABLE medical devices. Abutment to be screwed into a dental implant. The co DISPOSABLE medical devices. Abutment to be screwed into a dental implant. The connection and the thread are compatible with the specific implant; available in different cuff heights. Retentive caps of different retentive forces, metal housing for the caps and protective disc. NHA Abutment, Implant, Dental, Endosseous 1 OT EQUATOR - OT BRIDGE
45 08059224146515 OT EQUATOR INDEX Std e Wide h.2 c/SB 131INLK42 DISPOSABLE medical devices. Abutment to be screwed into a dental implant. The co DISPOSABLE medical devices. Abutment to be screwed into a dental implant. The connection and the thread are compatible with the specific implant; available in different cuff heights. Retentive caps of different retentive forces, metal housing for the caps and protective disc. NHA Abutment, Implant, Dental, Endosseous 1 OT EQUATOR - OT BRIDGE
46 08059224146287 OT EQUATOR INDEX Std e Wide h.5 130INLK45 DISPOSABLE medical devices. Abutment to be screwed into a dental implant. The co DISPOSABLE medical devices. Abutment to be screwed into a dental implant. The connection and the thread are compatible with the specific implant; available in different cuff heights. Retentive caps of different retentive forces, metal housing for the caps and protective disc. NHA Abutment, Implant, Dental, Endosseous 1 OT EQUATOR - OT BRIDGE
47 08059224146270 OT EQUATOR INTRAHEX ø 3,4-3,75-4 h.1 130INH31 DISPOSABLE medical devices. Abutment to be screwed into a dental implant. The co DISPOSABLE medical devices. Abutment to be screwed into a dental implant. The connection and the thread are compatible with the specific implant; available in different cuff heights. Retentive caps of different retentive forces, metal housing for the caps and protective disc. NHA Abutment, Implant, Dental, Endosseous 1 OT EQUATOR - OT BRIDGE
48 08059224146119 OT EQUATOR ASTRA EV ø 3 h.3 c/SB 131AEV33 DISPOSABLE medical devices. Abutment to be screwed into a dental implant. The co DISPOSABLE medical devices. Abutment to be screwed into a dental implant. The connection and the thread are compatible with the specific implant; available in different cuff heights. Retentive caps of different retentive forces, metal housing for the caps and protective disc. NHA Abutment, Implant, Dental, Endosseous 1 OT EQUATOR - OT BRIDGE
49 08059224146010 OT EQUATOR Frialit 2 ø 4.5 h.7 130FRI457 DISPOSABLE medical devices. Abutment to be screwed into a dental implant. The co DISPOSABLE medical devices. Abutment to be screwed into a dental implant. The connection and the thread are compatible with the specific implant; available in different cuff heights. Retentive caps of different retentive forces, metal housing for the caps and protective disc. NHA Abutment, Implant, Dental, Endosseous 1 OT EQUATOR - OT BRIDGE
50 08059224145563 OT EQUATOR NEODENT GM h.1 130NGM1 DISPOSABLE medical devices. Abutment to be screwed into a dental implant. The co DISPOSABLE medical devices. Abutment to be screwed into a dental implant. The connection and the thread are compatible with the specific implant; available in different cuff heights. Retentive caps of different retentive forces, metal housing for the caps and protective disc. NHA Abutment, Implant, Dental, Endosseous 1 OT EQUATOR - OT BRIDGE
Other products with the same Product Code "NDP"
No Primary DI Version or Model Catalog Number Device Description Brand Name Organization Name
1 30605861054257 S1010 S1010 3M™ ESPE™ MDI Block Out Shim (Pack of 25), S1010 3M™ ESPE™ 3M COMPANY
2 30605861053618 LASH LASH 3M™ ESPE™ MDI Collared Square Head Analog, LASH 3M™ ESPE™ 3M COMPANY
3 30605861053595 LAOB LAOB 3M™ ESPE™ MDI Collared O-Ball Head Analog, LAOB 3M™ ESPE™ 3M COMPANY
4 30605861052932 0550-10 0550-10 3M™ ESPE™ MDI O-Ring - Quantity 10, 0550-10 3M™ ESPE™ 3M COMPANY
5 30605861052833 0351-10 0351-10 3M™ ESPE™ MDI Micro O-Ring - Quantity 10, 0351-10 3M™ ESPE™ 3M COMPANY
6 30605861052154 2924 2924 3M™ ESPE™ MDI 2.9mm O-Ball Immediate Temporization Cap, 2924 3M™ ESPE™ 3M COMPANY
7 30605861052130 2923 2923 3M™ ESPE™ MDI 2.9mm Tapered Abutment Immediate Temporization Cap, 2923 3M™ ESPE™ 3M COMPANY
8 30605861052093 2921 2921 3M™ ESPE™ MDI 2.9mm O-Ball Impression Coping, 2921 3M™ ESPE™ 3M COMPANY
9 30605861052079 2920 2920 3M™ ESPE™ MDI 2.9mm Tapered Abutment Impression Coping, 2920 3M™ ESPE™ 3M COMPANY
10 17332747009726 300441 300441 Guided Pilot Drill Sleeve 2.0mm 20/pkg Nobel Biocare® NOBEL BIOCARE AB
11 17332747009719 300439 300439 Guided Pilot Drill Sleeve 1.5mm 20/pkg Nobel Biocare® NOBEL BIOCARE AB
12 17332747009351 300084 300084 Lab Screw Trefoil™ 3/pkg Trefoil™ NOBEL BIOCARE AB
13 17332747009344 300082 300082 Try-in Screw Trefoil™ 3/pkg Trefoil™ NOBEL BIOCARE AB
14 17332747008125 38857 38857 Protection Analog / Drill Guide CC WP 5/pkg NA NOBEL BIOCARE AB
15 17332747008118 38856 38856 Protection Analog / Drill Guide CC RP 5/pkg NA NOBEL BIOCARE AB
16 17332747008101 38855 38855 Protection Analog / Drill Guide CC NP 5/pkg NA NOBEL BIOCARE AB
17 17332747007975 38919 38919 Multi-unit Abutment Plus Replica (5pkg) NA NOBEL BIOCARE AB
18 17332747007104 37895 37895 Lab Screw Implant Level CC RP/WP and Ext Hex RP 5/pkg Nobel Biocare® NOBEL BIOCARE AB
19 17332747001805 36804 36804 Protection Analog CC 3.0 5/pkg NA NOBEL BIOCARE AB
20 17332747001027 2413 2413 Retainer Ring 2/pkg NA NOBEL BIOCARE AB
21 17332747000976 61760 61760 O-Ring for Tools 2 sets of 5/pkg NA NOBEL BIOCARE AB
22 17332747000969 2078 2078 O-Ring Clinical White 12/pkg NA NOBEL BIOCARE AB
23 17332747000952 2493 2493 O-Ring Abutment Analog w Spacer 2/pkg NA NOBEL BIOCARE AB
24 17332747000273 30908 30908 Guided Anchor sleeves Nobel Biocare® NOBEL BIOCARE AB
25 17332747000266 30043 30043 Protection Analog NobRpl 6.0 5/pkg NobelReplace® NOBEL BIOCARE AB
26 17332747000235 29503 29503 Implant Replica NobRpl WP 20/pkg NobelReplace® NOBEL BIOCARE AB
27 17332747000228 29501 29501 Implant Replica NobRpl RP 20/pkg NobelReplace® NOBEL BIOCARE AB
28 17332747000211 29499 29499 Implant Replica NobRpl NP 20/pkg NobelReplace® NOBEL BIOCARE AB
29 17332747000174 29293 29293 Lab Screw Implant Level NobRpl RP/WP/6.0 5/pkg NobelReplace® NOBEL BIOCARE AB
30 17332747000167 29290 29290 Lab Screw Implant Level Bmk Syst RP 5pkg Brånemark System® NOBEL BIOCARE AB
31 17332747000150 29287 29287 Lab Screw Multi-unit 5/pkg NA NOBEL BIOCARE AB
32 17332747000143 29124 29124 Protection Analog M-u Bmk Syst WP 5/pkg Brånemark System® NOBEL BIOCARE AB
33 17332747000136 29123 29123 Protection Analog Multi-unit 5/pkg NA NOBEL BIOCARE AB
34 17332747000129 29121 29121 Protection Analog NobRpl WP 5/pkg NobelReplace® NOBEL BIOCARE AB
35 17332747000112 29120 29120 Protection Analog NobRpl RP 5/pkg NobelReplace® NOBEL BIOCARE AB
36 17332747000105 29119 29119 Protection Analog NobRpl NP 5/pkg NobelReplace® NOBEL BIOCARE AB
37 17332747000099 29118 29118 Protection Analog Bmk Syst WP 5/pkg Brånemark System® NOBEL BIOCARE AB
38 17332747000082 29117 29117 Protection Analog Bmk Syst RP 5/pkg Brånemark System® NOBEL BIOCARE AB
39 17332747000075 29116 29116 Protection Analog Bmk Syst NP 5/pkg Brånemark System® NOBEL BIOCARE AB
40 15712821005974 PMA-NBA60-50 N/a The product consists of the Elos Accurate® Analog for Printed Models (Analog) ma The product consists of the Elos Accurate® Analog for Printed Models (Analog) manufactured in the biocompatible material titanium alloy grade 5 ELI (TiAl6V4 ELI). Elos Accurate® Analog for Printed Models ELOS MEDTECH PINOL A/S
41 15712821005813 PMA-NBA43-50 N/a The product consists of the Elos Accurate® Analog for Printed Models (Analog) ma The product consists of the Elos Accurate® Analog for Printed Models (Analog) manufactured in the biocompatible material titanium alloy grade 5 ELI (TiAl6V4 ELI). Elos Accurate® Analog for Printed Models ELOS MEDTECH PINOL A/S
42 15712821005806 PMA-NBR60-50 N/a The product consists of the Elos Accurate® Analog for Printed Models (Analog) ma The product consists of the Elos Accurate® Analog for Printed Models (Analog) manufactured in the biocompatible material titanium alloy grade 5 ELI (TiAl6V4 ELI). Elos Accurate® Analog for Printed Models ELOS MEDTECH PINOL A/S
43 15712821005790 PMA-NBR50-50 N/a The product consists of the Elos Accurate® Analog for Printed Models (Analog) ma The product consists of the Elos Accurate® Analog for Printed Models (Analog) manufactured in the biocompatible material titanium alloy grade 5 ELI (TiAl6V4 ELI). Elos Accurate® Analog for Printed Models ELOS MEDTECH PINOL A/S
44 15712821005783 PMA-NBR43-50 N/a The product consists of the Elos Accurate® Analog for Printed Models (Analog) ma The product consists of the Elos Accurate® Analog for Printed Models (Analog) manufactured in the biocompatible material titanium alloy grade 5 ELI (TiAl6V4 ELI). Elos Accurate® Analog for Printed Models ELOS MEDTECH PINOL A/S
45 15712821005776 PMA-NBR35-50 N/a The product consists of the Elos Accurate® Analog for Printed Models (Analog) ma The product consists of the Elos Accurate® Analog for Printed Models (Analog) manufactured in the biocompatible material titanium alloy grade 5 ELI (TiAl6V4 ELI). Elos Accurate® Analog for Printed Models ELOS MEDTECH PINOL A/S
46 15712821005745 PMA-NBA35-50 N/a The product consists of the Elos Accurate® Analog for Printed Models (Analog) ma The product consists of the Elos Accurate® Analog for Printed Models (Analog) manufactured in the biocompatible material titanium alloy grade 5 ELI (TiAl6V4 ELI). Elos Accurate® Analog for Printed Models ELOS MEDTECH PINOL A/S
47 15712821005738 PMA-NBA30-50 N/a The product consists of the Elos Accurate® Analog for Printed Models (Analog) ma The product consists of the Elos Accurate® Analog for Printed Models (Analog) manufactured in the biocompatible material titanium alloy grade 5 ELI (TiAl6V4 ELI). Elos Accurate® Analog for Printed Models ELOS MEDTECH PINOL A/S
48 15712821005721 PMA-BRA51-50 N/a The product consists of the Elos Accurate® Analog for Printed Models (Analog) ma The product consists of the Elos Accurate® Analog for Printed Models (Analog) manufactured in the biocompatible material titanium alloy grade 5 ELI (TiAl6V4 ELI). Elos Accurate® Analog for Printed Models ELOS MEDTECH PINOL A/S
49 15712821005714 PMA-BRA41-50 N/a The product consists of the Elos Accurate® Analog for Printed Models (Analog) ma The product consists of the Elos Accurate® Analog for Printed Models (Analog) manufactured in the biocompatible material titanium alloy grade 5 ELI (TiAl6V4 ELI). Elos Accurate® Analog for Printed Models ELOS MEDTECH PINOL A/S
50 15712821005707 PMA-BRA35-50 N/a The product consists of the Elos Accurate® Analog for Printed Models (Analog) ma The product consists of the Elos Accurate® Analog for Printed Models (Analog) manufactured in the biocompatible material titanium alloy grade 5 ELI (TiAl6V4 ELI). Elos Accurate® Analog for Printed Models ELOS MEDTECH PINOL A/S