The Maglife Serenity is a multi-parameter patient monitor which is indicated for
The Maglife Serenity is a multi-parameter patient monitor which is indicated for monitoringelectrocardiogram (ECG), pulse oximetry (SpO2), pulse rate, partial carbon dioxidepressure at the end of expiration (EtCO2), nitrous oxide concentration (%N20), partialpressure of inspired carbon dioxide, respiratory rate (RR), noninvasiveblood pressure (NIBP), invasive blood pressure (IBP), concentration of gas inspired andexpired (isoflurane, halothane, enflurane, desflurane, sevoflurane), and fraction of oxygen (FiO2) and temperature tracking.
Monitor,Physiological,Patient(Without Arrhythmia Detection Or Alarms)
Gating cable for use between any Expression MR patient monitor and any wired or
Gating cable for use between any Expression MR patient monitor and any wired or wireless MRI system accessories.
ECG lead cable designed for use with 3rd-generation wireless ECG module and Neon
ECG lead cable designed for use with 3rd-generation wireless ECG module and Neonatal Quadtrodes (IEC coded leads.)
ECG lead cable designed for use with 3rd-generation wireless ECG module and Stan
ECG lead cable designed for use with 3rd-generation wireless ECG module and Standard Quadtrodes (IEC coded leads.)
ECG lead cable designed for use with 3rd-generation wireless ECG module and CV Q
ECG lead cable designed for use with 3rd-generation wireless ECG module and CV Quadtrodes (IEC coded leads.)
ECG lead cable designed for use with 3rd-generation wireless ECG module and Neon
ECG lead cable designed for use with 3rd-generation wireless ECG module and Neonatal Quadtrodes (AAMI coded leads.)
ECG lead cable designed for use with 3rd-generation wireless ECG module and Stan
ECG lead cable designed for use with 3rd-generation wireless ECG module and Standard Quadtrodes (AAMI coded leads.)
ECG lead cable designed for use with 3rd-generation wireless ECG module and CV Q
ECG lead cable designed for use with 3rd-generation wireless ECG module and CV Quadtrodes (AAMI coded leads.)
ECG Leadwire Set designed for use with the Expression MRI Patient Monitor when u
ECG Leadwire Set designed for use with the Expression MRI Patient Monitor when utlizing the system's Advanced ECG Gradient Filter. Compatible with the CV Quadtrode 9371A.
Software medical device. Intended for use by professional healthcare providers f
Software medical device. Intended for use by professional healthcare providers for physiologic/hemodynamic monitoring, medical data processing and analytical assessment.
Temperature sensor for Expression MRI patient monitors, capable of surface measu
Temperature sensor for Expression MRI patient monitors, capable of surface measurement or, with applied FlexTEMP Jacket, esophogeal/nasal/rectal body temperature.
5 foot IBP transducer cable for use with Expression MRI patient monitors and Exp
5 foot IBP transducer cable for use with Expression MRI patient monitors and Expression MR IBP transducers.