No | Primary DI | Version or Model | Catalog Number | Device Description | Product Code | Product Code Name | Device Class | Brand Name |
1 | 00875197006254 | 08688214190 | 08688214190 | QLX | Nucleic acid amplification test for the quantitation of Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) DNA | 2 | cobas® EBV/BKV Control Kit | |
3 | 00875197005646 | 07402678190 | 07402678190 | PGX | Groups A, C And G Beta-Hemolytic Streptococcus Nucleic Acid Amplification System | 2 | cobas® Strep A Quality Control Kit for use on the cobas® Liat® System | |
4 | 00875197005363 | 2.0 | 07102577190 | OOI,LSL,MKZ | real time Nucleic acid amplification system,DNA-REAGENTS, NEISSERIA,DNA PROBE, N real time Nucleic acid amplification system,DNA-REAGENTS, NEISSERIA,DNA PROBE, NUCLEIC ACID AMPLIFICATION, CHLAMYDIA | 1 | cobas® 4800 CT/NG Test v2.0 | |
5 | 00875197005356 | 2.0 | 07102569190 | LSL,MKZ,OOI | DNA-REAGENTS, NEISSERIA,DNA PROBE, NUCLEIC ACID AMPLIFICATION, CHLAMYDIA,real ti DNA-REAGENTS, NEISSERIA,DNA PROBE, NUCLEIC ACID AMPLIFICATION, CHLAMYDIA,real time Nucleic acid amplification system | 1 | cobas® 4800 CT/NG Test v2.0 | |
6 | 00875197004458 | 1.0 | 06768318190 | OQO | Herpes Simplex Virus Nucleic Acid Amplification Assay | 2 | cobas® 4800 Systems Internal Control Kit | |
8 | 00875197004410 | 1.0 | 06768113190 | OOI,NQX | real time Nucleic acid amplification system,SYSTEM, NUCLEIC ACID AMPLIFICATION T real time Nucleic acid amplification system,SYSTEM, NUCLEIC ACID AMPLIFICATION TEST, DNA, METHICILLIN RESISTANT STAPHYLOCOCCUS AUREUS, DIRECT SPECIMEN | 2 | cobas® MRSA/SA Test | |
9 | 00875197004120 | 05985536190 | 05985536190 | OWD | Somatic gene mutation detection system | 3 | cobas® DNA Sample Preparation Kit | |
10 | 00875197003215 | 1.0 | 05235847190 | LSL,OOI,MKZ | DNA-REAGENTS, NEISSERIA,real time Nucleic acid amplification system,DNA PROBE, N DNA-REAGENTS, NEISSERIA,real time Nucleic acid amplification system,DNA PROBE, NUCLEIC ACID AMPLIFICATION, CHLAMYDIA | 1 | cobas® 4800 System Control Diluent Kit | |
11 | 00875197003185 | 05235804190 | 05235804190 | MAQ | KIT, DNA DETECTION, HUMAN PAPILLOMAVIRUS | 3 | cobas® 4800 System Sample Preparation Kit | |
12 | 00875197003178 | 05235782190 | 05235782190 | MAQ | KIT, DNA DETECTION, HUMAN PAPILLOMAVIRUS | 3 | cobas® 4800 System Sample Preparation Kit | |
14 | 00875197001068 | 2 | 03302563018 | COBAS® AmpliScreen HCV Test, v2.0 | ||||
15 | 00875197000993 | 2 | 03155935018 | MTL | MONITOR,TEST,HIV-1 | 3 | COBAS AMPLICOR HIV-1 Monitor Test, version 1.5 | |
16 | 08430215046203 | 03531414001 | 03531414001 | OOI | real time Nucleic acid amplification system | 2 | LightCycler® 2.0 Instrument | |
17 | 07613336171295 | 08988218001 | 08988218001 | JQW | STATION, PIPETTING AND DILUTING, FOR CLINICAL USE | 1 | cobas® prime Secondary Tube Tray | |
18 | 07613336146644 | 08106568001 | 08106568001 | LXG | EQUIPMENT, LABORATORY, GENERAL PURPOSE, LABELED OR PROMOTED FOR A SPECIFIC MEDICAL USE | 1 | AVENIO Millisect | |
19 | 04015630925537 | 03121453001 | 03121453001 | JJF | ANALYZER, CHEMISTRY, MICRO, FOR CLINICAL USE | 1 | COBAS® TaqMan® | |
20 | 00875197006421 | 09040897190 | 09040897190 | PAB | Cytomegalovirus (cmv) dna quantitative assay | 3 | cobas® CMV | |
21 | 00875197006131 | 08244049190 | 08244049190 | cobas Babesia | ||||
22 | 00875197005776 | 07460066190 | 07460066190 | MKZ,LSL,OOI | DNA PROBE, NUCLEIC ACID AMPLIFICATION, CHLAMYDIA,DNA-REAGENTS, NEISSERIA,real ti DNA PROBE, NUCLEIC ACID AMPLIFICATION, CHLAMYDIA,DNA-REAGENTS, NEISSERIA,real time Nucleic acid amplification system | 1 | cobas CTNG Qualitative nucleic acid test for use on the cobas 6800/8800 Systems | |
23 | 00875197005752 | 07460155190 | 07460155190 | MAQ | Kit, Dna Detection, Human Papillomavirus | 3 | cobas HPV for use on the cobas 6800/8800 systems | |
24 | 00875197004939 | 07001037190 | 07001037190 | PAB | Cytomegalovirus (cmv) dna quantitative assay | 3 | cobas CMV Control Kit | |
25 | 00875197004069 | 2 | 05923450190 | MZF | Test, hiv detection | 2 | COBAS® TaqMan® HIV-1 Test version 2.0, For Use With the High Pure System | |
26 | 00875197004045 | 2.0 | 05969484190 | cobas® TaqScreen MPX Test, v2.0 | ||||
27 | 00875197003260 | 05235898190 | 05235898190 | MAQ | KIT, DNA DETECTION, HUMAN PAPILLOMAVIRUS | 3 | cobas® 4800 HPV Amplification/Detection Kit | |
28 | 00875197003253 | 05235880190 | 05235880190 | MAQ | KIT, DNA DETECTION, HUMAN PAPILLOMAVIRUS | 3 | cobas® 4800 HPV Amplification/Detection Kit | |
29 | 00875197003024 | 2 | 05212308190 | MZF | Test, hiv detection | 2 | COBAS® AmpliPrep/ COBAS® TaqMan® HIV- 1 Test, version 2.0 | |
30 | 00875197002676 | 05002125190 | 05002125190 | cobas® TaqScreen Cadaveric Specimen Diluent Kit | ||||
31 | 00875197002218 | 04404220190 | 04404220190 | cobas® TaqScreen Wash Reagent | ||||
32 | 00875197002003 | 03577163190 | 03577163190 | MKT | Hepatitis Viral B DNA Detection | 3 | COBAS® TaqMan® HBV Test, For Use With The High Pure System | |
33 | 00875197001099 | 2 | 03322114018 | COBAS® AmpliScreen HIV-1 Test, v1.5 | ||||
34 | 00875197000030 | 20759899123 | 20759899123 | COBAS® AMPLICOR Wash Buffer | ||||
35 | 07613336193297 | 09341935001 | 09341935001 | GWW | Ataxiagraph | 1 | Floodlight MS Draw Shape Test | |
36 | 07613336193280 | 09341927001 | 09341927001 | GWW | Ataxiagraph | 1 | Floodlight MS Draw Shape Test | |
37 | 07613336193259 | 09341889001 | 09341889001 | GWW | Ataxiagraph | 1 | Floodlight MS Pinching Test | |
38 | 07613336119563 | 07886977001 | 07886977001 | OOI | real time Nucleic acid amplification system | 2 | cobas Liat Software Version 3.0 | |
39 | 04038377020556 | 03502295001 | 03502295001 | MKT | Hepatitis Viral B DNA Detection | 3 | High Pure System Viral Nucleic Acid Kit | |
40 | 00875197006490 | 09040919190 | 09040919190 | PAB | Cytomegalovirus (cmv) dna quantitative assay | 3 | cobas® CMV Control Kit | |
41 | 00875197006483 | 09040536190 | 09040536190 | MZF | Test, HIV detection | 2 | cobas® HIV-1/HIV- 2 192T | |
42 | 00875197006445 | 09051554190 | 09051554190 | MZF | Test, HIV detection | 2 | cobas® NHP Negative Control Kit | |
43 | 00875197006261 | 08688206190 | 08688206190 | QLX | Nucleic acid amplification test for the quantitation of Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) DNA | 2 | cobas® EBV | |
44 | 00875197005264 | 1.0 | 06768253190 | OQO | Herpes Simplex Virus Nucleic Acid Amplification Assay | 2 | cobas® 4800 System Lysis Kit | |
45 | 00875197004229 | 06471463190 | 06471463190 | OWD | Somatic gene mutation detection system | 3 | cobas® EGFR Mutation Test | |
47 | 00875197004137 | 05985579190 | 05985579190 | OWD | Somatic gene mutation detection system | 3 | cobas® 4800 BRAF V600 Mutation Test | |
48 | 00875197002102 | 03599779190 | 03599779190 | COBAS® AmpliScreen HBV Test | ||||
49 | 00875197001051 | 03302555018 | 03302555018 | COBAS® AmpliScreen Multiprep Specimen Preparation and Control Kit | ||||
50 | 07613336193273 | 09341919001 | 09341919001 | PTY | Computerized Cognitive Assessment Aid, Exempt | 2 | Floodlight MS Cognitive Test |
No | Primary DI | Version or Model | Catalog Number | Device Description | Brand Name | Organization Name |
1 | B626200020 | 20002 | Research Platform | LINUS HEALTH, INC. | ||
2 | B626200010 | 20001 | 20001 | Core Cognitive Evaluation is a non-invasive test that assess possible cognitive Core Cognitive Evaluation is a non-invasive test that assess possible cognitive impairment. It is intended to be used by medical professionals qualified to interpret results of a cognitive assessment. | Core Cognitive Evaluation | LINUS HEALTH, INC. |
3 | B62611100 | 1110 | 1110 | DCTclock System | DCTclock | LINUS HEALTH, INC. |
4 | B626100960 | 10096 | 10096 | DCTclock System - Research | DCTclock | LINUS HEALTH, INC. |
5 | B626100930 | 10093 | 10093 | DCTclock Practice Test Form - clinical | DCTclock | LINUS HEALTH, INC. |
6 | B626100720 | 10072 | 10072 | DCTclock Test Form - Clinical | DCTclock | LINUS HEALTH, INC. |
7 | B626100410 | 10041 | 10041 | DCTclock Uploader Software | DCTclock | LINUS HEALTH, INC. |
8 | B626100390 | 10039 | 10039 | DCTclock Practice Test Form - Research | DCTclock | LINUS HEALTH, INC. |
9 | B626100150 | 10015 | 10015 | DCTclock Cloud Platform | DCTclock | LINUS HEALTH, INC. |
10 | B626100060 | 10006 | 10006 | DCTclock Micro USB Cable | DCTclock | LINUS HEALTH, INC. |
11 | B626100050 | 10005 | 10005 | DCTclock Dock | DCTclock | LINUS HEALTH, INC. |
12 | B626100040 | 10004 | 10004 | DCTclock Digital Pen | DCTclock | LINUS HEALTH, INC. |
13 | B626100030 | 10003 | 10003 | DCTclock Test Form - Research | DCTclock | LINUS HEALTH, INC. |
14 | 07613336193273 | 09341919001 | 09341919001 | Floodlight MS Cognitive Test | ROCHE MOLECULAR SYSTEMS, INC. | |
15 | 07613336193266 | 09341897001 | 09341897001 | Floodlight MS Cognitive Test | ROCHE MOLECULAR SYSTEMS, INC. | |
16 | 07290016986143 | AT-910 (A10tion) | VRCBT AT-910 | The AT-910 ("A10tion") is a is a virtual reality, immersive therapeuticapplicati The AT-910 ("A10tion") is a is a virtual reality, immersive therapeuticapplication, indicated to train and improve cognitive function of patients withdiagnosed ADHD. This application is a clinician- monitored program and should beconsidered for use as part of the therapeutic program that include clinician directedtherapyThis multidimensional training program application targetsattention, executive function and memory combined with motor activationthrough the use of games and entertainment features. | VRCBT | XR HEALTH IL LTD |
17 | 07290016986112 | CT-620 (Memorize) | A software-only medical device intended to aid mitigate or assess conditions rel A software-only medical device intended to aid mitigate or assess conditions related to cognitive function by providing cognitive exercises and cognitive ability measurements. The cognitive exercises and cognitive ability measurements rely on inputs from visual and auditory stimuli, and functional use of the hands and enable guiding patients in the performance of various cognitive exercises, tracking and analyzing motion and movement kinematics and monitoring changes in patient's measurements over time.The CT-620 is a prescription-only device that can be used in clinical setting or at home, with or without the assistance of clinician. CT-620 is not intended to be used for diagnosis, treatment, decision making, or as a stand-alone device. | VRCogni | XR HEALTH IL LTD | |
18 | 07290016986105 | CT-610 (Re-Act) | A software-only medical device intended to aid mitigate or assess conditions rel A software-only medical device intended to aid mitigate or assess conditions related to cognitive function by providing cognitive exercises and cognitive ability measurements. The cognitive exercises and cognitive ability measurements rely on inputs from visual and auditory stimuli, and functional use of the hands and enable guiding patients in the performance of various cognitive exercises, tracking and analyzing motion and movement kinematics and monitoring changes in patient's measurements over time.The CT-610 is a prescription-only device that can be used in clinical setting or at home, with or without the assistance of clinician. CT-610 is not intended to be used for diagnosis, treatment, decision making, or as a stand-alone device. | VRCogni | XR HEALTH IL LTD | |
19 | G134NS200 | 2.0 | NeuroCatch Platform software NS20 | NeuroCatch Platform | NEUROCATCH INC | |
20 | G134NCP21 | 2.0 | NCP2 | NeuroCatch Platform systemREF: NCP2 | NeuroCatch Platform | NEUROCATCH INC |
21 | G134NCEB1 | 2.0 | NCEB | Earbuds used for the NeuroCatch Platform (REF NCP2) | NeuroCatch Platform | NEUROCATCH INC |
22 | G134NCCPS1 | 2.0 | NCCPS | NeuroCatch EEG Cap, size Small for use with the NeuroCatch Platform system | NeuroCatch EEG Cap | NEUROCATCH INC |
23 | G134NCCPM1 | 2.0 | NCCPM | NeuroCatch EEG Cap, size Medium for use with the NeuroCatch Platform system | NeuroCatch EEG Cap | NEUROCATCH INC |
24 | G134NCCPL1 | 2.0 | NCCPL | NeuroCatch EEG Cap, size Largefor use with the NeuroCatch Platform system | NeuroCatch EEG Cap | NEUROCATCH INC |
25 | G134NCCP1 | 2.0 | NCCP | EEG Cap used for the NeuroCatch PlatformSizes SML, MED, LRG. | NeuroCatch Platform | NEUROCATCH INC |
26 | 03665099000002 | Version 1 | The HappyNeuron Cognitive Training provides users with a program that is designe The HappyNeuron Cognitive Training provides users with a program that is designed to be adapted for patientssuffering from cognitive impairments linked to chronic diseases. Two programs have been designed so fartargeting specific conditions: Multiple Sclerosis and Rheumatoid Arthritis.The cognitive training is a combination of scheduled workouts and on-demand complementary exercises.It contains computerized exercises that stimulate cognitive abilities (Memory, Attention, Language, ExecutiveFunctions and Visual-Spatial Skills). Coaching features guide the users through the exercises, adapt thedifficulty settings dynamically, and follow-up on performance. | Happyneuron Cognitive Training | HAPPYNEURON | |
27 | 00884838108554 | 6.0.x.x | 821401000000 | Philips IntelliSpace Cognition (ISC) is a digital assessment platform that suppo Philips IntelliSpace Cognition (ISC) is a digital assessment platform that supports Healthcare Professionals in assessing the cognition of individuals. It is a cloud-based Software as a Service consisting of both a patient interface on a tablet and a clinician interface that can be used on any PC or tablet. The patient uses a digital pencil on the tablet to complete a cognitive assessment. The application immediately scores the tests, compares to norms and displays the results in terms of cognitive domains as part of a comprehensive report. | INTELLISPACE™ COGNITION | PHILIPS ELECTRONICS NEDERLAND B.V. |
28 | 00884838104587 | 5.0.x.x | 821401000000 | Philips IntelliSpace Cognition (ISC) is a digital assessment platform that suppo Philips IntelliSpace Cognition (ISC) is a digital assessment platform that supports Healthcare Professionals in assessing the cognition of individuals. It is a cloud-based Software as a Service consisting of both a patient interface on a tablet and a clinician interface that can be used on any PC or tablet. The patient uses a digital pencil on the tablet to complete a cognitive assessment. The application immediately scores the tests, compares to norms and displays the results in terms of cognitive domains as part of a comprehensive report. | INTELLISPACE™ COGNITION | PHILIPS ELECTRONICS NEDERLAND B.V. |
29 | 00884838103900 | 4.0.x.x | 821401000000 | Philips IntelliSpace Cognition (ISC) is a digital assessment platform that suppo Philips IntelliSpace Cognition (ISC) is a digital assessment platform that supports Healthcare Professionals in assessing the cognition of individuals. It is a cloud-based Software as a Service consisting of both a patient interface on a tablet and a clinician interface that can be used on any PC or tablet. The patient uses a digital pencil on the tablet to complete a cognitive assessment. The application immediately scores the tests, compares to norms and displays the results in terms of cognitive domains as part of a comprehensive report. | INTELLISPACE™ COGNITION | PHILIPS ELECTRONICS NEDERLAND B.V. |
30 | 00884838103535 | 3.0.x.x | 821401000000 | Philips IntelliSpace Cognition (ISC) is a digital assessment platform that suppo Philips IntelliSpace Cognition (ISC) is a digital assessment platform that supports Healthcare Professionals in assessing the cognition of individuals. It is a cloud-based Software as a Service consisting of both a patient interface on a tablet and a clinician interface that can be used on any PC or tablet. The patient uses a digital pencil on the tablet to complete a cognitive assessment. The application immediately scores the tests, compares to norms and displays the results in terms of cognitive domains as part of a comprehensive report. | INTELLISPACE™ COGNITION | PHILIPS ELECTRONICS NEDERLAND B.V. |
31 | 00884838101036 | 2.0.x.x | Philips IntelliSpace Cognition (ISC) is a digital assessment platform that suppo Philips IntelliSpace Cognition (ISC) is a digital assessment platform that supports Healthcare Professionals in assessing the cognition of individuals. It is a cloud-based Software as a Service consisting of both a patient interface on a tablet and a clinician interface that can be used on any PC or tablet. The patient uses a digital pencil on the tablet to complete a cognitive assessment. The application immediately scores the tests, compares to norms and displays the results in terms of cognitive domains as part of a comprehensive report. | INTELLISPACE™ COGNITION | PHILIPS ELECTRONICS NEDERLAND B.V. | |
32 | 00884838098244 | 1.1.X | 821401000000 | INTELLISPACE™ COGNITION | PHILIPS ELECTRONICS NEDERLAND B.V. | |
33 | 00864127000332 | 1 | Cognitive Impairment Screener | IMPACT APPLICATIONS, INC. | ||
34 | 00860334002114 | 4.5 | The ANAM Test System is a software only device that provides clinicians with obj The ANAM Test System is a software only device that provides clinicians with objective measurements of cognitive performance to aid in the assessment of an individual’s level of cognitive performance. The ANAM Test System provides precise, objective, and repeatable automated measures of neurocognitive functions including response speed, attention/concentration, immediate and delayed memory, spatial processing, and decision processing speed and efficiency. It can be used to screen for general cognitive impairment within initial triage assessment/decision making or to obtain a more refined and detailed information regarding a person’s neurocognitive status. The battery is also specially designed for longitudinal assessment of cognitive functioning and can be used 1) to monitor progression of disease status; 2) to track cognitive change or recovery; and 3) to monitor the cognitive effects of medical interventions.The ANAM Test System provides both absolute and relative information about the test taker’s performance. Test performance following an injury, event, or intervention can be assessed by comparing a person’s test result to a previous testing point or to a pre-existing “baseline” if those data are available. If pre-existing testing data are unavailable, the ANAM Test System will provide a comparison of performance in relationship to a selected normative/reference group. The ANAM Performance Report software program will automatically provide comparisons to selectable reference groups as well as to the test taker’s previous testing data, if available. | ANAM Test System | VISTA PARTNERS, LLC | |
35 | 00860334002107 | 4.3 | The ANAM Test System: Military Battery (ANAM Military Battery) is a software onl The ANAM Test System: Military Battery (ANAM Military Battery) is a software only device that provides clinicians with objective measurements of cognitive performance in military populations, to aid in the assessment of an individual's level of cognitive function. The ANAM Military Battery provides precise, objective, and repeatable automated measures of neurocognitive functions including response speed, attention/concentration, immediate and delayed memory, spatial processing, and decision processing speed and efficiency. It can be used to screen for general cognitive impairment within initial triage assessment/decision making or to obtain more refined and detailed information regarding a person’s neurocognitive status. The battery is also specially designed for longitudinal assessment of cognitive functioning and can be used 1) to monitor progression of disease status; 2) to track cognitive change or recovery; and 3) to monitor the cognitive effects of medical interventions.The ANAM Military Battery provides both absolute and relative information about the test taker’s performance. Test performance following an injury, event, or intervention can be assessed by comparing a person’s test results to a previous testing point or to a pre-existing “baseline” if those data are available. If pre-existing testing data are unavailable, the ANAM Military Battery will provide a comparison of performance in relationship to a selected normative/reference group. The ANAM Performance Report software program will automatically provide comparisons to selectable reference groups as well as to the test taker’s previous testing data, if available. | ANAM Test System: Military Battery | VISTA PARTNERS, LLC | |
36 | 00860007318740 | SNP-GOG-21 | Cognition Snapshot+ 2.1.0 | QR8 HEALTH INC | ||
37 | 00860007318733 | CHR-COG-10 | Cognition Chronicle | QR8 HEALTH INC | ||
38 | 00860007318726 | CHR-COG-W10 | Chronicle Web | QR8 HEALTH INC | ||
39 | 00860007318719 | SNP-COG-20 | Cognition Snapshot v2.0 | QR8 HEALTH INC | ||
40 | 00860007318702 | SNP-COG-10 | Cognition Snapshot | QR8 HEALTH INC | ||
41 | 00860000709408 | 1.0 | The Brain Gauge MD is a computerized cognitive assessment aid that assesses cogn The Brain Gauge MD is a computerized cognitive assessment aid that assesses cognitive function based on the perception of simple taps and vibrations delivered to the fingertips of the patient's hand. | Brain Gauge MD | CORTICAL METRICS, LLC | |
42 | 00860000564038 | Portable Device | Cognivue Thrive | COGNIVUE, INC. | ||
43 | 00860000564021 | Portable Device | Cognivue Clarity | COGNIVUE, INC. | ||
44 | 00850017250093 | 95P-0014 | 95P-0014 | The Bertec Vision Trainer System (BVT) is a device that objectively measures the The Bertec Vision Trainer System (BVT) is a device that objectively measures the performance of subject’s visuo-motor skills. It consists of a large touchscreen monitor, a force plate, and the BVT software. The subject interacts with the screen by touching and/or moving their center of pressure in response to a target stimulus, both dynamic and static. | Bertec Vision Trainer System (BVT) | BERTEC CORPORATION |
45 | 00815962020634 | BITS-3355 | Bioness Integrated Therapy System Version 3.0 Motion Sensor | BITS Motion Sensor | BIONESS INC. | |
46 | 00815962020627 | BITS-3155 | BITS PC Kit, BITS Balance Accessory Kit, and BITS Balance Platform Kit | Bioness Integrated Therapy System, BITS 3.0, BITS Balance | BIONESS INC. | |
47 | 00815962020610 | BITS-3055 | Bioness Integrated Therapy System Version 3.0, Hardware It - 55" Display, BITS S Bioness Integrated Therapy System Version 3.0, Hardware It - 55" Display, BITS Software Kit, BITS PC Kit, BITS Balance Accessory Kit, and BITS Balance Platform Kit | Bioness Integrated Therapy System, BITS 3.0, BITS Balance | BIONESS INC. |