No Primary DI Version or Model Catalog Number Device Description Product Code Product Code Name Device Class Brand Name
1 07350002010365 10.0.1 MUJ System, Planning, Radiation Therapy Treatment 2 RayStation
2 07350002010358 4.1 MUJ System, Planning, Radiation Therapy Treatment 2 RayCare
3 07350002010341 4.0 MUJ System, Planning, Radiation Therapy Treatment 2 RayCare
4 07350002010426 11B MUJ System, Planning, Radiation Therapy Treatment 2 RayStation
5 07350002010396 5.0 MUJ System, Planning, Radiation Therapy Treatment 2 RayCare
6 07350002010280 3.1 MUJ System, Planning, Radiation Therapy Treatment 2 RayCare
7 07350002010259 3.0.1 MUJ System, Planning, Radiation Therapy Treatment 2 RayCare
8 07350002010181 3.0 MUJ System, Planning, Radiation Therapy Treatment 2 RayCare
9 07350002010419 4.1.1 MUJ System, Planning, Radiation Therapy Treatment 2 RayCare
10 07350002010464 5A SP1 MUJ System, Planning, Radiation Therapy Treatment 2 RayCare
11 07350002010532 5B SP1 MUJ System, Planning, Radiation Therapy Treatment 2 RayCare
12 07350002010198 2.3 MUJ System, Planning, Radiation Therapy Treatment 2 RayCare
13 07350002010136 8.0.1 MUJ System, Planning, Radiation Therapy Treatment 2 RayStation
14 07350002010129 8.1 MUJ System, Planning, Radiation Therapy Treatment 2 RayStation
15 07350002010112 8.0 MUJ System, Planning, Radiation Therapy Treatment 2 RayStation
16 07350002010082 6.1.1 MUJ System, Planning, Radiation Therapy Treatment 2 RayStation
17 07350002010075 6.2 MUJ System, Planning, Radiation Therapy Treatment 2 RayStation
18 07350002010068 7 MUJ System, Planning, Radiation Therapy Treatment 2 RayStation
19 07350002010037 6.1 MUJ System,Planning,Radiation Therapy Treatment 2 RayStation
20 07350002010020 5.0.3 MUJ System,Planning,Radiation Therapy Treatment 2 RayStation
21 07350002010013 6.0 MUJ System,Planning,Radiation Therapy Treatment 2 RayStation
22 07350002010310 10.1 MUJ System, Planning, Radiation Therapy Treatment 2 RayStation
23 07350002010303 10.0 MUJ System, Planning, Radiation Therapy Treatment 2 RayStation
24 07350002010297 9B SP1 MUJ System, Planning, Radiation Therapy Treatment 2 RayStation
25 07350002010174 9 MUJ System, Planning, Radiation Therapy Treatment 2 RayStation
26 07350002010471 10B SP1 MUJ System, Planning, Radiation Therapy Treatment 2 RayStation
27 07350002010501 11B SP2 MUJ System, Planning, Radiation Therapy Treatment 2 RayStation
28 07350002010495 11B SP1 MUJ System, Planning, Radiation Therapy Treatment 2 RayStation
29 07350002010440 11A SP2 MUJ System, Planning, Radiation Therapy Treatment 2 RayStation
30 07350002010433 11.0.1 MUJ System, Planning, Radiation Therapy Treatment 2 RayStation
31 07350002010235 8.1.2 MUJ System, Planning, Radiation Therapy Treatment 2 RayStation
32 07350002010204 8.1.1 MUJ System, Planning, Radiation Therapy Treatment 2 RayStation
Other products with the same Product Code "MUJ"
No Primary DI Version or Model Catalog Number Device Description Brand Name Organization Name
1 08717213053717 170538-00 Oncentra External Beam 4.5.3/Oncentra Brachy v4.6 NA NUCLETRON B.V.
2 08717213053700 170018-00 Oncentra External Beam 4.5.3/Oncentra Brachy v4.6 NA NUCLETRON B.V.
3 08717213052758 170607-00 Oncentra External Beam Oncentra Brachy v4.6.1 NA NUCLETRON B.V.
4 08717213052321 170537-08 Oncentra External Beam/Oncentra Brachy v4.5.3 NA NUCLETRON B.V.
5 08717213052314 170003-28 Oncentra External Beam/Oncentra Brachy v4.5.3 NA NUCLETRON B.V.
6 08717213052307 170537-06 Oncentra External Beam/Oncentra Brachy v4.5.3 NA NUCLETRON B.V.
7 08717213052291 170003-27 Oncentra External Beam/Oncentra Brachy v4.5.3 NA NUCLETRON B.V.
8 08717213052246 170537-06 Oncentra External Beam/Oncentra Brachy v4.5.3 NA NUCLETRON B.V.
9 08717213052239 170003-25 Oncentra External Beam/Oncentra Brachy v4.5.3 NA NUCLETRON B.V.
10 08717213051881 170537-05 Oncentra External Beam/Oncentra Brachy v4.5.2 NA NUCLETRON B.V.
11 08717213051782 170537-04 Oncentra External Beam/Oncentra Brachy v4.5.2 NA NUCLETRON B.V.
12 08717213051775 170003-23 Oncentra External Beam/Oncentra Brachy v4.5.2 NA NUCLETRON B.V.
13 08717213051294 170730 Oncentra External Beam/Oncentra Brachy v4.5.2 NA NUCLETRON B.V.
14 08717213038677 Oncentra External Beam Oncentra External Beam v4.5 NA NUCLETRON B.V.
15 08717213038660 Oncentra Brachy Oncentra Brachy v4.5 NA NUCLETRON B.V.
16 08717213020610 170730 Oncentra External Beam/Oncentra Brachy v4.5.2 NA NUCLETRON B.V.
17 08436567540017 4 Radiance V4 is a software system intended for treatment planning and analysis of Radiance V4 is a software system intended for treatment planning and analysis of radiation therapy administered with devices suitable for intraoperative radiotherapy.The treatment plans provide treatment unit set-up parameters and estimates of dose distributions expected during the proposed treatment, and may be used to administer treatments after review and approval by the intended user.The system functionality can be configured based on user needs.The intended users of Radiance V4 shall be clinically qualified radiation therapy staff trained in using the system. radiance GMV SOLUCIONES GLOBALES INTERNET SA
18 08436567540000 3 Radiance V3 is a software system intended for treatment planning and analysis of Radiance V3 is a software system intended for treatment planning and analysis of radiation therapy administered with devices suitable for intraoperative radiotherapy.The treatment plans provide treatment unit set-up parameters and estimates of dose distributions expected during the proposed treatment, and may be used to administer treatments after review and approval by the intended user.The system functionality can be configured based on user needs.The intended users of Radiance V3 shall be clinically qualified radiation therapy staff trained in using the system. radiance GMV SOLUCIONES GLOBALES INTERNET SA
19 07350002010532 5B SP1 RayCare RAYSEARCH LABORATORIES AB (PUBL)
20 07350002010501 11B SP2 RayStation RAYSEARCH LABORATORIES AB (PUBL)
21 07350002010495 11B SP1 RayStation RAYSEARCH LABORATORIES AB (PUBL)
22 07350002010471 10B SP1 RayStation RAYSEARCH LABORATORIES AB (PUBL)
23 07350002010464 5A SP1 RayCare RAYSEARCH LABORATORIES AB (PUBL)
24 07350002010440 11A SP2 RayStation RAYSEARCH LABORATORIES AB (PUBL)
25 07350002010433 11.0.1 RayStation RAYSEARCH LABORATORIES AB (PUBL)
26 07350002010426 11B RayStation RAYSEARCH LABORATORIES AB (PUBL)
27 07350002010419 4.1.1 RayCare RAYSEARCH LABORATORIES AB (PUBL)
28 07350002010396 5.0 RayCare RAYSEARCH LABORATORIES AB (PUBL)
29 07350002010389 11.0 RayStation RAYSEARCH LABORATORIES AB (PUBL)
30 07350002010365 10.0.1 RayStation RAYSEARCH LABORATORIES AB (PUBL)
31 07350002010358 4.1 RayCare RAYSEARCH LABORATORIES AB (PUBL)
32 07350002010341 4.0 RayCare RAYSEARCH LABORATORIES AB (PUBL)
33 07350002010310 10.1 RayStation RAYSEARCH LABORATORIES AB (PUBL)
34 07350002010303 10.0 RayStation RAYSEARCH LABORATORIES AB (PUBL)
35 07350002010297 9B SP1 RayStation RAYSEARCH LABORATORIES AB (PUBL)
36 07350002010280 3.1 RayCare RAYSEARCH LABORATORIES AB (PUBL)
37 07350002010259 3.0.1 RayCare RAYSEARCH LABORATORIES AB (PUBL)
38 07350002010235 8.1.2 RayStation RAYSEARCH LABORATORIES AB (PUBL)
39 07350002010204 8.1.1 RayStation RAYSEARCH LABORATORIES AB (PUBL)
40 07350002010198 2.3 RayCare RAYSEARCH LABORATORIES AB (PUBL)
41 07350002010181 3.0 RayCare RAYSEARCH LABORATORIES AB (PUBL)
42 07350002010174 9 RayStation RAYSEARCH LABORATORIES AB (PUBL)
43 07350002010136 8.0.1 RayStation RAYSEARCH LABORATORIES AB (PUBL)
44 07350002010129 8.1 RayStation RAYSEARCH LABORATORIES AB (PUBL)
45 07350002010112 8.0 RayStation RAYSEARCH LABORATORIES AB (PUBL)
46 07350002010082 6.1.1 RayStation RAYSEARCH LABORATORIES AB (PUBL)
47 07350002010075 6.2 RayStation RAYSEARCH LABORATORIES AB (PUBL)
48 07350002010068 7 RayStation RAYSEARCH LABORATORIES AB (PUBL)
49 07350002010037 6.1 RayStation RAYSEARCH LABORATORIES AB (PUBL)
50 07350002010020 5.0.3 RayStation RAYSEARCH LABORATORIES AB (PUBL)