Other products from "TOBII DYNAVOX LLC"
No Primary DI Version or Model Catalog Number Device Description Product Code Product Code Name Device Class Brand Name
1 07340074601394 SC Tablet 800738 SC TABLET PRO, SGD, WITH SNAP + CORE FIRST, TEAL BLUE SC/SILVER TABLET ILQ System, Communication, Powered 2 Tobii Dynavox
2 07340074601929 SC Tablet Mini 113527 SC TABLET MINI, SGD, WITH TDSNAP FOR iOS and iPad Mini. Small portable speech d SC TABLET MINI, SGD, WITH TDSNAP FOR iOS and iPad Mini. Small portable speech device for people who can not speak due to disability, injury or illness. High output speakers, durability and ingress protection for ILQ System, Communication, Powered 2 Tobii Dynavox
3 07340074601806 SC Tablet 801300 SC TABLET, SGD, WITH SNAP + CORE FIRST, for 10.2" iPad ILQ System, Communication, Powered 2 Tobii Dynavox
4 07340074601769 TD Pilot 750563 TD Pilot, Speech Generating Device (SGD) with Eye tracking Capability, for iPad Pro ILQ System, Communication, Powered 2 Tobii Dynavox
5 07340074601714 TD I-110 750567 TD I-110 Portable Speech Generating Device designed for people who can not speak TD I-110 Portable Speech Generating Device designed for people who can not speak due to injury, illness or disability. Durable, lightweight unit, IP55 with Gorilla Glass. ILQ System, Communication, Powered 2 Tobii Dynavox
6 07340074601363 SC Tablet 800714 SC TABLET, SGD, WITH SNAP + CORE FIRST, RASPBERRY SC/SILVER TABLET ILQ System, Communication, Powered 2 Tobii Dynavox
7 07340074601479 SC Tablet 800746 SC TABLET PRO, SGD, WITH SNAP + CORE FIRST, RASPBERRY SC/SPACE GRAY TABLET ILQ System, Communication, Powered 2 Tobii Dynavox
8 07340074601462 SC Tablet 800745 SC TABLET PRO, SGD, WITH SNAP + CORE FIRST, RASPBERRY SC/GOLD TABLET ILQ System, Communication, Powered 2 Tobii Dynavox
9 07340074601455 SC Tablet 800744 SC TABLET PRO, SGD, WITH SNAP + CORE FIRST, RASPBERRY SC/SILVER TABLET ILQ System, Communication, Powered 2 Tobii Dynavox
10 07340074601448 SC Tablet 800743 SC TABLET PRO, SGD, WITH SNAP + CORE FIRST, STEEL GRAY SC/SPACE GRAY TABLET ILQ System, Communication, Powered 2 Tobii Dynavox
11 07340074601431 SC Tablet 800742 SC TABLET PRO, SGD, WITH SNAP + CORE FIRST, STEEL GRAY SC/GOLD TABLET ILQ System, Communication, Powered 2 Tobii Dynavox
12 07340074601424 SC Tablet 800741 SC TABLET PRO, SGD, WITH SNAP + CORE FIRST, STEEL GRAY SC/SILVER TABLET ILQ System, Communication, Powered 2 Tobii Dynavox
13 07340074601417 SC Tablet 800740 SC TABLET PRO, SGD, WITH SNAP + CORE FIRST, TEAL BLUE SC/SPACE GRAY TABLET ILQ System, Communication, Powered 2 Tobii Dynavox
14 07340074601400 SC Tablet 800739 SC TABLET PRO, SGD, WITH SNAP + CORE FIRST, TEAL BLUE SC/GOLD TABLET ILQ System, Communication, Powered 2 Tobii Dynavox
15 07340074601387 SC Tablet 800716 SC TABLET, SGD, WITH SNAP + CORE FIRST, RASPBERRY SC/SPACE GRAY TABLET ILQ System, Communication, Powered 2 Tobii Dynavox
16 07340074601370 SC Tablet 800715 SC TABLET, SGD, WITH SNAP + CORE FIRST, RASPBERRY SC/GOLD TABLET ILQ System, Communication, Powered 2 Tobii Dynavox
17 07340074601356 SC Tablet 800713 SC TABLET, SGD, WITH SNAP + CORE FIRST, STEEL GRAY SC/SPACE GRAY TABLET ILQ System, Communication, Powered 2 Tobii Dynavox
18 07340074601349 SC Tablet 800712 SC TABLET, SGD, WITH SNAP + CORE FIRST, STEEL GRAY SC/GOLD TABLET ILQ System, Communication, Powered 2 Tobii Dynavox
19 07340074601325 SC Tablet 800710 SC TABLET, SGD, WITH SNAP + CORE FIRST, TEAL BLUE SC/SPACE GRAY TABLET ILQ System, Communication, Powered 2 Tobii Dynavox
20 07340074601318 SC Tablet 800709 SC TABLET, SGD, WITH SNAP + CORE FIRST, TEAL BLUE SC/GOLD TABLET ILQ System, Communication, Powered 2 Tobii Dynavox
21 07340074601301 SC Tablet 800708 SC TABLET, SGD, WITH SNAP + CORE FIRST, TEAL BLUE SC/SILVER TABLET ILQ System, Communication, Powered 2 Tobii Dynavox
22 07340074601141 EM-12 750547 A Speech Generating Device with Eyegaze access. A deployed Surface Pro Windows A Speech Generating Device with Eyegaze access. A deployed Surface Pro Windows use by people with severe speech impairment and physical limitations. The deployment included speech software from Tobii Dynavox including Snap+Core First. ILQ System, Communication, Powered 2 Tobii Dynavox
23 07340074601110 I-16 12006977 Speech Generating Device with Eye Tracking - 16" screen. ILQ System, Communication, Powered 2 Tobii Dynavox
24 07340074601042 Indi 7 750518 Speech Generating Device with a 7" screen on Windows platform. Tobii Dynavox so Speech Generating Device with a 7" screen on Windows platform. Tobii Dynavox software includes Snap+Corefirst, Compass or Communicator software. ILQ System, Communication, Powered 2 Tobii Dynavox
25 07340074601035 I-13 12006976 Speech Generating Device with Eye tracking capability - 13" screen size ILQ System, Communication, Powered 2 Tobii Dynavox
26 07340074600410 I-110 12004860 Speech Generating Device with a 10" in touch screen. Tablet style unit, water r Speech Generating Device with a 10" in touch screen. Tablet style unit, water resistant and durable with high quality speakers. Generally includes SNAP, COMPASS or Communicator Software ILQ System, Communication, Powered 2 Tobii Dynavox
27 07340074600397 Indi Small, lightweight portable Speech Generating Device with touch screen, Snap or Small, lightweight portable Speech Generating Device with touch screen, Snap or Communicator Software. ILQ System, Communication, Powered 2 Tobii Dynavox
28 07340074600335 I-15+ IS4 Speech Generating Device with Eyegaze (IS4) 15" screen ILQ System, Communication, Powered 2 Tobii Dynavox
29 07340074600328 I-12+ IS4 Speech Generating Device with Eyegaze (IS 4) 12" Screen ILQ System, Communication, Powered 2 Tobii Dynavox
30 07340074600304 T7 750471 Speech Generating Device with 7" screen ILQ System, Communication, Powered 2 Tobii Dynavox
31 07340074600298 T15 750423 Speech Generating Device with 15" screen ILQ System, Communication, Powered 2 Tobii Dynavox
32 07340074600281 T10 750394 Speech Generating Device with 10" screen ILQ System, Communication, Powered 2 Tobii Dynavox
33 07340074600274 I-15+ IS20 Speech Generating Device with Eyegaze (IS 20) 15" Screen ILQ System, Communication, Powered 2 Tobii Dynavox
34 07340074600267 I-12+ IS20 Speech Generating Device with Eyegaze (IS 20) ILQ System, Communication, Powered 2 Tobii Dynavox
Other products with the same Product Code "ILQ"
No Primary DI Version or Model Catalog Number Device Description Brand Name Organization Name
1 00884838100077 300005057771 324PHW 324PHW Personal Help Buton / Wriststrap HomeSafe Standard Personal Help Wriststrap LIFELINE SYSTEMS COMPANY
2 00884838100060 300005057791 324PHB 324PHB Personal Help Buton / Neckcord HomeSafe Standard Personal Help Pendant LIFELINE SYSTEMS COMPANY
3 00884838100053 300005057731 319PHW 319PHW Senior Living Personal Help Device / Wriststrap Senior Living Personal Help Device Wriststrap LIFELINE SYSTEMS COMPANY
4 00884838100046 300005057751 319PHB 319PHB Senior Living Personal Help Device / Neckcord Senior Living Personal Help Device Pendant LIFELINE SYSTEMS COMPANY
5 00884838100039 300004873351 7000PHW-SL 7000PHW-SL Senior Living Help Button with Indicator Senior Living Alert Device Personal Help Wriststrap with Indicator LIFELINE SYSTEMS COMPANY
6 00884838100022 300004873331 7000PHW 7000PHW Personal Help Wriststrap GoSafe / HomeSafe Personal Help Wriststrap LIFELINE SYSTEMS COMPANY
7 00884838100015 300004873321 7000PHB-SL 7000PHB-SL Senior Living Help Button with Indicator Senior Living Alert Device Personal Help Pendant with Indicator LIFELINE SYSTEMS COMPANY
8 00884838100008 300004873261 7000PHB 7000PHB Personal Help Button GoSafe / HomeSafe Personal Help Pendant LIFELINE SYSTEMS COMPANY
9 00884838099999 300000491121 FD100-SL FD100-SL AutoAlert Button Senior Living Alert Device AutoAlert LIFELINE SYSTEMS COMPANY
10 00884838099982 300000491111 FD100 FD100 AutoAlert Button HomeSafe AutoAlert Pendant LIFELINE SYSTEMS COMPANY
11 00884838099975 300000491151 7000AHB-SL 7000AHB AutoAlert Button Senior Living Senior Living Alert Device AutoAlert with Indicator LIFELINE SYSTEMS COMPANY
12 00884838099968 300000491131 7000AHB 7000AHB AutoAlert Button GoSafe / HomeSafe AutoAlert Pendant LIFELINE SYSTEMS COMPANY
13 00884838097551 300004069001 BBM0110 BlueBand Wearable Device Philips BlueBand LIFELINE SYSTEMS COMPANY
14 00884838096776 300003472821 7200C 7200C Home Communicator HomeSafe (Wireless) Home Communicator LIFELINE SYSTEMS COMPANY
15 00884838094048 300002985651 6903AT HomeSafe Standard Home Communicator HomeSafe Standard Home Communicator LIFELINE SYSTEMS COMPANY
16 00884838093638 300002706311 7250MHB 7250 (GoSafe 2) Philips GoSafe 2 LIFELINE SYSTEMS COMPANY
17 00884838093270 300003336611 6900AT HomeSafe Standard Home Communicator HomeSafe Standard Home Communicator LIFELINE SYSTEMS COMPANY
18 00884838091641 1900741 PMD PMD - Philips Medication Dispenser Philips Medication Dispenser LIFELINE SYSTEMS COMPANY
19 00884838091580 300002566971 7100MHB 7100MHB (GoSafe) Philips GoSafe LIFELINE SYSTEMS COMPANY
20 00884838091573 300002566981 7150MHB 7150MHB (GoSafe 2) Philips GoSafe 2 LIFELINE SYSTEMS COMPANY
21 00884838088641 300001287701 319PHW 319PHW Personal Help Device / Wriststrap Senior Living Personal Help Device Wriststrap LIFELINE SYSTEMS COMPANY
22 00884838088627 300001287691 319PHB 319PHB Senior Living Personal Help Device / Neckcord Senior Living Personal Help Device Pendant LIFELINE SYSTEMS COMPANY
23 00884838088603 300001287661 324PHW 324PHW Personal Help Buton / Wriststrap HomeSafe Standard Personal Help Wriststrap LIFELINE SYSTEMS COMPANY
24 00884838088597 300001287651 324PHB 324PHB Personal Help Buton / Neckcord HomeSafe Standard Personal Help Pendant LIFELINE SYSTEMS COMPANY
25 00884838087903 300000999281 7000AHB-SL 7000AHB AutoAlert Button Senior Living Senior Living Alert Device AutoAlert with Indicator LIFELINE SYSTEMS COMPANY
26 00884838087897 300000999261 7000AHB 7000AHB AutoAlert Button GoSafe / HomeSafe AutoAlert Pendant LIFELINE SYSTEMS COMPANY
27 00884838087880 300001144871 FD100 FD100 AutoAlert Button HomeSafe AutoAlert Pendant LIFELINE SYSTEMS COMPANY
28 00884838087873 300001144881 FD100-SL FD100-SL AutoAlert Button Senior Living Alert Device AutoAlert LIFELINE SYSTEMS COMPANY
29 00884838087156 300000504891 7000PHW-SL 7000PHW-SL Senior Living Help Button with Indicator Senior Living Alert DevicePersonal Help Pendant with Indicator LIFELINE SYSTEMS COMPANY
30 00884838087149 300000504851 7000PHW 7000PHW Personal Help Wriststrap GoSafe / HomeSafePersonal Help Wriststrap LIFELINE SYSTEMS COMPANY
31 00884838087132 300000504831 7000PHB-SL 7000PHB-SL Senior Living Help Button with Indicator Senior Living Alert DevicePersonal Help Pendant with Indicator LIFELINE SYSTEMS COMPANY
32 00884838087118 300000504781 7000PHB 7000PHB Personal Help Button GoSafe / HomeSafePersonal Help Pendant LIFELINE SYSTEMS COMPANY
33 00884838085909 300000367071 7000MHB 7000MHB (GoSafe) Philips GoSafe LIFELINE SYSTEMS COMPANY
34 00884838085794 300000350661 7000AHB-SL 7000AHB AutoAlert Button Senior Living Senior Living Alert Device AutoAlert with Indicator LIFELINE SYSTEMS COMPANY
35 00884838085787 300000350611 7000AHB 7000AHB AutoAlert Button GoSafe / HomeSafe AutoAlert Pendant LIFELINE SYSTEMS COMPANY
36 00884838085664 300000340121 FD100 FD100 AutoAlert Button HomeSafe AutoAlert Pendant LIFELINE SYSTEMS COMPANY
37 00884838085657 300000340591 FD100-SL FD100-SL AutoAlert Button Senior Living Alert Device AutoAlert LIFELINE SYSTEMS COMPANY
38 00884838085503 300000270951 7000PHW-SL 7000PHW-SL Senior Living Help Button with Indicator Senior Living Alert Device Personal Help Wriststrap with Indicator LIFELINE SYSTEMS COMPANY
39 00884838085497 300000267981 7000PHW 7000PHW Personal Help Wriststrap GoSafe / HomeSafe Personal Help Wriststrap LIFELINE SYSTEMS COMPANY
40 00884838085480 300000267941 7000PHB-SL 7000PHB-SL Senior Living Help Button with Indicator Senior Living Alert Device Personal Help Pendant with Indicator LIFELINE SYSTEMS COMPANY
41 00884838085473 300000264211 7000PHB 7000PHB Personal Help Button GoSafe / HomeSafe Personal Help Pendant LIFELINE SYSTEMS COMPANY
42 00884838084957 300000219851 FD100 FD100 AutoAlert Button HomeSafe AutoAlert Pendant LIFELINE SYSTEMS COMPANY
43 00884838084940 300000219841 FD100 FD100 AutoAlert Button HomeSafe AutoAlert Pendant LIFELINE SYSTEMS COMPANY
44 00884838084827 300000189031 7150MHB 7150MHB (GoSafe) Philips GoSafe 2 LIFELINE SYSTEMS COMPANY
45 00884838084810 300000188981 7100MHB 7100MHB (GoSafe) Philips GoSafe LIFELINE SYSTEMS COMPANY
46 00884838082526 1840469 DTBS1000A DT1000A Refurbished Home Communicator DECT Telephone HAC Communicator LIFELINE SYSTEMS COMPANY
47 00884838082137 300000161331 mSafe SW, EXE, Lifeline Response Smart Phone Application, Google Lifeline Response App LIFELINE SYSTEMS COMPANY
48 00884838082120 300000161311 mSafe SW, EXE, Lifeline Response Smart Phone Application, Apple Lifeline Response App LIFELINE SYSTEMS COMPANY
49 00884838081864 1890040 SA400 SA400 Smoke Detector HomeSafe Standard Smoke Detector LIFELINE SYSTEMS COMPANY
50 00884838081475 300000103361 7150MHB 7150MHB (GoSafe) Philips GoSafe 2 LIFELINE SYSTEMS COMPANY