Other products from "NORAV MEDICAL LTD."
No Primary DI Version or Model Catalog Number Device Description Product Code Product Code Name Device Class Brand Name
1 07290110252854 PCECG 1200M 1200M-D-00U-01 PC-ECG Acquisition Device for Resting-ECG recordings with AHA type labelling. MWI Monitor,Physiological,Patient(Without Arrhythmia Detection Or Alarms) 2 12 lead ECG for rest.
2 07290110250959 ECGUSB1 ECGUSB1A-K-00-01 Single channel ECG Acquisition Device with Analogue Output, MIDI, 35Hz Filter MWI Monitor,Physiological,Patient(Without Arrhythmia Detection Or Alarms) ECG
3 07290110252748 NH301 ELECTROCARDIOGRAPH, AMBULATORY, WITH ANALYSIS ALGORITHM MLO Electrocardiograph, Ambulatory, With Analysis Algorithm 2 Ambulatory ECG Analysis Software
4 07290110251062 ECGUSB1D-EX-FW11/B ECG Module The ECG-USB1 device provides a single channel ECG for host systems that require The ECG-USB1 device provides a single channel ECG for host systems that require an external unit in order to add ECG\Respiration capabilities in an easy and fast way to their platform. The host owner should write its own software application that communicates with the device via USB port using the Norav USB driver and SDK. MWI Monitor,Physiological,Patient(Without Arrhythmia Detection Or Alarms) ECG
5 07290110250812 PCECG 1200S 1200S-D-00U-01 PC-ECG Acquisition Device for Stress-Test ECG recordings with AHA type labelling. MWI Monitor,Physiological,Patient(Without Arrhythmia Detection Or Alarms) 12 lead ECG for rest and stress.
6 07290110250485 PCECG 1200W The PCECG 1200W System is comprised of wireless ECG recording box, which is base The PCECG 1200W System is comprised of wireless ECG recording box, which is based on an approved hardware, a RF receiver box connected to the computer and an ECG test software application. The intended user (patient) of the device is a subject that is referred to a rest (Stress) test for ischemic heart disease assessmentECG is intended to disclose either normal condition or patterns of arrhythmia, myocardial ischemia, rate abnormalities, or features of prognostic value MWI Monitor,Physiological,Patient(Without Arrhythmia Detection Or Alarms) 2 WIRELESS ECG includes PC based receiver, Trigger out and detachable lead set
7 07290110252960 ECGBT2 MWI Monitor,Physiological,Patient(Without Arrhythmia Detection Or Alarms) 2 6 lead patient unit for NM700BT system. Includes detachable 4 lead cable.
8 07290110250607 Blue ECG BLUECG-D-00U-01 Norav PC-ECG 1200 Series wireless Acquisition Device for Resting ECG with AHA ty Norav PC-ECG 1200 Series wireless Acquisition Device for Resting ECG with AHA type labelling. MWI Monitor,Physiological,Patient(Without Arrhythmia Detection Or Alarms) Wireless BT 12 lead resting ECG.
9 07290110252700 SOFT-NH300-2 MLO Electrocardiograph, Ambulatory, With Analysis Algorithm 2 Holter Analysis software. Includes download device according to recorder type.
10 07290110252519 ECG-LAN (Green) ECG-LAN-GREEN-K-00-01 Mobile PC-ECG 1200 System for Resting-ECG, based on an All-in-One-PC with 21" To Mobile PC-ECG 1200 System for Resting-ECG, based on an All-in-One-PC with 21" Touch Screen, rechargeable Battery and built-in ECG Acquisition Unit. MWI Monitor,Physiological,Patient(Without Arrhythmia Detection Or Alarms) 2 ECG wireless mobile system. Battery life: 4 hour. Fast charger.Includes: 3" prin
11 07290110251192 NM-700BT The NM-700 model, which is part of the PCECG1200 system, is designed to disclose The NM-700 model, which is part of the PCECG1200 system, is designed to disclose either normal condition or patterns of arrhythmia, myocardial ischemia, rate abnormalities, or features of prognostic value. MWI Monitor,Physiological,Patient(Without Arrhythmia Detection Or Alarms) 2 Telemetry System. License + Software for up to 7 users
12 07290110250591 PCECG 1200WR 1200WR-D-00-01 PC-ECG Wireless Receiver Device for Stress-Test ECG.The 1200WR is the Digital RF PC-ECG Wireless Receiver Device for Stress-Test ECG.The 1200WR is the Digital RF Receiver unit of the PC-ECG 1200W System. MWI Monitor,Physiological,Patient(Without Arrhythmia Detection Or Alarms) 2 Receiver for 1200W with ECG trigger (TTL) output
13 07290110252724 SOFT-NH300-3 MLO Electrocardiograph, Ambulatory, With Analysis Algorithm 2 Holter analysis software + Data base. Includes download device according to reco
14 07290110255589 ECGUSB1DEX Kit ECGUSB1DEX-K-00-EC3-10 Kit includes: Single Channel ECG Acquisition Module (DI no.: 07290110255572), R Kit includes: Single Channel ECG Acquisition Module (DI no.: 07290110255572), R2, NV, FW11, for integration in other Medical Devices; Input cable with three Patient Leads IEC type with Clip connectors.Special edition for GE Health Care. MWI Monitor,Physiological,Patient(Without Arrhythmia Detection Or Alarms) 2 Norav 1200 Series PC-ECG
15 07290110255572 ECGUSB1DEX ECGUSB1DEX-D-00-10 Single Channel ECG Acquisition Module for integration in other Medical Devices.A Single Channel ECG Acquisition Module for integration in other Medical Devices.Add On ECG 1Ch Acq.Device NV FW11BSpecial edition for GE Health Care. MWI Monitor,Physiological,Patient(Without Arrhythmia Detection Or Alarms) 2 Norav 1200 Series PC-ECG
16 07290110255558 ECGUSB1DEX Kit ECGUSB1DEX-K-00-UC3-08 Kit includes: Single Channel ECG Acquisition Module (DI no.: 07290110255572), R Kit includes: Single Channel ECG Acquisition Module (DI no.: 07290110255572), R2, NV, FW11, for integration in other Medical Devices; Input cable with three Patient Leads IEC type with Clip connectors.Special edition for GE Health Care. MWI Monitor,Physiological,Patient(Without Arrhythmia Detection Or Alarms) 2 Norav 1200 Series PC-ECG
17 07290110255497 1200HRT 1200HRT-D-00U-03 PC-ECG Acquisition Device for High Resolution Resting-ECG and Stress-Test ECG re PC-ECG Acquisition Device for High Resolution Resting-ECG and Stress-Test ECG recordings with ECG-Trigger Output and AHA type labelling. MWI Monitor,Physiological,Patient(Without Arrhythmia Detection Or Alarms) 2 Norav 1200 Series PC-ECG
18 07290110255480 1200HRT Kit 1200HRT-K-00-U-S10-03 Kit includes: PC-ECG 1200HR (UDI: 07290110255497) for High Resolution Resting-EC Kit includes: PC-ECG 1200HR (UDI: 07290110255497) for High Resolution Resting-ECG and Stress-Test ECG recordings with ECG-Trigger Output and AHA type labelling. Input cable with 10 Patient leads AHA type and Snap connectors. MWI Monitor, Physiological, Patient (Without Arrhythmia Detection Or Alarms) 2 Norav 1200 Series PC-ECG
19 07290110255473 1200T 1200T3-D-00-05 PC-ECG 1200T Acqusition Device with Trigger and selectable channel, 5V operating voltage. MWI Monitor, Physiological, Patient (Without Arrhythmia Detection Or Alarms) 2 Norav 1200 Series PC-ECG
20 07290110255374 NR1207-3 NR12073-D-00E-06 Norav Wireless 3In1 Acquisition Device NR3 for Resting-ECG combined with Respira Norav Wireless 3In1 Acquisition Device NR3 for Resting-ECG combined with Respiration and Body-Movement - IEC type labelling. MWJ Electrocardiograph, Ambulatory (Without Analysis) 2 Norav NR Series
21 07290110255466 1200T Kit 1200T3-K-00-U-C3-08 Kit includes: PC-ECG 1200T; Operating voltage 5V with Trigger (Analogue) from se Kit includes: PC-ECG 1200T; Operating voltage 5V with Trigger (Analogue) from selectable channel (UDI: 07290110255473) Input Cable with 3 Patient Leads AHA Type and Clip Connectors MWI Monitor, Physiological, Patient (Without Arrhythmia Detection Or Alarms) 2 Norav 1200 Series PC-ECG
22 07290110255428 SW NEMS-A2 HASP-SW-K-NEMS-A-02 Norav 1200 Series PC-ECG Software Kit with the following Option(s): - Norav 1200 Series PC-ECG Software Kit with the following Option(s): - ECG Management System NEMS, Multi User License (up to 10 User) The Kit includes: Software Protection Key - "HASP-Key" Software on Installation Medium (CD or USB-Stick). MWI Monitor, Physiological, Patient (Without Arrhythmia Detection Or Alarms) 2 Norav 1200 Series PC-ECG
23 07290110255411 SW I3 HASP-SW-K-I3-01 Norav 1200 Series PC-ECG Software Kit with the following Option(s): - Norav 1200 Series PC-ECG Software Kit with the following Option(s): - I3 = Resting-ECG Measurement and MEANS Analysis ECG Measurements & Expert System, The Kit includes: Software Protection Key - "HASP-Key" Software on Installation Medium (CD or USB-Stick). MWI Monitor, Physiological, Patient (Without Arrhythmia Detection Or Alarms) 2 Norav 1200 Series PC-ECG
24 07290110255404 NR1207-E Kit NR1207E-K-00-E-B10-06 Kit includes: Norav Wireless ECG Acquisition Device NR3 (UDI: 7290110255381) for Kit includes: Norav Wireless ECG Acquisition Device NR3 (UDI: 7290110255381) for Resting-ECG with IEC type labelling. Input cable with 10 Patient leads IEC type and Banana connectors. MWJ Electrocardiograph, Ambulatory (Without Analysis) 2 Norav NR Series
25 07290110255398 1200HR Kit 1200HR-K-00-U-C10-03 Kit includes: PC-ECG 1200HR (UDI: 07290110255060) for High Resolution Resting-EC Kit includes: PC-ECG 1200HR (UDI: 07290110255060) for High Resolution Resting-ECG and Stress-Test ECG recordings with AHA type labelling. Input cable with 10 Patient leads AHA type and Clip connectors. MWI Monitor, Physiological, Patient (Without Arrhythmia Detection Or Alarms) 2 Norav 1200 Series PC-ECG
26 07290110255381 NR1207-E NR1207E-D-00E-06 Norav Wireless ECG Acquisition Device NR3 for Resting-ECG with IEC type labelling. MWJ Electrocardiograph, Ambulatory (Without Analysis) 2 Norav NR Series
27 07290110255367 1200WR 1200WR-D-00-07 PC-ECG Wireless Receiver Device for Stress-Test ECG.The 1200WR is the Digital RF PC-ECG Wireless Receiver Device for Stress-Test ECG.The 1200WR is the Digital RF Receiver unit of the PC-ECG 1200W System.Special edition for GE Health Care. MWI Monitor,Physiological,Patient(Without Arrhythmia Detection Or Alarms) 2 Norav 1200 Series PC-ECG
28 07290110255350 1200M Kit 1200M-K-00-U-B10-08 Kit includes: PC-ECG 1200M (UDI: 07290110252854) for Resting-ECG with AHA type l Kit includes: PC-ECG 1200M (UDI: 07290110252854) for Resting-ECG with AHA type labelling; Input Cable with 10 Patient Leads AHA Type and Banana Connectors.Special edition for Device Technologies Australia MWI Monitor, Physiological, Patient (Without Arrhythmia Detection Or Alarms) 2 Norav 1200 Series PC-ECG
29 07290110255343 NR1207-3 Kit NR12073-K-00-E-02 Kit includes: Norav Wireless 3In1 Acquisition Device NR2 (UDI: 7290110254872) fo Kit includes: Norav Wireless 3In1 Acquisition Device NR2 (UDI: 7290110254872) for Resting-ECG combined with Respiration and Body-Movement - IEC type labelling.Special edition for TASHIO MWJ Electrocardiograph, Ambulatory (Without Analysis) 2 Norav NR Series
30 07290110255336 1200W Kit 1200W2-K-00-U-S10-19 Kit includes: PC-ECG 1200W (UDI: 07290110252076) wireless Stress-Test Kit; Kit includes: PC-ECG 1200W (UDI: 07290110252076) wireless Stress-Test Kit; Software Modules: S2 (Advanced Stress-Test); I3 (Measurement & MEANS Interpretation); D1 (ECG Management System database); Input cable with ten leads AHA type and Snap connectors.Special edition for Device Technologies MWI Monitor, Physiological, Patient (Without Arrhythmia Detection Or Alarms) 2 Norav 1200 Series PC-ECG
31 07290110255312 1200W Kit 1200W2-K-02-E-S10-01 Kit includes: PC-ECG 1200W (UDI: 07290110250553) wireless Stress-Test Kit; Kit includes: PC-ECG 1200W (UDI: 07290110250553) wireless Stress-Test Kit; Input cable with ten leads AHA type and Snap connectors.Special edition for SKANRAY, India MWI Monitor, Physiological, Patient (Without Arrhythmia Detection Or Alarms) 2 Norav 1200 Series PC-ECG
32 07290110255305 1200HR Kit 1200HRT-K-01-U-S10-03 Kit includes: PC-ECG 1200HR (UDI: 07290110255299) for High Resolution Resting-EC Kit includes: PC-ECG 1200HR (UDI: 07290110255299) for High Resolution Resting-ECG and Stress-Test ECG recordings with AHA type labelling. Input cable with 10 Patient leads AHA type and Snap connectors.Special edition LO Kit for COSMED MWI Monitor, Physiological, Patient (Without Arrhythmia Detection Or Alarms) 2 Norav 1200 Series PC-ECG
33 07290110255299 1200HRT 1200HRT-D-01U-03 PC-ECG Acquisition Device for High Resolution Resting-ECG and Stress-Test ECG re PC-ECG Acquisition Device for High Resolution Resting-ECG and Stress-Test ECG recordings with ECG Trigger Output and AHA type labelling.Special edition LO Device for Cosmed MWI Monitor,Physiological,Patient(Without Arrhythmia Detection Or Alarms) 2 Norav 1200 Series PC-ECG
34 07290110255282 1200HRT Kit 1200HRT-K-01-E-S10-03 Kit includes: PC-ECG 1200HR (UDI: 07290110255275) for High Resolution Resting-EC Kit includes: PC-ECG 1200HR (UDI: 07290110255275) for High Resolution Resting-ECG and Stress-Test ECG recordings with ECG Trigger Output and IEC type labelling. Input cable with 10 Patient leads IEC type and Snap connectors.Special edition LO Kit for COSMED MWI Monitor, Physiological, Patient (Without Arrhythmia Detection Or Alarms) 2 Norav 1200 Series PC-ECG
35 07290110255275 1200HRT 1200HRT-D-01E-03 PC-ECG Acquisition Device for High Resolution Resting-ECG and Stress-Test ECG re PC-ECG Acquisition Device for High Resolution Resting-ECG and Stress-Test ECG recordings with ECG Trigger Output and IEC type labelling.Special edition LO Device for Cosmed MWI Monitor,Physiological,Patient(Without Arrhythmia Detection Or Alarms) 2 Norav 1200 Series PC-ECG
36 07290110255268 1200T Kit 1200T2-K-00-U-C3-01 Kit includes: PC-ECG 1200T with Trigger (UDI: 07290110250263), Kit includes: PC-ECG 1200T with Trigger (UDI: 07290110250263), Input Cable with 3 Patient Leads AHA Type and Clip Connectors and Power Supply 110V MWI Monitor, Physiological, Patient (Without Arrhythmia Detection Or Alarms) 2 Norav 1200 Series PC-ECG
37 07290110255251 1200T Kit 1200T2-K-00-U-C3-05 Kit includes: PC-ECG 1200T with Trigger (UDI: 07290110250263), 5V operating volt Kit includes: PC-ECG 1200T with Trigger (UDI: 07290110250263), 5V operating voltage Input cable with three leads AHA type and Clip connectors. Power Supply 110V for US market MWI Monitor, Physiological, Patient (Without Arrhythmia Detection Or Alarms) 2 Norav 1200 Series PC-ECG
38 07290110255244 1200T Kit 1200T3-K-00-U-C3-07 Kit includes: PC-ECG 1200T with Trigger (UDI: 07290110252656) and selectable cha Kit includes: PC-ECG 1200T with Trigger (UDI: 07290110252656) and selectable channel, 5V operating voltage; Medical Grade Power Supply 110V to 5V for US market Input Cable with 3 Patient Leads AHA Type and Clip Connectors MWI Monitor, Physiological, Patient (Without Arrhythmia Detection Or Alarms) 2 Norav 1200 Series PC-ECG
39 07290110254537 NR314 NR314-D-00U-02 Norav Ambulatory ECG Recording Unit NR2 for Ambulatory ECG Monitoring (Holter-EC Norav Ambulatory ECG Recording Unit NR2 for Ambulatory ECG Monitoring (Holter-ECG) with 3 channels, max. 14 days recording capacity and AHA type labelling. MWJ Electrocardiograph, Ambulatory (Without Analysis) 2 Norav NR Series
40 07290110255237 1200HR Kit 1200HR-K-00-E-B10-03 Kit includes: PC-ECG 1200HR (UDI: 07290110252885) for High Resolution Resting-EC Kit includes: PC-ECG 1200HR (UDI: 07290110252885) for High Resolution Resting-ECG and Stress-Test ECG recordings with IEC type labelling; Input cable with 10 Patient leads IEC type and Banana connectors. MWI Monitor, Physiological, Patient (Without Arrhythmia Detection Or Alarms) 2 Norav 1200 Series PC-ECG
41 07290110255220 1200HR 1200HR-D-00E-03 PC-ECG Acquisition Device for High Resolution Resting-ECG and Stress-Test ECG re PC-ECG Acquisition Device for High Resolution Resting-ECG and Stress-Test ECG recordings with IEC type labelling. MWI Monitor,Physiological,Patient(Without Arrhythmia Detection Or Alarms) 2 Norav 1200 Series PC-ECG
42 07290110255213 NR1207-3 Kit NR12073-K-00-E-01 Kit includes: Norav Wireless 3In1 Acquisition Device NR1 (UDI: 7290110253134) fo Kit includes: Norav Wireless 3In1 Acquisition Device NR1 (UDI: 7290110253134) for Resting-ECG combined with Respiration and Body-Movement - IEC type labelling.Special edition for TASHIO MWJ Electrocardiograph, Ambulatory (Without Analysis) 2 Norav NR Series
43 07290110255206 NR1207-E Kit NR1207E-K-00-E-01 Kit includes: Norav Wireless ECG Acquisition Device NR1 (UDI: 7290110253097) for Kit includes: Norav Wireless ECG Acquisition Device NR1 (UDI: 7290110253097) for Resting-ECG with IEC type labelling.Special edition for TASHIO MWJ Electrocardiograph, Ambulatory (Without Analysis) 2 Norav NR Series
44 07290110255190 1200W Kit 1200W2-K-00-U-S10-20 Kit includes: PC-ECG 1200W (UDI: 07290110252076) wireless Stress-Test Kit; Kit includes: PC-ECG 1200W (UDI: 07290110252076) wireless Stress-Test Kit; Input cable with ten leads AHA type and Snap connectors.Special edition for TAISHO, Japan MWI Monitor, Physiological, Patient (Without Arrhythmia Detection Or Alarms) 2 Norav 1200 Series PC-ECG
45 07290110255183 ECGUSB1DEX Kit ECGUSB1DEX-K-00-EC3-07 Kit includes: Single Channel ECG Acquisition Module (DI no.: 07290110254285) fo Kit includes: Single Channel ECG Acquisition Module (DI no.: 07290110254285) for integration in other Medical Devices; Input cable with three Patient Leads IEC type with Clip connectors.Special edition for GE Health Care. MWI Monitor,Physiological,Patient(Without Arrhythmia Detection Or Alarms) 2 Norav 1200 Series PC-ECG
46 07290110255176 ECGUSB1DEX Kit ECGUSB1DEX-K-00-UC3-07 Kit includes: Single Channel ECG Acquisition Module (DI no.: 07290110254285) fo Kit includes: Single Channel ECG Acquisition Module (DI no.: 07290110254285) for integration in other Medical Devices; Input cable with three Patient Leads AHA type with Clip connectors.Special edition for GE Health Care. MWI Monitor,Physiological,Patient(Without Arrhythmia Detection Or Alarms) 2 Norav 1200 Series PC-ECG
47 07290110255169 1200M Kit 1200M-K-00-U-B10-07 Kit includes: PC-ECG 1200M (UDI: 07290110252854) for Resting-ECG with AHA type l Kit includes: PC-ECG 1200M (UDI: 07290110252854) for Resting-ECG with AHA type labelling; Input Cable with 10 Patient Leads AHA Type and Banana Connectors; Software option "I2" Measurement & Interpretation.Special edition for Device Technologies Australia MWI Monitor, Physiological, Patient (Without Arrhythmia Detection Or Alarms) 2 Norav 1200 Series PC-ECG
48 07290110255152 1200M Kit 1200M-K-00-U-B10-06 Kit includes: PC-ECG 1200M (UDI: 07290110252854) for Resting-ECG with AHA type l Kit includes: PC-ECG 1200M (UDI: 07290110252854) for Resting-ECG with AHA type labelling; Input Cable with 10 Patient Leads AHA Type and Banana Connectors; Software option "I3" MEANS Interpretation.Special edition for Device Technologies Australia MWI Monitor, Physiological, Patient (Without Arrhythmia Detection Or Alarms) 2 Norav 1200 Series PC-ECG
49 07290110255145 ECGUSB1DEXR Kit ECGUSB1DEXR-K00-EC3-03 Kit includes: Acquisition Module for 1 Channel ECG and 1 Channel Respiration (D Kit includes: Acquisition Module for 1 Channel ECG and 1 Channel Respiration (DI no.: 07290110253011) for integration in other Medical Devices; Input cable with three Patient Leads IEC type and Clip connectors.Special edition for SDK. MWI Monitor,Physiological,Patient(Without Arrhythmia Detection Or Alarms) 2 Norav 1200 Series PC-ECG
50 07290110255138 1200S Kit 1200S-K-00-U-S10-06 Kit includes: PC-ECG 1200M (UDI: 07290110250812) for Stress-Test ECG with AHA ty Kit includes: PC-ECG 1200M (UDI: 07290110250812) for Stress-Test ECG with AHA type labelling; Input Cable with 10 Patient Leads AHA Type and Snap Connectors.Special edition for Device Technologies Australia MWI Monitor, Physiological, Patient (Without Arrhythmia Detection Or Alarms) 2 Norav 1200 Series PC-ECG
Other products with the same Product Code "MWI"
No Primary DI Version or Model Catalog Number Device Description Brand Name Organization Name
1 00856128007007 NG The WAVE Clinical Platform software displays, routes, and stores medical device The WAVE Clinical Platform software displays, routes, and stores medical device and diagnostic information from supported devices. WAVE Clinical Platform EXCEL MEDICAL ELECTRONICS LLC
2 00856096008129 7714-2 7714-2 6v / SLA Anybattery ANYBATTERY, INC
3 00856096008112 7714-1 7714-1 6v / SLA Anybattery ANYBATTERY, INC
4 00856038001874 3883-3 3883-3 ipPOD, Invasive Pressure, Transpac, 3880 Iradimed IRADIMED CORP.
5 00856038001829 1190-12 1190-12 Jacket, Disposable, POD Iradimed IRADIMED CORP.
6 00856038001812 1195 1195 HE116 High Gain Antenna Iradimed IRADIMED CORP.
8 00856038001799 1862 1862 CABLE, DUAL IBP TRUWAVE, REPLACEMENT Iradimed IRADIMED CORP.
10 00856038001775 1832A-LONG 1832A-LONG Cuff, NIBP, Adult Long Reuseable (27-35 cm) Iradimed IRADIMED CORP.
11 00856038001751 1888 1888 POD CHARGER, BATTERY BAY 3885B Iradimed IRADIMED CORP.
12 00856038001744 3883 3883 ipPOD, INVASIVE PRESSURE UNIVERSAL, 3880 Iradimed IRADIMED CORP.
13 00856038001706 1845-25 1845-25 Adaptor, Anesthesia Airway Iradimed IRADIMED CORP.
14 00856038001690 1846-25 1846-25 Scavenge Hose Iradimed IRADIMED CORP.
15 00856038001683 1171 1171 SpO2 Grip Sensor Starter Pack Iradimed IRADIMED CORP.
16 00856038001676 1884 1884 Mount, Arm, 3880 Monitor Iradimed IRADIMED CORP.
17 00856038001669 1883 1883 Mount, Arm, 3886 Agents Module Iradimed IRADIMED CORP.
18 00856038001645 1882-3 1882-3 Printer Paper Iradimed IRADIMED CORP.
19 00856038001638 1831 1831 Hose Assembly, NIBP Swift Connect Iradimed IRADIMED CORP.
20 00856038001621 1891 1891 Pole Mount, Rotating, 3880 Monitor Iradimed IRADIMED CORP.
21 00856038001614 1844P-25 1844P-25 Cannula, Pediatric, Bifurcated Iradimed IRADIMED CORP.
22 00856038001607 1844A-25 1844A-25 Cannula, Adult, Bifurcated Iradimed IRADIMED CORP.
23 00856038001591 1843P-25 1843P-25 Cannula, Oral/Nasal Pediatric Iradimed IRADIMED CORP.
24 00856038001584 1843A-25 1843A-25 Cannula, Oral, Adult Iradimed IRADIMED CORP.
25 00856038001577 1842P-25 1842P-25 Cannula, Pediatric Iradimed IRADIMED CORP.
26 00856038001560 1842I-25 1842I-25 Cannula, Infant, Neonatal Iradimed IRADIMED CORP.
27 00856038001553 1842A-25 1842A-25 Cannula, Adult Iradimed IRADIMED CORP.
28 00856038001546 1851 1851 Temperature Sensor, Fiber Optic Iradimed IRADIMED CORP.
29 00856038001539 1833N4-10 1833N4-10 Cuff, NIBP, Neonatal Size 4 (7-13 cm) Iradimed IRADIMED CORP.
30 00856038001522 1833N3-10 1833N3-10 Cuff, NIBP, Neonatal size 3 (6-11 cm) Iradimed IRADIMED CORP.
31 00856038001515 1833N2-10 1833N2-10 Cuff, NIBP, Neonatal Size 2 (4-8 cm) Iradimed IRADIMED CORP.
32 00856038001508 1833N1-10 1833N1-10 Cuff, NIBP, Neonatal Size 1 (3-6 cm) Iradimed IRADIMED CORP.
33 00856038001492 1832I 1832I Cuff, NIBP, Infant Reusable (9-15 cm) Iradimed IRADIMED CORP.
34 00856038001485 1832P 1832P Cuff, NIBP, Pediatric Reusable (14-21.5 cm) Iradimed IRADIMED CORP.
35 00856038001478 1832SA 1832SA Cuff, NIBP, Small Adult Reusable (20.5-28.5 cm) Iradimed IRADIMED CORP.
36 00856038001461 1832A 1832A Cuff, NIBP, Adult Reusable (27-35 cm) Iradimed IRADIMED CORP.
37 00856038001454 1832LA 1832LA Cuff, NIBP, Large Adult, Reusable (34-44 cm) Iradimed IRADIMED CORP.
38 00856038001447 1841-25 1841-25 Sample line EtCO2, w/filter Iradimed IRADIMED CORP.
39 00856038001430 1822N-25 1822N-25 SpO2 Disposable Applicator, Neonatal Iradimed IRADIMED CORP.
40 00856038001423 1822P-25 1822P-25 SpO2 Disposable Applicator, Pediatric Iradimed IRADIMED CORP.
41 00856038001416 1822I-25 1822I-25 SpO2 Disposable Applicator, Infant Iradimed IRADIMED CORP.
42 00856038001409 1822A-25 1822A-25 SpO2 Disposable Applicator, Adult Iradimed IRADIMED CORP.
43 00856038001393 1887 1887 Dual Radio Module, 2.4 GHz, 3880 Iradimed IRADIMED CORP.
44 00856038001386 1881 1881 3880 Universal Gating Interface w/Cable Iradimed IRADIMED CORP.
45 00856038001379 3883-2 3883-2 ipPOD, Invasive Pressure Truwave, 3880 Iradimed IRADIMED CORP.
46 00856038001362 3883-1 3883-1 ipPOD, Invasive Pressure Universal, 3880 Iradimed IRADIMED CORP.
47 00856038001355 3880-4 3880-4 3880 MRI Basic Monitor System + Temp & ETCO2 Iradimed IRADIMED CORP.
48 00856038001348 1811 1811 Cable Set, 5-Lead ECG, ePOD (AAMI) Iradimed IRADIMED CORP.
49 00856038001331 3880-3 3880-3 3880 MRI Basic Monitor System + ETCO2 Iradimed IRADIMED CORP.
50 00856038001324 3880-2 3880-2 3880 MRI Basic Monitor System + Temp Iradimed IRADIMED CORP.