No Primary DI Version or Model Catalog Number Device Description Product Code Product Code Name Device Class Brand Name
1 07070060005683 1115015 1115015 Hemoglobin A1c test kit. Intended use: For determination of hemoglobin A1c in hu Hemoglobin A1c test kit. Intended use: For determination of hemoglobin A1c in human whole blood. Contents: 15 Test Cartridges. 1 Package Insert. DI covers Alere Afinion HbA1c and Afinion HbA1c. LCP Assay, Glycosylated Hemoglobin 2 Alere Afinion™ HbA1c
2 07070060006505 1115178 1115178 HbA1c Contols for use with the Alere Afinion HbA1c test and Afinion HbA1c test. HbA1c Contols for use with the Alere Afinion HbA1c test and Afinion HbA1c test. Content: 1 Control C1. 1 Control C II. 1 package insert. DI covers Alere Afinion HbA1c Control and Afinion HbA1c Control. JJX Single (Specified) Analyte Controls (Assayed And Unassayed) 1 Alere Afinion HbA1c Control
3 07070060014722 1116792 1116792 HbA1c Calibration Verification for use with the Afinion HbA1c Dx test. Content: HbA1c Calibration Verification for use with the Afinion HbA1c Dx test. Content: Control samples L1, L2 and L3, 1 package insert. JJX Single (Specified) Analyte Controls (Assayed And Unassayed) 1 Afinion HbA1c Calibration Verification
4 07070060014654 1116974 1116974 Hemoglobin A1c test kit. Intended use: For determination of hemoglobin A1c in hu Hemoglobin A1c test kit. Intended use: For determination of hemoglobin A1c in human whole blood. Contents: 15 test cartridges, 1 package insert JFY Enzymatic Method, Creatinine 2 Afinion HbA1c
5 07070060014647 1116973 1116973 ACR Controls for use with theAfinion ACR test. Contents: 1 Control C I, 1 Contro ACR Controls for use with theAfinion ACR test. Contents: 1 Control C I, 1 Control C II, 1 package insert. JJY Multi-Analyte Controls, All Kinds (Assayed) 1 Afinion ACR Control
6 07070060014630 1116972 1116972 Albumin/Creatinine ration test kit. Intended use: For the determination of album Albumin/Creatinine ration test kit. Intended use: For the determination of albumin, creatinine and albumin/creatinine ration in human urine. Contetns: 15 test cartridges. 1 package insert. JFY Enzymatic Method, Creatinine 2 Afinion ACR
7 07070060005744 1115020 1115020 Albumin/Creatinine Ratio test kit. Intended use: For the determination of albumi Albumin/Creatinine Ratio test kit. Intended use: For the determination of albumin, creatinine and the albumin/creatinine ratio in human urine. Contents: 15 Test Cartridges. 1 Package insert. DI covers Alere Afinion ACR and Afinion ACR. JFY,JIR Enzymatic Method, Creatinine,Indicator Method, Protein Or Albumin (Urinary, Non-Quant.) 1 Alere Afinion™ ACR
8 07070060014555 1116794 1116794 Hemoglobin A1c test kit. Intended use: For determination of hemogobin A1c in hum Hemoglobin A1c test kit. Intended use: For determination of hemogobin A1c in human whole blood including diagnosis. COntetns: 15 test cartridges, 1 package insert. PDJ Hemoglobin A1c Test System 2 Afinion HbA1c Dx
9 07070060012889 1116482 1116482 Hemoglobin A1c test kit. Intended use: For determination of hemoglobin A1c in hu Hemoglobin A1c test kit. Intended use: For determination of hemoglobin A1c in human whole blood including diagnosis. Contents: 15 Test Cartridges. 1 Package Insert. PDJ Hemoglobin A1c Test System 2 Afinion HbA1c Dx
10 07070060014661 1116975 1116975 HbA1x Controls for use with the Afinion HbA1c test. Contents: 1 Control C I, 1 C HbA1x Controls for use with the Afinion HbA1c test. Contents: 1 Control C I, 1 Control C II, 1 package insert. JJX Single (Specified) Analyte Controls (Assayed And Unassayed) 1 Afinion HbA1c Control