No | Primary DI | Version or Model | Catalog Number | Device Description | Product Code | Product Code Name | Device Class | Brand Name |
1 | 06946159503075 | 1138635 | 1138635 | CAF,BTI | Nebulizer (Direct Patient Interface),Compressor, Air, Portable | 2 | Philips Home Nebulizer | |
2 | 06946159504010 | 1133818 | 1133818 | CAF,BTI | Nebulizer (Direct Patient Interface),Compressor, Air, Portable | 2 | Willis the Whale | |
3 | 06946159504027 | 1133796 | 1133796 | CAF,BTI | Nebulizer (Direct Patient Interface),Compressor, Air, Portable | 2 | Willis the Whale | |
4 | 06946159503013 | 1130529 | 1130529 | CAF,BTI | Nebulizer (Direct Patient Interface),Compressor, Air, Portable | 2 | Phlips Home Nebulizer | |
5 | 06946159505024 | MT-218 | MT-218 | FLL | Thermometer, Electronic, Clinical | VEGA | ||
6 | 06946159503099 | 1138619 | 1138619 | CAF,BTI | Nebulizer (Direct Patient Interface),Compressor, Air, Portable | 2 | Philips Home Nebulizer | |
7 | 06946159503082 | 1138634 | 1138634 | CAF,BTI | Nebulizer (Direct Patient Interface),Compressor, Air, Portable | 2 | Philips Home Nebulizer | |
8 | 06946159501026 | 1093270 | 1093270 | CAF,BTI | Nebulizer (Direct Patient Interface),Compressor, Air, Portable | 2 | Sami the Seal | |
9 | 06946159501019 | 1093235 | 1093235 | BTI,CAF | Compressor, Air, Portable,Nebulizer (Direct Patient Interface) | Sami the Seal | ||
10 | 06946159503068 | 1138618 | 1138618 | CAF,BTI | Nebulizer (Direct Patient Interface),Compressor, Air, Portable | 2 | Philips Home Nebulizer | |
11 | 06946159503051 | 1136915 | 1136915 | CAF,BTI | Nebulizer (Direct Patient Interface),Compressor, Air, Portable | 2 | Philips Home Nebulizer | |
12 | 06946159503037 | 1130531 | 1130531 | CAF,BTI | Nebulizer (Direct Patient Interface),Compressor, Air, Portable | 2 | Philips Home Nebulizer | |
13 | 06946159503020 | 1130530 | 1130530 | CAF,BTI | Nebulizer (Direct Patient Interface),Compressor, Air, Portable | 2 | Philips Home Nebulizer | |
14 | 06946159502016 | 1112278 | 1112278 | CAF,BTI | Nebulizer (Direct Patient Interface),Compressor, Air, Portable | 2 | InnoSpire Deluxe | |
15 | 06946159501095 | 1136955 | 1136955 | CAF,BTI | Nebulizer (Direct Patient Interface),Compressor, Air, Portable | 2 | Sami the Seal | |
16 | 06946159501088 | 1119462 | 1119462 | CAF,BTI | Nebulizer (Direct Patient Interface),Compressor, Air, Portable | 2 | Sami the Seal | |
17 | 06946159501071 | 1114373 | 1114373 | CAF,BTI | Nebulizer (Direct Patient Interface),Compressor, Air, Portable | 2 | Sami the Seal | |
18 | 06946159501064 | 1082731 | 1082731 | CAF,BTI | Nebulizer (Direct Patient Interface),Compressor, Air, Portable | 2 | Sami the Seal | |
19 | 06946159501057 | 1082456 | 1082456 | CAF,BTI | Nebulizer (Direct Patient Interface),Compressor, Air, Portable | 2 | Sami the Seal | |
20 | 06946159501040 | 1093268 | 1093268 | CAF,BTI | Nebulizer (Direct Patient Interface),Compressor, Air, Portable | 2 | Sami the Seal | |
21 | 06946159501033 | 1093237 | 1093237 | CAF,BTI | Nebulizer (Direct Patient Interface),Compressor, Air, Portable | 2 | Sami the Seal | |
22 | 06946159502122 | 1131761 | 1131761 | CAF,BTI | Nebulizer (Direct Patient Interface),Compressor, Air, Portable | 2 | Innospire Deluxe | |
23 | 06946159502115 | 1110061 | 1110061 | CAF,BTI | Nebulizer (Direct Patient Interface),Compressor, Air, Portable | 2 | Innospire Deluxe | |
24 | 06946159502108 | 1110060 | 1110060 | CAF,BTI | Nebulizer (Direct Patient Interface),Compressor, Air, Portable | 2 | Innospire Deluxe | |
25 | 06946159502092 | 1110058 | 1110058 | CAF,BTI | Nebulizer (Direct Patient Interface),Compressor, Air, Portable | 2 | Innospire Deluxe | |
26 | 06946159502085 | 1110057 | 1110057 | CAF,BTI | Nebulizer (Direct Patient Interface),Compressor, Air, Portable | 2 | Innospire Deluxe | |
27 | 06946159502078 | 1110059 | 1110059 | CAF,BTI | Nebulizer (Direct Patient Interface),Compressor, Air, Portable | 2 | Innospire Deluxe | |
28 | 06946159502061 | 1110064 | 1110064 | CAF,BTI | Nebulizer (Direct Patient Interface),Compressor, Air, Portable | 2 | Innospire Deluxe | |
29 | 06946159502054 | 1110066 | 1110066 | CAF,BTI | Nebulizer (Direct Patient Interface),Compressor, Air, Portable | 2 | Innospire Deluxe | |
30 | 06946159502047 | 1110063 | 1110063 | CAF,BTI | Nebulizer (Direct Patient Interface),Compressor, Air, Portable | 2 | Innospire Deluxe | |
31 | 06946159502030 | 1110062 | 1110062 | CAF,BTI | Nebulizer (Direct Patient Interface),Compressor, Air, Portable | 2 | Innospire Deluxe |
No | Primary DI | Version or Model | Catalog Number | Device Description | Brand Name | Organization Name |
1 | 00822383986623 | 18090BE-AFL | RespiratoryNebs Product Description: PedBeagleNeb w/Rx Form(100820),1/ea,6/cv | DRIVEMEDICAL | DRIVE DEVILBISS HEALTHCARE | |
2 | 00822383986616 | 18090FS-AFL | RespiratoryNebs Product Description: PedFishNeb w/Rx Form(100820),1/ea,6/cv | DRIVEMEDICAL | DRIVE DEVILBISS HEALTHCARE | |
3 | 00822383984261 | 18260-PDMASK | Respiratory Respiratory Disposables Product Description Ped Mask for 18260 and A Respiratory Respiratory Disposables Product Description Ped Mask for 18260 and Adapter, 1/ea | drive | DRIVE DEVILBISS HEALTHCARE | |
4 | 00822383975481 | MQ5900P | RespiratoryNebs Product Description: CmpctNeb,Disps&JetNeb,w/PedMask1/ea,6/c | DRIVEMEDICAL | DRIVE DEVILBISS HEALTHCARE | |
5 | 00822383975474 | 18080P | RespiratoryNebs Product Description: Power Neb Ultra, w/PedMask 1/ea, 6/cv | DRIVEMEDICAL | DRIVE DEVILBISS HEALTHCARE | |
6 | 00822383963709 | 18091FS-IHO | RespiratoryNebs Product Description: PedFishNebwReuse&DispKit (102280),1/ea | DRIVEMEDICAL | DRIVE DEVILBISS HEALTHCARE | |
7 | 00822383901305 | 4058IMEDS | RespiratoryNebs Product Description: Beagle w/Rx Form (115014), 1/ea,6/cv | DRIVEMEDICAL | DRIVE DEVILBISS HEALTHCARE | |
8 | 00822383901299 | 4060IMEDS | RespiratoryNebs Product Description: Pink Panda w/Rx Form (115014), 1/ea,6/c | DRIVEMEDICAL | DRIVE DEVILBISS HEALTHCARE | |
9 | 00822383586373 | 18081-PBL | RespiratoryNebs Product Description: PowerNeb,w/ReuseDispNeb,PBLbl,1/ea,6/cv | Drive | DRIVE DEVILBISS HEALTHCARE | |
10 | 00822383585321 | 4059IMEDS | RespiratoryNebs Product Description: Fish w/Rx Form (115014), 1/ea,6/cv | DRIVEMEDICAL | DRIVE DEVILBISS HEALTHCARE | |
11 | 00822383579252 | MQ8000 | Airial Holding Chamber | Drive | DRIVE DEVILBISS HEALTHCARE | |
12 | 00822383579245 | MQ7000 | Pediatric Building Block Compressor Neb | Drive | DRIVE DEVILBISS HEALTHCARE | |
13 | 00822383579245 | MQ7000 | Pediatric Building Block Compressor Neb | Drive | DRIVE DEVILBISS HEALTHCARE | |
14 | 00822383579238 | MQ6008 | Airial Express Train | Drive | DRIVE DEVILBISS HEALTHCARE | |
15 | 00822383579238 | MQ6008 | Airial Express Train | Drive | DRIVE DEVILBISS HEALTHCARE | |
16 | 00822383579221 | MQ6006 | Penguin Compressor Nebulizer, No Bag | Drive | DRIVE DEVILBISS HEALTHCARE | |
17 | 00822383579221 | MQ6006 | Penguin Compressor Nebulizer, No Bag | Drive | DRIVE DEVILBISS HEALTHCARE | |
18 | 00822383579214 | MQ6005 | Panda Pediatric Neb, Pink, w/ Disp NK | Drive | DRIVE DEVILBISS HEALTHCARE | |
19 | 00822383579214 | MQ6005 | Panda Pediatric Neb, Pink, w/ Disp NK | Drive | DRIVE DEVILBISS HEALTHCARE | |
20 | 00822383579207 | MQ6004 | Panda Pediatric Neb w/ Disp NK, no carry bag | Drive | DRIVE DEVILBISS HEALTHCARE | |
21 | 00822383579207 | MQ6004 | Panda Pediatric Neb w/ Disp NK, no carry bag | Drive | DRIVE DEVILBISS HEALTHCARE | |
22 | 00822383579191 | MQ6003 | Panda Pediatric Neb w/ Disp NK | Drive | DRIVE DEVILBISS HEALTHCARE | |
23 | 00822383579191 | MQ6003 | Panda Pediatric Neb w/ Disp NK | Drive | DRIVE DEVILBISS HEALTHCARE | |
24 | 00822383579184 | MQ6002 | Penguin Compressor Nebulizer | Drive | DRIVE DEVILBISS HEALTHCARE | |
25 | 00822383579184 | MQ6002 | Penguin Compressor Nebulizer | Drive | DRIVE DEVILBISS HEALTHCARE | |
26 | 00822383579177 | MQ6000 | Compressor Nebulizer, Compartment Style | Drive | DRIVE DEVILBISS HEALTHCARE | |
27 | 00822383579177 | MQ6000 | Compressor Nebulizer, Compartment Style | Drive | DRIVE DEVILBISS HEALTHCARE | |
28 | 00822383579160 | MQ5900 | Compressor Nebulizer | Drive | DRIVE DEVILBISS HEALTHCARE | |
29 | 00822383579160 | MQ5900 | Compressor Nebulizer | Drive | DRIVE DEVILBISS HEALTHCARE | |
30 | 00822383579153 | MQ5800 | Compressor Nebulizer | Drive | DRIVE DEVILBISS HEALTHCARE | |
31 | 00822383579153 | MQ5800 | Compressor Nebulizer | Drive | DRIVE DEVILBISS HEALTHCARE | |
32 | 00822383579146 | MQ5700B | Compressor Nebulizer | Drive | DRIVE DEVILBISS HEALTHCARE | |
33 | 00822383579146 | MQ5700B | Compressor Nebulizer | Drive | DRIVE DEVILBISS HEALTHCARE | |
34 | 00822383579139 | MQ5700 | Respiratory Nebs Product Description MEDNEB+ w/Reusable Neb Cup 1/ea, 8/cv | drive | DRIVE DEVILBISS HEALTHCARE | |
35 | 00822383579122 | MQ5600 | Compressor Nebulizer | Drive | DRIVE DEVILBISS HEALTHCARE | |
36 | 00822383579122 | MQ5600 | Compressor Nebulizer | Drive | DRIVE DEVILBISS HEALTHCARE | |
37 | 00822383579115 | MQ5501 | Portable Nebulizer | Drive | DRIVE DEVILBISS HEALTHCARE | |
38 | 00822383579115 | MQ5501 | Portable Nebulizer | Drive | DRIVE DEVILBISS HEALTHCARE | |
39 | 00822383579108 | MQ5500 | Portable Nebulizer | Drive | DRIVE DEVILBISS HEALTHCARE | |
40 | 00822383579108 | MQ5500 | Portable Nebulizer | Drive | DRIVE DEVILBISS HEALTHCARE | |
41 | 00822383579092 | MQ5300 | Portable Nebulizer | Drive | DRIVE DEVILBISS HEALTHCARE | |
42 | 00822383579092 | MQ5300 | Portable Nebulizer | Drive | DRIVE DEVILBISS HEALTHCARE | |
43 | 00822383579047 | MQ0911 | Fire Truck Nebulizer w/ Disp NK | Drive | DRIVE DEVILBISS HEALTHCARE | |
44 | 00822383579047 | MQ0911 | Fire Truck Nebulizer w/ Disp NK | Drive | DRIVE DEVILBISS HEALTHCARE | |
45 | 00822383578101 | 18081-SMS | SMS, Power Neb | SMS | DRIVE DEVILBISS HEALTHCARE | |
46 | 00822383578101 | 18081-SMS | SMS, Power Neb | SMS | DRIVE DEVILBISS HEALTHCARE | |
47 | 00822383570631 | 18081-TRI | Tri, Power Neb | Tri | DRIVE DEVILBISS HEALTHCARE | |
48 | 00822383570631 | 18081-TRI | Tri, Power Neb | Tri | DRIVE DEVILBISS HEALTHCARE | |
49 | 00822383570402 | MQ5800-CHARM | MQ5800 w/CustomerLogo (108680), 6/cv | TMED Holdings | DRIVE DEVILBISS HEALTHCARE | |
50 | 00822383570402 | MQ5800-CHARM | MQ5800 w/CustomerLogo (108680), 6/cv | TMED Holdings | DRIVE DEVILBISS HEALTHCARE |