No | Primary DI | Version or Model | Catalog Number | Device Description | Product Code | Product Code Name | Device Class | Brand Name |
1 | 06936735466498 | PPT6-90P | ECG Monitor Lead WirePhilips Philips | DSA | Cable, Transducer And Electrode, Patient, (Including Connector) | 2 | Unimed | |
2 | 06945664874854 | HS15-09-49 | NIBP Blood Pressure Tube/Single tube/Adult+Pediatric/BP09-BP49/1.5M | DXQ | Blood Pressure Cuff | 2 | Unimed | |
3 | 06945664874281 | SBC-DRE-UT | IBP interface cable/DRE/Utah/511/4.0M/Soma | DSA | Cable, Transducer And Electrode, Patient, (Including Connector) | 2 | Unimed | |
4 | 06945664874212 | HDN36-24-47 | NIBP Blood Pressure Tube/Double Tube/Infant+Neonate/BP24-BP47/3.6M | DXQ | Blood Pressure Cuff | 2 | Unimed | |
5 | 06945664873239 | HSN30-16-56 | NIBP Blood Pressure Tube/Single tube/Infant+Neonate/BP16-BP56/3.0M | DXQ | Blood Pressure Cuff | 2 | Unimed | |
6 | 06945664872898 | BC-SM2-MX1 | IBP interface cable/Siemens/MEDEX-Logical/003/4.0M | DSA | Cable, Transducer And Electrode, Patient, (Including Connector) | 2 | Unimed | |
7 | 06945664872416 | NBMQ5145-5 | IBP interface cable/Marquette/Medex/062/4.0M/Pacific | DSA | Cable, Transducer And Electrode, Patient, (Including Connector) | 2 | Unimed | |
8 | 06945664866705 | BC-CSI-MX | IBP interface cable/CSI/Medex/LP5/4.0M | DSA | Cable, Transducer And Electrode, Patient, (Including Connector) | 2 | Unimed | |
9 | 06945664864404 | 10118 | ECG lead adapter/HP five-lead-CD five-lead/CSM | DSA | Cable, Transducer And Electrode, Patient, (Including Connector) | 2 | Unimed | |
10 | 06945664863544 | AD-EEGH-004 | Brain electrode host adapter /BIS/GE/ 2.8m | DSA | Cable, Transducer And Electrode, Patient, (Including Connector) | 2 | Unimed | |
11 | 06945664863865 | MQB6-90P-I | ECG monitoring lead wire/MQ type/six leads/clamp type/IEC/0.9M | DSA | Cable, Transducer And Electrode, Patient, (Including Connector) | 2 | Unimed | |
12 | 06945664858090 | MS-EDANTOCO6D | FLL | Thermometer, Electronic, Clinical | 2 | Unimed | ||
13 | 06945664856515 | TRMP-GE-001 | Smart Temp. Probe/GE/Rectal/Red/LP6/MAC | FLL | Thermometer, Electronic, Clinical | 2 | Unimed | |
14 | 06945664850100 | BC-DT-BD | IBP interface cable/Datascope/BD/086/4.0M | DSA | Cable, Transducer And Electrode, Patient, (Including Connector) | 2 | Unimed | |
15 | 06945664848992 | NEDX0132-B | One piece ECG Monitor Cable/Datex/3-lead/Snap/AHA/2.5M+0.9M/010/Pacific | DSA | Cable, Transducer And Electrode, Patient, (Including Connector) | 2 | Unimed | |
16 | 06945664824149 | U708M-15(CSM) | SpO2 interface cable/Masimo/2.2M/073+172/MasimoLNCS/CSM | DSA | Cable, Transducer And Electrode, Patient, (Including Connector) | 2 | Unimed | |
17 | 06945664818261 | U503-49 | Disposable SpO2 Sensor/Adhesive/Masimo/Adult/0.9M | DQA | Oximeter | Unimed | ||
18 | 06945664809207 | U303-49R | Reusable SpO2 Sensor/Masimo/Wrap/Neonate/1.1M/108G | DQA | Oximeter | 2 | Unimed | |
19 | 06945664804578 | U410-31 | Mindray adult finger clip SPO2 sensor ,3M | DQA | Oximeter | 2 | Unimed | |
20 | 06936735472062 | 10611 | Reusable NIBP Cuff for Adult | DXQ | Blood Pressure Cuff | 2 | Unimed | |
21 | 06936735472598 | H01-16-60L | Non-Invasive BP Air Hose Philips, Adult/Pediatric | DXQ | Blood Pressure Cuff | 2 | Unimed | |
22 | 06936735471492 | BC-MX-BB | Invasive BP Adaptor Cable MEDEX-BB used with BB transducer | DSA | Cable, Transducer And Electrode, Patient, (Including Connector) | 2 | Unimed | |
23 | 06936735463077 | P2305S | One-piece ECG Monitor AAMI 3-lead shielded snap end 5pins plug/AHA | DSA | Cable, Transducer And Electrode, Patient, (Including Connector) | 2 | Unimed | |
24 | 06936735462971 | P2323S | One-piece ECG Monitor Cable Siemens 3-lead shielded snap end 7pins plug/AHA | DSA | Cable, Transducer And Electrode, Patient, (Including Connector) | 2 | Unimed | |
25 | 06945664899703 | U711M-43RD | Blood oxygen connector /Philips- Masimo / 3.6m /319+667/ Masimo RD SET | DSA | Cable, Transducer And Electrode, Patient, (Including Connector) | 2 | Unimed | |
26 | 06945664899697 | U710M-48RD | Blood oxygen connector/Mindry-Masimo / 3.0m /398+667/ Masimo RD SET | DSA | Cable, Transducer And Electrode, Patient, (Including Connector) | 2 | Unimed | |
27 | 06945664899680 | U410-205D | Repetitive blood oxygen probe /Biolight/ finger clip/adult / 3.0m /504 | DQA | Oximeter | 2 | Unimed | |
28 | 06945664899673 | U708N-74MR | Blood oxygen connection /Spacelabs- Masmo / 2.2m /072+170/Nellcor/NEW Partssource | DSA | Cable, Transducer And Electrode, Patient, (Including Connector) | 2 | Unimed | |
29 | 06945664899666 | U523-07 | Disposable blood oxygen probe/adhesion /Datascope/ children / 0.9m/PlusCare | DQA | Oximeter | 2 | Unimed | |
30 | 06945664899659 | U710M-48RD | Blood oxygen connection line/Mari - Masimo / 3.0m /398+667/ Masimo RD SET/DTG | DSA | Cable, Transducer And Electrode, Patient, (Including Connector) | 2 | Unimed | |
31 | 06945664899642 | U610-15R | Repeatable oximetry probe/Masmo/Wrap/adult + newborn / 3.0m /073 | DQA | Oximeter | 2 | Unimed | |
32 | 06945664899635 | U410-91MR | Repeatable blood oxygen probe /Philips masimo/ finger clip/adult / 3.0m /087 | DQA | Oximeter | 2 | Unimed | |
33 | 06945664899628 | F543-01 | Disposable blood oxygen probe/adhesive foam /Datascope/ adult + newborn / 0.9m/B Disposable blood oxygen probe/adhesive foam /Datascope/ adult + newborn / 0.9m/Brazilian MHEDICA | DQA | Oximeter | 2 | Unimed | |
34 | 06945664899611 | F533-01 | Disposable blood oxygen probe/adhesive foam /Datascope/ baby / 0.9m/Brazilian MHEDICA | DQA | Oximeter | 2 | Unimed | |
35 | 06945664899604 | N543-07 | Disposable oxygen probe/non-adhesive /Datascope/ adult + newborn / 0.9m/Brazilian MHEDICA | DQA | Oximeter | 2 | Unimed | |
36 | 06945664899598 | PTS5-90S | Ecg monitoring lead line /Philips MX40 with blood oxygen/five lead/button /AHA/0 Ecg monitoring lead line /Philips MX40 with blood oxygen/five lead/button /AHA/0.9+ 0.15m/plusCare | DSA | Cable, Transducer And Electrode, Patient, (Including Connector) | 2 | Unimed | |
37 | 06945664899581 | 2385DP | One time ecg monitoring integrated cable /Philips/ three guide/clamp /AHA/ 1.0m One time ecg monitoring integrated cable /Philips/ three guide/clamp /AHA/ 1.0m + 2.4m /024/ plusCare | DSA | Cable, Transducer And Electrode, Patient, (Including Connector) | 2 | Unimed | |
38 | 06945664899574 | AD-NW-10 | 3.0 Needle-wide mouth ECG changer (10PCS/ bag)/ PlusCare | DSA | Cable, Transducer And Electrode, Patient, (Including Connector) | 2 | Unimed | |
39 | 06945664883764 | USOC111009 | USOC111009 | DSA | Cable, Transducer And Electrode, Patient, (Including Connector) | 2 | Unimed | |
40 | 06945664899567 | E10R/30-GL-P/I | Ecg machine integrated cable /GLOBE/ ten guide/clamp /IEC/ 3.0m + 1.2m *4+ 0.8m *6/331 | DSA | Cable, Transducer And Electrode, Patient, (Including Connector) | 2 | Unimed | |
41 | 06945664899543 | PAAB5-90DP | Disposable ECG monitoring lead wire /AA type / 5 lead/clamp type /AHA/ 0.9m/plusCare | DSA | Cable, Transducer And Electrode, Patient, (Including Connector) | 2 | Unimed | |
42 | 06945664899536 | PAD-BW-14 | 4.0 Banana insert-wide mouth ECG changer (14PCS/ bag)/ PlusCare | DSA | Cable, Transducer And Electrode, Patient, (Including Connector) | 2 | Unimed | |
43 | 06945664899512 | AD-UFT-003 | Decg adapter cable /GE/ 12PIN / 2.5m | DSA | Cable, Transducer And Electrode, Patient, (Including Connector) | 2 | Unimed | |
44 | 06945664899505 | E10R/055-WA-S/I | Ecg machine integrated cable /Welch Allyn/ 10 lead/button /IEC/ 0.6m + 1.2m *4+ Ecg machine integrated cable /Welch Allyn/ 10 lead/button /IEC/ 0.6m + 1.2m *4+ 0.9m *6/LP14 | DSA | Cable, Transducer And Electrode, Patient, (Including Connector) | 2 | Unimed | |
45 | 06945664899444 | EW-7-9-NK3 | Disposable ECG monitoring lead wire /NK BR-903 type/three-lead/clamp guide /IEC/0.9M | DSA | Cable, Transducer And Electrode, Patient, (Including Connector) | 2 | Unimed | |
46 | 06945664899437 | AAC10-90XDP | Disposable ECG monitoring lead line/shadowless line /AA type / 10-lead/clamp typ Disposable ECG monitoring lead line/shadowless line /AA type / 10-lead/clamp type /AHA/0.9M | DSA | Cable, Transducer And Electrode, Patient, (Including Connector) | 2 | Unimed | |
47 | 06945664899420 | PTS6-90S | ECG monitoring lead wire /Philips MX40 with blood oxygen/six lead/button /AHA/0.9+0.15M | DSA | Cable, Transducer And Electrode, Patient, (Including Connector) | 2 | Unimed | |
48 | 06945664899413 | 117050048 | Disposable ECG monitoring integrated cable /XY/ five-guide/buckle + clamp /IEC/ Disposable ECG monitoring integrated cable /XY/ five-guide/buckle + clamp /IEC/ 2.8m + 0.9m | DSA | Cable, Transducer And Electrode, Patient, (Including Connector) | 2 | Unimed | |
49 | 06945664899406 | 117050046 | Disposable ECG monitoring integrated cable /XY/ three conductors/button + clamp Disposable ECG monitoring integrated cable /XY/ three conductors/button + clamp /IEC/ 2.8m + 0.9m | DSA | Cable, Transducer And Electrode, Patient, (Including Connector) | 2 | Unimed | |
50 | 06945664899390 | 118050002 | Disposable ECG monitoring main cable /XY type/five conductors / 2.8m | DSA | Cable, Transducer And Electrode, Patient, (Including Connector) | 2 | Unimed |
No | Primary DI | Version or Model | Catalog Number | Device Description | Brand Name | Organization Name |
1 | 05391525574011 | 401 | The ARC InstaTemp MD Digital Non-Touch Infrared Thermometer is intended to be us The ARC InstaTemp MD Digital Non-Touch Infrared Thermometer is intended to be used in the clinical setting to measure temperature in infants and adults. | ARC InstaTemp Non-Touch Infrared Thermometer | ARC DEVICES USA INC | |
2 | 05391525574004 | 400 | InstaTemp Digital Non-Touch Infrared Thermometer is intended to be used in the c InstaTemp Digital Non-Touch Infrared Thermometer is intended to be used in the clinical setting by a healthcare professional to measure temperature in infants and adults. | ARC InstaTemp MD Non-Touch Infrared Thermometer | ARC DEVICES USA INC | |
3 | 05391525570006 | 000 | InstaTemp Digital Non-Touch Infrared Thermometer intended to be used to measure InstaTemp Digital Non-Touch Infrared Thermometer intended to be used to measure temperature in infants and adults. This device can be used in the home or in a clinical setting. | ARC InstaTemp Non-Touch Thermometer | ARC DEVICES USA INC | |
4 | 05060526840004 | G1 | 40 | Current Health Wearable Monnitoring System (Gen 1 Wearable) | Current Health Wearable Monnitoring System | CURRENT HEALTH LIMITED |
5 | 05060505400014 | FT-100D | A home-use infrared forehead thermometer. | Sovereign-Gear | COOL APPROACH LIMITED | |
6 | 05060505400007 | DT-K111D | A flexible tipped home-use waterproof digital thermometer. | Sovereign-Gear | COOL APPROACH LIMITED | |
7 | 05060502570000 | TH-1412 | Paryvara Dual Mode Digital Thermometer | Paryvara | BOOT REMEDY LTD | |
8 | 05060488570599 | 40010 | 40010 | Pro Temp Infrared Non-Contact Thermometer | Pro Temp | PROACTIVE MEDICAL PRODUCTS, LLC |
9 | 05060216820569 | HTD8813C | Non Contact Infrared Body Thermometer | Sweet Dreamers | HETAIDA TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD | |
10 | 05060206921856 | TCM1837A | TCM1837A Philips disposable rectal probe | Tecotherm | INSPIRATION HEALTHCARE LIMITED | |
11 | 04987350706331 | CX*TL | CAPIOX Luer Thermistor | CAPIOX | TERUMO CORPORATION | |
14 | 04931921006177 | YS-120P8 | YS-120P8 | Covidien Temperature enclosure (rectal) for SVM-7200 Series Vital Signs Monitor | Nihon Kohden SVM-7200 Series Vital Signs Monitor | NIHON KOHDEN CORPORATION |
15 | 04931921006160 | YS-120P7 | YS-120P7 | Covidien Temperature enclosure (oral/axillary) for SVM-7200 Series Vital Signs Monitor | Nihon Kohden SVM-7200 Series Vital Signs Monitor | NIHON KOHDEN CORPORATION |
16 | 04931921005989 | AW-721P | AW-721P | Covidien Temperature Module for SVM-7200 Series Vital Signs Monitor | Nihon Kohden SVM-7200 Series Vital Signs Monitor | NIHON KOHDEN CORPORATION |
17 | 04931921005958 | QI-726P | QI-726P | Temperature Module interface for SVM-7200 Series Vital Signs Monitor | Nihon Kohden SVM-7200 Series Vital Signs Monitor | NIHON KOHDEN CORPORATION |
18 | 04897100310131 | ADF-B38A | Wireless Non-Contact Infrared Body/Surface Thermometer | Andnesfit Health | ANDESFIT LIMITED | |
19 | 04897100310117 | ADF-34A | Wireless Infrared Ear/Forehead Thermometer | Andnesfit Health | ANDESFIT LIMITED | |
20 | 04897087201019 | WT2 | Electronic Thermometer | Emay | EMAY (HK) LIMITED | |
21 | 04897087200012 | EMT-01 | Clinical basal thermometer, intended to measure human body temperature | Emay | EMAY (HK) LIMITED | |
22 | 04751037660038 | PG-IRT1603 | EVOLU Non Contact Infrared Ear/Forehead Thermometer | FORANS SIA | ||
23 | 04719878123013 | GSH-BTS301 | The WowGoHealth IR Ear Thermometer with Bluetooth (Model GSH-BTS301) is an infra The WowGoHealth IR Ear Thermometer with Bluetooth (Model GSH-BTS301) is an infrared thermometer intended for the intermittent measurement of human body temperature in people of all ages. | WowGoHealth IR Ear Thermometer with Bluetooth GSH-BTS301 | GOLDEN SMART HOME TECHNOLOGY CORP. | |
24 | 04719873310067 | SCT01 | SCT01 is the device for the measurement of body temperature. | NOKIA | YA HORNG ELECTRONIC CO., LTD. | |
25 | 04719873310012 | SCT01 | SCT01 is the device for the measurement of body temperature. | WITHINGS | YA HORNG ELECTRONIC CO., LTD. | |
26 | 04710953421598 | NT19 | The NT19 thermometer is designed for the intermittent measurement of the human b The NT19 thermometer is designed for the intermittent measurement of the human body's temperature in the domestic environment and can be used upon people of all ages | TekCare Non-Contact Infrared Thermometer | AVITA CORPORATION | |
27 | 04710953421512 | NT17 | The NT17 THERMO DISTANCE thermometer is designed for the intermittent measuremen The NT17 THERMO DISTANCE thermometer is designed for the intermittent measurement of the human body's temperature in the domestic environment and can be used upon people of all ages | TekCare Touch Free Infrared Thermometer | AVITA CORPORATION | |
28 | 04710953421468 | NT1G | The IR Thermometer is intended to be used as the intermittent measurement of hum The IR Thermometer is intended to be used as the intermittent measurement of human body temperature for people of all ages. | TekCare Green-Type Infrared Thermometer | AVITA CORPORATION | |
29 | 04710953421314 | TS46 | The device is an infrared thermometer intended for the intermittent measurement The device is an infrared thermometer intended for the intermittent measurement of human body temperature in people of all ages. | TekCare Infrared Thermometer | AVITA CORPORATION | |
30 | 04710953421291 | NT11 | The NT11 THERMO DISTANCE thermometer is designed for the intermittent measuremen The NT11 THERMO DISTANCE thermometer is designed for the intermittent measurement of the human body's temperature in a domestic environment, and can be used upon people of all ages. | TekCare Touch Free Infrared Thermometer | AVITA CORPORATION | |
31 | 04710469874598 | TD-1107 | DIRECT SUPPLY Attendant Tympanic Thermometer Probe Cover (300pce/Box) | TAIDOC TECHNOLOGY CORPORATION | ||
32 | 04710469874581 | TD-1107 | DIRECT SUPPLY Attendant ACTT-1 Tympanic Thermometer | TAIDOC TECHNOLOGY CORPORATION | ||
34 | 04710469873409 | TD-1261 | Forehead Thermometer TD-1261 | TAIDOC TECHNOLOGY CORPORATION | ||
35 | 04260651380371 | SAR-200S2 | 2.101104 | Reusable temperature probe, Skin application, large, Schiller AG branded | Skin Probe, Large, Schiller | SENSATRONIC GMBH |
36 | 04260651380364 | PR-200S2 | 2.101109 | Reusable temperature probe, rectal/esophageal, medium, Schiller AG branded | General Purpose Rectal/Esophageal Probe, Medium, Schiller | SENSATRONIC GMBH |
37 | 04260651380357 | AR-200S2 | 2.101108 | Reusable temperature probe, rectal/esophageal, large, Schiller AG branded | General Purpose Rectal/Esophageal Probe, Large, Schiller | SENSATRONIC GMBH |
38 | 04260651380340 | SPR-500S1 | 2.101140 | Reusable temperature probe, Skin application, medium, Schiller AG branded | Skin Probe, Medium, Schiller | SENSATRONIC GMBH |
39 | 04260651380333 | SAR-500S1 | 2.101141 | Reusable temperature probe, Skin application, large, Schiller AG branded | Skin Probe, Large, Schiller | SENSATRONIC GMBH |
40 | 04260651380326 | SNR-300S1 | 2.101110 | Reusable temperature probe, Skin application, small, Schiller AG branded | Skin Probe, Small, Schiller | SENSATRONIC GMBH |
41 | 04260651380319 | AR-500S1 | 2.101107 | Reusable temperature probe, rectal/esophageal, large, Schiller AG branded | General Purpose Rectal/Esophageal Probe, Large, Schiller | SENSATRONIC GMBH |
42 | 04260651380302 | PR-500S1 | 2.101106 | Reusable temperature probe, rectal/esophageal, medium, Schiller AG branded | General Purpose Rectal/Esophageal Probe, Medium, Schiller | SENSATRONIC GMBH |
43 | 04260651380296 | SPR-300S1 | 2.101103 | Reusable temperature probe, Skin application, medium, Schiller AG branded | Skin Probe, Medium, Schiller | SENSATRONIC GMBH |
44 | 04260651380289 | SAR-300S1 | 2.101095 | Reusable temperature probe, Skin application, large, Schiller AG branded | Skin Probe, Large, Schiller | SENSATRONIC GMBH |
45 | 04260651380272 | PR-300S1 | 2.101094 | Reusable temperature probe, rectal/esophageal, medium, Schiller AG branded | General Purpose Rectal/Esophageal Probe, Medium, Schiller | SENSATRONIC GMBH |
46 | 04260651380265 | AR-300S1 | 2.101093 | Reusable temperature probe, rectal/esophageal, large, Schiller AG branded | General Purpose Rectal/Esophageal Probe, Large, Schiller | SENSATRONIC GMBH |
47 | 04260651380067 | SNR-275PA | 011-00106 | Reusable temperature probe, Skin application, small | Skin Probe, Small | SENSATRONIC GMBH |
48 | 04260651380050 | SPR-275PA | 011-00105 | Reusable temperature probe, Skin application, medium | Skin Probe, Medium | SENSATRONIC GMBH |
49 | 04260651380043 | SAR-275PA | 011-00104 | Reusable temperature probe, Skin application, large | Skin Probe, Large | SENSATRONIC GMBH |
50 | 04260651380036 | NR-275PA | 011-00103 | Reusable temperature probe, rectal/esophageal, small | General Purpose Rectal/Esophageal Probe, Small | SENSATRONIC GMBH |