Other products from "UNIMED MEDICAL SUPPLIES, INC."
No Primary DI Version or Model Catalog Number Device Description Product Code Product Code Name Device Class Brand Name
1 06936735466498 PPT6-90P ECG Monitor Lead WirePhilips Philips DSA Cable, Transducer And Electrode, Patient, (Including Connector) 2 Unimed
2 06945664874854 HS15-09-49 NIBP Blood Pressure Tube/Single tube/Adult+Pediatric/BP09-BP49/1.5M DXQ Blood Pressure Cuff 2 Unimed
3 06945664874281 SBC-DRE-UT IBP interface cable/DRE/Utah/511/4.0M/Soma DSA Cable, Transducer And Electrode, Patient, (Including Connector) 2 Unimed
4 06945664874212 HDN36-24-47 NIBP Blood Pressure Tube/Double Tube/Infant+Neonate/BP24-BP47/3.6M DXQ Blood Pressure Cuff 2 Unimed
5 06945664873239 HSN30-16-56 NIBP Blood Pressure Tube/Single tube/Infant+Neonate/BP16-BP56/3.0M DXQ Blood Pressure Cuff 2 Unimed
6 06945664872898 BC-SM2-MX1 IBP interface cable/Siemens/MEDEX-Logical/003/4.0M DSA Cable, Transducer And Electrode, Patient, (Including Connector) 2 Unimed
7 06945664872416 NBMQ5145-5 IBP interface cable/Marquette/Medex/062/4.0M/Pacific DSA Cable, Transducer And Electrode, Patient, (Including Connector) 2 Unimed
8 06945664866705 BC-CSI-MX IBP interface cable/CSI/Medex/LP5/4.0M DSA Cable, Transducer And Electrode, Patient, (Including Connector) 2 Unimed
9 06945664864404 10118 ECG lead adapter/HP five-lead-CD five-lead/CSM DSA Cable, Transducer And Electrode, Patient, (Including Connector) 2 Unimed
10 06945664863544 AD-EEGH-004 Brain electrode host adapter /BIS/GE/ 2.8m DSA Cable, Transducer And Electrode, Patient, (Including Connector) 2 Unimed
11 06945664863865 MQB6-90P-I ECG monitoring lead wire/MQ type/six leads/clamp type/IEC/0.9M DSA Cable, Transducer And Electrode, Patient, (Including Connector) 2 Unimed
12 06945664858090 MS-EDANTOCO6D FLL Thermometer, Electronic, Clinical 2 Unimed
13 06945664856515 TRMP-GE-001 Smart Temp. Probe/GE/Rectal/Red/LP6/MAC FLL Thermometer, Electronic, Clinical 2 Unimed
14 06945664850100 BC-DT-BD IBP interface cable/Datascope/BD/086/4.0M DSA Cable, Transducer And Electrode, Patient, (Including Connector) 2 Unimed
15 06945664848992 NEDX0132-B One piece ECG Monitor Cable/Datex/3-lead/Snap/AHA/2.5M+0.9M/010/Pacific DSA Cable, Transducer And Electrode, Patient, (Including Connector) 2 Unimed
16 06945664824149 U708M-15(CSM) SpO2 interface cable/Masimo/2.2M/073+172/MasimoLNCS/CSM DSA Cable, Transducer And Electrode, Patient, (Including Connector) 2 Unimed
17 06945664818261 U503-49 Disposable SpO2 Sensor/Adhesive/Masimo/Adult/0.9M DQA Oximeter Unimed
18 06945664809207 U303-49R Reusable SpO2 Sensor/Masimo/Wrap/Neonate/1.1M/108G DQA Oximeter 2 Unimed
19 06945664804578 U410-31 Mindray adult finger clip SPO2 sensor ,3M DQA Oximeter 2 Unimed
20 06936735472062 10611 Reusable NIBP Cuff for Adult DXQ Blood Pressure Cuff 2 Unimed
21 06936735472598 H01-16-60L Non-Invasive BP Air Hose Philips, Adult/Pediatric DXQ Blood Pressure Cuff 2 Unimed
22 06936735471492 BC-MX-BB Invasive BP Adaptor Cable MEDEX-BB used with BB transducer DSA Cable, Transducer And Electrode, Patient, (Including Connector) 2 Unimed
23 06936735463077 P2305S One-piece ECG Monitor AAMI 3-lead shielded snap end 5pins plug/AHA DSA Cable, Transducer And Electrode, Patient, (Including Connector) 2 Unimed
24 06936735462971 P2323S One-piece ECG Monitor Cable Siemens 3-lead shielded snap end 7pins plug/AHA DSA Cable, Transducer And Electrode, Patient, (Including Connector) 2 Unimed
25 06945664899703 U711M-43RD Blood oxygen connector /Philips- Masimo / 3.6m /319+667/ Masimo RD SET DSA Cable, Transducer And Electrode, Patient, (Including Connector) 2 Unimed
26 06945664899697 U710M-48RD Blood oxygen connector/Mindry-Masimo / 3.0m /398+667/ Masimo RD SET DSA Cable, Transducer And Electrode, Patient, (Including Connector) 2 Unimed
27 06945664899680 U410-205D Repetitive blood oxygen probe /Biolight/ finger clip/adult / 3.0m /504 DQA Oximeter 2 Unimed
28 06945664899673 U708N-74MR Blood oxygen connection /Spacelabs- Masmo / 2.2m /072+170/Nellcor/NEW Partssource DSA Cable, Transducer And Electrode, Patient, (Including Connector) 2 Unimed
29 06945664899666 U523-07 Disposable blood oxygen probe/adhesion /Datascope/ children / 0.9m/PlusCare DQA Oximeter 2 Unimed
30 06945664899659 U710M-48RD Blood oxygen connection line/Mari - Masimo / 3.0m /398+667/ Masimo RD SET/DTG DSA Cable, Transducer And Electrode, Patient, (Including Connector) 2 Unimed
31 06945664899642 U610-15R Repeatable oximetry probe/Masmo/Wrap/adult + newborn / 3.0m /073 DQA Oximeter 2 Unimed
32 06945664899635 U410-91MR Repeatable blood oxygen probe /Philips masimo/ finger clip/adult / 3.0m /087 DQA Oximeter 2 Unimed
33 06945664899628 F543-01 Disposable blood oxygen probe/adhesive foam /Datascope/ adult + newborn / 0.9m/B Disposable blood oxygen probe/adhesive foam /Datascope/ adult + newborn / 0.9m/Brazilian MHEDICA DQA Oximeter 2 Unimed
34 06945664899611 F533-01 Disposable blood oxygen probe/adhesive foam /Datascope/ baby / 0.9m/Brazilian MHEDICA DQA Oximeter 2 Unimed
35 06945664899604 N543-07 Disposable oxygen probe/non-adhesive /Datascope/ adult + newborn / 0.9m/Brazilian MHEDICA DQA Oximeter 2 Unimed
36 06945664899598 PTS5-90S Ecg monitoring lead line /Philips MX40 with blood oxygen/five lead/button /AHA/0 Ecg monitoring lead line /Philips MX40 with blood oxygen/five lead/button /AHA/0.9+ 0.15m/plusCare DSA Cable, Transducer And Electrode, Patient, (Including Connector) 2 Unimed
37 06945664899581 2385DP One time ecg monitoring integrated cable /Philips/ three guide/clamp /AHA/ 1.0m One time ecg monitoring integrated cable /Philips/ three guide/clamp /AHA/ 1.0m + 2.4m /024/ plusCare DSA Cable, Transducer And Electrode, Patient, (Including Connector) 2 Unimed
38 06945664899574 AD-NW-10 3.0 Needle-wide mouth ECG changer (10PCS/ bag)/ PlusCare DSA Cable, Transducer And Electrode, Patient, (Including Connector) 2 Unimed
39 06945664883764 USOC111009 USOC111009 DSA Cable, Transducer And Electrode, Patient, (Including Connector) 2 Unimed
40 06945664899567 E10R/30-GL-P/I Ecg machine integrated cable /GLOBE/ ten guide/clamp /IEC/ 3.0m + 1.2m *4+ 0.8m *6/331 DSA Cable, Transducer And Electrode, Patient, (Including Connector) 2 Unimed
41 06945664899543 PAAB5-90DP Disposable ECG monitoring lead wire /AA type / 5 lead/clamp type /AHA/ 0.9m/plusCare DSA Cable, Transducer And Electrode, Patient, (Including Connector) 2 Unimed
42 06945664899536 PAD-BW-14 4.0 Banana insert-wide mouth ECG changer (14PCS/ bag)/ PlusCare DSA Cable, Transducer And Electrode, Patient, (Including Connector) 2 Unimed
43 06945664899512 AD-UFT-003 Decg adapter cable /GE/ 12PIN / 2.5m DSA Cable, Transducer And Electrode, Patient, (Including Connector) 2 Unimed
44 06945664899505 E10R/055-WA-S/I Ecg machine integrated cable /Welch Allyn/ 10 lead/button /IEC/ 0.6m + 1.2m *4+ Ecg machine integrated cable /Welch Allyn/ 10 lead/button /IEC/ 0.6m + 1.2m *4+ 0.9m *6/LP14 DSA Cable, Transducer And Electrode, Patient, (Including Connector) 2 Unimed
45 06945664899444 EW-7-9-NK3 Disposable ECG monitoring lead wire /NK BR-903 type/three-lead/clamp guide /IEC/0.9M DSA Cable, Transducer And Electrode, Patient, (Including Connector) 2 Unimed
46 06945664899437 AAC10-90XDP Disposable ECG monitoring lead line/shadowless line /AA type / 10-lead/clamp typ Disposable ECG monitoring lead line/shadowless line /AA type / 10-lead/clamp type /AHA/0.9M DSA Cable, Transducer And Electrode, Patient, (Including Connector) 2 Unimed
47 06945664899420 PTS6-90S ECG monitoring lead wire /Philips MX40 with blood oxygen/six lead/button /AHA/0.9+0.15M DSA Cable, Transducer And Electrode, Patient, (Including Connector) 2 Unimed
48 06945664899413 117050048 Disposable ECG monitoring integrated cable /XY/ five-guide/buckle + clamp /IEC/ Disposable ECG monitoring integrated cable /XY/ five-guide/buckle + clamp /IEC/ 2.8m + 0.9m DSA Cable, Transducer And Electrode, Patient, (Including Connector) 2 Unimed
49 06945664899406 117050046 Disposable ECG monitoring integrated cable /XY/ three conductors/button + clamp Disposable ECG monitoring integrated cable /XY/ three conductors/button + clamp /IEC/ 2.8m + 0.9m DSA Cable, Transducer And Electrode, Patient, (Including Connector) 2 Unimed
50 06945664899390 118050002 Disposable ECG monitoring main cable /XY type/five conductors / 2.8m DSA Cable, Transducer And Electrode, Patient, (Including Connector) 2 Unimed
Other products with the same Product Code "FLL"
No Primary DI Version or Model Catalog Number Device Description Brand Name Organization Name
1 05391525574011 401 The ARC InstaTemp MD Digital Non-Touch Infrared Thermometer is intended to be us The ARC InstaTemp MD Digital Non-Touch Infrared Thermometer is intended to be used in the clinical setting to measure temperature in infants and adults. ARC InstaTemp Non-Touch Infrared Thermometer ARC DEVICES USA INC
2 05391525574004 400 InstaTemp Digital Non-Touch Infrared Thermometer is intended to be used in the c InstaTemp Digital Non-Touch Infrared Thermometer is intended to be used in the clinical setting by a healthcare professional to measure temperature in infants and adults. ARC InstaTemp MD Non-Touch Infrared Thermometer ARC DEVICES USA INC
3 05391525570006 000 InstaTemp Digital Non-Touch Infrared Thermometer intended to be used to measure InstaTemp Digital Non-Touch Infrared Thermometer intended to be used to measure temperature in infants and adults. This device can be used in the home or in a clinical setting. ARC InstaTemp Non-Touch Thermometer ARC DEVICES USA INC
4 05060526840004 G1 40 Current Health Wearable Monnitoring System (Gen 1 Wearable) Current Health Wearable Monnitoring System CURRENT HEALTH LIMITED
5 05060505400014 FT-100D A home-use infrared forehead thermometer. Sovereign-Gear COOL APPROACH LIMITED
6 05060505400007 DT-K111D A flexible tipped home-use waterproof digital thermometer. Sovereign-Gear COOL APPROACH LIMITED
7 05060502570000 TH-1412 Paryvara Dual Mode Digital Thermometer Paryvara BOOT REMEDY LTD
8 05060488570599 40010 40010 Pro Temp Infrared Non-Contact Thermometer Pro Temp PROACTIVE MEDICAL PRODUCTS, LLC
9 05060216820569 HTD8813C Non Contact Infrared Body Thermometer Sweet Dreamers HETAIDA TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD
10 05060206921856 TCM1837A TCM1837A Philips disposable rectal probe Tecotherm INSPIRATION HEALTHCARE LIMITED
11 04987350706331 CX*TL CAPIOX Luer Thermistor CAPIOX TERUMO CORPORATION
14 04931921006177 YS-120P8 YS-120P8 Covidien Temperature enclosure (rectal) for SVM-7200 Series Vital Signs Monitor Nihon Kohden SVM-7200 Series Vital Signs Monitor NIHON KOHDEN CORPORATION
15 04931921006160 YS-120P7 YS-120P7 Covidien Temperature enclosure (oral/axillary) for SVM-7200 Series Vital Signs Monitor Nihon Kohden SVM-7200 Series Vital Signs Monitor NIHON KOHDEN CORPORATION
16 04931921005989 AW-721P AW-721P Covidien Temperature Module for SVM-7200 Series Vital Signs Monitor Nihon Kohden SVM-7200 Series Vital Signs Monitor NIHON KOHDEN CORPORATION
17 04931921005958 QI-726P QI-726P Temperature Module interface for SVM-7200 Series Vital Signs Monitor Nihon Kohden SVM-7200 Series Vital Signs Monitor NIHON KOHDEN CORPORATION
18 04897100310131 ADF-B38A Wireless Non-Contact Infrared Body/Surface Thermometer Andnesfit Health ANDESFIT LIMITED
19 04897100310117 ADF-34A Wireless Infrared Ear/Forehead Thermometer Andnesfit Health ANDESFIT LIMITED
20 04897087201019 WT2 Electronic Thermometer Emay EMAY (HK) LIMITED
21 04897087200012 EMT-01 Clinical basal thermometer, intended to measure human body temperature Emay EMAY (HK) LIMITED
22 04751037660038 PG-IRT1603 EVOLU Non Contact Infrared Ear/Forehead Thermometer FORANS SIA
23 04719878123013 GSH-BTS301 The WowGoHealth IR Ear Thermometer with Bluetooth (Model GSH-BTS301) is an infra The WowGoHealth IR Ear Thermometer with Bluetooth (Model GSH-BTS301) is an infrared thermometer intended for the intermittent measurement of human body temperature in people of all ages. WowGoHealth IR Ear Thermometer with Bluetooth GSH-BTS301 GOLDEN SMART HOME TECHNOLOGY CORP.
24 04719873310067 SCT01 SCT01 is the device for the measurement of body temperature. NOKIA YA HORNG ELECTRONIC CO., LTD.
25 04719873310012 SCT01 SCT01 is the device for the measurement of body temperature. WITHINGS YA HORNG ELECTRONIC CO., LTD.
26 04710953421598 NT19 The NT19 thermometer is designed for the intermittent measurement of the human b The NT19 thermometer is designed for the intermittent measurement of the human body's temperature in the domestic environment and can be used upon people of all ages TekCare Non-Contact Infrared Thermometer AVITA CORPORATION
27 04710953421512 NT17 The NT17 THERMO DISTANCE thermometer is designed for the intermittent measuremen The NT17 THERMO DISTANCE thermometer is designed for the intermittent measurement of the human body's temperature in the domestic environment and can be used upon people of all ages TekCare Touch Free Infrared Thermometer AVITA CORPORATION
28 04710953421468 NT1G The IR Thermometer is intended to be used as the intermittent measurement of hum The IR Thermometer is intended to be used as the intermittent measurement of human body temperature for people of all ages. TekCare Green-Type Infrared Thermometer AVITA CORPORATION
29 04710953421314 TS46 The device is an infrared thermometer intended for the intermittent measurement The device is an infrared thermometer intended for the intermittent measurement of human body temperature in people of all ages. TekCare Infrared Thermometer AVITA CORPORATION
30 04710953421291 NT11 The NT11 THERMO DISTANCE thermometer is designed for the intermittent measuremen The NT11 THERMO DISTANCE thermometer is designed for the intermittent measurement of the human body's temperature in a domestic environment, and can be used upon people of all ages. TekCare Touch Free Infrared Thermometer AVITA CORPORATION
31 04710469874598 TD-1107 DIRECT SUPPLY Attendant Tympanic Thermometer Probe Cover (300pce/Box) TAIDOC TECHNOLOGY CORPORATION
32 04710469874581 TD-1107 DIRECT SUPPLY Attendant ACTT-1 Tympanic Thermometer TAIDOC TECHNOLOGY CORPORATION
34 04710469873409 TD-1261 Forehead Thermometer TD-1261 TAIDOC TECHNOLOGY CORPORATION
35 04260651380371 SAR-200S2 2.101104 Reusable temperature probe, Skin application, large, Schiller AG branded Skin Probe, Large, Schiller SENSATRONIC GMBH
36 04260651380364 PR-200S2 2.101109 Reusable temperature probe, rectal/esophageal, medium, Schiller AG branded General Purpose Rectal/Esophageal Probe, Medium, Schiller SENSATRONIC GMBH
37 04260651380357 AR-200S2 2.101108 Reusable temperature probe, rectal/esophageal, large, Schiller AG branded General Purpose Rectal/Esophageal Probe, Large, Schiller SENSATRONIC GMBH
38 04260651380340 SPR-500S1 2.101140 Reusable temperature probe, Skin application, medium, Schiller AG branded Skin Probe, Medium, Schiller SENSATRONIC GMBH
39 04260651380333 SAR-500S1 2.101141 Reusable temperature probe, Skin application, large, Schiller AG branded Skin Probe, Large, Schiller SENSATRONIC GMBH
40 04260651380326 SNR-300S1 2.101110 Reusable temperature probe, Skin application, small, Schiller AG branded Skin Probe, Small, Schiller SENSATRONIC GMBH
41 04260651380319 AR-500S1 2.101107 Reusable temperature probe, rectal/esophageal, large, Schiller AG branded General Purpose Rectal/Esophageal Probe, Large, Schiller SENSATRONIC GMBH
42 04260651380302 PR-500S1 2.101106 Reusable temperature probe, rectal/esophageal, medium, Schiller AG branded General Purpose Rectal/Esophageal Probe, Medium, Schiller SENSATRONIC GMBH
43 04260651380296 SPR-300S1 2.101103 Reusable temperature probe, Skin application, medium, Schiller AG branded Skin Probe, Medium, Schiller SENSATRONIC GMBH
44 04260651380289 SAR-300S1 2.101095 Reusable temperature probe, Skin application, large, Schiller AG branded Skin Probe, Large, Schiller SENSATRONIC GMBH
45 04260651380272 PR-300S1 2.101094 Reusable temperature probe, rectal/esophageal, medium, Schiller AG branded General Purpose Rectal/Esophageal Probe, Medium, Schiller SENSATRONIC GMBH
46 04260651380265 AR-300S1 2.101093 Reusable temperature probe, rectal/esophageal, large, Schiller AG branded General Purpose Rectal/Esophageal Probe, Large, Schiller SENSATRONIC GMBH
47 04260651380067 SNR-275PA 011-00106 Reusable temperature probe, Skin application, small Skin Probe, Small SENSATRONIC GMBH
48 04260651380050 SPR-275PA 011-00105 Reusable temperature probe, Skin application, medium Skin Probe, Medium SENSATRONIC GMBH
49 04260651380043 SAR-275PA 011-00104 Reusable temperature probe, Skin application, large Skin Probe, Large SENSATRONIC GMBH
50 04260651380036 NR-275PA 011-00103 Reusable temperature probe, rectal/esophageal, small General Purpose Rectal/Esophageal Probe, Small SENSATRONIC GMBH