Other products from "UNIMED MEDICAL SUPPLIES, INC."
No Primary DI Version or Model Catalog Number Device Description Product Code Product Code Name Device Class Brand Name
1 06936735466498 PPT6-90P ECG Monitor Lead WirePhilips Philips DSA Cable, Transducer And Electrode, Patient, (Including Connector) 2 Unimed
2 06945664874854 HS15-09-49 NIBP Blood Pressure Tube/Single tube/Adult+Pediatric/BP09-BP49/1.5M DXQ Blood Pressure Cuff 2 Unimed
3 06945664874281 SBC-DRE-UT IBP interface cable/DRE/Utah/511/4.0M/Soma DSA Cable, Transducer And Electrode, Patient, (Including Connector) 2 Unimed
4 06945664874212 HDN36-24-47 NIBP Blood Pressure Tube/Double Tube/Infant+Neonate/BP24-BP47/3.6M DXQ Blood Pressure Cuff 2 Unimed
5 06945664873239 HSN30-16-56 NIBP Blood Pressure Tube/Single tube/Infant+Neonate/BP16-BP56/3.0M DXQ Blood Pressure Cuff 2 Unimed
6 06945664872898 BC-SM2-MX1 IBP interface cable/Siemens/MEDEX-Logical/003/4.0M DSA Cable, Transducer And Electrode, Patient, (Including Connector) 2 Unimed
7 06945664872416 NBMQ5145-5 IBP interface cable/Marquette/Medex/062/4.0M/Pacific DSA Cable, Transducer And Electrode, Patient, (Including Connector) 2 Unimed
8 06945664866705 BC-CSI-MX IBP interface cable/CSI/Medex/LP5/4.0M DSA Cable, Transducer And Electrode, Patient, (Including Connector) 2 Unimed
9 06945664864404 10118 ECG lead adapter/HP five-lead-CD five-lead/CSM DSA Cable, Transducer And Electrode, Patient, (Including Connector) 2 Unimed
10 06945664863544 AD-EEGH-004 Brain electrode host adapter /BIS/GE/ 2.8m DSA Cable, Transducer And Electrode, Patient, (Including Connector) 2 Unimed
11 06945664863865 MQB6-90P-I ECG monitoring lead wire/MQ type/six leads/clamp type/IEC/0.9M DSA Cable, Transducer And Electrode, Patient, (Including Connector) 2 Unimed
12 06945664858090 MS-EDANTOCO6D FLL Thermometer, Electronic, Clinical 2 Unimed
13 06945664856515 TRMP-GE-001 Smart Temp. Probe/GE/Rectal/Red/LP6/MAC FLL Thermometer, Electronic, Clinical 2 Unimed
14 06945664850100 BC-DT-BD IBP interface cable/Datascope/BD/086/4.0M DSA Cable, Transducer And Electrode, Patient, (Including Connector) 2 Unimed
15 06945664848992 NEDX0132-B One piece ECG Monitor Cable/Datex/3-lead/Snap/AHA/2.5M+0.9M/010/Pacific DSA Cable, Transducer And Electrode, Patient, (Including Connector) 2 Unimed
16 06945664824149 U708M-15(CSM) SpO2 interface cable/Masimo/2.2M/073+172/MasimoLNCS/CSM DSA Cable, Transducer And Electrode, Patient, (Including Connector) 2 Unimed
17 06945664818261 U503-49 Disposable SpO2 Sensor/Adhesive/Masimo/Adult/0.9M DQA Oximeter Unimed
18 06945664809207 U303-49R Reusable SpO2 Sensor/Masimo/Wrap/Neonate/1.1M/108G DQA Oximeter 2 Unimed
19 06945664804578 U410-31 Mindray adult finger clip SPO2 sensor ,3M DQA Oximeter 2 Unimed
20 06936735472062 10611 Reusable NIBP Cuff for Adult DXQ Blood Pressure Cuff 2 Unimed
21 06936735472598 H01-16-60L Non-Invasive BP Air Hose Philips, Adult/Pediatric DXQ Blood Pressure Cuff 2 Unimed
22 06936735471492 BC-MX-BB Invasive BP Adaptor Cable MEDEX-BB used with BB transducer DSA Cable, Transducer And Electrode, Patient, (Including Connector) 2 Unimed
23 06936735463077 P2305S One-piece ECG Monitor AAMI 3-lead shielded snap end 5pins plug/AHA DSA Cable, Transducer And Electrode, Patient, (Including Connector) 2 Unimed
24 06936735462971 P2323S One-piece ECG Monitor Cable Siemens 3-lead shielded snap end 7pins plug/AHA DSA Cable, Transducer And Electrode, Patient, (Including Connector) 2 Unimed
25 06945664899703 U711M-43RD Blood oxygen connector /Philips- Masimo / 3.6m /319+667/ Masimo RD SET DSA Cable, Transducer And Electrode, Patient, (Including Connector) 2 Unimed
26 06945664899697 U710M-48RD Blood oxygen connector/Mindry-Masimo / 3.0m /398+667/ Masimo RD SET DSA Cable, Transducer And Electrode, Patient, (Including Connector) 2 Unimed
27 06945664899680 U410-205D Repetitive blood oxygen probe /Biolight/ finger clip/adult / 3.0m /504 DQA Oximeter 2 Unimed
28 06945664899673 U708N-74MR Blood oxygen connection /Spacelabs- Masmo / 2.2m /072+170/Nellcor/NEW Partssource DSA Cable, Transducer And Electrode, Patient, (Including Connector) 2 Unimed
29 06945664899666 U523-07 Disposable blood oxygen probe/adhesion /Datascope/ children / 0.9m/PlusCare DQA Oximeter 2 Unimed
30 06945664899659 U710M-48RD Blood oxygen connection line/Mari - Masimo / 3.0m /398+667/ Masimo RD SET/DTG DSA Cable, Transducer And Electrode, Patient, (Including Connector) 2 Unimed
31 06945664899642 U610-15R Repeatable oximetry probe/Masmo/Wrap/adult + newborn / 3.0m /073 DQA Oximeter 2 Unimed
32 06945664899635 U410-91MR Repeatable blood oxygen probe /Philips masimo/ finger clip/adult / 3.0m /087 DQA Oximeter 2 Unimed
33 06945664899628 F543-01 Disposable blood oxygen probe/adhesive foam /Datascope/ adult + newborn / 0.9m/B Disposable blood oxygen probe/adhesive foam /Datascope/ adult + newborn / 0.9m/Brazilian MHEDICA DQA Oximeter 2 Unimed
34 06945664899611 F533-01 Disposable blood oxygen probe/adhesive foam /Datascope/ baby / 0.9m/Brazilian MHEDICA DQA Oximeter 2 Unimed
35 06945664899604 N543-07 Disposable oxygen probe/non-adhesive /Datascope/ adult + newborn / 0.9m/Brazilian MHEDICA DQA Oximeter 2 Unimed
36 06945664899598 PTS5-90S Ecg monitoring lead line /Philips MX40 with blood oxygen/five lead/button /AHA/0 Ecg monitoring lead line /Philips MX40 with blood oxygen/five lead/button /AHA/0.9+ 0.15m/plusCare DSA Cable, Transducer And Electrode, Patient, (Including Connector) 2 Unimed
37 06945664899581 2385DP One time ecg monitoring integrated cable /Philips/ three guide/clamp /AHA/ 1.0m One time ecg monitoring integrated cable /Philips/ three guide/clamp /AHA/ 1.0m + 2.4m /024/ plusCare DSA Cable, Transducer And Electrode, Patient, (Including Connector) 2 Unimed
38 06945664899574 AD-NW-10 3.0 Needle-wide mouth ECG changer (10PCS/ bag)/ PlusCare DSA Cable, Transducer And Electrode, Patient, (Including Connector) 2 Unimed
39 06945664883764 USOC111009 USOC111009 DSA Cable, Transducer And Electrode, Patient, (Including Connector) 2 Unimed
40 06945664899567 E10R/30-GL-P/I Ecg machine integrated cable /GLOBE/ ten guide/clamp /IEC/ 3.0m + 1.2m *4+ 0.8m *6/331 DSA Cable, Transducer And Electrode, Patient, (Including Connector) 2 Unimed
41 06945664899543 PAAB5-90DP Disposable ECG monitoring lead wire /AA type / 5 lead/clamp type /AHA/ 0.9m/plusCare DSA Cable, Transducer And Electrode, Patient, (Including Connector) 2 Unimed
42 06945664899536 PAD-BW-14 4.0 Banana insert-wide mouth ECG changer (14PCS/ bag)/ PlusCare DSA Cable, Transducer And Electrode, Patient, (Including Connector) 2 Unimed
43 06945664899512 AD-UFT-003 Decg adapter cable /GE/ 12PIN / 2.5m DSA Cable, Transducer And Electrode, Patient, (Including Connector) 2 Unimed
44 06945664899505 E10R/055-WA-S/I Ecg machine integrated cable /Welch Allyn/ 10 lead/button /IEC/ 0.6m + 1.2m *4+ Ecg machine integrated cable /Welch Allyn/ 10 lead/button /IEC/ 0.6m + 1.2m *4+ 0.9m *6/LP14 DSA Cable, Transducer And Electrode, Patient, (Including Connector) 2 Unimed
45 06945664899444 EW-7-9-NK3 Disposable ECG monitoring lead wire /NK BR-903 type/three-lead/clamp guide /IEC/0.9M DSA Cable, Transducer And Electrode, Patient, (Including Connector) 2 Unimed
46 06945664899437 AAC10-90XDP Disposable ECG monitoring lead line/shadowless line /AA type / 10-lead/clamp typ Disposable ECG monitoring lead line/shadowless line /AA type / 10-lead/clamp type /AHA/0.9M DSA Cable, Transducer And Electrode, Patient, (Including Connector) 2 Unimed
47 06945664899420 PTS6-90S ECG monitoring lead wire /Philips MX40 with blood oxygen/six lead/button /AHA/0.9+0.15M DSA Cable, Transducer And Electrode, Patient, (Including Connector) 2 Unimed
48 06945664899413 117050048 Disposable ECG monitoring integrated cable /XY/ five-guide/buckle + clamp /IEC/ Disposable ECG monitoring integrated cable /XY/ five-guide/buckle + clamp /IEC/ 2.8m + 0.9m DSA Cable, Transducer And Electrode, Patient, (Including Connector) 2 Unimed
49 06945664899406 117050046 Disposable ECG monitoring integrated cable /XY/ three conductors/button + clamp Disposable ECG monitoring integrated cable /XY/ three conductors/button + clamp /IEC/ 2.8m + 0.9m DSA Cable, Transducer And Electrode, Patient, (Including Connector) 2 Unimed
50 06945664899390 118050002 Disposable ECG monitoring main cable /XY type/five conductors / 2.8m DSA Cable, Transducer And Electrode, Patient, (Including Connector) 2 Unimed
Other products with the same Product Code "DSA"
No Primary DI Version or Model Catalog Number Device Description Brand Name Organization Name
1 00851457007261 SB-NCRON-3P Sensoronics SENSORONICS INCORPORATED
2 00851457007254 SC-PH-8RH Sensoronics SENSORONICS INCORPORATED
3 00851457007247 SC-SPNE-8REC Sensoronics SENSORONICS INCORPORATED
4 00851457007230 SC-SPNE-8HYP Sensoronics SENSORONICS INCORPORATED
7 00851457007209 SC-PH-8H Sensoronics SENSORONICS INCORPORATED
8 00851457007193 SC-OXDOC-8 Sensoronics SENSORONICS INCORPORATED
9 00851457007186 SC-OX-8 Sensoronics SENSORONICS INCORPORATED
10 00851457007179 SC-OX-4 Sensoronics SENSORONICS INCORPORATED
11 00851457007162 SC-NESCP-8 Sensoronics SENSORONICS INCORPORATED
12 00851457007155 SC-MAR-5LNC Sensoronics SENSORONICS INCORPORATED
13 00851457007148 SC-MA-4LNC Sensoronics SENSORONICS INCORPORATED
14 00851457007131 SC-MA-10LNC Sensoronics SENSORONICS INCORPORATED
15 00851457007124 SC-GEOX-8 Sensoronics SENSORONICS INCORPORATED
16 00851457007117 SC-GEOH-8 Sensoronics SENSORONICS INCORPORATED
17 00851457007100 SC-GENE-8 Sensoronics SENSORONICS INCORPORATED
18 00851457007094 SC-GEMAS-8 Sensoronics SENSORONICS INCORPORATED
19 00851457007087 SC-GEMA-8 Sensoronics SENSORONICS INCORPORATED
20 00851457007070 SC-OXNE-8 Sensoronics SENSORONICS INCORPORATED
21 00851457007063 SC-OXNE-4 Sensoronics SENSORONICS INCORPORATED
22 00851457007056 SC-MARNE-5 Sensoronics SENSORONICS INCORPORATED
23 00851457007049 SC-MANE-8LNC Sensoronics SENSORONICS INCORPORATED
24 00851457007032 SC-MANE-8AMP Sensoronics SENSORONICS INCORPORATED
25 00851457007025 SC-MANE-4LNC Sensoronics SENSORONICS INCORPORATED
26 00851457007018 SC-GEMANE-8 Sensoronics SENSORONICS INCORPORATED
27 00851456007729 SECG-PHY6L-3 Sensoronics SENSORONICS INCORPORATED
28 00851456007712 SECG-PHY12L-TC8 Sensoronics SENSORONICS INCORPORATED
29 00851456007705 SECG-PHY12L-TC5 Sensoronics SENSORONICS INCORPORATED
30 00851456007699 SECG-PHP5L-TC1668 Sensoronics SENSORONICS INCORPORATED
31 00851456007682 SECG-PHP5L-TC1600 Sensoronics SENSORONICS INCORPORATED
32 00851456007675 SECG-PHP5L-TC1520 Sensoronics SENSORONICS INCORPORATED
33 00851456007668 SECG-PHP5L-1968 Sensoronics SENSORONICS INCORPORATED
34 00851456007651 SECG-PHP5L-1644 Sensoronics SENSORONICS INCORPORATED
35 00851456007644 SECG-PHP5L-1625 Sensoronics SENSORONICS INCORPORATED
36 00851456007637 SECG-PHP5L-1623 Sensoronics SENSORONICS INCORPORATED
37 00851456007620 SECG-PHP3L-TC1669 Sensoronics SENSORONICS INCORPORATED
38 00851456007613 SECG-PHP3L-TC1580 Sensoronics SENSORONICS INCORPORATED
39 00851456007606 SECG-PHP3L-TC1500 Sensoronics SENSORONICS INCORPORATED
40 00851456007590 SECG-PHP3L-1673 Sensoronics SENSORONICS INCORPORATED
41 00851456007583 SECG-PHP3L-1671 Sensoronics SENSORONICS INCORPORATED
42 00851456007576 SECG-PHP3L-1605 Sensoronics SENSORONICS INCORPORATED
43 00851456007569 SECG-PHP3L-1603 Sensoronics SENSORONICS INCORPORATED
44 00851456007552 SECG-GE5L-W51 Sensoronics SENSORONICS INCORPORATED
45 00851456007545 SECG-GE5L-E51 Sensoronics SENSORONICS INCORPORATED
46 00851456007538 SECG-GE12L-TC Sensoronics SENSORONICS INCORPORATED
47 00850384007115 T097-1 DTX Affinity Cable and Leadwire System AFFINITY MEDICAL TECHNOLOGIES, LLC
48 00850384007108 T099-1 DTX Affinity Cable and Leadwire System AFFINITY MEDICAL TECHNOLOGIES, LLC
50 00850384007085 453561432691 Affinity Cable and Leadwire System AFFINITY MEDICAL TECHNOLOGIES, LLC