No Primary DI Version or Model Catalog Number Device Description Product Code Product Code Name Device Class Brand Name
1 05999883586884 Pictus 700 clinilcal chemistry analyzer W/out ISE P700-1 A discrete photometric chemistry analyzer for clinical use is a device intended A discrete photometric chemistry analyzer for clinical use is a device intended to duplicate manual analytical procedures by performing automatically various steps such as pipetting, preparing filtrates, heating, and measuring color intensity. This device is intended for use in conjunction with certain materials to measure a variety of analytes. Different models of the device incorporate various instrumentation such as micro analysis apparatus, double beam, single, or dual channel photometers, and bichromatic 2-wavelength photometers. Some models of the device may include reagent-containing components that may also serve as reaction units. JJE Analyzer, Chemistry (Photometric, Discrete), For Clinical Use 1 Pictus 700 clinilcal chemistry analyzer
2 05999883586693 K+ Electrode 5202 Clinical Chemistry Test Systems / Potassium test system. A potassium test syste Clinical Chemistry Test Systems / Potassium test system. A potassium test system is a device intended to measure potassium in serum, plasma, and urine. Measurements obtained by this device are used to monitor electrolyte balance in the diagnosis and treatment of diseases conditions characterized by low or high blood potassium levels. CEM Electrode, Ion Specific, Potassium K ELECTRODE, ISE MODULE
3 05999883586716 ABACUS 3CP  A3CPC-1 The Abacus 3 Cap Piercer (Abacus 3CP) is a fully automated, bench top hematology The Abacus 3 Cap Piercer (Abacus 3CP) is a fully automated, bench top hematology cell counter, is a device used to identify one or more of the formed elements of the blood. The Diatron Abacus 3 CP System is a quantitative multi-parameter automated hematology analyzer designed for in-vitro-diagnostic use in clinical laboratories for enumeration of the following parameters: WBC, LYM%, LYM#, MID%, MID#, GRA%,GRA#, RBC, HGB, HCT, MCV, MCH, MCHC, RDW, PLT, MPV in EDTA anti-coagulated venous whole blood samples. GKZ Counter, Differential Cell 2 ABACUS 3CP  Hematology Analyzer
4 05999883586679 P500 clinical chemistry analyzer W/out ISE P500-1 A discrete photometric chemistry analyzer for clinical use is a device intended A discrete photometric chemistry analyzer for clinical use is a device intended to duplicate manual analytical procedures by performing automatically various steps such as pipetting, preparing filtrates, heating, and measuring color intensity. This device is intended for use in conjunction with certain materials to measure a variety of analytes. Different models of the device incorporate various instrumentation such as micro analysis apparatus, double beam, single, or dual channel photometers, and bichromatic 2-wavelength photometers. Some models of the device may include reagent-containing components that may also serve as reaction units. JJE Analyzer, Chemistry (Photometric, Discrete), For Clinical Use 1 Pictus 500 Clinical chemistry analyzer
5 05999860094210 P500 clinical chemistry analyzer with ISE open P500-2-o A discrete photometric chemistry analyzer for clinical use is a device intended A discrete photometric chemistry analyzer for clinical use is a device intended to duplicate manual analytical procedures by performing automatically various steps such as pipetting, preparing filtrates, heating, and measuring color intensity. This device is intended for use in conjunction with certain materials to measure a variety of analytes. Different models of the device incorporate various instrumentation such as micro analysis apparatus, double beam, single, or dual channel photometers, and bichromatic 2-wavelength photometers. Some models of the device may include reagent-containing components that may also serve as reaction units. JJE Analyzer, Chemistry (Photometric, Discrete), For Clinical Use 1 Pictus 500 Clinical chemistry analyzer
6 05999860094197 P500 clinical chemistry analyzer W/out ISE module open P500-1-o A discrete photometric chemistry analyzer for clinical use is a device intended A discrete photometric chemistry analyzer for clinical use is a device intended to duplicate manual analytical procedures by performing automatically various steps such as pipetting, preparing filtrates, heating, and measuring color intensity. This device is intended for use in conjunction with certain materials to measure a variety of analytes. Different models of the device incorporate various instrumentation such as micro analysis apparatus, double beam, single, or dual channel photometers, and bichromatic 2-wavelength photometers. Some models of the device may include reagent-containing components that may also serve as reaction units. JJE Analyzer, Chemistry (Photometric, Discrete), For Clinical Use 1 Pictus 500 Clinical chemistry analyzer
7 05999883586686 NA+ Electrode 5201 Clinical Chemistry Test Systems / Sodium test system. A sodium test system is a Clinical Chemistry Test Systems / Sodium test system. A sodium test system is a device intended to measure sodium in serum, plasma, and urine. Measurements obtained by this device are used in the diagnosis and treatment of aldosteronism (excessive secretion of the hormone aldosterone), diabetes insipidus (chronic excretion of large amounts of dilute urine, accompanied by extreme thirst), adrenal hypertension, Addison's disease (caused by destruction of the adrenal glands), dehydration, inappropriate antidiuretic hormone secretion, or other diseases involving electrolyte imbalance. JGS Electrode, Ion Specific, Sodium 2 NA ELECTRODE, ISE MODULE
8 05999883586228 Abacus 5 A5US-1 Abacus 5 is an automated differential cell counter device used to identify one o Abacus 5 is an automated differential cell counter device used to identify one or more of the formed elements of the blood. The Diatron Abacus 5 System is a quantitative multi-parameter automated hematology analyzer designed for in-vitro-diagnostic use in clinical laboratories for enumeration of the following parameters in K3EDTA anti-coagulated venous whole blood samples:WBC, LYM%, LYM#, MON%, MON#, NEU%, NEU#, EOS%, EOS#, BAS%, BAS#, RBC, HGB, HCT, MCV,MCH, MCHC, RDWcv, RDWsd, PCT, PDWcv, PDWsd, PLT, MPV, PLCC, and PLCR. GKZ Counter, Differential Cell Abacus 5 Hematology Analyzer
9 05999883586891 Pictus 400 clinical chemistry analyzer W/out ISE P400-1 A discrete photometric chemistry analyzer for clinical use is a device intended A discrete photometric chemistry analyzer for clinical use is a device intended to duplicate manual analytical procedures by performing automatically various steps such as pipetting, preparing filtrates, heating, and measuring color intensity. This device is intended for use in conjunction with certain materials to measure a variety of analytes. Different models of the device incorporate various instrumentation such as micro analysis apparatus, double beam, single, or dual channel photometers, and bichromatic 2-wavelength photometers. Some models of the device may include reagent-containing components that may also serve as reaction units. JJE Analyzer, Chemistry (Photometric, Discrete), For Clinical Use Pictus 400 Clinical chemistry analyzer
10 05999883586709 Cl- Electrode 5203 Clinical Chemistry Test Systems / Chloride test system. A chloride test system Clinical Chemistry Test Systems / Chloride test system. A chloride test system is a device intended to measure the level of chloride in plasma, serum, sweat, and urine. Chloride measurements are used in the diagnosis and treatment of electrolyte and metabolic disorders such as cystic fibrosis and diabetic acidosis. CGZ Electrode, Ion-Specific, Chloride 2 CL ELECTRODE, ISE MODULE
11 05999860094234 Pictus 400 clinical chemistry analyzer with ISE and barcode reader P400-4 A discrete photometric chemistry analyzer for clinical use is a device intended A discrete photometric chemistry analyzer for clinical use is a device intended to duplicate manual analytical procedures by performing automatically various steps such as pipetting, preparing filtrates, heating, and measuring color intensity. This device is intended for use in conjunction with certain materials to measure a variety of analytes. Different models of the device incorporate various instrumentation such as micro analysis apparatus, double beam, single, or dual channel photometers, and bichromatic 2-wavelength photometers. Some models of the device may include reagent-containing components that may also serve as reaction units. JJE Analyzer, Chemistry (Photometric, Discrete), For Clinical Use 1 Pictus 400 Clinical chemistry analyzer
12 05999860094227 Pictus 400 clinical chemistry analyzer with barcode reader P400-3 A discrete photometric chemistry analyzer for clinical use is a device intended A discrete photometric chemistry analyzer for clinical use is a device intended to duplicate manual analytical procedures by performing automatically various steps such as pipetting, preparing filtrates, heating, and measuring color intensity. This device is intended for use in conjunction with certain materials to measure a variety of analytes. Different models of the device incorporate various instrumentation such as micro analysis apparatus, double beam, single, or dual channel photometers, and bichromatic 2-wavelength photometers. Some models of the device may include reagent-containing components that may also serve as reaction units. JJE Analyzer, Chemistry (Photometric, Discrete), For Clinical Use 1 Pictus 400 Clinical chemistry analyzer
13 05999860094180 Pictus 700 clinilcal chemistry analyzer with ISE P700-3 A discrete photometric chemistry analyzer for clinical use is a device intended A discrete photometric chemistry analyzer for clinical use is a device intended to duplicate manual analytical procedures by performing automatically various steps such as pipetting, preparing filtrates, heating, and measuring color intensity. This device is intended for use in conjunction with certain materials to measure a variety of analytes. Different models of the device incorporate various instrumentation such as micro analysis apparatus, double beam, single, or dual channel photometers, and bichromatic 2-wavelength photometers. Some models of the device may include reagent-containing components that may also serve as reaction units. JJE Analyzer, Chemistry (Photometric, Discrete), For Clinical Use 1 Pictus 700 clinilcal chemistry analyzer
Other products with the same Product Code "JJE"
No Primary DI Version or Model Catalog Number Device Description Brand Name Organization Name
2 04049016109716 YG 0033-0101-6 Sprinter XL (model 160 samples, IFA/ELISA) EUROIMMUN MEDIZINISCHE LABORDIAGNOSTIKA AG
3 04049016109686 YG 0033-0101-3 Sprinter XL (model 160 samples, IFA/ELISA incl. Incubator) EUROIMMUN MEDIZINISCHE LABORDIAGNOSTIKA AG
4 04049016109679 YG 0033-0101-26 Sprinter XL (model 240 samples, IFA/ELISA) EUROIMMUN MEDIZINISCHE LABORDIAGNOSTIKA AG
5 04049016109648 YG 0033-0101-23 Sprinter XL (model 240 samples, IFA/ELISA incl. Incubator) EUROIMMUN MEDIZINISCHE LABORDIAGNOSTIKA AG
6 04049016100607 YG 0032-0101-3 IF Sprinter (model IFA/ELISA with ReSa-Trax) EUROIMMUN MEDIZINISCHE LABORDIAGNOSTIKA AG
7 04049016100591 YG 0032-0101-2 IF Sprinter (model IFA/ELISA) EUROIMMUN MEDIZINISCHE LABORDIAGNOSTIKA AG
10 04015630946402 7790198001 7790198001 cobas 6000 c501 module ROCHE DIAGNOSTICS GMBH
11 04015630946341 05964075001 05964075001 cobas 8000 cobas ISE module ROCHE DIAGNOSTICS GMBH
12 04015630946327 07649142001 07649142001 cobas c 513 clinical chemistry analyzer ROCHE DIAGNOSTICS GMBH
13 04015630946198 07682913001 07682913001 cobas e 801 Immunoassay Analyzer ROCHE DIAGNOSTICS GMBH
14 04015630938568 07354452001 07354452001 cobas e 601 for the cobas 6000 e 601 UL configuration ROCHE DIAGNOSTICS GMBH
15 04015630938551 07354436001 07354436001 cobas 6000 Core Unit ROCHE DIAGNOSTICS GMBH
16 04015630937103 04775279001 04775279001 cobas e 411 Immunoassay Analyzer ROCHE DIAGNOSTICS GMBH
17 04015630930845 6473245001 6473245001 cobas 8000 c 702 Module ROCHE DIAGNOSTICS GMBH
18 04015630929764 05990378001 05990378001 cobas e 602 Immunoassay Analyzer ROCHE DIAGNOSTICS GMBH
19 04015630928354 5964067001 05964067001 cobas 8000 c 502 Module ROCHE DIAGNOSTICS GMBH
20 04015630928330 05641446001 05641446001 cobas 8000 Core Unit ROCHE DIAGNOSTICS GMBH
21 04015630928255 5641489001 5641489001 cobas 8000 c 701 Module ROCHE DIAGNOSTICS GMBH
22 04015630927036 4528778001 4528778001 cobas c 111 analyzer ROCHE DIAGNOSTICS GMBH
23 04015630924769 04777433001 04777433001 cobas c 111 analyzer with ISE ROCHE DIAGNOSTICS GMBH
24 04015630924721 04775201001 04775201001 cobas e 411 Immunoassay Analyzer ROCHE DIAGNOSTICS GMBH
25 04015630924714 04745922001 04745922001 cobas e 601 Immunoassay Analyzer ROCHE DIAGNOSTICS GMBH
27 03661540600357 6003-760 Viva-ProE® ELITECHGROUP B.V.
28 03661540600210 6002-940 Viva-Jr® ELITECHGROUP B.V.
29 03661540600180 6002-800 V-Twin® ELITECHGROUP B.V.
30 03661540600050 6002-380 Viva-E® ELITECHGROUP B.V.
31 03610230009260 CA-20151BM6010C 3200675839 AC 220VClass 2 Laser Product Yumizen C1200 HORIBA ABX SAS
32 03610230009253 CA-20151BM6010C/CA-21391RAMINI 3200675839/3200685493 AC 220V Class2 Laser Product + AC100VThis device is a combination between the Yu AC 220V Class2 Laser Product + AC100VThis device is a combination between the Yumizen C1200 (CA-20151BM6010C) and the autoloader RAmini (CA-21391RAMINI). Yumizen C1200 AL HORIBA ABX SAS
34 03610230006757 1300018788 PENTRA C400 ISE (110V) PENTRA C400 ISE HORIBA ABX SAS
35 03610230006740 1300018784 PENTRA C400 STD (110V) PENTRA C400 STD HORIBA ABX SAS
36 03610230006733 1220001768 SAMPLE CUP - YELLOW HORIBA ABX SAS
37 03610230006726 1220001767 SAMPLE CUP - WHITE HORIBA ABX SAS
38 03610230006719 1220001766 SAMPLE CUP - GREEN HORIBA ABX SAS
39 03610230006702 1220001765 SAMPLE CUP - BLUE HORIBA ABX SAS
40 03610230006689 1280090005 PENTRA C200 STANDARD HORIBA ABX SAS
41 03610230006672 1280090002 PENTRA C200 ISE HORIBA ABX SAS
42 03610230006559 1280030006 PENTRA C400 ISE (110V) PENTRA C400 ISE HORIBA ABX SAS
43 03610230006542 1280030023 PENTRA C400 STD (110V) PENTRA C400 STD HORIBA ABX SAS
44 03610230006535 1280030052, 1280030046 ABX PENTRA 400 ISE (110V) ABX PENTRA 400 ISE HORIBA ABX SAS
45 03610230006528 1280030103, 1280030097 ABX PENTRA 400 STD (11V) ABX PENTRA 400 STD HORIBA ABX SAS
46 03610230005903 1280030096 ABX PENTRA 400 STD (110V) ABX PENTRA 400 STD HORIBA ABX SAS
47 03610230005897 1280030045 ABX PENTRA 400 ISE (110V) ABX PENTRA 400 ISE HORIBA ABX SAS
48 03610230005880 1280030035 ABX PENTRA 400 ISE (OCCASION) ABX PENTRA 400 ISE HORIBA ABX SAS
49 03610230005583 1220001891 CUVETTE SEGMENTS RACK HORIBA ABX SAS
50 03610230005552 1220001789 ABX PENTRA CLEAN-CHEM 99 CP HORIBA ABX SAS