No | Primary DI | Version or Model | Catalog Number | Device Description | Product Code | Product Code Name | Device Class | Brand Name |
1 | 05713484010049 | R30 incl. MagOption | 9016E0741 | GWF,OBP | Stimulator, Electrical, Evoked Response,Transcranial Magnetic Stimulator | 2 | MagPro | |
2 | 05713484010087 | R20 | 9016E0861 | GWF,OBP | Stimulator, Electrical, Evoked Response,Transcranial Magnetic Stimulator | 2 | MagPro | |
3 | 05713484020024 | MCF-125 | 9016E0413 | Magnetic stimulation coil | GWF,OBP | Stimulator, Electrical, Evoked Response,Transcranial Magnetic Stimulator | 2 | MagPro |
4 | 05713484020048 | D-B80 | 9016E0431 | Magnetic stimulation coil | OBP,GWF | Transcranial Magnetic Stimulator,Stimulator, Electrical, Evoked Response | 2 | MagPro |
5 | 05713484020031 | MCF-B65 | 9016E0423 | Magnetic stimulation coil | OBP,GWF | Transcranial Magnetic Stimulator,Stimulator, Electrical, Evoked Response | 2 | MagPro |
6 | 05713484010032 | X100 incl. MagOption | 9016E0731 | Magnetic Stimulator | GWF,OBP | Stimulator, Electrical, Evoked Response,Transcranial Magnetic Stimulator | 2 | MagPro |
7 | 05713484020017 | MCF-B70 | 9016E0401 | Magnetic stimulation coil | GWF,OBP | Stimulator, Electrical, Evoked Response,Transcranial Magnetic Stimulator | 2 | MagPro |
8 | 05713484010025 | R30 | 9016E0721 | OBP,GWF | Transcranial Magnetic Stimulator,Stimulator, Electrical, Evoked Response | 2 | MagPro | |
9 | 05713484010018 | X100 | 9016E0711 | Magnetic Stimulator | OBP,GWF | Transcranial Magnetic Stimulator,Stimulator, Electrical, Evoked Response | 2 | MagPro |
10 | 05713484030436 | MEP Monitor (incl. 1.5mm cable and electrodes) | 9016C0711 | OBP | Transcranial Magnetic Stimulator | 2 | MagPro | |
11 | 05713484030429 | MEP Monitor (incl. 0.7mm cable and electrodes) | 9016C0701 | OBP | Transcranial Magnetic Stimulator | 2 | MagPro | |
12 | 05713484020437 | Cool-B65 CO | 9016E0151 | Magnetic coil for he Axilum Robotics’ TMS-Cobot TS MV solution (K182768) which i Magnetic coil for he Axilum Robotics’ TMS-Cobot TS MV solution (K182768) which is an accessory to the predicate MagVenture TMS Therapy System (K150641, K171481 and K171967). | OBP,GWF | Transcranial Magnetic Stimulator,Stimulator, Electrical, Evoked Response | 2 | MagPro |
13 | 05713484020420 | C-B70 | 9016E0141 | OBP,GWF | Transcranial Magnetic Stimulator,Stimulator, Electrical, Evoked Response | 2 | MagPro | |
14 | 05713484020307 | MMC-90 | 9016E0211 | Magnetic stimulation coil | GWF,OBP | Stimulator, Electrical, Evoked Response,Transcranial Magnetic Stimulator | 2 | MagPro |
15 | 05713484020239 | RT-120-II | 9016E0651 | Magnetic stimulation coil | GWF,OBP | Stimulator, Electrical, Evoked Response,Transcranial Magnetic Stimulator | 2 | MagPro |
16 | 05713484020215 | MMC-140-II | 9016E0631 | OBP,GWF | Transcranial Magnetic Stimulator,Stimulator, Electrical, Evoked Response | 2 | MagPro | |
17 | 05713484020185 | C-100 | 9016E0582 | GWF,OBP | Stimulator, Electrical, Evoked Response,Transcranial Magnetic Stimulator | 2 | MagPro | |
18 | 05713484020178 | MMC-140 | 9016E0573 | GWF,OBP | Stimulator, Electrical, Evoked Response,Transcranial Magnetic Stimulator | 2 | MagPro | |
19 | 05713484020161 | MC-B70 | 9016E0564 | GWF,OBP | Stimulator, Electrical, Evoked Response,Transcranial Magnetic Stimulator | 2 | MagPro | |
20 | 05713484020154 | MC-125 | 9016E0555 | OBP,GWF | Transcranial Magnetic Stimulator,Stimulator, Electrical, Evoked Response | 2 | MagPro | |
21 | 05713484020130 | Cool D-B80 | 9016E0531 | Magnetic stimulation coil | GWF,OBP | Stimulator, Electrical, Evoked Response,Transcranial Magnetic Stimulator | 2 | MagPro |
22 | 05713484020123 | Cool-B70 | 9016E0521 | Magnetic stimulation coil | OBP,GWF | Transcranial Magnetic Stimulator,Stimulator, Electrical, Evoked Response | 2 | MagPro |
23 | 05713484020116 | Cool-125 | 9016E0511 | Magnetic stimulation coil | GWF,OBP | Stimulator, Electrical, Evoked Response,Transcranial Magnetic Stimulator | 2 | MagPro |
24 | 05713484020093 | Cool-B65 | 9016E0491 | Magnetic stimulation coil | OBP,GWF | Transcranial Magnetic Stimulator,Stimulator, Electrical, Evoked Response | 2 | MagPro |
25 | 05713484020086 | C-B60 | 9016E0482 | OBP,GWF | Transcranial Magnetic Stimulator,Stimulator, Electrical, Evoked Response | 2 | MagPro | |
26 | 05713484020079 | MC-B65-HO-8 | 9016E0472 | Magnetic stimulation coil | GWF,OBP | Stimulator, Electrical, Evoked Response,Transcranial Magnetic Stimulator | 2 | MagPro |
27 | 05713484020062 | MC-B65-HO-2 | 9016E0462 | Magnetic stimulation coil | OBP,GWF | Transcranial Magnetic Stimulator,Stimulator, Electrical, Evoked Response | 2 | MagPro |
28 | 05713484020055 | MCF-75 | 9016E0442 | Magnetic stimulation coil | OBP,GWF | Transcranial Magnetic Stimulator,Stimulator, Electrical, Evoked Response | 2 | MagPro |
No | Primary DI | Version or Model | Catalog Number | Device Description | Brand Name | Organization Name |
1 | 00887517996138 | 1802242 | PULSE Adapter, VGA to DVI | PULSE | NUVASIVE, INC. | |
2 | 00887517996121 | 1802241 | PULSE Adapter, BNC to DVI | PULSE | NUVASIVE, INC. | |
3 | 00887517994141 | 5050132 | PULSE Flat Array C, Beta | PULSE | NUVASIVE, INC. | |
4 | 00887517994134 | 5050131 | PULSE Flat Array B, Beta | PULSE | NUVASIVE, INC. | |
5 | 00887517994127 | 5050130 | PULSE Flat Array A, Beta | PULSE | NUVASIVE, INC. | |
6 | 00887517991911 | 50120401 | PULSE TMAP Kit | PULSE | NUVASIVE, INC. | |
7 | 00887517990808 | 1830010 | PULSE Patient Module 4 | PULSE | NUVASIVE, INC. | |
8 | 00887517990792 | 1881500 | PULSE III System | PULSE | NUVASIVE, INC. | |
9 | 00887517990785 | BETPULSENAVINS | PULSE Navigation Instrument Set, BETA | PULSE | NUVASIVE, INC. | |
10 | 00887517990778 | BETPULSEIISYS | PULSE II System, BETA | PULSE | NUVASIVE, INC. | |
11 | 00887517990761 | BETPULSECAMERACART | PULSE Camera Cart, BETA | PULSE | NUVASIVE, INC. | |
12 | 00887517990754 | BETPULSECAMERA | PULSE Camera Set, BETA | PULSE | NUVASIVE, INC. | |
13 | 00887517988065 | 5050124 | PULSE II Flat Array, A | PULSE | NUVASIVE, INC. | |
14 | 00887517988058 | 5050125 | PULSE II Flat Array, B | PULSE | NUVASIVE, INC. | |
15 | 00887517988041 | 5050126 | PULSE II Flat Array, C | PULSE | NUVASIVE, INC. | |
16 | 00887517986528 | 1801640 | PULSE II Cable, Ethernet | PULSE | NUVASIVE, INC. | |
17 | 00887517984814 | 1881050 | Pulse II Touchsceen Monitor | PULSE | NUVASIVE, INC. | |
18 | 00887517975812 | 11001123 | Navigation.P MAS PLIF Drill, Ø 5.0mm | ReLine | NUVASIVE, INC. | |
19 | 00887517975065 | 1881000 | PULSE II System | PULSE | NUVASIVE, INC. | |
20 | 00887517973900 | 5050116 | Pulse Pointer, Straight Small | PULSE | NUVASIVE, INC. | |
21 | 00887517973894 | 5050115 | Pulse Driver, Pin | PULSE | NUVASIVE, INC. | |
22 | 00887517973887 | 5050111 | Pulse Spine Clamp, Large | PULSE | NUVASIVE, INC. | |
23 | 00887517973870 | 5050110 | Pulse Spine Clamp, Medium | PULSE | NUVASIVE, INC. | |
24 | 00887517973863 | 5050109 | Pulse Spine Clamp, Small | PULSE | NUVASIVE, INC. | |
25 | 00887517973801 | 5050120 | PULSE Posterior Confirmation Fixture | PULSE | NUVASIVE, INC. | |
26 | 00887517973405 | NVM5MULTIEVAL | NVM5 Eval EMG_MEP_SSEP Bendini & NMOR | NVM5 | NUVASIVE, INC. | |
27 | 00887517973160 | 5050105 | PULSE Patient Reference Array Kit | PULSE | NUVASIVE, INC. | |
28 | 00887517972309 | 5000511 | Pulse Camera Cart | PULSE | NUVASIVE, INC. | |
29 | 00887517960344 | ALPPULSEMONITOR | Pulse Shippable Monitor Set - ALPHA | PULSE | NUVASIVE, INC. | |
30 | 00887517960337 | ALPPULSECUPM | Pulse Shippable Control Unit Set - ALPHA | PULSE | NUVASIVE, INC. | |
31 | 00887517960320 | ALPPULSECART | Pulse Shippable Cart Set - ALPHA | PULSE | NUVASIVE, INC. | |
32 | 00887517957368 | 2023000 | NVM5 Control Unit- 3 | NVM5 | NUVASIVE, INC. | |
33 | 00887517955319 | 1865282 | PULSE Control Unit DVI Adapter | PULSE | NUVASIVE, INC. | |
34 | 00887517953469 | 5000501 | PULSE Camera | PULSE | NUVASIVE, INC. | |
35 | 00887517945822 | 1865320 | PULSE Monitor Cable, Shippable | PULSE | NUVASIVE, INC. | |
36 | 00887517945815 | 1865310 | PULSE CPU Power Cable, Shippable | PULSE | NUVASIVE, INC. | |
37 | 00887517939821 | 1840151 | PULSE SSEP Needle Electrodes | PULSE | NUVASIVE, INC. | |
38 | 00887517939876 | 50120204 | MIOM Electrode Kit, Surface | PULSE | NUVASIVE, INC. | |
39 | 00887517939869 | 50120104 | MIOM Electrode Kit, Needle | PULSE | NUVASIVE, INC. | |
40 | 00887517939852 | 1840182 | PULSE MEP Surface Electrodes, 2 Pack | PULSE | NUVASIVE, INC. | |
41 | 00887517939845 | 1840172 | PULSE MEP Needle Electrodes, 2 Pack | PULSE | NUVASIVE, INC. | |
42 | 00887517939838 | 1840161 | PULSE SSEP Surface Electrodes | PULSE | NUVASIVE, INC. | |
43 | 00887517939807 | 1833355 | PULSE SSEP Pod | PULSE | NUVASIVE, INC. | |
44 | 00887517931771 | 1801530 | PULSE Control Unit, Shippable | PULSE | NUVASIVE, INC. | |
45 | 00887517834157 | 1830000 | PULSE Patient Module 4 | PULSE | NUVASIVE, INC. | |
46 | 00887517824578 | 50130001 | Multimodality Harness | PULSE | NUVASIVE, INC. | |
47 | 00887517824554 | 50120201 | EMG Electrode Kit, Surface | PULSE | NUVASIVE, INC. | |
48 | 00887517824530 | 50120101 | EMG Electrode Kit, Needle | PULSE | NUVASIVE, INC. | |
49 | 00887517824523 | 50110201 | Stimulation Clip-Activator, Single | PULSE | NUVASIVE, INC. | |
50 | 00887517824516 | 50110101 | Stimulation Probe, Monopolar | PULSE | NUVASIVE, INC. |