A manual device intended to reduce the symptoms associated with negative air pre
A manual device intended to reduce the symptoms associated with negative air pressure in the middle ear by increasing air pressure in the Eustachian tube, to counter/prevent certain physical states or thick fluid accumulation behind the eardrum. It typically consists of a manually-operated deflator/inflator (e.g., balloon) connected to an applicator (e.g., nosepiece, mouthpiece, face mask). This is a reusable device typically used in the home.
Sentiero Desktop Screening TY / Diagnostic Set US14Content:1. Carton for Sentier
Sentiero Desktop Screening TY / Diagnostic Set US14Content:1. Carton for Sentiero Desktop AN1007282. Sentiero Desktop (Tymp Diagnostic) AN100434-DG3. USB data cable AN1004184. Probe EP-TY long AN100188-US5. Headphone Interacoustics DD-45 with HB7 calibrated, incl. EEPROM AN100306-US6. Patient Response button AN1001717. FW Screening Tymp class 2 AN1005608. FW Tymp 1000 Hz AN1006899. FW PTA class 3 AN10011410. DPOAE Software AN10011011. FMDPOAE Software AN10053612. PC based Patient Management, Mira Software: Patient data & result transfer from instrument to PC, reporting options, export functions, printing via PC, data archive for Windows 10, Windows 7 etc. AN10011613. Software label printer AN10041414. Accessory box for Tymp probe AN10058715. Accessory box AB08 AN100734-P16. Power supply Senti / Sentiero Desktop FW7662M AN100524 or FW8002.1M AN101360 optionally17. Power supply adapter Senti / Sentiero Desktop USA/-UK/-EU/-AUS AN100525-USA/-UK/-EU/-AUS or AN101251-USA/-UK/-EU/-AUS optionally18. Test cavity tymp AN100549
Sentiero Desktop Screening TY / Diagnostic Set US12Content:1. Carton for Sentier
Sentiero Desktop Screening TY / Diagnostic Set US12Content:1. Carton for Sentiero Desktop AN1007282. Sentiero Desktop (Tymp Diagnostic) AN100434-DG3. USB data cable AN1004184. Probe EP-TY long AN100188-US5. Headphone DD-45 AN1003066. FW Screening Tymp class 2 AN1005607. FW Pure Tone Audiometer Class 3 AN1001148. Bone conductor B81 AN100888 or B71W A/N100344 optionally9. Patient response button AN10017110. Software label printer AN10041411. Accessory box for Tymp probe AN10058712. Accessory box AB08 AN100734-P13. Power supply Senti / Sentiero Desktop FW7662M AN100524 or FW8002.1M AN101360 optionally14. Power supply adapter Senti / Sentiero Desktop USA/-UK/-EU/-AUS AN100525-USA/-UK/-EU/-AUS or AN101251-USA/-UK/-EU/-AUS optionally15. Test cavity tymp AN10054916. PC based Patient Management, Mira Software AN100116
Sentiero Desktop Diagnostic Set US9Diagnostic OAE with Diagnostic Tymp, Audio, D
Sentiero Desktop Diagnostic Set US9Diagnostic OAE with Diagnostic Tymp, Audio, DPOAE Threshold estimation software, Simultaneous DPOAE measurements on both ears (two probes incl.)Content:1. Sentiero Desktop (Tymp Diagnostic) AN100434-DG 2. USB data cable AN1004183. Probe EP-TY long AN100188-US4. Probe EP-DP VIP blue AN100539-US5. DD45 HB7 headphone (calibrated) AN100306-US6. Bone conductor B81 (calibrated) AN100888 or B71W optionally.7. Gooseneck microphone AN1007798. FW Reflex & Tymp class1 AN1005619. Software label printer AN10041410. Label printer cable Senti / Sentiero desktop AN10041711. DPOAE Software AN10011012. TEOAE Software AN10010913. DPHiRES Software AN10053714. FMDPOAE Software AN10053615. DPOAE Threshold Estimation Software AN10011116. PC based Patient Management, Mira Software: Patient data & result transfer from instrument to PC, reporting options, export functions, printing via PC, data archive for Windows 10, Windows 7 etc. AN10011617. FW Live AN10082518. UT-08 Spondee Words for Children (English) AN10081919. UT-10 Spondee Words for Adults (English) AN10082120. UT-11 Northwestern University Auditory Test No. 6 (English) AN10082221. UT-12 Central Institute for the Deaf W22 AN10082322. UT-13 PBK-50 (English) AN10082423. Accessory box for Tymp probe AN10058724. Accessory box AB08 AN100734-P25. Power supply Senti / Sentiero Desktop FW7662M AN100524 or FW8002.1M AN101360 optionally26. Power supply adapter Senti / Sentiero Desktop USA/-UK/-EU/-AUS AN100525-USA/-UK/-EU/-AUS or AN101251-USA/-UK/-EU/-AUS optionally27. Test cavity tymp AN10054928. PTA Class 3 Software AN100114
Sentiero Desktop Diagnostic Set US8Diagnostic Tymp with Diagnostic OAE and DPOAE
Sentiero Desktop Diagnostic Set US8Diagnostic Tymp with Diagnostic OAE and DPOAE threshold estimationContent: 1. Sentiero Desktop (Tymp Diagnostic) AN100434-DG2. USB data cable AN1004183. Probe EP-TY long AN100188-US4. Probe EP-DP VIP blue AN100539-US5. FW Reflex & Tymp class1 AN1005616. Software label printer AN1004147. DPOAE Software AN1001108. TEOAE Software AN1001099. DPHiRES Software AN10053710. FMDPOAE Software AN10053611. DPOAE Threshold Estimation Software AN10011112. PC based Patient Management, Mira Software: Patient data & result transfer from instrument to PC, reporting options, export functions, printing via PC, data archive for Windows 10, Windows 7 etc. AN10011613. Accessory box for Tymp probe AN10058714. Accessory box AB08 AN100734-P15. Power supply Senti / Sentiero Desktop FW7662M AN100524 or FW8002.1M AN101360 optionally16. Power supply adapter Senti / Sentiero Desktop USA/-UK/-EU/-AUS AN100525-USA/-UK/-EU/-AUS or AN101251-USA/-UK/-EU/-AUS optionally17. Test cavity tymp AN100549
Sentiero Desktop Diagnostic Set US7Diagnostic Tymp with Diagnostic OAEContent:1.
Sentiero Desktop Diagnostic Set US7Diagnostic Tymp with Diagnostic OAEContent:1. Sentiero Desktop (Tymp Diagnostic) AN100434-DG2. USB data cable AN1004183. Probe EP-TY long AN100188-US4. Probe EP-DP VIP blue AN100539-US5. FW Reflex & Tymp class1 AN1005616. Software label printer AN1004147. DPOAE Software AN1001108. TEOAE Software AN1001099. DPHiRES Software AN10053710. FMDPOAE Software AN10053611. PC based Patient Management, Mira Software: Patient data & result transfer from instrument to PC, reporting options, export functions, printing via PC, data archive for Windows 10, Windows 7 etc. AN10011612. Accessory box for Tymp probe AN10058713. Accessory box AB08 AN100734-P14. Power supply Senti / Sentiero Desktop FW7662M AN100524 or FW8002.1M AN101360 optionally15. Power supply adapter Senti / Sentiero Desktop USA/-UK/-EU/-AUS AN100525-USA/-UK/-EU/-AUS or AN101251-USA/-UK/-EU/-AUS optionally16. Test cavity tymp AN100549