Sanguin Aurora 2.0 is indicated for use in Clinical Diagnostic Laboratories, Blo
Sanguin Aurora 2.0 is indicated for use in Clinical Diagnostic Laboratories, Blood Bank and Blood Establishments where it captures test and result data from laboratory equipment. It can be applied to single tests or a panel of tests that are used to screen blood donation (whole blood or plasma) as a pre-requisite to transfusion. Typically these tests would include markers such as Hepatitis Markers and HIV and may include non-viral testing such as ABO and Rhesus confirmation of donors, patient typing and antibody screening.
Blood Establishment Computer Software And Accessories
ORTHO CONNECT™ Software is designed to collect data from the Ortho Clinical Diag
ORTHO CONNECT™ Software is designed to collect data from the Ortho Clinical Diagnostics blood typing instruments and its proprietary immunohematology reagent system, which allows operators to track individual patient and donor samples and link them to the appropriate test results. The software collates the results from testing, assigns outcomes to individual samples according to configured rules, and formats output files that can be sent to a Laboratory Information Management System (LIMS).ORTHO CONNECT™ Software is intended to be used by Blood Establishments and by personnel who are trained in its operation.
System, Test, Automated Blood Grouping And Antibody
ORTHO CONNECT™ Software is designed to collect data from blood grouping and immu
ORTHO CONNECT™ Software is designed to collect data from blood grouping and immunology assays, which allows operators to track individual patient and donor samples and link them to the appropriate test results. The software collates the results of testing, assigns outcomes to individual samples according to a configured rule, and formats output files that can be sent to a Laboratory Information Management System (LIMS).
System, Test, Automated Blood Grouping And Antibody
Procleix NAT Manager Software is designed to collect data from Procleix assays,
Procleix NAT Manager Software is designed to collect data from Procleix assays, instruments, and pooling/lysis software, which allows operators to track individual donor blood samples and link them to the appropriate test results. The software collates the results of lysing, pooling and testing, assigns outcomes to individual samples according to a testing algorithm, and formats output files that can be sent to a Laboratory Information Management System (LIMS). Procleix NAT Manager Software also produces a variety of summary informational and analytical reports.
cobas Synergy Software is software which controls pre-analytic instruments used
cobas Synergy Software is software which controls pre-analytic instruments used to manage tubes and pipette liquid sample material to form pools of samples, as a front-end to the cobas® 6800/8800 Systems. cobas Synergy Software is intended for use in plasma fractionation and whole blood testing laboratories. The software is intended to be used by personnel who are trained in its operation and are familiar with the associated assays and instruments.
iWeBB electronic Laboratory Information System (iWeBB- eLIS), also referred to a
iWeBB electronic Laboratory Information System (iWeBB- eLIS), also referred to as eLIS, is software for managing patient transfusion requirements, patients’ blood specimen tests, and patient laboratory results. eLIS provides the blood bank laboratory with: * Patient management * Request order management * Patient testing management * Product order and fulfillment management including an interface to the blood center’s product inventory * Computer crossmatch and manual crossmatch data management * Interfaces to laboratory instruments.Trained laboratory personnel use eLIS to record patient information, manage specimens, enter single and batch test orders, and maintain test results.In concert with inventory control modules in other blood establishment computer software, eLIS can be used to complete cross match of a patient’s requirements with products in inventory, manage blood orders and maintain product data related to patient transfusions.
BBIMS is Blood Establishment Computer Software. It is designed for use in a blo
BBIMS is Blood Establishment Computer Software. It is designed for use in a blood center to support the entry and eligibility processing for blood donors. It is used for manufacturing blood products and for shipping those products to customer hospitals for eventual transfusion.
The PatientTouch Blood Product Administration is a software application that hel
The PatientTouch Blood Product Administration is a software application that helps support nurse documentation of blood product administrations. Additionally, through the use of bar code technology, the solution will electronically acknowledge a match between the blood unit to be administered and the patient. The software It is limited to use in acute care hospitals by licensed, trained, and registered nursing professionals.
SGP (acronym for Sistema de Gestion del Plasma or Plasma Management System) is a
SGP (acronym for Sistema de Gestion del Plasma or Plasma Management System) is an application designed to manage the logistics of plasma stored in a central warehouse of a plasma manufacturing organization or a fractionation facility. This includes all activities from receipt of plasma to fractionation, as it relates to storage and control of the plasma units.
GDS (acronym for Grifols Donation System) is an application designed to manage p
GDS (acronym for Grifols Donation System) is an application designed to manage plasma donor center activities such as donor eligibility, unit suitability, shipments (units and samples), and sample management. GDS software provides management controls and information services modules that have been designed to assist personnel in the operational core functions in the company’s plasma donor centers.