Other products from "REMEL EUROPE LIMITED"
No Primary DI Version or Model Catalog Number Device Description Product Code Product Code Name Device Class Brand Name
1 05056080501086 R30166101 GRP Antisera, All Types, H. Influenza 2 NA
2 05056080501048 R30165201 GSO Antigens (Febrile), Agglutination, Brucella Spp. 2 NA
3 05056080500768 R30162301 GRM Antisera, All Groups, Salmonella Spp. 2 NA
4 05056080500225 R30956801 GRM Antisera, All Groups, Salmonella Spp. 2 NA
5 05056080500201 R30858201 GRM Antisera, All Groups, Salmonella Spp. 2 NA
6 05056080500089 R30855201 GNC Antigens, Febrile, Slide And Tube, All Groups, Salmonella Spp. 2 NA
7 05056080500027 R30850501 DDC Thyroglobulin, Antigen, Antiserum, Control 2 NA
8 05056080500010 R62251 GQL Antisera, Fluorescent, Herpesvirus Hominis 1,2 2 NA
9 05056080501567 R30164501 GTJ Antisera, All Groups, N. Meningitidis 2 EDTA Solution
10 05056080501161 R30166901 GTJ Antisera, All Groups, N. Meningitidis 2 NA
11 05056080501147 R30166701 GTJ Antisera, All Groups, N. Meningitidis 2 NA
12 05056080501130 R30166601 GTJ Antisera, All Groups, N. Meningitidis 2 NA
13 05056080501109 R30166301 GRP Antisera, All Types, H. Influenza 2 NA
14 05056080500874 R30163401 GRM Antisera, All Groups, Salmonella Spp. 2 NA
15 05056080500867 R30163301 GRM Antisera, All Groups, Salmonella Spp. 2 NA
16 05056080500850 R30163201 GRM Antisera, All Groups, Salmonella Spp. 2 NA
17 05056080500843 R30163101 GRM Antisera, All Groups, Salmonella Spp. 2 NA
18 05056080501772 R62414 LKT Respiratory Syncytial Virus, Antigen, Antibody, Ifa 1 PathoDX RVP Control Slides
19 05056080500836 R30163001 GRM Antisera, All Groups, Salmonella Spp. 2 NA
20 05056080501475 R30951001 JTO Discs, Strips And Reagents, Microorganism Differentiation 1 Streptex Extraction Enzyme
21 05056080501192 R30167201 GTJ Antisera, All Groups, N. Meningitidis 2 NA
22 05056080501185 R30167101 GTJ Antisera, All Groups, N. Meningitidis 2 NA
23 05056080501178 R30167001 GTJ Antisera, All Groups, N. Meningitidis 2 NA
24 05056080500829 R30162901 GRM Antisera, All Groups, Salmonella Spp. 2 NA
25 05056080501284 R62035 GTZ Antisera, All Groups, Streptococcus Spp. 1 PathoDx Strep G Grouping Latex
26 05056080501154 R30166801 GTJ Antisera, All Groups, N. Meningitidis 2 NA
27 05056080501123 R30166501 GRP Antisera, All Types, H. Influenza 2 NA
28 05056080501116 R30166401 GRP Antisera, All Types, H. Influenza 2 NA
29 05056080501840 R30954901 GMY Antisera, Fluorescent, All Types, Escherichia Coli 1 Escherichia coli Polyvalent 2 Types O26(B6), O55(B5), O111(B4), O119(B14), O126(
30 05056080501710 R62407 LKT Respiratory Syncytial Virus, Antigen, Antibody, Ifa 1 PathoDX Adenovirus Reagent
31 05056080501697 R62405 LKT Respiratory Syncytial Virus, Antigen, Antibody, Ifa 1 PathoDX Influenza A Reagent
32 05056080501666 R30853101 DAP Fibrinogen And Fibrin Split Products, Antigen, Antiserum, Control 2 Thrombo-Wellcotest Glycine Saline
33 05056080501536 R62070 GTZ Antisera, All Groups, Streptococcus Spp. 1 PathoDx Disposable Cards
34 05056080501451 R30951201 JTO Discs, Strips And Reagents, Microorganism Differentiation 1 Streptex Latex G
35 05056080501444 R30951101 JTO Discs, Strips And Reagents, Microorganism Differentiation 1 Streptex Latex F
36 05056080501376 R30950501 JTO Discs, Strips And Reagents, Microorganism Differentiation 1 Streptex
37 05056080501369 R62150 GTZ Antisera, All Groups, Streptococcus Spp. 1 PathoDx Strep Grouping Universal Kit (120 test)
38 05056080501246 R62030 GTZ Antisera, All Groups, Streptococcus Spp. 1 PathoDx Strep A Grouping Latex
39 05056080501222 R30167501 GTJ Antisera, All Groups, N. Meningitidis 2 NA
40 05056080501215 R30167401 N meningitidis Group W135 Agglutinating Sera GTJ Antisera, All Groups, N. Meningitidis 2 NA
41 05056080501208 R30167301 GTJ Antisera, All Groups, N. Meningitidis 2 NA
42 05056080501024 R30165001 GSO Antigens (Febrile), Agglutination, Brucella Spp. 2 NA
43 05056080501017 R30164901 GSO Antigens (Febrile), Agglutination, Brucella Spp. 2 NA
44 05056080501000 R30164801 GSO Antigens (Febrile), Agglutination, Brucella Spp. 2 NA
45 05056080500997 R30859602 GTJ Antisera, All Groups, N. Meningitidis 2 NA
46 05056080500980 R30859502 GTJ Antisera, All Groups, N. Meningitidis 2 NA
47 05056080500973 R30859203 GTJ Antisera, All Groups, N. Meningitidis 2 NA
48 05056080500966 R30858801 GRD Antiserum, Hai, Mumps Virus 1 NA
49 05056080500959 R30164201 GNB Antisera, All Types, Shigella Spp. 2 NA
50 05056080500942 R30164101 GNB Antisera, All Types, Shigella Spp. 2 NA
Other products with the same Product Code "GRM"
No Primary DI Version or Model Catalog Number Device Description Brand Name Organization Name
1 15060392377625 M10303 M10303 Salmonella Antisera Set 1 Mast Assure MAST GROUP LIMITED
2 15060392376192 M92537 M92537 M92537 - Salmonella O Antiserum Polyvalent - Omnivalent (Kauffmann-White group M92537 - Salmonella O Antiserum Polyvalent - Omnivalent (Kauffmann-White group A-067) - 1 pack of 2ml Mast Assure Antisera MAST GROUP LIMITED
3 15060392376185 M14300 M14300 Salmonella O Antiserum Polyvalent - Kauffmann White Schem Groups A to S - 2ml Mast Assure MAST GROUP LIMITED
4 15060392376178 M14294 M14294 M14294 - Salmonella O Antiserum Polyvalent - Kauffmann White Schem Groups A to M14294 - Salmonella O Antiserum Polyvalent - Kauffmann White Schem Groups A to G - 1 pack of 2ml Mast Assure Antisera MAST GROUP LIMITED
5 15060392376161 M10309 M10309 M10309 - Salmonella O Antiserum Polyvalent - POLY O1 - Factor O11, O13, O6,14, M10309 - Salmonella O Antiserum Polyvalent - POLY O1 - Factor O11, O13, O6,14, O16, O18, O21 and O35 - 2ml Mast Assure Antisera MAST GROUP LIMITED
6 15060392376154 M10308 M10308 POLY O Factor O2, O4, O7, O8, O9, O9, 46, O3, 10 and O1,3,19 Mast Assure MAST GROUP LIMITED
7 15060392376130 M10380 M10380 M10380 - Salmonella Monovalent H Antiserum - Factor H-z10 - 2ml Mast Assure Antisera MAST GROUP LIMITED
8 15060392376116 M10378 M10378 M10378 - Salmonella Monovalent H Antiserum - Factor H-z - 2ml Mast Assure Antisera MAST GROUP LIMITED
9 15060392376109 M10374 M10374 M10374 - Salmonella Monovalent H Antiserum - Factor H-z32 - 2ml Mast Assure Antisera MAST GROUP LIMITED
10 15060392376093 M10377 M10377 M10377 - Salmonella Monovalent H Antiserum - Factor H-z15 - 2ml Mast Assure Antisera MAST GROUP LIMITED
11 15060392376086 M10376 M10376 M10376 - Salmonella Monovalent H Antiserum - Factor H-x - 2ml Mast Assure Antisera MAST GROUP LIMITED
12 15060392376079 M10373 M10373 M10373 - Salmonella Monovalent H Antiserum - Factor H-z24 - 2ml Mast Assure Antisera MAST GROUP LIMITED
13 15060392376062 M10372 M10372 M10372 - Salmonella Monovalent H Antiserum - Factor H-z23 - 2ml Mast Assure Antisera MAST GROUP LIMITED
14 15060392376055 M10370 M10370 M10370 - Salmonella Monovalent H Antiserum - Factor H-u - 2ml Mast Assure Antisera MAST GROUP LIMITED
15 15060392376048 M10348 M10348 M10348 - Salmonella Monovalent H Antiserum - Factor H-z6 - 2ml Mast Assure Antisera MAST GROUP LIMITED
16 15060392376031 M10347 M10347 M10347 - Salmonella Monovalent H Antiserum - Factor H-7 - 2ml Mast Assure Antisera MAST GROUP LIMITED
17 15060392376024 M10343 M10343 M10343 - Salmonella Monovalent H Antiserum - Factor H-z28 - 2ml Mast Assure Salmonella H-z28 Antiserum MAST GROUP LIMITED
18 15060392376017 M10342 M10342 M10342 - Salmonella Monovalent H Antiserum - Factor H-z13 - 2ml Mast Assure Antisera MAST GROUP LIMITED
19 15060392376000 M10341 M10341 M10341 - Salmonella Monovalent H Antiserum - Factor H-w - 2ml Mast Assure Antisera MAST GROUP LIMITED
20 15060392375997 M10340 M10340 Salmonella Monovalent H Antiserum - Factor H-v - 2ml Mast Assure MAST GROUP LIMITED
21 15060392375966 M10335 M10335 M10335 - Salmonella Monovalent H Antiserum - Factor H-L - 2ml Mast Assure Antisera MAST GROUP LIMITED
22 15060392375959 M10369 M10369 M10369- Salmonella Monovalent H Antiserum - Factor H-t - 2ml Mast Assure Antisera MAST GROUP LIMITED
23 15060392375935 M10367 M10367 M10367 - Salmonella Monovalent H Antiserum - Factor H-q - 2ml Mast Assure Salmonella Antiserum Factor H-q MAST GROUP LIMITED
24 15060392375911 M10365 M19365 M10365 - Salmonella Monovalent H Antiserum - Factor H-m - 2ml Mast Assure Antisera MAST GROUP LIMITED
25 15060392375904 M10364 M10364 M10364 - Salmonella Monovalent H Antiserum - Factor H-f - 2ml Mast Assure MAST GROUP LIMITED
26 15060392375898 M10346 M10346 M10346- Salmonella Monovalent H Antiserum - Factor H-6 - 2ml Mast Assure Antisera MAST GROUP LIMITED
27 15060392375881 M10345 M10345 M10345 - Salmonella Monovalent H Antiserum - Factor H-5 - 2ml Mast Assure Antisera MAST GROUP LIMITED
28 15060392375874 M10344 M10344 Salmonella Monovalent H Antiserum - Factor H-2 - 2ml Mast Assure MAST GROUP LIMITED
29 15060392375867 M10336 M10336 M10336 - Salmonella Monovalent H Antiserum - Factor H-r - 2ml Mast Assure Antisera MAST GROUP LIMITED
30 15060392375850 M10334 M10334 Salmonella Monovalent H Antiserum - Factor H-k - 2ml Mast Assure MAST GROUP LIMITED
31 15060392375843 M10333 M10333 Salmonella Monovalent H Antiserum - Factor H-i Mast Assure MAST GROUP LIMITED
32 15060392375836 M10332 M10332 M10332- Salmonella Monovalent H Antiserum - Factor H-G - 2ml Mast Assure Antisera MAST GROUP LIMITED
33 15060392375812 M10331 M10331 M10331 - Salmonella Monovalent H Antiserum - Factor H-e,h - 2ml Mast Assure Antisera MAST GROUP LIMITED
34 15060392375805 M10330 M10330 M10330 - Salmonella Monovalent H Antiserum - Factor H-d - 2ml Mast Assure Antisera MAST GROUP LIMITED
35 15060392375768 M10325 M10325 M10325 - Salmonella Monovalent O Antiserum - Factor O35 - 1 pack of 2ml Mast Assure Antisera MAST GROUP LIMITED
36 15060392375744 M10323 M10323 M10323 - Salmonella Monovalent O Antiserum - Factor O18 - 2ml Mast Assure MAST GROUP LIMITED
37 15060392375737 M10322 M10322 M10322 - Salmonella Monovalent O Antiserum - Factor O16 - 2ml Mast Assure Antisera MAST GROUP LIMITED
38 15060392375720 M10319 M10319 M10319- Salmonella Monovalent O Antiserum - Factor O11 - 2ml Mast Assure Antisera MAST GROUP LIMITED
39 15060392375713 M10318 M10318 M10318 - Salmonella Monovalent O Antiserum - Factor O1,3,19 - 2ml Mast Assure Antisera MAST GROUP LIMITED
40 15060392375690 M10326 M10326 Salmonella Monovalent Antiserum - Factor Vi - 2ml Mast Assure MAST GROUP LIMITED
41 15060392375676 M10320 M10320 M10320 - Salmonella Monovalent O Antiserum - Factor O13 - 2ml Mast Assure Antisera MAST GROUP LIMITED
42 15060392375669 M10316 M10316 M10316 - Salmonella Monovalent O Antiserum - Factor O3,10 - 2ml Mast Assure antisera MAST GROUP LIMITED
43 15060392375652 M10314 M10314 Salmonella Monovalent O Antiserum - Factor O9 - 2ml Mast Assure MAST GROUP LIMITED
44 15060392375645 M10313 M10313 Salmonella Monovalent O Antiserum - Factor O8 - 2ml Mast Assure MAST GROUP LIMITED
45 15060392375638 M10312 M10312 Salmonella Monovalent O Antiserum - Factor O7 - 2ml Mast Assure MAST GROUP LIMITED
46 15060392375621 M10311 M10311 Salmonella Monovalent O Antiserum - Factor O4 - 2ml Mast Assure MAST GROUP LIMITED
47 15060392375614 M10310 M10310 Salmonella Monovalent O Antiserum - Factor O2 - 2ml Mast Assure MAST GROUP LIMITED
48 15056152701557 M91875/NCE M91875/NCE M91875/NCE - Salmonella O Antiserum - Factor O6 - 2ml Mast Assure Antisera MAST GROUP LIMITED
49 08305901007151 1007-15 The Biomerica Salmonella test is a lateral flow immunoassay for the rapid determ The Biomerica Salmonella test is a lateral flow immunoassay for the rapid determination of the presence of Salmonella species in human stool samples. The test is intended for professional use only. EZ-SALMONELLA One-Step Salmonella species Rapid Test BIOMERICA, INC.
50 05713106982464 98246 98246 Serological Conf., Rabbit antiserum, Ready to use Salm. Multi Gr. Poly A-67 serum, 3 mL SSI DIAGNOSTICA A/S