Other products from "SHIMADZU CORPORATION"
No Primary DI Version or Model Catalog Number Device Description Product Code Product Code Name Device Class Brand Name
1 04540217068951 503-79869-47 OWB Interventional Fluoroscopic X-Ray System 2 Trinias
2 04540217420377 228-45196-55 KIE Apparatus, High Pressure Liquid Chromatography 1 SPD-M30A CL
3 04540217420384 228-45004-22 KIE Apparatus, High Pressure Liquid Chromatography 1 SPD-20AV CL
4 04540217068807 503-79416-04 OWB Interventional Fluoroscopic X-Ray System 2 TRINIAS
5 04540217420391 228-45010-22 KIE Apparatus, High Pressure Liquid Chromatography 1 CTO-20AC CL
6 04540217420605 228-65202-55 KIE Apparatus, High Pressure Liquid Chromatography 1 CTO-40C CL
7 04540217420056 228-45010-54 KIE Apparatus, High Pressure Liquid Chromatography 1 CTO-20AC CL
8 04540217064069 562-23372-79 IZO Generator, High-Voltage, X-Ray, Diagnostic 1 UD150L-40
9 04540217062416 563-55050-60 IZX Collimator, Manual, Radiographic 2 R-20J
10 04540217062409 563-55050-50 IZX Collimator, Manual, Radiographic 2 R-20J
11 04540217062287 582-50301-57 ITY Assembly, Tube Housing, X-Ray, Diagnostic 1 0.6/1.2P366D-150
12 04540217062270 582-50301-50 ITY Assembly, Tube Housing, X-Ray, Diagnostic 1 0.6/1.2P366D-150
13 04540217060832 503-79999-11 IZL System, X-Ray, Mobile 2 MobileDaRt Evolution
14 04540217060115 563-55050-26 IZX Collimator, Manual, Radiographic 2 R-20J
15 04540217059638 566-20000-10 IZL System, X-Ray, Mobile 2 MobileDaRt Evolution
16 04540217059621 503-79999-01 IZL System, X-Ray, Mobile 2 MobileDaRt Evolution
17 04540217059546 563-55050-32 IZX Collimator, Manual, Radiographic 2 R-20J
18 04540217059539 563-55050-31 IZX Collimator, Manual, Radiographic 2 R-20J
19 04540217053506 503-79888-41 IZL System, X-Ray, Mobile 2 MobileDaRt Evolution
20 04540217053476 503-79888-21 IZL System, X-Ray, Mobile 2 MobileDaRt Evolution
21 04540217052110 562-23372-74 IZO Generator, High-Voltage, X-Ray, Diagnostic 1 UD150L-40
22 04540217052080 502-23372-58 IZO Generator, High-Voltage, X-Ray, Diagnostic 1 UD150L-40
23 04540217052011 563-55050-23 IZX Collimator, Manual, Radiographic 2 R-20J
24 04540217032037 532-16886-01 JAA System, X-Ray, Fluoroscopic, Image-Intensified 2 IA-12LT/HS
25 04540217026081 532-16726-62 JAA System, X-Ray, Fluoroscopic, Image-Intensified 2 IA-16LM(6)/HS12
26 04540217020171 532-16726-12 JAA System, X-Ray, Fluoroscopic, Image-Intensified 2 IA-16LM(6)/HS12
27 04540217017522 502-23372-53 IZO Generator, High-Voltage, X-Ray, Diagnostic 1 UD150L-40
28 04540217013579 503-51200-43 IXR Table, Radiographic, Tilting 2 ZS-100IR
29 04540217013562 503-51200-42 IXR Table, Radiographic, Tilting 2 ZS-100IR
30 04540217066810 566-16610-87 IXY Holder, Radiographic Cassette, Wall-Mounted 1 BR-120T
31 04540217064779 566-16610-86 IXY Holder, Radiographic Cassette, Wall-Mounted 1 BR-120T
32 04540217064724 566-16130-63 KPR System, X-Ray, Stationary 2 FDR Visionary Suite
33 04540217064717 566-16130-62 KPR System, X-Ray, Stationary 2 FDR Visionary Suite
34 04540217064700 566-16130-53 KPR System, X-Ray, Stationary 2 FDR Visionary Suite
35 04540217064694 566-16130-52 KPR System, X-Ray, Stationary 2 FDR Visionary Suite
36 04540217064502 566-16130-61 KPR System, X-Ray, Stationary 2 FDR Visionary Suite
37 04540217064496 566-16130-60 KPR System, X-Ray, Stationary 2 FDR Visionary Suite
38 04540217064489 566-16130-51 KPR System, X-Ray, Stationary 2 FDR Visionary Suite
39 04540217064472 566-16130-50 KPR System, X-Ray, Stationary 2 FDR Visionary Suite
40 04540217062683 566-16600-86 IXY Holder, Radiographic Cassette, Wall-Mounted 1 BR-120T
41 04540217062478 566-16600-50 IXY Holder, Radiographic Cassette, Wall-Mounted 1 BR-120T
42 04540217062294 582-24556-50 ITY Assembly, Tube Housing, X-Ray, Diagnostic 1 0.6/1.2P18DE-85
43 04540217062164 582-24491-57 ITY Assembly, Tube Housing, X-Ray, Diagnostic 1 0.6/1.2P364DK-125
44 04540217062157 582-24491-50 ITY Assembly, Tube Housing, X-Ray, Diagnostic 1 0.6/1.2P364DK-125
45 04540217062126 582-24488-57 ITY Assembly, Tube Housing, X-Ray, Diagnostic 1 0.6/1.2P364DK-85
46 04540217062072 582-24558-57 ITY Assembly, Tube Housing, X-Ray, Diagnostic 1 0.6/1.2P38DE-85
47 04540217062065 582-24558-50 ITY Assembly, Tube Housing, X-Ray, Diagnostic 1 0.6/1.2P38DE-85
48 04540217060962 566-16600-85 IXY Holder, Radiographic Cassette, Wall-Mounted 1 BR-120T
49 04540217057450 566-16130-33 KPR System, X-Ray, Stationary 2 FDR Visionary Suite
50 04540217057443 566-16130-32 KPR System, X-Ray, Stationary 2 FDR Visionary Suite
Other products with the same Product Code "ITY"
No Primary DI Version or Model Catalog Number Device Description Brand Name Organization Name
1 00884838108189 9806-058-01441 9806-058-01441 diagnostic x-ray tube housing assembly CT8000 PHILIPS MEDICAL SYSTEMS DMC GMBH
2 00884838108158 9806-058-01351 9806-058-01351 diagnostic x-ray tube housing assembly XS-100 X-Ray Tube Assembly PHILIPS MEDICAL SYSTEMS DMC GMBH
3 00884838107243 9806-058-01341 9806-058-01341 diagnostic x-ray tube housing assembly XS-100 X-Ray Tube Assembly PHILIPS MEDICAL SYSTEMS DMC GMBH
4 00884838107229 9806-058-01431 9806-058-01431 diagnostic x-ray tube housing assembly CT8000 PHILIPS MEDICAL SYSTEMS DMC GMBH
5 00884838107168 9890-000-87381 9890-000-87381 diagnostic x-ray tube housing assembly vMRC Performance PHILIPS MEDICAL SYSTEMS DMC GMBH
6 00884838103658 3000-048-52401 3000-048-52401 diagnostic x-ray tube housing assembly CT8000 PHILIPS MEDICAL SYSTEMS DMC GMBH
7 00884838103641 3000-048-52391 3000-048-52391 diagnostic x-ray tube housing assembly XS-100 X-Ray Tube Assembly PHILIPS MEDICAL SYSTEMS DMC GMBH
8 00884838103634 9806-058-00543 9806-058-00543 diagnostic x-ray tube housing assembly XS-100 X-Ray Tube Assembly PHILIPS MEDICAL SYSTEMS DMC GMBH
9 00884838102613 9890-000-87251 9890-000-87251 diagnostic x-ray tube housing assembly DA200P40+LMB PHILIPS MEDICAL SYSTEMS DMC GMBH
10 00884838094888 9890-000-87211 9890-000-87211 diagnostic x-ray tube housing assembly CTR1600 PHILIPS MEDICAL SYSTEMS DMC GMBH
11 00884838093522 9890-000-30101 9890-000-30101 diagnostic x-ray tube housing assembly Philips MRC 880 CPO PHILIPS MEDICAL SYSTEMS DMC GMBH
12 00884838093126 9806-058-01201 9806-058-01201 diagnostic x-ray tube housing assembly CT8000 PHILIPS MEDICAL SYSTEMS DMC GMBH
13 00884838093119 9806-058-01212 9806-058-01212 diagnostic x-ray tube housing assembly CT8000 PHILIPS MEDICAL SYSTEMS DMC GMBH
14 00884838093034 9874-001-16122 9874-001-16122 diagnostic x-ray tube housing assembly RO 1750 ROT 350 PHILIPS MEDICAL SYSTEMS DMC GMBH
15 00884838093010 9890-000-30091 9890-000-30091 diagnostic x-ray tube housing assembly Philips MRC 800 CPO PHILIPS MEDICAL SYSTEMS DMC GMBH
16 00884838093003 9890-000-30081 9890-000-30081 diagnostic x-ray tube housing assembly Philips MRC 600 CPO PHILIPS MEDICAL SYSTEMS DMC GMBH
17 00884838092990 9890-000-03692 9890-000-03692 diagnostic x-ray tube housing assembly MRC 200 0508 ROT-GS 1001 PHILIPS MEDICAL SYSTEMS DMC GMBH
18 00884838092983 9890-000-03362 9890-000-03362 diagnostic x-ray tube housing assembly SRM 0511 ROT 501 PHILIPS MEDICAL SYSTEMS DMC GMBH
19 00884838092976 9890-000-86742 9890-000-86742 diagnostic x-ray tube housing assembly MRC 200+ 0407 ROT-GS 1004 PHILIPS MEDICAL SYSTEMS DMC GMBH
20 00884838092969 9890-000-86752 9890-000-86752 diagnostic x-ray tube housing assembly MRC 200+ 0508 ROT-GS 1003 PHILIPS MEDICAL SYSTEMS DMC GMBH
21 00884838092952 9890-000-86522 9890-000-86522 diagnostic x-ray tube housing assembly MRC 200 0508 ROT-GS 1003 PHILIPS MEDICAL SYSTEMS DMC GMBH
22 00884838092945 9890-000-86502 9890-000-86502 diagnostic x-ray tube housing assembly MRC 200 0407 ROT-GS 1004 PHILIPS MEDICAL SYSTEMS DMC GMBH
23 00884838092921 9890-000-86622 9890-000-86622 diagnostic x-ray tube housing assembly MRC 200+ 0407 ROT-GS 1008 PHILIPS MEDICAL SYSTEMS DMC GMBH
24 00884838092914 4598-006-53451 4598-006-53451 diagnostic x-ray tube housing assembly DA200P40 PHILIPS MEDICAL SYSTEMS DMC GMBH
25 00884838092907 9896-055-88704 9896-055-88704 diagnostic x-ray tube housing assembly DA200ULTRA PHILIPS MEDICAL SYSTEMS DMC GMBH
26 00884838092891 9896-055-96401 9896-055-96401 diagnostic x-ray tube housing assembly REEVO240G PHILIPS MEDICAL SYSTEMS DMC GMBH
27 00884838092884 4598-006-49221 4598-006-49221 diagnostic x-ray tube housing assembly CTR2280CESV PHILIPS MEDICAL SYSTEMS DMC GMBH
28 00884838092877 4598-006-49211 4598-006-49211 diagnostic x-ray tube housing assembly CTR2280CESV PHILIPS MEDICAL SYSTEMS DMC GMBH
29 00884838092860 4598-005-94291 4598-005-94291 diagnostic x-ray tube housing assembly CTR1735 PHILIPS MEDICAL SYSTEMS DMC GMBH
30 00884838092853 4598-005-59451 4598-005-59451 diagnostic x-ray tube housing assembly CTR2251 PHILIPS MEDICAL SYSTEMS DMC GMBH
31 00884838092846 4598-004-99341 4598-004-99341 diagnostic x-ray tube housing assembly CTR2150CEUH PHILIPS MEDICAL SYSTEMS DMC GMBH
32 00884838092839 4598-004-98421 4598-004-98421 diagnostic x-ray tube housing assembly CTR2250 PHILIPS MEDICAL SYSTEMS DMC GMBH
33 00884838092822 4598-004-98411 4598-004-98411 diagnostic x-ray tube housing assembly CTR2280 PHILIPS MEDICAL SYSTEMS DMC GMBH
34 00884838092815 4598-004-97071 4598-004-97071 diagnostic x-ray tube housing assembly CTR2140CENM PHILIPS MEDICAL SYSTEMS DMC GMBH
35 00884838092808 4598-004-95141 4598-004-95141 diagnostic x-ray tube housing assembly CTR1740CQNM PHILIPS MEDICAL SYSTEMS DMC GMBH
36 00884838092792 4598-004-83141 4598-004-83141 diagnostic x-ray tube housing assembly CTR1740CQNM PHILIPS MEDICAL SYSTEMS DMC GMBH
37 00884838092785 4598-003-95581 4598-003-95581 diagnostic x-ray tube housing assembly CTR1720 PHILIPS MEDICAL SYSTEMS DMC GMBH
38 00884838092778 4598-003-42971 4598-003-42971 diagnostic x-ray tube housing assembly CTR2150CEAN PHILIPS MEDICAL SYSTEMS DMC GMBH
39 00884838092761 4598-003-02441 4598-003-02441 diagnostic x-ray tube housing assembly CTR2150CEUH PHILIPS MEDICAL SYSTEMS DMC GMBH
40 00884838092754 4598-002-53271 4598-002-53271 diagnostic x-ray tube housing assembly CTR2150CEAN PHILIPS MEDICAL SYSTEMS DMC GMBH
41 00884838092747 9896-055-97600 9896-055-97600 diagnostic x-ray tube housing assembly CTR1740CQPN PHILIPS MEDICAL SYSTEMS DMC GMBH
42 00884838092730 9896-055-95231 9896-055-95231 diagnostic x-ray tube housing assembly CTR1735 PHILIPS MEDICAL SYSTEMS DMC GMBH
43 00884838092723 9896-055-95221 9896-055-95221 diagnostic x-ray tube housing assembly CTR1720 PHILIPS MEDICAL SYSTEMS DMC GMBH
44 00884838092716 9896-055-94055 9896-055-94055 diagnostic x-ray tube housing assembly CTR1725GSBS PHILIPS MEDICAL SYSTEMS DMC GMBH
45 00884838092709 9896-055-94044 9896-055-94044 diagnostic x-ray tube housing assembly CTR1725CSBS PHILIPS MEDICAL SYSTEMS DMC GMBH
46 00884838092693 9896-055-94000 9896-055-94000 diagnostic x-ray tube housing assembly CTR1725CSPN PHILIPS MEDICAL SYSTEMS DMC GMBH
47 00884838092686 9890-000-87231 9890-000-87231 diagnostic x-ray tube housing assembly CTR2280KANG PHILIPS MEDICAL SYSTEMS DMC GMBH
48 00884838092679 9890-000-87221 9890-000-87221 diagnostic x-ray tube housing assembly CTR2280KANG PHILIPS MEDICAL SYSTEMS DMC GMBH
49 00884838092662 9890-000-86881 9890-000-86881 diagnostic x-ray tube housing assembly CTR1725S PHILIPS MEDICAL SYSTEMS DMC GMBH
50 00884838092655 9890-000-87081 9890-000-87081 diagnostic x-ray tube housing assembly CTR1725 PHILIPS MEDICAL SYSTEMS DMC GMBH