No | Primary DI | Version or Model | Catalog Number | Device Description | Product Code | Product Code Name | Device Class | Brand Name |
1 | 04260557775585 | TFT30100 | Implant Inserter | MAX | Intervertebral Fusion Device With Bone Graft, Lumbar | 2 | EIT TLIF Inserter | |
2 | 04260557770313 | CUI4080S | CUI4080S | ODP | Intervertebral Fusion Device With Bone Graft, Cervical | 2 | EIT CIF cage | |
3 | 04260614036567 | LEC00101 | LLIF instrument tray | FSM | Tray, Surgical, Instrument | 1 | EIT LLIF Instrument Tray | |
4 | 04260557839898 | LEC00100 | LLIF instrument tray | OJH | Orthopedic Tray | 1 | EIT LLIF Tray | |
5 | 04260557837733 | LET30100 | Implant Inserter | MAX | Intervertebral Fusion Device With Bone Graft, Lumbar | 2 | EIT LLIF Inserter | |
6 | 04260557837702 | LET20100 | Trial Inserter | MAX | Intervertebral Fusion Device With Bone Graft, Lumbar | 2 | EIT LLIF Inserter | |
7 | 04260397088227 | PEC00101 | PLIF Instrument Tray large | FSM | Tray, Surgical, Instrument | 1 | EIT PLIF Instrument Tray | |
8 | 04260397084120 | PET91110 | Trial, H: 11 mm, 18°, 30/9 | MAX | Intervertebral Fusion Device With Bone Graft, Lumbar | 2 | EIT PLIFTrial | |
9 | 04260397080870 | PEC00100 | PLIF Instrument Tray | FSM | Tray, Surgical, Instrument | 1 | EIT PLIF Instrument Tray | |
10 | 04260557836736 | LET01160 | Trial, H 11mm, 0°, 60/22 | MAX | Intervertebral Fusion Device With Bone Graft, Lumbar | 2 | EIT LLIF Trial | |
11 | 04260557836378 | LET01140 | Trial, H 11mm, 0°, 40/22 | MAX | Intervertebral Fusion Device With Bone Graft, Lumbar | 2 | EIT LLIF Trial | |
12 | 04260557833940 | LUI01154 | EIT LLIF, H 11mm, 0°, 55/18 | MAX | Intervertebral Fusion Device With Bone Graft, Lumbar | 2 | EIZ LLIF cage | |
13 | 04260557774816 | AET30121 | Trial and Implant Guide, large | MAX | Intervertebral Fusion Device With Bone Graft, Lumbar | 2 | EIT ALIF Implant Guide | |
14 | 04260557774809 | AET30120 | Trial and Implant Guide, small | MAX | Intervertebral Fusion Device With Bone Graft, Lumbar | 2 | EIT ALIF Implant Guide | |
15 | 04260557774793 | AET30110 | Implant inserter knob SH Connection | LXH | Orthopedic Manual Surgical Instrument | 1 | EIT ALIF Inserter | |
16 | 04260557774670 | AET71945 | Trial, H 19mm, 20°, XL | MAX | Intervertebral Fusion Device With Bone Graft, Lumbar | 2 | EIT ALIF Trial | |
17 | 04260557774663 | AET71845 | Trial, H 18mm, 20°, XL | MAX | Intervertebral Fusion Device With Bone Graft, Lumbar | 2 | EIT ALIF Trial | |
18 | 04260557774656 | AET71745 | Trial, H 17mm, 20°, XL | MAX | Intervertebral Fusion Device With Bone Graft, Lumbar | 2 | EIT ALIF Trial | |
19 | 04260557774649 | AET71645 | Trial, H 16mm, 20°, XL | MAX | Intervertebral Fusion Device With Bone Graft, Lumbar | 2 | EIT ALIF Trial | |
20 | 04260557774632 | AET71545 | Trial, H 15mm, 20°, XL | MAX | Intervertebral Fusion Device With Bone Graft, Lumbar | 2 | EIT ALIF Trial | |
21 | 04260557774625 | AET71445 | Trial, H 14mm, 20°, XL | MAX | Intervertebral Fusion Device With Bone Graft, Lumbar | 2 | EIT ALIF Trial | |
22 | 04260557774618 | AET71345 | Trial, H 13mm, 20°, XL | MAX | Intervertebral Fusion Device With Bone Graft, Lumbar | 2 | EIT ALIF Trial | |
23 | 04260557774595 | AET51945 | Trial, H 19mm, 15°, XL | MAX | Intervertebral Fusion Device With Bone Graft, Lumbar | 2 | EIT ALIF Trial | |
24 | 04260557774588 | AET51845 | Trial, H 18mm, 15°, XL | MAX | Intervertebral Fusion Device With Bone Graft, Lumbar | 2 | EIT ALIF Trial | |
25 | 04260557774557 | AET51545 | Trial, H 15mm, 15°, XL | MAX | Intervertebral Fusion Device With Bone Graft, Lumbar | 2 | EIT ALIF Trial | |
26 | 04260557774540 | AET51445 | Trial, H 14mm, 15°, XL | MAX | Intervertebral Fusion Device With Bone Graft, Lumbar | 2 | EIT ALIF Trial | |
27 | 04260557774533 | AET51345 | Trial, H 13mm, 15°, XL | MAX | Intervertebral Fusion Device With Bone Graft, Lumbar | 2 | EIT ALIF Trial | |
28 | 04260557774496 | AET31945 | Trial, H 19mm, 10°, XL | MAX | Intervertebral Fusion Device With Bone Graft, Lumbar | 2 | EIT ALIF Trial | |
29 | 04260557774465 | AET31645 | Trial, H 16mm, 10°, XL | MAX | Intervertebral Fusion Device With Bone Graft, Lumbar | 2 | EIT ALIF Trial | |
30 | 04260557774441 | AET31445 | Trial, H 14mm, 10°, XL | MAX | Intervertebral Fusion Device With Bone Graft, Lumbar | 2 | EIT ALIF Trial | |
31 | 04260557774168 | AET01045 | Trial, H 10mm, 0°, XL | MAX | Intervertebral Fusion Device With Bone Graft, Lumbar | 2 | EIT ALIF Trial | |
32 | 04260557774120 | AET71940 | Trial, H 19mm, 20°, L | MAX | Intervertebral Fusion Device With Bone Graft, Lumbar | 2 | EIT ALIF Trial | |
33 | 04260557774113 | AET71840 | Trial, H 18mm, 20°, L | MAX | Intervertebral Fusion Device With Bone Graft, Lumbar | 2 | EIT ALIF Trial | |
34 | 04260557774106 | AET71740 | Trial, H 17mm, 20°, L | MAX | Intervertebral Fusion Device With Bone Graft, Lumbar | 2 | EIT ALIF Trial | |
35 | 04260557774069 | AET71340 | Trial, H 13mm, 20°, L | MAX | Intervertebral Fusion Device With Bone Graft, Lumbar | 2 | EIT ALIF Trial | |
36 | 04260557774052 | AET71240 | Trial, H 12mm, 20°, L | MAX | Intervertebral Fusion Device With Bone Graft, Lumbar | 2 | EIT ALIF Trial | |
37 | 04260557774038 | AET51940 | Trial, H 19mm, 15°, L | MAX | Intervertebral Fusion Device With Bone Graft, Lumbar | 2 | EIT ALIF Trial | |
38 | 04260557774021 | AET51740 | Trial, H 17mm, 15°, L | MAX | Intervertebral Fusion Device With Bone Graft, Lumbar | 2 | EIT ALIF Trial | |
39 | 04260557774007 | AET51340 | Trial, H 13mm, 15°, L | MAX | Intervertebral Fusion Device With Bone Graft, Lumbar | 2 | EIT ALIF Trial | |
40 | 04260557773994 | AET51140 | Trial, H 11mm, 15°, L | MAX | Intervertebral Fusion Device With Bone Graft, Lumbar | 2 | EIT ALIF Trial | |
41 | 04260557773970 | AET31940 | Trial, H 19mm, 10°, L | MAX | Intervertebral Fusion Device With Bone Graft, Lumbar | 2 | EIT ALIF Trial | |
42 | 04260397089989 | AET01040 | Trial, H 10mm, 0°, L | MAX | Intervertebral Fusion Device With Bone Graft, Lumbar | 2 | EIT ALIF Trial | |
43 | 04260397089941 | AET71937 | Trial, H 19mm, 20°, M | MAX | Intervertebral Fusion Device With Bone Graft, Lumbar | 2 | EIT ALIF Trial | |
44 | 04260397089934 | AET71837 | Trial, H 18mm, 20°, M | MAX | Intervertebral Fusion Device With Bone Graft, Lumbar | 2 | EIT ALIF Trial | |
45 | 04260397089927 | AET71737 | Trial, H 17mm, 20°, M | MAX | Intervertebral Fusion Device With Bone Graft, Lumbar | 2 | EIT ALIF Trial | |
46 | 04260397089903 | AET71537 | Trial, H 15mm, 20°, M | MAX | Intervertebral Fusion Device With Bone Graft, Lumbar | 2 | EIT ALIF Trial | |
47 | 04260397089880 | AET71337 | Trial, H 13mm, 20°, M | MAX | Intervertebral Fusion Device With Bone Graft, Lumbar | 2 | EIT ALIF Trial | |
48 | 04260397089873 | AET71237 | Trial, H 12mm, 20°, M | MAX | Intervertebral Fusion Device With Bone Graft, Lumbar | 2 | EIT ALIF Trial | |
49 | 04260397089835 | AET51737 | Trial, H 17mm, 15°, M | MAX | Intervertebral Fusion Device With Bone Graft, Lumbar | 2 | EIT ALIF Trial | |
50 | 04260397089828 | AET51537 | Trial, H 15mm, 15°, M | MAX | Intervertebral Fusion Device With Bone Graft, Lumbar | 2 | EIT ALIF Trial |
No | Primary DI | Version or Model | Catalog Number | Device Description | Brand Name | Organization Name |
1 | 00849044093247 | 384.505 | COALITION Spacer, 15mm x 18mm, 7deg, 5mm | COALITION | GLOBUS MEDICAL, INC. | |
2 | 00849044093230 | 384.405 | COALITION Spacer, 15mm x 18mm, 0deg, 5mm | COALITION | GLOBUS MEDICAL, INC. | |
3 | 00849044093223 | 384.305 | COALITION Spacer, 14mm x 16mm, 7deg, 5mm | COALITION | GLOBUS MEDICAL, INC. | |
4 | 00849044093216 | 384.205 | COALITION Spacer, 14mm x 16mm, 0deg, 5mm | COALITION | GLOBUS MEDICAL, INC. | |
5 | 00849044093209 | 384.105 | COALITION Spacer, 12mm x 14mm, 7deg, 5mm | COALITION | GLOBUS MEDICAL, INC. | |
6 | 00849044093193 | 384.005 | COALITION Spacer, 12mm x 14mm, 0deg, 5mm | COALITION | GLOBUS MEDICAL, INC. | |
7 | 00849044079166 | 304.952 | SUSTAIN Radiolucent Spacer, Medium, Narrow, Convex, 12mm | SUSTAIN | GLOBUS MEDICAL, INC. | |
8 | 00849044079159 | 304.951 | SUSTAIN Radiolucent Spacer, Medium, Narrow, Convex, 11mm | SUSTAIN | GLOBUS MEDICAL, INC. | |
9 | 00849044079142 | 304.950 | SUSTAIN Radiolucent Spacer, Medium, Narrow, Convex, 10mm | SUSTAIN | GLOBUS MEDICAL, INC. | |
10 | 00849044079135 | 304.949 | SUSTAIN Radiolucent Spacer, Medium, Narrow, Convex, 9mm | SUSTAIN | GLOBUS MEDICAL, INC. | |
11 | 00849044079128 | 304.948 | SUSTAIN Radiolucent Spacer, Medium, Narrow, Convex, 8mm | SUSTAIN | GLOBUS MEDICAL, INC. | |
12 | 00849044079111 | 304.947 | SUSTAIN Radiolucent Spacer, Medium, Narrow, Convex, 7mm | SUSTAIN | GLOBUS MEDICAL, INC. | |
13 | 00849044079104 | 304.946 | SUSTAIN Radiolucent Spacer, Medium, Narrow, Convex, 6mm | SUSTAIN | GLOBUS MEDICAL, INC. | |
14 | 00849044079098 | 304.945 | SUSTAIN Radiolucent Spacer, Medium, Narrow, Convex, 5mm | SUSTAIN | GLOBUS MEDICAL, INC. | |
15 | 00849044079081 | 304.932 | SUSTAIN Radiolucent Spacer, Medium, Narrow, Lordotic, 12mm | SUSTAIN | GLOBUS MEDICAL, INC. | |
16 | 00849044079074 | 304.931 | SUSTAIN Radiolucent Spacer, Medium, Narrow, Lordotic, 11mm | SUSTAIN | GLOBUS MEDICAL, INC. | |
17 | 00849044079067 | 304.930 | SUSTAIN Radiolucent Spacer, Medium, Narrow, Lordotic, 10mm | SUSTAIN | GLOBUS MEDICAL, INC. | |
18 | 00849044079050 | 304.929 | SUSTAIN Radiolucent Spacer, Medium, Narrow, Lordotic, 9mm | SUSTAIN | GLOBUS MEDICAL, INC. | |
19 | 00849044079043 | 304.928 | SUSTAIN Radiolucent Spacer, Medium, Narrow, Lordotic, 8mm | SUSTAIN | GLOBUS MEDICAL, INC. | |
20 | 00849044079036 | 304.927 | SUSTAIN Radiolucent Spacer, Medium, Narrow, Lordotic, 7mm | SUSTAIN | GLOBUS MEDICAL, INC. | |
21 | 00849044079029 | 304.926 | SUSTAIN Radiolucent Spacer, Medium, Narrow, Lordotic, 6mm | SUSTAIN | GLOBUS MEDICAL, INC. | |
22 | 00849044079012 | 304.925 | SUSTAIN Radiolucent Spacer, Medium, Narrow, Lordotic, 5mm | SUSTAIN | GLOBUS MEDICAL, INC. | |
23 | 00849044079005 | 304.912 | SUSTAIN Radiolucent Spacer, Medium, Narrow, Parallel, 12mm | SUSTAIN | GLOBUS MEDICAL, INC. | |
24 | 00849044078992 | 304.911 | SUSTAIN Radiolucent Spacer, Medium, Narrow, Parallel, 11mm | SUSTAIN | GLOBUS MEDICAL, INC. | |
25 | 00849044078985 | 304.910 | SUSTAIN Radiolucent Spacer, Medium, Narrow, Parallel, 10mm | SUSTAIN | GLOBUS MEDICAL, INC. | |
26 | 00849044078978 | 304.909 | SUSTAIN Radiolucent Spacer, Medium, Narrow, Parallel, 9mm | SUSTAIN | GLOBUS MEDICAL, INC. | |
27 | 00849044078961 | 304.908 | SUSTAIN Radiolucent Spacer, Medium, Narrow, Parallel, 8mm | SUSTAIN | GLOBUS MEDICAL, INC. | |
28 | 00849044078954 | 304.907 | SUSTAIN Radiolucent Spacer, Medium, Narrow, Parallel, 7mm | SUSTAIN | GLOBUS MEDICAL, INC. | |
29 | 00849044078947 | 304.906 | SUSTAIN Radiolucent Spacer, Medium, Narrow, Parallel, 6mm | SUSTAIN | GLOBUS MEDICAL, INC. | |
30 | 00849044078930 | 304.905 | SUSTAIN Radiolucent Spacer, Medium, Narrow, Parallel, 5mm | SUSTAIN | GLOBUS MEDICAL, INC. | |
31 | 00849044078923 | 304.282 | SUSTAIN Radiolucent Medium Lordotic, Bead, 12mm | SUSTAIN | GLOBUS MEDICAL, INC. | |
32 | 00849044078916 | 304.281 | SUSTAIN Radiolucent Medium Lordotic, Bead, 11mm | SUSTAIN | GLOBUS MEDICAL, INC. | |
33 | 00849044078909 | 304.280 | SUSTAIN Radiolucent Medium Lordotic, Bead, 10mm | SUSTAIN | GLOBUS MEDICAL, INC. | |
34 | 00849044078893 | 304.279 | SUSTAIN Radiolucent Medium Lordotic, Bead, 9mm | SUSTAIN | GLOBUS MEDICAL, INC. | |
35 | 00849044078886 | 304.278 | SUSTAIN Radiolucent Medium Lordotic, Bead, 8mm | SUSTAIN | GLOBUS MEDICAL, INC. | |
36 | 00849044078879 | 304.277 | SUSTAIN Radiolucent Medium Lordotic, Bead, 7mm | SUSTAIN | GLOBUS MEDICAL, INC. | |
37 | 00849044078862 | 304.276 | SUSTAIN Radiolucent Medium Lordotic, Bead, 6mm | SUSTAIN | GLOBUS MEDICAL, INC. | |
38 | 00849044078855 | 304.275 | SUSTAIN Radiolucent Medium Lordotic, Bead, 5mm | SUSTAIN | GLOBUS MEDICAL, INC. | |
39 | 00849044078848 | 304.272 | SUSTAIN Radiolucent Medium Parallel, Bead, 12mm | SUSTAIN | GLOBUS MEDICAL, INC. | |
40 | 00849044078831 | 304.271 | SUSTAIN Radiolucent Medium Parallel, Bead, 11mm | SUSTAIN | GLOBUS MEDICAL, INC. | |
41 | 00849044078824 | 304.270 | SUSTAIN Radiolucent Medium Parallel, Bead, 10mm | SUSTAIN | GLOBUS MEDICAL, INC. | |
42 | 00849044078817 | 304.269 | SUSTAIN Radiolucent Medium Parallel, Bead, 9mm | SUSTAIN | GLOBUS MEDICAL, INC. | |
43 | 00849044078800 | 304.268 | SUSTAIN Radiolucent Medium Parallel, Bead, 8mm | SUSTAIN | GLOBUS MEDICAL, INC. | |
44 | 00849044078794 | 304.267 | SUSTAIN Radiolucent Medium Parallel, Bead, 7mm | SUSTAIN | GLOBUS MEDICAL, INC. | |
45 | 00849044078787 | 304.266 | SUSTAIN Radiolucent Medium Parallel, Bead, 6mm | SUSTAIN | GLOBUS MEDICAL, INC. | |
46 | 00849044078770 | 304.265 | SUSTAIN Radiolucent Medium Parallel, Bead, 5mm | SUSTAIN | GLOBUS MEDICAL, INC. | |
47 | 00849044078763 | 304.252 | SUSTAIN Radiolucent Spacer, Medium, Convex, 12mm | SUSTAIN | GLOBUS MEDICAL, INC. | |
48 | 00849044078756 | 304.251 | SUSTAIN Radiolucent Spacer, Medium, Convex, 11mm | SUSTAIN | GLOBUS MEDICAL, INC. | |
49 | 00849044078749 | 304.250 | SUSTAIN Radiolucent Spacer, Medium, Convex, 10mm | SUSTAIN | GLOBUS MEDICAL, INC. | |
50 | 00849044078732 | 304.249 | SUSTAIN Radiolucent Spacer, Medium, Convex, 9mm | SUSTAIN | GLOBUS MEDICAL, INC. |