Other products from "EXOCAD GMBH"
No Primary DI Version or Model Catalog Number Device Description Product Code Product Code Name Device Class Brand Name
1 04260521365019 3.0 Galway exoplan is a medical software, intended to support the pre-operative planning of exoplan is a medical software, intended to support the pre-operative planning of dental implants using the visualization of the implant placement within images of the patient’s anatomy. The process is based on CT/CBCT data sets originating from other medical devices, and can be supported by optical scan(s) of the patient’s anatomy as well as a virtual prosthetic proposal. exoplan allows the design of surgical guides to support the placement of endosseous dental implants in guided surgery. The design of surgical guides is based on 3D surface data representing the preoperative situation and approved implant positions. Alternatively, instead of optical surface data a second CBCT/CT dataset can be used. The software exports the planning and design results as geometrical data and a digital 3D model of the surgical guide to support the manufacture of a separate physical product.exoplan does not extend or change indications of dental implants. Usage of a surgical guide designed with the software does not change the necessary due diligence required compared to conventional (non-guided) surgery.The software is intended to be used only by dental professionals with sufficient medical training in dental implantology and surgical dentistry in office environments suitable for reading diagnostic dental DICOM data sets. exoplan shall not be used for any purpose other than planning dental implant placement or design of surgical guides. LLZ System, Image Processing, Radiological 2 exoplan
2 04260521365002 2.3 Matera exoplan is a medical software, intended to support the pre-operative planning of exoplan is a medical software, intended to support the pre-operative planning of dental implants using the visualization of the implant placement within images of the patient’s anatomy. The process is based on CT/CBCT data sets originating from other medical devices, and can be supported by optical scan(s) of the patient’s anatomy as well as a virtual prosthetic proposal.exoplan allows the design of surgical guides to support the placement of endosseous dental implants in guided surgery. The design of surgical guides is based on 3D surface data representing the preoperative situation and approved implant positions.The software exports the planning and design results as geometrical data and a digital 3D model of the surgical guide to support the manufacture of a separate physical product.exoplan does not extend or change indications of dental implants. Usage of a surgical guide designed with the software does not change the necessary due diligence required compared to conventional (non-guided) surgery.The software is intended to be used only by dental professionals with sufficient medical training in dental implantology and surgical dentistry in office environments suitable for reading diagnostic dental DICOM data sets. exoplan shall not be used for any purpose other than planning dental implant placement or design of surgical guides. LLZ System, Image Processing, Radiological 2 exoplan
3 04260521363527 3.1 The AbutmentCAD module is intended as an aid to the restoration of chewing funct The AbutmentCAD module is intended as an aid to the restoration of chewing function in partially or fully edentulous mandibles and maxillae. AbutmentCAD is a software device intended to be used by trained professionals in dental practices or dental laboratories for the design of patient specific implant borne prosthetics such as one-piece abutments, two-piece/hybrid abutments, single or multi-unit screw-retained restorations. The design result is intended to be used by the manufacturer of an endosseous dental implant abutment to create the final device. PNP Dental Abutment Design Software For Dental Laboratory 2 AbutmentCAD
4 04260521363510 3.0 The AbutmentCAD module is intended as an aid to the restoration of chewing funct The AbutmentCAD module is intended as an aid to the restoration of chewing function in partially or fully edentulous mandiblesand maxillae. AbutmentCAD is a software device intended to be used by trained professionals in dental practices or dentallaboratories for the design of patient specific implant borne prosthetics such as one-piece abutments, two-piece/hybridabutments, single or multi-unit screw-retained restorations. The design result is intended to be used by the manufacturerof an endosseous dental implant abutment to create the final device. PNP Dental Abutment Design Software For Dental Laboratory 2 AbutmentCAD
5 04260521363305 1.0 ChairsideCAD is a software device intended to support the design of dental resto ChairsideCAD is a software device intended to support the design of dental restorations such as inlays, onlays, crowns, copings, veneers, bridges, pontics, provisionals, and bite splints via a 3D CAD tool. The design is based on suitable 3D scans of the patient’s dental anatomy produced by a compatible scanner. The software generates geometrical output of the design for manufacturing on compatible CAM systems. ChairsideCAD is intended to be used by trained professionals in dental practices and is not to be used for any purpose other than the design of dental restorations or bite splints, nor is it to be used for designing dental abutments. NOF System, Optical Impression, Computer Assisted Design And Manufacturing (Cad/Cam) System, Optical Impression, Computer Assisted Design And Manufacturing (Cad/Cam) Of Dental Restorations 2 Ceramill Mind DRS
6 04260521361516 3.0 (exoplan) DentalDB is a software application intended for the management of data regarding DentalDB is a software application intended for the management of data regarding patients, cases, dental practices, dental laboratories, and manufacturing facilities. The optional dentalshare service allows for the transfer of pertinent data to and from remote facilities. DentalDB is intended for use by trained professionals, such as dental technicians and dentists. OUG Medical Device Data System 1 DentalDB
7 04260521361509 2.3 (exoplan) DentalDB is a software application intended for the management of data regarding DentalDB is a software application intended for the management of data regarding patients, cases, dental practices, dental laboratories, and manufacturing facilities. The optional dentalshare service allows for the transfer of pertinent data to and from remote facilities. DentalDB is intended for use by trained professionals, such as dental technicians and dentists. OUG Medical Device Data System 1 DentalDB
8 04260521361028 3.0 (ChairsideCAD) DentalDB is a software application intended for the management of data regarding DentalDB is a software application intended for the management of data regarding patients, cases, dental practices, dental laboratories, and manufacturing facilities. The optional dentalshare service allows for the transfer of pertinent data to and from remote facilities. DentalDB is intended for use by trained professionals, such as dental technicians and dentists. OUG Medical Device Data System 1 DentalDB
9 04260521361011 2.3 (ChairsideCAD) DentalDB is a software application intended for the management of data regarding DentalDB is a software application intended for the management of data regarding patients, cases, dental practices, dental laboratories, and manufacturing facilities. The optional dentalshare service allows for the transfer of pertinent data to and from remote facilities. DentalDB is intended for use by trained professionals, such as dental technicians and dentists. OUG Medical Device Data System 1 DentalDB
10 04260521361004 2.1 DentalDB is a software application intended for the management of data regarding DentalDB is a software application intended for the management of data regarding patients, cases, dental practices, dentallaboratories, and manufacturing facilities. The optional dentalshare service allows for the transfer of pertinent data to andfrom remote facilities.DentalDB is intended for use by trained professionals, such as dental technicians and dentists. OUG Medical Device Data System 1 DentalDB
11 04260521363015 2.3 Matera ChairsideCAD is a software device intended to support the design of dental resto ChairsideCAD is a software device intended to support the design of dental restorations such as inlays, onlays, crowns, copings,veneers, bridges, pontics, provisionals, and bite splints via a 3D CAD tool. The design is basedon suitable 3D scans of the patient’s dental anatomy produced by a compatible scanner. The software generates geometricaloutput of the design for manufacturing on compatible CAM systems.ChairsideCAD is intended to be used by trained professionals in dental practices and is not to be used for any purpose otherthan the design of dental restorations or bite splints, nor is it to be used for designing dental abutments. NOF System, Optical Impression, Computer Assisted Design And Manufacturing (Cad/Cam) System, Optical Impression, Computer Assisted Design And Manufacturing (Cad/Cam) Of Dental Restorations 2 ChairsideCAD
12 04260521363008 2.1 ChairsideCAD is a software device intended to support the design of dental resto ChairsideCAD is a software device intended to support the design of dental restorations such as inlays, onlays, crowns, copings,veneers, bridges, pontics, provisionals, and bite splints via a 3D CAD tool. The design is basedon suitable 3D scans of the patient’s dental anatomy produced by a compatible scanner. The software generates geometricaloutput of the design for manufacturing on compatible CAM systems.ChairsideCAD is intended to be used by trained professionals in dental practices and is not to be used for any purpose otherthan the design of dental restorations or bite splints, nor is it to be used for designing dental abutments. NOF System, Optical Impression, Computer Assisted Design And Manufacturing (Cad/Cam) System, Optical Impression, Computer Assisted Design And Manufacturing (Cad/Cam) Of Dental Restorations 2 ChairsideCAD
Other products with the same Product Code "NOF"
No Primary DI Version or Model Catalog Number Device Description Brand Name Organization Name
1 60889976577899 CS 3600 6577894 CS 3600 POSTERIOR TIP KIT CS 3600 CARESTREAM HEALTH, INC.
2 60889976577158 CS 3600 6577159 CS3600 ACCESS I/O 3D SCANNER CS 3600 CARESTREAM HEALTH, INC.
3 60889976568750 CS 3500 6568752 CS 3500 3D SCANNER, SUNDENTAL OEM CS 3500 CARESTREAM HEALTH, INC.
4 60889976568743 CS 3600 6568745 CS3600 I/O 3D Scanner CS 3600 CARESTREAM HEALTH, INC.
5 60889976567883 CS 3500 3D Scanner Small Tip 6567887 CS3500 SMALL TIP (5 PIECES) CS 3500 3D Scanner Small Tip CARESTREAM HEALTH, INC.
6 60889976567876 CS 3500 3D Scanner Collar 6567879 CS3500 COLLAR PACKING (10 PIECES) CS 3500 3D Scanner Collar CARESTREAM HEALTH, INC.
7 60889976566732 CS 3500 3D Scanner Collar 6566731 CS3500 COLLAR PACKING (10 PIECES) CS 3500 3D Scanner Collar CARESTREAM HEALTH, INC.
8 60889976563977 CS 3500 6563977 CS3500 INTRAORAL 3D SCANNER CS 3500 CARESTREAM HEALTH, INC.
9 60889975950037 CS 3600 CPAE7600 CS 3600 POSTERIOR TIP (5 PIECES) CS 3600 CARESTREAM HEALTH, INC.
10 60889975950020 CS 3600 CPAF7000 CS 3600 ACCESS HANDPIECE CS 3600 CARESTREAM HEALTH, INC.
11 60192156577894 CS 3600 6577894 CS 3600 POSTERIOR TIP KIT CS 3600 CARESTREAM DENTAL LLC
12 60192156577153 CS 3600 6577159 CS3600 ACCESS I/O 3D SCANNER CS 3600 CARESTREAM DENTAL LLC
13 60192156568748 CS 3600 6568745 CS 3600 I/O 3D SCANNER CS 3600 CARESTREAM DENTAL LLC
14 60192155950032 CS 3600 CPAE7600 CS 3600 POSTERIOR TIP CS 3600 CARESTREAM DENTAL LLC
15 60192155950025 CS 3600 CPAF7000 CS 3600 ACCESS HANDPIECE CS 3600 CARESTREAM DENTAL LLC
16 60192155943720 5943725 5943725 CS 3800 3D I/O SCANNER WIRED CS 3800 Wired CARESTREAM DENTAL LLC
17 60192155943065 5943063 5943063 CS 3800 3D I/O SCANNER WIRELESS CS 3800 Wireless CARESTREAM DENTAL LLC
19 60192155942341 CS 3600 5942347 CS 3600 I/O SCANNER W/CS SCANFLOW CS 3600 CARESTREAM DENTAL LLC
20 60192155942143 CS 3600 5942149 3D I/O SCANNER, CS 3600 SDC CS 3600 CARESTREAM DENTAL LLC
21 60192155941306 CS 3700 5941307 CS 3700 3D I/O SCANNER ARCTIC WHITE CS 3700 CARESTREAM DENTAL LLC
22 50605861059645 75030 75030 3M™ True Definition Scanner G6 Wand, 75030 3M™ 3M COMPANY
23 50605861059560 73011 73011 3M™ True Definition Consumable Kit, 73011 3M™ 3M COMPANY
24 50605861059522 68904 68904 3M™ ESPE™ Lava™ Chairside Oral Scanner C.0.S. Powder Sprayer, 68904 3M™ 3M COMPANY
25 30605861061903 78001 78001 BASE SCANNER SYSTEM G6 3M™ 3M COMPANY
26 30605861061897 78021 78021 3M™ True Definition Scanner Upgrade, US, 78021 3M™ 3M COMPANY
27 30605861051478 78011 78011 3M™ True Definition Scanner, 78011 3M™ 3M COMPANY
28 30605861038530 68960 68960 3M™ High-Resolution Scanning Spray – 3.75g Bottle, 68960 3M™ 3M COMPANY
29 ZBAC1401 ZBAC1401 Dongle for Scanner S600 ARTI Dongle ZIRKONZAHN SRL
30 18800160000006 COMFORT+ COMFORT+ DDS INC
31 J0229405021 940502 940502 Aadva™ IOS 100: IOS cart, IOS Handpiece (via USB connection), CPU (onboard comp Aadva™ IOS 100: IOS cart, IOS Handpiece (via USB connection), CPU (onboard computer), G.U.I. touchscreen, holder inserts bags of 10, plug, IFUs (includes: Quick Start Guide & Owners manual). Aadva™ GC AMERICA INC.
32 J014660889381 66088938 66088938 Cara i500 Replacement Unit Cara HERAEUS KULZER GMBH
33 J014660889380 66088930 66088930 Cara i500 Replacement Unit Cara HERAEUS KULZER GMBH
34 J014660817160 66081716 66081716 Cara i500 ios System Cara HERAEUS KULZER GMBH
35 J014660785971 66078597 66078597 Cara Scan 4.0 BUNDLE Cara HERAEUS KULZER GMBH
36 J014660779700 66077970 66077970 Cara i500 ios scanner Cara HERAEUS KULZER GMBH
37 J014660695110 66069511 66069511 Cara Scan 4.0 Cara HERAEUS KULZER GMBH
38 08800160000023 COMFORT+ RAYiOS DDS INC
39 08800160000016 COMFORT+ COMFORT+ DDS INC
40 08800026700081 MD-RT0100 i500 Reusable tip MEDIT CORP.
41 08800026700074 MD-RT0200 i700 Reusable tip MEDIT CORP.
42 08800026700067 MD-IS0300 i700 Wireless MEDIT CORP.
43 08800026700050 MD-ST0200 i700 Single use tip MEDIT CORP.
44 08800026700043 MD-IS0200 i700 MEDIT CORP.
45 08800026700036 MD-ID0400 T710 MEDIT CORP.
46 08800026700029 MD-ID0420 T510 MEDIT CORP.
47 08800026700012 i500 Medit MEDIT CORP.
48 08800026700005 MD-ID0300 Identica MEDIT CORP.
49 08800005200182 Real Arch Real Arch is a dental 3D scanner intended to be used to digitally record topogra Real Arch is a dental 3D scanner intended to be used to digitally record topographical characteristics of teeth and surrounding tissues.The Real Arch is composed of a hand-piece, power hub, adapter and usb3.0 cable. The system produces 3D scans for use in computer- assisted design and manufacturing of dental restorations. Real Arch HDX WILL CORP.
50 08055060430955 Imagen Scan TSC002 Intra oral scanner for digital impression of Dental restoration Intraoral Digital Impression Instrument TRIDENT SRL