Extended height adjustable arm grounded, Z-bracket quick release base plate, key
Extended height adjustable arm grounded, Z-bracket quick release base plate, keyboard tray 480x220mm mouse tray, adaption with rotation stop for Mindray A9 right side, spring strength 1300N
Cart Heavy Duty consisting of: 5-star base with bumper, castor set (2) lockable,
Cart Heavy Duty consisting of: 5-star base with bumper, castor set (2) lockable, column L 900mm, top plate, accessories according drawing 287243
Short height adjustable arm grounded, W-bracket with VESA 75/100, keyboard tray
Short height adjustable arm grounded, W-bracket with VESA 75/100, keyboard tray 480x220mm mouse tray, adapter vertical wall channel, spring strength 950N
Extended height adjustable arm grounded, quick release base plate, adapter anaes
Extended height adjustable arm grounded, quick release base plate, adapter anaesthesia machines with side channel, spring strength 2200N
Extended height adjustable arm grounded, Z-bracket VESA 75/100, keyboard tray 48
Extended height adjustable arm grounded, Z-bracket VESA 75/100, keyboard tray 480x220mm mouse tray, adaption with rotation stop for Mindray A9 right side, spring strength 1300N
Support arm Pivot grounded 240, adapter for Cerner, adapter anaesthesia machines
Support arm Pivot grounded 240, adapter for Cerner, adapter anaesthesia machines with side channel
Extended height adjustable arm grounded, Z-bracket VESA 75/100, workstation 580x
Extended height adjustable arm grounded, Z-bracket VESA 75/100, workstation 580x200mm, adapter anaesthesia machines with side channel, spring strength 2200N
Extended height adjustable arm grounded for high mounting positions, quick relea
Extended height adjustable arm grounded for high mounting positions, quick release base plate, vertical rail clamp, spring strength 1300N
Height adjustable arm grounded for high mounting positions, Z-braket with VESA 7
Height adjustable arm grounded for high mounting positions, Z-braket with VESA 75/100, magnetic keyboard tray 500x200mm tiltable, pole clamp Ø 38mm, spring strength 1750N
Height adjustable arm grounded, Spacelabs backpack, adapter for Amico rail, spri
Height adjustable arm grounded, Spacelabs backpack, adapter for Amico rail, spring strength 1750N
Support arm Pivot grounded 300, adapter for Cerner, adapter anaesthesia machines
Support arm Pivot grounded 300, adapter for Cerner, adapter anaesthesia machines with side channel
Height adjustable arm grounded for high mounting positions, 5" plunge plate, pol
Height adjustable arm grounded for high mounting positions, 5" plunge plate, pole clamp Ø 38mm, spring strength 1750N
Height adjustable arm grounded, Z-bracket VESA 75/100, keyboard tray 480x220mm m
Height adjustable arm grounded, Z-bracket VESA 75/100, keyboard tray 480x220mm mouse tray, adapter vertical wall channel, spring strength 1750N
Short height adjustable arm grounded, VESA 75/100 traffic white, Q-fit, adapter
Short height adjustable arm grounded, VESA 75/100 traffic white, Q-fit, adapter vertical wall channel, spring strength 950N
Counter top with VESA 75/100 traffic white, column L 280mm according drawing 286
Counter top with VESA 75/100 traffic white, column L 280mm according drawing 286866, base plate free-standing
Height adjustable arm grounded, infusion pivot with Ø 25mm pole L 250mm, adapter
Height adjustable arm grounded, infusion pivot with Ø 25mm pole L 250mm, adapter vertical wall channel, spring strength 1300N
Flush Mount spring supported, Base unit CPU-plate for GE B850 / Solar 8000, pole
Flush Mount spring supported, Base unit CPU-plate for GE B850 / Solar 8000, pole clamp Ø 38mm