Other products from "BRAINLAB AG"
No Primary DI Version or Model Catalog Number Device Description Product Code Product Code Name Device Class Brand Name
1 04056481004019 41561-1 41561-1 HAW Neurological Stereotaxic Instrument 2 Headpins
2 04056481003982 41561-4 41561-4 HAW Neurological Stereotaxic Instrument 2 Headpins
3 04056481141585 56403 HAW Neurological Stereotaxic Instrument 2 Cirq Robotic Biopsy Guide Tube Cranial
4 04056481141394 54243-13A 54243-13A JAC System, X-Ray, Film Marking, Radiographic 1 VoyantMark
5 04056481141226 52332 FSM Tray, Surgical, Instrument 1 Sterilization Tray Robotic Spinal Drilling for Cirq
6 04056481141165 52184-01 52184-01 Disposable suction 2.7 mm HAW Neurological Stereotaxic Instrument Disposable Pre-calibrated Suction Charr. 8
7 04056481140984 2.5 LLZ,HAW System, Image Processing, Radiological,Neurological Stereotaxic Instrument 2 Elements Trajectory Planning
8 04056481140502 2.5 LMA Digitizer, Image, Radiological 2 Patient Data Manager
9 04056481140076 55749-02 55749-02 HAW,OLO Neurological Stereotaxic Instrument,Orthopedic Stereotaxic Instrument 2 REgistration Matrix CT Small Incision Spine
10 04056481139513 53210B 53210B OLO Orthopedic Stereotaxic Instrument 2 Adj Cutb - Adj Unit
11 04056481139087 56202 OLO Orthopedic Stereotaxic Instrument 2 CIRQ Instrument Holder Spinal Drilling
12 04056481138615 2.4 25100-12B LMA Digitizer, Image, Radiological 2 PATIENT DATA MANAGER 2.4 INSTALLER
13 04056481132453 2.3.1 25100-12A LMA Digitizer, Image, Radiological 2 Origin Data Management / Patient Data Manager
14 04056481122393 53237 53237 OLO Orthopedic Stereotaxic Instrument 2 Clearlens Pointer Handle - Knee
15 04056481100100 41839-27 41839-27 HAW Neurological Stereotaxic Instrument 2 Drill Guide Tube 2.4 150 Mm
16 04056481100094 41839-28 41839-28 HAW,OLO Neurological Stereotaxic Instrument,Orthopedic Stereotaxic Instrument 2 Drill Bit - Ao Shank 2.4mm Depth Control
17 04056481095406 52306A 52306A FSM Tray, Surgical, Instrument 1 STERILIZATION TRAY SPINE BASIC/ANT/UNIV
18 04056481094843 55715-20 HAW,OLO Neurological Stereotaxic Instrument,Orthopedic Stereotaxic Instrument 2 FLUORO 3D-2D UPGRADE KIT (FOR 3D C-ARMS)
19 04056481006662 2.3 25100-12 LMA Digitizer, Image, Radiological 2 Origin Data Management / Patient Data Manager
20 04056481006488 19103 19103 HAW Neurological Stereotaxic Instrument 2 Vv Reference Array Mr 1.5T
21 04056481006471 19104 19104 HAW Neurological Stereotaxic Instrument 2 Vv Ref. Array Interconnector Mr 1.5T
22 04056481006402 19779 19779 HCA Catheter, Ventricular 2 Drill Guide Kit (0.085'')
23 04056481006372 19900 19900 HAW,OLO Neurological Stereotaxic Instrument,Orthopedic Stereotaxic Instrument 2 Curve™
24 04056481006365 19901 19901 HAW,OLO Neurological Stereotaxic Instrument,Orthopedic Stereotaxic Instrument 2 Curve™
25 04056481006358 19905 19905 HAW,OLO Neurological Stereotaxic Instrument,Orthopedic Stereotaxic Instrument 2 Curve™
26 04056481006341 22594 22594 HAW Neurological Stereotaxic Instrument 2 Igsonic Adapter Base For 10V5
27 04056481006181 41838 41838 OLO Orthopedic Stereotaxic Instrument 2 4 In 1 Cutting Block Template ''Smith &
28 04056481006013 52170 52170 HAW Neurological Stereotaxic Instrument 2 Disp Self-Drilling Screw 1.5X6Mm Kls
29 04056481005818 52555 52555 OLO Orthopedic Stereotaxic Instrument 2 4 In1 Cut Block Temp Zimmer Nk Ii
30 04056481005719 52866 52866 OLO Orthopedic Stereotaxic Instrument 2 Stem Verif. Tool Extended Ref.Array
31 04056481005610 53202 53202 OLO Orthopedic Stereotaxic Instrument 2 Knee Plane Tool - Cb Adapter
32 04056481005481 53520 53520 HAW Neurological Stereotaxic Instrument 2 Calibration Insert Spinal Probe 3.62Mm
33 04056481005399 55004 55004 HAW Neurological Stereotaxic Instrument 2 Instr. Adapter Clamp (Starlink), Size Xl
34 04056481005290 55705 55705 HAW,OLO Neurological Stereotaxic Instrument,Orthopedic Stereotaxic Instrument 2 Fluoro Registration Kit (Rev.2)
35 04056481005146 55833 55833 HAW Neurological Stereotaxic Instrument 2 Spine Probe Tip Set - Thoracic
36 04056481004859 18099-07A 18099-07A FSM Tray, Surgical, Instrument 1 Sterilization Tray Em Cranial / Ent Instruments
37 04056481004811 18099-23 18099-23 HAW Neurological Stereotaxic Instrument 2 Em Registration Pointer
38 04056481004767 18910-01A 18910-01A HBL Holder, Head, Neurosurgical (Skull Clamp) Disposable Radiolucent Skull Pins (3 Pcs)
39 04056481004163 40200-5 40200-5 IYE Accelerator, Linear, Medical 2 Couchmount Lite Siemens
40 04056481004118 40700-10A 40700-10A IYE Accelerator, Linear, Medical 2 Target Positioner
41 04056481004095 40900-1 40900-1 IYE Accelerator, Linear, Medical 2 Phantom Pointer
42 04056481004088 40900-3A 40900-3A IYE Accelerator, Linear, Medical 2 Phantom Pointer
43 04056481004071 41002A 41002A IYE Accelerator, Linear, Medical 2 Brainlab Mask System
44 04056481004033 41560-0 41560-0 HAW Neurological Stereotaxic Instrument 2 Headpins
45 04056481004026 41560-1 41560-1 HAW Neurological Stereotaxic Instrument 2 Headpins
46 04056481003937 41562-1 41562-1 HAW Neurological Stereotaxic Instrument 2 Headpins
47 04056481003920 41562-2 41562-2 HAW Neurological Stereotaxic Instrument 2 Headpins
48 04056481003821 41767-19 41767-19 HAW Neurological Stereotaxic Instrument 2 Microscope Universal Tracking Array
49 04056481003722 41767-80A 41767-80A HAW Neurological Stereotaxic Instrument 2 Mscope Adptr & Array Moeller-Wedel Vm900
50 04056481003494 41839-24 41839-24 OLO Orthopedic Stereotaxic Instrument 2 Drill Guide Tube 2.5 X 45 Mm
Other products with the same Product Code "LLZ"
No Primary DI Version or Model Catalog Number Device Description Brand Name Organization Name
1 17540266000029 4.6 HeartPro is a web-accessible, self-contained image analysis software application HeartPro is a web-accessible, self-contained image analysis software application that analyzes DICOM-compliant cardiovascular images acquired from magnetic resonance (MR) scanners. HeartPro specifically analyzes the blood flow to the heart and its major vessels using multi-slice, multi-phase and velocity encoded MR images. HeartPro MEDVOXEL DIAGNOSTICS INC
2 17540266000012 4.5 HeartPro is a web-accessible, self-contained image analysis software application HeartPro is a web-accessible, self-contained image analysis software application that analyzes DICOM-compliant cardiovascular images acquired from magnetic resonance (MR) scanners. HeartPro specifically analyzes the blood flow to the heart and its major vessels using multi-slice, multi-phase and velocity encoded MR images. HeartPro MEDVOXEL DIAGNOSTICS INC
3 17540262160055 1.0.1 Change Healthcare Stratus Imaging PACS CHANGE HEALTHCARE CANADA COMPANY
4 17540262160048 1.1.0 Change Healthcare Stratus Imaging PACS CHANGE HEALTHCARE CANADA COMPANY
5 17540262160031 1.0.0 Change Healthcare Stratus Imaging PACS CHANGE HEALTHCARE CANADA COMPANY
6 17540262160024 0.7.0 Change Healthcare Stratus Imaging PACS CHANGE HEALTHCARE CANADA COMPANY
7 17540262160017 0.6.0 Change Healthcare Stratus Imaging PACS CHANGE HEALTHCARE CANADA COMPANY
8 17540262140026 25.0 Nucleus.io CHANGE HEALTHCARE CANADA COMPANY
9 17540262140019 24 Nucleus.io CHANGE HEALTHCARE CANADA COMPANY
10 17540262130126 1.0.11 Change Healthcare Stratus Imaging Viewer CHANGE HEALTHCARE CANADA COMPANY
11 17540262130119 1.0.10 Change Healthcare Stratus Imaging Viewer CHANGE HEALTHCARE CANADA COMPANY
12 17540262130102 1.0.9 Change Healthcare Stratus Imaging Viewer CHANGE HEALTHCARE CANADA COMPANY
13 17540262130096 1.0.8 Change Healthcare Stratus Imaging Viewer CHANGE HEALTHCARE CANADA COMPANY
14 17540262130089 1.0.7 Change Healthcare Enterprise Imaging Network™ Viewer CHANGE HEALTHCARE CANADA COMPANY
15 17540262130072 1.0.6 Change Healthcare Enterprise Imaging Network™ Viewer CHANGE HEALTHCARE CANADA COMPANY
16 17540262130065 1.0.5 Change Healthcare Enterprise Imaging Network™ Viewer CHANGE HEALTHCARE CANADA COMPANY
17 17540262130058 1.0.4 Change Healthcare Enterprise Imaging Network™ Viewer CHANGE HEALTHCARE CANADA COMPANY
18 17540262130041 1.0.3 Change Healthcare Enterprise Imaging Network Viewer CHANGE HEALTHCARE CANADA COMPANY
19 17540262130034 1.0.2 Change Healthcare Enterprise Imaging Network™ Viewer CHANGE HEALTHCARE CANADA COMPANY
20 17540262130027 1.0.1 Change Healthcare Enterprise Imaging Network Viewer CHANGE HEALTHCARE CANADA COMPANY
21 17540262130010 1.0.0 Change Healthcare Enterprise Imaging Network Viewer CHANGE HEALTHCARE CANADA COMPANY
22 17540262090116 15.0.1 Change Healthcare Cardiology CHANGE HEALTHCARE CANADA COMPANY
23 17540262090109 15.0 Change Healthcare Cardiology CHANGE HEALTHCARE CANADA COMPANY
24 17540262090055 14.3.2 Change Healthcare Cardiology CHANGE HEALTHCARE CANADA COMPANY
25 17540262090048 14.3 Change Healthcare Cardiology CHANGE HEALTHCARE CANADA COMPANY
26 17540262090031 14.2 Change Healthcare Cardiology CHANGE HEALTHCARE CANADA COMPANY
27 17540262090024 14.1.1 Change Healthcare Cardiology CHANGE HEALTHCARE ISRAEL LTD
28 17540262090017 14.1 Change Healthcare Cardiology CHANGE HEALTHCARE ISRAEL LTD
29 17540262040029 2.2.0 Conserus Enterprise Viewer CHANGE HEALTHCARE CANADA COMPANY
30 17540262040012 2.1 Conserus Enterprise Viewer CHANGE HEALTHCARE CANADA COMPANY
31 17540262030037 14.1 Change Healthcare Radiology Solutions CHANGE HEALTHCARE CANADA COMPANY
32 17540262030020 14.0 Change Healthcare Radiology Solutions CHANGE HEALTHCARE CANADA COMPANY
33 17540262030013 12.4.1 Change Healthcare Radiology Solutions CHANGE HEALTHCARE CANADA COMPANY
34 17540262020021 12.4 McKesson Radiology CHANGE HEALTHCARE CANADA COMPANY
35 17540262020014 12.3 McKesson Radiology CHANGE HEALTHCARE CANADA COMPANY
36 17540262010046 2.1.1 Change Healthcare Enterprise Viewer CHANGE HEALTHCARE CANADA COMPANY
37 17540262010039 2.1 Change Healthcare Enterprise Viewer CHANGE HEALTHCARE CANADA COMPANY
38 17540262010022 2.0 Change Healthcare Enterprise Viewer CHANGE HEALTHCARE CANADA COMPANY
39 15420045512634 Unifi Workspace V1.0 Unifi Workspace HOLOGIC, INC.
40 15420045511859 Unifi Workspace V1.0 Unifi Workspace HOLOGIC, INC.
41 15420045510319 2.2 Breast Density Assessment Software Quantra HOLOGIC, INC.
42 15420045504806 1.0 DigitalNow HD DigitalNow HD HOLOGIC, INC.
43 15420045504790 2.1 Breast Density Assessment Quantra HOLOGIC, INC.
44 15420045504691 PRIMA PRIMA HOLOGIC, INC.
45 15420045504684 MultiView MULTIVIEW HOLOGIC, INC.
46 15420045504523 SecurView DX SecurView Diagnostic Workstation HOLOGIC, INC.
47 14573443600029 Ver. ZedView LEXI CO., LTD.
48 14260495880331 3.3.0 The product mint Lesion helps qualified radiologists with the image-based diagno The product mint Lesion helps qualified radiologists with the image-based diagnosis and treatment response assessment of oncological diseases. Fields of application are radiological diagnosis and follow-up examinations in oncology, as well as clinical or pharmaceutical drug trials across a defined group of patients. mint Lesion implements various radiological guidelines and response evaluation criteria, such as RECIST (Response Evaluation Criteria In Solid Tumors). This also includes the assessment of the stage of oncological disease (staging) and the objective response to therapy (e.g. timepoint response / overall response). The timepoint response is an empirical measure to evaluate therapy success according to the response criteria in use. It is mainly used to assess patient cohorts in the course of clinical trials of novel therapy agents. The timepoint response may differ from a radiological assessment of response to therapy and must not be used as a surrogate. mint Lesion allows for the documentation of size and assessment of changes in size of solid tumors described by the respective criteria that are monitored by means of radiological imaging (computed tomography (CT), magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), nuclear medicine (PET, NM), digital radiography (XR, CR)). mint Lesion follows the typical workflow of follow-up examinations, from assessment to reporting, and enables the integration of a clinical-radiological software environment (PACS, Picture Archiving and Communication System). Assessment results can be exported into different electronical formats and processed further by other applications. mintLesion® MINT MEDICAL GMBH
49 M722Z19154V191210 1.0.2 ClearRead CT Console ClearRead CT Console RIVERAIN TECHNOLOGIES, INC.
50 M722Z19122V191210 ClearRead CT Console ClearRead CT Console RIVERAIN TECHNOLOGIES, INC.