Other products from "3M DEUTSCHLAND GMBH"
No Primary DI Version or Model Catalog Number Device Description Product Code Product Code Name Device Class Brand Name
1 04035077001151 68370 68370 3M™ ESPE™ Rocatec™ Accessory Pack, 68370 KLE,EJH AGENT, TOOTH BONDING, RESIN,ALLOY, METAL, BASE 2 Rocatec™
2 04054596646261 36850 36850 3M™ ESPE™ Imprint™ Bite Refill Pack, 36850 EID,ELW SYRINGE, RESTORATIVE AND IMPRESSION MATERIAL,MATERIAL, IMPRESSION 1 3M™ ESPE™ Imprint™
3 J001702011438180 69400 69400 3M™ ESPE™ Sinfony™ Deluxe Set, 69400 KLE,EBF AGENT, TOOTH BONDING, RESIN,MATERIAL, TOOTH SHADE, RESIN 2 Sinfony™
4 J001702011426120 56420 56420 3M™ ESPE™ Ketac™ Molar Aplicap™ Glass Ionomer Restorative Shade A3 Refill, 56420 EMA CEMENT, DENTAL Ketac™ Molar Aplicap™
5 J001702011426040 56430 56430 3M™ ESPE™ Ketac™ Molar Aplicap™ Glass Ionomer Restorative Shade A1 Refill, 56430 EMA CEMENT, DENTAL Ketac™ Molar Aplicap™
6 J001702011425960 56433 56433 3M™ ESPE™ Ketac™ Molar Aplicap™ Glass Ionomer Restorative Material Refill, 56433 EMA CEMENT, DENTAL Ketac™ Molar Aplicap™
7 J001702011425880 56432 56432 3M™ ESPE™ Ketac™ Molar Aplicap™ Glass Ionomer Restorative Material Refill, 56432 EMA CEMENT, DENTAL Ketac™ Molar Aplicap™
8 J001702011425700 56410 56410 3M™ ESPE™ Ketac™ Molar Aplicap™ Glass Ionomer Restorative Assorted Shades Refill, 56410 EMA CEMENT, DENTAL 2 Ketac™ Molar Aplicap™
9 J001702011423310 71535 71535 3M™ ESPE™ Imprint™ 4 Super Quick Heavy VPS Impression Material Intro Kit, 71535 EID,ELW SYRINGE, RESTORATIVE AND IMPRESSION MATERIAL,MATERIAL, IMPRESSION Imprint™ 4 Super Quick Heavy
10 J001702011422650 71532 71532 3M™ ESPE™ Imprint™ 4 Super Quick Heavy Economy Pack, 71532 ELW MATERIAL, IMPRESSION Imprint™ 4 Super Quick Heavy
11 J001702011417390 71516 71516 3M™ ESPE™ Imprint™ 4 Super Quick Heavy Sample Pack, 71516 ELW,EID MATERIAL, IMPRESSION,SYRINGE, RESTORATIVE AND IMPRESSION MATERIAL Imprint™ 4 Super Quick Heavy
12 J001702011414810 71493 71493 3M™ ESPE™ Imprint™ 4 Super Quick Heavy Refill, 71493 ELW,EID MATERIAL, IMPRESSION,SYRINGE, RESTORATIVE AND IMPRESSION MATERIAL Imprint™ 4 Super Quick Heavy
14 J001702011378360 36956 36956 3M™ ESPE™ Imprint™ 3 Ultra Regular Body VPS Impression Material Refill, 36956 ELW,EID MATERIAL, IMPRESSION,SYRINGE, RESTORATIVE AND IMPRESSION MATERIAL Imprint™ 3 Ultra-Regular Body
15 J001702011377110 10778 10778 3M™ ESPE™ Imprint™ 3 Light Body VPS Impression Material Refill, 10778 ELW,EID MATERIAL, IMPRESSION,SYRINGE, RESTORATIVE AND IMPRESSION MATERIAL Imprint™ 3 Light Body
16 J001702011376040 46973 46973 3M™ ESPE™ Protemp™ Plus Temporization Material Refill A3.5, 46973 EID,EBG SYRINGE, RESTORATIVE AND IMPRESSION MATERIAL,CROWN AND BRIDGE, TEMPORARY, RESIN 1 Protemp™ Plus
18 J001702011360280 38237 38237 3M™ ESPE™ Durelon™ Carboxylate Luting Cement Fast-Set Powder Triple Pack, 38237 EMA CEMENT, DENTAL Durelon™
19 J001702011360100 38236 38236 3M™ ESPE™ Durelon™ Carboxylate Luting Cement Triple Pack Powder, 38236 EMA CEMENT, DENTAL Durelon™
20 J001702011360020 38235 38235 3M™ ESPE™ Durelon™ CD Carboxylate Luting Cement Triple Pack, 38235 EMA CEMENT, DENTAL 2 Durelon™
21 J001702011359960 38234 38234 3M™ ESPE™ Durelon™ Carboxylate Luting Cement Triple Pack, 38234 EMA CEMENT, DENTAL 2 Durelon™
22 J001702011359700 46968 46968 3M™ ESPE™ Protemp™ Plus Temporization Material Sample Pack, 46968 EBG,EID CROWN AND BRIDGE, TEMPORARY, RESIN,SYRINGE, RESTORATIVE AND IMPRESSION MATERIAL 1 Protemp™ Plus
23 J001702011346500 31788 31788 3M™ ESPE™ Impregum™ Garant™ Soft Quick Step Polyether Impression Material Refill, 31788 EID,ELW SYRINGE, RESTORATIVE AND IMPRESSION MATERIAL,MATERIAL, IMPRESSION Impregum™ Soft Quick Step
24 J001702011342470 46964 46964 3M™ ESPE™ Protemp™ Plus Temporization Material Refill Bleach, 46964 EID,EBG SYRINGE, RESTORATIVE AND IMPRESSION MATERIAL,CROWN AND BRIDGE, TEMPORARY, RESIN 1 Protemp™ Plus
25 J001702011342390 46963 46963 3M™ ESPE™ Protemp™ Plus Temporization Material Refill A2, 46963 EID,EBG SYRINGE, RESTORATIVE AND IMPRESSION MATERIAL,CROWN AND BRIDGE, TEMPORARY, RESIN 1 Protemp™ Plus
26 J001702011326620 46961 46961 3M™ ESPE™ Protemp™ Plus Temporization Material Refill B3, 46961 EBG,EID CROWN AND BRIDGE, TEMPORARY, RESIN,SYRINGE, RESTORATIVE AND IMPRESSION MATERIAL 1 Protemp™ Plus
27 J001702011326390 46958 46958 3M™ ESPE™ Protemp™ Plus Temporization Material Refill A3, 46958 EID,EBG SYRINGE, RESTORATIVE AND IMPRESSION MATERIAL,CROWN AND BRIDGE, TEMPORARY, RESIN 1 Protemp™ Plus
28 J001702011326050 46955 46955 3M™ ESPE™ Protemp™ Plus Temporization Material Refill A1, 46955 EBG,EID CROWN AND BRIDGE, TEMPORARY, RESIN,SYRINGE, RESTORATIVE AND IMPRESSION MATERIAL 1 Protemp™ Plus
29 J001702011153370 35014 35014 3M™ ESPE™ RelyX™ Temp E Zinc Oxide Eugenol Temporary Cement Refill, 35014 EMB ZINC OXIDE EUGENOL 1 RelyX™ Temp E
30 J001702011135220 49150 49150 3M™ ESPE™ Sinfony™ Dentin-Material D B0 Shade Dispenser Refill, 49150 EBF MATERIAL, TOOTH SHADE, RESIN 2 Sinfony™
31 J001702011135140 49099 49099 3M™ ESPE™ Sinfony™ Light-Curing Composite Single Pack, 49099 EBF MATERIAL, TOOTH SHADE, RESIN 2 Sinfony™
32 J001702011127890 36515 36515 3M™ ESPE™ Dimension™ Garant™ L VPS Impression Material Refill, 36515 ELW,EID MATERIAL, IMPRESSION,SYRINGE, RESTORATIVE AND IMPRESSION MATERIAL Dimension™ Garant™ L
33 J001702011101710 38059 38059 3M™ ESPE™ Durelon™ CD Carboxylate Luting Cement Calibrated Dispenser Intro Kit, 38059 EMA CEMENT, DENTAL 2 Durelon™
34 J001702011076150 68370 68370 3M™ ESPE™ Rocatec™ Accessory Pack, 68370 KLE,EJH AGENT, TOOTH BONDING, RESIN,ALLOY, METAL, BASE 2 Rocatec™
35 J001702011073750 49870 49870 3M™ ESPE™ Sinfony™ Activation Liquid Refill, 49870 EBF MATERIAL, TOOTH SHADE, RESIN 2 Sinfony™
36 J001702011073670 49860 49860 3M™ ESPE™ Sinfony™ Opaquer Liquid Refill, 49860 EBF MATERIAL, TOOTH SHADE, RESIN 2 Sinfony™
37 J001702011073590 49850 49850 3M™ ESPE™ Sinfony™ Intensive-Opaquer Powder IO 5 Ochre Shade Dispenser Refill, 49850 EBF MATERIAL, TOOTH SHADE, RESIN 2 Sinfony™
38 J001702011073420 49840 49840 3M™ ESPE™ Sinfony™ Intensive-Opaquer Powder IO 4 Purple-Grey Shade Dispenser Refill, 49840 EBF MATERIAL, TOOTH SHADE, RESIN 2 Sinfony™
39 J001702011073340 49830 49830 3M™ ESPE™ Sinfony™ Intensive-Opaquer Powder IO 3 Brown Shade Dispenser Refill, 49830 EBF MATERIAL, TOOTH SHADE, RESIN 2 Sinfony™
40 J001702011073260 49820 49820 3M™ ESPE™ Sinfony™ Intensive-Opaquer Powder IO 2 Orange Shade Dispenser Refill, 49820 EBF MATERIAL, TOOTH SHADE, RESIN 2 Sinfony™
41 J001702011073180 49810 49810 3M™ ESPE™ Sinfony™ Intensive-Opaquer Powder IO 1 Pink Shade Dispenser Refill, 49810 EBF MATERIAL, TOOTH SHADE, RESIN 2 Sinfony™
42 J001702011073000 49780 49780 3M™ ESPE™ Sinfony™ Opaquer Powder D4 Shade Dispenser Refill, 49780 EBF MATERIAL, TOOTH SHADE, RESIN 2 Sinfony™
43 J001702011072920 49770 49770 3M™ ESPE™ Sinfony™ Opaquer Powder D3 Shade Dispenser Refill, 49770 EBF MATERIAL, TOOTH SHADE, RESIN 2 Sinfony™
44 J001702011072840 49760 49760 3M™ ESPE™ Sinfony™ Opaquer Powder D2 Shade Dispenser Refill, 49760 EBF MATERIAL, TOOTH SHADE, RESIN 2 Sinfony™
45 J001702011072760 49740 49740 3M™ ESPE™ Sinfony™ Opaquer Powder C4 Shade Dispenser Refill, 49740 EBF MATERIAL, TOOTH SHADE, RESIN 2 Sinfony™
46 J001702011072680 49730 49730 3M™ ESPE™ Sinfony™ Opaquer Powder C3 Shade Dispenser Refill, 49730 EBF MATERIAL, TOOTH SHADE, RESIN 2 Sinfony™
47 J001702011072500 49720 49720 3M™ ESPE™ Sinfony™ Opaquer Powder C2 Shade Dispenser Refill, 49720 EBF MATERIAL, TOOTH SHADE, RESIN 2 Sinfony™
48 J001702011072430 49710 49710 3M™ ESPE™ Sinfony™ Opaquer Powder C1 Shade Dispenser Refill, 49710 EBF MATERIAL, TOOTH SHADE, RESIN 2 Sinfony™
49 J001702011072350 49690 49690 3M™ ESPE™ Sinfony™ Opaquer Powder B4 Shade Dispenser Refill, 49690 EBF MATERIAL, TOOTH SHADE, RESIN 2 Sinfony™
50 J001702011072270 49680 49680 3M™ ESPE™ Sinfony™ Opaquer Powder B3 Shade Dispenser Refill, 49680 EBF MATERIAL, TOOTH SHADE, RESIN 2 Sinfony™
Other products with the same Product Code "EMA"
No Primary DI Version or Model Catalog Number Device Description Brand Name Organization Name
1 10304040053727 9004392 9004392 Maxima LGI Resin Cement Henry Schein HENRY SCHEIN, INC.
2 10303620001417 01E0130 SEPTODONT CIMPAT S 4 - 7.5GM SYR KIT SEPTODONT, INC
3 M595S4130 S413 S413 MTL-V Primer 3ml. NA PARKELL, INC.
4 M595S3990 S399 S399 L-Powder Clear 3 grams for C&B METABOND® METABOND® PARKELL, INC.
5 M595S3980 S398 S398 ‘B’ Quick Base 10ml. for C&B METABOND® METABOND® PARKELL, INC.
6 M595S3950 S395 S395 Enamel Etchant Gel (Red) 5ml. for C&B METABOND® C&B METABOND® PARKELL, INC.
7 M595S3940 S394 S394 ‘A’ Gel Universal Dentin Activator 5ml. for C&B METABOND® & AMALGAMBOND® NA PARKELL, INC.
8 M595S3930 S393 S393 ‘A’ Liquid Universal Dentin Activator 6ml. for C&B METABOND® & AMALGAMBOND® NA PARKELL, INC.
9 M595S3800 S380 S380 C&B METABOND® Adhesive Cement System METABOND® PARKELL, INC.
10 M595S2740 S274 S274 SEcure® Dentin Shade Resin Cement 9g Syringe (with 10 Tips) SEcure® PARKELL, INC.
11 M595S2730 S273 S273 SEcure® White Opaque Shade Resin Cement 9g Syringe (with 10 Tips) SEcure® PARKELL, INC.
12 M595S2720 S272 S272 SEcure® Translucent Shade Resin Cement 9g Syringe (with 10 Tips) SEcure® PARKELL, INC.
13 M595S2710 S271 S271 SEcure® Self-Etch Primer 3ml SEcure® PARKELL, INC.
14 M595S2700 S270 S270 SEcure® Resin Cement System Kit with Translucent Shade SEcure® PARKELL, INC.
15 M595S2500 S250 S250 Retrieve™ Non-Eugenol Resin-Based Implant Cement Retrieve™ PARKELL, INC.
16 08809262954234 101-1013 101-1013 Estemp Implant Cement SPIDENT CO., LTD.
17 08809262954227 101-1012 101-1012 Estemp NE Temporary Cement SPIDENT CO., LTD.
18 08809262954210 101-1011 101-1011 Estemp Eugenol Temporary Cement SPIDENT CO., LTD.
19 08809254457569 UP103-AU0S Self-Adhesive Universal Resin Cement; Auto-mix 3g(Universal)X1cartridge, mixing Self-Adhesive Universal Resin Cement; Auto-mix 3g(Universal)X1cartridge, mixing tipX4ea, intraoral tipX4ea U-Cem Premium VERICOM CO., LTD.
20 08809254457484 UP103-DU0S Self-Adhesive Universal Resin Cement; Hand-mix 3g(Universal)X1cartridge, mixing Self-Adhesive Universal Resin Cement; Hand-mix 3g(Universal)X1cartridge, mixing padX10ea, spatulaX1ea U-Cem Premium VERICOM CO., LTD.
21 08809254457477 UP118-DO00 Self-Adhesive Universal Resin Cement: Hand-mix 9g(Opaque)X2cartridge, mixing pad Self-Adhesive Universal Resin Cement: Hand-mix 9g(Opaque)X2cartridge, mixing padX50ea, spatulaX1ea U-Cem Premium VERICOM CO., LTD.
22 08809254457460 UP118-DU00 Self-Adhesive Universal Resin Cement; Hand-mix 9g(Universal)X2cartridege, mixing Self-Adhesive Universal Resin Cement; Hand-mix 9g(Universal)X2cartridege, mixing padX50ea, spatulaX1ea U-Cem Premium VERICOM CO., LTD.
23 08809254457453 UP118-DC00 Self-Adhesive Universal Resin Cement; Hand-mix 9g(Clear)X2cartridge, mixing padX Self-Adhesive Universal Resin Cement; Hand-mix 9g(Clear)X2cartridge, mixing padX50ea, spatulaX1ea U-Cem Premium VERICOM CO., LTD.
24 08809254457446 UP118-AO00 Self-Adhesive Universal Resin Cement; Auto-mix 9g(Opaque)X2cartridge, mixing tip Self-Adhesive Universal Resin Cement; Auto-mix 9g(Opaque)X2cartridge, mixing tipX10ea, intraoral tipX10ea U-Cem Premium VERICOM CO., LTD.
25 08809254457439 UP118-AU00 Self-Adhesive Universal Resin Cement; Auto-mix 9g(Universal)X2cartridge, mixing Self-Adhesive Universal Resin Cement; Auto-mix 9g(Universal)X2cartridge, mixing tipX10ea, intraoral tipX10ea U-Cem Premium VERICOM CO., LTD.
26 08809254457422 UP118-AC00 Self-Adhesive Universal Resin Cement; Auto-mix 9g(Clear)X2cartridge, mixing tipX Self-Adhesive Universal Resin Cement; Auto-mix 9g(Clear)X2cartridge, mixing tipX10ea, intraoral tipX10ea U-Cem Premium VERICOM CO., LTD.
27 08809254457415 UP109-DO00 Self-Adhesive Universal Resin Cement; Hand-mix 9g(Opaque)X1cartridge, mixing pad Self-Adhesive Universal Resin Cement; Hand-mix 9g(Opaque)X1cartridge, mixing padX50ea, spatulaX1ea U-Cem Premium VERICOM CO., LTD.
28 08809254457408 UP109-DU00 Self-Adhesive Universal Resin Cement; Hand-mix 9g(Universal)X1cartridge, mixing Self-Adhesive Universal Resin Cement; Hand-mix 9g(Universal)X1cartridge, mixing padX50ea, spatulaX1ea U-Cem Premium VERICOM CO., LTD.
29 08809254457392 UP109-DC00 Self-Adhesive Universal Resin Cement: Hand-mix 9g(Clear)X1cartridge, mixing padX Self-Adhesive Universal Resin Cement: Hand-mix 9g(Clear)X1cartridge, mixing padX50ea, spatulaX1ea U-Cem Premium VERICOM CO., LTD.
30 08809254457385 UP109-DO01 Self-Adhesive Universal Resin Cement; Hand-mix 9g(Opaque)X1cartridge U-Cem Premium VERICOM CO., LTD.
31 08809254457378 UP109-DU01 Self-Adhesive Universal Resin Cement; Hand-mix 9g(Universal)X1cartridge U-Cem Premium VERICOM CO., LTD.
32 08809254457361 UP109-DC01 Self-Adhesive Universal Resin Cement; Hand-mix 9g(Clear)X1cartridge U-Cem Premium VERICOM CO., LTD.
33 08809254457354 UP109-AO00 Self-Adhesive Universal Resin Cement; Auto-mix 9g(Opaque)X1cartridge, mixing tip Self-Adhesive Universal Resin Cement; Auto-mix 9g(Opaque)X1cartridge, mixing tipX10ea, intraoral tipX10ea U-Cem Premium VERICOM CO., LTD.
34 08809254457347 UP109-AU00 Self-Adhesive Universal Resin Cement; Auto-mix 9g(Universal)X1cartridge, mixing Self-Adhesive Universal Resin Cement; Auto-mix 9g(Universal)X1cartridge, mixing tipX10ea, Intraoral tipX10ea U-Cem Premium VERICOM CO., LTD.
35 08809254457330 UP109-AC00 Self-Adhesive Universal Resin Cement; Auto-mix 9g(Clear)X1cartridge, mixing tipX Self-Adhesive Universal Resin Cement; Auto-mix 9g(Clear)X1cartridge, mixing tipX10ea, intraoral tipX10ea U-Cem Premium VERICOM CO., LTD.
36 08809254457323 UP109-AO01 Self-Adhesive Universal Resin Cement; Auto-mix 9g(Opaque)X1cartridge U-Cem Premium VERICOM CO., LTD.
37 08809254457316 UP109-AU01 Self-Adhesive Universal Resin Cement; Auto-mix 9g(Universal)X1cartridge U-Cem Premium VERICOM CO., LTD.
38 08809254457309 UP109-AC01 Self-Adhesive Universal Resin Cement; Auto-mix 9g(Clear)X1cartridge U-Cem Premium VERICOM CO., LTD.
39 08806387894094 9409 Metacem is a high strength, permanent visible light cured (VLC), dual cured or s Metacem is a high strength, permanent visible light cured (VLC), dual cured or self-cured resin cement for use with dentin/enamel adhesive prime and bond systems, to adhesively bond and lute indirect restorations to tooth structure. Metacem TL META BIOMED CO., LTD.
40 08806387894087 9408 Metacem is a high strength, permanent visible light cured (VLC), dual cured or s Metacem is a high strength, permanent visible light cured (VLC), dual cured or self-cured resin cement for use with dentin/enamel adhesive prime and bond systems, to adhesively bond and lute indirect restorations to tooth structure. Metacem OP META BIOMED CO., LTD.
41 08806387894070 9407 Metacem is a high strength, permanent visible light cured (VLC), dual cured or s Metacem is a high strength, permanent visible light cured (VLC), dual cured or self-cured resin cement for use with dentin/enamel adhesive prime and bond systems, to adhesively bond and lute indirect restorations to tooth structure. Metacem B2 META BIOMED CO., LTD.
42 08806387894063 9406 Metacem is a high strength, permanent visible light cured (VLC), dual cured or s Metacem is a high strength, permanent visible light cured (VLC), dual cured or self-cured resin cement for use with dentin/enamel adhesive prime and bond systems, to adhesively bond and lute indirect restorations to tooth structure. Metacem A3 META BIOMED CO., LTD.
43 08806387894056 9405 Metacem is a high strength, permanent visible light cured (VLC), dual cured or s Metacem is a high strength, permanent visible light cured (VLC), dual cured or self-cured resin cement for use with dentin/enamel adhesive prime and bond systems, to adhesively bond and lute indirect restorations to tooth structure. Metacem A1 META BIOMED CO., LTD.
44 08806387894049 9404 Metacem is a high strength, permanent visible light cured (VLC), dual cured or Metacem is a high strength, permanent visible light cured (VLC), dual cured or self-cured resin cement for use with dentin/enamel adhesive prime and bond systems, to adhesively bond and lute indirect restorations to tooth structure. Metacem Kit META BIOMED CO., LTD.
45 08806387892212 9221 Meta P&Bond is a wet bond adhesive system that is activated by visible light cur Meta P&Bond is a wet bond adhesive system that is activated by visible light curing. This bonding agent is one-step for priming and bonding. It is formulated to adhesively bond to hard surfaces of the oral cavity, namely enamel and dentin, for use with dental cements like Metacem. Meta P&Bond META BIOMED CO., LTD.
46 08806387892205 9220 Metacem is a high strength, permanent visible light cured (VLC), dual cured or s Metacem is a high strength, permanent visible light cured (VLC), dual cured or self-cured resin cement for use with dentin/enamel adhesive prime and bond systems, to adhesively bond and lute indirect restorations to tooth structure. metacem TL META BIOMED CO., LTD.
47 08806387892199 9219 Metacem is a high strength, permanent visible light cured (VLC), dual cured or s Metacem is a high strength, permanent visible light cured (VLC), dual cured or self-cured resin cement for use with dentin/enamel adhesive prime and bond systems, to adhesively bond and lute indirect restorations to tooth structure. Metacem OP META BIOMED CO., LTD.
48 08806387892182 9218 Metacem is a high strength, permanent visible light cured (VLC), dual cured or s Metacem is a high strength, permanent visible light cured (VLC), dual cured or self-cured resin cement for use with dentin/enamel adhesive prime and bond systems, to adhesively bond and lute indirect restorations to tooth structure. Metacem B2 META BIOMED CO., LTD.
49 08806387892175 9217 Metacem is a high strength, permanent visible light cured (VLC), dual cured or s Metacem is a high strength, permanent visible light cured (VLC), dual cured or self-cured resin cement for use with dentin/enamel adhesive prime and bond systems, to adhesively bond and lute indirect restorations to tooth structure. Metacem A3 META BIOMED CO., LTD.
50 08806387892168 9216 Metacem is a high strength, permanent visible light cured (VLC), dual cured or s Metacem is a high strength, permanent visible light cured (VLC), dual cured or self-cured resin cement for use with dentin/enamel adhesive prime and bond systems, to adhesively bond and lute indirect restorations to tooth structure. Metacem A1 META BIOMED CO., LTD.