EKF Link is a data and device management system that enables healthcare professi
EKF Link is a data and device management system that enables healthcare professionals to transfer, manage, store and display measurement results from point -of-care diagnostic testing analyzers. EKF Link enables the allocation of additional information to measurement results and facilitates the export or transfer of data for documentation purposes.EKF Link is intended to be used as an optional software application with EKF point -of-care analyzers and open to be interfaced to other vendor’s point-of-care testing analyzers verified for connection with EKF Link.EKF Link facilitates the setting of configurable options of connected analyzers.
Calculator/Data Processing Module, For Clinical Use
Hemoglobin Reagent, for the quantitative determination of Hemoglobin in whole bl
Hemoglobin Reagent, for the quantitative determination of Hemoglobin in whole blood. Size: 1 x 500 mL
Reagent intended for use as human hemoglobin standard for the cyanmethemoglobin
Reagent intended for use as human hemoglobin standard for the cyanmethemoglobin hemoglobin procedure1 x 2.0ml
The AimStrip® Hemoglobin Testing System is for the quantitative determination o
The AimStrip® Hemoglobin Testing System is for the quantitative determination of hemoglobin in non-anticoagulated capillary whole blood or anticoagulated venous whole blood in EDTA or sodium heparin.
For the quantitative determination of hemoglobin in non-anticoagulated capillary
For the quantitative determination of hemoglobin in non-anticoagulated capillary whole blood or anticoagulated venous whole blood in EDTA or sodium heparin. The testing system is designed for point-of-care use in primary care settings.
For the quantitative determination of hemoglobin in capillary, venous or arteria
For the quantitative determination of hemoglobin in capillary, venous or arterial whole blood.
The HemoPoint® H2 system is intended for the quantitative determination of hemog
The HemoPoint® H2 system is intended for the quantitative determination of hemoglobin (Hgb) in whole blood of adults, infants, and children in a professional point-of-care setting. It consists of a dedicated photometer and individual, single-use microcuvettes filled with reagents.
For the quantitative determination of hemoglobin in capillary, venous or arteria
For the quantitative determination of hemoglobin in capillary, venous or arterial whole blood.
The HemoPoint® H2 system is intended for the quantitative determination of hemog
The HemoPoint® H2 system is intended for the quantitative determination of hemoglobin (Hgb) in whole blood of adults, infants, and children in a professional point-of-care setting. It consists of a dedicated photometer and individual, single-use microcuvettes filled with reagents.
The STAT-Site® M Hgb Meter is a dedicated reflectance photometer designed to acc
The STAT-Site® M Hgb Meter is a dedicated reflectance photometer designed to accept only STAT-Site® M Hgb CODE Keys and STAT-Site® M Hgb Test Cards. This test system is intended for the quantitative determination of hemoglobin in the whole blood of adults, infants, and children in a physician’s office or other professional point-of-care setting.
The Stanbio STAT-Site® MHgb Test Kit is intended for the quantitative determinat
The Stanbio STAT-Site® MHgb Test Kit is intended for the quantitative determination of hemoglobin in whole blood using the Stanbio STAT-Site® MHgb Meter. The STAT-Site® MHgb Test may be used with adults, infants, and children in a physician’s office or other professional point-of-care setting.
The STAT-Site® M Hgb Meter is a dedicated reflectance photometer designed to acc
The STAT-Site® M Hgb Meter is a dedicated reflectance photometer designed to accept only STAT-Site® M Hgb CODE Keys and STAT-Site® M Hgb Test Cards. This test system is intended for the quantitative determination of hemoglobin in the whole blood of adults, infants, and children in a physician’s office or other professional point-of-care setting.
RAPIDPoint® 405/500 Measurement Cartridge (100 tests) - pH, pCO2, pO2, Na+, Ca++
RAPIDPoint® 405/500 Measurement Cartridge (100 tests) - pH, pCO2, pO2, Na+, Ca++, Cl-, K+, Glu, tHb, FO2Hb, FHHb, FCOHb, FMetHb, nBili is an in vitro diagnostics device which is intended to be used on the RAPIDPoint® 405/500 analyzers.
RAPIDPoint® 405/500 Measurement Cartridge (100 tests) - pH, pCO2, pO2, tHb, FO2H
RAPIDPoint® 405/500 Measurement Cartridge (100 tests) - pH, pCO2, pO2, tHb, FO2Hb, FHHb, FCOHb, FMetHb, nBili is an in vitro diagnostics device which is intended to be used on the RAPIDPoint® 405/500 analyzers.
RAPIDPoint® 400 Measurement Cartridge (100 tests) - pH, pCO2, pO2, Na+, Ca++, Cl
RAPIDPoint® 400 Measurement Cartridge (100 tests) - pH, pCO2, pO2, Na+, Ca++, Cl-, K+, Glu, Hct is an invitro diagnostics device which is intended to be used on the RAPIDPoint® 400 analyzer.
NA+/K+/CA++/CL- Electrode fill solution. In vitro diagnostics material for use w
NA+/K+/CA++/CL- Electrode fill solution. In vitro diagnostics material for use with RAPIDLab® 1200 electrodes.
pH electrode fill soultion, in vitro diagnostics material for use with RAPIDLab®
pH electrode fill soultion, in vitro diagnostics material for use with RAPIDLab® 1200 series electrodes