Other products from "3M DEUTSCHLAND GMBH"
No Primary DI Version or Model Catalog Number Device Description Product Code Product Code Name Device Class Brand Name
1 04035077001151 68370 68370 3M™ ESPE™ Rocatec™ Accessory Pack, 68370 KLE,EJH AGENT, TOOTH BONDING, RESIN,ALLOY, METAL, BASE 2 Rocatec™
2 04054596646261 36850 36850 3M™ ESPE™ Imprint™ Bite Refill Pack, 36850 EID,ELW SYRINGE, RESTORATIVE AND IMPRESSION MATERIAL,MATERIAL, IMPRESSION 1 3M™ ESPE™ Imprint™
3 J001702011438180 69400 69400 3M™ ESPE™ Sinfony™ Deluxe Set, 69400 KLE,EBF AGENT, TOOTH BONDING, RESIN,MATERIAL, TOOTH SHADE, RESIN 2 Sinfony™
4 J001702011426120 56420 56420 3M™ ESPE™ Ketac™ Molar Aplicap™ Glass Ionomer Restorative Shade A3 Refill, 56420 EMA CEMENT, DENTAL Ketac™ Molar Aplicap™
5 J001702011426040 56430 56430 3M™ ESPE™ Ketac™ Molar Aplicap™ Glass Ionomer Restorative Shade A1 Refill, 56430 EMA CEMENT, DENTAL Ketac™ Molar Aplicap™
6 J001702011425960 56433 56433 3M™ ESPE™ Ketac™ Molar Aplicap™ Glass Ionomer Restorative Material Refill, 56433 EMA CEMENT, DENTAL Ketac™ Molar Aplicap™
7 J001702011425880 56432 56432 3M™ ESPE™ Ketac™ Molar Aplicap™ Glass Ionomer Restorative Material Refill, 56432 EMA CEMENT, DENTAL Ketac™ Molar Aplicap™
8 J001702011425700 56410 56410 3M™ ESPE™ Ketac™ Molar Aplicap™ Glass Ionomer Restorative Assorted Shades Refill, 56410 EMA CEMENT, DENTAL 2 Ketac™ Molar Aplicap™
9 J001702011423310 71535 71535 3M™ ESPE™ Imprint™ 4 Super Quick Heavy VPS Impression Material Intro Kit, 71535 EID,ELW SYRINGE, RESTORATIVE AND IMPRESSION MATERIAL,MATERIAL, IMPRESSION Imprint™ 4 Super Quick Heavy
10 J001702011422650 71532 71532 3M™ ESPE™ Imprint™ 4 Super Quick Heavy Economy Pack, 71532 ELW MATERIAL, IMPRESSION Imprint™ 4 Super Quick Heavy
11 J001702011417390 71516 71516 3M™ ESPE™ Imprint™ 4 Super Quick Heavy Sample Pack, 71516 ELW,EID MATERIAL, IMPRESSION,SYRINGE, RESTORATIVE AND IMPRESSION MATERIAL Imprint™ 4 Super Quick Heavy
12 J001702011414810 71493 71493 3M™ ESPE™ Imprint™ 4 Super Quick Heavy Refill, 71493 ELW,EID MATERIAL, IMPRESSION,SYRINGE, RESTORATIVE AND IMPRESSION MATERIAL Imprint™ 4 Super Quick Heavy
13 J001702011378510 31789 31789 3M™ ESPE™ Impregum™ Garant™ Soft Quick Step Polyether Impression Material Intro Kit, 31789 ELW,EID,EBH MATERIAL, IMPRESSION,SYRINGE, RESTORATIVE AND IMPRESSION MATERIAL,MATERIAL, IMPR 1 Impregum™ Soft Quick Step
14 J001702011378360 36956 36956 3M™ ESPE™ Imprint™ 3 Ultra Regular Body VPS Impression Material Refill, 36956 ELW,EID MATERIAL, IMPRESSION,SYRINGE, RESTORATIVE AND IMPRESSION MATERIAL Imprint™ 3 Ultra-Regular Body
15 J001702011377110 10778 10778 3M™ ESPE™ Imprint™ 3 Light Body VPS Impression Material Refill, 10778 ELW,EID MATERIAL, IMPRESSION,SYRINGE, RESTORATIVE AND IMPRESSION MATERIAL Imprint™ 3 Light Body
16 J001702011376040 46973 46973 3M™ ESPE™ Protemp™ Plus Temporization Material Refill A3.5, 46973 EID,EBG SYRINGE, RESTORATIVE AND IMPRESSION MATERIAL,CROWN AND BRIDGE, TEMPORARY, RESIN 1 Protemp™ Plus
17 J001702011374140 46962 46962 3M™ ESPE™ Protemp™ Plus Temporization Material Intro Kit A2, 46962 EBF,EBG,EID,EMA MATERIAL, TOOTH SHADE, RESIN,CROWN AND BRIDGE, TEMPORARY, RESIN,SYRINGE, RESTORA 1 Protemp™ Plus
18 J001702011360280 38237 38237 3M™ ESPE™ Durelon™ Carboxylate Luting Cement Fast-Set Powder Triple Pack, 38237 EMA CEMENT, DENTAL Durelon™
19 J001702011360100 38236 38236 3M™ ESPE™ Durelon™ Carboxylate Luting Cement Triple Pack Powder, 38236 EMA CEMENT, DENTAL Durelon™
20 J001702011360020 38235 38235 3M™ ESPE™ Durelon™ CD Carboxylate Luting Cement Triple Pack, 38235 EMA CEMENT, DENTAL 2 Durelon™
21 J001702011359960 38234 38234 3M™ ESPE™ Durelon™ Carboxylate Luting Cement Triple Pack, 38234 EMA CEMENT, DENTAL 2 Durelon™
22 J001702011359700 46968 46968 3M™ ESPE™ Protemp™ Plus Temporization Material Sample Pack, 46968 EBG,EID CROWN AND BRIDGE, TEMPORARY, RESIN,SYRINGE, RESTORATIVE AND IMPRESSION MATERIAL 1 Protemp™ Plus
23 J001702011346500 31788 31788 3M™ ESPE™ Impregum™ Garant™ Soft Quick Step Polyether Impression Material Refill, 31788 EID,ELW SYRINGE, RESTORATIVE AND IMPRESSION MATERIAL,MATERIAL, IMPRESSION Impregum™ Soft Quick Step
24 J001702011342470 46964 46964 3M™ ESPE™ Protemp™ Plus Temporization Material Refill Bleach, 46964 EID,EBG SYRINGE, RESTORATIVE AND IMPRESSION MATERIAL,CROWN AND BRIDGE, TEMPORARY, RESIN 1 Protemp™ Plus
25 J001702011342390 46963 46963 3M™ ESPE™ Protemp™ Plus Temporization Material Refill A2, 46963 EID,EBG SYRINGE, RESTORATIVE AND IMPRESSION MATERIAL,CROWN AND BRIDGE, TEMPORARY, RESIN 1 Protemp™ Plus
26 J001702011326620 46961 46961 3M™ ESPE™ Protemp™ Plus Temporization Material Refill B3, 46961 EBG,EID CROWN AND BRIDGE, TEMPORARY, RESIN,SYRINGE, RESTORATIVE AND IMPRESSION MATERIAL 1 Protemp™ Plus
27 J001702011326390 46958 46958 3M™ ESPE™ Protemp™ Plus Temporization Material Refill A3, 46958 EID,EBG SYRINGE, RESTORATIVE AND IMPRESSION MATERIAL,CROWN AND BRIDGE, TEMPORARY, RESIN 1 Protemp™ Plus
28 J001702011326050 46955 46955 3M™ ESPE™ Protemp™ Plus Temporization Material Refill A1, 46955 EBG,EID CROWN AND BRIDGE, TEMPORARY, RESIN,SYRINGE, RESTORATIVE AND IMPRESSION MATERIAL 1 Protemp™ Plus
29 J001702011153370 35014 35014 3M™ ESPE™ RelyX™ Temp E Zinc Oxide Eugenol Temporary Cement Refill, 35014 EMB ZINC OXIDE EUGENOL 1 RelyX™ Temp E
30 J001702011135220 49150 49150 3M™ ESPE™ Sinfony™ Dentin-Material D B0 Shade Dispenser Refill, 49150 EBF MATERIAL, TOOTH SHADE, RESIN 2 Sinfony™
31 J001702011135140 49099 49099 3M™ ESPE™ Sinfony™ Light-Curing Composite Single Pack, 49099 EBF MATERIAL, TOOTH SHADE, RESIN 2 Sinfony™
32 J001702011127890 36515 36515 3M™ ESPE™ Dimension™ Garant™ L VPS Impression Material Refill, 36515 ELW,EID MATERIAL, IMPRESSION,SYRINGE, RESTORATIVE AND IMPRESSION MATERIAL Dimension™ Garant™ L
33 J001702011101710 38059 38059 3M™ ESPE™ Durelon™ CD Carboxylate Luting Cement Calibrated Dispenser Intro Kit, 38059 EMA CEMENT, DENTAL 2 Durelon™
34 J001702011076150 68370 68370 3M™ ESPE™ Rocatec™ Accessory Pack, 68370 KLE,EJH AGENT, TOOTH BONDING, RESIN,ALLOY, METAL, BASE 2 Rocatec™
35 J001702011073750 49870 49870 3M™ ESPE™ Sinfony™ Activation Liquid Refill, 49870 EBF MATERIAL, TOOTH SHADE, RESIN 2 Sinfony™
36 J001702011073670 49860 49860 3M™ ESPE™ Sinfony™ Opaquer Liquid Refill, 49860 EBF MATERIAL, TOOTH SHADE, RESIN 2 Sinfony™
37 J001702011073590 49850 49850 3M™ ESPE™ Sinfony™ Intensive-Opaquer Powder IO 5 Ochre Shade Dispenser Refill, 49850 EBF MATERIAL, TOOTH SHADE, RESIN 2 Sinfony™
38 J001702011073420 49840 49840 3M™ ESPE™ Sinfony™ Intensive-Opaquer Powder IO 4 Purple-Grey Shade Dispenser Refill, 49840 EBF MATERIAL, TOOTH SHADE, RESIN 2 Sinfony™
39 J001702011073340 49830 49830 3M™ ESPE™ Sinfony™ Intensive-Opaquer Powder IO 3 Brown Shade Dispenser Refill, 49830 EBF MATERIAL, TOOTH SHADE, RESIN 2 Sinfony™
40 J001702011073260 49820 49820 3M™ ESPE™ Sinfony™ Intensive-Opaquer Powder IO 2 Orange Shade Dispenser Refill, 49820 EBF MATERIAL, TOOTH SHADE, RESIN 2 Sinfony™
41 J001702011073180 49810 49810 3M™ ESPE™ Sinfony™ Intensive-Opaquer Powder IO 1 Pink Shade Dispenser Refill, 49810 EBF MATERIAL, TOOTH SHADE, RESIN 2 Sinfony™
42 J001702011073000 49780 49780 3M™ ESPE™ Sinfony™ Opaquer Powder D4 Shade Dispenser Refill, 49780 EBF MATERIAL, TOOTH SHADE, RESIN 2 Sinfony™
43 J001702011072920 49770 49770 3M™ ESPE™ Sinfony™ Opaquer Powder D3 Shade Dispenser Refill, 49770 EBF MATERIAL, TOOTH SHADE, RESIN 2 Sinfony™
44 J001702011072840 49760 49760 3M™ ESPE™ Sinfony™ Opaquer Powder D2 Shade Dispenser Refill, 49760 EBF MATERIAL, TOOTH SHADE, RESIN 2 Sinfony™
45 J001702011072760 49740 49740 3M™ ESPE™ Sinfony™ Opaquer Powder C4 Shade Dispenser Refill, 49740 EBF MATERIAL, TOOTH SHADE, RESIN 2 Sinfony™
46 J001702011072680 49730 49730 3M™ ESPE™ Sinfony™ Opaquer Powder C3 Shade Dispenser Refill, 49730 EBF MATERIAL, TOOTH SHADE, RESIN 2 Sinfony™
47 J001702011072500 49720 49720 3M™ ESPE™ Sinfony™ Opaquer Powder C2 Shade Dispenser Refill, 49720 EBF MATERIAL, TOOTH SHADE, RESIN 2 Sinfony™
48 J001702011072430 49710 49710 3M™ ESPE™ Sinfony™ Opaquer Powder C1 Shade Dispenser Refill, 49710 EBF MATERIAL, TOOTH SHADE, RESIN 2 Sinfony™
49 J001702011072350 49690 49690 3M™ ESPE™ Sinfony™ Opaquer Powder B4 Shade Dispenser Refill, 49690 EBF MATERIAL, TOOTH SHADE, RESIN 2 Sinfony™
50 J001702011072270 49680 49680 3M™ ESPE™ Sinfony™ Opaquer Powder B3 Shade Dispenser Refill, 49680 EBF MATERIAL, TOOTH SHADE, RESIN 2 Sinfony™
Other products with the same Product Code "KLE"
No Primary DI Version or Model Catalog Number Device Description Brand Name Organization Name
1 00723797697115 Snap-N-Go Swab Single swab applicator - Dentin desensitizing liquid formula HurriSeal Dentin Desensitizer Snap-N-Go Swab BEUTLICH PHARMACEUTICALS, LLC
2 D799HG100200 HG10020 HG10020 Hema-Glu is a dental desensitizing agent to be placed under dental cements or ot HEMA-GLU HEALTHDENT'L, LLC
3 D799HG100100 HG10010 HG10010 Fluoride containing dentin cleaning agent to desensitize and clean a prepared to HEMA-BENZ HEALTHDENT'L, LLC
8 D798UNIVHAND140 UNIVHAND14 UNIVHAND14 The University College Kit includes 1 syringe Ultra Band Lok Blue, 1 syringe Lig College Kit RELIANCE ORTHODONTIC PRODUCTS INC
9 D798UAPSAM0 UAPSAM UAPSAM Assure Plus resin is intended to increase adhesion to normal, atypical (wet or d Assure Plus RELIANCE ORTHODONTIC PRODUCTS INC
10 D798UAP501 UAP50 UAP50 Assure Plus resin is intended to increase adhesion to normal, atypical (wet or d Assure Plus RELIANCE ORTHODONTIC PRODUCTS INC
11 D798UAP1 UAPSAM UAPSAM Assure Plus resin is intended to increase adhesion to normal, atypical (wet or d Assure Plus RELIANCE ORTHODONTIC PRODUCTS INC
12 D798SEPR0 SEPR SEPR The Reliance S.E.P.™ is a self etching primer refill cartridge intended to be us Self Etching Primer RELIANCE ORTHODONTIC PRODUCTS INC
13 D798SEPPRO0 SEPPRO SEPPRO The Reliance S.E.P.™ is a self etching primer Kit intended to be used for the p Self Etching primer RELIANCE ORTHODONTIC PRODUCTS INC
14 D798SEPD0 SEPD SEPD The Reliance S.E.P.™ is a self etching primer dispenser is intended to be used f Self Etching Primer RELIANCE ORTHODONTIC PRODUCTS INC
15 D798SEPC0 SEPC SEPC The Reliance S.E.P.™ is a self etching primer Kit intended to be used for the p Self Etching primer RELIANCE ORTHODONTIC PRODUCTS INC
16 D798RTF0 RTF RTF Rely•a•Bond® is intended for use in bonding metal, composite and ceramic orthodo Rely.a.Bond RELIANCE ORTHODONTIC PRODUCTS INC
17 D798RT0 RT RT Rely•a•Bond® is intended for use in bonding metal, composite and ceramic orthodo Rely A Bond RELIANCE ORTHODONTIC PRODUCTS INC
18 D798R0 R R Rescue is intended as an aid for bonding to enamel, composite, porcelain, plasti Rescue RELIANCE ORTHODONTIC PRODUCTS INC
19 D798QCTPLUS0 QCTPLUS QCTPLUS Quick Cure is intended for use as a light cure bracket adhesive. Quick Cure kit Quick Cure RELIANCE ORTHODONTIC PRODUCTS INC
20 D798QCTAS0 QCTAS QCTAS Quick Cure is intended for use as a light cure bracket adhesive. Kit contains 20 Quick Cure RELIANCE ORTHODONTIC PRODUCTS INC
21 D798QCPPLUS0 QCPPLUS QCPPLUS Quick Cure is intended for use as a light cure bracket adhesive. This Quick Cure Quick Cure RELIANCE ORTHODONTIC PRODUCTS INC
22 D798QCPAS0 QCPAS QCPAS Quick Cure is intended for use as a light cure bracket adhesive. This Quick Cure Quick Cure RELIANCE ORTHODONTIC PRODUCTS INC
23 D798PSF0 PSF PSF Phase II is intended for use in direct and indirect bonding of orthodontic brack Phase II RELIANCE ORTHODONTIC PRODUCTS INC
24 D798PLUS2ML0 PLUS2ML PLUS2ML Assure® Plus All Surface Bonding Resin is intended to increase adhesion to norm Assure Plus All Surface Bonding Resin RELIANCE ORTHODONTIC PRODUCTS INC
25 D798PLUS0 PLUS PLUS Assure® Plus All Surface Bonding Resin is intended to increase adhesion to norma Assure Plus All Surface Bonding Resin RELIANCE ORTHODONTIC PRODUCTS INC
26 D798PLTTK0 PLTTK PLTTK Pad Lock® is intended for use as a fluorescing, light cure orthodontic bracket a Pad Lock RELIANCE ORTHODONTIC PRODUCTS INC
27 D798PLTPK0 PLTPK PLTPK Pad Lock® is intended for use as a fluorescing, light cure orthodontic bracket a Pad Lock RELIANCE ORTHODONTIC PRODUCTS INC
28 D798PLTKPLUS0 PLTKPLUS PLTKPLUS Pad Lock® is intended for use as a fluorescing, light cure orthodontic bracket a Pad Lock RELIANCE ORTHODONTIC PRODUCTS INC
29 D798PLTKFPLUS0 PLTKFPLUS PLTKFPLUS Pad Lock® is intended for use as a fluorescing, light cure orthodontic bracket a Pad Lock RELIANCE ORTHODONTIC PRODUCTS INC
30 D798PLTKFAS0 PLTKFAS PLTKFAS Pad Lock® is intended for use as a fluorescing, light cure orthodontic bracket a Pad Lock RELIANCE ORTHODONTIC PRODUCTS INC
31 D798PLTKAS0 PLTKAS PLTKAS Pad Lock® is intended for use as a fluorescing, light cure orthodontic bracket a Pad Lock RELIANCE ORTHODONTIC PRODUCTS INC
32 D798PLPKPLUS0 PLPKPLUS PLPKPLUS Pad Lock® is intended for use as a fluorescing, light cure orthodontic bracket a Pad Lock RELIANCE ORTHODONTIC PRODUCTS INC
33 D798PLPKFPLUS0 PLPKFPLUS PLPKFPLUS Pad Lock® is intended for use as a fluorescing, light cure orthodontic bracket a Pad Lock RELIANCE ORTHODONTIC PRODUCTS INC
34 D798PLPKAS0 PLPKAS PLPKAS Pad Lock® is intended for use as a fluorescing, light cure orthodontic bracket a Pad Lock RELIANCE ORTHODONTIC PRODUCTS INC
35 D798PJF0 PJF PJF Phase II is intended for use in direct and indirect bonding of orthodontic brack Phase II RELIANCE ORTHODONTIC PRODUCTS INC
36 D798LCRETAS0 LCRETAS LCRETAS L.C.R™is a flowable, light cure orthodontic adhesive intended to be used within Light Cure Retainer RELIANCE ORTHODONTIC PRODUCTS INC
37 D798LCREPPLUS0 LCREPPLUS LCREPPLUS L.C.R™is a flowable, light cure orthodontic adhesive intended to be used within Light Cure Retainer RELIANCE ORTHODONTIC PRODUCTS INC
38 D798LCREPAS0 LCREPAS LCREPAS L.C.R™is a flowable, light cure orthodontic adhesive intended to be used within Light Cure Retainer RELIANCE ORTHODONTIC PRODUCTS INC
39 D798LCE60 LCE6 LCE6 Enhance™ L.C. is intended for use as a light cure adhesion booster to: fluorosed Enhance RELIANCE ORTHODONTIC PRODUCTS INC
40 D798LBETFAS0 LBETFAS LBETFAS Light Bond is intended for use as a light cure bracket and lingual retainer adhe Light Bond RELIANCE ORTHODONTIC PRODUCTS INC
41 D798LBESF0 LBESF LBESF Light Bond is intended for use as a light cure bracket and lingual retainer adhe Light Bond RELIANCE ORTHODONTIC PRODUCTS INC
42 D798LBEPFWPLUS0 LBEPF W/PLUS LBEPF W/PLUS Light Bond is intended for use as a light cure bracket and lingual retainer adhe Light Bond RELIANCE ORTHODONTIC PRODUCTS INC
43 D798LBEPFWAS0 LBEPF W/AS LBEPF W/AS Light Bond is intended for use as a light cure bracket and lingual retainer adhe Light Bond RELIANCE ORTHODONTIC PRODUCTS INC
44 D798LBEMTFWPLUS0 LBEMTF W/PLUS LBEMTF W/PLUS Light Bond is intended for use as a light cure bracket and lingual retainer adhe Light Bond RELIANCE ORTHODONTIC PRODUCTS INC
45 D798LBEMTFWAS0 LBEMTF W/AS LBEMTF W/AS Light Bond is intended for use as a light cure bracket and lingual retainer adhe Light Bond RELIANCE ORTHODONTIC PRODUCTS INC
46 D798LBEMTF0 LBEMTF LBEMTF Light Bond is intended for use as a light cure bracket and lingual retainer adhe Light Bond RELIANCE ORTHODONTIC PRODUCTS INC
47 D798LBEMPFWPLUS0 LBEMPF W/PLUS LBEMPF W/PLUS Light Bond is intended for use as a light cure bracket and lingual retainer adhe Light Bond RELIANCE ORTHODONTIC PRODUCTS INC
48 D798LBEMPFWAS0 LBEMPF W/AS LBEMPF W/AS Light Bond is intended for use as a light cure bracket and lingual retainer adhe Light Bond RELIANCE ORTHODONTIC PRODUCTS INC
49 D798GRADKIT0 GRADKIT GRADKIT The Graduate Kit includes 1 syringe Ultra Band Lok Blue, 1 syringe Light Bond br College Kit RELIANCE ORTHODONTIC PRODUCTS INC
50 D798EUUNIVHAND0 EUUNIVHAND EUUNIVHAND The University College Kit includes 1 syringe Ultra Band Lok Blue NonFluoride, 1 EU College Kit RELIANCE ORTHODONTIC PRODUCTS INC