Other products from "ROCHE DIAGNOSTICS GMBH"
No Primary DI Version or Model Catalog Number Device Description Product Code Product Code Name Device Class Brand Name
1 00875197005936 07972466190 07972466190 cobas Zika (480 tests)
2 00365702398108 5530199160 5530199160 GJS TEST, TIME, PROTHROMBIN 2 CoaguChek XS Pro Kit
3 00075537180075 11379194160 11379194160 KHE REAGENT, OCCULT BLOOD 2 Calibration Strip (Urisys 1100, cobas u 411)
4 00075537018934 11893467160 11893467160 CDM DIAZONIUM COLORIMETRY, UROBILINOGEN (URINARY, NON-QUANT.) 1 Chemstrip 5 OB Test Strips
5 07613336215845 08836973160 08836973160 Elecsys HIV Duo MZF Test, HIV detection 2 Elecsys HIV Duo
6 07613336184615 09038078160 09038078160 Vitamin D total G3 Elecsys cobas e 100 MRG SYSTEM, TEST, VITAMIN D 2 Elecsys Vitamin D total III
7 07613336179512 09205683001 09205683001 JJE ANALYZER, CHEMISTRY (PHOTOMETRIC, DISCRETE), FOR CLINICAL USE 1 cobas pro transport line
8 07613336179499 09205632001 09205632001 JJE ANALYZER, CHEMISTRY (PHOTOMETRIC, DISCRETE), FOR CLINICAL USE 1 cobas pro SSU
9 07613336172650 09038086190 09038086190 Vitamin D total G3 Elecsys E2G 300 MRG SYSTEM, TEST, VITAMIN D 2 Elecsys Vitamin D total III
10 07613336171677 09007784190 09007784190 CDX Radioimmunoassay, total thyroxine 2 Elecsys T4
11 07613336171660 09007741190 09007741190 CDX Radioimmunoassay, total thyroxine 2 Elecsys T4
12 07613336170212 08924180160 08924180160 MZF Test, HIV detection 2 Elecsys HIV combi PT
13 07613336170182 08924163160 08924163160 MZF Test, HIV detection 2 Elecsys HIV combi PT
14 07613336166949 08836973190 08836973190 MZF Test, HIV detection 2 Elecsys HIV Duo
15 07613336164884 08764760190 08764760190 CIG DIAZO COLORIMETRY, BILIRUBIN 2 Direct Bilirubin
16 07613336159804 04985354160 04985354160 Anti-HBs CC 3 Elecsys LOM Test, Hepatitis B (B Core, Be Antigen, Be Antibody, B Core Igm) 3 Anti-HBs CalCheck
17 07613336158784 08463662001 08463662001 JJE ANALYZER, CHEMISTRY (PHOTOMETRIC, DISCRETE), FOR CLINICAL USE 1 cobas c 503 analytical unit
18 07613336155332 08372284001 08372284001 NBW SYSTEM, TEST, BLOOD GLUCOSE, OVER THE COUNTER 2 Accu-Chek Inform II Base Unit Light
19 07613336155318 08376824190 08376824190 NBW SYSTEM, TEST, BLOOD GLUCOSE, OVER THE COUNTER 2 Accu-Chek Inform II Base Unit Light
20 07613336154403 03500373190 03500373190 MTG Test, Prostate Specific Antigen, Free, (Noncomplexed) To Distinguish Prostate Ca 3 free PSA CalCheck
21 07613336154373 04491734160 04491734160 tPSA reagent 200 MTF Total,Prostate Specific Antigen(Noncomplexed&Complexed) For Detection Of Prostate Cancer 3 Elecsys tPSA
22 07613336154366 04641655160 04641655160 tPSA reagent, 100 Test-Kit MTF Total,Prostate Specific Antigen(Noncomplexed&Complexed) For Detection Of Prostate Cancer 3 Elecsys tPSA
23 07613336154311 06427405160 06427405160 Anti-HCV II 200-Test Kit MZO Assay,Enzyme Linked Immunosorbent,Hepatitis C Virus 2 Elecsys Anti-HCV II
24 07613336154304 06368921160 06368921160 Anti-HCV II 100-Test Kit MZO Assay,Enzyme Linked Immunosorbent,Hepatitis C Virus 2 Elecsys Anti-HCV II
25 07613336153949 04927931161 04927931161 LOM Test, hepatitis b (b core, be antigen, be antibody, b core igm) 3 PreciControl Anti-HBc II
26 07613336147672 08243875190 08243875190 JIT Calibrator, secondary 2 CalSet PTH
27 07613336141953 5920353001 5984840001 NBW SYSTEM, TEST, BLOOD GLUCOSE, OVER THE COUNTER 2 Accu-Chek Inform II Base Unit Light
28 07613336133644 08105596190 08105596190 NDY TEST, CYSTATIN C 2 Tina-quant Cystatin C Gen.2
29 07613336133583 08105529190 08105529190 JZG System, test, beta-2-microglobulin immunological 2 Tinaquant ß2Microglobulin
30 07613336133521 08105448190 08105448190 DER ALPHA-1-LIPOPROTEIN, ANTIGEN, ANTISERUM, CONTROL 2 Tina-quant Apolipoprotein A-1 ver.2
31 07613336130230 08101396190 08101396190 DEM ALPHA-1-ANTITRYPSIN, ANTIGEN, ANTISERUM, CONTROL 2 Tina-quant a1-Antitrypsin ver.2
32 07613336121429 08058024190 08058024190 JIF ENZYMATIC METHOD, AMMONIA 1 Ammonia II
33 07613336121351 08057940190 08057940190 KHP ACID, LACTIC, ENZYMATIC METHOD 1 Lactate Gen.2
34 07613336121238 08057648190 08057648190 DBF FERRITIN, ANTIGEN, ANTISERUM, CONTROL 2 Tina-quant Ferritin Gen.4
35 07613336121108 08057435190 08057435190 KLT ENZYME IMMUNOASSAY, CARBAMAZEPINE 2 ONLINE TDM Carbamazepine Gen.4
36 07613336121061 08056951190 08056951190 CIG DIAZO COLORIMETRY, BILIRUBIN 2 Bilirubin Direct Gen.2
37 04015630999477 5133181160 5133181160 JJX Single (specified) analyte controls (assayed and unassayed) 1 Elecsys Anti-CCP CalCheck
38 04015630995318 11776827160 11776827160 JIX CALIBRATOR, MULTI-ANALYTE MIXTURE 2 Elecsys CalCheck FSH
39 04015630999200 4357221190 4357221190 DLJ CALIBRATORS, DRUG SPECIFIC 2 Total MPA Calibrators
40 04015630999149 4924495190 4924495190 CIG DIAZO COLORIMETRY, BILIRUBIN 2 Direct Bilirubin
41 04015630997954 4642465190 4642465190 LEG ENZYME IMMUNOASSAY, VALPROIC ACID 2 Valproic Acid ONLINE TDM Valproic Acid
42 04015630997756 4490894190 4490894190 DJG ENZYME IMMUNOASSAY, OPIATES 2 Opiates II
43 04015630996575 3304680190 3304680190 DKB CALIBRATORS, DRUG MIXTURE 2 Preciset DAT Plus II
44 04015630995202 11776614190 11776614190 JJX Single (specified) analyte controls (assayed and unassayed) 1 AFP CalCheck
45 04015630994847 11815601216 11815601216 LGI FLUORESCENCE POLARIZATION IMMUNOASSAY, CARBAMAZEPINE 2 CEDIA Carbamazepine II
46 04015630994533 20766356122 20766356122 DKB CALIBRATORS, DRUG MIXTURE 2 LSD CalibrationControl Pack
47 04015630993468 20737976122 20737976122 DIS ENZYME IMMUNOASSAY, BARBITURATE 2 Abuscreen OnLine Barbiturates
48 04015630991853 11876899216 11876899216 CFR HEXOKINASE, GLUCOSE 2 Glucoquant GlucoseHK
49 04015630991778 11868152190 11868152190 DML NAD-NADH, SPECIFIC REAGENT FOR ALCOHOL ENZYME METHOD 2 Ethyl Alcohol ETH
50 04015630991761 11776312190 11776312190 DML NAD-NADH, SPECIFIC REAGENT FOR ALCOHOL ENZYME METHOD 2 Ethyl Alcohol ETH
Other products with the same Product Code "DJG"
No Primary DI Version or Model Catalog Number Device Description Brand Name Organization Name
1 00817830022931 07RD-7179 07RD-7179 Immunoassay for the detection of the following drug substance(s) in human urine: FENTANYL FENTANYL TEST STRIP RAPID DIAGNOSTICS INC
2 00817830022924 07RD-7073-01A 07RD-7073-01A Immunoassay for the detection of the following drug substance(s) in human urine: DOA-10 PANEL TEST RAPID DIAGNOSTICS INC
3 00817830022917 07RD-7061A 07RD-7061A Immunoassay for the detection of the following drug substance(s) in human urine: DOA-2 PANEL TEST RAPID DIAGNOSTICS INC
4 00817830022900 07RD-7210-06 07RD-7210-06 Immunoassay for the detection of the following drug substance(s) in human urine: MP DOA-10 TEST CUP RAPID DIAGNOSTICS INC
5 00817830022894 07RD-7206-09 07RD-7206-09 Immunoassay for the detection of the following drug substance(s) in human urine: MP DOA-6 TEST CUP RAPID DIAGNOSTICS INC
6 00817830022887 07RD-7070-21 07RD-7070-21 Immunoassay for the detection of the following drug substance(s) in human urine: DOA-7 PANEL TEST RAPID DIAGNOSTICS INC
7 00817830022870 07RD-7072-10 07RD-7072-10 Immunoassay for the detection of the following drug substance(s) in human urine: DOA-9 PANEL TEST RAPID DIAGNOSTICS INC
8 00817830022863 07RD-7211-01 07RD-7211-01 Immunoassay for the detection of the following drug substance(s) in human urine: MP-DOA-11 TEST CUP RAPID DIAGNOSTICS INC
9 00817830022856 07RD-7145-03 07RD-7145-03 Immunoassay for the detection of the following drug substance(s) in human urine: DOA-12 PANEL TEST RAPID DIAGNOSTICS INC
10 00817830022849 O7RD-7070-18 O7RD-7070-18 Immunoassay for the detection of the following drug substance(s) in human urine: DOA-7 PANEL TEST RAPID DIAGNOSTICS INC
11 00817830022832 07RD-7070-13 07RD-7070-13 Immunoassay for the detection of the following drug substance(s) in human urine: DOA-7 PANEL TEST RAPID DIAGNOSTICS INC
12 00817830022818 07RD-7110-22 07RD-7110-22 Immunoassay for the detection of the following drug substance(s) in human urine: MP DOA-4 PANEL TEST CUP RAPID DIAGNOSTICS INC
13 00817830022801 07RD-7073-08 07RD-7073-08 Immunoassay for the detection of the following drug substance(s) in human urine: DOA-10 PANEL TEST RAPID DIAGNOSTICS INC
14 00817830022795 07RD-7070-14 07RD-7070-14 Immunoassay for the detection of the following drug substance(s) in human urine: DOA-7 PANEL TEST RAPID DIAGNOSTICS INC
15 00817830022788 07RD-7065-40 07RD-7065-40 Immunoassay for the detection of the following drug substance(s) in human urine: DOA-6 PANEL TEST RAPID DIAGNOSTICS INC
16 00817830022771 07RD-7116-13 07RD-7116-13 Immunoassay for the detection of the following drug substance(s) in human urine: MP DOA-10 TEST CUP RAPID DIAGNOSTICS INC
17 00817830022764 07RD-7073-09 07RD-7073-09 Immunoassay for the detection of the following drug substance(s) in human urine: DOA-10 PANEL TEST RAPID DIAGNOSTICS INC
18 00817830022757 07RD-7116-08 07RD-7116-08 Immunoassay for the detection of the following drug substance(s) in human urine: MP DOA-10 TEST CUP RAPID DIAGNOSTICS INC
19 00817830022740 60B02-MPB 60B02-MPB Immunoassay for the detection of the following drug substance(s) in human urine: MP ON-SITE 11 RAPID DIAGNOSTICS INC
20 00817830022733 07RD-7063-28 07RD-7063-28 Immunoassay for the detection of the following drug substance(s) in human urine: DOA-4 PANEL TEST RAPID DIAGNOSTICS INC
21 00817830022726 07RD-7065-39 07RD-7065-39 Immunoassay for the detection of the following drug substance(s) in human urine: DOA-6 PANEL TEST RAPID DIAGNOSTICS INC
22 00817830022719 07RD-7113-03 07RD-7113-03 Immunoassay for the detection of the following drug substance(s) in human urine: MP DOA-7 TEST CUP RAPID DIAGNOSTICS INC
23 00817830022702 07RD-7116-09 07RD-7116-09 Immunoassay for the detection of the following drug substance(s) in human urine: MP DOA-10 TEST CUP RAPID DIAGNOSTICS INC
24 00817830022696 07RD-7070-11 07RD-7070-11 Immunoassay for the detection of the following drug substance(s) in human urine: DOA-7 PANEL TEST RAPID DIAGNOSTICS INC
25 00817830022689 07RD-7110-21 07RD-7110-21 Immunoassay for the detection of the following drug substance(s) in human urine: MP DOA-4 TEST CUP RAPID DIAGNOSTICS INC
26 00817830022672 07RD-7065-39 07RD-7065-39 Immunoassay for the detection of the following drug substance(s) in human urine: DOA 6 PANEL TEST RAPID DIAGNOSTICS INC
27 00817830022665 07RD-7070-15 07RD-7070-15 Immunoassay for the detection of the following drug substance(s) in human urine: DOA 7 PANEL TEST RAPID DIAGNOSTICS INC
28 00817830022658 07RD-7073-04 07RD-7073-04 Immunoassay for the detection of the following drug substance(s) in human urine: DOA 10 PANEL TEST RAPID DIAGNOSTICS INC
29 00817830022252 07RD7073-03 07RD7073-03 Immunoassay for the detection of the following drug substance(s) in human urine: DOA 10 PANEL TEST RAPID DIAGNOSTICS INC
30 00817830022245 07RD7073-01A 07RD7073-01A Immunoassay for the detection of the following drug substance(s) in human urine: DOA 10 PANEL TEST RAPID DIAGNOSTICS INC
31 00817830022238 07RD7073-01 07RD7073-01 Immunoassay for the detection of the following drug substance(s) in human urine: DOA 10 PANEL TEST RAPID DIAGNOSTICS INC
32 00817830022221 07RD7072-06 07RD7072-06 Immunoassay for the detection of the following drug substance(s) in human urine: DOA 9 PANEL TEST RAPID DIAGNOSTICS INC
33 00817830022214 07RD7072-02A 07RD7072-02A Immunoassay for the detection of the following drug substance(s) in human urine: DOA 9 PANEL TEST RAPID DIAGNOSTICS INC
34 00817830022207 07RD7072-02 07RD7072-02 Immunoassay for the detection of the following drug substance(s) in human urine: DOA 9 PANEL TEST RAPID DIAGNOSTICS INC
35 00817830022191 07RD7072-01A 07RD7072-01A Immunoassay for the detection of the following drug substance(s) in human urine: DOA 9 PANEL TEST RAPID DIAGNOSTICS INC
36 00817830022184 07RD7072-01 07RD7072-01 Immunoassay for the detection of the following drug substance(s) in human urine: DOA 9 PANEL TEST RAPID DIAGNOSTICS INC
37 00817830022177 07RD7071-12 07RD7071-12 Immunoassay for the detection of the following drug substance(s) in human urine: DOA 8 PANEL TEST RAPID DIAGNOSTICS INC
38 00817830022160 07RD7071-05 07RD7071-05 Immunoassay for the detection of the following drug substance(s) in human urine: DOA 8 PANEL TEST RAPID DIAGNOSTICS INC
39 00817830022153 07RD7071-04A 07RD7071-04A Immunoassay for the detection of the following drug substance(s) in human urine: DOA 8 PANEL TEST RAPID DIAGNOSTICS INC
40 00817830022146 07RD7071-04 07RD7071-04 Immunoassay for the detection of the following drug substance(s) in human urine: DOA 8 PANEL TEST RAPID DIAGNOSTICS INC
41 00817830022139 07RD7071-03A 07RD7071-03A Immunoassay for the detection of the following drug substance(s) in human urine: DOA 8 PANEL TEST RAPID DIAGNOSTICS INC
42 00817830022122 07RD7071-03 07RD7071-03 Immunoassay for the detection of the following drug substance(s) in human urine: DOA 8 PANEL TEST RAPID DIAGNOSTICS INC
43 00817830022115 07RD7071-02A 07RD7071-02A Immunoassay for the detection of the following drug substance(s) in human urine: DOA 8 PANEL TEST RAPID DIAGNOSTICS INC
44 00817830022108 07RD7071-02 07RD7071-02 Immunoassay for the detection of the following drug substance(s) in human urine: DOA 8 PANEL TEST RAPID DIAGNOSTICS INC
45 00817830022092 07RD7071-01A 07RD7071-01A Immunoassay for the detection of the following drug substance(s) in human urine: DOA 8 PANEL TEST RAPID DIAGNOSTICS INC
46 00817830022085 07RD7071-01 07RD7071-01 Immunoassay for the detection of the following drug substance(s) in human urine: DOA 8 PANEL TEST RAPID DIAGNOSTICS INC
47 00817830022061 07RD7070-07 07RD7070-07 Immunoassay for the detection of the following drug substance(s) in human urine: DOA 7 PANEL TEST RAPID DIAGNOSTICS INC
48 00817830022054 07RD7070-06 07RD7070-06 Immunoassay for the detection of the following drug substance(s) in human urine: DOA 7 PANEL TEST RAPID DIAGNOSTICS INC
49 00817830022047 07RD7070-05A 07RD7070-05A Immunoassay for the detection of the following drug substance(s) in human urine: DOA 7 PANEL TEST RAPID DIAGNOSTICS INC
50 00817830022030 07RD7070-05 07RD7070-05 Immunoassay for the detection of the following drug substance(s) in human urine: DOA 7 PANEL TEST RAPID DIAGNOSTICS INC