Other products from "ROCHE DIAGNOSTICS GMBH"
No Primary DI Version or Model Catalog Number Device Description Product Code Product Code Name Device Class Brand Name
1 00875197005936 07972466190 07972466190 cobas Zika (480 tests)
2 00365702398108 5530199160 5530199160 GJS TEST, TIME, PROTHROMBIN 2 CoaguChek XS Pro Kit
3 00075537180075 11379194160 11379194160 KHE REAGENT, OCCULT BLOOD 2 Calibration Strip (Urisys 1100, cobas u 411)
4 00075537018934 11893467160 11893467160 CDM DIAZONIUM COLORIMETRY, UROBILINOGEN (URINARY, NON-QUANT.) 1 Chemstrip 5 OB Test Strips
5 07613336215845 08836973160 08836973160 Elecsys HIV Duo MZF Test, HIV detection 2 Elecsys HIV Duo
6 07613336184615 09038078160 09038078160 Vitamin D total G3 Elecsys cobas e 100 MRG SYSTEM, TEST, VITAMIN D 2 Elecsys Vitamin D total III
7 07613336179512 09205683001 09205683001 JJE ANALYZER, CHEMISTRY (PHOTOMETRIC, DISCRETE), FOR CLINICAL USE 1 cobas pro transport line
8 07613336179499 09205632001 09205632001 JJE ANALYZER, CHEMISTRY (PHOTOMETRIC, DISCRETE), FOR CLINICAL USE 1 cobas pro SSU
9 07613336172650 09038086190 09038086190 Vitamin D total G3 Elecsys E2G 300 MRG SYSTEM, TEST, VITAMIN D 2 Elecsys Vitamin D total III
10 07613336171677 09007784190 09007784190 CDX Radioimmunoassay, total thyroxine 2 Elecsys T4
11 07613336171660 09007741190 09007741190 CDX Radioimmunoassay, total thyroxine 2 Elecsys T4
12 07613336170212 08924180160 08924180160 MZF Test, HIV detection 2 Elecsys HIV combi PT
13 07613336170182 08924163160 08924163160 MZF Test, HIV detection 2 Elecsys HIV combi PT
14 07613336166949 08836973190 08836973190 MZF Test, HIV detection 2 Elecsys HIV Duo
15 07613336164884 08764760190 08764760190 CIG DIAZO COLORIMETRY, BILIRUBIN 2 Direct Bilirubin
16 07613336159804 04985354160 04985354160 Anti-HBs CC 3 Elecsys LOM Test, Hepatitis B (B Core, Be Antigen, Be Antibody, B Core Igm) 3 Anti-HBs CalCheck
17 07613336158784 08463662001 08463662001 JJE ANALYZER, CHEMISTRY (PHOTOMETRIC, DISCRETE), FOR CLINICAL USE 1 cobas c 503 analytical unit
18 07613336155332 08372284001 08372284001 NBW SYSTEM, TEST, BLOOD GLUCOSE, OVER THE COUNTER 2 Accu-Chek Inform II Base Unit Light
19 07613336155318 08376824190 08376824190 NBW SYSTEM, TEST, BLOOD GLUCOSE, OVER THE COUNTER 2 Accu-Chek Inform II Base Unit Light
20 07613336154403 03500373190 03500373190 MTG Test, Prostate Specific Antigen, Free, (Noncomplexed) To Distinguish Prostate Ca Test, Prostate Specific Antigen, Free, (Noncomplexed) To Distinguish Prostate Cancer From Benign Conditions 3 free PSA CalCheck
21 07613336154373 04491734160 04491734160 tPSA reagent 200 MTF Total,Prostate Specific Antigen(Noncomplexed&Complexed) For Detection Of Prostate Cancer 3 Elecsys tPSA
22 07613336154366 04641655160 04641655160 tPSA reagent, 100 Test-Kit MTF Total,Prostate Specific Antigen(Noncomplexed&Complexed) For Detection Of Prostate Cancer 3 Elecsys tPSA
23 07613336154311 06427405160 06427405160 Anti-HCV II 200-Test Kit MZO Assay,Enzyme Linked Immunosorbent,Hepatitis C Virus 2 Elecsys Anti-HCV II
24 07613336154304 06368921160 06368921160 Anti-HCV II 100-Test Kit MZO Assay,Enzyme Linked Immunosorbent,Hepatitis C Virus 2 Elecsys Anti-HCV II
25 07613336153949 04927931161 04927931161 LOM Test, hepatitis b (b core, be antigen, be antibody, b core igm) 3 PreciControl Anti-HBc II
26 07613336147672 08243875190 08243875190 JIT Calibrator, secondary 2 CalSet PTH
27 07613336141953 5920353001 5984840001 NBW SYSTEM, TEST, BLOOD GLUCOSE, OVER THE COUNTER 2 Accu-Chek Inform II Base Unit Light
28 07613336133644 08105596190 08105596190 NDY TEST, CYSTATIN C 2 Tina-quant Cystatin C Gen.2
29 07613336133583 08105529190 08105529190 JZG System, test, beta-2-microglobulin immunological 2 Tinaquant ß2Microglobulin
30 07613336133521 08105448190 08105448190 DER ALPHA-1-LIPOPROTEIN, ANTIGEN, ANTISERUM, CONTROL 2 Tina-quant Apolipoprotein A-1 ver.2
31 07613336130230 08101396190 08101396190 DEM ALPHA-1-ANTITRYPSIN, ANTIGEN, ANTISERUM, CONTROL 2 Tina-quant a1-Antitrypsin ver.2
32 07613336121429 08058024190 08058024190 JIF ENZYMATIC METHOD, AMMONIA 1 Ammonia II
33 07613336121351 08057940190 08057940190 KHP ACID, LACTIC, ENZYMATIC METHOD 1 Lactate Gen.2
34 07613336121238 08057648190 08057648190 DBF FERRITIN, ANTIGEN, ANTISERUM, CONTROL 2 Tina-quant Ferritin Gen.4
35 07613336121108 08057435190 08057435190 KLT ENZYME IMMUNOASSAY, CARBAMAZEPINE 2 ONLINE TDM Carbamazepine Gen.4
36 07613336121061 08056951190 08056951190 CIG DIAZO COLORIMETRY, BILIRUBIN 2 Bilirubin Direct Gen.2
37 04015630999477 5133181160 5133181160 JJX Single (specified) analyte controls (assayed and unassayed) 1 Elecsys Anti-CCP CalCheck
38 04015630995318 11776827160 11776827160 JIX CALIBRATOR, MULTI-ANALYTE MIXTURE 2 Elecsys CalCheck FSH
39 04015630999200 4357221190 4357221190 DLJ CALIBRATORS, DRUG SPECIFIC 2 Total MPA Calibrators
40 04015630999149 4924495190 4924495190 CIG DIAZO COLORIMETRY, BILIRUBIN 2 Direct Bilirubin
41 04015630997954 4642465190 4642465190 LEG ENZYME IMMUNOASSAY, VALPROIC ACID 2 Valproic Acid ONLINE TDM Valproic Acid
42 04015630997756 4490894190 4490894190 DJG ENZYME IMMUNOASSAY, OPIATES 2 Opiates II
43 04015630996575 3304680190 3304680190 DKB CALIBRATORS, DRUG MIXTURE 2 Preciset DAT Plus II
44 04015630995202 11776614190 11776614190 JJX Single (specified) analyte controls (assayed and unassayed) 1 AFP CalCheck
45 04015630994847 11815601216 11815601216 LGI FLUORESCENCE POLARIZATION IMMUNOASSAY, CARBAMAZEPINE 2 CEDIA Carbamazepine II
46 04015630994533 20766356122 20766356122 DKB CALIBRATORS, DRUG MIXTURE 2 LSD CalibrationControl Pack
47 04015630993468 20737976122 20737976122 DIS ENZYME IMMUNOASSAY, BARBITURATE 2 Abuscreen OnLine Barbiturates
48 04015630993284 11986082216 11986082216 DJG ENZYME IMMUNOASSAY, OPIATES 2 Opiates II
49 04015630991853 11876899216 11876899216 CFR HEXOKINASE, GLUCOSE 2 Glucoquant GlucoseHK
50 04015630991778 11868152190 11868152190 DML NAD-NADH, SPECIFIC REAGENT FOR ALCOHOL ENZYME METHOD 2 Ethyl Alcohol ETH
Other products with the same Product Code "DHR"
No Primary DI Version or Model Catalog Number Device Description Brand Name Organization Name
1 15099590226947 447070 447070 IMMAGE Immunochemistry Systems RF Rheumatoid Factor Reagent IMMAGE BECKMAN COULTER, INC.
2 15099590010966 OSR61105 RF Latex AU BECKMAN COULTER, INC.
3 10859035006207 36045 Wampole Colorcard® RF ALERE NORTH AMERICA, LLC
5 10758750006809 6801729 6801729 VITROS Chemistry Products RF Reagent VITROS ORTHO-CLINICAL DIAGNOSTICS, INC.
6 10722355001538 RHLX-100 A rapid color enhanced undiluted latex slide test for the qualitative or semi- q A rapid color enhanced undiluted latex slide test for the qualitative or semi- quantitative determination of rheumatoid factor in serum Detector Rheumacol Lex IMMUNOSTICS COMPANY, INC
7 10722355001521 RHLX-50 A rapid color enhanced undiluted latex slide test for the qualitative or semi- q A rapid color enhanced undiluted latex slide test for the qualitative or semi- quantitative determination of rheumatoid factor in serum Detector Rheumacol Lex IMMUNOSTICS COMPANY, INC
8 10722355001514 RH-100 A rapid color enhanced hemagglutination slide test for the detection of rheumato A rapid color enhanced hemagglutination slide test for the detection of rheumatoid factor in serum or synovial fluid Detector Rheumacol IMMUNOSTICS COMPANY, INC
9 10722355001507 RH-50 A rapid color enhanced hemagglutination slide test for the detection of rheumato A rapid color enhanced hemagglutination slide test for the detection of rheumatoid factor in serum or synovial fluid Detector Rheumacol IMMUNOSTICS COMPANY, INC
10 10722355001477 RA-100U A rapid undiluted latex slide test for the detection of rheumatoid factors Detector Lex RA IMMUNOSTICS COMPANY, INC
11 10722355001460 RA-50U A rapid undiluted latex slide test for the detection of rheumatoid factors Detector Lex RA IMMUNOSTICS COMPANY, INC
12 08426950845249 701340 1. QUANTA Flash RF IgM Reagent Cartridge contains the following reagents for 100 1. QUANTA Flash RF IgM Reagent Cartridge contains the following reagents for 100 determinations:a. Rabbit pAb coated paramagnetic beads.b. Assay buffer - colored pink, containing proteing stabilizers and preservatives.c. Tracer IgM - Isoluminol labeled anti-human IgM antibody, containing buffer, protein stabilizers and preservatives. QUANTA Flash RF IgM Reagents INOVA DIAGNOSTICS, INC.
13 08426950835189 701345 1. QUANTA Flash RF IgA Reagent Cartridge contains the following reagents for 100 1. QUANTA Flash RF IgA Reagent Cartridge contains the following reagents for 100 determinations:a. Rabbit pAb coated paramagnetic beads.b. Assay buffer - colored pink, containing proteing stabilizers and preservatives.c. Tracer IgM - Isoluminol labeled anti-human IgA antibody, containing buffer, protein stabilizers and preservatives. QUANTA Flash RF IgA Reagents INOVA DIAGNOSTICS, INC.
14 08426950593423 708685 1. 1x RF IgG ELISA microwell plate (12-1 x 8 wells), with holder2. 1x 1.2mL pred 1. 1x RF IgG ELISA microwell plate (12-1 x 8 wells), with holder2. 1x 1.2mL prediluted ELISA Negative Control 3. 1x 1.2mL prediluted RF IgG ELISA Calibrator A4. 1x 1.2mL prediluted RF IgG ELISA Calibrator B5. 1x 1.2mL prediluted RF IgG ELISA Calibrator C6. 1x 1.2mL prediluted RF IgG ELISA Calibrator D7. 1x 1.2mL prediluted RF IgG ELISA Calibrator E8. 1x 1.2mL prediluted RF IgG ELISA Control9. 1x 50mL HRP Sample Diluent10. 1x 25mL HRP Wash Concentrate, 40x concentrate11. 1x 10mL RF HRP IgG Conjugate, (rabbit), anti-human IgG12. 1x 10mL TMB Chromogen13. 1x 10mL HRP Stop Solution, 0.344M Sulfuric Acid QUANTA Lite® RF IgG ELISA INOVA DIAGNOSTICS, INC.
15 08426950593416 708695 1. 1x RF IgA ELISA microwell plate (12-1 x 8 wells), with holder2. 1x 1.2mL pred 1. 1x RF IgA ELISA microwell plate (12-1 x 8 wells), with holder2. 1x 1.2mL prediluted ELISA Negative Control 3. 1x 1.2mL prediluted RF IgA ELISA Calibrator A4. 1x 1.2mL prediluted RF IgA ELISA Calibrator B5. 1x 1.2mL prediluted RF IgA ELISA Calibrator C6. 1x 1.2mL prediluted RF IgA ELISA Calibrator D7. 1x 1.2mL prediluted RF IgA ELISA Calibrator E8. 1x 1.2mL prediluted RF IgA ELISA Control9. 1x 50mL HRP Sample Diluent10. 1x 25mL HRP Wash Concentrate, 40x concentrate11. 1x 10mL HRP IgA Conjugate, (goat), anti-human IgA12. 1x 10mL TMB Chromogen13. 1x 10mL HRP Stop Solution, 0.344M Sulfuric Acid QUANTA Lite® RF IgA ELISA INOVA DIAGNOSTICS, INC.
16 08426950593188 708690 1. 1x RF IgM ELISA microwell plate (12-1 x 8 wells), with holder2. 1x 1.2mL pred 1. 1x RF IgM ELISA microwell plate (12-1 x 8 wells), with holder2. 1x 1.2mL prediluted ELISA Negative Control 3. 1x 1.2mL prediluted RF IgM ELISA Calibrator A4. 1x 1.2mL prediluted RF IgM ELISA Calibrator B5. 1x 1.2mL prediluted RF IgM ELISA Calibrator C6. 1x 1.2mL prediluted RF IgM ELISA Calibrator D7. 1x 1.2mL prediluted RF IgM ELISA Calibrator E8. 1x 1.2mL prediluted RF IgM ELISA Control9. 1x 50mL HRP Sample Diluent10.1x 25mL HRP Wash Concentrate, 40x concentrate11. 1x 10mL HRP IgM Conjugate, (goat), anti-human IgM12.1x 10mL TMB Chromogen13.1x 10mL HRP Stop Solution, 0.344M Sulfuric Acid QUANTA Lite® RF IgM ELISA INOVA DIAGNOSTICS, INC.
17 08426950590613 300027034 1 x 2.5 ml REAGENT1 x 1.0 ml CONTROL +1 x 1.0 ml CONTROL –1 x 9 SLIDES Rheumajet RF 50 TESTS BIOKIT, S.A.
18 08426950590477 300021062 2 x 1 ml titrated control RF Titer Control BIOKIT, S.A.
19 08426950589334 3000-7033 2 x 2.5 ml REAGENT1 x 1.5 ml CONTROL +1 x 1.5 ml CONTROL –2 x 9 SLIDES Rheumajet RF 100 TESTS BIOKIT, S.A.
20 07613336121498 08058628190 08058628190 Rheumatoid Factors II ROCHE DIAGNOSTICS GMBH
21 07333066014821 DECC056010 DECC056010 EliA RF IgA Well EliA RF IgA Well PHADIA AB
22 07333066014814 DECC056000 DECC056000 EliA RF IgM Well EliA RF IgM Well PHADIA AB
23 07333066013138 83-0008-51 83-0008-51 EliA IgM Conjugate 200 EliA IgM Conjugate 200 PHADIA AB
24 05391516747158 2328250 2328250 Captia™ Rheumatoid Factor IgM Trinity Biotech CLARK LABORATORIES, INC.
25 05055273205084 RF7981 RF7981 The product is a latex agglutination slide test for the qualitative and semi qua The product is a latex agglutination slide test for the qualitative and semi quantitative in vitro determination of Rheumatoid Factor in serum. RF RANDOX LABORATORIES LIMITED
26 05055273205077 RF7980 RF7980 The product is a latex agglutination slide test for the qualitative and semi qua The product is a latex agglutination slide test for the qualitative and semi quantitative in vitro determination of Rheumatoid Factor in serum. RF RANDOX LABORATORIES LIMITED
27 05055273205060 RF3836 RF3836 A RF test system is a device intended for the quantitative in vitro determinatio A RF test system is a device intended for the quantitative in vitro determination of Rheumatoid Factors (RF) concentration in serum. RF RANDOX LABORATORIES LIMITED
28 05055273205053 RF2881 RF2881 This product is intended for us as a latex enhanced immunoturbidimetric test for This product is intended for us as a latex enhanced immunoturbidimetric test for the quantitative in vitro determination of Rheumatoid Factor in serum. RF RANDOX LABORATORIES LIMITED
29 05055273205046 RF2716 RF2716 The product is a latex agglutination slide test for the qualitative and semi qua The product is a latex agglutination slide test for the qualitative and semi quantitative in vitro determination of Rheumatoid Factor in serum. RF RANDOX LABORATORIES LIMITED
30 05055273205039 RF2301 RF2301 This product is intended for in vitro diagnostic use in the calibration of RF on This product is intended for in vitro diagnostic use in the calibration of RF on clinical chemistry analysers. RF CAL RANDOX LABORATORIES LIMITED
31 05055273205022 RF1436 RF1436 Latex agglutination slide test for the qualitative and semi quantitative in vitr Latex agglutination slide test for the qualitative and semi quantitative in vitro determination of Rheumatoid Factor in serum. RF RANDOX LABORATORIES LIMITED
32 05051700020015 LK151.OPT.A Optilite Rheumatoid Factor Kit THE BINDING SITE GROUP LIMITED
33 05051700018319 LK151.S.A Rheumatoid Factor (RF) Kit for use on SPAPLUS THE BINDING SITE GROUP LIMITED
34 04260157080263 ORG522T ORG522T Rheumatoid Factor Total is an ELISA test system for the quantitative measurement Rheumatoid Factor Total is an ELISA test system for the quantitative measurement of IgG, IgM and IgA class rheumatoid factor in human serum or plasma. This product is intended for professional in vitro diagnostic use only as an aid in the diagnosis of Rheumatoid Arthritis, in conjunction with other laboratory and clinical findings. RHEUMATOID FACTOR TOTAL ORGENTEC DIAGNOSTIKA GMBH
35 04260157080256 ORG522M ORG522M Rheumatoid Factor IgM is an ELISA test system for the quantitative measurement o Rheumatoid Factor IgM is an ELISA test system for the quantitative measurement of IgM class rheumatoid factor in human serum or plasma. This product is intended for professional in vitro diagnostic use only as an aid in the diagnosis of Rheumatoid Arthritis, in conjunction with other laboratory and clinical findings. RHEUMATOID FACTOR IgM ORGENTEC DIAGNOSTIKA GMBH
36 04260157080249 ORG522G ORG522G Rheumatoid Factor IgG is an ELISA test system for the quantitative measurement o Rheumatoid Factor IgG is an ELISA test system for the quantitative measurement of IgG class rheumatoid factor in human serum or plasma. This product is intended for professional in vitro diagnostic use only as an aid in the diagnosis of Rheumatoid Arthritis, in conjunction with other laboratory and clinical findings. RHEUMATOID FACTOR IgG ORGENTEC DIAGNOSTIKA GMBH
37 04260157080232 ORG522A ORG522A Rheumatoid Factor IgA is an ELISA test system for the quantitative measurement o Rheumatoid Factor IgA is an ELISA test system for the quantitative measurement of IgA class rheumatoid factor in human serum or plasma. This product is intended for professional in vitro diagnostic use only as an aid in the diagnosis of Rheumatoid Arthritis, in conjunction with other laboratory and clinical findings. RHEUMATOID FACTOR IgA ORGENTEC DIAGNOSTIKA GMBH
38 04048474035865 EIA-3586 EIA-3586 Rheumatoid Factor IgA ELISA is a test system for the quantitative measurement of Rheumatoid Factor IgA ELISA is a test system for the quantitative measurement of IgA class autoantibodies against rheumatoid factor in human serum or plasma. Rheumatoid Factor IgA ELISA DRG INSTRUMENTS GESELLSCHAFT MIT BESCHRÄNKTER HAFTUNG
39 04048474035858 EIA-3585 EIA-3585 Rheumatoid Factor IgM ELISA is a test system for the quantitative measurement of Rheumatoid Factor IgM ELISA is a test system for the quantitative measurement of IgM class rheumatoid factor in human serum or plasma. Rheumatoid Factor IgM ELISA DRG INSTRUMENTS GESELLSCHAFT MIT BESCHRÄNKTER HAFTUNG
40 04048474035841 EIA-3584 EIA-3584 Rheumatoid Factor IgG ELISA is a test system for the quantitative measurement of Rheumatoid Factor IgG ELISA is a test system for the quantitative measurement of IgG class rheumatoid factor in human serum or plasma. Rheumatoid Factor IgG ELISA DRG INSTRUMENTS GESELLSCHAFT MIT BESCHRÄNKTER HAFTUNG
41 04015630927357 5480167190 5480167190 Rheumatoid Factors II ROCHE DIAGNOSTICS GMBH
42 04015630919925 3004953122 3004953122 Tinaquant RF II ROCHE DIAGNOSTICS GMBH
43 04015630919802 3004902122 3004902122 Tina-quant RF II ROCHE DIAGNOSTICS GMBH
44 04015630916566 3005496122 3005496122 RF Control Set ROCHE DIAGNOSTICS GMBH
45 04015630914531 12172828322 12172828322 Preciset RF ROCHE DIAGNOSTICS GMBH
46 04015630914524 20764574322 20764574322 Rheumatoid Factors II ROCHE DIAGNOSTICS GMBH
47 03610230007402 1300023888 Yumizen C1200 Rheumatoid Factor HORIBA ABX SAS
48 00894175000381 DACD320-100 320-100 AccuDiag™ RF Latex Test KitFor the qualitative and semi-quantitative measurement AccuDiag™ RF Latex Test KitFor the qualitative and semi-quantitative measurement of RF in human serum. AccuDiag™ DIAGNOSTIC AUTOMATION, INC.
49 00894175000336 DACD-2550-1 2550-1 AccuDiag ™ Rheumatoid factor IVD, kit, enzyme immunoassay (EIA)The Diagnostic A AccuDiag ™ Rheumatoid factor IVD, kit, enzyme immunoassay (EIA)The Diagnostic Automation Rheumatoid Factor (RF) Enzyme-Linked Immu-nosorbent Assay (ELISA) is intended for the detection of IgM antibodies in human serum to RF antigen and as an aid in the diagnosis of rheumatoid arthritis. For in vitro diagnostic use. High complexity test. AccuDiag ™ DIAGNOSTIC AUTOMATION, INC.
50 00847661001836 502X 502X Liquichek Rheumatoid Factor Control MiniPalk (A human serum assayed rheumatoid Liquichek Rheumatoid Factor Control MiniPalk (A human serum assayed rheumatoid factor control.) Liquichek BIO-RAD LABORATORIES, INC.