The EPIONE device is a user controlled, stereotactic accessory intended to assis
The EPIONE device is a user controlled, stereotactic accessory intended to assist in the planning and manual advancement of one more instruments, as well as in verification of instrument position during Computed Tomography (CT) guided percutaneous procedures
The Navigation Probe is an instrument of the EPIONE device. It enables visualizi
The Navigation Probe is an instrument of the EPIONE device. It enables visualizingreference points or anatomical landmarks in the medical images. It allows the verificationof patient registration accuracy, using external anatomical landmarks or skin markers.
The Patient Reference is an instrument of the EPIONE device used to track the pa
The Patient Reference is an instrument of the EPIONE device used to track the patientposition and motions including breathing.
The Needle Guide is an instrument of the EPIONE device. It provides mechanical g
The Needle Guide is an instrument of the EPIONE device. It provides mechanical guidance for rigid straight instruments of a range of external diameter specified in the Technical Specifications.
The XV Lung Ventilation Analysis Software is a software-based image processing t
The XV Lung Ventilation Analysis Software is a software-based image processing technology that analyzes cinefluorograph images in combination with a CT image to quantify ventilation of pulmonary tissue, thereby providing support to physicians in their assessment of patients with lung diseases.The XV Lung Ventilation Analysis Software measures the tissue motion of the lung, at all locations throughout the lung, and at all phases of the breath. It uses these motion measurements to calculate the 4-dimensional (4D) ventilation of lung tissues. Quantification and statistics are provided in the form of a Report.The key outputs are:• The tidal volume (i.e. total lung ventilation), presented as a single value;• Visualization of lung ventilation with color-defined specific ventilation ranges;• The heterogeneity of lung ventilation, presented as three values; and• Ventilation graph/ histogram of the classified lung voxel’s relative frequencies including ventilation defect percentage.