Other products from "S.M.A.I.O"
No Primary DI Version or Model Catalog Number Device Description Product Code Product Code Name Device Class Brand Name
1 03701313005160 24PW56620 24PW56620 Small, open derotation offset connector NKB Thoracolumbosacral Pedicle Screw System 2 KHEIRON
2 03701313005153 24PW56625 24PW56625 Large, open derotation offset connector NKB Thoracolumbosacral Pedicle Screw System 2 KHEIRON
3 03701313005146 24PW56630 24PW56630 Small, closed derotation offset connector NKB Thoracolumbosacral Pedicle Screw System 2 KHEIRON
4 03701313005139 24PW56635 24PW56635 Large, closed derotation offset connector NKB Thoracolumbosacral Pedicle Screw System 2 KHEIRON
5 03701313005122 25SC55023 25SC55023 Ø5.5 rod L sacral connector NKB Thoracolumbosacral Pedicle Screw System 2 KHEIRON
6 03701313005115 25SC60023 25SC60023 Ø6 rod L sacral connector NKB Thoracolumbosacral Pedicle Screw System 2 KHEIRON
7 03701313005108 25SN55024 25SN55024 L Sacral plate nut NKB Thoracolumbosacral Pedicle Screw System 2 KHEIRON
8 03701313005092 25SN55006 25SN55006 S2 screw L securing cap NKB Thoracolumbosacral Pedicle Screw System 2 KHEIRON
9 03701313005085 25SP55621 25SP55621 Right 60° L sacral plate NKB Thoracolumbosacral Pedicle Screw System 2 KHEIRON
10 03701313001971 01BS0013 01BS0013 Rods set FSM Tray, Surgical, Instrument 1 KHEIRON
11 03701313005078 25SP55622 25SP55622 Left 60° L sacral plate NKB Thoracolumbosacral Pedicle Screw System 2 KHEIRON
12 03701313005061 25SP55921 25SP55921 Right 90° L sacral plate NKB Thoracolumbosacral Pedicle Screw System 2 KHEIRON
13 03701313005054 25SP55922 25SP55922 Left 90° L sacral plate NKB Thoracolumbosacral Pedicle Screw System 2 KHEIRON
14 03701313005016 01DS2030 01DS2030 Iliac screwdriver LXH Orthopedic Manual Surgical Instrument 1 KHEIRON
15 03701313005009 01CI1010 01CI1010 Iliac extensions sizing card LXH Orthopedic Manual Surgical Instrument 1 KHEIRON
16 03701313004996 01RK0040 01RK0040 Iliac extensions rack FSM Tray, Surgical, Instrument 1 KHEIRON
17 03701313004989 01BS0115 01BS0115 #5 instruments tray - Hooks and iliac extensions FSM Tray, Surgical, Instrument 1 KHEIRON
18 03701313004972 01SH1010 01SH1010 Pedicle hook starter LXH Orthopedic Manual Surgical Instrument 1 KHEIRON
19 03701313004965 01SH1020 01SH1020 Counterhook starter LXH Orthopedic Manual Surgical Instrument 1 KHEIRON
20 03701313004958 01HH2010 01HH2010 Pedicle hook holder LXH Orthopedic Manual Surgical Instrument 1 KHEIRON
21 03701313004941 01HH2020 01HH2020 Counterhook holder LXH Orthopedic Manual Surgical Instrument 1 KHEIRON
22 03701313004934 01HH2030 01HH2030 Laminar hook holder LXH Orthopedic Manual Surgical Instrument 1 KHEIRON
23 03701313004927 01PS3010 01PS3010 Counterhook rod pusher LXH Orthopedic Manual Surgical Instrument 1 KHEIRON
24 03701313004910 01CH3010 01CH3010 Claw compressor LXH Orthopedic Manual Surgical Instrument 1 KHEIRON
25 03701313004903 01DN5010 01DN5010 Angled revision nut driver LXH Orthopedic Manual Surgical Instrument 1 KHEIRON
26 03701313004897 01RK0050 01RK0050 Claw pedicle hooks rack FSM Tray, Surgical, Instrument 1 KHEIRON
27 03701313004880 01RK0051 01RK0051 Left counterhooks rack FSM Tray, Surgical, Instrument 1 KHEIRON
28 03701313004873 01RK0052 01RK0052 Right counterhooks rack FSM Tray, Surgical, Instrument 1 KHEIRON
29 03701313004866 01RK0053 01RK0053 Pedicle - laminar hooks rack FSM Tray, Surgical, Instrument 1 KHEIRON
30 03701313004859 26PH45100 26PH45100 Small, short claw pedicle hook NKB Thoracolumbosacral Pedicle Screw System 2 KHEIRON
31 03701313004842 26PH45130 26PH45130 Small, long claw pedicle hook NKB Thoracolumbosacral Pedicle Screw System 2 KHEIRON
32 03701313000806 24PW45055 24PW45055 NKB Thoracolumbosacral Pedicle Screw System 2 KHEIRON
33 03701313004835 26PH67100 26PH67100 Medium, short claw pedicle hook NKB Thoracolumbosacral Pedicle Screw System 2 KHEIRON
34 03701313004828 26PH67130 26PH67130 Medium, long claw pedicle hook NKB Thoracolumbosacral Pedicle Screw System 2 KHEIRON
35 03701313004811 26PH00001 26PH00001 Pedicle hook threaded extension NKB Thoracolumbosacral Pedicle Screw System 2 KHEIRON
36 03701313004804 26TC10050 26TC10050 Left, small counterhook NKB Thoracolumbosacral Pedicle Screw System 2 KHEIRON
37 03701313004798 26TC10075 26TC10075 Left, medium counterhook NKB Thoracolumbosacral Pedicle Screw System 2 KHEIRON
38 03701313004781 26TC10100 26TC10100 Left, large counterhook NKB Thoracolumbosacral Pedicle Screw System 2 KHEIRON
39 03701313004774 26TC20050 26TC20050 Right, small counterhook NKB Thoracolumbosacral Pedicle Screw System 2 KHEIRON
40 03701313004767 26TC20075 26TC20075 Right, medium counterhook NKB Thoracolumbosacral Pedicle Screw System 2 KHEIRON
41 03701313004750 26TC20100 26TC20100 Right, large counterhook NKB Thoracolumbosacral Pedicle Screw System 2 KHEIRON
42 03701313004743 26TC00001 26TC00001 Counterhook cap NKB Thoracolumbosacral Pedicle Screw System 2 KHEIRON
43 03701313004736 26SP45100 26SP45100 Small, short pedicle hook NKB Thoracolumbosacral Pedicle Screw System 2 KHEIRON
44 03701313004729 26SP45130 26SP45130 Small, long pedicle hook NKB Thoracolumbosacral Pedicle Screw System 2 KHEIRON
45 03701313004712 26SP67100 26SP67100 Medium, short pedicle hook NKB Thoracolumbosacral Pedicle Screw System 2 KHEIRON
46 03701313004705 26SP67130 26SP67130 Medium, long pedicle hook NKB Thoracolumbosacral Pedicle Screw System 2 KHEIRON
47 03701313004699 26SL00050 26SL00050 Small laminar hook NKB Thoracolumbosacral Pedicle Screw System 2 KHEIRON
48 03701313004682 26SL00075 26SL00075 Medium laminar hook NKB Thoracolumbosacral Pedicle Screw System 2 KHEIRON
49 03701313004675 26SL00100 26SL00100 Large laminar hook NKB Thoracolumbosacral Pedicle Screw System 2 KHEIRON
50 03701313004668 28IE56020 28IE56020 20mm iliac extension NKB Thoracolumbosacral Pedicle Screw System 2 KHEIRON
Other products with the same Product Code "LXH"
No Primary DI Version or Model Catalog Number Device Description Brand Name Organization Name
1 M209206610 20661 Standard Spreader BIOPRO, INC.
2 M209200660 20066 Modular Thumb Complete Kit BIOPRO, INC.
3 M209198320 19832 Head Remover BIOPRO, INC.
4 M209198200 19820 Quick Connect Trial Handle BIOPRO, INC.
5 M209196780 19678 Clover Staple # Leg Complete Kit BIOPRO, INC.
6 M209195430 19543 Clover Staple 4-Leg Complete kit BIOPRO, INC.
7 M209195140 19514 Staple Positioner 18x16 BIOPRO, INC.
8 M209195130 19513 Staple Positioner 14x12 BIOPRO, INC.
9 M209195120 19512 Staple Positioner 10x8 BIOPRO, INC.
10 M209194800 19480 Wrist Staple Instrument Tray BIOPRO, INC.
11 M209191250 19125 Quick Connect Handle BIOPRO, INC.
12 M209189600 18960 Clover Staple Drill Bit 1.5MM x 18MM BIOPRO, INC.
13 M209183130 18313 Pusher 3 Leg 18x16 BIOPRO, INC.
14 M209183120 18312 Pusher 3 Leg 14x12 BIOPRO, INC.
15 M209183110 118311 Pusher 3 Leg 10x8 BIOPRO, INC.
16 M209183010 18301 Pusher 4 Leg 18x16 BIOPRO, INC.
17 M209183000 18300 Pusher 4 leg 14x12 BIOPRO, INC.
18 M209182990 18299 Pusher 4 Leg 10x8 BIOPRO, INC.
19 M209180600 18060 First MPJ Instrument Tray BIOPRO, INC.
20 M209177080 17708 Memory Staple Instrument Tray BIOPRO, INC.
21 M209177070 17707 Memory Staple Complete Kit BIOPRO, INC.
22 M209176610 17661 Drill Staple Medium (2.4mm) BIOPRO, INC.
23 M209176600 17660 Drill Staple Small (1.8mm) BIOPRO, INC.
24 M209176590 17659 Drill Staple X-Small (1.4mm) BIOPRO, INC.
25 M209176520 17652 Large Staple Clamp BIOPRO, INC.
26 M20917651 17651 SM staple 4 3/4 Bulldog Hemostat BIOPRO, INC.
27 M209176160 17616 Head Trial 15MM+4 BIOPRO, INC.
28 M209176150 17615 Head Trial 14MM+4 BIOPRO, INC.
29 M209176140 17614 Head Trial 13MM+4 BIOPRO, INC.
30 M209176130 17613 Head Trial 12MM+4 BIOPRO, INC.
31 M209174790 17479 Trial 6MM BIOPRO, INC.
32 M209173830 17383 Bone Spatula BIOPRO, INC.
33 M209173740 17374 Assembly Block BIOPRO, INC.
34 M209173730 17373 Mod Thumb Oscillating Burr Fine 15mm BIOPRO, INC.
35 M209173720 17372 Mod Thumb Oscillating Burr Fine 14mm BIOPRO, INC.
36 M209173710 17371 Mod Thumb Oscillating Burr Fine 13mm BIOPRO, INC.
37 M209173700 17370 Mod Thumb Oscillating Burr Fine 12mm BIOPRO, INC.
38 M209173680 17368 First MPJ Hemi Complete Set BIOPRO, INC.
39 M209173480 17348 Stem Trial 11.5MM BIOPRO, INC.
40 M209173470 17347 Stem Trial 10.0MM BIOPRO, INC.
41 M209173460 17346 Stem Trial 8.5MM BIOPRO, INC.
42 M209173450 17345 Stem Trial 7.5MM BIOPRO, INC.
43 M209173440 17344 Mod Thumb Oscillating Burr Coarse 15mm BIOPRO, INC.
44 M209173430 17343 Mod Thumb Oscillating Burr Coarse BIOPRO, INC.
45 M209173420 17342 Oscillating Burr Coarse 13mm BIOPRO, INC.
46 M209173410 17341 Mod Thumb Oscillating Burr Coarse 12mm BIOPRO, INC.
47 M209173070 17307 Horizon Subtalar Complete Kit BIOPRO, INC.
48 M209172800 17280 Subtalar Instrument Tray BIOPRO, INC.
49 M209172670 17267 Head Trial 15MM+2 BIOPRO, INC.
50 M209172660 17266 Head Trial 14MM+2 BIOPRO, INC.