Other products from "INTRASENSE"
No Primary DI Version or Model Catalog Number Device Description Product Code Product Code Name Device Class Brand Name
1 03700719700433 MYRIAN 2.6 Software medical device aimed at reviewing images produced by all standard medic Software medical device aimed at reviewing images produced by all standard medical Imaging devices. It includes DICOM communication, media interchange (printing, CD burning, storing) and reporting features. The software can be run from any standard client platform (such as PC) that might be purchased independently by the end user. Common users are trained medical professionals, including surgeons, radiologist clinicians and technicians. This device is not indicated for mammography use. Lossy compressed mammography images and digitized film screen images must not be used for primary image interpretations. Mammographic images may only be interpreted using an FDA approved monitor that offers at least 5 mega pixel resolution and meets other technical specifications approved by the FDA. LLZ System, Image Processing, Radiological 2 MYRIAN
2 03700719700471 MYRIAN 2.9 Myrian® is a medical software for processing, management, advanced visualization Myrian® is a medical software for processing, management, advanced visualization, and analysis of multimodality medical images. It includes DICOM communication, media interchange (printing, CD burning, storing) and reporting features. The software can be run from any standard client platform (such as PC) that might be purchased independently by the end user. Common users are trained medical professionals, including radiologists, surgeons, clinicians and technicians. This device is not indicated for mammography use. LLZ System, Image Processing, Radiological 2 MYRIAN
3 03700719700464 MYRIAN 2.7.6 Software medical device aimed at reviewing images produced by all standard medic Software medical device aimed at reviewing images produced by all standard medical Imaging devices. It includes DICOM communication, media interchange (printing, CD burning, storing) and reporting features. The software can be run from any standard client platform (such as PC) that might be purchased independently by the end user. Common users are trained medical professionals, including surgeons, radiologist clinicians and technicians. This device is not indicated for mammography use. Lossy compressed mammography images and digitized film screen images must not be used for primary image interpretations. Mammographic images may only be interpreted using an FDA approved monitor that offers at least 5 mega pixel resolution and meets other technical specifications approved by the FDA. LLZ System, Image Processing, Radiological 2 MYRIAN
4 03700719700457 MYRIAN 2.8 Software medical device aimed at reviewing images produced by all standard medic Software medical device aimed at reviewing images produced by all standard medical Imaging devices. It includes DICOM communication, media interchange (printing, CD burning, storing) and reporting features. The software can be run from any standard client platform (such as PC) that might be purchased independently by the end user. Common users are trained medical professionals, including surgeons, radiologist clinicians and technicians. This device is not indicated for mammography use. Lossy compressed mammography images and digitized film screen images must not be used for primary image interpretations. Mammographic images may only be interpreted using an FDA approved monitor that offers at least 5 mega pixel resolution and meets other technical specifications approved by the FDA. LLZ System, Image Processing, Radiological 2 MYRIAN
5 03700719700440 MYRIAN 2.7 Software medical device aimed at reviewing images produced by all standard medic Software medical device aimed at reviewing images produced by all standard medical Imaging devices. It includes DICOM communication, media interchange (printing, CD burning, storing) and reporting features. The software can be run from any standard client platform (such as PC) that might be purchased independently by the end user. Common users are trained medical professionals, including surgeons, radiologist clinicians and technicians. This device is not indicated for mammography use. Lossy compressed mammography images and digitized film screen images must not be used for primary image interpretations. Mammographic images may only be interpreted using an FDA approved monitor that offers at least 5 mega pixel resolution and meets other technical specifications approved by the FDA. LLZ System, Image Processing, Radiological 2 MYRIAN
6 03700719700426 MYRIAN 2.5 Software medical device aimed at reviewing images produced by all standard medic Software medical device aimed at reviewing images produced by all standard medical Imaging devices. It includes DICOM communication, media interchange (printing, CD burning, storing) and reporting features. The software can be run from any standard client platform (such as PC) that might be purchased independently by the end user. Common users are trained medical professionals, including surgeons, radiologist clinicians and technicians. This device is not indicated for mammography use. Lossy compressed mammography images and digitized film screen images must not be used for primary image interpretations. Mammographic images may only be interpreted using an FDA approved monitor that offers at least 5 mega pixel resolution and meets other technical specifications approved by the FDA. LLZ System, Image Processing, Radiological 2 MYRIAN
7 03700719700419 MYRIAN 2.4 Software medical device aimed at reviewing images produced by all standard medic Software medical device aimed at reviewing images produced by all standard medical Imaging devices. It includes DICOM communication, media interchange (printing, CD burning, storing) and reporting features. The software can be run from any standard client platform (such as PC) that might be purchased independently by the end user. Common users are trained medical professionals, including surgeons, radiologist clinicians and technicians. This device is not indicated for mammography use. Lossy compressed mammography images and digitized film screen images must not be used for primary image interpretations. Mammographic images may only be interpreted using an FDA approved monitor that offers at least 5 mega pixel resolution and meets other technical specifications approved by the FDA. LLZ System, Image Processing, Radiological 2 MYRIAN
8 03700719700402 MYRIAN 2.3 Software medical device aimed at reviewing images produced by all standard medic Software medical device aimed at reviewing images produced by all standard medical Imaging devices. It includes DICOM communication, media interchange (printing, CD burning, storing) and reporting features. The software can be run from any standard client platform (such as PC) that might be purchased independently by the end user. Common users are trained medical professionals, including surgeons, radiologist clinicians and technicians. This device is not indicated for mammography use. Lossy compressed mammography images and digitized film screen images must not be used for primary image interpretations. Mammographic images may only be interpreted using an FDA approved monitor that offers at least 5 mega pixel resolution and meets other technical specifications approved by the FDA. LLZ System, Image Processing, Radiological 2 MYRIAN
9 03700719700013 MYRIAN 2.1 Software medical device aimed at reviewing images produced by all standard medic Software medical device aimed at reviewing images produced by all standard medical Imaging devices. It includes DICOM communication, media interchange (printing, CD burning, storing) and reporting features. The software can be run from any standard client platform (such as PC) that might be purchased independently by the end user. Common users are trained medical professionals, including surgeons, radiologist clinicians and technicians. This device is not indicated for mammography use. Lossy compressed mammography images and digitized film screen images must not be used for primary image interpretations. Mammographic images may only be interpreted using an FDA approved monitor that offers at least 5 mega pixel resolution and meets other technical specifications approved by the FDA. LLZ System, Image Processing, Radiological 2 MYRIAN
Other products with the same Product Code "LLZ"
No Primary DI Version or Model Catalog Number Device Description Brand Name Organization Name
1 00817886020462 5.33 The Medstrat Joints system is intended to enable the communication, storage, vie The Medstrat Joints system is intended to enable the communication, storage, viewing, and manipulation of diagnostic medical images and data. The Joints system can show images on workstations locally and/or across computer networks at widely distributed locations. The Joints software is intended for assisting healthcare professionals in preoperative planning and postoperative evaluation of orthopedic surgery. The device allows for overlaying of prosthesis templates on radiological images, and includes tools for performing measurements on the image and positioning the templates. The typical Joints users are trained professionals such as orthopedic surgeons, referring and collaborating physicians, and authorized medical professionals.It is the user's responsibility to bear in mind the display monitor's quality, ambient light conditions, and the tradeoff between image compression ratio and clinical effectiveness for specific image study indications. Joints MEDSTRAT, INC.
2 00817886020455 5.32 The Medstrat Joints system is intended to enable the communication, storage, vie The Medstrat Joints system is intended to enable the communication, storage, viewing, and manipulation of diagnostic medical images and data. The Joints system can show images on workstations locally and/or across computer networks at widely distributed locations. The Joints software is intended for assisting healthcare professionals in preoperative planning and postoperative evaluation of orthopedic surgery. The device allows for overlaying of prosthesis templates on radiological images, and includes tools for performing measurements on the image and positioning the templates. The typical Joints users are trained professionals such as orthopedic surgeons, referring and collaborating physicians, and authorized medical professionals.It is the user's responsibility to bear in mind the display monitor's quality, ambient light conditions, and the tradeoff between image compression ratio and clinical effectiveness for specific image study indications. Joints MEDSTRAT, INC.
3 00817886020448 5.31 The Medstrat Joints system is intended to enable the communication, storage, vie The Medstrat Joints system is intended to enable the communication, storage, viewing, and manipulation of diagnostic medical images and data. The Joints system can show images on workstations locally and/or across computer networks at widely distributed locations. The Joints software is intended for assisting healthcare professionals in preoperative planning and postoperative evaluation of orthopedic surgery. The device allows for overlaying of prosthesis templates on radiological images, and includes tools for performing measurements on the image and positioning the templates. The typical Joints users are trained professionals such as orthopedic surgeons, referring and collaborating physicians, and authorized medical professionals.It is the user's responsibility to bear in mind the display monitor's quality, ambient light conditions, and the tradeoff between image compression ratio and clinical effectiveness for specific image study indications. Joints MEDSTRAT, INC.
4 00817886020431 5.30 The Medstrat Joints system is intended to enable the communication, storage, vie The Medstrat Joints system is intended to enable the communication, storage, viewing, and manipulation of diagnostic medical images and data. The Joints system can show images on workstations locally and/or across computer networks at widely distributed locations. The Joints software is intended for assisting healthcare professionals in preoperative planning and postoperative evaluation of orthopedic surgery. The device allows for overlaying of prosthesis templates on radiological images, and includes tools for performing measurements on the image and positioning the templates. The typical Joints users are trained professionals such as orthopedic surgeons, referring and collaborating physicians, and authorized medical professionals.It is the user's responsibility to bear in mind the display monitor's quality, ambient light conditions, and the tradeoff between image compression ratio and clinical effectiveness for specific image study indications. Joints MEDSTRAT, INC.
5 00817886020424 5.29 The Medstrat Joints system is intended to enable the communication, storage, vie The Medstrat Joints system is intended to enable the communication, storage, viewing, and manipulation of diagnostic medical images and data. The Joints system can show images on workstations locally and/or across computer networks at widely distributed locations. The Joints software is intended for assisting healthcare professionals in preoperative planning and postoperative evaluation of orthopedic surgery. The device allows for overlaying of prosthesis templates on radiological images, and includes tools for performing measurements on the image and positioning the templates. The typical Joints users are trained professionals such as orthopedic surgeons, referring and collaborating physicians, and authorized medical professionals.It is the user's responsibility to bear in mind the display monitor's quality, ambient light conditions, and the tradeoff between image compression ratio and clinical effectiveness for specific image study indications. Joints MEDSTRAT, INC.
6 00817886020417 5.28 The Medstrat Joints system is intended to enable the communication, storage, vie The Medstrat Joints system is intended to enable the communication, storage, viewing, and manipulation of diagnostic medical images and data. The Joints system can show images on workstations locally and/or across computer networks at widely distributed locations. The Joints software is intended for assisting healthcare professionals in preoperative planning and postoperative evaluation of orthopedic surgery. The device allows for overlaying of prosthesis templates on radiological images, and includes tools for performing measurements on the image and positioning the templates. The typical Joints users are trained professionals such as orthopedic surgeons, referring and collaborating physicians, and authorized medical professionals.It is the user's responsibility to bear in mind the display monitor's quality, ambient light conditions, and the tradeoff between image compression ratio and clinical effectiveness for specific image study indications. Joints MEDSTRAT, INC.
7 00817886020400 5.27 The Medstrat Joints system is intended to enable the communication, storage, vie The Medstrat Joints system is intended to enable the communication, storage, viewing, and manipulation of diagnostic medical images and data. The Joints system can show images on workstations locally and/or across computer networks at widely distributed locations. The Joints software is intended for assisting healthcare professionals in preoperative planning and postoperative evaluation of orthopedic surgery. The device allows for overlaying of prosthesis templates on radiological images, and includes tools for performing measurements on the image and positioning the templates. The typical Joints users are trained professionals such as orthopedic surgeons, referring and collaborating physicians, and authorized medical professionals.It is the user's responsibility to bear in mind the display monitor's quality, ambient light conditions, and the tradeoff between image compression ratio and clinical effectiveness for specific image study indications. Joints MEDSTRAT, INC.
8 00817886020394 5.26 The Medstrat Joints system is intended to enable the communication, storage, vie The Medstrat Joints system is intended to enable the communication, storage, viewing, and manipulation of diagnostic medical images and data. The Joints system can show images on workstations locally and/or across computer networks at widely distributed locations. The Joints software is intended for assisting healthcare professionals in preoperative planning and postoperative evaluation of orthopedic surgery. The device allows for overlaying of prosthesis templates on radiological images, and includes tools for performing measurements on the image and positioning the templates. The typical Joints users are trained professionals such as orthopedic surgeons, referring and collaborating physicians, and authorized medical professionals.It is the user's responsibility to bear in mind the display monitor's quality, ambient light conditions, and the tradeoff between image compression ratio and clinical effectiveness for specific image study indications. Joints MEDSTRAT, INC.
9 00817886020387 5.25 The Medstrat Joints system is intended to enable the communication, storage, vie The Medstrat Joints system is intended to enable the communication, storage, viewing, and manipulation of diagnostic medical images and data. The Joints system can show images on workstations locally and/or across computer networks at widely distributed locations. The Joints software is intended for assisting healthcare professionals in preoperative planning and postoperative evaluation of orthopedic surgery. The device allows for overlaying of prosthesis templates on radiological images, and includes tools for performing measurements on the image and positioning the templates. The typical Joints users are trained professionals such as orthopedic surgeons, referring and collaborating physicians, and authorized medical professionals.It is the user's responsibility to bear in mind the display monitor's quality, ambient light conditions, and the tradeoff between image compression ratio and clinical effectiveness for specific image study indications. Joints MEDSTRAT, INC.
10 00817886020370 5.24 The Medstrat Joints system is intended to enable the communication, storage, vie The Medstrat Joints system is intended to enable the communication, storage, viewing, and manipulation of diagnostic medical images and data. The Joints system can show images on workstations locally and/or across computer networks at widely distributed locations. The Joints software is intended for assisting healthcare professionals in preoperative planning and postoperative evaluation of orthopedic surgery. The device allows for overlaying of prosthesis templates on radiological images, and includes tools for performing measurements on the image and positioning the templates. The typical Joints users are trained professionals such as orthopedic surgeons, referring and collaborating physicians, and authorized medical professionals.It is the user's responsibility to bear in mind the display monitor's quality, ambient light conditions, and the tradeoff between image compression ratio and clinical effectiveness for specific image study indications. Joints MEDSTRAT, INC.
11 00817886020363 5.23 The Medstrat Joints system is intended to enable the communication, storage, vie The Medstrat Joints system is intended to enable the communication, storage, viewing, and manipulation of diagnostic medical images and data. The Joints system can show images on workstations locally and/or across computer networks at widely distributed locations. The Joints software is intended for assisting healthcare professionals in preoperative planning and postoperative evaluation of orthopedic surgery. The device allows for overlaying of prosthesis templates on radiological images, and includes tools for performing measurements on the image and positioning the templates. The typical Joints users are trained professionals such as orthopedic surgeons, referring and collaborating physicians, and authorized medical professionals.It is the user's responsibility to bear in mind the display monitor's quality, ambient light conditions, and the tradeoff between image compression ratio and clinical effectiveness for specific image study indications. Joints MEDSTRAT, INC.
12 00817886020356 5.22 The Medstrat Joints system is intended to enable the communication, storage, vie The Medstrat Joints system is intended to enable the communication, storage, viewing, and manipulation of diagnostic medical images and data. The Joints system can show images on workstations locally and/or across computer networks at widely distributed locations. The Joints software is intended for assisting healthcare professionals in preoperative planning and postoperative evaluation of orthopedic surgery. The device allows for overlaying of prosthesis templates on radiological images, and includes tools for performing measurements on the image and positioning the templates. The typical Joints users are trained professionals such as orthopedic surgeons, referring and collaborating physicians, and authorized medical professionals.It is the user's responsibility to bear in mind the display monitor's quality, ambient light conditions, and the tradeoff between image compression ratio and clinical effectiveness for specific image study indications. Joints MEDSTRAT, INC.
13 00817886020349 5.21 The Medstrat Joints system is intended to enable the communication, storage, vie The Medstrat Joints system is intended to enable the communication, storage, viewing, and manipulation of diagnostic medical images and data. The Joints system can show images on workstations locally and/or across computer networks at widely distributed locations. The Joints software is intended for assisting healthcare professionals in preoperative planning and postoperative evaluation of orthopedic surgery. The device allows for overlaying of prosthesis templates on radiological images, and includes tools for performing measurements on the image and positioning the templates. The typical Joints users are trained professionals such as orthopedic surgeons, referring and collaborating physicians, and authorized medical professionals.It is the user's responsibility to bear in mind the display monitor's quality, ambient light conditions, and the tradeoff between image compression ratio and clinical effectiveness for specific image study indications. Joints MEDSTRAT, INC.
14 00817886020332 5.20 The Medstrat Joints system is intended to enable the communication, storage, vie The Medstrat Joints system is intended to enable the communication, storage, viewing, and manipulation of diagnostic medical images and data. The Joints system can show images on workstations locally and/or across computer networks at widely distributed locations. The Joints software is intended for assisting healthcare professionals in preoperative planning and postoperative evaluation of orthopedic surgery. The device allows for overlaying of prosthesis templates on radiological images, and includes tools for performing measurements on the image and positioning the templates. The typical Joints users are trained professionals such as orthopedic surgeons, referring and collaborating physicians, and authorized medical professionals.It is the user's responsibility to bear in mind the display monitor's quality, ambient light conditions, and the tradeoff between image compression ratio and clinical effectiveness for specific image study indications. Joints MEDSTRAT, INC.
15 00817886020325 5.19 The Medstrat Joints system is intended to enable the communication, storage, vie The Medstrat Joints system is intended to enable the communication, storage, viewing, and manipulation of diagnostic medical images and data. The Joints system can show images on workstations locally and/or across computer networks at widely distributed locations. The Joints software is intended for assisting healthcare professionals in preoperative planning and postoperative evaluation of orthopedic surgery. The device allows for overlaying of prosthesis templates on radiological images, and includes tools for performing measurements on the image and positioning the templates. The typical Joints users are trained professionals such as orthopedic surgeons, referring and collaborating physicians, and authorized medical professionals.It is the user's responsibility to bear in mind the display monitor's quality, ambient light conditions, and the tradeoff between image compression ratio and clinical effectiveness for specific image study indications. Joints MEDSTRAT, INC.
16 00817886020318 5.18 The Medstrat Joints system is intended to enable the communication, storage, vie The Medstrat Joints system is intended to enable the communication, storage, viewing, and manipulation of diagnostic medical images and data. The Joints system can show images on workstations locally and/or across computer networks at widely distributed locations. The Joints software is intended for assisting healthcare professionals in preoperative planning and postoperative evaluation of orthopedic surgery. The device allows for overlaying of prosthesis templates on radiological images, and includes tools for performing measurements on the image and positioning the templates. The typical Joints users are trained professionals such as orthopedic surgeons, referring and collaborating physicians, and authorized medical professionals.It is the user's responsibility to bear in mind the display monitor's quality, ambient light conditions, and the tradeoff between image compression ratio and clinical effectiveness for specific image study indications. Joints MEDSTRAT, INC.
17 00817886020301 5.17 The Medstrat Joints system is intended to enable the communication, storage, vie The Medstrat Joints system is intended to enable the communication, storage, viewing, and manipulation of diagnostic medical images and data. The Joints system can show images on workstations locally and/or across computer networks at widely distributed locations. The Joints software is intended for assisting healthcare professionals in preoperative planning and postoperative evaluation of orthopedic surgery. The device allows for overlaying of prosthesis templates on radiological images, and includes tools for performing measurements on the image and positioning the templates. The typical Joints users are trained professionals such as orthopedic surgeons, referring and collaborating physicians, and authorized medical professionals.It is the user's responsibility to bear in mind the display monitor's quality, ambient light conditions, and the tradeoff between image compression ratio and clinical effectiveness for specific image study indications. Joints MEDSTRAT, INC.
18 00817886020295 5.16 The Medstrat Joints system is intended to enable the communication, storage, vie The Medstrat Joints system is intended to enable the communication, storage, viewing, and manipulation of diagnostic medical images and data. The Joints system can show images on workstations locally and/or across computer networks at widely distributed locations. The Joints software is intended for assisting healthcare professionals in preoperative planning and postoperative evaluation of orthopedic surgery. The device allows for overlaying of prosthesis templates on radiological images, and includes tools for performing measurements on the image and positioning the templates. The typical Joints users are trained professionals such as orthopedic surgeons, referring and collaborating physicians, and authorized medical professionals.It is the user's responsibility to bear in mind the display monitor's quality, ambient light conditions, and the tradeoff between image compression ratio and clinical effectiveness for specific image study indications. Joints MEDSTRAT, INC.
19 00817886020288 5.15 The Medstrat Joints system is intended to enable the communication, storage, vie The Medstrat Joints system is intended to enable the communication, storage, viewing, and manipulation of diagnostic medical images and data. The Joints system can show images on workstations locally and/or across computer networks at widely distributed locations. The Joints software is intended for assisting healthcare professionals in preoperative planning and postoperative evaluation of orthopedic surgery. The device allows for overlaying of prosthesis templates on radiological images, and includes tools for performing measurements on the image and positioning the templates. The typical Joints users are trained professionals such as orthopedic surgeons, referring and collaborating physicians, and authorized medical professionals.It is the user's responsibility to bear in mind the display monitor's quality, ambient light conditions, and the tradeoff between image compression ratio and clinical effectiveness for specific image study indications. Joints MEDSTRAT, INC.
20 00817886020271 5.14 The Medstrat Joints system is intended to enable the communication, storage, vie The Medstrat Joints system is intended to enable the communication, storage, viewing, and manipulation of diagnostic medical images and data. The Joints system can show images on workstations locally and/or across computer networks at widely distributed locations. The Joints software is intended for assisting healthcare professionals in preoperative planning and postoperative evaluation of orthopedic surgery. The device allows for overlaying of prosthesis templates on radiological images, and includes tools for performing measurements on the image and positioning the templates. The typical Joints users are trained professionals such as orthopedic surgeons, referring and collaborating physicians, and authorized medical professionals.It is the user's responsibility to bear in mind the display monitor's quality, ambient light conditions, and the tradeoff between image compression ratio and clinical effectiveness for specific image study indications. Joints MEDSTRAT, INC.
21 00817886020264 5.13 The Medstrat Joints system is intended to enable the communication, storage, vie The Medstrat Joints system is intended to enable the communication, storage, viewing, and manipulation of diagnostic medical images and data. The Joints system can show images on workstations locally and/or across computer networks at widely distributed locations. The Joints software is intended for assisting healthcare professionals in preoperative planning and postoperative evaluation of orthopedic surgery. The device allows for overlaying of prosthesis templates on radiological images, and includes tools for performing measurements on the image and positioning the templates. The typical Joints users are trained professionals such as orthopedic surgeons, referring and collaborating physicians, and authorized medical professionals.It is the user's responsibility to bear in mind the display monitor's quality, ambient light conditions, and the tradeoff between image compression ratio and clinical effectiveness for specific image study indications. Joints MEDSTRAT, INC.
22 00817886020257 5.12 The Medstrat Joints system is intended to enable the communication, storage, vie The Medstrat Joints system is intended to enable the communication, storage, viewing, and manipulation of diagnostic medical images and data. The Joints system can show images on workstations locally and/or across computer networks at widely distributed locations. The Joints software is intended for assisting healthcare professionals in preoperative planning and postoperative evaluation of orthopedic surgery. The device allows for overlaying of prosthesis templates on radiological images, and includes tools for performing measurements on the image and positioning the templates. The typical Joints users are trained professionals such as orthopedic surgeons, referring and collaborating physicians, and authorized medical professionals.It is the user's responsibility to bear in mind the display monitor's quality, ambient light conditions, and the tradeoff between image compression ratio and clinical effectiveness for specific image study indications. Joints MEDSTRAT, INC.
23 00817886020240 5.11 The Medstrat Joints system is intended to enable the communication, storage, vie The Medstrat Joints system is intended to enable the communication, storage, viewing, and manipulation of diagnostic medical images and data. The Joints system can show images on workstations locally and/or across computer networks at widely distributed locations. The Joints software is intended for assisting healthcare professionals in preoperative planning and postoperative evaluation of orthopedic surgery. The device allows for overlaying of prosthesis templates on radiological images, and includes tools for performing measurements on the image and positioning the templates. The typical Joints users are trained professionals such as orthopedic surgeons, referring and collaborating physicians, and authorized medical professionals.It is the user's responsibility to bear in mind the display monitor's quality, ambient light conditions, and the tradeoff between image compression ratio and clinical effectiveness for specific image study indications. Joints MEDSTRAT, INC.
24 00817886020233 5.10 The Medstrat Joints system is intended to enable the communication, storage, vie The Medstrat Joints system is intended to enable the communication, storage, viewing, and manipulation of diagnostic medical images and data. The Joints system can show images on workstations locally and/or across computer networks at widely distributed locations. The Joints software is intended for assisting healthcare professionals in preoperative planning and postoperative evaluation of orthopedic surgery. The device allows for overlaying of prosthesis templates on radiological images, and includes tools for performing measurements on the image and positioning the templates. The typical Joints users are trained professionals such as orthopedic surgeons, referring and collaborating physicians, and authorized medical professionals.It is the user's responsibility to bear in mind the display monitor's quality, ambient light conditions, and the tradeoff between image compression ratio and clinical effectiveness for specific image study indications. Joints MEDSTRAT, INC.
25 00817886020226 5.9 The Medstrat Joints system is intended to enable the communication, storage, vie The Medstrat Joints system is intended to enable the communication, storage, viewing, and manipulation of diagnostic medical images and data. The Joints system can show images on workstations locally and/or across computer networks at widely distributed locations. The Joints software is intended for assisting healthcare professionals in preoperative planning and postoperative evaluation of orthopedic surgery. The device allows for overlaying of prosthesis templates on radiological images, and includes tools for performing measurements on the image and positioning the templates. The typical Joints users are trained professionals such as orthopedic surgeons, referring and collaborating physicians, and authorized medical professionals.It is the user's responsibility to bear in mind the display monitor's quality, ambient light conditions, and the tradeoff between image compression ratio and clinical effectiveness for specific image study indications. Joints MEDSTRAT, INC.
26 00817886020219 5.8 The Medstrat Joints system is intended to enable the communication, storage, vie The Medstrat Joints system is intended to enable the communication, storage, viewing, and manipulation of diagnostic medical images and data. The Joints system can show images on workstations locally and/or across computer networks at widely distributed locations. The Joints software is intended for assisting healthcare professionals in preoperative planning and postoperative evaluation of orthopedic surgery. The device allows for overlaying of prosthesis templates on radiological images, and includes tools for performing measurements on the image and positioning the templates. The typical Joints users are trained professionals such as orthopedic surgeons, referring and collaborating physicians, and authorized medical professionals.It is the user's responsibility to bear in mind the display monitor's quality, ambient light conditions, and the tradeoff between image compression ratio and clinical effectiveness for specific image study indications. Joints MEDSTRAT, INC.
27 00817886020202 5.7 The Medstrat Joints system is intended to enable the communication, storage, vie The Medstrat Joints system is intended to enable the communication, storage, viewing, and manipulation of diagnostic medical images and data. The Joints system can show images on workstations locally and/or across computer networks at widely distributed locations. The Joints software is intended for assisting healthcare professionals in preoperative planning and postoperative evaluation of orthopedic surgery. The device allows for overlaying of prosthesis templates on radiological images, and includes tools for performing measurements on the image and positioning the templates. The typical Joints users are trained professionals such as orthopedic surgeons, referring and collaborating physicians, and authorized medical professionals.It is the user's responsibility to bear in mind the display monitor's quality, ambient light conditions, and the tradeoff between image compression ratio and clinical effectiveness for specific image study indications. Joints MEDSTRAT, INC.
28 00817886020196 5.6 The Medstrat Joints system is intended to enable the communication, storage, vie The Medstrat Joints system is intended to enable the communication, storage, viewing, and manipulation of diagnostic medical images and data. The Joints system can show images on workstations locally and/or across computer networks at widely distributed locations. The Joints software is intended for assisting healthcare professionals in preoperative planning and postoperative evaluation of orthopedic surgery. The device allows for overlaying of prosthesis templates on radiological images, and includes tools for performing measurements on the image and positioning the templates. The typical Joints users are trained professionals such as orthopedic surgeons, referring and collaborating physicians, and authorized medical professionals.It is the user's responsibility to bear in mind the display monitor's quality, ambient light conditions, and the tradeoff between image compression ratio and clinical effectiveness for specific image study indications. Joints MEDSTRAT, INC.
29 00817886020189 5.4 The Medstrat Joints system is intended to enable the communication, storage, vie The Medstrat Joints system is intended to enable the communication, storage, viewing, and manipulation of diagnostic medical images and data. The Joints system can show images on workstations locally and/or across computer networks at widely distributed locations. The Joints software is intended for assisting healthcare professionals in preoperative planning and postoperative evaluation of orthopedic surgery. The device allows for overlaying of prosthesis templates on radiological images, and includes tools for performing measurements on the image and positioning the templates. The typical Joints users are trained professionals such as orthopedic surgeons, referring and collaborating physicians, and authorized medical professionals.It is the user's responsibility to bear in mind the display monitor's quality, ambient light conditions, and the tradeoff between image compression ratio and clinical effectiveness for specific image study indications. Joints MEDSTRAT, INC.
30 00817886020172 5.3 The Medstrat Joints system is intended to enable the communication, storage, vie The Medstrat Joints system is intended to enable the communication, storage, viewing, and manipulation of diagnostic medical images and data. The Joints system can show images on workstations locally and/or across computer networks at widely distributed locations. The Joints software is intended for assisting healthcare professionals in preoperative planning and postoperative evaluation of orthopedic surgery. The device allows for overlaying of prosthesis templates on radiological images, and includes tools for performing measurements on the image and positioning the templates. The typical Joints users are trained professionals such as orthopedic surgeons, referring and collaborating physicians, and authorized medical professionals.It is the user's responsibility to bear in mind the display monitor's quality, ambient light conditions, and the tradeoff between image compression ratio and clinical effectiveness for specific image study indications. Joints MEDSTRAT, INC.
31 00817886020158 5.2 The Medstrat Joints system is intended to enable the communication, storage, vie The Medstrat Joints system is intended to enable the communication, storage, viewing, and manipulation of diagnostic medical images and data. The Joints system can show images on workstations locally and/or across computer networks at widely distributed locations. The Joints software is intended for assisting healthcare professionals in preoperative planning and postoperative evaluation of orthopedic surgery. The device allows for overlaying of prosthesis templates on radiological images, and includes tools for performing measurements on the image and positioning the templates. The typical Joints users are trained professionals such as orthopedic surgeons, referring and collaborating physicians, and authorized medical professionals.It is the user's responsibility to bear in mind the display monitor's quality, ambient light conditions, and the tradeoff between image compression ratio and clinical effectiveness for specific image study indications. Joints MEDSTRAT, INC.
32 00817886020141 5.1 The Medstrat Joints system is intended to enable the communication, storage, vie The Medstrat Joints system is intended to enable the communication, storage, viewing, and manipulation of diagnostic medical images and data. The Joints system can show images on workstations locally and/or across computer networks at widely distributed locations. The Joints software is intended for assisting healthcare professionals in preoperative planning and postoperative evaluation of orthopedic surgery. The device allows for overlaying of prosthesis templates on radiological images, and includes tools for performing measurements on the image and positioning the templates. The typical Joints users are trained professionals such as orthopedic surgeons, referring and collaborating physicians, and authorized medical professionals.It is the user's responsibility to bear in mind the display monitor's quality, ambient light conditions, and the tradeoff between image compression ratio and clinical effectiveness for specific image study indications. Joints MEDSTRAT, INC.
33 00817886020134 5.0 The Medstrat Joints system is intended to enable the communication, storage, vie The Medstrat Joints system is intended to enable the communication, storage, viewing, and manipulation of diagnostic medical images and data. The Joints system can show images on workstations locally and/or across computer networks at widely distributed locations. The Joints software is intended for assisting healthcare professionals in preoperative planning and postoperative evaluation of orthopedic surgery. The device allows for overlaying of prosthesis templates on radiological images, and includes tools for performing measurements on the image and positioning the templates. The typical Joints users are trained professionals such as orthopedic surgeons, referring and collaborating physicians, and authorized medical professionals.It is the user's responsibility to bear in mind the display monitor's quality, ambient light conditions, and the tradeoff between image compression ratio and clinical effectiveness for specific image study indications. Joints MEDSTRAT, INC.
34 00817886020127 4.37 The Medstrat Joints system is intended to enable the communication, storage, vie The Medstrat Joints system is intended to enable the communication, storage, viewing, and manipulation of diagnostic medical images and data. The Joints system can show images on workstations locally and/or across computer networks at widely distributed locations. The Joints software is intended for assisting healthcare professionals in preoperative planning and postoperative evaluation of orthopedic surgery. The device allows for overlaying of prosthesis templates on radiological images, and includes tools for performing measurements on the image and positioning the templates. The typical Joints users are trained professionals such as orthopedic surgeons, referring and collaborating physicians, and authorized medical professionals.It is the user's responsibility to bear in mind the display monitor's quality, ambient light conditions, and the tradeoff between image compression ratio and clinical effectiveness for specific image study indications. Joints MEDSTRAT, INC.
35 00817886020110 4.35 The Medstrat Joints system is intended to enable the communication, storage, vie The Medstrat Joints system is intended to enable the communication, storage, viewing, and manipulation of diagnostic medical images and data. The Joints system can show images on workstations locally and/or across computer networks at widely distributed locations. The Joints software is intended for assisting healthcare professionals in preoperative planning and postoperative evaluation of orthopedic surgery. The device allows for overlaying of prosthesis templates on radiological images, and includes tools for performing measurements on the image and positioning the templates. The typical Joints users are trained professionals such as orthopedic surgeons, referring and collaborating physicians, and authorized medical professionals.It is the user's responsibility to bear in mind the display monitor's quality, ambient light conditions, and the tradeoff between image compression ratio and clinical effectiveness for specific image study indications. Joints MEDSTRAT, INC.
36 00817886020097 4.0.32 The Medstrat Joints system is intended to enable the communication, storage, vie The Medstrat Joints system is intended to enable the communication, storage, viewing, and manipulation of diagnostic medical images and data. The Joints system can show images on workstations locally and/or across computer networks at widely distributed locations. The Joints software is intended for assisting healthcare professionals in preoperative planning and postoperative evaluation of orthopedic surgery. The device allows for overlaying of prosthesis templates on radiological images, and includes tools for performing measurements on the image and positioning the templates. The typical Joints users are trained professionals such as orthopedic surgeons, referring and collaborating physicians, and authorized medical professionals.It is the user's responsibility to bear in mind the display monitor's quality, ambient light conditions, and the tradeoff between image compression ratio and clinical effectiveness for specific image study indications. Joints MEDSTRAT, INC.
37 00817886020080 4.0.31 The Medstrat Joints system is intended to enable the communication, storage, vie The Medstrat Joints system is intended to enable the communication, storage, viewing, and manipulation of diagnostic medical images and data. The Joints system can show images on workstations locally and/or across computer networks at widely distributed locations. The Joints software is intended for assisting healthcare professionals in preoperative planning and postoperative evaluation of orthopedic surgery. The device allows for overlaying of prosthesis templates on radiological images, and includes tools for performing measurements on the image and positioning the templates. The typical Joints users are trained professionals such as orthopedic surgeons, referring and collaborating physicians, and authorized medical professionals.It is the user's responsibility to bear in mind the display monitor's quality, ambient light conditions, and the tradeoff between image compression ratio and clinical effectiveness for specific image study indications. Joints MEDSTRAT, INC.
38 00817886020073 4.0.30 The Medstrat Joints system is intended to enable the communication, storage, vie The Medstrat Joints system is intended to enable the communication, storage, viewing, and manipulation of diagnostic medical images and data. The Joints system can show images on workstations locally and/or across computer networks at widely distributed locations. The Joints software is intended for assisting healthcare professionals in preoperative planning and postoperative evaluation of orthopedic surgery. The device allows for overlaying of prosthesis templates on radiological images, and includes tools for performing measurements on the image and positioning the templates. The typical Joints users are trained professionals such as orthopedic surgeons, referring and collaborating physicians, and authorized medical professionals.It is the user's responsibility to bear in mind the display monitor's quality, ambient light conditions, and the tradeoff between image compression ratio and clinical effectiveness for specific image study indications. Joints MEDSTRAT, INC.
39 00817886020066 4.0.29 The Medstrat Joints system is intended to enable the communication, storage, vie The Medstrat Joints system is intended to enable the communication, storage, viewing, and manipulation of diagnostic medical images and data. The Joints system can show images on workstations locally and/or across computer networks at widely distributed locations. The Joints software is intended for assisting healthcare professionals in preoperative planning and postoperative evaluation of orthopedic surgery. The device allows for overlaying of prosthesis templates on radiological images, and includes tools for performing measurements on the image and positioning the templates. The typical Joints users are trained professionals such as orthopedic surgeons, referring and collaborating physicians, and authorized medical professionals.It is the user's responsibility to bear in mind the display monitor's quality, ambient light conditions, and the tradeoff between image compression ratio and clinical effectiveness for specific image study indications. Joints MEDSTRAT, INC.
40 00817886020059 4.0.27 The Medstrat Joints system is intended to enable the communication, storage, vie The Medstrat Joints system is intended to enable the communication, storage, viewing, and manipulation of diagnostic medical images and data. The Joints system can show images on workstations locally and/or across computer networks at widely distributed locations. The Joints software is intended for assisting healthcare professionals in preoperative planning and postoperative evaluation of orthopedic surgery. The device allows for overlaying of prosthesis templates on radiological images, and includes tools for performing measurements on the image and positioning the templates. The typical Joints users are trained professionals such as orthopedic surgeons, referring and collaborating physicians, and authorized medical professionals.It is the user's responsibility to bear in mind the display monitor's quality, ambient light conditions, and the tradeoff between image compression ratio and clinical effectiveness for specific image study indications. Joints MEDSTRAT, INC.
41 00817886020042 4.0.25 The Medstrat Joints system is intended to enable the communication, storage, vie The Medstrat Joints system is intended to enable the communication, storage, viewing, and manipulation of diagnostic medical images and data. The Joints system can show images on workstations locally and/or across computer networks at widely distributed locations. The Joints software is intended for assisting healthcare professionals in preoperative planning and postoperative evaluation of orthopedic surgery. The device allows for overlaying of prosthesis templates on radiological images, and includes tools for performing measurements on the image and positioning the templates. The typical Joints users are trained professionals such as orthopedic surgeons, referring and collaborating physicians, and authorized medical professionals.It is the user's responsibility to bear in mind the display monitor's quality, ambient light conditions, and the tradeoff between image compression ratio and clinical effectiveness for specific image study indications. Joints MEDSTRAT, INC.
42 00817886020035 4.0.23 The Medstrat Joints system is intended to enable the communication, storage, vie The Medstrat Joints system is intended to enable the communication, storage, viewing, and manipulation of diagnostic medical images and data. The Joints system can show images on workstations locally and/or across computer networks at widely distributed locations. The Joints software is intended for assisting healthcare professionals in preoperative planning and postoperative evaluation of orthopedic surgery. The device allows for overlaying of prosthesis templates on radiological images, and includes tools for performing measurements on the image and positioning the templates. The typical Joints users are trained professionals such as orthopedic surgeons, referring and collaborating physicians, and authorized medical professionals.It is the user's responsibility to bear in mind the display monitor's quality, ambient light conditions, and the tradeoff between image compression ratio and clinical effectiveness for specific image study indications. Joints MEDSTRAT, INC.
43 00817886020028 4.0.22 The Medstrat Joints system is intended to enable the communication, storage, vie The Medstrat Joints system is intended to enable the communication, storage, viewing, and manipulation of diagnostic medical images and data. The Joints system can show images on workstations locally and/or across computer networks at widely distributed locations. The Joints software is intended for assisting healthcare professionals in preoperative planning and postoperative evaluation of orthopedic surgery. The device allows for overlaying of prosthesis templates on radiological images, and includes tools for performing measurements on the image and positioning the templates. The typical Joints users are trained professionals such as orthopedic surgeons, referring and collaborating physicians, and authorized medical professionals.It is the user's responsibility to bear in mind the display monitor's quality, ambient light conditions, and the tradeoff between image compression ratio and clinical effectiveness for specific image study indications. Joints MEDSTRAT, INC.
44 00817886020011 4.0.19 The Medstrat Joints system is intended to enable the communication, storage, vie The Medstrat Joints system is intended to enable the communication, storage, viewing, and manipulation of diagnostic medical images and data. The Joints system can show images on workstations locally and/or across computer networks at widely distributed locations. The Joints software is intended for assisting healthcare professionals in preoperative planning and postoperative evaluation of orthopedic surgery. The device allows for overlaying of prosthesis templates on radiological images, and includes tools for performing measurements on the image and positioning the templates. The typical Joints users are trained professionals such as orthopedic surgeons, referring and collaborating physicians, and authorized medical professionals.It is the user's responsibility to bear in mind the display monitor's quality, ambient light conditions, and the tradeoff between image compression ratio and clinical effectiveness for specific image study indications. Joints MEDSTRAT, INC.
45 00817100020438 OPALACQ-02-04-00-000 Software, Opal Acquire Image Acquisition Software. Konica Minolta Software Opal Acquire KONICA MINOLTA MEDICAL IMAGING U.S.A., INC.
46 00817100020421 OPALACQ-02-03-04-000 Software, Opal Acquire Image Acquisition Software Konica Minolta Software Opal Acquire KONICA MINOLTA MEDICAL IMAGING U.S.A., INC.
47 00817100020414 OPALACQ-04-01-00-000 Software, Opal Acquire Image Acquisition Software. Konica Minolta SW Opal (Acquire), 20/20 Opal (Acquire) KONICA MINOLTA MEDICAL IMAGING U.S.A., INC.
48 00817100020193 EXA 01-04-000 EXA is a software device that receives digital images and data from various sour EXA is a software device that receives digital images and data from various sources (i.e. CT scanners, MR scanners, ultrasound systems, R/F Units, computed & direct radiographic devices, secondary capture devices, scanners, imaging gateways or other imaging sources). Images and data can be stored, communicated, processed and displayed within the system and or across computer networks at distributed locations.Lossy compressed mammographic images are not intended for diagnostic review. Konica Minolta SW (PACS) Exa KONICA MINOLTA MEDICAL IMAGING U.S.A., INC.
49 00817100020186 OPALACQ 04-02-01-000 Software, Opal Acquire Image Acquisition Software. Konica Minolta SW (Acquire) Opal, 20/20 Opal (Acquire) Vizion KONICA MINOLTA MEDICAL IMAGING U.S.A., INC.
50 00816847022606 Fluoroscopic Insert 351-80-11 Single use stainless steel tube insert to be used for fluoroscopic feedback for Single use stainless steel tube insert to be used for fluoroscopic feedback for alignment of cutting guides. Vantage PSI 3D SYSTEMS, INC.