Other products from "QUANTEL MEDICAL"
No Primary DI Version or Model Catalog Number Device Description Product Code Product Code Name Device Class Brand Name
1 03700542625415 VMS 532nm Multispot LaserRetinal Photocoagulation GEX Powered Laser Surgical Instrument 2 VITRA MULTISPOT
2 03700542625392 IOH577 577nm Heine Omega 500 Indirect Ophthalmoscope with integrated adaptor HQF Laser, Ophthalmic 2 577nm Heine Omega 500 IO with integrated adaptor
3 03700542625361 577CZ30ST HQF Laser, Ophthalmic 2 577nm adaptor for ZEISS 30 Slit Lamp
4 03700542625293 SUPSC532 532nm adaptor for HS900 BM/BQ Slit Lamp (MultiSpot) GEX Powered Laser Surgical Instrument 2 SUPRASCAN 532nm
5 03700542625927 EASYRET The laser (577 nm Fiber Techology Laser SingleSpot, MultiSpot and Subliminal mod The laser (577 nm Fiber Techology Laser SingleSpot, MultiSpot and Subliminal mode and Slit Lamp Zeiss mode) is a photocoagulator device intended for the treatment of retinal diseases. HQF Laser, Ophthalmic 2 EASYRET
6 03700542625538 B1 COMPACT TOUCH 2017 15 MHz Probe for eye and orbit examination. Automatic biometry readings obtained 15 MHz Probe for eye and orbit examination. Automatic biometry readings obtained from a B mode image allowing axial length measurements for difficult to mesure long eyes or posterior staphyloma. ITX Transducer, Ultrasonic, Diagnostic 2 B Probe 15MHz COMPACT TOUCH
7 03700542625484 EASYRET The laser (577 nm Fiber Techology Laser SingleSpot, MultiSpot and Subliminal mod The laser (577 nm Fiber Techology Laser SingleSpot, MultiSpot and Subliminal mode and Slit Lamp Haag Streit mode) is a photocoagulator device intended for the treatment of retinal diseases. HQF Laser, Ophthalmic 2 EASYRET
8 03700542625460 OPTIMIS FUSION SLT/YAG Laser(Dual-mode laser cavity, 532nm and 1064nm) HQF Laser, Ophthalmic 2 OPTIMIS FUSION
9 03700542625385 577CZ130ST HQF Laser, Ophthalmic 2 577nm adaptor for ZEISS 130 Slit Lamp
10 03700542625378 577CZ120ST HQF Laser, Ophthalmic 2 577nm adaptor for ZEISS 120 Slit Lamp
11 03700542625316 SUPRA 577Y 577nm Ophthalmic Laser System used for Retinal Photocoagulation HQF Laser, Ophthalmic 2 SUPRA 577Y
12 03700542625156 532HSDST Fold away 532nm adaptor for HS900 BM/BQ Slit Lamp (Single Spot) HQF Laser, Ophthalmic 2 532nm adaptor for HS900 BM/BQ Slit Lamp
13 03700542625149 532BMBQMST2 Fixed 532nm adaptor for HS900 BM/BQ Slit Lamp (Single Spot) HQF Laser, Ophthalmic 2 532nm adaptor for HS900 BM/BQ Slit Lamp
14 03700542625125 P1 Corneal thickness measurement probe. ITX Transducer, Ultrasonic, Diagnostic 2 Pachymetry Probe
15 03700542625040 POCKET II Ultrasonic Pachymeter for Glaucoma Screening and Refractive Surgery. IYO System, Imaging, Pulsed Echo, Ultrasonic 2 POCKET
16 03700542625569 VITRA 2 The VITRA 2 is a laser system which emits a treatment beam at 532 nm and is inte The VITRA 2 is a laser system which emits a treatment beam at 532 nm and is intended for use in photocoagulation of ocular tissues in the treatment of diseases of the eye. GEX Powered Laser Surgical Instrument 2 VITRA 2
17 03700542625354 577HSD Fold away 577nm adaptor for HS900 BM/BQ Slit Lamp (Single Spot) HQF Laser, Ophthalmic 2 577nm adaptor for HS900 BM/BQ Slit Lamp
18 03700542625255 MIZ1 532-577nm adaptor for ZEISS microscope (250-500µ) HQF Laser, Ophthalmic 2 532-577nm adaptor for ZEISS microscope
19 03700542625231 810532IOVPST 532nm adaptor for Keeler Vantage Plus Indirect Ophthalmoscope (100µ) HQF Laser, Ophthalmic 2 532nm adaptor for Keeler Vantage Plus IO (100µ)
20 03700542625224 IOH810532 532nm Heine Omega Indirect Ophthalmoscope with integrated adaptor HQF Laser, Ophthalmic 2 532nm Heine Omega IO with integrated adaptor
21 03700542625101 TP-02-las Axial length measurement probe with an integrated laser pointer for biometry:- E Axial length measurement probe with an integrated laser pointer for biometry:- Ensuring the acquisition in the visual axis- Increasing the patient cooperation- Accelerating the speed of acquisition of A scans ITX Transducer, Ultrasonic, Diagnostic 2 PROBEAM Biometry Probe
22 03700542625088 BHF-50LIN AVISO 50 MHz probe reveals what you can not see with OCT alone, enabling the operator 50 MHz probe reveals what you can not see with OCT alone, enabling the operator to visualize the structures located behind the iris such as ciliary bodies, the processes and lens zonules.Linear scanning offers the greatest signal intensity, providing superior anterior chamber image quality as the probe is always perpendicular with the tissue interface of interest. ITX Transducer, Ultrasonic, Diagnostic 2 LIN 50MHz Probe
23 03700542625026 COMPACT TOUCH STS UBM Ophthalmic Ultrasound BiomicroscopeUBM and automatic STS measurement for ICL siz Ophthalmic Ultrasound BiomicroscopeUBM and automatic STS measurement for ICL sizingThe QUANTEL MEDICAL Compact Touch STS UBMTM Ophthalmic Ultrasound System (and its associated Linear 50 MHz probe) is intended to be used for diagnostic imaging and measurement of the eye including:• Visualization of the interior of the eye by B scans.• Make measurements inside the eye (Sulcus to Sulcus, Irido Cornea Angle Left, Irido Cornea Angle Right, Lens curvature and Anterior Chamber depth). IYO,ITX System, Imaging, Pulsed Echo, Ultrasonic,Transducer, Ultrasonic, Diagnostic 2 COMPACT TOUCH STS
24 03700542625446 VMSSC532FUS 1 HQF Laser, Ophthalmic 2 532nm VITRA MULTISPOT adaptor for OPTIMIS FUSION coupling
25 03700542625347 577OPT2STD 577nm adaptor for OPTIMIS II (Single Spot) HQF Laser, Ophthalmic 2 577nm adaptor for OPTIMIS II
26 03700542625217 FUSION LINK (FUS1) Fold away 532nm adaptor for OPTIMIS FUSION (Single Spot) HQF Laser, Ophthalmic 2 532nm adaptor for OPTIMIS FUSION
27 03700542625163 532CZ30 532nm adaptor for ZEISS 30 Slit Lamp (Single Spot) HQF Laser, Ophthalmic 2 532nm adaptor for ZEISS 30 Slit Lamp
28 03700542625033 AXIS NANO Ophthalmic Ultrasound Biometer: Biometry and IOL CalculationThe QUANTEL MEDICAL Ophthalmic Ultrasound Biometer: Biometry and IOL CalculationThe QUANTEL MEDICAL AXIS NANO Ophthalmic Ultrasound System and the probes that are used with it are indicated for the biometric measurement of the eye including:• Axial Length measurement of the eye by ultrasonic means.• Implanted IOL power calculation, using the Axial Length measurement. ITX,IYO Transducer, Ultrasonic, Diagnostic,System, Imaging, Pulsed Echo, Ultrasonic 2 AXIS NANO
29 03700542625408 577IOV100 577nm adaptor for Keeler Vantage Plus Indirect Ophthalmoscope (100µ) HQF Laser, Ophthalmic 2 577nm adaptor for Keeler Vantage Plus IO (100µ)
30 03700542625279 OPTIMIS II 1064nm Q-Switched Nd:YAG LaserCataract and Glaucoma laser HQF Laser, Ophthalmic 2 OPTIMIS II
31 03700542625170 532CZ120 532nm adaptor for ZEISS 120 Slit Lamp (Single Spot) HQF Laser, Ophthalmic 2 532nm adaptor for ZEISS 120 Slit Lamp
32 03700542625118 Std-A Digitally programmed S-shaped amplifier characteristics and comprehensive design Digitally programmed S-shaped amplifier characteristics and comprehensive design criteria for standardized echography and tissue differentiation according to Karl C. Ossoinig MD ITX Transducer, Ultrasonic, Diagnostic 2 A Standardized Probe
33 03700542625064 B-HF AVISO ITX Transducer, Ultrasonic, Diagnostic 2 B Probe 20MHz AVISO
34 03700542625941 AXIALIS The AXIALIS Ophthalmic Ultrasound System and the probes that are used with it ar The AXIALIS Ophthalmic Ultrasound System and the probes that are used with it are indicated for diagnostic imaging and biometric measurement of the eye including:• Axial Length measurement of the eye by ultrasonic means.• Implanted IOL power calculation, using the Axial Length measurement.• Measurement of corneal thickness by ultrasonic means. IYO,ITX System, Imaging, Pulsed Echo, Ultrasonic,Transducer, Ultrasonic, Diagnostic 2 AXIALIS
35 03700542625439 VMSSC532OPT HQF Laser, Ophthalmic 2 532nm VITRA MULTISPOT adaptor for OPTIMIS II coupling
36 03700542625323 SUPSC577 577nm adaptor for HS900 BM/BQ Slit Lamp (MultiSpot) HQF Laser, Ophthalmic 2 SUPRASCAN 577nm
37 03700542625248 LAFVP2 Keeler Vantage Plus Indirect Ophthalmoscope HQF Laser, Ophthalmic 2 Keeler Vantage Plus IO
38 03700542625200 532OPT2STD 532nm adaptor for OPTIMIS II (Single Spot) HQF Laser, Ophthalmic 2 532nm adaptor for OPTIMIS II
39 03700542625132 VITRA Ophthalmic Laser Photocoagulator532nm MonoSpot LaserRetinal Photocoagulation HQF Laser, Ophthalmic 2 VITRA
40 03700542625071 B1 COMPACT TOUCH 10 MHz Probe for eye and orbit examination. Automatic biometry readings obtained 10 MHz Probe for eye and orbit examination. Automatic biometry readings obtained from a B mode image allowing axial length measurements for difficult to mesure long eyes or posterior staphyloma. ITX Transducer, Ultrasonic, Diagnostic 2 B Probe 10MHz COMPACT TOUCH
41 03700542625057 B1 AVISO 10 MHz Probe for eye and orbit examination. Automatic biometry readings obtained 10 MHz Probe for eye and orbit examination. Automatic biometry readings obtained from a B mode image allowing axial length measurements for difficult to mesure long eyes or posterior staphyloma. ITX Transducer, Ultrasonic, Diagnostic 2 B Probe 10MHz AVISO
42 03700542625002 AVISO (S) AVISO (S) Ophthalmic A (A-Std), B Scan and UBM Ultrasound SystemThe QUANTEL MEDI AVISO (S) Ophthalmic A (A-Std), B Scan and UBM Ultrasound SystemThe QUANTEL MEDICAL AVISO modular platform is an ultrasound system intended to be used for:• Axial Length measurement of the eye by ultrasonic means• Implanted IOL power calculation, using the Axial Length measurement• Visualization of the interior of the eye and the orbit by A and B scans(• Advanced diagnostic: standardized echography provides detailed information about the internal reflectivity of tissues and allows optimal tissues differentiation, localization and measurement of structures in the eye and orbit.) ITX,IYO Transducer, Ultrasonic, Diagnostic,System, Imaging, Pulsed Echo, Ultrasonic 2 AVISO (S)
43 03700542625613 VITRA 810 The Vitra 810 is a laser system which emits a treatment beam at 810 nm and is in The Vitra 810 is a laser system which emits a treatment beam at 810 nm and is intended for use in photocoagulation of ocular tissues in the treatment of diseases of the eye. The laser is used to treat the retinal diseases and glaucoma. HQF Laser, Ophthalmic 2 VITRA 810
44 03700542625545 COMPACT TOUCH 2017 Ophthalmic Ultrasound System: A/B Scan and Pachymetry The QUANTEL MEDICAL COMPAC Ophthalmic Ultrasound System: A/B Scan and Pachymetry The QUANTEL MEDICAL COMPACT TOUCH Ophthalmic Ultrasound System and the probes that are used with it are indicated for diagnostic imaging and biometric measurement of the eye including: • Visualization of the interior of the eye and the orbit by A and B scans. • Axial Length measurement of the eye by ultrasonic means. • Implanted IOL power calculation, using the Axial Length measurement. • Measurement of corneal thickness by ultrasonic means. IYO System, Imaging, Pulsed Echo, Ultrasonic 2 COMPACT TOUCH
45 03700542625453 SLT Adaptable SLT Laser (Selective Trabeculoplasty - 532nm) HQF Laser, Ophthalmic 2 SOLUTIS
46 03700542625422 VMSSC532 HQF Laser, Ophthalmic 2 532nm VITRA MULTISPOT adaptor
47 03700542625309 SUPSC532OPT SUPRASCAN 532nm adaptor for OPTIMIS II (MultiSpot) GEX Powered Laser Surgical Instrument 2 SUPRASCAN 532nm for OPTIMIS II
48 03700542625286 SUPRA 532nm Ophthalmic Laser System used for Retinal Photocoagulation HQF Laser, Ophthalmic 2 SUPRA
49 03700542625194 532CSO3ST 532nm adaptor for CSO 980 Slit Lamp (Single Spot) HQF Laser, Ophthalmic 2 532nm adaptor for CSO 980 Slit Lamp
50 03700542625019 COMPACT TOUCH Ophthalmic Ultrasound System: A/B Scan and PachymetryThe QUANTEL MEDICAL COMPACT Ophthalmic Ultrasound System: A/B Scan and PachymetryThe QUANTEL MEDICAL COMPACT TOUCH Ophthalmic Ultrasound System and the probes that are used with it are indicated for diagnostic imaging and biometric measurement of the eye including:• Visualization of the interior of the eye and the orbit by A and B scans.• Axial Length measurement of the eye by ultrasonic means.• Implanted IOL power calculation, using the Axial Length measurement.• Measurement of corneal thickness by ultrasonic means. ITX,IYO Transducer, Ultrasonic, Diagnostic,System, Imaging, Pulsed Echo, Ultrasonic 2 COMPACT TOUCH
Other products with the same Product Code "ITX"
No Primary DI Version or Model Catalog Number Device Description Brand Name Organization Name
1 00184360000327 R100 804547001 R-100 Pullback Device VOLCANO CORPORATION
2 00092237617281 LS5288L1 Conductive Ultrasound Gel - LG COMPASS HEALTH BRANDS CORP.
3 00092237617274 LS5266L1 Conductive Ultrasound Gel - LG COMPASS HEALTH BRANDS CORP.
4 00092237613269 LS5266 TheraSonic Conductive Gel, 16- N/A COMPASS HEALTH BRANDS CORP.
5 00092237613252 LS5288 TheraSonic Conductive Gel, 8-o N/A COMPASS HEALTH BRANDS CORP.
6 00092237613245 LC2828 TheraSonic Conductive Gel, 2-o N/A COMPASS HEALTH BRANDS CORP.
7 00092237611531 LS5255 TheraSonic Conductive Gel, 5L N/A COMPASS HEALTH BRANDS CORP.
9 B995LI10050 LI-1005 Velacur is a portable ultrasonic elastography machine used to assess and monitor Velacur is a portable ultrasonic elastography machine used to assess and monitor chronic liver diseases. The device is comprised of a control unit, activation unit, and ultrasound probe. A carrying case is also provided. Velacur SONIC INCYTES MEDICAL CORP.
10 B748AR350050DUS0 AR-3500-50D-US Sterile ultrasound probe cover and ultrasound gel. Synergy MSK Ultrasound Strl Cover & Parker Gel SAFERSONIC MEDIZINPRODUKTE HANDELS GMBH
11 B748AR350050DEU0 AR-3500-50D-US Sterile ultrasound probe cover and ultrasound gel. Synergy MSK Ultrasound Strl Cover & Parker Gel SAFERSONIC MEDIZINPRODUKTE HANDELS GMBH
12 B616UVTKL1440 Konica Linear Probe L14-4 n/a Linear Ultrasonic Transducer UltraVision ULTRAVISION CORPORATION
13 B616UVTKHL1840 Konica Hockey Stick Linear 18-4 n/a Linear Ultrasonic Transducer UltraVision ULTRAVISION CORPORATION
14 B616UVTKCC520 Konica Curved Probe C5-2 n/a Curved Ultrasonic Transducer UltraVision ULTRAVISION CORPORATION
18 B41278000 1 7800 The Varia Transcranial Doppler Ultrasound (TCD) device provides precision measur The Varia Transcranial Doppler Ultrasound (TCD) device provides precision measurements of cerebrovascular blood flow. Designed to exacting standards, Varia delivers excellent signal quality with minimal ambient noise, allowing clinicians to easily locate vessels and obtain high-quality measurements. When attached to an external MS Windows-based computer, Varia presents the clinician with an intuitive interface including clear displays and easy-to-use input parameters to facilitate a quality exam.Utilized with software only device accessory Varia-NCI. Varia TCD NEUROCHAOS SOLUTIONS INC
19 B377GMD61VASUS40 Vascular V4 GMD61VASUS4 USB ultrasound probe, general purpose/vascular ClearProbe GLOBALMEDIA GROUP, LLC
20 B377GMD61ENDUS40 Endocavity V4 GMD61ENDUS4 USB ultrasound probe, general purpose/endocavity. ClearProbe GLOBALMEDIA GROUP, LLC
21 B377GMD61ABDUS40 Abdominal V4 GMD61ABDUS4 USB ultrasound probe, general purpose/abdominal ClearProbe GLOBALMEDIA GROUP, LLC
22 B377GMD6180NV010 Neonatal GMD6180NV01 USB ultrasound probe, general purpose/neonatal ClearProbe GLOBALMEDIA GROUP, LLC
23 B377GMD6175VA010 Vascular GMD6175VA01 USB ultrasound probe, general purpose/vascular ClearProbe GLOBALMEDIA GROUP, LLC
24 B377GMD6175RV010 Endocavity GMD6175RV01 USB ultrasound probe, general purpose/endocavity ClearProbe GLOBALMEDIA GROUP, LLC
25 B377GMD6150AB010 Abdominal 5 MHz GMD6150AB01 USB ultrasound probe, general use/abdominal ClearProbe GLOBALMEDIA GROUP, LLC
26 B377GMD6135AB020 Abdominal 3 MHz GMD6135AB02 USB ultrasound probe, general purpose/abdominal ClearProbe GLOBALMEDIA GROUP, LLC
27 B377GMD6135AB010 Abdominal 3.5-5 MHz GMD6135AB01 USB ultrasound probe, general purpose/abdominal ClearProbe GLOBALMEDIA GROUP, LLC
28 B377GMD6112EY01 Ophthalmic GMD6112EY01 USB ultrasound probe, general purpose/ophthalmic ClearProbe GLOBALMEDIA GROUP, LLC
29 B371P1002 1 The Perineologic PrecisionPoint™ Transperineal Access System is a sterile, singl The Perineologic PrecisionPoint™ Transperineal Access System is a sterile, single use, disposable, needle guide consisting, of aCarriage and a Rail Clamp Assembly and Access Needle, that is intended for use with a cylindrical style trans-rectal ultrasoundtransducer (0.7” to .85” diameter BK #8658 or equivalent) associated with a BK ProFocus ultrasound system and a biopsy needle.The PrecisionPoint™ Transperineal Access System is designed to stabilize a Perineologic Access Needle on the anatomy as ameans to properly guide the anatomical placement of a biopsy needle into the prostate or other soft tissues through the use ofultrasound-assisted guidance. Perineologic CORBIN CLINICAL RESOURCES, LLC
30 B371P1001 1 The Perineologic PrecisionPoint™ Transperineal Access System is a sterile, singl The Perineologic PrecisionPoint™ Transperineal Access System is a sterile, single use, disposable, needle guide consisting, of a Carriage and a Rail Clamp Assembly and Access Needle, that is intended for use with a cylindrical style trans-rectal ultrasound transducer (0.7” to .85” diameter BK #8658 or equivalent) associated with a BK ProFocus ultrasound system and a biopsy needle. The PrecisionPoint™ Transperineal Access System is designed to stabilize a Perineologic Access Needle on the anatomy as a means to properly guide the anatomical placement of a biopsy needle into the prostate or other soft tissues through the use of ultrasound-assisted guidance. Perineologic CORBIN CLINICAL RESOURCES, LLC
31 B369MUS05185 P3-A MUS05185 Medisono MEDISONO, LLC
32 B369MUS05184 MC3-A MUS05184 Medisono MEDISONO, LLC
33 B369MUS05183 R7-A MUS05183 Medisono MEDISONO, LLC
34 B369MUS05182 V6-A MUS05182 Medisono MEDISONO, LLC
35 B369MUS05181 L7S-A MUS05181 Medisono MEDISONO, LLC
36 B369MUS05179 MC6-A MUS05179 Medisono MEDISONO, LLC
37 B369MUS05178 L7M-A MUS05178 Medisono MEDISONO, LLC
38 B369MUS05177 C3-A MUS05177 Medisono MEDISONO, LLC
39 B369MUS01002 P3 MUS01002 Medisono MEDISONO, LLC
41 B360P110RXP0 P-110RXP P-110RXP Alcon RXP OcuScan and UltraScan Prager Shell® ESI CORPORATION
42 B360P10720 P-107-2 P-107-2 Nidek Prager Shell® ESI CORPORATION
43 B360P106SV0 P-106SV P-106SV Ellex Prager Shell® ESI CORPORATION
44 B360P106GS0 P-106GS P-106GS Ellex, Autoclavable Gold Series Prager Shell® ESI CORPORATION
45 B360P1060 P-106 P-106 Ellex Prager Shell® ESI CORPORATION
46 B360P1050 P-105 P-105 Alcon OcuScan Prager Shell® ESI CORPORATION
47 B360P104SV0 P-104SV P-104SV Quantel Medical Prager Shell® ESI CORPORATION
48 B360P104GS0 P-104GS P-104GS Quantel Medical, Autoclavable Gold Series Prager Shell® ESI CORPORATION
49 B360P1040 P-104 P-104 Quantel Medical Prager Shell® ESI CORPORATION
50 B360P103SV0 P-103SV P-103SV Sonomed Prager Shell® ESI CORPORATION