Other products from "HORIBA ABX SAS"
No Primary DI Version or Model Catalog Number Device Description Product Code Product Code Name Device Class Brand Name
1 03610230005071 1220001645 KHS Enzymatic, Carbon-Dioxide 2 ABX PENTRA CO2 RTU
2 03610230004692 1210906013 GGK Products, Red-Cell Lysing Products 1 ABX LYSEBIO (0.4L)
3 03610230009314 1300076291 JIT Calibrator, Secondary 2 Yumizen C1200 LDL Cal
4 03610230009284 1300071247 JJY Multi-Analyte Controls, All Kinds (Assayed) 1 Yumizen C1200 Level 1 CRPhs Control
5 03610230009055 1300054414 1300054414 JJY Multi-Analyte Controls, All Kinds (Assayed) 1 ABX Pentra N MultiControl
6 03610230008621 1300047912 JIQ Turbidimetric Method, Protein Or Albumin (Urinary, Non-Quant.) 1 Yumizen C1200 Urinary Proteins
7 03610230008232 1300032565 DCF Albumin, Antigen, Antiserum, Control 2 ABX Pentra Micro ALB 2 Cal
8 03610230007938 1300023951 JJX Single (Specified) Analyte Controls (Assayed And Unassayed) 1 Yumizen C1200 L1 Cystatin C Control
9 03610230007709 1300023938 JJY Multi-Analyte Controls, All Kinds (Assayed) 1 Yumizen C1200 N Multi Control
10 03610230007624 1300023921 JIT Calibrator, Secondary 2 Yumizen C1200 CO2 Cal
11 03610230007396 1300023887 JZJ Prealbumin, Antigen, Antiserum, Control 1 Yumizen C1200 Prealbumin
12 03610230007198 1300023867 CDT Lipase Hydrolysis/Glycerol Kinase Enzyme, Triglycerides 1 Yumizen C1200 Triglycerides
13 03610230007174 1300023865 CEK Biuret (Colorimetric), Total Protein 2 Yumizen C1200 Total Protein
14 03610230007112 1300023859 JGJ Photometric Method, Magnesium 1 Yumizen C1200 Magnesium
15 03610230006856 1300023832 CKA Nadh Oxidation/Nad Reduction, Alt/Sgpt 1 Yumizen C1200 AST
16 03610230006771 1300017438 JJE Analyzer, Chemistry (Photometric, Discrete), For Clinical Use 1 ABX PENTRA PRECITEST SOLUTION
17 03610230006702 1220001765 JJE Analyzer, Chemistry (Photometric, Discrete), For Clinical Use SAMPLE CUP - BLUE
18 03610230006191 1280070107 ABX MICROS 60 (O.S.B.) GKZ Counter, Differential Cell 2 ABX MICROS 60 OS
19 03610230006160 1280070105, 1280070106 ABX MICROS 60 (O.S.B.) GKZ Counter, Differential Cell 2 ABX MICROS 60 OS
20 03610230005866 3014029451 JJP Electrode, Ion Selective (Non-Specified) 1 ABX PENTRA REFERENCE-E
21 03610230005736 1220001933 CGX Alkaline Picrate, Colorimetry, Creatinine 2 ABX PENTRA CREATININE 120 CP
22 03610230005583 1220001891 JJE Analyzer, Chemistry (Photometric, Discrete), For Clinical Use CUVETTE SEGMENTS RACK
23 03610230005460 1220001730 GGK Products, Red-Cell Lysing Products 1 ABX PENTRA HBA1C WB HEMOLYSIS REAGENT
24 03610230005200 1220001667 CFR Hexokinase, Glucose 2 ABX PENTRA GLUCOSE HK CP
25 03610230005170 1220001662 GIF Diluent, Blood Cell 1 ABX PENTRA SAMPLE DILUENT CP
26 03610230005101 1220001648 JIT Calibrator, Secondary 2 ABX PENTRA CO2 CAL
27 03610230005033 1220001640 CDT Lipase Hydrolysis/Glycerol Kinase Enzyme, Triglycerides 1 ABX PENTRA TRIGLYCERIDES CP
28 03610230005026 1220001639 CIG Diazo Colorimetry, Bilirubin 2 ABX PENTRA BILIRUBIN, TOTAL CP
29 03610230004944 1220001631 CHI Lipase-Esterase, Enzymatic, Photometric, Lipase 1 ABX PENTRA LIPASE CP
30 03610230004906 1220001627 CKA Nadh Oxidation/Nad Reduction, Alt/Sgpt 1 ABX PENTRA ALT CP
31 03610230007297 1300023877 Yumizen C1200 CRP ( conventional application)Yumizen C1200 CRP (hs application ) DCK C-Reactive Protein, Antigen, Antiserum, And Control 2 Yumizen C1200 CRP
32 03610230006115 1280200072 GKZ Counter, Differential Cell 2 ABX MICROS ES 60
33 03610230005088 1220001646 JGJ Photometric Method, Magnesium 1 ABX PENTRA MAGNESIUM RTU
34 03610230007877 1300023946 JJY Multi-Analyte Controls, All Kinds (Assayed) 1 Yumizen C Urine Level 1 Control
35 03610230007891 1300023948 JJY Multi-Analyte Controls, All Kinds (Assayed) 1 Yumizen C1200 U/CSF L1 Micro Alb Control
36 03610230007860 1300023945 JJY Multi-Analyte Controls, All Kinds (Assayed) 1 Yumizen C1200 Level 2 Protein Control
37 03610230007235 1300023871 DCF Albumin, Antigen, Antiserum, Control 2 Yumizen C1200 Albumin U/CSF
38 03610230007211 1300023869 CDQ Urease And Glutamic Dehydrogenase, Urea Nitrogen 2 Yumizen C1200 Urea
39 03610230006993 1300023846 JQB Kinetic Method, Gamma-Glutamyl Transpeptidase 1 Yumizen C1200 GGT
40 03610230006917 1300023838 CHH Enzymatic Esterase--Oxidase, Cholesterol 1 Yumizen C1200 Cholesterol
41 03610230006863 1300023833 KHS Enzymatic, Carbon-Dioxide 2 Yumizen C1200 CO2
42 03610230006832 1300023830 CJE Nitrophenylphosphate, Alkaline Phosphatase Or Isoenzymes 2 Yumizen C1200 ALP
43 03610230006672 1280090002 JJE Analyzer, Chemistry (Photometric, Discrete), For Clinical Use 1 PENTRA C200 ISE
44 03610230006498 1280160014, 1280160016 KPA Slide Stainer, Automated 1 ABX SPS EVOLUTION
45 03610230006481 1280160018, 1280160020 KPA Slide Stainer, Automated 1 ABX SPS EVOLUTION
46 03610230006290 1280100006, 1280100007, 1280100008, 1280100010 100 or 110V, ready for SPS GKZ Counter, Differential Cell 2 ABX PENTRA DF 120
47 03610230005859 3014029450 CEM Electrode, Ion Specific, Potassium 2 ABX PENTRA POTASSIUM-E
48 03610230005767 1220001965 DCF Albumin, Antigen, Antiserum, Control 2 ABX PENTRA MICRO ALBUMIN CP
49 03610230005507 1220001758 JJE Analyzer, Chemistry (Photometric, Discrete), For Clinical Use 1 ABX PENTRA QUALITEST SOLUTION
50 03610230005125 1220001652 JIX Calibrator, Multi-Analyte Mixture 2 ABX PENTRA MULTICAL
Other products with the same Product Code "JJX"
No Primary DI Version or Model Catalog Number Device Description Brand Name Organization Name
1 15430001412137 1 In vitro transcript of Mycoplasma genitalium 23S RNA Mycoplama genitalium IVT Wild type control DIAGENODE
2 15430001412120 1 PRD-06113 In vitro transcript of mycoplasma genitalium 23S RNA including A2059G mutation Mycoplasma genitamium macrolide resistance IVT A 2059G control DIAGENODE
3 15430001412113 1 In vitro transcript of Mycoplama genitalium 23S RNA including A 2059C mutation Mycoplasma genitalium macrolide resistance IVT A2059C Control DIAGENODE
4 15430001412106 1 PRD-06111 In vitro transcript of Mycoplasma genitalium 23S RNA including A2058T mutation Mycoplasma genitalium macrolide resistance IVT A2058T Controls DIAGENODE
5 15430001412090 1 PRD-06110 In vitro transcript of Mycoplasma genitalium 23S RNA including A2058G mutation Mycoplasma genitalium macrolide resistance IVT A2058G Control DIAGENODE
6 15430001412083 1 PRD-06109 In vitro transcript of Mycoplasma genitalium 23S RNA including A2058C mutation Mycoplasma genitalium Macrolide Resistance IVT A2058C Control DIAGENODE
7 15420045509382 CLASS I CONTROL - C. GLABRATA PRD-04522 Aptima HOLOGIC, INC.
8 15420045509375 CLASS I CONTROL - C. ALBICANS PRD-04521 aptima HOLOGIC, INC.
9 15420045509368 CLASS I CONTROL - G. VAGINALIS PRD-04520 Aptima HOLOGIC, INC.
10 15420045509351 CLASS I CONTROL - L. CRISPATUS PRD-04519 Aptima HOLOGIC, INC.
11 15099590750954 98201 98201 The Access BNP QC Controls are intended for monitoring the performance of the Ac The Access BNP QC Controls are intended for monitoring the performance of the Access BNP test using the Beckman Coulter Access Family of Immunoassay Systems. Access BNP QC BECKMAN COULTER, INC.
12 15099590677398 B83877 B83877 The Access Ostase QC is intended for monitoring system performance of the Access The Access Ostase QC is intended for monitoring system performance of the Access Ostase assay. Access Ostase QC BECKMAN COULTER, INC.
13 15099590232290 37309 37309 The Access Ostase QC is intended for monitoring system performance of the Access The Access Ostase QC is intended for monitoring system performance of the Access Ostase assay. Access Ostase QC BECKMAN COULTER, INC.
14 15099590232108 650038 650038 Vigil HbA1c Controls Levels 1 & 2 Vigil BECKMAN COULTER, INC.
15 15099590229108 387999 387999 The Access Intrinsic Factor Ab QC is intended for monitoring system performance The Access Intrinsic Factor Ab QC is intended for monitoring system performance of the Access Intrinsic Factor Ab assay. Access Intrinsic Factor Ab QC BECKMAN COULTER, INC.
16 15099590228705 667710 667710 Ultimate -D Bilirubin Control Level 1 Ultimate BECKMAN COULTER, INC.
17 15099590223038 667720 667720 Ultimate -D Bilirubin Control Level 2 Ultimate BECKMAN COULTER, INC.
18 15099590223021 667730 667730 Ultimate -D Bilirubin Control Level 3 Ultimate BECKMAN COULTER, INC.
19 15099590223014 667740 667740 Ultimate -D Bilirubin Control Level 4 Ultimate BECKMAN COULTER, INC.
20 15099590210717 B11057 B11057 The Access sTfR QC2 and QC3 is intended for monitoring system performance of the The Access sTfR QC2 and QC3 is intended for monitoring system performance of the Access sTfR assay. Access sTfR QC2 and QC3 BECKMAN COULTER, INC.
21 15099590210700 B11056 B11056 The Access sTfR QC1 is intended for monitoring system performance of the Access The Access sTfR QC1 is intended for monitoring system performance of the Access sTfR assay. Access sTfR QC1 BECKMAN COULTER, INC.
22 15099590204051 A48619 A48619 The Access SHBG QC is intended for monitoring system performance of the Access SHBG assay. Access SHBG QC BECKMAN COULTER, INC.
23 15099590203061 A36100 A36100 The Access Inhibin A QC is intended for monitoring system performance of the Acc The Access Inhibin A QC is intended for monitoring system performance of the Access Inhibin A assay. Access Inhibin A QC BECKMAN COULTER, INC.
24 14987481164496 991-61401 991-61401 In-Vitro Diagnostic Use uTASWako DCP Control H FUJIFILM WAKO PURE CHEMICAL CORPORATION
25 14987481164489 995-61301 995-61301 In-Vitro Diagnostic Use uTASWako DCP Control L FUJIFILM WAKO PURE CHEMICAL CORPORATION
26 14987481164458 993-61101 993-61101 In-Vitro Diagnostic Use uTASWako AFP-L3 Control H FUJIFILM WAKO PURE CHEMICAL CORPORATION
27 14987481164441 997-61001 997-61001 In-Vitro Diagnostic Use uTASWako AFP-L3 Control L FUJIFILM WAKO PURE CHEMICAL CORPORATION
29 10859952006014 A40400 Di Description Brand name LIFE TECHNOLOGIES CORPORATION
30 10856626006172 997-61001 997-61001 In-Vitro Diagnostic Use uTASWako AFP-L3 Control L FUJIFILM WAKO PURE CHEMICAL CORPORATION
31 10856626006134 995-61301 995-61301 In-Vitro Diagnostic Use uTASWako DCP Control L FUJIFILM WAKO PURE CHEMICAL CORPORATION
32 10856626006073 993-61101 993-61101 In-Vitro Diagnostic Use uTASWako AFP-L3 Control H FUJIFILM WAKO PURE CHEMICAL CORPORATION
33 10856626006066 991-61401 991-61401 In-Vitro Diagnostic Use uTASWako DCP Control H FUJIFILM WAKO PURE CHEMICAL CORPORATION
34 10816467020348 FastPack® IP SHBG 60 Immunoassay 25000080 60 Test SHBG Immunoassay Complete Kit w/Calibrator and Control FastPack® IP SHBG QUALIGEN INC.
35 10763924550507 MD550 Lipid and Glucose Measuring System LipidPlus® Meter JANT PHARMACAL CORPORATION
36 10758750030163 6842957 6842957 VITROS Chemistry Products HCY 2 Performance Verifier I, II, III VITROS ORTHO-CLINICAL DIAGNOSTICS, INC.
37 10758750009053 1420025 1420025 VITROS Immunodiagnostic Products Metabolism Controls VITROS ORTHO CLINICAL DIAGNOSTICS
38 10758750006953 6801747 6801747 VITROS Chemistry Products mALB Performance Verifier II VITROS ORTHO-CLINICAL DIAGNOSTICS, INC.
39 10758750006946 6801746 6801746 VITROS Chemistry Products mALB Performance Verifier I VITROS ORTHO-CLINICAL DIAGNOSTICS, INC.
40 10758750006243 6802894 6802894 VITROS Immunodiagnostic Products Intact PTH Range Verifier VITROS ORTHO CLINICAL DIAGNOSTICS
41 10758750006236 6802895 6802895 VITROS Immunodiagnostic Products Intact PTH Controls VITROS ORTHO CLINICAL DIAGNOSTICS
42 10758750002573 6802313 6802313 VITROS Chemistry Products AAT/HPT Performance Verifier III VITROS ORTHO-CLINICAL DIAGNOSTICS, INC.
43 10758750002566 6802312 6802312 VITROS Chemistry Products AAT/HPT Performance Verifier II VITROS ORTHO-CLINICAL DIAGNOSTICS, INC.
44 10758750002559 6802311 6802311 VITROS Chemistry Products AAT/HPT Performance Verifier I VITROS ORTHO-CLINICAL DIAGNOSTICS, INC.
45 10758750002528 6802303 6802303 VITROS Immunodiagnostic Products Troponin I ES Range Verifiers VITROS ORTHO CLINICAL DIAGNOSTICS
46 10758750002368 6802242 6802242 VITROS Immunodiagnostic Products CA 19-9™ Range Verifiers VITROS ORTHO CLINICAL DIAGNOSTICS
47 10758750002344 6802222 6802222 VITROS Immunodiagnostic Products Total ß-hCG II Range Verifiers VITROS ORTHO CLINICAL DIAGNOSTICS
48 10758750002085 6802158 6802158 VITROS Immunodiagnostic Products NT-proBNP Range Verifiers VITROS ORTHO CLINICAL DIAGNOSTICS
49 10758750001972 6802093 6802093 VITROS Immunodiagnostic Products Anti-HBs Quantitative Controls VITROS ORTHO CLINICAL DIAGNOSTICS
50 10758750001545 6801863 6801863 VITROS Immunodiagnostic Products Anti-HIV 1 + 2 Controls VITROS ORTHO CLINICAL DIAGNOSTICS