Other products from "BIOMERIEUX SA"
No Primary DI Version or Model Catalog Number Device Description Product Code Product Code Name Device Class Brand Name
1 03573026613358 1.3 EMAG software (virtual) version 1.3 also called SP3 JJH CLINICAL SAMPLE CONCENTRATOR 1 EMAG
2 03573026621698 VITEK MS SW V1.1 VITEK MS SW V1.1 + KB 3.2 PEX,QBN System, mass spectrometry, maldi tof, microorganism identification, cultured iso 2 VITEK®MS
3 03573026617950 SALINE SOLUTION Saline Solution is a diluent used for manual preparation of organism suspensions LON,LTW SYSTEM, TEST, AUTOMATED, ANTIMICROBIAL SUSCEPTIBILITY, SHORT INCUBATION,Suscepti 2 SALINE SOLUTION
4 03573026617936 SALINE SOLUTION Saline Solution is a diluent used for manual preparation of organism suspensions LTW,LON Susceptibility test cards, antimicrobial,SYSTEM, TEST, AUTOMATED, ANTIMICROBIAL 2 SALINE SOLUTION
5 03573026615277 VIDAS® 3 SAMPLE TIPS This single-use tips are used by the VIDAS®3 pipetting unit to pipette the sampl LXG EQUIPMENT, LABORATORY, GENERAL PURPOSE, LABELED OR PROMOTED FOR A SPECIFIC MEDICAL USE VIDAS® 3 SAMPLE TIPS
6 03573026600389 chromID® CPS® Elite Agar CPSE Isolation, enumeration and direct or presumptive identification of urinary tract JXA KIT, SCREENING, URINE chromID® CPS® Elite Agar CPSE
7 03573026599812 chromID™ Candida Agar Chromogenic medium for the selective isolation of yeasts and the direct identifi JSI CULTURE MEDIA, SELECTIVE AND DIFFERENTIAL chromID™ Candida Agar
8 03573026597719 CHROMID® CARBA agar Selective and differential chromogenic medium for screening of rectal swabs for JSO CULTURE MEDIA, ANTIMICROBIAL SUSCEPTIBILITY TEST, EXCLUDING MUELLER HINTON AGAR CHROMID® CARBA agar
9 03573026588717 API®50 CHL API 50 CHL Medium, for ID of Lactobacillus and related genera, is a ready-to-use JSC CULTURE MEDIA, GENERAL NUTRIENT BROTH 1 API®50 CHL
10 03573026588670 API® OF API ® OF Medium enables lab personnel to differentiate oxidative or fermentative JSW KIT, IDENTIFICATION, GLUCOSE NONFERMENTER 1 API® OF
11 03573026551469 VIDAS® Serum Free The Serum free reagent can be used with VIDAS ® assays for which its use is clea JFT Fluorometric, Cortisol 2 VIDAS® Serum Free
12 03573026551131 Etest® AMPICILLIN Etest is a quantitative technique for determining susceptibility of clinically s JWY Manual Antimicrobial Susceptibility Test Systems 2 Etest® AMPICILLIN
13 03573026550547 Etest® DAPTOMYCIN Etest is a quantitative technique for determining susceptibility of clinically s JWY Manual Antimicrobial Susceptibility Test Systems 2 Etest® DAPTOMYCIN
14 03573026550370 Etest® RIFAMPICIN Etest is a quantitative technique for determining susceptibility of clinically s JWY Manual Antimicrobial Susceptibility Test Systems 2 Etest® RIFAMPICIN
15 03573026550165 Etest® FLUCYTOSINE Etest is a quantitative technique for determining susceptibility of antifungal. NGZ Susceptibility Test Plate, Antifungal 2 Etest® FLUCYTOSINE
16 03573026550127 Etest® CLINDAMYCIN Etest is a quantitative technique for determining susceptibility of clinically s JWY Manual Antimicrobial Susceptibility Test Systems 2 Etest® CLINDAMYCIN
17 03573026549930 Etest® AZITHROMYCIN Etest is a quantitative technique for determining susceptibility of clinically s JWY Manual Antimicrobial Susceptibility Test Systems 2 Etest® AZITHROMYCIN
18 03573026549886 Etest® AMPICILLIN Etest is a quantitative technique for determining susceptibility of clinically s JWY Manual Antimicrobial Susceptibility Test Systems 2 Etest® AMPICILLIN
19 03573026549275 Etest® DAPTOMYCIN Etest is a quantitative technique for determining susceptibility of clinically s JWY Manual Antimicrobial Susceptibility Test Systems 2 Etest® DAPTOMYCIN
20 03573026549251 Etest® TIGECYCLINE Etest is a quantitative technique for determining susceptibility of clinically s JWY Manual Antimicrobial Susceptibility Test Systems 2 Etest® TIGECYCLINE
21 03573026549107 Etest® RIFAMPICIN Etest is a quantitative technique for determining susceptibility of clinically s JWY Manual Antimicrobial Susceptibility Test Systems 2 Etest® RIFAMPICIN
22 03573026548896 Etest® FLUCYTOSINE Etest is a quantitative technique for determining susceptibility of antifungal. NGZ Susceptibility Test Plate, Antifungal 2 Etest® FLUCYTOSINE
23 03573026548858 Etest® CLINDAMYCIN Etest is a quantitative technique for determining susceptibility of clinically s JWY Manual Antimicrobial Susceptibility Test Systems 2 Etest® CLINDAMYCIN
24 03573026548650 Etest® AZITHROMYCIN Etest is a quantitative technique for determining susceptibility of clinically s JWY Manual Antimicrobial Susceptibility Test Systems 2 Etest® AZITHROMYCIN
25 03573026547295 Etest® TIGECYCLINE Etest is a quantitative technique for determining susceptibility of clinically s JWY Manual Antimicrobial Susceptibility Test Systems 2 Etest® TIGECYCLINE
26 03573026547257 Etest® ESBL CT/CTL 16/1 Etest is a quantitative technique for determining the MIC of antimicrobial agent JWY Manual Antimicrobial Susceptibility Test Systems Etest® ESBL CT/CTL 16/1
27 03573026471859 418591 The eMAG platform is intended for the automated isolation (purification and conc JJH CLINICAL SAMPLE CONCENTRATOR 1 EMAG®
28 03573026263133 29585 Gram's method reagent used exclusively on PREVI Color Gram instrument North America JTS Stains, microbiologic 1 PREVI® Color Gram RA4 FUCHSIN solution
29 03573026227739 PREVI® COLOR DUAL SAMPLE CHAMBERS SLOW (TAN) The chamber features a sample loading system that places a spot on the microscope slide. KPA Slide stainer, automated 1 PREVI® COLOR DUAL SAMPLE CHAMBERS SLOW (TAN)
30 03573026227678 29556 30 SLIDES CAROUSEL for PREVI Color system KPA Slide stainer, automated 1 PREVI® COLOR 30 SLIDES CAROUSEL
31 03573026156947 30407-01 VIDAS® FSH (FSH) assay is a quantitative immunoassay intended for use on VIDAS f CGJ RADIOIMMUNOASSAY, FOLLICLE-STIMULATING HORMONE 1 VIDAS® FSH
32 03573026156879 30298-01 The VIDAS ® Lyme IgG and IgM assay for use on VIDAS family instruments for the LSR Reagent, Borrelia Serological Reagent 2 VIDAS® Lyme IgG and IgM
33 03573026156855 30210-01 TOXO IgG II (TXG) assay is a quantitative IA intended for use on VIDAS family i LGD Enzyme Linked Immunoabsorbent Assay, Toxoplasma Gondii 2 VIDAS® TOXO IgG II
34 03573026156848 30205-01 VIDAS ® CMV IgM (CMVM) assay is an automated qualitative IA intended for use on LKQ Antibody Igm,If, Cytomegalovirus Virus 2 VIDAS® CMV IgM
35 03573026049966 Etest® IMIPENEM RELEBACTAM Etest is a quantitative technique for determining susceptibility of clinically s JWY Manual antimicrobial susceptibility test systems 2 Etest® IMIPENEM RELEBACTAM
36 03573026610418 VITEKMS SW v1.0 / FlexPrep v1.0 DVD to install VITEK MS SW v1.0 and VITEK MS FlexPrep v1.0 for clinical customers PEX System, mass spectrometry, maldi tof, microorganism identification, cultured isolates 2 VITEK®MS
37 03573026584047 Food Culture media Selective isolation of Escherichia coli O157 :H7, and, for industrial applicatio JSI CULTURE MEDIA, SELECTIVE AND DIFFERENTIAL 1 Food Culture media
38 03573026623982 ETEST® Doripenem (DOR) ETEST® is a manual, quantitative technique for determination of antimicrobial su JWY Manual antimicrobial susceptibility test systems ETEST® Doripenem (DOR)
39 03573026623876 ETEST® Amoxicillin/clavulanic acid (2/1) (XL) ETEST® is a manual, quantitative technique for determination of antimicrobial su JWY Manual antimicrobial susceptibility test systems ETEST® Amoxicillin/clavulanic acid (2/1) (XL)
40 03573026619527 4.9 VIDAS PC V4.9 W10 Software version for clinic DEW IGG, ANTIGEN, ANTISERUM, CONTROL 2 VIDAS
41 03573026616618 NUCLISENS® easyMAG® Disposables NUCLISENS EASYMAG DISPOSABLE are intended to be used with NucliSENS easyMAG. JJH CLINICAL SAMPLE CONCENTRATOR 1 NUCLISENS® easyMAG® Disposables
42 03573026611422 423281 MALDI-Tof Mass Spectometry system used for microbial identification QBN Mass spectrometry, MALDI TOF, microorganism identification, cultured isolates 2 VITEK® MS PRIME
43 03573026603205 ETEST® DELAFLOXACIN Etest is a quantitative technique for determining susceptibility of clinically s JWY Manual antimicrobial susceptibility test systems 2 ETEST® DELAFLOXACIN
44 03573026588564 rapid ID 32 A rapid ID 32 A is a standardized system for the identification of anaerobes in 4 hours JSP KIT, ANAEROBIC IDENTIFICATION 1 rapid ID 32 A
45 03573026563585 Etest® ERAVACYCLINE Etest is a quantitative technique for determining susceptibility of clinically s JWY Manual antimicrobial susceptibility test systems 2 Etest® ERAVACYCLINE
46 03573026556662 VITEK® MS CHCA The VITEK MS-CHCA matrix is used with the VITEK® MS System to enable identificat PEX System, Mass Spectrometry, Maldi Tof, Microorganism Identification, Cultured Isolates 2 VITEK® MS CHCA
47 03573026140427 99735 The VIDAS® system is a complete standalone immunodiagnostic system using VIDAS reagents. DEW Igg, Antigen, Antiserum, Control 2 VIDAS®
48 03573026550622 Etest® TELAVANCIN Etest is a quantitative technique for determining susceptibility of clinically s JWY Manual antimicrobial susceptibility test systems 2 Etest® TELAVANCIN
49 03573026550592 Etest® CEFTOLOZANE/TAZO Etest is a quantitative technique for determining susceptibility of clinically s JWY Manual Antimicrobial Susceptibility Test Systems 2 Etest® CEFTOLOZANE/TAZO
50 03573026550554 Etest® DORIPENEM Etest is a quantitative technique for determining susceptibility of clinically s JWY Manual Antimicrobial Susceptibility Test Systems 2 ETEST® Doripenem (DOR)
Other products with the same Product Code "JWY"
No Primary DI Version or Model Catalog Number Device Description Brand Name Organization Name
1 00822409103096 562-0001 Tibial Tray Keel Cap Balanced Knee Revision System ORTHO DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION
2 00822409096374 561-5258 Femoral Sleeve 58mm M-L 22mm A-P Balanced Knee Revision System ORTHO DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION
3 00822409096367 561-5252 Femoral Sleeve 52mm M-L 22mm A-P Balanced Knee Revision System ORTHO DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION
4 00822409096350 561-5246 Femoral Sleeve 46mm M-L 22mm A-P Balanced Knee Revision System ORTHO DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION
5 00822409096343 561-5240 Femoral Sleeve 40mm M-L 22mm A-P Balanced Knee Revision System ORTHO DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION
6 00822409096336 561-5234 Femoral Sleeve 34mm M-L 22mm A-P Balanced Knee Revision System ORTHO DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION
7 00822409096329 561-5231 Femoral Sleeve 31mm M-L 22mm A-P Balanced Knee Revision System ORTHO DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION
8 00822409096312 562-5268 Tibial Sleeve 68mm M-L 36mm A-P Balanced Knee Revision System ORTHO DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION
9 00822409096305 562-5260 Tibial Sleeve 60mm M-L 33mm A-P Balanced Knee Revision System ORTHO DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION
10 00822409096299 562-5252 Tibial Sleeve 52mm M-L 31mm A-P Balanced Knee Revision System ORTHO DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION
11 00822409096282 562-5245 Tibial Sleeve 45mm M-L 29mm A-P Balanced Knee Revision System ORTHO DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION
12 00822409096275 562-5240 Tibial Sleeve 40mm M-L 28mm A-P Balanced Knee Revision System ORTHO DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION
13 00822409096268 562-5235 Tibial Sleeve 35mm M-L 27mm A-P Balanced Knee Revision System ORTHO DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION
14 00822409096251 562-5230 Tibial Sleeve 30mm M-L 26mm A-P Balanced Knee Revision System ORTHO DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION
15 00822409045099 662-4700 Sleeve Tibial Tray Trial Sz 7 n/a ORTHO DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION
16 00822409045075 662-7202-00 Full Cone Starter Broach n/a ORTHO DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION
17 00822409045051 662-7307 Central Cone Tibial Tray Trial Size 7 n/a ORTHO DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION
18 00822409045044 662-7306 Central Cone Tibial Tray Trial Size 6 n/a ORTHO DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION
19 00822409045037 662-7305 Central Cone Tibial Tray Trial Size 5 n/a ORTHO DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION
20 00822409045020 662-7304 Central Cone Tibial Tray Trial Size 4 n/a ORTHO DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION
21 00822409045013 662-7303 Central Cone Tibial Tray Trial Size 3 n/a ORTHO DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION
22 00822409045006 662-7302 Central Cone Tibial Tray Trial Size 2 n/a ORTHO DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION
23 00822409044993 662-7301 Central Cone Tibial Tray Trial Size 1 n/a ORTHO DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION
24 00822409044986 662-7202-65 Full Cone Broach 65mm M/L 38mm A/P n/a ORTHO DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION
25 00822409044979 662-7202-58 Full Cone Broach 58mm M/L 35mm A/P n/a ORTHO DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION
26 00822409044962 662-7202-52 Full Cone Broach 52mm M/L 33mm A/P n/a ORTHO DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION
27 00822409044955 662-7202-47 Full Cone Broach, 47mm M/L 31mm A/P n/a ORTHO DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION
28 00822409044948 662-7200-65A Full Cone Trial 65mm M/L 38mm A/P n/a ORTHO DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION
29 00822409044931 662-7200-58A Full Cone Trial 58mm M/L 35mm A/p n/a ORTHO DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION
30 00822409044924 662-7200-52A Full Cone Trial 52mm M/L 33mm A/P n/a ORTHO DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION
31 00822409044917 662-7200-47A Full Cone Trial 47mm M/L 31mm A/P n/a ORTHO DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION
32 00822409044900 662-7102-35 Half Cone Broach 25mm M/L 35mm A/P n/a ORTHO DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION
33 00822409044894 662-7102-32 Half Cone Broach 23mm M/L 32mm A/P n/a ORTHO DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION
34 00822409044887 662-7100-35A Half ConeTrial 25mm M/L 35mm A/P n/a ORTHO DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION
35 00822409044870 662-7100-32A Half ConeTrial 23mm M/L 32mm A/P n/a ORTHO DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION
36 00822409044863 662-7007 Tibial Cone Keel Template Sz 7 n/a ORTHO DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION
37 00822409044856 662-7006 Tibial Cone Keel Template Sz 6 n/a ORTHO DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION
38 00822409044849 662-7005 Tibial Cone Keel Template Sz 5 n/a ORTHO DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION
39 00822409044832 662-7004 Tibial Cone Keel Template Sz 4 n/a ORTHO DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION
40 00822409044825 662-7003 Tibial Cone Keel Template Sz 3 n/a ORTHO DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION
41 00822409044818 662-7002-36 Central Cone Broach 36mm n/a ORTHO DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION
42 00822409044801 662-7002-34 Central Cone Broach 34mm n/a ORTHO DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION
43 00822409044795 662-7002-31 Central Cone Broach 31mm n/a ORTHO DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION
44 00822409044788 662-7002 Tibial Cone Keel Template Sz 2 n/a ORTHO DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION
45 00822409044771 662-7001 Tibial Cone Keel Template Sz 1 n/a ORTHO DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION
46 00822409044764 662-7000-36A Central Cone Trial 36mm n/a ORTHO DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION
47 00822409044757 662-7000-34A Central Cone Trial 34mm n/a ORTHO DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION
48 00822409044740 662-7000-31A Central Cone Trial 31mm n/a ORTHO DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION
49 00822409044733 662-5268 Tibial Sleeve Broach 68mm M-L 36mm A-P n/a ORTHO DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION
50 00822409044726 662-5260 Tibial Sleeve Broach 60mm M-L 33mm A-P n/a ORTHO DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION