No Primary DI Version or Model Catalog Number Device Description Product Code Product Code Name Device Class Brand Name
1 12200002600184 NATtrol™ Trichomonas vaginalis Positive Control NATTVPOS-6MC-IVD The NATtrol™ Trichomonas vaginalis (T. vaginalis) Positive Control is an unassay The NATtrol™ Trichomonas vaginalis (T. vaginalis) Positive Control is an unassayed in vitro diagnostic external run control intended to be used with qualitative molecular assays for detection of nucleic acids from these organisms. The control is intended to be used as an aid to diagnosis in that it is used to verify performance of the assays used to detect a physiological or pathological state. The routine and repetitive use of external run controls enables laboratories to monitor daily test variation, lot-to-lot test kit performance, individual operator variation, and can provide assistance in identifying increases in random or systemic errors. NATtrol™ T. vaginalis Positive Control contains intact organisms and should be run in a manner identical to that used for clinical specimens. The control does not have an assigned value and it is the responsibility of the end user to establish their own target specifications for the control using their laboratory’s molecular procedures. OHQ Multi-Analyte Controls Unassayed NATtrol™
2 01220000260313 NATtrol™ Vaginal Bundle NATV-BU1 NATtrol™ Vaginal Bundle contains qualitative in vitro diagnostic controls, NATtr NATtrol™ Vaginal Bundle contains qualitative in vitro diagnostic controls, NATtrol Vaginal Positive Control (NATVPOS-6C) DI number 01220000260290, and NATtrol Vaginal Negative Control (NATVNEG-6C) DI number 01220000260306, which are intended to be used with molecular assays for the detection of Atopobium vaginae, BVAB2, Candida albicans, Candida glabrata, and Trichomonas vaginalis for the evaluation of test performance. OHQ Multi-Analyte Controls Unassayed 1 NATtrol™
3 01220000260306 NATtrol™ Vaginal Negative Control NATVNEG-6C NATtrol™ Vaginal Negative Control (NATVNEG-6C) is a qualitative in vitro diagnos NATtrol™ Vaginal Negative Control (NATVNEG-6C) is a qualitative in vitro diagnostic control intended to be used with molecular assays for the detection of Atopobium vaginae, BVAB2, Candida albicans, Candida glabrata, and Trichomonas vaginalis for the evaluation of test performance. OHQ Multi-Analyte Controls Unassayed 1 NATtrol™
4 01220000260290 NATtrol™ Vaginal Positive Control NATVPOS-6C NATtrol™ Vaginal Positive Control (NATVPOS-6C) is a qualitative in vitro diagnos NATtrol™ Vaginal Positive Control (NATVPOS-6C) is a qualitative in vitro diagnostic control intended to be used with molecular assays for the detection of Atopobium vaginae, BVAB2, Candida albicans, Candida glabrata, and Trichomonas vaginalis for the evaluation of test performance. OHQ Multi-Analyte Controls Unassayed 1 NATtrol™
5 01220000260283 NATtrol™ Chlamydia trachomatis/Neisseria gonorrhoeae (CT/NG) Negative Control NATCTNGNEG-6MC NATCTNGNEG-6MC is a qualitative in vitro diagnostic external run control intende NATCTNGNEG-6MC is a qualitative in vitro diagnostic external run control intended to be used with molecular assays. OHQ Multi-Analyte Controls Unassayed 1 NATtrol™
6 01220000260276 NATtrol™ Neisseria gonorrhoeae (NG) Positive Control NATNG-6MC NATNG-6MC is a qualitative in vitro diagnostic external run control intended to NATNG-6MC is a qualitative in vitro diagnostic external run control intended to be used with molecular assays. OHQ Multi-Analyte Controls Unassayed 1 NATtrol™
7 01220000260269 NATtrol™ Chlamydia trachomatis (CT) Positive Control NATCT(434)-6MC NATCT(434)-6MC is a qualitative in vitro diagnostic external run control intende NATCT(434)-6MC is a qualitative in vitro diagnostic external run control intended to be used with molecular assays. OHQ Multi-Analyte Controls Unassayed 1 NATtrol™
8 01220000260252 NATtrol™ Candida/TV Positive Control NATCTVPOS-BD NATtrol™ Candida/TV Positive Control (NATCTVPOS-BD) is intended for use as an as NATtrol™ Candida/TV Positive Control (NATCTVPOS-BD) is intended for use as an assayed quality control material to monitor the performance of in vitro diagnostic laboratory nucleic acid testing procedures for the qualitative detection of targets on the BD Vaginal Panel for BD MAX™ System. NATtrol Candida/TV Positive Control is a qualitative control containing intact and inactivated Candida albicans, Candida krusei, Candida glabrata, and Trichomonas vaginalis and intended to be used solely with the BD Vaginal Panel for the BD MAX™ System. This product is not intended to replace manufacturer controls provided in the package insert. PMN Assayed External Control Material For Microbiology Nucleic Acid Amplification (Nat) Assays 2 NATtrol™
9 01220000260245 NATtrol™ BV Negative Control NATBVNEG-BD NATtrol™ BV Negative Control (NATBVNEG-BD) is intended for use as an assayed qua NATtrol™ BV Negative Control (NATBVNEG-BD) is intended for use as an assayed quality control material to monitor the performance of in vitro diagnostic laboratory nucleic acid testing procedures for the qualitative detection of targets on the BD Vaginal Panel for the BD MAX™ System. NATtrol BV Negative Control is a qualitative control containing intact and inactivated Lactobacillus crispatus and intended to be used solely with the BD Vaginal Panel for BD MAX™ System. This product is not intended to replace manufacturer controls provided in the package insert. PMN Assayed External Control Material For Microbiology Nucleic Acid Amplification (Nat) Assays 2 NATtrol™
10 01220000260238 NATtrol™ BV Positive Control NATBVPOS-BD NATtrol™ BV Positive Control (NATBVPOS-BD) is intended for use as an assayed qua NATtrol™ BV Positive Control (NATBVPOS-BD) is intended for use as an assayed quality control material to monitor the performance of in vitro diagnostic laboratory nucleic acid testing procedures for the qualitative detection of targets on the BD Vaginal Panel for the BD MAX™ System. NATtrol™ BV Positive Control is a qualitative control containing intact and inactivated Lactobacillus jensenii, Gardnerella vaginalis, Atopobium vaginae, and Saccharomyces cerevisiae containing BVAB2 (Bacterial Vaginosis-Associated Bacterium 2) sequence and intended to be used solely with the BD Vaginal Panel for BD MAX™ System. This product is not intended to replace manufacturer controls provided in the package insert. PMN Assayed External Control Material For Microbiology Nucleic Acid Amplification (Nat) Assays 2 NATtrol™
11 01220000260221 NATtrol™ Staphylococcus aureus Positive Control NATMSSA-6MC-IVD The NATtrol™ Staphylococcus aureus (SA) Positive Control is an unassayed in vitr The NATtrol™ Staphylococcus aureus (SA) Positive Control is an unassayed in vitro diagnostic external run control intended to be used with qualitative molecular assays for detection of nucleic acids from this organism. The control is intended to be used as an aid to diagnosis in that it is used to verify performance of the assays used to detect a physiological or pathological state. The routine and repetitive use of external run controls enables laboratories to monitor daily test variation, lot-to-lot test kit performance, individual operator variation, and can provide assistance in identifying increases in random or systemic errors. NATtrol™ SA Positive Control contains intact organisms and should be run in a manner identical to that used for clinical specimens. The control does not have an assigned value and it is the responsibility of the end user to establish their own target specifications for the control using their laboratory’s molecular procedures. OHQ Multi-Analyte Controls Unassayed 1 NATtrol™
12 01220000260214 NATtrol™ Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus/Staphylococcus aureus NATMSSE-6MC-IVD The Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus/Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA/SA) The Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus/Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA/SA) Negative Control is an unassayed in vitro diagnostic external run control intended to be used with qualitative molecular assays for detection of nucleic acids from these organisms. The control is intended to be used as an aid to diagnosis in that it is used to verify performance of the assays used to detect a physiological or pathological state. The routine and repetitive use of external run controls enables laboratories to monitor daily test variation, lot-to-lot test kit performance, individual operator variation, and can provide assistance in identifying increases in random or systemic errors. NATtrol™ MRSA/SA Negative Control contains intact organisms and should be run in a manner identical to that used for clinical specimens. The control does not have an assigned value and it is the responsibility of the end user to establish their own target specifications for the control using their laboratory’s molecular procedures. OHQ Multi-Analyte Controls Unassayed 1 NATtrol™
13 01220000260207 NATtrol™ Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus Positive Control NATMRSA-6MC-IVD The NATtrol™ Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) Positive Control The NATtrol™ Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) Positive Control is an unassayed in vitro diagnostic external run control intended to be used with qualitative molecular assays for detection of nucleic acids from this organism. The control is intended to be used as an aid to diagnosis in that it is used to verify performance of the assays used to detect a physiological or pathological state. The routine and repetitive use of external run controls enables laboratories to monitor daily test variation, lot-to-lot test kit performance, individual operator variation, and can provide assistance in identifying increases in random or systemic errors. NATtrol™ MRSA Positive Control contains intact organisms and should be run in a manner identical to that used for clinical specimens. The control does not have an assigned value and it is the responsibility of the end user to establish their own target specifications for the control using their laboratory’s molecular procedures. OHQ Multi-Analyte Controls Unassayed 1 NATtrol™
14 01220000260191 NATtrol™ Trichomonas vaginalis Negative Control NATTVNEG-6MC-IVD The NATtrol™ Trichomonas vaginalis (T. vaginalis) Negative Control is an unassay The NATtrol™ Trichomonas vaginalis (T. vaginalis) Negative Control is an unassayed in vitro diagnostic external run control intended to be used with qualitative molecular assays for detection of nucleic acids from these organisms. The control is intended to be used as an aid to diagnosis in that it is used to verify performance of the assays used to detect a physiological or pathological state. The routine and repetitive use of external run controls enables laboratories to monitor daily test variation, lot-to-lot test kit performance, individual operator variation, and can provide assistance in identifying increases in random or systemic errors. NATtrol™ T. vaginalis Negative Control contains intact organisms and should be run in a manner identical to that used for clinical specimens. The control does not have an assigned value and it is the responsibility of the end user to establish their own target specifications for the control using their laboratory’s molecular procedures. OHQ Multi-Analyte Controls Unassayed 1 NATtrol™
15 01220000260177 NATtrol™ Enterovirus Negative Control NATEVNEG-6MC-IVD The NATtrol™ Enterovirus (EV) Negative Control is an unassayed in vitro diagnost The NATtrol™ Enterovirus (EV) Negative Control is an unassayed in vitro diagnostic external run control intended to be used with qualitative molecular assays for detection of nucleic acids from this organism. The control is intended to be used as an aid to diagnosis in that it is used to verify performance of the assays used to detect a physiological or pathological state. The routine and repetitive use of external run controls enables laboratories to monitor daily test variation, lot-to-lot test kit performance, individual operator variation, and can provide assistance in identifying increases in random or systemic errors. NATtrol™ EV Negative Control contains intact organisms and should be run in a manner identical to that used for clinical specimens. The control does not have an assigned value and it is the responsibility of the end user to establish their own target specifications for the control using their laboratory’s molecular procedures. OHQ Multi-Analyte Controls Unassayed 1 NATtrol™
16 01220000260160 NATtrol™ Enterovirus Positive Control NATEVPOS-6MC-IVD The NATtrol™ Enterovirus (EV) Positive Control is an unassayed in vitro diagnost The NATtrol™ Enterovirus (EV) Positive Control is an unassayed in vitro diagnostic external run control intended to be used with qualitative molecular assays for detection of nucleic acids from this organism. The control is intended to be used as an aid to diagnosis in that it is used to verify performance of the assays used to detect a physiological or pathological state. The routine and repetitive use of external run controls enables laboratories to monitor daily test variation, lot-to-lot test kit performance, individual operator variation, and can provide assistance in identifying increases in random or systemic errors. NATtrol™ EV Positive Control contains intact organisms and should be run in a manner identical to that used for clinical specimens. The control does not have an assigned value and it is the responsibility of the end user to establish their own target specifications for the control using their laboratory’s molecular procedures. OHQ Multi-Analyte Controls Unassayed 1 NATtrol™
17 01220000260153 NATtrol™ Group B Streptococci Negative Control NATLAC-6MC-IVD The NATtrol™ Group B Streptococcus (GBS) Negative Control is an unassayed in vit The NATtrol™ Group B Streptococcus (GBS) Negative Control is an unassayed in vitro diagnostic external run control intended to be used with qualitative molecular assays for detection of nucleic acids from this organism. The control is intended to be used as an aid to diagnosis in that it is used to verify performance of the assays used to detect a physiological or pathological state. The routine and repetitive use of external run controls enables laboratories to monitor daily test variation, lot-to-lot test kit performance, individual operator variation, and can provide assistance in identifying increases in random or systemic errors. NATtrol™ GBS Negative Control contains intact organisms and should be run in a manner identical to that used for clinical specimens. The control does not have an assigned value and it is the responsibility of the end user to establish their own target specifications for the control using their laboratory’s molecular procedures. OHQ Multi-Analyte Controls Unassayed 1 NATtrol™
18 01220000260146 NATtrol™ Group B Streptococci Positive Control NATSAG-6MC-IVD The NATtrol™ Group B Streptococcus (GBS) Positive Control is an unassayed in vit The NATtrol™ Group B Streptococcus (GBS) Positive Control is an unassayed in vitro diagnostic external run control intended to be used with qualitative molecular assays for detection of nucleic acids from this organism. The control is intended to be used as an aid to diagnosis in that it is used to verify performance of the assays used to detect a physiological or pathological state. The routine and repetitive use of external run controls enables laboratories to monitor daily test variation, lot-to-lot test kit performance, individual operator variation, and can provide assistance in identifying increases in random or systemic errors. NATtrol™ GBS Positive Control contains intact organisms and should be run in a manner identical to that used for clinical specimens. The control does not have an assigned value and it is the responsibility of the end user to establish their own target specifications for the control using their laboratory’s molecular procedures. OHQ Multi-Analyte Controls Unassayed 1 NATtrol™
19 01220000260139 NATtrol™ Norovirus Negative Control NATROTA-6MC-IVD The NATtrol™ Norovirus Negative Control is an unassayed in vitro diagnostic exte The NATtrol™ Norovirus Negative Control is an unassayed in vitro diagnostic external run control intended to be used with qualitative molecular assays for detection of nucleic acids from this organism. The control is intended to be used as an aid to diagnosis in that it is used to verify performance of the assays used to detect a physiological or pathological state. The routine and repetitive use of external run controls enables laboratories to monitor daily test variation, lot-to-lot test kit performance, individual operator variation, and can provide assistance in identifying increases in random or systemic errors. NATtrol™ Norovirus Negative Control contains intact organisms and should be run in a manner identical to that used for clinical specimens. The control does not have an assigned value and it is the responsibility of the end user to establish their own target specifications for the control using their laboratory’s molecular procedures. OHQ Multi-Analyte Controls Unassayed 1 NATtrol™
20 01220000260115 NATtrol™ Norovirus GI Positive Control NATNOVI-6MC-IVD The NATtrol™ Norovirus GI Positive Control is an unassayed in vitro diagnostic e The NATtrol™ Norovirus GI Positive Control is an unassayed in vitro diagnostic external run control intended to be used with qualitative molecular assays for detection of nucleic acids from this organism. The control is intended to be used as an aid to diagnosis in that it is used to verify performance of the assays used to detect a physiological or pathological state. The routine and repetitive use of external run controls enables laboratories to monitor daily test variation, lot-to-lot test kit performance, individual operator variation, and can provide assistance in identifying increases in random or systemic errors. NATtrol™ Norovirus GI Positive Control contains intact organisms and should be run in a manner identical to that used for clinical specimens. The control does not have an assigned value and it is the responsibility of the end user to establish their own target specifications for the control using their laboratory’s molecular procedures. OHQ Multi-Analyte Controls Unassayed 1 NATtrol™
21 01220000260108 NATtrol™ Norovirus GI/GII Positive Control NATNOV-6MC-IVD The NATtrol™ Norovirus GI/GII Positive Control is an unassayed in vitro diagnost The NATtrol™ Norovirus GI/GII Positive Control is an unassayed in vitro diagnostic external run control intended to be used with qualitative molecular assays for detection of nucleic acids from these organisms. The control is intended to be used as an aid to diagnosis in that it is used to verify performance of the assays used to detect a physiological or pathological state. The routine and repetitive use of external run controls enables laboratories to monitor daily test variation, lot-to-lot test kit performance, individual operator variation, and can provide assistance in identifying increases in random or systemic errors. NATtrol™ Norovirus GI/GII Positive Control contains intact organisms and should be run in a manner identical to that used for clinical specimens. The control does not have an assigned value and it is the responsibility of the end user to establish their own target specifications for the control using their laboratory’s molecular procedures. OHQ Multi-Analyte Controls Unassayed 1 NATtrol™
22 01220000260092 NATtrol™ RSV Positive Control NATRSV-6C-IVD The NATtrol™ RSV Positive Control is an unassayed in vitro diagnostic external r The NATtrol™ RSV Positive Control is an unassayed in vitro diagnostic external run control intended to be used with qualitative molecular assays for detection of nucleic acids from this organism. The control is intended to be used as an aid to diagnosis in that it is used to verify performance of the assays used to detect a physiological or pathological state. The routine and repetitive use of external run controls enables laboratories to monitor daily test variation, lot-to-lot test kit performance, individual operator variation, and can provide assistance in identifying increases in random or systemic errors. NATtrol™ RSV Positive Control contains intact organisms and should be run in a manner identical to that used for clinical specimens. The control does not have an assigned value and it is the responsibility of the end user to establish their own target specifications for the control using their laboratory’s molecular procedures. OHQ Multi-Analyte Controls Unassayed 1 NATtrol™
23 01220000260085 NATtrol™ Influenza A/B Positive Control NATFLUAB-6C-IVD The NATtrol™ Influenza A/B Positive Control is an unassayed in vitro diagnostic The NATtrol™ Influenza A/B Positive Control is an unassayed in vitro diagnostic external run control intended to be used with qualitative molecular assays for detection of nucleic acids from these organisms. The control is intended to be used as an aid to diagnosis in that it is used to verify performance of the assays used to detect a physiological or pathological state. The routine and repetitive use of external run controls enables laboratories to monitor daily test variation, lot-to-lot test kit performance, individual operator variation, and can provide assistance in identifying increases in random or systemic errors. NATtrol™ Influenza A/B Positive Control contains intact organisms and should be run in a manner identical to that used for clinical specimens. The control does not have an assigned value and it is the responsibility of the end user to establish their own target specifications for the control using their laboratory’s molecular procedures. OHQ Multi-Analyte Controls Unassayed 1 NATtrol™
24 01220000260078 NATtrol™ Influenza/RSV Negative Control NATCXVA9-6C-IVD The NATtrol™ Influenza/RSV Negative Control is an unassayed in vitro diagnostic The NATtrol™ Influenza/RSV Negative Control is an unassayed in vitro diagnostic external run control intended to be used with qualitative molecular assays for detection of nucleic acids from these organisms. The control is intended to be used as an aid to diagnosis in that it is used to verify performance of the assays used to detect a physiological or pathological state. The routine and repetitive use of external run controls enables laboratories to monitor daily test variation, lot-to-lot test kit performance, individual operator variation, and can provide assistance in identifying increases in random or systemic errors. NATtrol™ Influenza/RSV Negative Control contains intact organisms and should be run in a manner identical to that used for clinical specimens. The control does not have an assigned value and it is the responsibility of the end user to establish their own target specifications for the control using their laboratory’s molecular procedures. OHQ Multi-Analyte Controls Unassayed 1 NATtrol™
25 01220000260061 NATtrol™ Clostridium difficile Negative Control NATCSO-6MC-IVD The NATtrol™ Clostridium difficile Negative Control is an unassayed in vitro dia The NATtrol™ Clostridium difficile Negative Control is an unassayed in vitro diagnostic external run control intended to be used with qualitative molecular assays for detection of nucleic acids from this organism. The control is intended to be used as an aid to diagnosis in that it is used to verify performance of the assays used to detect a physiological or pathological state. The routine and repetitive use of external run controls enables laboratories to monitor daily test variation, lot-to-lot test kit performance, individual operator variation, and can provide assistance in identifying increases in random or systemic errors. NATtrol™ Clostridium difficile Negative Control contains intact organisms and should be run in a manner identical to that used for clinical specimens. The control does not have an assigned value and it is the responsibility of the end user to establish their own target specifications for the control using their laboratory’s molecular procedures. OHQ Multi-Analyte Controls Unassayed 1 NATtrol™
26 01220000260054 NATtrol™ Clostridium difficile Positive Control NATCDI-6MC-IVD The NATtrol™ Clostridium difficile Positive Control is an unassayed in vitro dia The NATtrol™ Clostridium difficile Positive Control is an unassayed in vitro diagnostic external run control intended to be used with qualitative molecular assays for detection of nucleic acids from this organism. The control is intended to be used as an aid to diagnosis in that it is used to verify performance of the assays used to detect a physiological or pathological state. The routine and repetitive use of external run controls enables laboratories to monitor daily test variation, lot-to-lot test kit performance, individual operator variation, and can provide assistance in identifying increases in random or systemic errors. NATtrol™ Clostridium difficile Positive Control contains intact organisms and should be run in a manner identical to that used for clinical specimens. The control does not have an assigned value and it is the responsibility of the end user to establish their own target specifications for the control using their laboratory’s molecular procedures. OHQ Multi-Analyte Controls Unassayed 1 NATtrol™
27 01220000260047 NATtrol™ Chlamydia trachomatis/Neisseria gonorrhoeae Negative Controls NATCT/NGNEG-6MC-IVD The NATtrol™ Chlamydia trachomatis/Neisseria gonorrhoeae (CT/NG) Negative Contro The NATtrol™ Chlamydia trachomatis/Neisseria gonorrhoeae (CT/NG) Negative Control is an unassayed in vitro diagnostic external run control intended to be used with qualitative molecular assays for detection of nucleic acids from these organisms. The control is intended to be used as an aid to diagnosis in that it is used to verify performance of the assays used to detect a physiological or pathological state. The routine and repetitive use of external run controls enables laboratories to monitor daily test variation, lot-to-lot test kit performance, individual operator variation, and can provide assistance in identifying increases in random or systemic errors. NATtrol™ CT/NG Negative Control contains intact organisms and should be run in a manner identical to that used for clinical specimens. The control does not have an assigned value and it is the responsibility of the end user to establish their own target specifications for the control using their laboratory’s molecular procedures. OHQ Multi-Analyte Controls Unassayed 1 NATtrol™
28 01220000260030 NATtrol™ Neisseria gonorrhoeae Positive Controls NATNG-6MC-IVD The NATtrol™ Neisseria gonorrhoeae (NG) Positive Control is an unassayed in vitr The NATtrol™ Neisseria gonorrhoeae (NG) Positive Control is an unassayed in vitro diagnostic external run control intended to be used with qualitative molecular assays for detection of nucleic acids from this organism. The control is intended to be used as an aid to diagnosis in that it is used to verify performance of the assays used to detect a physiological or pathological state. The routine and repetitive use of external run controls enables laboratories to monitor daily test variation, lot-to-lot test kit performance, individual operator variation, and can provide assistance in identifying increases in random or systemic errors. NATtrol™ Neisseria gonorrhoeae Positive Control contains intact organisms and should be run in a manner identical to that used for clinical specimens. The control does not have an assigned value and it is the responsibility of the end user to establish their own target specifications for the control using their laboratory’s molecular procedures. OHQ Multi-Analyte Controls Unassayed 1 NATtrol™
29 01220000260023 NATtrol™ Chlamydia trachomatis Positive Controls NATCT(434)-6MC-IVD NATtrol™ Chlamydia trachomatis (CT) Positive Control is an unassayed in vitro di NATtrol™ Chlamydia trachomatis (CT) Positive Control is an unassayed in vitro diagnostic external run control intended to be used with qualitative molecular assays for detection of nucleic acids from this organism. The control is intended to be used as an aid to diagnosis in that it is used to verify performance of the assays used to detect a physiological or pathological state. The routine and repetitive use of external run controls enables laboratories to monitor daily test variation, lot-to-lot test kit performance, individual operator variation, and can provide assistance in identifying increases in random or systemic errors. NATtrol™ Chlamydia trachomatis (CT) Positive Control contains intact organisms and should be run in a manner identical to that used for clinical specimens. The control does not have an assigned value and it is the responsibility of the end user to establish their own target specifications for the control using their laboratory’s molecular procedures. OHQ Multi-Analyte Controls Unassayed 1 NATtrol™
30 01220000260016 NATtrol™ RP Multimarker Controls MDZ001 NATtrol™ RP Multimarker Controls (MDZ001) consist of in vitro diagnostic externa NATtrol™ RP Multimarker Controls (MDZ001) consist of in vitro diagnostic external run controls intended for use with qualitative molecular assays. The routine and repetitive use of external run controls enables laboratories to monitor daily test variation, lot-to-lot test kit performance, individual operator variation, and can provide assistance in identifying increases in random or systemic error. NATtrol™ RP Multimarker Controls contain intact organisms and should be run in a manner identical to that used for clinical specimens.NATtrol™ RP Multimarker Controls are formulated with purified, intact organisms that have been chemically modified to render them non-infectious and refrigerator stable. Each control pack contains 3 x 0.75 mL vials of RP Multimarker 1 and 3 x 0.75 mL vials of RP Multimarker 2. NATtrol™ RP Multimarker Controls are formulated in a Purified Protein Matrix that is fully commutable with true clinical specimens. OHQ Multi-Analyte Controls Unassayed 1 NATtrol™
Other products with the same Product Code "OHQ"
No Primary DI Version or Model Catalog Number Device Description Brand Name Organization Name
1 03610522207930 200505 200505 VIROCLEAR SARS-CoV-2 (An unassayed (human) serology control.) VIROCLEAR BIO-RAD LABORATORIES, INC.
2 03610522207923 200500 200500 VIROCLEAR SARS-CoV-2 (An unassayed (human) serology control.) VIROCLEAR BIO-RAD LABORATORIES, INC.
3 03610522207893 200305C 200305C VIROTROL SARS-CoV-2 (An unassayed (human) serology control.) VIROTROL BIO-RAD LABORATORIES, INC.
4 03610522207886 200305B 200305B VIROTROL SARS-CoV-2 (An unassayed (human) serology control.) VIROTROL BIO-RAD LABORATORIES, INC.
5 03610522207879 200305A 200305A VIROTROL SARS-CoV-2 (An unassayed (human) serology control.) VIROTROL BIO-RAD LABORATORIES, INC.
6 03610522207862 200300C 200300C VIROTROL SARS-CoV-2 (An unassayed (human) serology control.) VIROTROL BIO-RAD LABORATORIES, INC.
7 03610522207855 200300B 200300B VIROTROL SARS-CoV-2 (An unassayed (human) serology control.) VIROTROL BIO-RAD LABORATORIES, INC.
8 03610522207848 200300A 200300A VIROTROL SARS-CoV-2 (An unassayed (human) serology control.) VIROTROL BIO-RAD LABORATORIES, INC.
9 03610520540718 00117A 00117A VIROTROL ToRCH-M (An unassayed (human) serology control.) VIROTROL BIO-RAD LABORATORIES, INC.
10 03610520540374 12000953 12000953 Liquichek Netherlands Unassayed Chemistry Plus Control Level 3 ( A human serum c Liquichek Netherlands Unassayed Chemistry Plus Control Level 3 ( A human serum chemistry and protein control.) Liquichek BIO-RAD LABORATORIES, INC.
11 03610520540367 12000952 12000952 Liquichek Netherlands Unassayed Chemistry Plus Control Level 2 ( A human serum c Liquichek Netherlands Unassayed Chemistry Plus Control Level 2 ( A human serum chemistry and protein control.) Liquichek BIO-RAD LABORATORIES, INC.
12 03610520540350 12000951 12000951 Liquichek Netherlands Unassayed Chemistry Plus Control Level 1 ( A human serum c Liquichek Netherlands Unassayed Chemistry Plus Control Level 1 ( A human serum chemistry and protein control.) Liquichek BIO-RAD LABORATORIES, INC.
13 03610520530146 12000539 12000539 VIROTROL PLUS-R (An unassayed (human) serology control) VIROTROL BIO-RAD LABORATORIES, INC.
14 03610520530139 12000538 12000538 VIROTROL PLUS-R (An unassayed (human) serology control) VIROTROL BIO-RAD LABORATORIES, INC.
15 03610520105900 00113X 00113X VIROTROL HIV-1 gO (An unassayed (human) serology control.) VIROTROL BIO-RAD LABORATORIES, INC.
16 03610520105719 00113 00113 VIROTROL HIV-1 gO (An unassayed (human) serology control.) VIROTROL BIO-RAD LABORATORIES, INC.
17 03573026121631 30706 Automated test for use on the VIDAS® system to detect abnormal operation of the Automated test for use on the VIDAS® system to detect abnormal operation of the VIDAS and mini VIDAS instrument pipette mechanisms and optical systems. VIDAS® QCV BIOMERIEUX SA
18 01220000260313 NATtrol™ Vaginal Bundle NATV-BU1 NATtrol™ Vaginal Bundle contains qualitative in vitro diagnostic controls, NATtr NATtrol™ Vaginal Bundle contains qualitative in vitro diagnostic controls, NATtrol Vaginal Positive Control (NATVPOS-6C) DI number 01220000260290, and NATtrol Vaginal Negative Control (NATVNEG-6C) DI number 01220000260306, which are intended to be used with molecular assays for the detection of Atopobium vaginae, BVAB2, Candida albicans, Candida glabrata, and Trichomonas vaginalis for the evaluation of test performance. NATtrol™ ZEPTOMETRIX CORPORATION
19 01220000260306 NATtrol™ Vaginal Negative Control NATVNEG-6C NATtrol™ Vaginal Negative Control (NATVNEG-6C) is a qualitative in vitro diagnos NATtrol™ Vaginal Negative Control (NATVNEG-6C) is a qualitative in vitro diagnostic control intended to be used with molecular assays for the detection of Atopobium vaginae, BVAB2, Candida albicans, Candida glabrata, and Trichomonas vaginalis for the evaluation of test performance. NATtrol™ ZEPTOMETRIX CORPORATION
20 01220000260290 NATtrol™ Vaginal Positive Control NATVPOS-6C NATtrol™ Vaginal Positive Control (NATVPOS-6C) is a qualitative in vitro diagnos NATtrol™ Vaginal Positive Control (NATVPOS-6C) is a qualitative in vitro diagnostic control intended to be used with molecular assays for the detection of Atopobium vaginae, BVAB2, Candida albicans, Candida glabrata, and Trichomonas vaginalis for the evaluation of test performance. NATtrol™ ZEPTOMETRIX CORPORATION
21 01220000260283 NATtrol™ Chlamydia trachomatis/Neisseria gonorrhoeae (CT/NG) Negative Control NATCTNGNEG-6MC NATCTNGNEG-6MC is a qualitative in vitro diagnostic external run control intende NATCTNGNEG-6MC is a qualitative in vitro diagnostic external run control intended to be used with molecular assays. NATtrol™ ZEPTOMETRIX CORPORATION
22 01220000260276 NATtrol™ Neisseria gonorrhoeae (NG) Positive Control NATNG-6MC NATNG-6MC is a qualitative in vitro diagnostic external run control intended to NATNG-6MC is a qualitative in vitro diagnostic external run control intended to be used with molecular assays. NATtrol™ ZEPTOMETRIX CORPORATION
23 01220000260269 NATtrol™ Chlamydia trachomatis (CT) Positive Control NATCT(434)-6MC NATCT(434)-6MC is a qualitative in vitro diagnostic external run control intende NATCT(434)-6MC is a qualitative in vitro diagnostic external run control intended to be used with molecular assays. NATtrol™ ZEPTOMETRIX CORPORATION
24 01220000260221 NATtrol™ Staphylococcus aureus Positive Control NATMSSA-6MC-IVD The NATtrol™ Staphylococcus aureus (SA) Positive Control is an unassayed in vitr The NATtrol™ Staphylococcus aureus (SA) Positive Control is an unassayed in vitro diagnostic external run control intended to be used with qualitative molecular assays for detection of nucleic acids from this organism. The control is intended to be used as an aid to diagnosis in that it is used to verify performance of the assays used to detect a physiological or pathological state. The routine and repetitive use of external run controls enables laboratories to monitor daily test variation, lot-to-lot test kit performance, individual operator variation, and can provide assistance in identifying increases in random or systemic errors. NATtrol™ SA Positive Control contains intact organisms and should be run in a manner identical to that used for clinical specimens. The control does not have an assigned value and it is the responsibility of the end user to establish their own target specifications for the control using their laboratory’s molecular procedures. NATtrol™ ZEPTOMETRIX CORPORATION
25 01220000260214 NATtrol™ Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus/Staphylococcus aureus NATMSSE-6MC-IVD The Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus/Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA/SA) The Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus/Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA/SA) Negative Control is an unassayed in vitro diagnostic external run control intended to be used with qualitative molecular assays for detection of nucleic acids from these organisms. The control is intended to be used as an aid to diagnosis in that it is used to verify performance of the assays used to detect a physiological or pathological state. The routine and repetitive use of external run controls enables laboratories to monitor daily test variation, lot-to-lot test kit performance, individual operator variation, and can provide assistance in identifying increases in random or systemic errors. NATtrol™ MRSA/SA Negative Control contains intact organisms and should be run in a manner identical to that used for clinical specimens. The control does not have an assigned value and it is the responsibility of the end user to establish their own target specifications for the control using their laboratory’s molecular procedures. NATtrol™ ZEPTOMETRIX CORPORATION
26 01220000260207 NATtrol™ Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus Positive Control NATMRSA-6MC-IVD The NATtrol™ Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) Positive Control The NATtrol™ Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) Positive Control is an unassayed in vitro diagnostic external run control intended to be used with qualitative molecular assays for detection of nucleic acids from this organism. The control is intended to be used as an aid to diagnosis in that it is used to verify performance of the assays used to detect a physiological or pathological state. The routine and repetitive use of external run controls enables laboratories to monitor daily test variation, lot-to-lot test kit performance, individual operator variation, and can provide assistance in identifying increases in random or systemic errors. NATtrol™ MRSA Positive Control contains intact organisms and should be run in a manner identical to that used for clinical specimens. The control does not have an assigned value and it is the responsibility of the end user to establish their own target specifications for the control using their laboratory’s molecular procedures. NATtrol™ ZEPTOMETRIX CORPORATION
27 01220000260191 NATtrol™ Trichomonas vaginalis Negative Control NATTVNEG-6MC-IVD The NATtrol™ Trichomonas vaginalis (T. vaginalis) Negative Control is an unassay The NATtrol™ Trichomonas vaginalis (T. vaginalis) Negative Control is an unassayed in vitro diagnostic external run control intended to be used with qualitative molecular assays for detection of nucleic acids from these organisms. The control is intended to be used as an aid to diagnosis in that it is used to verify performance of the assays used to detect a physiological or pathological state. The routine and repetitive use of external run controls enables laboratories to monitor daily test variation, lot-to-lot test kit performance, individual operator variation, and can provide assistance in identifying increases in random or systemic errors. NATtrol™ T. vaginalis Negative Control contains intact organisms and should be run in a manner identical to that used for clinical specimens. The control does not have an assigned value and it is the responsibility of the end user to establish their own target specifications for the control using their laboratory’s molecular procedures. NATtrol™ ZEPTOMETRIX CORPORATION
28 01220000260177 NATtrol™ Enterovirus Negative Control NATEVNEG-6MC-IVD The NATtrol™ Enterovirus (EV) Negative Control is an unassayed in vitro diagnost The NATtrol™ Enterovirus (EV) Negative Control is an unassayed in vitro diagnostic external run control intended to be used with qualitative molecular assays for detection of nucleic acids from this organism. The control is intended to be used as an aid to diagnosis in that it is used to verify performance of the assays used to detect a physiological or pathological state. The routine and repetitive use of external run controls enables laboratories to monitor daily test variation, lot-to-lot test kit performance, individual operator variation, and can provide assistance in identifying increases in random or systemic errors. NATtrol™ EV Negative Control contains intact organisms and should be run in a manner identical to that used for clinical specimens. The control does not have an assigned value and it is the responsibility of the end user to establish their own target specifications for the control using their laboratory’s molecular procedures. NATtrol™ ZEPTOMETRIX CORPORATION
29 01220000260160 NATtrol™ Enterovirus Positive Control NATEVPOS-6MC-IVD The NATtrol™ Enterovirus (EV) Positive Control is an unassayed in vitro diagnost The NATtrol™ Enterovirus (EV) Positive Control is an unassayed in vitro diagnostic external run control intended to be used with qualitative molecular assays for detection of nucleic acids from this organism. The control is intended to be used as an aid to diagnosis in that it is used to verify performance of the assays used to detect a physiological or pathological state. The routine and repetitive use of external run controls enables laboratories to monitor daily test variation, lot-to-lot test kit performance, individual operator variation, and can provide assistance in identifying increases in random or systemic errors. NATtrol™ EV Positive Control contains intact organisms and should be run in a manner identical to that used for clinical specimens. The control does not have an assigned value and it is the responsibility of the end user to establish their own target specifications for the control using their laboratory’s molecular procedures. NATtrol™ ZEPTOMETRIX CORPORATION
30 01220000260153 NATtrol™ Group B Streptococci Negative Control NATLAC-6MC-IVD The NATtrol™ Group B Streptococcus (GBS) Negative Control is an unassayed in vit The NATtrol™ Group B Streptococcus (GBS) Negative Control is an unassayed in vitro diagnostic external run control intended to be used with qualitative molecular assays for detection of nucleic acids from this organism. The control is intended to be used as an aid to diagnosis in that it is used to verify performance of the assays used to detect a physiological or pathological state. The routine and repetitive use of external run controls enables laboratories to monitor daily test variation, lot-to-lot test kit performance, individual operator variation, and can provide assistance in identifying increases in random or systemic errors. NATtrol™ GBS Negative Control contains intact organisms and should be run in a manner identical to that used for clinical specimens. The control does not have an assigned value and it is the responsibility of the end user to establish their own target specifications for the control using their laboratory’s molecular procedures. NATtrol™ ZEPTOMETRIX CORPORATION
31 01220000260146 NATtrol™ Group B Streptococci Positive Control NATSAG-6MC-IVD The NATtrol™ Group B Streptococcus (GBS) Positive Control is an unassayed in vit The NATtrol™ Group B Streptococcus (GBS) Positive Control is an unassayed in vitro diagnostic external run control intended to be used with qualitative molecular assays for detection of nucleic acids from this organism. The control is intended to be used as an aid to diagnosis in that it is used to verify performance of the assays used to detect a physiological or pathological state. The routine and repetitive use of external run controls enables laboratories to monitor daily test variation, lot-to-lot test kit performance, individual operator variation, and can provide assistance in identifying increases in random or systemic errors. NATtrol™ GBS Positive Control contains intact organisms and should be run in a manner identical to that used for clinical specimens. The control does not have an assigned value and it is the responsibility of the end user to establish their own target specifications for the control using their laboratory’s molecular procedures. NATtrol™ ZEPTOMETRIX CORPORATION
32 01220000260139 NATtrol™ Norovirus Negative Control NATROTA-6MC-IVD The NATtrol™ Norovirus Negative Control is an unassayed in vitro diagnostic exte The NATtrol™ Norovirus Negative Control is an unassayed in vitro diagnostic external run control intended to be used with qualitative molecular assays for detection of nucleic acids from this organism. The control is intended to be used as an aid to diagnosis in that it is used to verify performance of the assays used to detect a physiological or pathological state. The routine and repetitive use of external run controls enables laboratories to monitor daily test variation, lot-to-lot test kit performance, individual operator variation, and can provide assistance in identifying increases in random or systemic errors. NATtrol™ Norovirus Negative Control contains intact organisms and should be run in a manner identical to that used for clinical specimens. The control does not have an assigned value and it is the responsibility of the end user to establish their own target specifications for the control using their laboratory’s molecular procedures. NATtrol™ ZEPTOMETRIX CORPORATION
33 01220000260122 NATtrol™ Norovirus GII Positive Control NATNOVII-6MC-IVD The NATtrol™ Norovirus GII Positive Control is an unassayed in vitro diagnostic The NATtrol™ Norovirus GII Positive Control is an unassayed in vitro diagnostic external run control intended to be used with qualitative molecular assays for detection of nucleic acids from this organism. The control is intended to be used as an aid to diagnosis in that it is used to verify performance of the assays used to detect a physiological or pathological state. The routine and repetitive use of external run controls enables laboratories to monitor daily test variation, lot-to-lot test kit performance, individual operator variation, and can provide assistance in identifying increases in random or systemic errors. NATtrol™ Norovirus GII Positive Control contains intact organisms and should be run in a manner identical to that used for clinical specimens. The control does not have an assigned value and it is the responsibility of the end user to establish their own target specifications for the control using their laboratory’s molecular procedures. NATtrol™ ZEPTOMETRIX CORPORATION
34 01220000260115 NATtrol™ Norovirus GI Positive Control NATNOVI-6MC-IVD The NATtrol™ Norovirus GI Positive Control is an unassayed in vitro diagnostic e The NATtrol™ Norovirus GI Positive Control is an unassayed in vitro diagnostic external run control intended to be used with qualitative molecular assays for detection of nucleic acids from this organism. The control is intended to be used as an aid to diagnosis in that it is used to verify performance of the assays used to detect a physiological or pathological state. The routine and repetitive use of external run controls enables laboratories to monitor daily test variation, lot-to-lot test kit performance, individual operator variation, and can provide assistance in identifying increases in random or systemic errors. NATtrol™ Norovirus GI Positive Control contains intact organisms and should be run in a manner identical to that used for clinical specimens. The control does not have an assigned value and it is the responsibility of the end user to establish their own target specifications for the control using their laboratory’s molecular procedures. NATtrol™ ZEPTOMETRIX CORPORATION
35 01220000260108 NATtrol™ Norovirus GI/GII Positive Control NATNOV-6MC-IVD The NATtrol™ Norovirus GI/GII Positive Control is an unassayed in vitro diagnost The NATtrol™ Norovirus GI/GII Positive Control is an unassayed in vitro diagnostic external run control intended to be used with qualitative molecular assays for detection of nucleic acids from these organisms. The control is intended to be used as an aid to diagnosis in that it is used to verify performance of the assays used to detect a physiological or pathological state. The routine and repetitive use of external run controls enables laboratories to monitor daily test variation, lot-to-lot test kit performance, individual operator variation, and can provide assistance in identifying increases in random or systemic errors. NATtrol™ Norovirus GI/GII Positive Control contains intact organisms and should be run in a manner identical to that used for clinical specimens. The control does not have an assigned value and it is the responsibility of the end user to establish their own target specifications for the control using their laboratory’s molecular procedures. NATtrol™ ZEPTOMETRIX CORPORATION
36 01220000260092 NATtrol™ RSV Positive Control NATRSV-6C-IVD The NATtrol™ RSV Positive Control is an unassayed in vitro diagnostic external r The NATtrol™ RSV Positive Control is an unassayed in vitro diagnostic external run control intended to be used with qualitative molecular assays for detection of nucleic acids from this organism. The control is intended to be used as an aid to diagnosis in that it is used to verify performance of the assays used to detect a physiological or pathological state. The routine and repetitive use of external run controls enables laboratories to monitor daily test variation, lot-to-lot test kit performance, individual operator variation, and can provide assistance in identifying increases in random or systemic errors. NATtrol™ RSV Positive Control contains intact organisms and should be run in a manner identical to that used for clinical specimens. The control does not have an assigned value and it is the responsibility of the end user to establish their own target specifications for the control using their laboratory’s molecular procedures. NATtrol™ ZEPTOMETRIX CORPORATION
37 01220000260085 NATtrol™ Influenza A/B Positive Control NATFLUAB-6C-IVD The NATtrol™ Influenza A/B Positive Control is an unassayed in vitro diagnostic The NATtrol™ Influenza A/B Positive Control is an unassayed in vitro diagnostic external run control intended to be used with qualitative molecular assays for detection of nucleic acids from these organisms. The control is intended to be used as an aid to diagnosis in that it is used to verify performance of the assays used to detect a physiological or pathological state. The routine and repetitive use of external run controls enables laboratories to monitor daily test variation, lot-to-lot test kit performance, individual operator variation, and can provide assistance in identifying increases in random or systemic errors. NATtrol™ Influenza A/B Positive Control contains intact organisms and should be run in a manner identical to that used for clinical specimens. The control does not have an assigned value and it is the responsibility of the end user to establish their own target specifications for the control using their laboratory’s molecular procedures. NATtrol™ ZEPTOMETRIX CORPORATION
38 01220000260078 NATtrol™ Influenza/RSV Negative Control NATCXVA9-6C-IVD The NATtrol™ Influenza/RSV Negative Control is an unassayed in vitro diagnostic The NATtrol™ Influenza/RSV Negative Control is an unassayed in vitro diagnostic external run control intended to be used with qualitative molecular assays for detection of nucleic acids from these organisms. The control is intended to be used as an aid to diagnosis in that it is used to verify performance of the assays used to detect a physiological or pathological state. The routine and repetitive use of external run controls enables laboratories to monitor daily test variation, lot-to-lot test kit performance, individual operator variation, and can provide assistance in identifying increases in random or systemic errors. NATtrol™ Influenza/RSV Negative Control contains intact organisms and should be run in a manner identical to that used for clinical specimens. The control does not have an assigned value and it is the responsibility of the end user to establish their own target specifications for the control using their laboratory’s molecular procedures. NATtrol™ ZEPTOMETRIX CORPORATION
39 01220000260061 NATtrol™ Clostridium difficile Negative Control NATCSO-6MC-IVD The NATtrol™ Clostridium difficile Negative Control is an unassayed in vitro dia The NATtrol™ Clostridium difficile Negative Control is an unassayed in vitro diagnostic external run control intended to be used with qualitative molecular assays for detection of nucleic acids from this organism. The control is intended to be used as an aid to diagnosis in that it is used to verify performance of the assays used to detect a physiological or pathological state. The routine and repetitive use of external run controls enables laboratories to monitor daily test variation, lot-to-lot test kit performance, individual operator variation, and can provide assistance in identifying increases in random or systemic errors. NATtrol™ Clostridium difficile Negative Control contains intact organisms and should be run in a manner identical to that used for clinical specimens. The control does not have an assigned value and it is the responsibility of the end user to establish their own target specifications for the control using their laboratory’s molecular procedures. NATtrol™ ZEPTOMETRIX CORPORATION
40 01220000260054 NATtrol™ Clostridium difficile Positive Control NATCDI-6MC-IVD The NATtrol™ Clostridium difficile Positive Control is an unassayed in vitro dia The NATtrol™ Clostridium difficile Positive Control is an unassayed in vitro diagnostic external run control intended to be used with qualitative molecular assays for detection of nucleic acids from this organism. The control is intended to be used as an aid to diagnosis in that it is used to verify performance of the assays used to detect a physiological or pathological state. The routine and repetitive use of external run controls enables laboratories to monitor daily test variation, lot-to-lot test kit performance, individual operator variation, and can provide assistance in identifying increases in random or systemic errors. NATtrol™ Clostridium difficile Positive Control contains intact organisms and should be run in a manner identical to that used for clinical specimens. The control does not have an assigned value and it is the responsibility of the end user to establish their own target specifications for the control using their laboratory’s molecular procedures. NATtrol™ ZEPTOMETRIX CORPORATION
41 01220000260047 NATtrol™ Chlamydia trachomatis/Neisseria gonorrhoeae Negative Controls NATCT/NGNEG-6MC-IVD The NATtrol™ Chlamydia trachomatis/Neisseria gonorrhoeae (CT/NG) Negative Contro The NATtrol™ Chlamydia trachomatis/Neisseria gonorrhoeae (CT/NG) Negative Control is an unassayed in vitro diagnostic external run control intended to be used with qualitative molecular assays for detection of nucleic acids from these organisms. The control is intended to be used as an aid to diagnosis in that it is used to verify performance of the assays used to detect a physiological or pathological state. The routine and repetitive use of external run controls enables laboratories to monitor daily test variation, lot-to-lot test kit performance, individual operator variation, and can provide assistance in identifying increases in random or systemic errors. NATtrol™ CT/NG Negative Control contains intact organisms and should be run in a manner identical to that used for clinical specimens. The control does not have an assigned value and it is the responsibility of the end user to establish their own target specifications for the control using their laboratory’s molecular procedures. NATtrol™ ZEPTOMETRIX CORPORATION
42 01220000260030 NATtrol™ Neisseria gonorrhoeae Positive Controls NATNG-6MC-IVD The NATtrol™ Neisseria gonorrhoeae (NG) Positive Control is an unassayed in vitr The NATtrol™ Neisseria gonorrhoeae (NG) Positive Control is an unassayed in vitro diagnostic external run control intended to be used with qualitative molecular assays for detection of nucleic acids from this organism. The control is intended to be used as an aid to diagnosis in that it is used to verify performance of the assays used to detect a physiological or pathological state. The routine and repetitive use of external run controls enables laboratories to monitor daily test variation, lot-to-lot test kit performance, individual operator variation, and can provide assistance in identifying increases in random or systemic errors. NATtrol™ Neisseria gonorrhoeae Positive Control contains intact organisms and should be run in a manner identical to that used for clinical specimens. The control does not have an assigned value and it is the responsibility of the end user to establish their own target specifications for the control using their laboratory’s molecular procedures. NATtrol™ ZEPTOMETRIX CORPORATION
43 01220000260023 NATtrol™ Chlamydia trachomatis Positive Controls NATCT(434)-6MC-IVD NATtrol™ Chlamydia trachomatis (CT) Positive Control is an unassayed in vitro di NATtrol™ Chlamydia trachomatis (CT) Positive Control is an unassayed in vitro diagnostic external run control intended to be used with qualitative molecular assays for detection of nucleic acids from this organism. The control is intended to be used as an aid to diagnosis in that it is used to verify performance of the assays used to detect a physiological or pathological state. The routine and repetitive use of external run controls enables laboratories to monitor daily test variation, lot-to-lot test kit performance, individual operator variation, and can provide assistance in identifying increases in random or systemic errors. NATtrol™ Chlamydia trachomatis (CT) Positive Control contains intact organisms and should be run in a manner identical to that used for clinical specimens. The control does not have an assigned value and it is the responsibility of the end user to establish their own target specifications for the control using their laboratory’s molecular procedures. NATtrol™ ZEPTOMETRIX CORPORATION
44 01220000260016 NATtrol™ RP Multimarker Controls MDZ001 NATtrol™ RP Multimarker Controls (MDZ001) consist of in vitro diagnostic externa NATtrol™ RP Multimarker Controls (MDZ001) consist of in vitro diagnostic external run controls intended for use with qualitative molecular assays. The routine and repetitive use of external run controls enables laboratories to monitor daily test variation, lot-to-lot test kit performance, individual operator variation, and can provide assistance in identifying increases in random or systemic error. NATtrol™ RP Multimarker Controls contain intact organisms and should be run in a manner identical to that used for clinical specimens.NATtrol™ RP Multimarker Controls are formulated with purified, intact organisms that have been chemically modified to render them non-infectious and refrigerator stable. Each control pack contains 3 x 0.75 mL vials of RP Multimarker 1 and 3 x 0.75 mL vials of RP Multimarker 2. NATtrol™ RP Multimarker Controls are formulated in a Purified Protein Matrix that is fully commutable with true clinical specimens. NATtrol™ ZEPTOMETRIX CORPORATION
45 EABA10090211 100-9021 100-9021 BRT Verification Samples are human liquid serum samples used to verify analyte l BRT Verification Samples are human liquid serum samples used to verify analyte linearity over the reportable range. BRT Verification Samples with CRP BIORESOURCE TECHNOLOGY
46 EABA10090111 100-9011 100-9011 BRT Verification Samples are human liquid serum samples used to verify analyte l BRT Verification Samples are human liquid serum samples used to verify analyte linearity over the reportable range. BRT Verification Samples BIORESOURCE TECHNOLOGY
47 00884883007543 10027484 MAS Infectious Negative Control MICROGENICS CORPORATION
48 00884883007536 10027483 MAS Syphilis Positive Control MICROGENICS CORPORATION
49 00884883007529 10027482 MAS anti-HBs Positive Control MICROGENICS CORPORATION
50 00884883007512 10027481 MAS HIV p24 Positive Control MICROGENICS CORPORATION