Other products from "CONFIRM BIOSCIENCES, INC."
No Primary DI Version or Model Catalog Number Device Description Product Code Product Code Name Device Class Brand Name
1 00895330002752 CB-HE-ETG 300 EtG Urine Dip *300ng DMJ Test Reagents For Ethyl Alcohol 2 Healgen (Private Label) EtG Urine Dip *300ng
2 00895330002370 RO-DRC004 4 Panel Home Drug Test KitTHC COC OPI MET DJC,DOE,DIO,DKE Thin Layer Chromatography, Methamphetamine,Radioimmunoassay, Morphine (125-I), G Thin Layer Chromatography, Methamphetamine,Radioimmunoassay, Morphine (125-I), Goat Antibody Ammonium Sulfate Sep.,Enzyme Immunoassay, Cocaine And Cocaine Metabolites,Reagents, Test, Tetrahydrocannabinol 2 ReliOn 4 Panel Home Drug Test Kit
3 00895330002356 RO-DRC001 1 Panel Home Drug Test Kit THC DKE Reagents, Test, Tetrahydrocannabinol 2 ReliOn 1 Panel Home Drug Test Kit
4 00895330002073 03-5542 This kit tests for: Cocaine (COC), Marijuana (THC), Opiates (OPI), Methamphetami This kit tests for: Cocaine (COC), Marijuana (THC), Opiates (OPI), Methamphetamines (mAMP), Amphetamines (AMP), Phencyclidine (PCP) DKE,LCM,DOE,DJC,DIO,DKZ Reagents, Test, Tetrahydrocannabinol,Enzyme Immunoassay, Phencyclidine,Radioimmu Reagents, Test, Tetrahydrocannabinol,Enzyme Immunoassay, Phencyclidine,Radioimmunoassay, Morphine (125-I), Goat Antibody Ammonium Sulfate Sep.,Thin Layer Chromatography, Methamphetamine,Enzyme Immunoassay, Cocaine And Cocaine Metabolites,Enzyme Immunoassay, Amphetamine 2 DrugConfirm Advanced™ 6 Panel Instant Drug Test
5 00895330002844 CB-HE-FLATCUP-6125A3C 12 Panel Flat-Cup w/ADU (AMP/COC/OXY/THC/PCP/MDMA/MOR/BZO/BAR/MTD/mAMP/BUP+A3) DIS,DJG,DJR,LCM,LAF,DJF,DKZ,JXM,DOE,DIO,DJC,DKE Enzyme Immunoassay, Barbiturate,Enzyme Immunoassay, Opiates,Enzyme Immunoassay, Enzyme Immunoassay, Barbiturate,Enzyme Immunoassay, Opiates,Enzyme Immunoassay, Methadone,Enzyme Immunoassay, Phencyclidine,Gas Chromatography, Methamphetamine,Gas Chromatography, Opiates,Enzyme Immunoassay, Amphetamine,Enzyme Immunoassay, Benzodiazepine,Radioimmunoassay, Morphine (125-I), Goat Antibody Ammonium Sulfate Sep.,Enzyme Immunoassay, Cocaine And Cocaine Metabolites,Thin Layer Chromatography, Methamphetamine,Reagents, Test, Tetrahydrocannabinol 2 Healgen (Private Label) FLATCUP-6125A3
6 00895330002769 CB-HE-CUP-3104 10 Panel CLIA Cup COC/THC/OPI/AMP/mAMP/BZO/PCP/BAR/MTD/MDMA LAF,DJR,DIS,LCM,JXM,DJC,DKZ,DJG,DKE,DIO Gas Chromatography, Methamphetamine,Enzyme Immunoassay, Methadone,Enzyme Immunoa Gas Chromatography, Methamphetamine,Enzyme Immunoassay, Methadone,Enzyme Immunoassay, Barbiturate,Enzyme Immunoassay, Phencyclidine,Enzyme Immunoassay, Benzodiazepine,Thin Layer Chromatography, Methamphetamine,Enzyme Immunoassay, Amphetamine,Enzyme Immunoassay, Opiates,Reagents, Test, Tetrahydrocannabinol,Enzyme Immunoassay, Cocaine And Cocaine Metabolites 2 Healgen (Private Label) - 3104C
7 00895330002394 RO-DR0012 Home Drug Test Kit 12 PanelAMP BAR BZD COC MET MOR MTD OXY PCP TCA THC XTC DJG,DJR,JXM,DIS,LFG,LCM,DKZ,DJC,DOE,DIO,DKE Enzyme Immunoassay, Opiates,Enzyme Immunoassay, Methadone,Enzyme Immunoassay, Be Enzyme Immunoassay, Opiates,Enzyme Immunoassay, Methadone,Enzyme Immunoassay, Benzodiazepine,Enzyme Immunoassay, Barbiturate,Radioimmunoassay, Tricyclic Antidepressant Drugs,Enzyme Immunoassay, Phencyclidine,Enzyme Immunoassay, Amphetamine,Thin Layer Chromatography, Methamphetamine,Radioimmunoassay, Morphine (125-I), Goat Antibody Ammonium Sulfate Sep.,Enzyme Immunoassay, Cocaine And Cocaine Metabolites,Reagents, Test, Tetrahydrocannabinol 2 ReliOn Home Drug Test Kit 12 Panel
8 00895330002288 03-5202 his kit tests for 12 Drugs including Prescription Drugs: 7 Illicit Drugs his kit tests for 12 Drugs including Prescription Drugs: 7 Illicit Drugs Marijuana, Cocaine, Opiates (Heroin), Methamphetamine, Ecstasy, Amphetamine, Phencyclidine (PCP) 5 Prescription Drugs Tricyclic Antidepressants, Barbiturates, Benzodiazepines, Methadone, Oxycodone DKE,LFG,LCM,DJG,DJR,DOE,DJC,DIO,JXM,DIS,DKZ Reagents, Test, Tetrahydrocannabinol,Radioimmunoassay, Tricyclic Antidepressant Reagents, Test, Tetrahydrocannabinol,Radioimmunoassay, Tricyclic Antidepressant Drugs,Enzyme Immunoassay, Phencyclidine,Enzyme Immunoassay, Opiates,Enzyme Immunoassay, Methadone,Radioimmunoassay, Morphine (125-I), Goat Antibody Ammonium Sulfate Sep.,Thin Layer Chromatography, Methamphetamine,Enzyme Immunoassay, Cocaine And Cocaine Metabolites,Enzyme Immunoassay, Benzodiazepine,Enzyme Immunoassay, Barbiturate,Enzyme Immunoassay, Amphetamine 2 DrugConfirm™ 12 Panel Instant Drug Test
9 00895330002813 CB-HE-264 6 Panel Dip Card - CLIA - COC/AMP/mAMP/THC/OPI/BZO JXM,DJF,DKE,LAF,DKZ,DIO Enzyme Immunoassay, Benzodiazepine,Gas Chromatography, Opiates,Reagents, Test, T Enzyme Immunoassay, Benzodiazepine,Gas Chromatography, Opiates,Reagents, Test, Tetrahydrocannabinol,Gas Chromatography, Methamphetamine,Enzyme Immunoassay, Amphetamine,Enzyme Immunoassay, Cocaine And Cocaine Metabolites 2 Healgen (Private Label) - 264
10 00895330002714 CB-HE-FLATCUP-2104 10 Panel Flat-Cup COC/THC/OPI/AMP/mAMP/BZO/BAR/OXY/MDMA/PPX JXN,LAF,DJF,DIS,JXM,DJC,DKZ,DJG,DKE,DIO Enzyme Immunoassay, Propoxyphene,Gas Chromatography, Methamphetamine,Gas Chromat Enzyme Immunoassay, Propoxyphene,Gas Chromatography, Methamphetamine,Gas Chromatography, Opiates,Enzyme Immunoassay, Barbiturate,Enzyme Immunoassay, Benzodiazepine,Thin Layer Chromatography, Methamphetamine,Enzyme Immunoassay, Amphetamine,Enzyme Immunoassay, Opiates,Reagents, Test, Tetrahydrocannabinol,Enzyme Immunoassay, Cocaine And Cocaine Metabolites 2 Healgen (Private Label) FLATCUP-2104
11 00895330002653 CB-HE-264 6 Panel Dip Card - CLIA - COC/AMP/mAMP/THC/OPI/BZO JXM,DJG,DKE,DJC,DKZ,DIO Enzyme Immunoassay, Benzodiazepine,Enzyme Immunoassay, Opiates,Reagents, Test, T Enzyme Immunoassay, Benzodiazepine,Enzyme Immunoassay, Opiates,Reagents, Test, Tetrahydrocannabinol,Thin Layer Chromatography, Methamphetamine,Enzyme Immunoassay, Amphetamine,Enzyme Immunoassay, Cocaine And Cocaine Metabolites 2 Healgen (Private Label) - 264
12 00895330002608 CB-HE-194 9 Panel Dip Card - CLIA BAR,BZD,MET,MTD,PCP,AMP,THC,COC,OPI DJG,DIO,DKE,DKZ,LCM,DJR,DJC,JXM,DIS Enzyme Immunoassay, Opiates,Enzyme Immunoassay, Cocaine And Cocaine Metabolites, Enzyme Immunoassay, Opiates,Enzyme Immunoassay, Cocaine And Cocaine Metabolites,Reagents, Test, Tetrahydrocannabinol,Enzyme Immunoassay, Amphetamine,Enzyme Immunoassay, Phencyclidine,Enzyme Immunoassay, Methadone,Thin Layer Chromatography, Methamphetamine,Enzyme Immunoassay, Benzodiazepine,Enzyme Immunoassay, Barbiturate 2 Healgen (Private Label) - 194
13 00895330002264 03-5601 DrugConfirm™ 1 Panel is the ideal drug testing solution for individuals that wan DrugConfirm™ 1 Panel is the ideal drug testing solution for individuals that want a fast and accurate instant drug test which is easy to perform from the privacy of your home to detect marijuana usage. DKE Reagents, Test, Tetrahydrocannabinol 2 DrugConfirm™ Single Panel Marijuana Testing Kit
14 00895330002820 CB-HE-7104 10 Panel Dip Card - CLIA COC,THC,OPI,BZO,mAMP,TCA,OXY,BUP,BAR,MTD JXM,DJG,LAF,DKE,DIO,DJR,DIS,DJF,LFG Enzyme Immunoassay, Benzodiazepine,Enzyme Immunoassay, Opiates,Gas Chromatograph Enzyme Immunoassay, Benzodiazepine,Enzyme Immunoassay, Opiates,Gas Chromatography, Methamphetamine,Reagents, Test, Tetrahydrocannabinol,Enzyme Immunoassay, Cocaine And Cocaine Metabolites,Enzyme Immunoassay, Methadone,Enzyme Immunoassay, Barbiturate,Gas Chromatography, Opiates,Radioimmunoassay, Tricyclic Antidepressant Drugs 2 Healgen (Private Label) - 7104
15 00895330002776 CB-HE-3104 10 Panel Dip Card - CLIA - AMP/THC/COC/OPI/PCP/BZO/BARB/MTD/mAMP/MDMA DIO,DKE,DJG,DKZ,DJC,JXM,LCM,DIS,DJR,LAF Enzyme Immunoassay, Cocaine And Cocaine Metabolites,Reagents, Test, Tetrahydroca Enzyme Immunoassay, Cocaine And Cocaine Metabolites,Reagents, Test, Tetrahydrocannabinol,Enzyme Immunoassay, Opiates,Enzyme Immunoassay, Amphetamine,Thin Layer Chromatography, Methamphetamine,Enzyme Immunoassay, Benzodiazepine,Enzyme Immunoassay, Phencyclidine,Enzyme Immunoassay, Barbiturate,Enzyme Immunoassay, Methadone,Gas Chromatography, Methamphetamine 2 Healgen (Private Label) - 3104
16 00895330002622 CB-HE-7104 10 Panel Dip Card - CLIA COC,THC,OPI,BZO,mAMP,TCA,OXY,BUP,BAR,MTD DJR,DIS,DJF,LFG,LAF,JXM,DJG,DKE,DIO Enzyme Immunoassay, Methadone,Enzyme Immunoassay, Barbiturate,Gas Chromatography Enzyme Immunoassay, Methadone,Enzyme Immunoassay, Barbiturate,Gas Chromatography, Opiates,Radioimmunoassay, Tricyclic Antidepressant Drugs,Gas Chromatography, Methamphetamine,Enzyme Immunoassay, Benzodiazepine,Enzyme Immunoassay, Opiates,Reagents, Test, Tetrahydrocannabinol,Enzyme Immunoassay, Cocaine And Cocaine Metabolites 2 Healgen (Private Label) - 7104
17 00895330002318 03-5201 This urine test kit detects 4 drugs: Cocaine (COC), Marijuana (THC), Opiates (OP This urine test kit detects 4 drugs: Cocaine (COC), Marijuana (THC), Opiates (OPI) including Heroin, Amphetamines (AMP) DKZ,DOE,DKE,DIO Enzyme Immunoassay, Amphetamine,Radioimmunoassay, Morphine (125-I), Goat Antibod Enzyme Immunoassay, Amphetamine,Radioimmunoassay, Morphine (125-I), Goat Antibody Ammonium Sulfate Sep.,Reagents, Test, Tetrahydrocannabinol,Enzyme Immunoassay, Cocaine And Cocaine Metabolites 2 DrugConfirm™ 4 Panel Instant Drug Test
18 00856464008683 COVIDRev061620 This test has not been FDA cleared or approved. This test has been authorized by This test has not been FDA cleared or approved. This test has been authorized by FDA under an EUA for use by Clinical Reference Laboratory, Inc. located in Lenexa, KS. This test has been authorized only for the detection of nucleic acid from SARS-CoV-2, not for any other viruses or pathogens. HealthConfirm
19 00895330002745 CB-HE-FLATCUP-8104A3 10 Panel Flat-Cup w/ADU COC/THC/OPI/AMP/mAMP/BZO/MTD/OXY/MDMA/BUP+A3 LAF,DJF,DJR,JXM,DJC,DKZ,DJG,DKE,DIO Gas Chromatography, Methamphetamine,Gas Chromatography, Opiates,Enzyme Immunoass Gas Chromatography, Methamphetamine,Gas Chromatography, Opiates,Enzyme Immunoassay, Methadone,Enzyme Immunoassay, Benzodiazepine,Thin Layer Chromatography, Methamphetamine,Enzyme Immunoassay, Amphetamine,Enzyme Immunoassay, Opiates,Reagents, Test, Tetrahydrocannabinol,Enzyme Immunoassay, Cocaine And Cocaine Metabolites 2 Healgen (Private Label) FLATCUP-8104A3
20 00895330002646 CB-HE-654 5 Panel Dip Card - CLIA Waived - COC,THC,OPI,mAMP,BZO JXM,DJC,DJG,DKE,DIO Enzyme Immunoassay, Benzodiazepine,Thin Layer Chromatography, Methamphetamine,En Enzyme Immunoassay, Benzodiazepine,Thin Layer Chromatography, Methamphetamine,Enzyme Immunoassay, Opiates,Reagents, Test, Tetrahydrocannabinol,Enzyme Immunoassay, Cocaine And Cocaine Metabolites 2 Healgen (Private Label) - 654
21 00895330002615 CB-HE-9124 12 Panel Dip Card CLIA COC/THC/OPI/PCP/MDMA/OXY/BZO/BAR/MTD/AMP/mAMP/BUP DJC,DKZ,DJR,DIS,JXM,DJF,LAF,LCM,DJG,DKE,DIO Thin Layer Chromatography, Methamphetamine,Enzyme Immunoassay, Amphetamine,Enzym Thin Layer Chromatography, Methamphetamine,Enzyme Immunoassay, Amphetamine,Enzyme Immunoassay, Methadone,Enzyme Immunoassay, Barbiturate,Enzyme Immunoassay, Benzodiazepine,Gas Chromatography, Opiates,Gas Chromatography, Methamphetamine,Enzyme Immunoassay, Phencyclidine,Enzyme Immunoassay, Opiates,Reagents, Test, Tetrahydrocannabinol,Enzyme Immunoassay, Cocaine And Cocaine Metabolites 2 Healgen (Private Label) - 6124
22 00895330002721 CB-HE-FLATCUP-264 6 Panel Flat-Cup COC/THC/OPI/AMP/mAMP/BZO JXM,DJC,DKZ,DJG,DKE,DIO Enzyme Immunoassay, Benzodiazepine,Thin Layer Chromatography, Methamphetamine,En Enzyme Immunoassay, Benzodiazepine,Thin Layer Chromatography, Methamphetamine,Enzyme Immunoassay, Amphetamine,Enzyme Immunoassay, Opiates,Reagents, Test, Tetrahydrocannabinol,Enzyme Immunoassay, Cocaine And Cocaine Metabolites 2 Healgen (Private Label) FLATCUP-264
23 00895330002868 CB-HE-3124  12 Panel Dip Card - CLIA - COC,THC,OPI,AMP,PCP,TCA,BZO,BAR,MTD,MDMA,OXY,BUP DIS,DJF,DJC,DJR,JXM,LFG,LCM,DKZ,DJG,DKE,DIO Enzyme Immunoassay, Barbiturate,Gas Chromatography, Opiates,Thin Layer Chromatog Enzyme Immunoassay, Barbiturate,Gas Chromatography, Opiates,Thin Layer Chromatography, Methamphetamine,Enzyme Immunoassay, Methadone,Enzyme Immunoassay, Benzodiazepine,Radioimmunoassay, Tricyclic Antidepressant Drugs,Enzyme Immunoassay, Phencyclidine,Enzyme Immunoassay, Amphetamine,Enzyme Immunoassay, Opiates,Reagents, Test, Tetrahydrocannabinol,Enzyme Immunoassay, Cocaine And Cocaine Metabolites 2 Helalgen (Private Label) - 3124
24 00895330002790 CB-HE-3124 12 Panel Dip Card - CLIA - COC,THC,OPI,AMP,PCP,TCA,BZO,BAR,MTD,MDMA,OXY,BUP LFG,DIO,DKE,DJG,LCM,DJF,JXM,DIS,DJR,DKZ,DJC Radioimmunoassay, Tricyclic Antidepressant Drugs,Enzyme Immunoassay, Cocaine And Radioimmunoassay, Tricyclic Antidepressant Drugs,Enzyme Immunoassay, Cocaine And Cocaine Metabolites,Reagents, Test, Tetrahydrocannabinol,Enzyme Immunoassay, Opiates,Enzyme Immunoassay, Phencyclidine,Gas Chromatography, Opiates,Enzyme Immunoassay, Benzodiazepine,Enzyme Immunoassay, Barbiturate,Enzyme Immunoassay, Methadone,Enzyme Immunoassay, Amphetamine,Thin Layer Chromatography, Methamphetamine 2 Healgen (Private Label) - 3124
25 00895330002691 CB-HE-CUP-6125 12-panel CLIA Cup AMP/COC/OXY/THC/PCP/MDMA/MOR/BZO/BAR/MTD/mAMP/BUP DJG,DJC,DJR,DIS,JXM,DOE,LAF,LCM,DKE,DJF,DIO,DKZ Enzyme Immunoassay, Opiates,Thin Layer Chromatography, Methamphetamine,Enzyme Im Enzyme Immunoassay, Opiates,Thin Layer Chromatography, Methamphetamine,Enzyme Immunoassay, Methadone,Enzyme Immunoassay, Barbiturate,Enzyme Immunoassay, Benzodiazepine,Radioimmunoassay, Morphine (125-I), Goat Antibody Ammonium Sulfate Sep.,Gas Chromatography, Methamphetamine,Enzyme Immunoassay, Phencyclidine,Reagents, Test, Tetrahydrocannabinol,Gas Chromatography, Opiates,Enzyme Immunoassay, Cocaine And Cocaine Metabolites,Enzyme Immunoassay, Amphetamine 2 Healgen (Private Label) - 6125C
26 00895330002639 CB-HE-6125 12 Panel CLIA Dip Card THC/MET/COC/MOP/BZO/AMP/OXY/MDMA/PCP/MTD/BAR/BUP DIS,DJG,DJR,LCM,LAF,DJF,DKZ,JXM,DOE,DIO,DJC,DKE Enzyme Immunoassay, Barbiturate,Enzyme Immunoassay, Opiates,Enzyme Immunoassay, Enzyme Immunoassay, Barbiturate,Enzyme Immunoassay, Opiates,Enzyme Immunoassay, Methadone,Enzyme Immunoassay, Phencyclidine,Gas Chromatography, Methamphetamine,Gas Chromatography, Opiates,Enzyme Immunoassay, Amphetamine,Enzyme Immunoassay, Benzodiazepine,Radioimmunoassay, Morphine (125-I), Goat Antibody Ammonium Sulfate Sep.,Enzyme Immunoassay, Cocaine And Cocaine Metabolites,Thin Layer Chromatography, Methamphetamine,Reagents, Test, Tetrahydrocannabinol 2 Healgen (Private Label) - 6125
27 00856464008447 CB-DC-1PanelOTC-COC 1 Drug Tested Home Drug Test (COC) NFY Test, Cocaine And Cocaine Metabolites, Over The Counter 2 DrugConfirm
28 00856464008430 CB-DC-14PanelOTC 14 Drugs Tested Home Drug Test PTG,NGM,QBF,QAW,NFW,NFY,NFT,PTH,NGL,NFV,NGG Test, Methadone, Over The Counter,Test, Phencyclidine (Pcp), Over The Counter,Te Test, Methadone, Over The Counter,Test, Phencyclidine (Pcp), Over The Counter,Test, Propoxyphene, Over The Counter,Test, Tricyclic Antidepressants, Over The Counter,Test, Cannabinoid, Over The Counter,Test, Cocaine And Cocaine Metabolites, Over The Counter,Test, Amphetamine, Over The Counter,Test, Barbiturate, Over The Counter,Test, Opiates, Over The Counter,Test, Benzodiazepine, Over The Counter,Test, Methamphetamine, Over The Counter 2 DrugConfirm
29 00856464008423 CB-DC-7PanelOTC 7 Drugs Tested Home Drug Test NFT,NFY,NGG,NGL,NGM,NFW Test, Amphetamine, Over The Counter,Test, Cocaine And Cocaine Metabolites, Over Test, Amphetamine, Over The Counter,Test, Cocaine And Cocaine Metabolites, Over The Counter,Test, Methamphetamine, Over The Counter,Test, Opiates, Over The Counter,Test, Phencyclidine (Pcp), Over The Counter,Test, Cannabinoid, Over The Counter 2 DrugConfirm
30 00856464008409 CB-DC-4PanelOTC 4 Drugs Tested Home Drug Test NFY,NGG,NGL,NFW Test, Cocaine And Cocaine Metabolites, Over The Counter,Test, Methamphetamine, O Test, Cocaine And Cocaine Metabolites, Over The Counter,Test, Methamphetamine, Over The Counter,Test, Opiates, Over The Counter,Test, Cannabinoid, Over The Counter 2 DrugConfirm
31 00856464008348 CB-HE-CUP-242 Healgen (DrugConfirm) 242 - 4 panel Cup AMP1000/COC300/MET1000/OPI2000 DIO,DKZ,LAF,DJG Enzyme Immunoassay, Cocaine And Cocaine Metabolites,Enzyme Immunoassay, Amphetam Enzyme Immunoassay, Cocaine And Cocaine Metabolites,Enzyme Immunoassay, Amphetamine,Gas Chromatography, Methamphetamine,Enzyme Immunoassay, Opiates 2 Healgen (Private Label) - 242
32 00895330002783 CB-HE-4104 10 Panel Dip Card - CLIA - AMP/THC/COC/OPI/PCP/BZO/BARB/MTD/mAMP/OXY DJF,DJR,DIS,LCM,JXM,DJC,DKZ,DJG,DKE,DIO Gas Chromatography, Opiates,Enzyme Immunoassay, Methadone,Enzyme Immunoassay, Ba Gas Chromatography, Opiates,Enzyme Immunoassay, Methadone,Enzyme Immunoassay, Barbiturate,Enzyme Immunoassay, Phencyclidine,Enzyme Immunoassay, Benzodiazepine,Thin Layer Chromatography, Methamphetamine,Enzyme Immunoassay, Amphetamine,Enzyme Immunoassay, Opiates,Reagents, Test, Tetrahydrocannabinol,Enzyme Immunoassay, Cocaine And Cocaine Metabolites 2 Healgen (Private Label) - 4104
33 00895330002738 CB-HE-FLATCUP-8104 10 Panel Flat-Cup COC/THC/OPI/AMP/mAMP/BZO/MTD/OXY/MDMA/BUP LAF,DJF,DJR,JXM,DJC,DKZ,DJG,DIO,DKE Gas Chromatography, Methamphetamine,Gas Chromatography, Opiates,Enzyme Immunoass Gas Chromatography, Methamphetamine,Gas Chromatography, Opiates,Enzyme Immunoassay, Methadone,Enzyme Immunoassay, Benzodiazepine,Thin Layer Chromatography, Methamphetamine,Enzyme Immunoassay, Amphetamine,Enzyme Immunoassay, Opiates,Enzyme Immunoassay, Cocaine And Cocaine Metabolites,Reagents, Test, Tetrahydrocannabinol 2 Healgen (Private Label) FLATCUP-8104
34 00895330002851 CB-HE-CUP-6125A3C 12-panel Cup with ADU (AMP/COC/OXY/THC/PCP/MDMA/MOR/BZO/BAR/MTD/mAMP/BUP+A3) DKE,DJC,DIO,DOE,JXM,DKZ,DJF,LAF,LCM,DJR,DJG,DIS Reagents, Test, Tetrahydrocannabinol,Thin Layer Chromatography, Methamphetamine, Reagents, Test, Tetrahydrocannabinol,Thin Layer Chromatography, Methamphetamine,Enzyme Immunoassay, Cocaine And Cocaine Metabolites,Radioimmunoassay, Morphine (125-I), Goat Antibody Ammonium Sulfate Sep.,Enzyme Immunoassay, Benzodiazepine,Enzyme Immunoassay, Amphetamine,Gas Chromatography, Opiates,Gas Chromatography, Methamphetamine,Enzyme Immunoassay, Phencyclidine,Enzyme Immunoassay, Methadone,Enzyme Immunoassay, Opiates,Enzyme Immunoassay, Barbiturate 2 Healgen (Private Label) 6125A3
35 00895330002806 CB-HE-CUP-254 5 Panel Clia Cup COC/THC/OPI/AMP/mAMP NFT,NFY,NGG,NGL,NFW Test, Amphetamine, Over The Counter,Test, Cocaine And Cocaine Metabolites, Over Test, Amphetamine, Over The Counter,Test, Cocaine And Cocaine Metabolites, Over The Counter,Test, Methamphetamine, Over The Counter,Test, Opiates, Over The Counter,Test, Cannabinoid, Over The Counter 2 Healgen (Private Label) - 254
36 00895330002707 CB-HE-254 5 Panel Dip Card - CLIA COC/AMP/mAMP/THC/OPI DJG,DKZ,DJC,DKE,DIO Enzyme Immunoassay, Opiates,Enzyme Immunoassay, Amphetamine,Thin Layer Chromatog Enzyme Immunoassay, Opiates,Enzyme Immunoassay, Amphetamine,Thin Layer Chromatography, Methamphetamine,Reagents, Test, Tetrahydrocannabinol,Enzyme Immunoassay, Cocaine And Cocaine Metabolites 2 Healgen (Private Label) - 254
Other products with the same Product Codes "DKE, DIO, LAF, DJF, DJR, JXM, DJC, DKZ, DJG"
No Primary DI Version or Model Catalog Number Device Description Brand Name Organization Name
1 20869419000247 DOA-154-181 DOA-154-ONC62B DOA-154-181(COC/AMP/THC/OPI/PCP)MULTI-DRUG 5 PANEL SCREEN TEST (DOA-154-181) pre DOA-154-181(COC/AMP/THC/OPI/PCP)MULTI-DRUG 5 PANEL SCREEN TEST (DOA-154-181) previous (GTIN 10869419000240) Express ResultsTM QUEST DIAGNOSTICS
2 20869419000247 DOA-154-181 DOA-154-ONC62B DOA-154-181(COC/AMP/THC/OPI/PCP)MULTI-DRUG 5 PANEL SCREEN TEST (DOA-154-181) pre DOA-154-181(COC/AMP/THC/OPI/PCP)MULTI-DRUG 5 PANEL SCREEN TEST (DOA-154-181) previous (GTIN 10869419000240) Express ResultsTM QUEST DIAGNOSTICS
3 20869419000247 DOA-154-181 DOA-154-ONC62B DOA-154-181(COC/AMP/THC/OPI/PCP)MULTI-DRUG 5 PANEL SCREEN TEST (DOA-154-181) pre DOA-154-181(COC/AMP/THC/OPI/PCP)MULTI-DRUG 5 PANEL SCREEN TEST (DOA-154-181) previous (GTIN 10869419000240) Express ResultsTM QUEST DIAGNOSTICS
4 20869419000247 DOA-154-181 DOA-154-ONC62B DOA-154-181(COC/AMP/THC/OPI/PCP)MULTI-DRUG 5 PANEL SCREEN TEST (DOA-154-181) pre DOA-154-181(COC/AMP/THC/OPI/PCP)MULTI-DRUG 5 PANEL SCREEN TEST (DOA-154-181) previous (GTIN 10869419000240) Express ResultsTM QUEST DIAGNOSTICS
5 20869419000247 DOA-154-181 DOA-154-ONC62B DOA-154-181(COC/AMP/THC/OPI/PCP)MULTI-DRUG 5 PANEL SCREEN TEST (DOA-154-181) pre DOA-154-181(COC/AMP/THC/OPI/PCP)MULTI-DRUG 5 PANEL SCREEN TEST (DOA-154-181) previous (GTIN 10869419000240) Express ResultsTM QUEST DIAGNOSTICS
6 20869419000247 DOA-154-181 DOA-154-ONC62B DOA-154-181(COC/AMP/THC/OPI/PCP)MULTI-DRUG 5 PANEL SCREEN TEST (DOA-154-181) pre DOA-154-181(COC/AMP/THC/OPI/PCP)MULTI-DRUG 5 PANEL SCREEN TEST (DOA-154-181) previous (GTIN 10869419000240) Express ResultsTM QUEST DIAGNOSTICS
7 20869419000230 UDOA-10CA-0503-01 DUA-1107-061-19-ONW504A DUA-1107-061 (Ox/SG/pH)+(mAMP/OPI/PCP)+(BZO/MTD/BAR)+(AMP/COC/THC)+<PPX> 5 MULTI DUA-1107-061 (Ox/SG/pH)+(mAMP/OPI/PCP)+(BZO/MTD/BAR)+(AMP/COC/THC)+<PPX> 5 MULTI-DRUG 10 PANEL UDOA-12CE-0712-01 (Previous GTIN 10869419000219) Express ResultsTM QUEST DIAGNOSTICS
8 20869419000230 UDOA-10CA-0503-01 DUA-1107-061-19-ONW504A DUA-1107-061 (Ox/SG/pH)+(mAMP/OPI/PCP)+(BZO/MTD/BAR)+(AMP/COC/THC)+<PPX> 5 MULTI DUA-1107-061 (Ox/SG/pH)+(mAMP/OPI/PCP)+(BZO/MTD/BAR)+(AMP/COC/THC)+<PPX> 5 MULTI-DRUG 10 PANEL UDOA-12CE-0712-01 (Previous GTIN 10869419000219) Express ResultsTM QUEST DIAGNOSTICS
9 20869419000230 UDOA-10CA-0503-01 DUA-1107-061-19-ONW504A DUA-1107-061 (Ox/SG/pH)+(mAMP/OPI/PCP)+(BZO/MTD/BAR)+(AMP/COC/THC)+<PPX> 5 MULTI DUA-1107-061 (Ox/SG/pH)+(mAMP/OPI/PCP)+(BZO/MTD/BAR)+(AMP/COC/THC)+<PPX> 5 MULTI-DRUG 10 PANEL UDOA-12CE-0712-01 (Previous GTIN 10869419000219) Express ResultsTM QUEST DIAGNOSTICS
10 20869419000230 UDOA-10CA-0503-01 DUA-1107-061-19-ONW504A DUA-1107-061 (Ox/SG/pH)+(mAMP/OPI/PCP)+(BZO/MTD/BAR)+(AMP/COC/THC)+<PPX> 5 MULTI DUA-1107-061 (Ox/SG/pH)+(mAMP/OPI/PCP)+(BZO/MTD/BAR)+(AMP/COC/THC)+<PPX> 5 MULTI-DRUG 10 PANEL UDOA-12CE-0712-01 (Previous GTIN 10869419000219) Express ResultsTM QUEST DIAGNOSTICS
11 20869419000230 UDOA-10CA-0503-01 DUA-1107-061-19-ONW504A DUA-1107-061 (Ox/SG/pH)+(mAMP/OPI/PCP)+(BZO/MTD/BAR)+(AMP/COC/THC)+<PPX> 5 MULTI DUA-1107-061 (Ox/SG/pH)+(mAMP/OPI/PCP)+(BZO/MTD/BAR)+(AMP/COC/THC)+<PPX> 5 MULTI-DRUG 10 PANEL UDOA-12CE-0712-01 (Previous GTIN 10869419000219) Express ResultsTM QUEST DIAGNOSTICS
12 20869419000230 UDOA-10CA-0503-01 DUA-1107-061-19-ONW504A DUA-1107-061 (Ox/SG/pH)+(mAMP/OPI/PCP)+(BZO/MTD/BAR)+(AMP/COC/THC)+<PPX> 5 MULTI DUA-1107-061 (Ox/SG/pH)+(mAMP/OPI/PCP)+(BZO/MTD/BAR)+(AMP/COC/THC)+<PPX> 5 MULTI-DRUG 10 PANEL UDOA-12CE-0712-01 (Previous GTIN 10869419000219) Express ResultsTM QUEST DIAGNOSTICS
13 20869419000209 UDOA-6CA-0503-01 DUA-167-012-19-ONW504A DUA-167-012 (Ox/SG/pH)+(mAMP/OPI/PCP)+(AMP/COC/THC)MULTI-DRUG 6 PANEL INTEGRATED DUA-167-012 (Ox/SG/pH)+(mAMP/OPI/PCP)+(AMP/COC/THC)MULTI-DRUG 6 PANEL INTEGRATED CUP WITH previous (GTIN 10869419000202) Express ResultsTM QUEST DIAGNOSTICS
14 20869419000209 UDOA-6CA-0503-01 DUA-167-012-19-ONW504A DUA-167-012 (Ox/SG/pH)+(mAMP/OPI/PCP)+(AMP/COC/THC)MULTI-DRUG 6 PANEL INTEGRATED DUA-167-012 (Ox/SG/pH)+(mAMP/OPI/PCP)+(AMP/COC/THC)MULTI-DRUG 6 PANEL INTEGRATED CUP WITH previous (GTIN 10869419000202) Express ResultsTM QUEST DIAGNOSTICS
15 20869419000209 UDOA-6CA-0503-01 DUA-167-012-19-ONW504A DUA-167-012 (Ox/SG/pH)+(mAMP/OPI/PCP)+(AMP/COC/THC)MULTI-DRUG 6 PANEL INTEGRATED DUA-167-012 (Ox/SG/pH)+(mAMP/OPI/PCP)+(AMP/COC/THC)MULTI-DRUG 6 PANEL INTEGRATED CUP WITH previous (GTIN 10869419000202) Express ResultsTM QUEST DIAGNOSTICS
16 20869419000209 UDOA-6CA-0503-01 DUA-167-012-19-ONW504A DUA-167-012 (Ox/SG/pH)+(mAMP/OPI/PCP)+(AMP/COC/THC)MULTI-DRUG 6 PANEL INTEGRATED DUA-167-012 (Ox/SG/pH)+(mAMP/OPI/PCP)+(AMP/COC/THC)MULTI-DRUG 6 PANEL INTEGRATED CUP WITH previous (GTIN 10869419000202) Express ResultsTM QUEST DIAGNOSTICS
17 20612479228812 16-8105A3 Drugs of Abuse Test 10-Drug Panel with Adulterants: McKesson MCKESSON MEDICAL-SURGICAL INC.
18 20612479228812 16-8105A3 Drugs of Abuse Test 10-Drug Panel with Adulterants: McKesson MCKESSON MEDICAL-SURGICAL INC.
19 20612479228812 16-8105A3 Drugs of Abuse Test 10-Drug Panel with Adulterants: McKesson MCKESSON MEDICAL-SURGICAL INC.
20 20612479228812 16-8105A3 Drugs of Abuse Test 10-Drug Panel with Adulterants: McKesson MCKESSON MEDICAL-SURGICAL INC.
21 20612479228812 16-8105A3 Drugs of Abuse Test 10-Drug Panel with Adulterants: McKesson MCKESSON MEDICAL-SURGICAL INC.
22 20612479228812 16-8105A3 Drugs of Abuse Test 10-Drug Panel with Adulterants: McKesson MCKESSON MEDICAL-SURGICAL INC.
23 20612479228799 16-1145A3 Drugs of Abuse Test 14-Drug Panel with Adulterants: McKesson MCKESSON MEDICAL-SURGICAL INC.
24 20612479228799 16-1145A3 Drugs of Abuse Test 14-Drug Panel with Adulterants: McKesson MCKESSON MEDICAL-SURGICAL INC.
25 20612479228799 16-1145A3 Drugs of Abuse Test 14-Drug Panel with Adulterants: McKesson MCKESSON MEDICAL-SURGICAL INC.
26 20612479228799 16-1145A3 Drugs of Abuse Test 14-Drug Panel with Adulterants: McKesson MCKESSON MEDICAL-SURGICAL INC.
27 20612479228799 16-1145A3 Drugs of Abuse Test 14-Drug Panel with Adulterants: McKesson MCKESSON MEDICAL-SURGICAL INC.
28 20612479228799 16-1145A3 Drugs of Abuse Test 14-Drug Panel with Adulterants: McKesson MCKESSON MEDICAL-SURGICAL INC.
29 20612479228775 16-6125A3 Drugs of Abuse Test 12-Drug Panel with Adulterants: McKesson MCKESSON MEDICAL-SURGICAL INC.
30 20612479228775 16-6125A3 Drugs of Abuse Test 12-Drug Panel with Adulterants: McKesson MCKESSON MEDICAL-SURGICAL INC.
31 20612479228775 16-6125A3 Drugs of Abuse Test 12-Drug Panel with Adulterants: McKesson MCKESSON MEDICAL-SURGICAL INC.
32 20612479228775 16-6125A3 Drugs of Abuse Test 12-Drug Panel with Adulterants: McKesson MCKESSON MEDICAL-SURGICAL INC.
33 20612479228775 16-6125A3 Drugs of Abuse Test 12-Drug Panel with Adulterants: McKesson MCKESSON MEDICAL-SURGICAL INC.
34 20612479228775 16-6125A3 Drugs of Abuse Test 12-Drug Panel with Adulterants: McKesson MCKESSON MEDICAL-SURGICAL INC.
35 20612479228751 16-5125A3 Drugs of Abuse Test 12-Drug Panel with Adulterants: McKesson MCKESSON MEDICAL-SURGICAL INC.
36 20612479228751 16-5125A3 Drugs of Abuse Test 12-Drug Panel with Adulterants: McKesson MCKESSON MEDICAL-SURGICAL INC.
37 20612479228751 16-5125A3 Drugs of Abuse Test 12-Drug Panel with Adulterants: McKesson MCKESSON MEDICAL-SURGICAL INC.
38 20612479228751 16-5125A3 Drugs of Abuse Test 12-Drug Panel with Adulterants: McKesson MCKESSON MEDICAL-SURGICAL INC.
39 20612479228751 16-5125A3 Drugs of Abuse Test 12-Drug Panel with Adulterants: McKesson MCKESSON MEDICAL-SURGICAL INC.
40 20612479228751 16-5125A3 Drugs of Abuse Test 12-Drug Panel with Adulterants: McKesson MCKESSON MEDICAL-SURGICAL INC.
41 20612479215423 164-DXA14 Drugs of Abuse Test Cut 14 panel McKesson MCKESSON MEDICAL-SURGICAL INC.
42 20612479215423 164-DXA14 Drugs of Abuse Test Cut 14 panel McKesson MCKESSON MEDICAL-SURGICAL INC.
43 20612479215423 164-DXA14 Drugs of Abuse Test Cut 14 panel McKesson MCKESSON MEDICAL-SURGICAL INC.
44 20612479215423 164-DXA14 Drugs of Abuse Test Cut 14 panel McKesson MCKESSON MEDICAL-SURGICAL INC.
45 20612479215423 164-DXA14 Drugs of Abuse Test Cut 14 panel McKesson MCKESSON MEDICAL-SURGICAL INC.
46 20612479215423 164-DXA14 Drugs of Abuse Test Cut 14 panel McKesson MCKESSON MEDICAL-SURGICAL INC.
47 20612479215416 164-DXA12 Drugs of Abuse Test Cup 12 panel McKesson MCKESSON MEDICAL-SURGICAL INC.
48 20612479215416 164-DXA12 Drugs of Abuse Test Cup 12 panel McKesson MCKESSON MEDICAL-SURGICAL INC.
49 20612479215416 164-DXA12 Drugs of Abuse Test Cup 12 panel McKesson MCKESSON MEDICAL-SURGICAL INC.
50 20612479215416 164-DXA12 Drugs of Abuse Test Cup 12 panel McKesson MCKESSON MEDICAL-SURGICAL INC.