Other products from "DIAGNOSTIC AUTOMATION, INC."
No Primary DI Version or Model Catalog Number Device Description Product Code Product Code Name Device Class Brand Name
1 00894175000619 DACD330-50 330-50 ASO Latex Test Kit:Diagnostic Automation Inc. Latex agglutination slide test for ASO Latex Test Kit:Diagnostic Automation Inc. Latex agglutination slide test for the Qualitative and Semi-quantitative determination of Antistreptolysin-O in non-diluted serum. GTQ Antistreptolysin - Titer/Streptolysin O Reagent 1 InstaTest™
2 00894175000558 DACD 1202-2 1202-2 AccuDiag™ Cytomegalovirus IgM ELISAA collection of reagents and other associated AccuDiag™ Cytomegalovirus IgM ELISAA collection of reagents and other associated materials intended to be used for the qualitative and/or quantitative detection of immunoglobulin M (IgM) antibodies to cytomegalovirus (CMV) in a clinical specimen, using an enzyme immunoassay (EIA) method. LFZ Enzyme Linked Immunoabsorbent Assay, Cytomegalovirus 2 AccuDiag™
3 00894175000527 DACD 1409-1 1409-1 AccuDiag™Measles IgM ELISA KitA collection of reagents and other associated mate AccuDiag™Measles IgM ELISA KitA collection of reagents and other associated materials intended to be used for the qualitative and/or quantitative detection of immunoglobulin M (IgM) antibodies to Measles virus in a clinical specimen, using an enzyme immunoassay (EIA) method. PCL Enzyme Linked Immunoabsorbent Assay, Rubeola Igm 1 AccuDiag™
4 00894175000473 DACD 3126-15 3126-15 AccuDiag™ sTfR - Soluble Transferrin Receptor ELISA KitA collection of reagents AccuDiag™ sTfR - Soluble Transferrin Receptor ELISA KitA collection of reagents and other associated materials intended to be used for the quantitative measurement of soluble transferrin receptor protein in a clinical specimen, using an enzyme immunoassay (EIA) method. DDG Transferrin, Antigen, Antiserum, Control 2 AccuDiag™
5 00894175000381 DACD320-100 320-100 AccuDiag™ RF Latex Test KitFor the qualitative and semi-quantitative measurement AccuDiag™ RF Latex Test KitFor the qualitative and semi-quantitative measurement of RF in human serum. DHR System, Test, Rheumatoid Factor 2 AccuDiag™
6 00894175000312 DACD310-100 310-100 AccuDiag™CRP Latex Test KitC- Reactive Protein (CRP) latex slide test is used fo AccuDiag™CRP Latex Test KitC- Reactive Protein (CRP) latex slide test is used for the qualitative and semi-quantitative measurement of C-reactive protein (CRP) in human serum. DCN System, Test, C-Reactive Protein 2 AccuDiag™
7 10894175000081 DACD 113029-1-19 113029-1-19 OneStep hCG Combo Urine/Serum RapiCard™ InstaTestA collection of reagents and ot OneStep hCG Combo Urine/Serum RapiCard™ InstaTestA collection of reagents and other associated materials intended to be used for the qualitative and/or semi-quantitative detection of total human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG), which may include intact HCG, nicked HCG, free alpha-HCG subunits and/or free beta-HCG subunits, in a clinical specimen within a short period, relative to standard laboratory testing procedures, using an immunochromatographic test (ICT) method. JHI Visual, Pregnancy Hcg, Prescription Use OneStep
8 00894175000510 URS-2P (100) URS-2P (100) Diagnostic Automation Inc. URS-2P (100 Strips Bottle) for the semi-quantitative Diagnostic Automation Inc. URS-2P (100 Strips Bottle) for the semi-quantitative and qualitative detection of Glucose and Protein in Urine. JIL,JIR Method, Enzymatic, Glucose (Urinary, Non-Quantitative),Indicator Method, Protein Method, Enzymatic, Glucose (Urinary, Non-Quantitative),Indicator Method, Protein Or Albumin (Urinary, Non-Quant.) 1 InstaTest
9 00894175000497 DAW50TS DAW50TS The DA50TS8 Microplate Washer is a compact microplate washing system with functi The DA50TS8 Microplate Washer is a compact microplate washing system with functionality that is unsurpassed in its class. The 4.3” color LCD touchscreen provides a visual interface with menu-driven programming that makes creating protocols fast and intuitive. The DAW50TS is an affordable choice for automating the wash steps of a variety of applications in clinical and research laboratories. Used in conjunction with the DAR800TS Absorbance Reader or other detection systems, the DAW50TS offers a welcome upgrade from manual processing - bringing convenience and consistently high-quality results to your laboratory’s plate washing workflows. JTC Device, Microtiter Diluting/Dispensing 1 Diagnostic Automation
10 00894175000480 DAR800TS DAR800TS DA800TS Microplate Reader is an affordable, high-quality microplate reader for a DA800TS Microplate Reader is an affordable, high-quality microplate reader for assays in 6- to 96-well formats. The color touchscreen provides a visual user interface, making programming simple. The onboard software includes “quick read” and custom protocols, with data viewed immediately after measure, followed by export to USB or to the compact printer. JJQ Colorimeter, Photometer, Spectrophotometer For Clinical Use 1 Diagnostic Automation
11 00894175000466 DACD166772-1-19 166772-1-19 OneStep Troponin I RapiCard™ InstaTest (Serum/WB)A collection of reagents and ot OneStep Troponin I RapiCard™ InstaTest (Serum/WB)A collection of reagents and other associated materials intended to be used for the qualitative detection of troponin I in a clinical specimen within a short period, relative to standard laboratory testing procedures, using an immunochromatographic test (ICT) method. This test is commonly used in the laboratory or in point-of-care analyses. MMI Immunoassay Method, Troponin Subunit RapiCard™ InstaTest
12 00894175000428 DACD-1021-2 1021-2 AccuDiag ™ Gliadin IgGMultiple Coeliac disease-associated antibody IVD, kit, enz AccuDiag ™ Gliadin IgGMultiple Coeliac disease-associated antibody IVD, kit, enzyme immunoassay (EIA)AccuDiag ™ Gliadin IgG ELISA Gliadin IgG Test System is intended for the qualitative and semi-quantitative detection of IgG-class antibodies to gliadin in human serum. The Test System is intended to be used as an aid in the diagnosis of gastrointestinal disorders, mainly Celiac Disease. This test is for In Vitro diagnostic use. MST Antibodies, Gliadin 2 AccuDiag ™
13 00894175000237 DACD-2553-1 2553-1 AccuDiag ™ dsDNA Double stranded DNA antibody (anti-dsDNA) IVD, kit, enzyme imm AccuDiag ™ dsDNA Double stranded DNA antibody (anti-dsDNA) IVD, kit, enzyme immunoassay (EIA) LSW Anti-Dna Antibody, Antigen And Control 2 AccuDiag ™
14 00894175000220 DACD-2556-2 2556-2 AccuDiag ™ SSB/La antibody (Sjogren's antibody) IVD, kit, enzyme immunoassay (EI AccuDiag ™ SSB/La antibody (Sjogren's antibody) IVD, kit, enzyme immunoassay (EIA). A collection of reagents and other associated materials intended to be used for the qualitative and/or quantitative detection of anti-SSB or anti-La antibodies (Sjogren's antibodies) in a clinical specimen, using an enzyme immunoassay (EIA) method. AccuDiag ™
15 00894175000213 DACD-2555-2 2555-2 AccuDiag ™ SSA/Ro antibody (Sjogren's antibody) IVD, kit, enzyme immunoassay (EI AccuDiag ™ SSA/Ro antibody (Sjogren's antibody) IVD, kit, enzyme immunoassay (EIA)The SS-A Test System is a semi-quantitative immunoassay for the detection of IgG antibodies to SSA in human sera. When performed according to these instructions, the results of this assay may aid in the diagnosis and treatment of autoimmune connective tissue disorders. A collection of reagents and other associated materials intended to be used for the qualitative and/or quantitative detection of anti-SSA or anti-Ro antibodies (Sjogren's antibodies) in a clinical specimen, using an enzyme immunoassay (EIA) method. LJM Antinuclear Antibody (Enzyme-Labeled), Antigen, Controls 2 AccuDiag ™
16 00894175000008 DACD-351010 351010 AccuDiag ™ IFA FTA-ABS Test System - Treponema pallidum total antibody IVD, kit, AccuDiag ™ IFA FTA-ABS Test System - Treponema pallidum total antibody IVD, kit, Fluorescent ImmunoassayFluorescent Treponemal Antibody-Absorption (FTA-ABS) Test System is designed for the qualitative determination of antibodies to Treponema pallidum, and is intended to be used as an aid in the confirmation of syphilis antibodies. A collection of reagents and other associated materials intended to be used for the qualitative and/or quantitative detection of total antibodies to Treponema pallidum in a clinical specimen using a fluorescent immunoassay method. The assay is designed to detect infection with Treponema pallidum, the bacteria associated with syphilis. GMS Anti-Human Globulin, Fta-Abs Test 2 AccuDiag ™
17 00894175000404 DACD-1681-2 1681-2 AccuDiag ™ ANCA Screen IgG ELISA Kit A collection of reagents and other associa AccuDiag ™ ANCA Screen IgG ELISA Kit A collection of reagents and other associated materials intended to be used for the qualitative and/or quantitative screening for one or multiple antibodies associated with vasculitis in a clinical specimen, using an enzyme immunoassay (EIA) method. The assayed antibodies may include autoimmune antibodies directed at the glomerular basement membrane (GBM), anti-neutrophil cytoplasmic antibodies to myeloperoxidase (ANCA MPO) and/or anti-neutrophil cytoplasmic antibodies to proteinase-3 (PR3). MOB Test System, Antineutrophil Cytoplasmic Antibodies (Anca) 2 AccuDiag ™
18 00894175000121 DACD 8319-35 8319-35 AccuDiag ™ Strongyloides IgG ELISAThe Strongyloides ELISA test is a qualitative AccuDiag ™ Strongyloides IgG ELISAThe Strongyloides ELISA test is a qualitative enzyme immunoassay for the detection of antibodies to Strongyloides, in samples of human serum or plasma. MDT Elisa, Trichinella Spiralis 1 AccuDiag ™
19 00894175000107 DACD 8206-35 8206-35 AccuDiag ™ Toxocara IgG ELISAThe Toxocara ELISA test is a qualitative enzyme imm AccuDiag ™ Toxocara IgG ELISAThe Toxocara ELISA test is a qualitative enzyme immunoassay for the detection of antibodies to Toxocara, in samples of human serum or plasma. GMO Antigen, Latex Agglutination, Entamoeba Histolytica & Rel. Spp. 2 AccuDiag ™
20 00894175000077 DACD 500100-500 500100-500 AccuDiag ™ RPR Latex Test KitA collection of reagents and other associated mater AccuDiag ™ RPR Latex Test KitA collection of reagents and other associated materials intended to be used for the qualitative and/or quantitative detection of non-specific reagin antibodies that are produced in response to infection with Treponema pallidum bacteria, in a clinical specimen using an agglutination method [for example Rapid Plasma Reagin (RPR) test or Venereal Disease Research Laboratory (VDRL) test]. The assay is designed to detect infection with Treponema pallidum, the bacteria associated with syphilis. GMQ Antigens, Nontreponemal, All 2 AccuDiag ™
21 00894175000060 DACD1411-1 1411-1 AccuDiag ™ Mumps IgMA collection of reagents and other associated materials inte AccuDiag ™ Mumps IgMA collection of reagents and other associated materials intended to be used for the qualitative and/or quantitative detection of immunoglobulin M (IgM) antibodies to Mumps virus in a clinical specimen, using an enzyme immunoassay (EIA) method. LJY Enzyme Linked Immunoabsorbent Assay, Mumps Virus 1 AccuDiag ™
22 00894175000053 DACD 1201-2 1201-2 AccuDiag ™ Cytomegalovirus (CMV) IgG is an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (E AccuDiag ™ Cytomegalovirus (CMV) IgG is an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) for the qualitative detection of IgG class antibodies to cytomegalovirus in human serum. This test is intended to be used to evaluate serologic evidence of previous or primary infection with CMV. LFZ Enzyme Linked Immunoabsorbent Assay, Cytomegalovirus 2 AccuDiag ™
23 00894175000046 DACD 1444-2 1444-2 AccuDiag ™ Herpes Simplex Virus (HSV) 1 & 2 IgM ELISA is an enzyme-linked immuno AccuDiag ™ Herpes Simplex Virus (HSV) 1 & 2 IgM ELISA is an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay for the qualitative detection of IgM class antibodies to Herpes Simplex Virus (HSV) in human serum. This test is intended to be used to evaluate serologic evidence of primary or reactivated infection with HSV and is for In Vitro diagnostic use. LGC Enzyme Linked Immunoabsorbent Assay, Herpes Simplex Virus, Non-Specific 2 AccuDiag ™
24 00894175000039 DACD 1301-2 1301-2 AccuDiag ™ Rubella IgG ELISA is designed for the qualitative and/or quantitative AccuDiag ™ Rubella IgG ELISA is designed for the qualitative and/or quantitative detection of IgG antibodies to rubella virus in human serum. This test is intended to be used to evaluate single sera for immune status or paired sera to demonstrate seroconversion, and is for In Vitro diagnostic use. OPL Multiplex Immunoassay For Measles Virus, Mumps Virus, Rubella And Varicella Zoster Virus 2 AccuDiag ™
25 00894175000022 DACD-1423-2 1423-2 AccuDiag ™ Borrelia burgdorferi IgG/IgM is an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay AccuDiag ™ Borrelia burgdorferi IgG/IgM is an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) for the qualitative presumptive detection of total (IgG and IgM) antibodies to Borrelia burgdorferi in human serum. This ELISA should only be used for patients with signs and symptoms that are consistent with Lyme disease. Equivocal or positive results must be supplemented by testing with a standardized Western blot procedure. Positive supplemental results are supportive evidence of exposure to B. burgdorferi and can be used to support a clinical diagnosis of Lyme disease. LSR Reagent, Borrelia Serological Reagent 2 AccuDiag ™
Other products with the same Product Code "DHR"
No Primary DI Version or Model Catalog Number Device Description Brand Name Organization Name
1 04048474035865 EIA-3586 EIA-3586 Rheumatoid Factor IgA ELISA is a test system for the quantitative measurement of Rheumatoid Factor IgA ELISA is a test system for the quantitative measurement of IgA class autoantibodies against rheumatoid factor in human serum or plasma. Rheumatoid Factor IgA ELISA DRG INSTRUMENTS GESELLSCHAFT MIT BESCHRÄNKTER HAFTUNG
2 04048474035858 EIA-3585 EIA-3585 Rheumatoid Factor IgM ELISA is a test system for the quantitative measurement of Rheumatoid Factor IgM ELISA is a test system for the quantitative measurement of IgM class rheumatoid factor in human serum or plasma. Rheumatoid Factor IgM ELISA DRG INSTRUMENTS GESELLSCHAFT MIT BESCHRÄNKTER HAFTUNG
3 04048474035841 EIA-3584 EIA-3584 Rheumatoid Factor IgG ELISA is a test system for the quantitative measurement of Rheumatoid Factor IgG ELISA is a test system for the quantitative measurement of IgG class rheumatoid factor in human serum or plasma. Rheumatoid Factor IgG ELISA DRG INSTRUMENTS GESELLSCHAFT MIT BESCHRÄNKTER HAFTUNG
4 04015630927357 5480167190 5480167190 Rheumatoid Factors II ROCHE DIAGNOSTICS GMBH
5 04015630919925 3004953122 3004953122 Tinaquant RF II ROCHE DIAGNOSTICS GMBH
6 04015630919802 3004902122 3004902122 Tina-quant RF II ROCHE DIAGNOSTICS GMBH
7 04015630916566 3005496122 3005496122 RF Control Set ROCHE DIAGNOSTICS GMBH
8 04015630914531 12172828322 12172828322 Preciset RF ROCHE DIAGNOSTICS GMBH
9 04015630914524 20764574322 20764574322 Rheumatoid Factors II ROCHE DIAGNOSTICS GMBH
10 03610230007402 1300023888 Yumizen C1200 Rheumatoid Factor HORIBA ABX SAS
11 00894175000381 DACD320-100 320-100 AccuDiag™ RF Latex Test KitFor the qualitative and semi-quantitative measurement AccuDiag™ RF Latex Test KitFor the qualitative and semi-quantitative measurement of RF in human serum. AccuDiag™ DIAGNOSTIC AUTOMATION, INC.
12 00894175000336 DACD-2550-1 2550-1 AccuDiag ™ Rheumatoid factor IVD, kit, enzyme immunoassay (EIA)The Diagnostic A AccuDiag ™ Rheumatoid factor IVD, kit, enzyme immunoassay (EIA)The Diagnostic Automation Rheumatoid Factor (RF) Enzyme-Linked Immu-nosorbent Assay (ELISA) is intended for the detection of IgM antibodies in human serum to RF antigen and as an aid in the diagnosis of rheumatoid arthritis. For in vitro diagnostic use. High complexity test. AccuDiag ™ DIAGNOSTIC AUTOMATION, INC.
13 00847661001836 502X 502X Liquichek Rheumatoid Factor Control MiniPalk (A human serum assayed rheumatoid Liquichek Rheumatoid Factor Control MiniPalk (A human serum assayed rheumatoid factor control.) Liquichek BIO-RAD LABORATORIES, INC.
14 00847661001515 503 503 Liquichek Rheumatoid Factor Control Level 3 (A human serum assayed rheumatoid f Liquichek Rheumatoid Factor Control Level 3 (A human serum assayed rheumatoid factor control.) Liquichek BIO-RAD LABORATORIES, INC.
15 00847661001508 502 502 Liquichek Rheumatoid Factor Control Level 2 (A human serum assayed rheumatoid f Liquichek Rheumatoid Factor Control Level 2 (A human serum assayed rheumatoid factor control.) Liquichek BIO-RAD LABORATORIES, INC.
16 00847661001492 501 501 Liquichek Rheumatoid Factor Control Level 1 (A human serum assayed rheumatoid f Liquichek Rheumatoid Factor Control Level 1 (A human serum assayed rheumatoid factor control.) Liquichek BIO-RAD LABORATORIES, INC.
18 00845714002960 5308 5308 Serum Diluent IMMCO DIAGNOSTICS IMMCO DIAGNOSTICS, INC.
19 00845714002922 2514 2514 TMB Substrate IMMCO DIAGNOSTICS IMMCO DIAGNOSTICS, INC.
20 00845714002786 2316 2316 Stop Solution IMMCO DIAGNOSTICS IMMCO DIAGNOSTICS, INC.
21 00845714002304 5138S 5138S Rhematiod Factor Screen (RF) ELISA IMMCO DIAGNOSTICS IMMCO DIAGNOSTICS, INC.
22 00845714002298 5138M 5138M Rhematiod Factor lgM (RF) ELISA IMMCO DIAGNOSTICS IMMCO DIAGNOSTICS, INC.
23 00845714002281 5138G 5138G Rhematiod Factor lgG (RF) ELISA IMMCO DIAGNOSTICS IMMCO DIAGNOSTICS, INC.
24 00845714002274 5138A 5138A Rhematiod Factor lgA (RF) ELISA IMMCO DIAGNOSTICS IMMCO DIAGNOSTICS, INC.
25 00842768012754 10446602 OWHS21 Qualitative detection or semi-quantitative determination of rheumatoid factors ( Qualitative detection or semi-quantitative determination of rheumatoid factors (RF) in human serum RapiTex® RF SIEMENS HEALTHCARE DIAGNOSTICS PRODUCTS GMBH
26 00842768011061 10446418 OUAT45 Qualitative detection or semi-quantitative determination of rheumatoid factors ( Qualitative detection or semi-quantitative determination of rheumatoid factors (RF) in human serum RapiTex® RF SIEMENS HEALTHCARE DIAGNOSTICS PRODUCTS GMBH
27 00842768011054 10446417 OUAT35 Qualitative detection or semi-quantitative determination of rheumatoid factors ( Qualitative detection or semi-quantitative determination of rheumatoid factors (RF) in human serum RapiTex® RF SIEMENS HEALTHCARE DIAGNOSTICS PRODUCTS GMBH
28 00842768006890 10445992 OPCE05 Determination of Rheumatoid Factors (RF) in human serum and plasma on BN II and Determination of Rheumatoid Factors (RF) in human serum and plasma on BN II and BN ProSpec® Systems N Latex RF Kit SIEMENS HEALTHCARE DIAGNOSTICS PRODUCTS GMBH
29 00842768006883 10445991 OPCE03 Determination of Rheumatoid factors (RF) in human serum and plasma on the BN II Determination of Rheumatoid factors (RF) in human serum and plasma on the BN II and BN ProSpec® Systems N Latex RF Kit SIEMENS HEALTHCARE DIAGNOSTICS PRODUCTS GMBH
30 00842768006241 10445909 K7070 For the quantitative measurement of soluble transferrin receptor in human serum For the quantitative measurement of soluble transferrin receptor in human serum and plasma on the Dimension Vista® System Dimension Vista® Soluble Transferrin Receptor Flex® reagent cartridge SIEMENS HEALTHCARE DIAGNOSTICS PRODUCTS GMBH
31 00842768006234 10445908 K7068 For the quantitative measurement of rheumatoid factor in human serum and plasma For the quantitative measurement of rheumatoid factor in human serum and plasma on the Dimension Vista® System Dimension Vista® Rheumatoid Factors Flex® reagent cartridge SIEMENS HEALTHCARE DIAGNOSTICS PRODUCTS GMBH
32 00840239027757 EIA-2775 EIA-2775 The DRG Rheumatoid Factor (RF) IgM ELISA test system is intended for the qualita The DRG Rheumatoid Factor (RF) IgM ELISA test system is intended for the qualitative and semi-quantitative detection of RF IgM-class antibody in human sera. The test system is intended to be used as an aid in the diagnosis of rheumatoid arthritis. RF IgM (Rheumatoid Factor) ELISA DRG INTERNATIONAL INC
36 00817273020389 720-710 "720-710 Rheumatoid Factor Test Kit" Diamedix DIAMEDIX CORPORATION
37 00816879020076 FGA07 96 well ELISA for the detection of IgG Rheumatoid factor in human serum. Autostat II IgG Rheumatoid Factor HYCOR BIOMEDICAL LLC
38 00816879020069 FGA06 FGA06 96 well ELISA for the detection of IgA Rheumatoid Factor antibodies in human serum. Autostat II IgA Rheumatoid Factor HYCOR BIOMEDICAL LLC
39 00816879020052 FGA05 96 well ELISA for the detection of IgM Rheumatoid Factor antibodies in human serum. Autostat II IgM Rheumatoid Factor HYCOR BIOMEDICAL LLC
40 00816426021457 KAI-230 KAI-230 For the quantitative determination of human rheumatoid factor (RF) in serum and For the quantitative determination of human rheumatoid factor (RF) in serum and plasma by immunoturbidimetric assay. K-ASSAY® RF Reagent (Ver.2) KAMIYA BIOMEDICAL COMPANY, LLC
41 00816426020429 KAI-032C KAI-032C For the calibration of the K-ASSAY® RF assay. K-ASSAY® RF Calibrator KAMIYA BIOMEDICAL COMPANY, LLC
42 00816426020191 KAI-031 KAI-031 For the quantitative determination of human rheumatoid factor (RF) in serum by i For the quantitative determination of human rheumatoid factor (RF) in serum by immunoturbidimetric assay. K-ASSAY® RF Reagent KAMIYA BIOMEDICAL COMPANY, LLC
43 00816057021642 NC-705001 NC705001 Detection of Rheumatoid Factor ASI RF Direct Slide Test Control Set ARLINGTON SCIENTIFIC, INC.
44 00816057020508 NC-7001000DC NC-70010000DC Detection of Rheumatoid Factor ASI RF Direct Slide Test ARLINGTON SCIENTIFIC, INC.
45 00816057020492 NC-700100DC-E NC-700100DC-E Detection fo Rheumatoid Factor, Export ASI RF Direct Slide Test ARLINGTON SCIENTIFIC, INC.
46 00816057020485 NC-700100DC NC-700100DC Detection of Rheumatoid Factor ASI RF Direct Slide Test ARLINGTON SCIENTIFIC, INC.
47 00816057020478 NC-700025DC-E NC-700025DC-E Detection of Rheumatoid Factor ASI RF Direct Slide Tests for Export ARLINGTON SCIENTIFIC, INC.
48 00816057020461 NC-700025DC NC-700025DC Detection of Rheumatoid Factor ASI RF Direct Slide Test ARLINGTON SCIENTIFIC, INC.
49 00695684351007 35100 Latex test for Rheumatoid Factor AIM RF TEST GERMAINE LABORATORIES, INC
50 00657498001271 1155-100 1155-100 Latex agglutination slide test for the Qualitative and Semi-quantitative determi Latex agglutination slide test for the Qualitative and Semi-quantitative determination of Rheumatoid Factor in non-diluted serum. RaPET® RF STANBIO LABORATORY, L.P.