No Primary DI Version or Model Catalog Number Device Description Product Code Product Code Name Device Class Brand Name
1 00857515006221 90167-60ML 90167 Continuous Single Culture®–NX (CSCM–NX) MQL Media, Reproductive 2 Continuous Single Culture®–NX (CSCM–NX)
2 00857515006214 90167-20ML 90167 Continuous Single Culture®–NX (CSCM–NX) MQL Media, Reproductive 2 Continuous Single Culture®–NX (CSCM–NX)
3 00893727002903 9988-100mL 9988 Human Albumin MQL Media, Reproductive 2 Human Serum Albumin Solution
4 00893727002262 90140-2X20mL 90140 Complete Early Cleavage With SSS MQL Media, Reproductive Complete Early Cleavage Medium® (ECM®) with SSS
5 00893727002217 90128-20X5mL 90128 Freezing Medium With Gentamicin MQL Media, Reproductive Freezing Medium - TEST Yolk Buffer (TYB) with Glycerol and Gentamicin
6 00893727002200 90128-100mL 90128 Freezing Medium With Gentamicin MQL Media, Reproductive 2 Freezing Medium - TEST Yolk Buffer (TYB) with Glycerol and Gentamicin
7 00893727002132 90103-2X20mL 90103 Embryo Biopsy Medium MQL Media, Reproductive Embryo Biopsy Medium
8 00893727002101 9988-12X5mL 9988 Human Serum Albumin Solution MQL Media, Reproductive Human Serum Albumin Solution
9 00857515006412 90165-60mL 90165 Continuous Single Culture® Complete with HSA MQL Media, Reproductive 2 Continuous Single Culture® Complete with Gentamicin Sulfate with Human Serum Alb
10 00857515006313 90183 90183 VIT KIT - Warm NX MQL Media, Reproductive 2 VIT KIT - Warm NX
11 00857515006115 C106-14ML C106 Chang C 14ML Frozen Supplement KIT Media And Components, Synthetic Cell And Tissue Culture 1 Chang C 14ML Frozen Supplement
12 00857515006054 99418-450mL 99418 Chang Medium C with Gentamicin KIT Media And Components, Synthetic Cell And Tissue Culture 1 Chang Medium® C with Gentamicin
13 00893727002835 99168-100ML 99168 Modified Ham's F-10 Basal Medium - HEPES MQL Media, Reproductive 2 Modified Ham's F-10 Basal Medium - HEPES
14 00893727002651 90165-2x20mL 90165 Continuous Single Culture® Complete with HSA MQL Media, Reproductive Continuous Single Culture® Complete with Gentamicin Sulfate with Human Serum Alb
15 00893727002644 90164-60mL 90164 Continuous Single Culture® with Gentamicin MQL Media, Reproductive 2 Continuous Single Culture®
16 00893727002347 99242-100mL 99242 P-1 Medium With Gentamicin MQL Media, Reproductive 2 P-1® Medium with Gentamicin
17 00893727002149 90116-6X10ML 90116 MQL Media, Reproductive 2 Embryo Freeze Media
18 00893727002064 9926-2X20mL 9926 Complete P-1 Medium With SSS MQL Media, Reproductive Complete P-1® Medium with SSS™
19 00893727002798 90110-6X10ML 90110 Blastocyst Thaw Media Kit MQL Media, Reproductive 2 Blastocyst Thaw Media Kit
20 00893727002774 T105-500mL T105 KIT,KIQ Media And Components, Synthetic Cell And Tissue Culture,Kit, Culture, Chromosome 1 Chang Medium D
21 00893727002477 T105-100mL T105 KIT,KIQ Media And Components, Synthetic Cell And Tissue Culture,Kit, Culture, Chromosome 1 Chang Medium D
22 00893727002057 9922-2X20mL 9922 Complete HTF Medium With SSS MQL Media, Reproductive Complete HTF Medium with SSS™
23 00857515006436 90170-3x5mL-SK 90170 Arctic Sperm Cryopreservation MediumSample Kit- NOT FOR SALE MQL Media, Reproductive Arctic Sperm Cryopreservation Medium
24 00857515006306 9311-12x10ml 9311 Colcemid Solution KIQ Kit, Culture, Chromosome 1 Colcemid Solution
25 00857515006252 90170-12x5mL 90170 Arctic Sperm Cryopreservation Medium MQL Media, Reproductive Arctic Sperm Cryopreservation Medium
26 00893727002927 90126-500mL 90126 Modified HTF Medium-HEPES MQL Media, Reproductive 2 Modified HTF Medium-HEPES with Gentamicin
27 00893727002866 90129-20x5mL 90129 Refrigeration Test Yolk Buffer with Gentamicin HDR Cap, Cervical Refrigeration Medium - Test Yolk Buffer (TYB) with Gentamicin
28 00893727002675 91031-500mL 91031 KIT,KIQ Media And Components, Synthetic Cell And Tissue Culture,Kit, Culture, Chromosome 1 Chang Marrow Bone Marrow Culture Medium with Gentamicin
29 00893727002668 91031-100mL 91031 KIT,KIQ Media And Components, Synthetic Cell And Tissue Culture,Kit, Culture, Chromosome 1 Chang Marrow Bone Marrow Culture Medium with Gentamicin
30 00893727002415 9311-10ml 9311 Colcemid Solution KIQ Kit, Culture, Chromosome 1 Colcemid Solution
31 00893727002293 90143-2X20mL 90143 Complete MultiBlast With DSS MQL Media, Reproductive Complete MultiBlast Medium With DSS
32 00893727002194 90126-100mL 90126 Modified HTF Medium-HEPES MQL Media, Reproductive 2 Modified HTF Medium-HEPES with Gentamicin
33 00893727002033 9301-12X12mL 9301 Dextran Serum Supplement MQL Media, Reproductive Dextran Serum Supplement
34 00893727002026 9301-100mL 9301 Dextran Serum Supplement MQL Media, Reproductive 2 Dextran Serum Supplement
35 00857515006429 90168-60mL 90168 Continuous Single Culture®–NX Complete (CSCM–NXC) MQL Media, Reproductive 2 Continuous Single Culture®–NX Complete
36 00857515006320 90188 90188 Vit Kit - Freeze NX MQL Media, Reproductive 2 Vit Kit - Freeze NX
37 00857515006269 99275-12x6ML 99275 ISolate® Stock SolutionCustom packaging configuration. Only distributed in Japan. MQL Media, Reproductive ISolate® Stock Solution
38 00857515006238 90168-2x20mL 90168 Continuous Single Culture®–NX Complete (CSCM–NXC) MQL Media, Reproductive 2 Continuous Single Culture®–NX Complete
39 00857515006191 90137-JX 90137-JX Vitrification Thaw Kit for EmbryosCustom for JX MQL Media, Reproductive 2 Vit Kit® - Thaw
40 00857515006184 90137-DSOC 90137-DSOC Vit Kit - ThawCustom package configuration MQL Media, Reproductive 2 Vit Kit® - Thaw
41 00857515006177 90133-DSOC 90133-DSOC Vit Kit - FreezeCustom package configuration MQL Media, Reproductive 2 Vit Kit® - Freeze
42 00857515006160 91005-500ML 91005 KIT,KIQ Media And Components, Synthetic Cell And Tissue Culture,Kit, Culture, Chromosome 1 Chang Medium MF with Gentamicin
43 00857515006092 90137-DSO 90137-DSO Vit Kit - Thaw MQL Media, Reproductive 2 Vit Kit® - Thaw
44 00857515006085 90133-DSO 90133-DSO Vit Kit - Freeze MQL Media, Reproductive 2 Vit Kit® - Freeze
45 00857515006030 99404-500mL 99404 CHANG Medium® D with Gentamicin KIT Media And Components, Synthetic Cell And Tissue Culture 1 CHANG Medium® D with Antibiotics
46 00857515006016 99275-500ML 99275 ISolate® Stock Solution MQL Media, Reproductive 2 ISolate® Stock Solution
47 00893727002996 99252-12X5ML 99252 Tyrode's Solution - Acidified MQL Media, Reproductive Tyrode's Solution - Acidified
48 00893727002989 99219-10x1mL 99219 PVP (polyvinylpyrrolidone) MQL Media, Reproductive Polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP) - Lyophilized
49 00893727002897 9984-100ML 9984 Modified Sperm Washing Medium MQL Media, Reproductive 2 Modified Sperm Washing Medium
50 00893727002859 99275-100ML 99275 ISolate® Stock Solution MQL Media, Reproductive 2 ISolate® Stock Solution
Other products with the same Product Code "MQL"
No Primary DI Version or Model Catalog Number Device Description Brand Name Organization Name
1 60888937830486 ART-8031 SAGE Vitrification Warming Kit, ART-8031 (in plastic cryo vials): 2x2 ml of 1,0 SAGE Vitrification Warming Kit ORIGIO A/S
2 60888937830448 ART-8026 SAGE Vitrification Kit. ART-8026 (in plastic cryo vials):2x2 ml ART-8026-A, Equi SAGE Vitrification Kit ORIGIO A/S
3 60888937819832 12062003D EmbryoGen & BlastGen. 2x3 ml EmbryoGen & BlastGen ORIGIO A/S
4 60888937819597 ART-8030 SAGE Vitrification Warming Kit. ART-8030-A: 1x4 ml 1.0M Surose Warming Solution, Vitrification Warming Kit ORIGIO A/S
5 60888937819511 ART-8025 SAGE Vitriifcation Kit. ART-8025-A: 1x2 ml Equilibration Solution, ART-8025-B: 1 Vitrification Kit ORIGIO A/S
6 60888937819429 ART-8018 CSC Thawing Medium Kit. 4x 2 ml CSC Thawing Medium 0.5 M Sucrose, 4x 2 ml CSC Th CSC Thawing Medium Kit ORIGIO A/S
7 60888937819306 ART-8016 Quinns Advantage Thaw Kit. 3x12 ml Quinns Advantage Thaw Kit ORIGIO A/S
8 60888937819283 ART-8015 Quinns Advantage Blastocyst Freeze Kit. 3x12 ml Quinns Advantage Blast Freezing Kit ORIGIO A/S
9 60888937819269 ART-8014 Quinns Advantage Embryo Freeze Kit. 5x12 ml Quinns Advantage Embryo Freeze Kit ORIGIO A/S
10 60888937818583 ART-2024 PureCeption 24 - Determination Bi-Layer Kit. 6x12 mL each of 40% UPPER and 80% L PureCeption 24 - Determination Bi-Layer Kit ORIGIO A/S
11 60888937818521 ART-2004 ART-2004: PureCeption 4 - Determination Kit with Sperm Washing Medium. (3x12 ml) PureCeption 4 - Determination Kit ORIGIO A/S
12 60888937818491 ART-1600 In Vitro Maturation Kit In Vitro Maturation Kit ORIGIO A/S
13 60888937816886 84022060D ORIGIO Gradient 40/80, 2x60 ml ORIGIO Gradient 40/80 ORIGIO A/S
14 60888937816879 84022010D ORIGIO Gradient 40/80, 2x10 ml ORIGIO Gradient 40/80 ORIGIO A/S
15 60888937816862 84021210D ORIGIO Gradient 40/80 12 x 10 ml ORIGIO Gradient 40/80 ORIGIO A/S
16 60888937816268 10984002D Embryo Thawing Pack. 4x2 ml Embryo Thawing Pack ORIGIO A/S
17 60888937816244 10544002D BlastThaw. 4x2 ml BlastThaw ORIGIO A/S
18 60888937816220 10534002D BlastFreeze. 4x2 ml BlastFreeze ORIGIO A/S
19 60888937816206 10264002D Embryo Freezing Pack. 4x2 ml Embryo Freezing Pack ORIGIO A/S
20 60888937804128 82214010D MediCult IVM System. 4x10 ml IVM System ORIGIO A/S
21 60888937801783 12295002D MC Vitrification Warming. 5x2 ml MC Vitrification Warming ORIGIO A/S
22 60888937801745 12284001D MC Vitrification Cooling. 4x1 ml MC Vitrification Cooling ORIGIO A/S
23 60888937801301 10984010D Embryo Thawing Pack. 4x10 ml Embryo Thawing Pack ORIGIO A/S
24 60888937801134 10922060D SupraSperm System. 55% + 80% gradient. 2x60 ml SupraSperm System ORIGIO A/S
25 60888937801103 10922010D SupraSperm System. 55% + 80% gradients. 2x10 ml SupraSperm System ORIGIO A/S
26 60888937800601 10542010D BlastThaw. 2x10 ml BlastThaw ORIGIO A/S
27 60888937800571 10532010D BlastFreeze. 2x10 ml BlastFreeze ORIGIO A/S
28 60888937800182 10264010D Embryo Freezing Pack. 4x10 ml Embryo Freezing Pack ORIGIO A/S
29 54119670012860 SIS100G (100ml with gentamicin) Sil-Select Stock with gentamicin - SIS100_32G (100 ml) Sil-Select Stock™ is a s Sil-Select Stock with gentamicin FERTIPRO NV
30 54119670012792 SIP80_500 Sil-Select Plus™ 80% (SIP80_500) Sil-Select Plus™ is a solution of silane-coate Sil-Select Plus 80% FERTIPRO NV
31 54119670012488 SIP80_100G (100ml) Sil-Select Plus™ 80% with gentamicin (SIP80_100G) (100ml) Sil-Select Plus™ is a Sil-Select Plus 80% FERTIPRO NV
32 54119670012310 SIP80_100 (100ml) Sil-Select Plus 80% - SIP80_100 (100 ml) Sil-Select Plus™ is a solution of silan Sil-Select Plus 80% FERTIPRO NV
33 54119670012242 SIP80_050G (50ml) Sil-Select Plus™ 80% with gentamicin (SIP80_050G) (50 ml ) Sil-Select Plus™ is a Sil-Select Plus 80% FERTIPRO NV
34 54119670012174 SIP500UP Sil-Select Plus™ Upper Layer - SIP500UP (500ml) Sil-Select Plus™ is a solution o Sil-Select Plus Upper Layer FERTIPRO NV
35 54119670011870 SIP100UP (100ml) Sil-Select Plus Upper Layer - SIP100UP (100 ml) Sil-Select Plus™ is a solution Sil-Select Plus Upper Layer FERTIPRO NV
36 54119670011634 SIP100LO_AF (100ml) Sil-Select Plus™Sperm preparation mediaSil-Select Plus™ is our home made new and Sil-Select Plus Lower Layer FERTIPRO NV
37 54119670011566 SIP100LO Sil-Select Plus Lower Layer - SIP100LO (100 ml) Sil-Select Plus™ is a solution o Sil-Select Plus Lower Layer FERTIPRO NV
38 54119670011184 SIP050UP Sil-Select Plus Upper Layer - SIP50UP (50 ml) Sil-Select Plus™ is a solution of Sil-Select Plus Upper Layer FERTIPRO NV
39 54119670010880 SIP050LO (50ml) Sil-Select Plus Lower Layer - SIP050LO (50 ml) Sil-Select Plus™ is a solution of Sil-Select Plus Lower Layer FERTIPRO NV
40 54119670010712 SIP042LO (4,2ml) Sil-Select Plus Lower Layer - SIP042LO (4,2ml) Sil-Select Plus™ is a solution of Sil-Select Plus Lower Layer FERTIPRO NV
41 54119670010644 SIP025UP (2,5ml) Sil-Select Plus Upper Layer - SIP025UP (2.5 ml) Sil-Select Plus™ is a solution o Sil-Select Plus Upper Layer FERTIPRO NV
42 54119670010576 SIP025LO Sil-Select Plus Lower Layer - SIP025LO (2,5ml) Sil-Select Plus™ is a solution of Sil-Select Plus Lower Layer FERTIPRO NV
43 54119670010330 SIP020UP Sil-Select Plus Upper Layer - SIP020UP (20 ml) Sil-Select Plus™ is a solution of Sil-Select Plus Upper Layer FERTIPRO NV
44 54119670010262 SIP020LO_AF (20ml) Sil-Select Plus™Sperm preparation mediaSil-Select Plus™ is our home made new and Sil-Select Plus Lower Layer FERTIPRO NV
45 54119670010194 SIP020LO Sil-Select Plus Lower Layer - SIP020LO (20 ml) Sil-Select Plus™ is a solution of Sil-Select Plus Lower Layer FERTIPRO NV
46 54119670009990 SIP012UP Sil-Select Plus Upper Layer - SIP012UP (12 ml) Sil-Select Plus™ is a solution of Sil-Select Plus Upper Layer FERTIPRO NV
47 54119670009822 SIP012LO Sil-Select Plus Lower Layer - SIP012LO (12 ml) Sil-Select Plus™ is a solution of Sil-Select Plus Lower Layer FERTIPRO NV
48 54119670001802 SIP016 Sil-Select Plus™ (SIP016)This kit contains the following product codes: 2 x 20 Sil-Select Plus FERTIPRO NV
49 54119670001734 SIP008 Sil-Select Plus™ (SIP008)This kit contains the following product codes: 8 x 2.5 Sil-Select Plus FERTIPRO NV
50 24582231462661 VT602US-KIT Contains VT602US(TS×2,DS and WS), 35mm Dishx2,Repro Platex1 Thawing Kit KITAZATO CORPORATION