Other products from "GI SUPPLY, INC."
No Primary DI Version or Model Catalog Number Device Description Product Code Product Code Name Device Class Brand Name
1 00893029002649 SL-9SM SL-9SM SportShorts SM single-use non-sterile garment FME Gown, Examination 1 SportShorts SM
2 00893029002540 GIS-3 GIS-3-S Endoscopy Bite Block MNK Endoscopic Bite Block GeneraBloc Endoscopy Bite Block
3 00893029002007 GIS-28 GIS-28 The GI Supply Large Volume Paracentesis Kit LRO General Surgery Tray (Kit) 2 Large Volume Paracentesis Kit
4 00893029002663 SL-9XL SL-9XL SportShorts XL single-use non-sterile garment FME Gown, Examination 1 SportShorts XL
5 00893029002533 GIS-2 GIS-2-S Endoscopy Bite Block MNK Endoscopic Bite Block PediaBloc Endoscopy Bite Block
6 00893029002168 GIS-30 GIS-30 RenovaRP Tube Set from GI Supply is intended to be used in conjunction with the RenovaRP Tube Set from GI Supply is intended to be used in conjunction with the RenovaRP Paracentesis Management System to remove ascitic fluid from the abdominal cavity LRO General Surgery Tray 2 RenovaRP Tube Set
7 00893029002625 GIS-13 GIS-13 MoonPants Long single-use non-sterile garment FME Gown, Examination 1 MoonPants Long
8 00893029002601 GIS-7-ML GIS-7ML MoonPants ML single-use non-sterile garment FME Gown, Examination 1 MoonPants ML
9 00893029002595 GIS-7-SM GIS-7-SM MoonPants SM single-use non-sterile garment FME Gown, Examination 1 MoonPants SM
10 00893029002526 GIS-1 GIS-1S Endoscopy Bite Block MNK Endoscopic Bite Block BlueBloc Endoscopy Bite Block
11 00893029002199 GIS-46 GIS-46S Spot Ex is indicated for endoscopically tattooing lesions in the GI tract for up Spot Ex is indicated for endoscopically tattooing lesions in the GI tract for up to 36 months to facilitate clinical surveillance or surgical localization. NGB Test, Glycosylated Hemoglobin, Over The Counter 2 Spot Ex CE Endoscopic Tattoo
12 00893029002069 GIS-44 GIs-44 NBG Marker,Colon 2 SPOT Endosopic Marker
13 00893029002632 SL-9XS SL-9XS SportShorts XS single-use non-sterile garment FME Gown, Examination 1 SportShorts XS
14 00893029002557 GIS-4 GIS-4-G Endoscopy Bite Block MNK Endoscopic Bite Block UltimaBloc Endoscopy Bite Block
15 00893029002656 SL-9ML SL-9ML SportShorts ML single-use non-sterile garment FME Gown, Examination 1 SportShorts ML
16 00893029002519 GIS-22 GIS-22 HpFast detects the urease enzyme for the presumptive identification of Helicobac HpFast detects the urease enzyme for the presumptive identification of Helicobacter pylori gastric mucosal biopsies. It is intended for in-vitro diagnostic use only. LYR Helicobacter Pylori HpFast
17 00893029002175 GIS-32 GIS-32 Large Volume Paracentesis Kit. The GI Supply RenovaRP Paracentesis Kit is intend Large Volume Paracentesis Kit. The GI Supply RenovaRP Paracentesis Kit is intended to be used in conjunction with the GI Supply Renova RP Paracentesis Pump and GI Supply RenovaRP Fluid Drainage Bags to remove ascitic fluid from the abdominal cavity. The GI Supply RenovaRP Paracentesis Kit is intended to be used medically trained healthcare professionals knowledgeable about paracentesis. LRO General Surgery Tray RenovaRP Paracentesis Kit
18 00893029002151 GIS-29 GIS-29 RenovaRP Fluid Drainage Bag to be used with RenovaRP Paracentesis Pump - sold in box of 20 LRO General Surgery Tray RenovaRP Fluid Drainage Bag
19 00893029002618 GIS-7-XL GIS-7-XL MoonPants XL single-use non-sterile garment FME Gown, Examination 1 MoonPants XL
20 00893029002564 GIS-11 GIS-11S Endoscopy Bite Block MNK Endoscopic Bite Block OmniBloc Endoscopy Bite Block
21 00893029002236 GIS-31 GIS-31 The GI Supply RenovaRP Paracentesis Kit is intended to be used in conjunction wi The GI Supply RenovaRP Paracentesis Kit is intended to be used in conjunction with the GI Supply RenovaRP Paracentesis Pump and GI Supply RenovaRP Fluid Drainage Bags to remove ascitic fluid from the abdominal cavity. The GI Supply RenovaRP Paracentesis Kit is intended to be used by medically trained healthcare professionals knowledgeable about paracentesis. LRO General Surgery Tray 2 RenovaRP Kit No Catheter
22 00893029002076 GIS-27 GIS-27 The GI Supply Paracentesis Pump is intended as a suction pump to remove ascitic The GI Supply Paracentesis Pump is intended as a suction pump to remove ascitic fluid from the abdominal cavity in conjunction with the GI Supply Paracentesis Kit. BTA Pump, Portable, Aspiration (Manual Or Powered) 2 RenovaRP Paracentesis Pump
23 00893029002571 GIS-62-2ML GIS-62-2ML Urease Glycerol Solution LYR Helicobacter Pylori 1 Urease
24 00893029002243 GIS-59 GIS-59 Submucosal Lifting Agent - 10mL Single Unit PLL Submucosal Injection Agent 2 EverLift
25 00893029002229 GIS-55 GIS-55 Submucosal Lifting Agent - 5mL Single Unit PLL Submucosal Injection Agent EverLift
26 00893029002106 GIS-45 GIS-45 NBG Marker,Colon 2 Spot Ex Endoscopic Tattoo
Other products with the same Product Code "LYR"
No Primary DI Version or Model Catalog Number Device Description Brand Name Organization Name
1 00083059070040 7004 The GAP-IgG is an ELISA test for the qualitative detection of IgG specific antib The GAP-IgG is an ELISA test for the qualitative detection of IgG specific antibodies to Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) in human serum. It is a serum test which, when used with other clinical information, can be used as an aid in the diagnosis of infection caused by H. pylori. GAP®-IgG (Gastritis and Peptic Ulcer Test) BIOMERICA, INC.
2 B350GSD0110010 GSD01-1001 Gold Standard Diagnostics H. pylori ELISA IgA Test Kit Gold Standard Diagnostics H. pylori ELISA IgA Test Kit GOLD STANDARD DIAGNOSTICS CORPORATION
3 B350GSD0110000 GSD01-1000 Gold Standard Diagnostics Helicobacter pylori IgG ELISA Test Kit Gold Standard Diagnostics H. pylori ELISA IgG Test Kit GOLD STANDARD DIAGNOSTICS CORPORATION
4 50192253013717 1077-25EIA 1077-25EIA H. pylori Stool Antigen ELISA Kit CARDINAL HEALTH CARDINAL HEALTH 200, LLC
5 50192253012239 B1077-25CH B1077-25CH H. pylori Stool Antigen Rapid Test Kit CARDINAL HEALTH CARDINAL HEALTH 200, LLC
6 30014613320104 0W010 0W010 QkVue H pylori gII 30T QuickVue QUIDEL CORPORATION
7 30014613320098 0W009 0W009 QkVue H pylori gII 10T QuickVue QUIDEL CORPORATION
8 20885380183642 CH25 CH25 CH25 Cardinal Health H. pylori Rapid Test CARDINAL HEALTH CARDINAL HEALTH 200, LLC
9 20885380163583 B1077-25CH B1077-25CH H. pylori Stool Antigen Rapid Test Kit CARDINAL HEALTH CARDINAL HEALTH 200, LLC
10 20885380163576 1077-25EIA 1077-25EIA H. pylori Stool Antigen ELISA Kit CARDINAL HEALTH CARDINAL HEALTH 200, LLC
11 20885380020282 B1077-25 B1077-25 H.pylori Rapid Test CARDINAL HEALTH CARDINAL HEALTH 200, LLC
12 15099590625924 395160 395160 ICON HP (30 Tests) Icon BECKMAN COULTER, INC.
13 10815845020079 01P53-25 Signify® ALERE SAN DIEGO, INC.
14 10815845020048 92405 Clearview® ALERE SAN DIEGO, INC.
15 10796918001846 05-9494 INSTANT-VIEW H. Pylori Whole Blood/Serum Cassette Test INSTANT-VIEW H. Pylori Whole Blood/Serum Cassette Test ALFA SCIENTIFIC DESIGNS, INC.
16 10796918001839 05-9475 INSTANT-VIEW H. pylori Rapid Test INSTANT-VIEW H. pylori Rapid Test ALFA SCIENTIFIC DESIGNS, INC.
17 10796918001822 05-9473 INSTANT-VIEW H. Pylori Serum Cassette Test INSTANT-VIEW H. Pylori Serum Cassette Test ALFA SCIENTIFIC DESIGNS, INC.
18 10796918001815 05-9472 INSTANT-VIEW H. Pylori Serum Cassette Test INSTANT-VIEW H. Pylori Serum Cassette Test ALFA SCIENTIFIC DESIGNS, INC.
19 10763924392206 ID392 ACCUTEST H. Pylori Rapid Test Device (Whole Blood/Serum) *CLIA-Waived* ACCUTEST H. Pylori Rapid Test Device (Whole Blood/Serum) *CLIA-Waived* JANT PHARMACAL CORPORATION
20 10743816001591 BSP-406WB-25-02 Status™ H. pylori card; 25 Test kit Status™ H. pylori card PRINCETON BIOMEDITECH CORPORATION
21 10743816001584 BSP-406WB-10-02 Status™ H. pylori card; 10 Test kit Status™ H. pylori card PRINCETON BIOMEDITECH CORPORATION
22 10743816001164 BSP-406WB-30-07 BSP-406WB-30-07 Status™ H. pylori card; 30 Test kit- CE (Procedure Card) Status™ H. pylori card PRINCETON BIOMEDITECH CORPORATION
23 10743816001157 BSP-406WB-30-05 BSP-406WB-30-05 BioSign® H. pylori card; 30 Test kit (Procedure Card) BioSign® H. pylori card PRINCETON BIOMEDITECH CORPORATION
24 10743816001140 BSP-406WB-10-01 BSP-406WB-10-01 BioSign® H. pylori card; 10 Test kit; CE BioSign® H. pylori card PRINCETON BIOMEDITECH CORPORATION
25 10743816001133 BSP-406WB-35-01 BSP-406WB-35-01 BioSign® H. pylori card; 35 Test kit; CE BioSign® H. pylori card PRINCETON BIOMEDITECH CORPORATION
26 10722355002023 IHP-30 Qualitative immunoassy of the detection of anti-helicobacter pylori antibodies Detector H. pylori IMMUNOSTICS COMPANY, INC
27 10722355002016 IHP-10 Qualitative immunoassy of the detection of anti-helicobacter pylori antibodies Detector H. pylori IMMUNOSTICS COMPANY, INC
28 10304040155742 5702778 5702778 Henry Schein One Step + H. Pylori Henry Schein HENRY SCHEIN, INC.
29 10304040024154 9004071 9004071 One Step + H Pylori Test Henry Schein HENRY SCHEIN, INC.
31 M1745140S1 05140S 05140S The Serim PyloriTek Test Kit detects urease activity in gastric biopsy specimens The Serim PyloriTek Test Kit detects urease activity in gastric biopsy specimens for the presumptive identification of Helicobacter pylori. Serim® PyloriTek® Test Kit SERIM RESEARCH CORPORATION
32 M1745140K1 05140K 05140K The Serim PyloriTek Test Kit detects urease activity in gastric biopsy specimens The Serim PyloriTek Test Kit detects urease activity in gastric biopsy specimens for the presumptive identification of Helicobacter pylori. Serim® PyloriTek® Test Kit SERIM RESEARCH CORPORATION
33 08426950593805 708720 1. 1x H. pylori IgA ELISA microwell plate, (12-1 x 8 wells), with holder2. 1x 1. 1. 1x H. pylori IgA ELISA microwell plate, (12-1 x 8 wells), with holder2. 1x 1.2mL prediluted ELISA Negative Control 3. 1x 1.2mL prediluted H. pylori IgA ELISA Low Positive4. 1x 1.2mL prediluted H. pylori IgA ELISA High Positive5. 1x 50mL HRP Sample Diluent6. 1x 25mL HRP Wash Concentrate, 40x concentrate7. 1x 10mL HRP IgA Conjugate, (goat), anti-human IgA8. 1x 10mL TMB Chromogen9. 1x 10mL HRP Stop Solution, 0.344M Sulfuric Acid QUANTA Lite® H.pylori IgA ELISA INOVA DIAGNOSTICS, INC.
34 08426950593256 708715 1. 1x H. pylori IgG ELISA microwell plate (12-1 x 8 wells), with holder2. 1x 1.2 1. 1x H. pylori IgG ELISA microwell plate (12-1 x 8 wells), with holder2. 1x 1.2mL prediluted ELISA Negative Control 3. 1x 1.2mL prediluted H. pylori IgG ELISA Low Positive4. 1x 1.2mL prediluted H. pylori IgG ELISA High Positive5. 1x 50mL HRP Sample Diluent6. 1x 25mL HRP Wash Concentrate, 40x concentrate7. 1x 10mL HRP IgG Conjugate, (goat), anti-human IgG8. 1x 10mL TMB Chromogen9. 1x 10mL HRP Stop Solution, 0.344M Sulfuric Acid QUANTA Lite® H.pylori IgG ELISA INOVA DIAGNOSTICS, INC.
35 08305900070040 7004 The GAP-IgG is an ELISA test for the qualitative detection of IgG specific antib The GAP-IgG is an ELISA test for the qualitative detection of IgG specific antibodies to Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) in human serum. It is a serum test which, when used with other clinical information, can be used as an aid in the diagnosis of infection caused by H. pylori. GAP®-IgG (Gastritis and Peptic Ulcer Test) BIOMERICA, INC.
36 05391516748834 1206651 1206651 Uni-Gold™ H. pylori Antigen Control, 1 Positive and 1 Negative Trinity Biotech MARDX DIAGNOSTICS, INC.
37 05391516748827 1206650 1206650 Uni-Gold™ H. pylori Antigen, 20 Tests Trinity Biotech MARDX DIAGNOSTICS, INC.
38 05391516747738 41-9002 41-9002 Marsorb G, 10.0 mL Trinity Biotech MARDX DIAGNOSTICS, INC.
39 05391516747721 40-1013 40-1013 10x Wash Solution, 100 mL Trinity Biotech MARDX DIAGNOSTICS, INC.
40 05391516747714 40-1006 40-1006 EIA Color Developer, 13.0 mL Trinity Biotech MARDX DIAGNOSTICS, INC.
41 05391516747516 2346401 2346401 Captia H. pylori IgG Trinity Biotech CLARK LABORATORIES, INC.
42 05391516743686 2326430 2326430 Captia™ H. pylori IgA Trinity Biotech CLARK LABORATORIES, INC.
43 05391516743679 2346400 2346400 Captia™ H. pylori IgG Trinity Biotech CLARK LABORATORIES, INC.
44 03573026509231 30192-01 VIDAS® H. pylori IgG (HPY) is an automated qualitative test for use on theVIDAS® VIDAS® H. pylori IgG (HPY) is an automated qualitative test for use on theVIDAS® instruments , for the detection of anti-Helicobacter pylori IgG antibodies in human serum or plasma (EDTA). VIDAS® H. pylori IgG BIOMERIEUX SA
45 00893029002571 GIS-62-2ML GIS-62-2ML Urease Glycerol Solution Urease GI SUPPLY, INC.
46 00893029002519 GIS-22 GIS-22 HpFast detects the urease enzyme for the presumptive identification of Helicobac HpFast detects the urease enzyme for the presumptive identification of Helicobacter pylori gastric mucosal biopsies. It is intended for in-vitro diagnostic use only. HpFast GI SUPPLY, INC.
47 00893029002502 GIS-64 GIS-64 HpOne detects the urease enzyme for the presumptive identification of Helicobact HpOne detects the urease enzyme for the presumptive identification of Helicobacter pylori in gastric mucosal biopsies. It is intended for in-vitro diagnostic use only. HpOne GI SUPPLY, INC.
48 00857031002639 T5051B The TECHLAB® H. PYLORI CHEK™ test is an enzyme immunoassay for the qualitative d The TECHLAB® H. PYLORI CHEK™ test is an enzyme immunoassay for the qualitative detection of Helicobacter pylori specific antigen. It is intended for use with human fecal specimens to aid in the diagnosis of H. pylori infection and to demonstrate loss of H. pylori antigen following treatment. The test can be used with unpreserved fecal specimens and fecal specimens preserved in transport media from patients suspected of H. pylori infection. Testing of patients to demonstrate loss of H. pylori antigen following treatment should be performed no sooner than 4 weeks after completion of the treatment regimen. Test results should be taken into consideration by the physician in conjunction with the patient history and symptoms. H. PYLORI CHEK TECHLAB, INC.
49 00857031002622 20343 The QuickVue TLI H. pylori Stool Antigen Test is a rapid membrane enzyme immunoa The QuickVue TLI H. pylori Stool Antigen Test is a rapid membrane enzyme immunoassay for the qualitative detection of Helicobacter pylori specific antigen in a single use cassette. It is intended for use with human fecal specimens to aid in the diagnosis of H. pylori infection and to demonstrate loss of H. pylori antigen following treatment. The test can be used with unpreserved fecal specimens and fecal specimens preserved in transport media from patients suspected of H. pylori infection. Testing of patients to demonstrate loss of H. pylori antigen following treatment should be performed no sooner than 4 weeks after completion of the treatment regimen. Test results should be taken into consideration by the physician in conjunction with the patient history and symptoms. QuickVue TLI H. pylori Stool Antigen Test TECHLAB, INC.
50 00857031002561 20343 The QuickVue TLI H. pylori Test is a rapid membrane enzyme immunoassay for the q The QuickVue TLI H. pylori Test is a rapid membrane enzyme immunoassay for the qualitative detection of Helicobacter pylori specific antigen in a single use cassette. It is intended for use with human fecal specimens to aid in the diagnosis of H. pylori infection and to demonstrate loss of H. pylori antigen following treatment. The test can be used with unpreserved fecal specimens and fecal specimens preserved in transport media from patients suspected of H. pylori infection. Testing of patients to demonstrate loss of H. pylori antigen following treatment should be performed no sooner than 4 weeks after completion of the treatment regimen. Test results should be taken into consideration by the physician in conjunction with the patient history and symptoms. QuickVue TLI H. pylori Test TECHLAB, INC.